Blippi Visits San Diego Zoo Safari Park | Animal Videos For Kids | Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] and today we're here at the san diego zoo safari park in escondido california yeah hey do you know what a safari is yeah it's an outdoor adventure where you can see all kinds of amazing animals and today is a really special day because we're going to search for a platypus yeah this is the only place that you can see a platypus outside of australia i am so excited come on whoa i am so excited to go on a wildlife safari [Music] and we get to ride in this amazing vehicle it's called a caravan [Music] look at it it has really big tires and wheels and shocks yeah that's so if we hit any bumps or holes in the ground we'll be nice and smooth riding in the back oh and it's ken the driver hi karen [Music] and look there are so many amazing things on a caravan we have gas tanks and a barrel for water and look at this it's the back of the caravan yeah this this right here that's where we're gonna sit so let's go sit inside oh it's a person let's go say hi hi hi it's me um what's your name my name is marco i'm a wildlife care specialist here at the safari park it's nice to meet you marco well we are really excited to go on a safari all right sit inside yeah definitely let's go let's follow markup [Music] look at this place there is a canopy over our heads yeah so keep us dry and away from the sun and so many seats we're ready for a safari all right we're almost there actually all you need is special safari gear and look we got them for you right here oh look at that special safari guild whoa safari here is so much fun look we have binoculars we're seeing really far away and uh we have a hat to keep the sun out of our eyes [Music] and don't forget to drink lots of water okay it looks like we're all geared up and ready for the safari all right excellent you look great all right karen we're ready to go [Music] this is gonna be so much fun [Music] look at it you see what kind of animal this is oh they are giraffes and they are so cute so much fun being on a safari do you see that one giraffe look it's really small marco why is that one giraffe so much smaller than the others you know that giraffe flippy is actually one of our newest babies she's 16 days old it really is a baby how tall is the giraffe oh well you know they can grow throughout their lifetime actually so she is about six feet at the moment but she's gonna keep growing this is the tallest mammal on planet earth whoa this baby giraffe is a baby but it's as tall as me that's pretty amazing wow they're so so pretty and so tall hey it looks like they have these little things on their head it looks like hair or little horns what are those actually they're called ossicones actually ossicones whoa that's a really cool word what's an ossicon i'll think of it sort of like like horns for a giraffe basically oh wow those ossicons are pretty cool they're so cool do you see what colors they are yeah it looks like they're a golden brown and white yeah i have a really interesting pattern all over them [Music] it also looks like they have big ears can giraffes hear really well they do they hear very very well and eyesight's pretty amazing too you know there's other predators out there where they live so they gotta watch out whoa that is so cool they can hear really well and see all over the safari i think giraffes are so amazing hello giraffe whoa look that drop he's looking at us i think he's just checking us out he's saying hi blippi hi whoa they also have funny looking mouths what kind of food does a giraffe eat oh they love leaves plant material especially having such a long neck eating all the plants at the very tops of the trees oh that makes sense yeah giraffes are really tall with really long necks so they can eat the tops of trees wow giraffes sure are pretty amazing but they're not a platypus hmm let's keep looking for some other amazing animals maybe we'll find a platypus [Music] you won't believe what really cool animal marco and i found our safari come look whoa look at him what kind of animal is this oh these are called fringe beard oryx whoa fringed eared orcs never heard of an animal like that before do you see they have a really big horns on their head kind of like a unicorn but instead of one horn they have one two horns wow they're amazing oh whoa and look they have kind of funny markings on their face they do yeah right now we think that's actually to help them squared off predators out there it's almost like having a permanent halloween mask sounds spooky wow they're so cool and they're they're pretty big can can these orcs run fast well they can run very fast i mean they need to get away from predators wow just the family works and do you see their ears are so funny they have dots in the middle of their ears it looks like an eye that's a really good observation that's what we think they have them for to help confuse predators out there so they can't sneak up and surprise him whoa these orcs look really smart that is so cool they're just hanging out being friendly well it was nice to meet you hello these works were really interesting but they're still not a platypus let's keep looking [Music] hey fluffy come look at these guys oh okay whoa look at what animal marco found whoa they're so big marco what kind of animal is this you're looking at a southern white rhino wow a southern white rhino you see look we have really big horns whoa why does a rhino like this have a big horn those horns help them protect themselves out there in africa against all those predators out there wow it is so cool and so big whoa and look look they have really teeny tiny eyes but they have really big noses i bet that means they have a really good sense of smell yeah yeah you're absolutely right that's a good observation you know these animals excellent sense of smell really really good hearing as well you see how those ears can move around all about so they can always hear what's going on around them wow that is amazing their ears are so fuzzy look you see all the little hairs and fuzzy parts rhinos are so cute and so hungry oh do they like to eat anything else other than hay oh they love the old sorts of plant material they love grass skin these guys can weigh three to four thousand pounds sometimes even more so they gotta eat all that food whoa three to four thousand pounds that's a lot of hay hey wow they sure do like eating yeah and they are really big hey do you know what color these rhinos are yeah they're the color gray i bet they stay cool because is there dirt on their backs that's absolutely right yeah they love to wallow out there get some mud on their backs it helps with sunblock like that safari hat you were wearing they don't need the hat they got their mud wow it's so amazing yeah they roll around in the dirt and they stay cool yeah dirt dust on their back kind of like my official safari hat whoa well i think we should see some more animals marco i think you're right these rhinos they're not platypuses [Music] thanks marco for taking us on an awesome safari and no problem let's go see some more animals okay let's go looking for a platypus is hard work i've been running so fast hey do you know what other animal likes to run really fast yeah a cheetah likes to run really fast they are the fastest land animal and they can run up to 70 miles per hour and reach speeds of 40 miles per hour in three steps whoa hey i have an idea how about i race a cheetah yeah let's see who in the race [Music] did you see how fast that cheetah was it was amazing well better keep looking for this platypus [Music] i'm so excited to see the snake what kind of snake is this this is called the fur knees python whoa this burmese python is so big whoa what's its name this is julius squeezer julius glazer he's so silly that's a cool name this snake is amazing and look it has this really pretty pattern with all types of different shades of brown and white and gold why is it colored like this yeah well this helps him get his food up in the wild so this is what we call a sit in weight predator so that's exactly what he did as he sits he blends in with all the leaf litter and just waits until something yummy walks by and then he got sacked for that day wow that is so cool julia squeezer how's it going hello [Music] hey it looks like he's looking at us now whoa he keeps poking his tongue out why is julia squeezer doing that you know he's actually tasting the air so he has an organ in his mouth called the jacobson's organ which helps him actually detect price so he can pick up set particles in the air to help follow his prey out there whoa that is really amazing it sure would be silly if i was walking around with my tongue out i'm not a snake oh but this snake is so cool what type of snake is this a burmese python and you know the difference is between the python and the boa sometimes people get him confused oh yeah python and boa whoa what's the difference between a python and a boa that's a great question blippi you know pythons are generally found in the old world so asia africa australia plus they lay eggs now the boa can be found in the old world and the new world but while boaz do instead they carry their eggs inside of them so people tend to call it a live birth but really they're just keeping their eggs inside whoa wow julia squeezer is so friendly he keeps saying hello wow snakes are so amazing they're so good at moving even though they don't have any arms or legs yeah hello [Music] i'd like to give you a hug but i feel like they have a really powerful hugs they really do yeah this predator is a constrictor so he just holds his prey super super tight and that's a good thing he noted too actually flippy you know these animals uh julius he's an ambassador he represents his wild brothers and sisters but we definitely want the kids out there to know you don't want to be handling a wild snake like this we are trained professionals here at the safari park yeah you don't want to be handling a snake like this without a professional wildlife hair specialist like my good friend marco but he sure is beautiful wow hello he likes my shoe quite a bit what's a pretty nice shoe i gotta say whoa well thanks so much for saying hello julia squeezer bye-bye hey what other animals will we be able to see today oh next we're going to show you one of my favorite birds the fastest animal on planet earth oh the fastest animal alive i can't wait to see it okay let's go see bye-bye [Music] wow i am so excited to see the next animal ambassador we saw so many amazing animals what animal are we going to see next one of my favorites his name is nelson called the lantern falcon nelson and he's a falcon wow does he fly in the air and he's is he pretty fast oh very fast they broke the record fastest animal on the planet over 240 miles per hour and today i'm going to be sharing with you a hunting flight wow i can't wait to see the hunting flight 240 miles per hour that's faster than a car okay i think we're all ready to see the hunting flight all right okay keep your eyes open for nelson this is so [Music] oh exciting marco is swinging around some meat okay [Music] nelson good boy good [Music] good [Music] did you see that nelson caught the meat mid-air that's pretty amazing hey let's go take a closer look wow i'm so excited to see nelson up close birds they're pretty amazing and this bird is so powerful and so fast [Music] so beautiful well right now we want to wait because nelson is finishing up his meal but we'll be able to see him real soon [Music] oh look yeah he's on marco's glove yeah that glove helps to protect his hand because nelson has really sharp powerful talons look marker's coming this way you should go say hi we need to be careful we don't want to scare nelson [Music] he's just finishing his food right now whoa [Music] get him a little closer for you but so that was just an example of the amazing hunting flight that they do out there [Music] nelson is a really amazing bird he's so beautiful his eyes look so big can he see really well they see so well you can see over a mile away especially when you're flying in the air that's a really good tool to have wow that is one amazing bird well we better let nelson finish his lunch hey maybe we can see some more birds yeah that sounds great both i'll see you there okay i'll see you soon that was amazing we saw so many different ambassador animals and now we get to see even more birds let's go meet up with marco okay let's go [Music] whoa we're still looking for a platypus but nelson was such an amazing animal i want to see what other birds marco works with oh hey and there's marco hi marco hey bluffy marco what other animals do you have to show us today not why i want to show you more raptors just like nelson but he hunts in a different way which i'm going to show you right now okay i'm so excited all right here we go i can't wait to see this bird [Music] last whoa that was amazing marco what kind of animal was that ah that was a secretary bird so just like nelson the lantern falcon both found in africa and both raptors but they hunt in a very different way so i was so happy to share that with you and not only that he's a pretty big raptor but raptors come in all different shapes and sizes so we have another one we're going to show you right now follow me this way okay whoa i wonder what bird we'll see next that bird was so big come on keep your eyes out for another bird [Music] oh look at this hello hi whoa that last bird was so big but this looks like a really teeny tiny owl so cute what kind of owl is this she is called an eastern screech owl wow this owl is so tiny who would have thought there are really big birds and really small birds whoa our feathers are so amazing and beautiful do these feathers remind you of another animal we saw today yeah just like the snake yeah look this little owl has camouflaged feathers so she can blend in with the tree whoa what's this house name her name is roo hi roo you're so cute whoa her eyes are really big why is that right so she is a nocturnal predator that means she hunts at night so she's going to use those really big eyeballs to help her see really well at nighttime help her catch her little prey item whoa do you remember that word yeah nocturnal that means they're not awake in the day like us but they're awake at night wow brew is so amazing well all the birds we've learned about really like eating meat do all birds eat meat actually no blippi we have some animals that are omnivores that like eating two different things meat and plant material and we got one we'll share with you right now oh wow that's amazing and omnivore eats meat like a carnivore and eats vegetables and plants like an herbivore that's a lot of big words but let's go see this bird marco house come on all right let's go look at that look at it this bird is so big and colorful whoa hello wow oh what kind of bird is this this is a west african or east african gray crown crane and you can see that by the gray on the side of her body here whoa uh west african whoa wait did you see that oh yeah east african gray crown crane east african gray crown crane that's a really long name but a really beautiful bird deserves a really cool beautiful name whoa and what's that on their head it looks like spikes like an echidna yeah you actually a lot of people think that but you know those are actually tightly woven feathers so they're not sharp at all just like that big beautiful wingspan every feather is modified for very specific things she has feathers for flying she's got feathers to keep her warm she's even got feathers to track to make but those feathers it's a good symbol that she's an adult crown crane wow a grown-up whoa does this crown crane have a family she does have a family they're very social animals and she is like the other ambassadors we talked about for her wild brothers and sisters so we're part of her flock here at the bird show in the bird department and she helps connect people with wildlife wow these birds are so amazing thanks for sharing so many amazing animals with us thanks marco come from flippy i'll see you later whoa look where we are it feels like we're in the jungle hmm i wonder what kind of animal lives here hmm that's not a platypus whoa you see what kind of animal that is it's a sumatran tiger yeah they are really big cats that are really powerful [Music] look he's coming this way hello this tiger's name is rakan and it looks like he's getting ready for lunch yeah tigers they love to eat they like to eat meat because they're carnivores carnivores that means an animal that likes to eat meat and they have a really big teeth to help them do it front teeth they grab on to their food and back teeth that help chew the food it's really good to chew up your food especially if it's healthy food well maybe he's not going to eat lunch today probably feeling a little bit sleepy and having just a lazy day relaxing in this habitat it sure looks like fun to be a tiger [Music] look at him walk whoa he was moving really fast wow it is so fun seeing so many amazing animals but we still need to find the platypus we're gonna find him i just know it [Music] [Music] hey look at who i have here this is b and b is my friend whoa yeah b is a bennett's wallaby yeah a wallaby wallaby's kind of like a small kangaroo and she loves tasty treats she's eating some tasty leaves it's called peruya she is so happy whoa look wallabies kangaroos look they have really big feet and they love treats [Music] that was a treat yeah look really big feet and a really big toe yeah they have three toes one two three whoa she's having fun eating these leaves hey look do you see right here she has some really big teeth she has two top teeth and two bottom teeth that are really big incisors so she can grab the gruyere and tear it up and munch it up she's so cute i think she had a lot of that so maybe we can give her some sweet potato yeah wallabies they're herbivores which means they really like leafy greens and sweet potatoes whoa you want a sweet potato do you want some lettuce she took a little nibble i think she wants some treats okay i'll give her another treat because she's being so good whoa do you see this look b has a really big tail a b whoa did you see that yeah b likes to hop up there's a treat [Music] i like to hop too hey let's hop like a wallaby [Music] hey b do you want another treat whoa wow wallabies are amazing animals yeah and they're marsupials which means they have a pouch whoa that is so cool well maybe we can see if we can find a kangaroo they gotta be around here somewhere let's go hey whoa look at what it is they're western gray kangaroos yeah they're just like me the wallaby except they're not wallabies they're kangaroos they're both marsupials but kangaroos are a lot bigger than a wallaby let's go see they want a nibble on some gruyere come on hello hey do you want a tasty treat some gruyere hey isn't this really yummy you want some of this whoa maybe they want some hibiscus leaves they really like hibiscus leaves whoa look at him whoa these kangaroos are a lot bigger yeah you see their ears their ears are so big so they can hear really well and look their feet are even bigger than bees yeah a kangaroo so much bigger and their feet are so much stronger that they can go up to 30 miles per hour whoa that's really fast hey maybe they want some lettuce whoa yeah or maybe well we don't want to get too close because they don't like if we get too close hey look a little sweet potato [Music] whoa did you see their teeth really good for munching on sweet potatoes they're so cute and cuddly hey and do you notice something look it's the pouch yeah it's the kangaroo pouch right by their legs whoa and that's where little joey's baby kangaroos like to hang out yeah they grow up in the pouch i think i'm gonna give them some more treats hey there's a lettuce whoa isn't that so yummy really yummy and healthy whoa that was so much fun getting to see some western gray kangaroos well we still haven't found our platypus yet maybe we can keep looking and we'll find the platypus let's let's go hop to find the platypus like a kangaroo [Music] [Applause] look at this place i wonder what kind of animal lives here let's find out oh unique and elusive [Music] that means whatever animal lives here is really special let's see what it says [Music] this animal has a bill like a duck and lay's eggs [Music] has the body of an otter and the tail like a beaver hmm it's a platypus yeah we found where the platypus lives whoa it's really dark but i know we can find it come on [Music] whoa we found the platypus look at him swimming around his bill looks just like a duck and his body like a little otter whoa and look at his tail it looks just like a beaver's tail so cool oh look he's swimming under a log he loves to swim hello [Music] we made it outside that was amazing we got to see the platypus swimming around we did it thanks for helping me find him okay i'll see you around [Music] i had so much fun going on a safari with you we saw so many amazing animals hey what was your favorite animal we saw today i like that one too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me okay here we go b-l-i-p-p-i [Music] blippi good job well i'll see you soon bye-bye [Music] come on [Music]
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 1,211,238
Rating: 3.4748166 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, biggest zoo in world, worlds biggest zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, animals for kids, blippi zoo animals, blippi jungle animals, educational videos for kids, learning for kids, blipi, blippy, blippi san diego zoo, blippi visits, blippi explores, kids tv shows, zoo, kids, educational, education, learning
Id: 8sm6g1FwO6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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