8 MUST KNOW Keys to Overcoming Objections in Sales

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Let me ask you some questions. Have you ever been in a situation where you think the sale is on track and it's just going smoothly and then the prospect ghosts? Or how about they ask for the full value? They want everything that you have but then when you actually present the solution they're pushing back on price. Or how about just being in that situation where you feel like just another vendor, just begging to get an opportunity, begging to get a meeting? Or lastly, what about being in that situation where everything seems like it's good to go and then at the very end they say, "You know what? This was great, but I really want to think it over." And then the sale seems to just stall from there. If you've dealt with any of those issues chances are that you are dealing with a problem that may seem a little counter to what you might've thought. The real problem is that you are stuck in the old approach to selling and that you haven't applied the new model that gives you full control over each and every sales opportunity. And so most salespeople are stuck in that old approach of using those strategies that are predictable and that the prospect expects and doing it over and over and over again expecting a different response. So we need to break that pattern. My name is Marc Wayshak and I'm the founder of the Sales Insights Lab, and what I'm going to share with you in this training is the exact process that I have used to build my business and more importantly that I've used to help thousands of clients use to absolutely blow up their sales. In this video I'm going to share with you the eight keys to overcoming objections in sales, check it out. First and foremost the first step is that we must stop overcoming objections. We must stop the process of overcoming objections in the first place. What often happens is that salespeople are using that traditional approach where they're trying to get interest from any prospect and then they're presenting their solutions. And then at the end there are going to be all of these question marks in the prospect's brain. And so what happens is that the buyer and the seller get into this arm wrestling match at the end where the buyer is throwing up, "Objection, objection, objection." And the sales person, because they know that it's coming, they're ready for those karate moves where they're trying to consistently overcome every single objection. So the prospect says, "You know what? Your price is too high." And the sales person has a way to overcome that objection, to try to convince the prospect of why their prices are so high. Or the prospect says, "You know what? I'd like to think this one over." And then the sales person has some way to try to overcome that. And by the way, that even in that situation, that's still a relatively advanced selling situation. A lot of salespeople, as soon as they get an objection, they immediately just start going to this kind of verbal monologue and they're just going and going and going. And the sale is just starting to fall apart. And so we need to first break this pattern all together by just coming to terms with the fact that we want to stop thinking in the mindset of overcoming objections in the first place. What you ultimately want to do is you want to avoid objections. It's about objection avoidance, not objection overcoming. So the stronger you can be in the sales process, the less likely you are to actually get real objections at the end. Now I'm not saying that you can avoid overcoming any objections, of course, there are going to be some strategies and we'll talk about it, how you can ultimately overcome some objections that were just unavoidable. But great salespeople can actually avoid most objections in the first place. And so that's why we start with this idea of just stopping in the mindset of overcoming objections in the first place. Number two is that we must have a sales process. So have a process. You must have a process in place that's going to help you when you're actually taking a prospect through the sales process. Now we started with this idea that we want to just stop overcoming objections in the first place. And the way you avoid objections is by having a sales process that is ultimately going to help your prospect recognize value. And so rather than thinking of what the traditional sales process looks like, and I'm just going to write this in red, just so we can think about it, right? The typical sales process, I'll just put it up here. The typical sales process looks something like this, right? So you've got, you know, prospect comes into the funnel kind of haphazardly. So we'll call that kind of haphazard. So they're kind of selling to anyone. And then from there we're either pitching or probing. Again, this is what standard standard salespeople are doing. And then from there we're going into present. I know I'm cramming this in but I'm out of board space here. And then when we go from present, then immediately we go to overcome objections. Or actually what might often be in this place too is like a close, right? So we're doing some kind of a close in this process. And so the problem with this process is that at no point has your prospect really recognized full value for what it is you're offering. So by having a process, which we're going to talk about today, what that looks like, having a process that you know can work on a repeatable and reliable basis is exactly what you need to have in place in order to consistently not just overcome objections but actually avoid them and more importantly is close sales on a consistent basis. So that way you can just use your process. So kind of get rid of this. I'll cross that out. You use that process over and over and over again and you're good process, right? So put a little check mark there, use your good process and that way prospects both recognize value and at the end are ready to make an informed decision. And by the way, if a prospect isn't a fit, that's okay too. But what we want to avoid are the people that are just throwing out objections because they really don't want to do business with you and yet we're trying to somehow convince them. So we're, we've got to avoid that, that wishy washy stuff in the middle. And so that actually brings us to our next step, which is number three, which is going to seem pretty counterintuitive if you haven't followed any of my content before. And that is that you want to actually disqualify. You want to disqualify prospects. And so by disqualify, here's what we mean. Typical salespeople are doing one of two things usually. They are either trying to persuade prospects to do business with them, so they're pushing prospects in a certain direction, or they're trying to qualify through probing questions which oftentimes are pretty transparent. And so the prospect is feeling ultimately pushed in a certain direction because the challenge with persuasion is that with persuasion you're basically assuming that every single prospect you get in front of is a good fit. And so you're trying to convince everyone to do business with you. And that's not what we want to be doing. What we ultimately want to do is think like a doctor and basically ask questions to determine whether the prospect is a fit in the first place. And by the way, if they're not a fit, that's totally cool. We can just move on. We can part as friends and focus on people that actually are a fit. But if they are a fit, through the process of disqualification, by asking those appropriate questions that are ultimately creating value, helping the prospect think through what is the best solution for my business problem that I'm facing, or the problem that I'm facing personally, by taking them through that disqualification process now by the end of that disqualification process they recognize massive value and now they're craving that solution. And so when you can actually present the solution, now you're in a situation where the prospect is saying, "Okay, this feels like exactly what I need." And so that's the power of disqualification. You want to take that traditional model of the kind of haphazard, pitch, pro, present, close, overcome objections. You want to take that model and flip it upside down and actually think in a way where I don't know if every single person that I talk to is a fit. So the next time a prospect says, "Why should I do business with you?" Right? Typical sales person response is, "Well, we've been in business for 43 years and we have the best service." Instead of all that stuff, what your prospect is immediately going to just discount, instead, you want to say something like, "You know what George, I really appreciate your asking me. Quite frankly, at this point in the conversation, I'm not sure that I am the best fit for you. Would it be okay if I asked some questions to find out what's going on and ultimately determine whether we're a fit?" Boom, you do that, now the prospect is like, "Whoa, this person is an expert. They're telling me they're not even sure if they are the right fit." And so now you're in a position of strength rather than weakness. That is the power of disqualifying. So now we're going to take to the next piece here, which is, again, this is all about avoiding objections. That's why we're doing this is that we're trying to get ourselves into a position that at the end of the sale we're avoiding most of those objections. And by the way, one other thing I'll say that during the disqualification process is if you are hearing them talk about something that might seem like it might ultimately become an objection bring it up during the disqualification phase, don't avoid the issue. So right, if the prospect has mentioned that there's someone else that's going to be, that they're going to be running this decision by, if they mention that here you want to find out who that person is. What's the process, the whole thing. So that way you don't get all the way to the end of the sale and then they're like, "Oh, well actually I have to run this by three other people," right? That's an objection that you could have avoided. Does that make sense? That's the power of this stuff. So now what we ultimately want to do, most people go, at this point, into some kind of a presentation and what we're going to do is instead of just presenting we are solving the problems. So we're actually solving the problems or you solve that problem. What you want to do is instead of presenting your features and benefits, which is what most salespeople are doing, it's what most of your competitors are doing, they're talking about, you know, well, our product does this and this is how it's going to help your business, or our service does this and this is how it's going to help you. Feature and benefit selling is the old model. Presenting those features and benefits is really old school and it's been done literally for over a hundred years. Your prospects, if they are savvy, even in the least bit, which in today's world of selling most prospects are because they deal with so many salespeople on a regular basis. If they're expecting that you are immediately going to allow the wall to come up with a prospect. Because now they're just feeling like, "Okay, this is just like a standard sales pitch and they're just kind of doing this kind of like feature and benefit thing." Instead what we want to do is we want to go from disqualifying, where we're asking questions to find out what's been going on in their world, and then we actually want to present in a way that's about solving their problems. So here's where we've determined what are the challenges, or issues, that they faced and then what we now go to is, "Okay, so George, based on what you've told me, challenge A, challenge B, challenge C, here's what we think that solution would look like." And so now all we're doing is we're doing a very short presentation that's simply focused on solving their challenges and it's going to consist of things like case studies. So we use a concept called case study presentation. It's going to consist of some very short bits here that are going to basically just demonstrate that you understand the problems that they've talked about in disqualification, because remember the person who can articulate a prospect's problem is going to be the person that is perceived in the eye of the prospect as the person that can actually solve the problems. The better you are at diagnosing the problem, the solution is actually more about just demonstrating you understand it and then having a way to solve it. And then actually one thing that we see the data shows over and over again that top performing salespeople have a much shorter presentation than average performers. So if you think of the standard model, right, it's something like this where you have, you know, if this is the entire sales process from A to B standard salesperson is going to have a very short kind of discovery disqualification phase here and then the presentation is very long. And what I want you to do is actually flip that switch where instead, so this is kind of like average person, and instead what I want you to think about is instead of a short discovery or disqualification conversation I want it to be very long. And so actually what's going to be very short is that presentation where you're just simply demonstrating that you understand what's going on, you can solve the challenges. And then you're going to let them ask you questions which will drive the remainder of the presentation. So if you have like 25 slides in your presentation and it's really like an hour of content you are shooting yourself in the foot. You want to keep your presentation super short and it's only catered to solving those challenges that they've mentioned not a second more. And then you're going to let them ask you questions which will drive the remainder of that quote unquote presentation phase. That's what top performers are doing. That's exactly how we really do everything we can to make sure that the objection is avoided in the first place. That's the power of this system. So that actually brings us to the next step, which I've talked about it for so much, but it's actually a part of this and so I think it would be insane for me not to mention, which is actually that we want to avoid objections. So we don't have to spend a lot of time on this idea because I think we've made it really clear that that's important. We want to avoid objections, not overcome them. Now, of course, we're going to talk about it in a second, there are some situations when you are going to have to deal with an objection, but the more we can avoid the objections in the early part of this process the stronger we are going into the completion of the sale. And so by asking good questions, by anytime we hear something that might sound like a potential objection, by dealing with that before we actually present, before we go for that close, that's how we avoid objections in the first place. And by the way, there are going to be situations where a prospect will say something and it's basically, it's over, right? It's basically like, all right, this, if that's an issue for you, then chances are this is not going to be a fit, right? If your prospect has no money, which a lot of times the prospects who have the most pain and they really want what you have, they don't have money, right? They can literally not have money in some cases, particularly in marketplaces like this, that we're in right now. So that's okay. But you want to deal with that upfront again. So I meant, I forgot to mention this is kind of the sales professional, right? You want to be dealing with that stuff in the early part of the sale so that way, you know, at the end you're not kind of getting into that arm wrestling match 'cause that's where you want to avoid it. And I'll give you an example. If you're dealing with a prospect who, you know, says, "You know, right now, you know, things are really tight," right? We've probably all heard that. Like money is really tight right now. They say that kind of offhandedly at the beginning of the conversation. Now a lot of salespeople would just kind of avoid that conversation or would just kind of try to push through. What a sales professional will do is key up on that and say, "You just mentioned, things are really tight right now, help me understand what's going on." And they're like, "Oh, okay, well," and by the way, remember, you've inquired, you've dug into that. That's the power. So the prospect is now like, "Oh, well, you know, because of what's going on, you know, we're really cutting back on expenses." And so you want to dig into that deeply. And that could be a moment where you say, "Look, George, if things are really tight right now, even though you've mentioned that you've got challenge A, B and C does it not make sense to deal with this conversation at the moment?" And let them do one of two things; either say, "No, no, no, we absolutely need to solve this," or B, they're going to say, "You know what? You're right, this probably isn't a good time for this conversation. We're just not going to be able to make an investment in this." And now you can disqualify them and move on. But what you've done is by doing it early on in the phase of the sale now you're avoiding a lot of pain for yourself down the road by trying to present, by trying to do all this and then at the end all they're going to do is say, "Look, we don't have any money," right? You want to know that early, not late. That's the power of this process. And that's why we want to avoid objections. And that leads us to point number six, which is actually, we want to make objections. I'm going to do an equals sign, equals opportunity. So, objections equal opportunities, or make objections an opportunity. And so there are inevitably going to be moments when you get an objection from a prospect and that's okay. You may be at the end of the sales conversation and you know, they may have some objections. That's fine. But what most salespeople do is they turn an objection into an arm wrestling match, where they're literally in that, they're in like a dog fight. And you know, prospector's pushing one way, sales person is pushing back the other way. And what we want to do is we want to avoid that arm wrestling match. We want to turn objections into an opportunity. So next time you get an objection don't freak out and go into your like three minute monologue trying to solve their objection. Instead, slow it down. Pause. So the next time a prospect actually says an objection I want you to pause for a couple of seconds and then I want you to inquire what's going on. Now I don't have time in this whole training to go super deep into the whole process but you want to, as a first step, if you do nothing else as a result of this, if you just pause and then inquire as to why they mentioned that objection in the first place. Now you are coming from a position of strength because you can turn that objection into an opportunity. A lot of times an objection is not really what it seems at face value and most salespeople are putting too much value in the objections that they hear. And what you want to do is instead just dig to find out why they mentioned that objection in the first place. So if a prospect says, "Yeah, you know, this seems, this seems really good, but it sounds a little expensive." And so most salespeople would then be like, "Oh, okay, well, let me share with you the three reasons why it's not expensive," or why there's the ROI is so obvious or why there's so much value here, right? It's like, it's so painful 'cause that's what most salespeople do. Instead, what I want you to do is pause and say, "George, really appreciate you're mentioning that. Help me understand why you say that." And now the prospect may actually say, "Well, you know, we've done this in the past and it was half the price." And now you may say, "Oh, so tell me about how it went in the past." And then the prospect says, "Oh, well, yeah, we did it in the past with a different company and it was actually a complete disaster. So now you've gotten them to solve their own objection. You've gotten them basically to have more buy into your solution because they basically just said they did it for half the price before, but it was a disaster. That's the power of the slow it down and inquire. You want to recognize that all objections, there's basically like this is an iceberg, right? And so here's the surface water. Here's the objection at the top. But what we really want to understand is what's going on down here. That's the important stuff. And so by really inquiring about why they mentioned something you're going to go from here and you're going to go down, and that's the beauty of this, make an objection, an opportunity. And that leads us to our next piece which is to get in front of the right people. You want to get in front of the right people. Now, you know, I could have put this first too, but I actually wanted to save it towards the end because it's so important, is that so many salespeople are not getting in front of the right people in the first place. So they're basically putting themselves in a situation to have a buyer who doesn't really have either the right fit or they don't have the money, or there's some reason that they're ultimately not going to buy in the end. And so actually we talked about at the beginning here, this idea of haphazard prospecting and this is really important that you're prospecting is actually, or your lead generation process, is getting you in front of the right people in the first place. We need to be in front of the right people. And if we're not we're going to be consistently struggling to sell, close sales, of course. So that's why we use a process called the prospecting blueprint where you really map out exactly who do you want to get in front of. And then what's the right process for getting in front of those people and only selling to those people. You want to get super clear on your IPP, or your ideal prospect profile, who is that person that is consistently going to buy from you and then only sell to those people. You know, the old saying of, you know, "Oh, so-and-so could sell anything to anyone"? It's like, no, no, no. That's old school mindset, that is junk. I want a sales person who sells the right offering to the right person, that's it. That's what a top performer looks like. So get in front of the right people. And that brings us to number eight, which is one of the most important pieces of this entire process, which is that you must have mentorship and coaching. One thing that I see time and time again is that all top performing salespeople, all successful people, have good mentorship and coaching. Now you may have that in the organization that you're in and if you do great, but I see so many sales people and business owners out there who are struggling because they don't have the right process in place. You must have rock solid mentorship and coaching if you want to ultimately be able to implement a process like this. And more importantly, if you ultimately want to crush through your sales goals. Having that right process and that coach who can really push you in the right direction is everything. Because again I see salespeople over and over again who just hit their head on a certain number and they never seem to get past that. And chances are that's because they are stuck in the old model of selling. Or maybe you have a manager right now and they're teaching you and pushing you to use that old model of selling. You need mentorship and coaching to help get you to that next level. You don't want to reinvent the wheel here. There are strategies and processes that work in selling over and over again, particularly in today's marketplace, and if you're not using them you are holding yourself back. You are in a boxing match with one arm tied behind your back. So you must have that coaching and mentorship in place. And so that's why I'd like to share with you the Lab Accelerator Program. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch over to the white backdrop and I'm going to walk you through the application process for the Sales Insights Lab Accelerator. The Lab Accelerator Program is a coaching accountability and mentorship program focused on helping you not only hit your sales goals, but actually crush through them. As a member of this program you are going to get all of the behind the scenes strategies to get exactly where you need to go. There will be direct pressure from me and my coaches as well as the peer-to-peer pressure to blow past your goals. So who is this program for? It is perfect for people who want to generate more high quality sales opportunities in a predictable way. It is for people who know that they can not only close more sales but actually do it at higher prices. And it's for people who recognize that they can and should be making so much more money. So right now I'm looking for just a few of my dream clients who are committed to getting there, where I can help them get massive results. So that's why for a limited time I'd like to work with you in a sales strategy session if you meet this criteria. Now I work with clients that have these three traits: one they believe in investing in themselves to get the ultimate shortcut to achieving their goals. Two is that they're willing to do the work and they don't buy into some silly done for you type thing. And three is that they will do whatever it takes to change their current reality to achieve their real dreams in life. So if this is you, here's how the process works. On this strategy session we're going to be thinking through a few key areas. First, how are you generating your sales opportunities and are they coming in a predictable way? Next is how are you converting leads into sales and is there a thoughtful process to actually maximize every opportunity? And then what are you doing on a day-to-day basis to move the sales needle just a little bit to ensure that you ultimately crushed through your sales goals? You must be willing to have some skin in the game and be willing to invest some money to achieve your results because working with me and my team is not cheap but most accelerator members make back their investment in just the first few sales. So who is this not for? It's not for people who are on the fence about being in sales. You must be totally committed to mastering sales. It's not for people who like to make excuses and complain about why things aren't working. And it's not for people who want their hand held every step of the way and they're going to resist that change. And it's not for people who aren't serious about growing their sales in a major way. If you're comfortable where you are and don't really care to change your situation then this isn't for you. You must be hungry. Knowing that we're a good fit is crucial. And that means that if I'm going to invest my energy and my team's energy in your success then I'm going to need to believe that it's a strong fit. So if we don't think it's a good fit then we'll be sure to let you know, in the strategy session. We must be selective because the power of this group is what either lifts everyone up or can pull people down. And if we don't think it's a good fit we'll gladly recommend some alternatives. We only want win-wins here. So the first step is to complete the application for the strategy session below. And this application is necessary to determine one, that I can help you and that we're the best people to actually help you. And two that you're willing and ready to step up to commit to get the results. So once you've completed the application we'll schedule the call and at the end of the call there'll be one or two outcomes. Either it's not a fit and we can part as friends or it is a fit and we'll extend an invitation for you to join the Lab Accelerator. Either way you'll get an insanely valuable strategy session and you'll walk away with a new found clarity on how to get to that next step. So it will likely be the most valuable 45 minutes that you spend on sales this entire year. Now our schedule is very limited so this is a rare opportunity and we only have room for a few clients and we give priority to those who take action. So if this is you then go ahead and apply to the Lab Accelerator by clicking the link. Again, this opportunity may only exist for a short period of time so if your serious about getting results then apply right now. Click that link to get started.
Channel: Sales Insights Lab
Views: 58,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales, how to sell, sales strategy
Id: sCY7wS4y538
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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