The Art of Nudging - Sales Influence with Victor Antonio

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Victor Antonio all right how you guys doing all right late night but we're going to get through this right all right I need to know am I in a conference remind a celebration clap if you think we're in the conference if it clap leave the room clap if you think we're in a celebration now I got two types of keynotes I usually get I got a real boring one I got a real exciting one both contain the same content but imma let you decide clap if you want the boring one clap if you want the exciting one by the way clap if you don't care as long as it's good and it's short yeah I know I are you guys ready to learn a lot all right I'm gonna get into some deep stuff here we go now Archimedes had a principle he basically said give me a long enough lever I love it a stand and a place to stand and I can lift the world that's what he said here's what he meant in terms of selling but if you have a client who's inert won't move what is our job to grow our pole of influence to what to leverage the clown so he'll buy from who us you guys with me so far now can we influence people I think you can Webster has a real nice definition the act of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct command I don't know about you but I'm 8dd that's too complicated let's move on how about this the ability to get a person's behavior to make them comply passively I don't know about you but that sounds too much of alien to me let's make it simpler how about this the ability to work much without pushing people don't like to be pressured in the bind would you agree with that so what are you gonna learn today how to up yeah all right several years ago I started looking at the world of selling and here's what I discovered ninety-eight percent of all the books you'll buy Barnes and Noble on Amazon are dedicated to what how to sell and there's three categories strategic right how to approach a market a customer then there's what time to go face-to-face belly-to-belly conversations we have with our customer b2c type then you have the what psychologists telling the motivation woohoo stay positive what I noticed that there was a gap in the market nobody's looking at the other side of the equation because the buyer today is less trusting less loyal more demanding and more price sensitive and unless we know how to nudge them we're not going to sell them so I looked at the other side of the equation with just how to buy if I look at how people buy if we can understand how people buy if we understand what motivates the buyer if we understand how they make their buying decisions but during our conversations with our customers if we can find moments of influence do you think we can sell more effectively yes or no I think we can let me show you how you've been nuts from the day you got from the morning this morning when you got up you have been nudged at least twenty to thirty times but you're not even aware of it let me give you examples of nudging that are below your consciousness did you know that when you walk into a store for the first time look at big store like Target they leave 10 feet of space in front of that door why studies have shown consumers need leaves that much space to orient themselves before they decide which way to go when most people walk in a store did you know that they will walk to the well right which means that the most valuable piece of real estate in any store is we're off to the right did you know that consumers have a velocity did you know that if you have a narrow aisle you will walk faster if you have a wide aisle you will actually slow down don't believe me next time you go to an anchor store like Macy's or Nordstrom notice what happens when you walk past a what perfume section it opens up the jewelry section it opens up did you also know that there's something called an interception right what is that you ever have somebody come up to you store go can I help you find some well here's the reason they're asking that question by simply asking that question studies have shown that your sales will go up 30% register that because that's why they're asking you do you believe that we're impulse buyers yes or no absolutely where do they put the milk when you walk into a grocery store what any put the milk all right whoever said refrigerator thank you for the obvious where do they put the milk they put it in the one in the back they put the meat in the back they put everything in the back why because he wants you to walk down yes when you come back and see some cookies some donuts and you like that we're impulse buyers now let me ask you a question when it comes to options what do you think most people would choose when they look at this option right here the big burger verse is a small burger studies has shown that most people will choose which burger the small one apparently some of you were real hungry right now most people will choose the what small one now but if I wanted to convince you to buy the big one should I sell the feature should I sell the benefit of that big burger should I give you the value proposition burger no no no no no here's what I'll do to nudge you to buy eat that burger what I'll do is insert a third one did you listen carefully because this is important when you only give a customer two options on your price list they will always choose the cheapest one to mitigate their risk but studies have shown that by simply giving three options most people choose the one right in the one middle so from this day forward how many options will you provide three I had a lady a victor victor victor victor victor what if I only have two says shut up make up a third one I don't care mumun when we talk about options here's another study that was interesting good nudge now you ever go to restaurant have great service and typically we give it 15 20 percent right let's say 15 percent tip it was great service studies has shown that by simply adding a mint just the mint tip rates go up 3.3% Wow 3.3 so you're thinking well what if I add another mint Vic well that's a good question so when you add another mint the studies show goes up fourteen point one persuade I know something I never give more shut up you do but here's the real power tool here's the real power tool to maximize the tip what they found is that they come to your table thank you for coming here really enjoyed your service they put a mint on your tip then they pretend to walk away you know because I really like you here's a couple more when they use that strategy BAM 23 percent now there's three reasons why that happened why yell them out what it was acknowledgments again a little self security and security going on here I need acknowledgement Victor it was that's right it's personal right it made them feel special but the big component there was it was unexpected here's the acronym I wants to remember UPS it was unexpected it was personal and you make somebody feel special you with me so far because that's what we do when we do something unexpected our likability index goes up now Ellen Langer Harvard psychologist did an interesting study she wanted to find out could she get people to comply so here's what Ellen Langer did there were people lined up at copiers and what she wanted to find out was that if I go but in front of that line that says hey excuse me I have five pages to copy may I use the Xerox machine how many people would actually say yes what percentage do you think would allow somebody to cut in line yeah fine west coast in the house kind of cheap Wow no you can't get in line I did this in Minnesota they're like I don't know 80% you know so what percent is the other they're much nicer up there all right listen carefully the percentages 60 percent of times people said what yes now Ellen Langer wanted to test to see him for the correct increase that number may be decreasing well maybe she says if I put a reason because I'm in a rush number goes up or down 94 percent just because I'm in a rush but then Ellen Langer wanted to see some is it because I'm in a rush so she took out I'm in a rush and she inserted a non value statement here's what it is because I have to make copies duh why else would you be out of copper but to make copies right number goes up and down the number of girls one percent why because the word because is a compliance trigger now you've been programmed I do this all time with customers fill this out because no matter what I say they'll start filling things out don't believe me try it at home so what happens why is the cause of trigger because you've been programmed since you were small mommy can I get to have a cookie no why because can I go outside and play no why because now so in other words by using the word because we get people to what comply now if you're a man and you're single in this room I know what you think I got you here's what they're thinking Victor are you saying what I think you're saying are you implying but I think you're implying are you telling me what I think you're telling me are you saying that if I'm saying when I see a beautiful single young late and I go up to so would you like to come to my place because she's going to say yes what's the answer look at the ladies no the answer is no sorry the bubbles been bursted here's why Ellen Langer realized that the request has to be reasonable she went up to 20 pages look what happened to the numbers went down from 60 to 24 and look at that because it has to be reasonable so we're always being influenced and nudged we're just not aware of it so here's the conclusions we're more susceptible influence that we care to admit what do you like to admit or not you are the most influential people are the least obvious those are the ones you got to look out for and rules of selling influence applied no matter what you're selling would you agree with that
Channel: Victor Antonio
Views: 107,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nudge, nudging, sales influence, how to sell, persuasion, how to persuade, victor antonio, sales trainer, sales conference speaker, motivation, sales motivation
Id: ax_7OXzdacg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2016
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