Blippi Visits a Chocolate Factory! | Fun & Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] hey it's me flippy oh and look at what i have hmm some tasty vegetables they were really healthy but i'm really full now and after you eat a nice healthy meal guess what you get to eat next yeah dessert and today we are at booms candy in issaquah washington this is gonna be so tasty come on look at this place yum oh i don't even know what that is but it looks so good whoa hey some caramel some chocolate yum hey i think we should learn how to make some of these tasty treats [Music] chocolate chocolate chocolate i sure do love chocolate hey look at it look at it come out of the spot right here do you see whoa look at what i have a plastic thing that has some letters on it do you know what letter this is yeah it's the letter b do you know someone's name that starts with the letter b [Music] yeah my name does blippi hey i have an idea let's fill up one of these bees with warm chocolate ready whoa look at it and just squirt a bunch of chocolate right there okay now we need to take it right over here and we need to shake it and get all the air bubbles out of it and use this chocolate paint brush or a chocolate brush okay turn it on [Music] all right now that all of the air bubbles are out of here let's put it in the fridge hey do you know why we're putting it in the fridge yeah because remember earlier i said the chocolate is really warm and we need to cool it down so then it gets nice and hard chocolate is hard when it's cold see no chocolate on my fingers all right now the next step put it on this tray and we need to pop it out here we go [Applause] [Music] yeah look a chocolate b b what other words can we think of that start with the letter b um brown yeah this chocolate is the color brown what about b whoa whoa yeah like a bumble bee okay let's put it in this box box also starts with the letter b okay bye bye bee there we go hey speaking of boxing up chocolate check it out [Music] okay oh look at what she's doing she's putting a lot of chocolate in all of these boxes wow good job indeed thank you sir are you having fun oh lippy i'm having a lot of fun i really am cool well this is what it's gonna look like when she's all done isn't that beautiful it sure is okay now let's complete the process so we need to take this box of chocolates put this pad on top and then this flyer bones chocolates put it right on top and then let's put the top of the box on slide it inside the plastic push it onto the conveyor belt shut it perfect okay now we need to take this heat gun and this is called shrink wrap it tightens up the plastic makes it nice and tight there we go oh this is kind of fun whoa whoa yeah that's looking real good okay there we go let's flip it to the back and then once it's nice and warm and tight then you put on the bow [Music] just on the top then on the bottom and voila see got a beautiful box beautiful and box start with the letter b and booms does too now i can take it home [Music] b l i p p i flippy [Applause] [Music] this candy looks so tasty oh it's on a really long conveyor belt [Music] i wonder how it works oh can i try sure look over here [Music] let's take two pieces let's put one piece there and let's put the second piece right there and then it goes down this really long conveyor belt oh [Music] this adds chocolate to the bottom wow that's cool-looking and then it dries a little right here and it goes really slow do you see how slow it's moving [Music] another part that adds chocolate to the bottom wow [Music] that's really fascinating to watch [Music] [Applause] now that there's two layers on the bottom the next part is right here what are you doing i'm covering the mountaineers with a lot of chocolate so there's no holes so they're putting a lot of chocolate up top oh look that looks tasty meet me on the other side [Music] [Applause] what are you doing i'm adding white chocolate snow to the mountaineer check it out white chocolate snow [Music] [Music] whoa it's looking tastier and tastier and then right here it cools down and then meet me over here [Music] what are you doing putting these on putting these chocolates on the tray oh these chocolates that are complete now go on the tray watch [Music] wow check it out yum look at them they're like little triangles with some snow on top just like mount rainier wow yum oh look i have some chocolate in this plastic tube i cut the bottom off and now i can make a masterpiece ready um whoa it's coming out okay let's draw a triangle oh there we go good job now how about a rectangle [Music] that rectangle kind of looks like a chocolate bar hey here's a chocolate bar let's spell my name together ready b l i p p i yeah look blippi that looks tasty what else can we draw i know a bunch of squiggly lines whoa there we go when that dries it's gonna be super tasty whoa [Music] whoa look at this this is a giant bar of chocolate whoa it's really heavy oh geez have you ever seen a bar of chocolate this big i sure haven't okay what i'm about to do is gonna get really messy so the first thing we have to do is wear an apron perfect let's tie it on the back [Music] now that i have an apron on we can smash this bar of chocolate but hey this looks like a hammer right but this isn't a normal hammer this hammer is only used to smash this big bar of chocolate ready yeah yeah that was awesome one more another one there we go now it's in a lot smaller pieces but still really big so let's take this over to the heater but first we need to take the cover off of the heater and then oh look they did it for me thank you check out check it out whoa that looks like some tasty chocolate this heats up the chocolate so then it melts all right here we go all right let's put the tray back and then we need to take this big bowl and put it right down here because when i open this a lot of melted chocolate is going to come out ready whoa whoa that looks so tasty it's really heavy okay let's take the chocolate up here and what we're gonna do is make some rocky roads you know what rocky road is really tasty all right so since that chocolate was really warm we let this cool down just for a little bit see here's some tasty chocolate that's just slightly cooler all right so we have some chocolate and then we take some nuts looks pretty good and then we also take some marshmallows let's put the marshmallows in first and we mix them all up together okay here we go whoa yep you have to mix the chocolate and the marshmallows really good together so then you see no white you only see chocolate we're almost there [Music] all right looks pretty well mixed do you see that looks like chocolate covered marshmallows all right now we need to put the nuts in there so let's sprinkle them in stir it up okay here we go let's stir it up [Music] now that looks tasty alright so the next thing we have to do is take it out and put it on the table it's gonna get really messy so the first thing we should do is put on these really big gloves look how big these gloves are they go all the way up my arm whoa then let's put on this other one okay whoa i have two giant gloves on one two [Music] and then let's put another set of these small gloves on now we are ready let's give it one last stir [Music] okay let's put the mixing spoon right over there and what we're trying to make are really big logs that look like this do you see this whoa that looks tasty so let's take this put it on the table make it into a really long mound ready [Music] it feels so mushy and it smells so tasty [Music] there we go oh this is so much fun okay there's a little bit more [Music] okay this is a bowl that i sure want to a little bit lick all right i think that's all of it so put that right there and now i'm gonna shape it into a really long mountain type of shape that has a mound oh does that look good or does that look good all right so now what we do is let it dry and then we enjoy good job [Music] check it out now that's what i call rocky road [Music] oh do you see what i'm doing i am washing my hands and i'm washing them really good because what i'm about to do requires me to use my hands all right let's dry them off real quick oh this is gonna be fun all right now my hands are really clean so i'm gonna use my hands as thermometers do you know what thermometers are thermometers help you check the temperature and the temperature of this chocolate that i'm gonna use is really important and that's why i'm not using any gloves so i can touch the chocolate and make sure the temperature is perfect do you see this chocolate right here it's really warm so let's take some [Music] and put it on the table [Music] yeah just like that perfect i'll put that right there and then you spread it around just like this and what we're doing right here is making truffles whoa she's really good go look [Music] wow that's fascinating see i'm moving my hand around the chocolate to make sure it's the perfect temperature all right feels pretty perfect to me so then with my left hand i'm going to grab some of this peanut butter and i'm going to take some of this white stuff put it right there spread it around oh i have to keep moving my right hand it's pretty tricky it's kind of like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time okay let's see it's really hard and it feels so smooth okay that's gonna be [Music] the closest i can get to it see kind of looks like a perfectly round circle ball okay let's put it in my hand oh whoa okay and then looks like i put it on this tray just like what she's doing do a little swirl that looks pretty good let's make the next one a little bit bigger [Music] i'm not very good but practice makes perfect okay here we go all right throw it in my hand again all right here we go whoa that one has a lot of chocolate [Applause] here we go oh go watch her again [Music] all right i'll make one last one swirl it around put it right there let's squeeze some chocolate on top wow that looks like a tasty truffle all right now that i'm all done let's go wash my hands again let's go over here okay all right like i said i'm all done and those chocolates are gonna be so tasty you know what other chocolate might be tasty yeah i'm gonna lick the chocolate off my hands because i'm all done with the production of the truffles and then i'll wash my hands immediately after that was super tasty [Music] there you go oh thank you have a great day yum i am so excited to eat this doesn't it look tasty whoa wasn't that fun learning about all those tasty treats like this this chocolate dipped ice cream cone this is gonna be so good we saw the conveyor belt we made some truffles oh hey some friends whoa let's try some how's the sweet treats kids [Music] real good well that was so much fun learning what we learned today at foam's candy shop well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i good job all right see you soon bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout [Music] hello it's me blippi and today i'm at pv bakery in seattle washington whoa look at this place oh it's so cool yeah we're in the back yeah this is called a kitchen oh and look at what it is wow look at it wow this is an apron check it out look at those flowers yeah this apron is gonna help keep me nice and clean when i bake yep i sure ate a lot of vegetables today yep and now that i ate a bunch of healthy food we can have something yummy and sweet i am so excited let's go [Music] wow look at this place whoa there's so many cool things yeah like a measuring cup yeah you can put things in there and then know how much of an ingredient you have exactly in this measuring cup whoa or a giant spoon you can stir a lot of stuff with that oh whoa look at this yeah a spatula that's so cool okay right there for now whoa looks like we have some vinegar yum [Music] okay there we go wow come on whoa a giant sink yeah this is where i clean a lot of dishes oh speaking of cleaning dishes whoa hello look this is a dishwasher you put a lot of dirty dishes right here and then you close it down yeah that is awesome [Music] whoa check it out this is a stove top whoa you can cook so much food right here whoa there's so many stove tops whoa do you see the little fire right there yeah this is not a toy you need to be very careful when you're cooking [Music] whoa yum yeah look at these sweet treats wow these are macarons and they look so yummy look at this one this one is the color red whoa looks like we have some green and some blue and some orange whoa look i'll grab an orange and a blue my two favorite colors oh i'll eat these later whoa we have some black sesame cookies yum whoa and some ube cookies yum check these out open these up wow what color is that yeah the color purple yeah there's no food coloring in this that yeah that is the color of the food that was added into this cookie that's so cool okay put that right there for me to eat later whoa look at these cute things looks like what animal is that [Music] yeah a cow [Music] a vanilla cake yeah flippy party cake will you spell my name with me d-l-i-e-p-i flippy yeah and a triple chocolate cake that looks so yummy well hey maybe you and i can cook and make some of this yeah how about today we make some macarons [Music] [Applause] whoa check it out i'm washing my hands and i'm scrubbing them for 20 seconds yeah do you know how long 20 seconds is yeah it's about the same length as when you sing the abcs will you sing with me a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z hey there we go okay let's rinse them all off wow nice and clean now okay perfect shut up water [Music] wow and now i'm ready to make some delicious treats oh hey who are you hi i'm jennifer i'm the baker for candy bakery whoa nice to meet you i'm flippy are these the ingredients yeah these are some ingredients for some macarons what do we have here well first we have eggs and we have almond flour we have sugar and we have an important ingredient called salt and when you eat it it's really salty but when you put it in desserts it actually makes it sweeter and tastier [Music] that sounds so yummy and you said almond flour why are we using that rather than all-purpose flour so almond bar is special because when you put in macarons it makes it less sticky than flour and makes it really light wow that is so cool well hey do you mind if i mix all these ingredients yeah how about you throw all the ingredients into a bowl and throw it into the mixer and i'll go get the oven ready okay all right let's mix all the ingredients together and then we'll put it in the mixer all right first let's uh add the salt perfect then we'll add the sugar and then the almond flour [Music] hey check it out a small bowl medium and large there we go perfect and for the eggs oh wait a second i probably have to break them open all right here we go now i'm going to go put it in the mixer yeah [Music] hey check it out this is a massive mixing machine whoa look how big it is there's a giant whisk right here wow looks like there's a green on button a red stop button and a big bowl for me to add all the ingredients all right here we go pour it in looks like we already made some earlier yeah this is going to be a big batch [Music] all right now that all the ingredients are in there we need to make sure that the cover is closed we need to raise up the ball there we go and now we need to turn this to the on position there we go and we'll push the green start button in three two one yeah look at it next [Music] wow yeah the batter is finished this is a big bowl okay the next step that we need to do yes take some of this batter and put it inside these piping bags yeah what shape is this piping bag oh yeah looks like a triangle perfect do you see how you open it up yeah that's where you put all the batter but hey check it out yeah we have some batter already in a piping bag okay jennifer now that we have the batter in the piping bags what do we do now well first we need to cut the bag okay okay okay and we're gonna make some cow macarons to do that first you're going to need one big circle okay gonna make cow macarons and we need a big circle for is that the head that's gonna be the head yeah okay then we need two small circles on the top for its ears okay [Laughter] that's funny that's okay okay i see it yeah the head and then two ears here let me try all right there we go yeah it's just like that and then one ear two ears perfect that's gonna be one great cow okay do we fill it up now yeah let's fill up the whole pan all right let's do it [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun yeah now that we're done why don't you throw them into the oven for 20 minutes and i'll get the buttercream ready okay all right so i need to throw these in the oven for 20 minutes whoa all right so i'm gonna put on these safety gloves all right here we go wow i used my safety gloves because ovens are not a toy you need to be very careful okay what did jennifer say she said 20 minutes oh that's a long time wait wait a second you know what i like to do when i wait yeah i like to dance [Music] did you hear that yeah that buzzer means that they're probably done yeah let's open it up and then see the macrons [Music] that is hot and they look so yummy wow check it out now it's time to decorate [Music] [Music] wow that looks like so much fun hey can i try sure blippi you want to give it a try sure okay uh well looks like we have three colors here we have black and then uh looks like we have white and then looks like we have the color pink let's see what are we making oh yeah remember these from earlier yeah a cow a cute cow yeah has two eyes has two ears has some spots and a really cute nose okay let's put that down right here i'm gonna start with the black all right looks like do two eyes [Music] and we need to do the spots cute little hair thing on top [Music] okay so now let me move to the color pink all right looks like pink and put it on the ears and it's the base for the nose last but not least the color white and we just put a little uh oh i put a little too much but that's okay there we go how does it look yeah does that look like a cow wow that looks so good all right let's keep on decorating [Music] whoa check it out yeah a blippy party cake yum whoa what are these yeah macrons yum they're so tasty what is this though yeah does it look like my bow tie yeah it's an orange blippi macaron bow tie it looks so tasty doesn't it yeah well hey check this out i have two things of icing my two favorite colors blue and orange and check it out i have a flippy macron that's empty no colors at all so maybe just maybe we can use some of this icing to decorate it so my normal bow tie is orange but i'm actually going to use some blue too so let's just squirt some out whoa that looks cool let's do a big dot there do a big dot there how about one right there oh and one way over there whoa that doesn't look like my bow tie does it no that's okay though sometimes when you're being creative yeah actually all the times when you're being creative you can do whatever you want yeah like this check it out yum doesn't that look tasty yum and hey watch this i'm gonna do another big blob yeah a blue oh i will just finish that all the way across there and then i'll put some orange on top of that wow now does that look tasty or does that look tasty yum [Music] these are so tasty that has been so much fun making all these sweet treats with you hasn't it yeah i want to give a special thanks to jennifer at peony bakery in seattle washington wow she did such a good job and they are so yummy well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-o-i p-p-i flippy good job alright see you again bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and look at where i'm at whoa today i'm at young chefs academy in covington washington this place is so cool yeah where young chefs kids just like you can come here and learn to cook some delicious treats let's go hi blippi hey who are you my name is jeff riley oh nice to meet you chef riley hey do you mind if we go explore the kitchen go for it i'll see you in a sec okay let's go wow look at this kitchen it is so bright and colorful oh come on okay the very first thing that i need to do when you enter kitchen is wash your hands okay i'm gonna turn on hot water and then i'm gonna rinse them okay get them nice and moist and then we need some soap okay and we need to scrub for 20 seconds and one way to do this is to sing the abcs ready a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z okay now we can rinse off our hands [Music] get them nice and dry now once our hands are dry clean now i can put on an apron [Music] yeah an apron is used so then clothes not get dirty when you're cooking with some food all right and can't forget my young chefs academy chef's hat how do i look [Music] all right check it out this kitchen is so colorful do you see all these cabinets yeah whoa these yeah are the color green oh this over here yeah that cabinet is purple pink yellow [Music] and blue whoa i bet there's a lot of cool things in these cabinets whoa look at this some yummy vegetables hey you know what kind of vegetable this is yeah this is an orange pepper look at these yeah some green beans i sure do love vegetables all right i'm so excited wow i am so excited this is gonna be tasty i am looking at the recipe of what we're gonna be making today looks like we're gonna be making crispy green beans whoa those look tasty and creamy ranch dip oh this is gonna be so yummy and healthy i love vegetables and i love ranch dip i wonder if we're gonna be able to dip the green beans into the ranch tip yeah okay so it seems like we need a lot of tools and a lot of ingredients so uh let's get to it right let's see what's in here that we need okay looks like we need some measuring cups a small one [Music] a medium-sized one another medium-sized one and a big one put those right back here perfect then we need a juicer this is where you can put a lemon or an orange or a lime squeeze it on top and then all the juice comes out the bottom okay we'll set that down right there all righty let's see what's in here we definitely need some measuring spoons whoa yeah same thing just like the measuring cups measuring spoons of four different sizes from small to medium to medium to large okay right about right in there perfect okay oh let's see how oh oh wow a measuring cup this is what you put liquids and you could do solids but this is primarily for liquids and this is what you measure to see how much you have okay put that down right there oh let's see is there anything in here hmm there's a lot of cool things in here whoa look at this it's a rolling pin this is a small rolling pin and this is a big rolling pin well they're used to flatten things out i don't think we need those today but they're pretty cool because we can use them for drums [Music] okay not plain let's get to cooking all right let's see um probably right in here oh yeah two ingredients that we need breadcrumbs [Music] and flour perfect okay we'll shut this all right there we go and uh let's see how about some cold ingredients [Music] wow look at this fridge it's so organized okay looks like we have some cream probably for the ranch dip we'll set that down right there oh some cheese parmesan cheese okay we'll put that down right there and then we have some eggs yeah check this out whoa okay put those down right there for later probably shouldn't do that at home and then we have some mayonnaise put that down right here and some sour cream okay put that down and now i think we're ready looks like we have most of the ingredients and tools but this looks really hard oh no if only i had some help huh want some help with me oh sure hey hi i brought the rest of our ingredients that we need oh perfect okay well here's the recipe what do we do first first we're going to want to preheat the oven to 425 okay uh i know how to do that okay preheat the oven to 425 perfect good job thank you all right first we're going to want to do a tablespoon of flour into our bowl okay we're going to want to make sure that we get a true tablespoon because that is not accurate so we want to scrape off the extra flour okay hey can you do that sure okay looks like we need some flour let's do a little scoop and there we go and perfect great job lippy all right next we're going to want to crack an egg okay let's see so at young chefs academy we crack an egg using the table not the edge of the counter so that it doesn't get all over the floor okay you want to crack hard and use your thumbs to break open the egg just like that perfect you don't want to put the shell in a separate bowl okay here we go let's use the table there we go great job thank you we're going to wash our hands because we touched a raw egg [Music] all right there we go let's rinse them off it's really important to rinse off your hands and wash them completely after touching raw eggs or meat or anything like that now we're ready okay all right next we're gonna want to do a cup of panko okay so this looks about right yeah it's just panko just like breadcrumbs it is dried bread from okay all right let's use that okay one big scoop all right in the same bowl yeah oh so sorry in a different bowl okay thank you okay here we go perfect all right next we're going to want to add the rest of our spices which is garlic salt and salt okay so we're going to want to use a tea a fourth of a teaspoon of garlic salt in our panko okay let's go this one okay let's put it in the panko perfect and then half of a teaspoon of salt thank you [Music] wow salt is so yummy here we go can you use your whisk and whisk that up yeah check it out this is a whisk yeah how do you do it whisk with your wrist okay whoa this is a really good way to mix it all up yeah you want to use it like that [Music] all right next we're going to want to put our egg into this mixing bowl the clean mixing bowl that we have okay here we go put the egg in this bowl all right and we're gonna want to use a little bit of water in with the egg perfect thank you all right some water in with the egg [Music] perfect can you expect whisk that egg up with the fork for me with the fork forks are easier to whisk eggs than a whisk is oh you want to whisk it just like that okay so let's take the fork and let's whisk the egg whoa did you see how the yolk broke up and now it's all mixed up perfect perfect we're gonna grab a couple of handfuls of green beans right in here right perfect and toss it in our flour all right make sure you get them all nice and mixed up and coated in flour okay toss it [Music] wow this is gonna help the egg stick to the green bean okay interesting look they used to be green but now they're green and white hey remember how we washed our hands yeah good thing we did because i'm touching food with my hands you don't want to touch anything after you touch egg or raw meat you want to make sure you wash your hands okay all right now we are going to touch the egg we're going to the green beans we're gonna use two different hands we're gonna have our dry hand and our wet hand so we're not gonna touch the egg with this hand we're gonna put our green beans in here and toss it around okay take the fork out now tossing here we go whoa i'm spilling that's okay okay wow look at it there's so much egg on these green beans hey all right great now you're going to want to put the green beans into the panko toss them around real quick okay wow okay that looks fun and once they're nice and evenly coated in panko you want to put them onto the tray okay whoa these are going to be so yummy i know i'm excited let's put them a little bit nicer so that they're not so messy okay that way they'll cook really evenly when they're spread out on there there you go that makes sense oh i see because if they're on top of each other then the heat can't touch the whole green bean huh exactly you want to make sure that the whole thing is getting cooked we're ready for the oven okay go here you go thank you those will take about 10 to 12 minutes to cook whoa that was really fun making those green beans with you wasn't it yeah let's make some ranch the difference what ingredients do we need we need mayonnaise sour cream buttermilk wait did you say buttermilk yeah oh i said cream earlier okay so we need buttermilk yeah they're very similar but buttermilk smells different and it's a little thicker okay all right lemon juice dill weed parsley chives onion powder garlic powder salt and black pepper okay perfect looks like we have everything i think we do all right next we're gonna wanna so i have mine all mixed up can you put the mayo and the sour cream into your big bowl okay here's the mayo [Music] then we have the sour cream all right there we go awesome now we're going to want to do half a cup of buttermilk into your bowl alrighty there we go perfect all right now we're going to want to get our fourth 1 4 teaspoon okay perfect i'm ready and we're gonna use that for our dill right here okay parsley and our chops okay dill parsley and chives here we go next we're going to want our half teaspoon okay little bigger all right all right and we use that for our garlic powder and our onion powder all right let's give it a little scoop okay and then this one perfect this is gonna be so yummy all right perfect let's mix that up with our whisk don't forget we whisk with our wrist all right oh this smells so good once it's all mixed up we're gonna cover it and place it in the fridge to cool all right we only have three more ingredients okay what are they lemon juice salt and pepper okay first we want to juice our lemon so you have a lemon right up there perfect we have it cut in half and we'll use our juicer here we want to make sure we squeeze really tight pushing down and twisting it around to get all of that juice out okay yes i'll try oh there we go good job yeah when you take it off your lemon should look something like this yeah it's almost empty perfect okay and then we'll want to pour our lemon juice into our ranch okay here we go awesome mix that up all right we want to do one-fourth teaspoon of salt right like this [Music] okay put some salt in here there we go and a pinch of pepper so we'll go about three twists okay one two three perfect all right let's mix that up all right mix mix mix remember to mix with your wrist oh yep oh wow this is gonna be so yummy delicious did you hear that i did does that mean the green beans are done it does you want to grab them sure oh this is going to be awesome yum wow look delicious whoa check them out oh my gosh [Music] all right flippy it looks like our green beans and zesty ranch are all ready oh good those look yummy check them out whoa i am so excited thank you so much for teaching us how to make these of course you did such a good job come back any time oh well thank you see you later to you wow i'm so excited here we go yum that is diplicious so silly yeah you'd think because they're greens they're not good but hey trust me it's really fun to try new types of foods yeah like these yummy green beans that we made [Music] yum even healthy foods can be really yummy good job cooking [Music] wasn't that fun making those green beans and that ranch dipping sauce yeah it was so tasty hey if you want to check out the exact recipe you can go to young chefs academy website and check out their blog well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job all right see you again [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout blippi
Channel: Blippi Wonders - Educational Cartoons for Kids
Views: 10,149,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Nursery Rhymes, kids songs, toddlers, children, kids, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, kids learning videos, wash your hands, home school, online school, 123, abc, kids video, baby videos, kids cartoon, videos for kids, education, children learning, Baby Songs, toddler songs, babies, moonbug, kids tv, bus, animals, vehicles, videos for toddlers
Id: XETp4dzEWlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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