SANTEE | Glenn Ford | Michael Burns | Full Length Western Movie | English | HD | 720p

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do alright there you are that's the best you can do as it works this week stop by again sometime same day same our next trip but I don't know why throw nice clean little town la certainly is your charm in women are you sure there's nothing here for me not a thing I didn't mean today I thought maybe before I got here you know it could have been put in a box here by mistake oh my gir well your wife or somebody married are you sure it didn't get lost how long you been tramping around here waiting for that letter or your old man in person it's three weeks yesterday a long time for mines clothes to show up or at least right well I know but he's pretty busy you know it's a big ranch must be no country for empty pockets and the flat stomach I'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] Cody haha good to see you boy you too hey meet JC JC Grayson let's horn - boy fine oh you look good you do - yeah come on let's go you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes a fine horse you're riding their sons we bought it for you I did we have their full price yeah saddle tack and new set of shoes thrown into boot hey your ma was a good horse trader too she proved that once you got rid of me see ya she have any last words no no not that I heard she died pretty hard hey live hard die hard that's supposed to come to suppose you know there was no love lost never has been yes they wasn't thinking while was a fine woman looks like she did all right with you - 19 JC I told you be fit to ride with bound to deke he's your son Annie took a hell of a chance circling back for the kid and set a heading for the river I shut up come on let's go some wrong feeling to my gut for more than a week now it's closed there it is only thing moving in that dust out there [Applause] think it's him it's him who is it honor the best in the business might as well wise you up there's a bounty on our heads and he aims to collect it throw this time all the tracks we paid TQ ever heard him giving up a for he's human he's got to make a mistake someplace he'll spread out you two stick with me we're gonna run for it run for it five of us from one man Batman [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see which way cut wrong dekes that big rifle here's out range is anything we got he can pick us off one at a time come on we gotta get across that River before we're all bunched up again [Music] [Music] I bought us some time he's gonna have to take care of those bodies for some criticals town tonight wrote us out on purpose especially bait on a back trail now we'll find out if he's as good a man as they say is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good places any weird from the river without being seen give me a count PAH you don't need a gun I got a right to defend myself make the same start I did I got no choice but belong I stick we're long you do as I say they take those horses to cover and keep them quiet when the shooting stops I don't call you he'll light out and don't look back what about you and JC we won't need you what I do grow every man has to on his own grow grow bigger here I get out of here before the trouble starts we need to tell you Deeks kids all right much better and I handed in for I could have kept them with us I've seen my share men die both have never bothered me my own kid play the cards as they fall hello like that's got a pretty good thing going Donny it's a living you know I never rightly figured how much we're worth 3,000 for you 5,000 for me kind of makes us a success don't that's yet we're not dead eggs yeah I never did have a kid that I know - and don't have kids only women seems I didn't hear that someplace Dead or Alive I can't say welcome can I safety nope tried to stay clear of you well there comes a time Deeks I guess so who's the boy it's my son I need the horses call him in let him be like you let those kids be on the street in front of the Lawrenceville bank I only picked him up this afternoon I know look I want to do well for that boy sure call him in damn it's an tease my kid don't you understand he has no part of me you call him in or I go after him got to move Jody bring in two horses not if you're gonna be obviously bring in three goosey says son all right Paul while you're about it bring in mind drop it boy I've already talked too much fine now maybe you'll live a little while longer long enough to get you well you want to come along and see to their rights they'll get a preacher a prayer in a pine box all at County expenses if it means adding to you [Music] what Jew when you go where do you turn when will you so [Applause] [Music] you can stir [Music] [Applause] we'll remain this way Judy no place to run try to be strong you [Music] you see what will be you trav yeah and Oh [Applause] everywhere and [Music] you do when you go where do you turn we'll come on in boy make yourself warm [Music] Thanks you're crowdin your luck old friend don't like it not really what are you gonna do that kid Jody Deeks let be that he will 6 inch friendly is just as deadly as a 6-footer and he sure don't like you he's got a good cause you know I could lock him up a few days no no no no wait a minute wait a minute is a problem he's got us all by himself one way or another so sure so um would you like a little um yes you know both of us getting kind of old and that gravel or wait a minute wait a bit for yourself now Steve you got the idea how long it's been don't you hung up that badge yeah it's been the longest you've been wearing yours I'm giving it up come next election politics nope I'm gonna run little cow handler fish hood and swap lives why not it it's time you did the same thing not yet damn it old Santee how much longer it's all in your head oh I know I was just thinking of how ya so zai yeah I've been thinking a lot about her past few days it's time to go home that's more like it how much longer you know you're crazy to keep going off leaving her like that there's not a count square by now I go and keep the books take care yeah let's saddle my horse warming that make you big bigger anyway big enough for now I can wait we should get the money for that their horses I figured I was entitled oh no you know their next akin might not agree with you if they had any but still at least it's not blood money walk in front of me boy what's the matter you afraid oh just careful that's all you know did you ever read any one of these wanted posters yeah I mean really read it even the highest price once a Dead or Alive you know but you don't give him that chance do you like your father well that's just what I'm gonna give you one times right no chance are your writing part your father didn't have a chance [Applause] you know he had a choice you see I bring them in alive whenever I can it's up to them and even a coward would rather die with his boots on and me dragged up before a hang and your father was no coward but you no no I have to make a choice I can't have you behind me no I have to have you right there in front of me where I can see you you get behind me then I'll leave you very far behind very far dead rabbit comes to that [Music] [Music] ego sorry I was like fingered but I want to be sure a little peace and quiet while I was washing up clean country from here on so a man's got to kind of kind of adjust to it you know I mean that's good for his soul what happened to you ordinarily I don't say I want to know what tore you up right oh I guess you have a ride you know something there's a time when I was the sheriff for this whole county all around here you an elected peace officer yeah how about that 10 years 10 good years sure those scars you have look like it Alan you know what happened a wolf pack came through kind like your uh your Parran with well I knew better but they well you know they kind of minded their own business and I I'll let him be but they called me out one night at supper put five slugs in before I hit the ground oh I know they didn't mean to you know make it permanent but they they didn't mean to [ __ ] me up good so the first chance I got I turned my badge over to my best friend and took up the hunt been on it ever since County Sheriff he can't traipse all over Hills half acre for wanted man they have at the time they haven't got the authority after all whose mind is store when they were gone that's the work of a professional hunter yeah well that's the way you tell him yeah that's right we're just gonna sit here all day nope you know you make it sound like your job isn't finished neither's mine that's your decision but there'll be some new rules I'm heading home home yeah you're welcome to tag along if you like but I want to tell you something nobody there talks about what I do when I'm gone you understand I'm not looking for anybody and nobody's looking for me it's my other life but nobody interferes nobody alright not at your house good enough [Music] home [Music] [Music] John this is Jodi Peaks take care it's done welcome home page morning who's that fan tea welcome to three arrows Judy Deeks thank you I'm John Cole how do you see the one of them again until at MIT do better tomorrow never fails even when he's been gone only a few days come on we'll find you a bunk and a nail there in your hat on [Music] I love you are you home for good now is it all over Oh promise me promise come on promise every time you believe I'm sure I can't survive the waiting and it gets worse it gets worse good morning mrs. Santi it's afternoon my grandfather said that in the old days the best ponies in the Indian nations came from right in here the grass and well hey what's fair country for people - yeah we do thrive that's a fact you know I never saw such good lines and working stock time and working money in a lot of it one more generation of breeding stock and who have about the best quarter horse trained in the country Santi built this all up himself but man cannon with outside work yeah or a fast gun it takes all kind sure to HUD's John well that's what I call sleeping in you sure you arrested well no not really come and have a cup of coffee Valerie this is Jodi Deeks Jodi this is my wife it's a pleasure mr. Sethi tell me Valerie Jodi we're pretty much one big family around here especially when Sam is oh well how'd you like some original home brewed coffee huh fine thank you okay sit down here sorry you can leave it on I promise not here uh my wife and I have been talking it over and if John Crowe agrees you can consider this your home for as long as you like you make a hand they will good all right gonna settled through the three arrows that's what coffee no thanks oh you know me need to ask you about this thing you know you and you and the Santee's always talk about three arrows but the brand everything around the range has only two why is it I figured you'd get around to that sometime I'll hold how'd you get some fresh air [Applause] since auntie's cards yeah big ones inside doesn't show but the hurt is still there both the ranch they started buying land around here soon after you select a sheriff set me out to start putting in improvements and taking up stock there were three of them then that's why they called the three arrows one for each Santee Valerie and the boy [Music] nearly ten big youngsters a hell of a horseman even [Music] he loved that boy they live behind the office in jail like Stu Carter does now it happened the night the banner gang called Santi out [Music] [Music] Valerie bought the little body out to me we buried him here [Music] Santee didn't know for weeks Valerie didn't tell him until she had liked to kill him all over again san has always felt that if he had sent the banner gang on his way when they first showed up in town his boy would be alive today he blames himself and he lived when he can't he's got to go off and fight it in his own way that's why he turned his badge over to stu carter that's what tuned him hunter that's why they still call it the arrows but only two on the gateposts the doors and the stock ran getting late no not right now nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on stop it you idiot we'll never get out of the house I've been come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] well wonder it so gel out on the flats God didn't have any colors left lose them all up here hey how was that you know I think so [Applause] [Applause] well I'm afraid you're not good enough yet he still got ideas no not anymore honest you give me a few bad minutes there when I saw that gun with him well it's just that you really don't need another hand even if John crow says you took and well I can't go on living off the two of you like I have been so if I'm gonna say I'm gonna have to find something else to do and I thought maybe if I worked a little on my own in private that you well maybe you take me out with you next time you go and show me some of the ropes I might just do that come on mrs. Santee we got a lot of more country to look at Jody I want to tell you something no two men are ever alike no two men ever do anything exactly the same way work in your own footprints don't follow someone else's son do you want that boy to learn to live the kind of life you must live when you're away from here well he's got more forgiving in him than most but he's got a lot of hate left to I don't know a better way to get rid of it if that's what he wants but how can he tell if he's never known anything else I want him to stay sad I don't want either one of you ever to go out again maybe we can pick up where we left off you ever thought of that you know I've thought of it yeah I've heard of it [Applause] I'm just never gonna get it that's a you're gonna get it but right now don't try to be so fast try to be accurate you understand I just just Jodi you gotta just take it easy the speed this is beep I know let's try it again really they lecture do it well if those three cans up there have been men they'd be alive and you'd be dead oh and another thing never I'm telling you Jody never get into a showdown face to face fight if he can help it that's no good I never fire a nun a nun named shot may not get another chance all right let's try it again all right really really never thought I'd live to see two men who could do that us do you remember Jody Deeks here I'll never forget him now Oh sheriff are you doing well here that's not so damn far to come for some of the world's good cooking is it huh fair enough come on I'll buy you a drink I got your horse here Thanks yes to the old days maybe in the old days no here's to here and now hunting fishing swapping lies why not how much longer 29 days well I had a couple of count the votes where the new man is where you going down Russell some eggs Stu's entitled to a cake still is entitled to anything you want uh within reason oh by the way when you're out there tell Jody that I'd like him to join us for dinner huh oh that's every night this week well it's a special occasion Stu here he's leaving first thing in the morning Alex and I stood hey you know you have no idea what's happened to that boy in this past eight months just have no idea I gotta got the idea when I saw it there a couple minutes ago Beck's you know he's developing a real good eye for horseflesh - that's good well credit the teacher more than the pupil then what your folks you see you and Brad we have a few moments in products and for what well I want along Val I know I should do well you got there well these wanted posters come into the office less than two weeks apart person was from arendelle County and then from Redmon adding to the reward looks like they're coming this way again might be heading for the border good luck hope it's it's not that I don't appreciate being asked so often it's just that you don't have to you know the invitation is sad oh well thank you anyway but shelf corners an old friend I don't want to intrude I don't think you understand Jody you don't realize the difference your presence is made in son no this is the longest he's been holed was he resigned to sheriff and you're responsible for that not really build a big hole in his life both our lives well being here means a lot to me too you know San is a very strong feeling for you you've become very important and you have a strong feeling to Jodi because of what you've done for Sam because he's very important to me - that's the difference isn't yeah that's the difference well tell him I'll be right over as soon as I wash up change my shirt all right a couple of new faces have joined them the rest to holder and they've changed their names a way of working is still the same yeah it's the old banner buncha right waited a long time from to show up again I thought you'd want to know no Stu that's finally over it's been too long besides I've got too much to lose here you're not going out again nope no wonder Valerie was so happy this time around I haven't told her yet you don't spoil the surprise you here not on your life [Music] [Music] [Music] morning Freddy Barney Sheriff have a cup of coffee I don't mind if I do this town is Florrick waking up in an old hound off noble hound dog sleeping in the Sun can't your blessings ready that's the way I like it nice and quiet gonna seem mighty strange around here with with somebody else behind that badge you'll get used to it bunch of men coming up public street I don't like their looks to hold it banner right there all of you [Music] [Music] you're sure was the banner punch again huh everybody in the town seen a flame or you're gone far too you a I'm very much obliged do as a friend of yours and I thought you should know won't you stay and take something with us thank you no man but I'd better be on my way [Applause] you know that's twice that waited when I didn't better I should have gone back with him pal I should have gone back with him you know something I think he came here to the ranch to ask me that did he know did he mention that he needed your help no no he just thought they were taking a shortcut to the border well sad if he didn't know where they were going or what they were going to do then I won't have you blaming yourself all over again no please no I know what to do and what does a fuzzyface boy like you know what a man is supposed to do huh what do you know about it that won't bring him back nothing will God knows I've had enough years to learn that well you can't just stand there don't you realize that the same ones that killed your son it's something you've got to do don't you tell me my guts boy well somebody better because you've forgotten who you are I'll get the horses wait a minute are you just wait a minute last night I I I made a promise and I'm going to keep it I I promised that I wouldn't leave the three arrows unless it was on ranch business well then you've wasted a lot of time cuz you've taught me all wrong I was a hard thing to do it was a hard thing to say hue minute you'll keep your promise have I ever broken a promise to you Val have I ever no but I've waited a long time for it so sure do thank you hurt his pride Jody Jody's pride was he got to do with it I mean his personal pride I mean his pride in you well doesn't do no harm for a man to be hurt once in a while I mean simple me no I sent for Jody where is he oh maybe you didn't hear what I said I asked you where is Jody where do you be if you're as young as he is I know where would I be this much start maybe halfway down the other side mule head pass oh no he's going alone how about Joe are you sure with him could be no other way oh I'm sorry John you got work to do well now come on this ranch can't run myself no close range this time there you're not gonna get a choice you didn't go high dapat it wouldn't [Music] Hey [Music] come on couples right any luck say many souls well they ain't coming up for air that's what banner we've been here too long well there's some things man just don't like to rush what do I have to do to convince you that we left a string of posters behind us what a mile long they start catching up somebody's gonna recognize us that's for damn sure look bear the deal was we wouldn't stop even to split the tape don't after we cross the border there right well we have it and we won't are you you can count on that relax lad so the fund alert time last we got this coming no no Roxy let's that's taking tips we don't have to banner explain it to me what has this place got we can't get more oven better damn sight better than that in Mexico tell me another thing but it's not just amigo you could have told me up some with that one could have done more than that if you'd been trailing me I know it was careless but it's a hard track and I let take all my attention for a minute I'm sorry but at least I still got all six up ahead of me well that's where they're gonna stay the way you're going about it way far ahead of you I'm listening well the banner bunch has his pockets full of money any man fresh with money the first thing he he wants is a woman any woman now where would a woman be between here and the border how would I know yeah come to think of it you wouldn't would you don't things I didn't get around to teaching you well there's some things a fella rather handle on his own you know uh there's a place just shy of the border gym one of those you know sir it's called the mecca I think that's where they are well let's go you know banner is taking the easy way so if you're up to some hard riding we can cut off a few miles I want it over we should want all that you showed up do you think I wouldn't [Applause] [Music] work you shut up yeah that's it the works alright plus what you stashed away before you brought it down maybe all you had to do was that's nice no some party you hit trouble you're gonna wish you were still with us like you said maybe but that's better than waiting around for it to catch up with me here even busy honey anybody else for board I mean I got some unfinished business yeah me too well I'm not - I want to get the feel of this first hey I'm into that tell you what split a fair ball bottle with you all right hello [Music] three rest drops tears make your first shot count [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what will you do [Music] Judy where will you go [Music] when will you learn [Music] oh you find the way you [Music]
Views: 3,916,724
Rating: 4.5355406 out of 5
Keywords: Santee, Santee western, Santee 1973, sante 1973, Les trois flèches, western movies online free, Michael Burns, Dana Wynter, sante, sante western, sante movie, Jay Silverheels, full movie, english, western, western movies, full length western movies, Glenn Ford, Glenn Ford movies, Glenn Ford western, Glenn Ford westerns, Glenn Ford Santee, Santee Glenn Ford, glenn ford full movies, western movies online, Glenn Ford western movies, Santee western movie, western movie youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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