Blippi Visits a Bakery! | Learn to Bake for Kids | Educational Videos for Toddlers

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[Music] hey it's me whippy and today we're at leor the baker's place in scottsdale arizona and today you and i are gonna eat a lot of tasty treats whoa whoa look at this place oh hey lily okay let's get the shop whoa it looks so good whoa these look pretty good oh yum gingerbread cookies oh yeah this all looks so good oh and croissants right here [Music] ah they smell so tasty whoa whoa check this out strawberry marmalade wow that's really fresh and really tasty okay let's see what else would we like whoa [Music] look at how big these are geez look at that that is massive we need to get this one okay let's put that in our basket hey wait a second have you ever wondered how bread products like this are baked and made it's so big and pretty what are we doing out front let's head in the back and bake some stuff today let's go [Music] now we're in the back of the bakery whoa look an oven oh there's some tasty treats baking in there i'm excited whoa and look at this let's open it up and see what's inside whoa hello that's rising dough whoa that dough looks tasty okay let's close it back up and come back here whoa this room is where the baker is always at working along and making tasty treats okay let me show you around whoa look at all of these ingredients whoa we have some honey yeah honey's tasty ooh cooking spray sliced almonds whoa and look whole almonds wow and oats kind of like the stuff you have in the morning sometimes [Music] whoa pure vanilla bean no way this stuff takes like two years to make that's crazy oh and down here check it out it's flour whoa it's so soft and there's other kinds of flour see this is a lot darker than the other one the other one was white and this one kind of looks brown interesting okay let's put that away and let's get to baking okay first things first cleanliness let's put on our apron okay all right how do i look yeah let's do the baker's dance [Music] yeah check out my tools ooh the baker's brush yep the roller wow a giant rolling pin so then you can flatten out the dough whoa in a scrape in the baker's third hand whoa doesn't that look interesting [Music] and a scooper yep so then you can get a bunch of flour a sifter whoa hello you put the flour in there and then it aerates it and it makes it nice and fluffy okay check this out this is special mix i can't tell you what's in there you'll have to come here and check it out and taste it for yourself all right let's mix it up [Music] oh my hands are all flowery okay check this out okay let's put it right in the sifter and let me show you this whoa all right watch this [Music] whoa it's like it's raining special mix just a little bit more whoa all right now it's nice and fluffy there we go so let's put it back in the giant bowl all right there we go one scoop two scoops three scoops four scoops [Music] five scoops five scoops and a little extra so let's call it five and a half scoops all right now that it's nice and mixed we need to put in the oil and the water in the mixer this is one of my favorite parts okay check it out okay first let's put the water in there okay now let's put the oil ah that looks silly okay now let's get the special mix okay here it is it's really heavy okay all right let's put it in there here you go [Music] okay all right let's put that right there and now we need to roll it up and pick a speed you want to go slow or fast i think fast okay first let's roll it up perfect now that it's at the top let's pick either one two three or four let's pick [Music] three three is really fast get ready three two one look at it though whoa check it out that looks so tasty [Music] check it out get a closer look okay now the dough is all done so we need to take it out put that big thing right there and then let's grab our scraper [Music] look at it okay all right knead it a couple times perfect okay now let's put it in this taupe and put this right there perfect now we need to put it in the fridge and the fridge is this spot right here whoa just like where you keep all of your foods your cold fruit foods this is a fridge it's really cold it's so cold okay this one is ready so this one has been in here for a little bit so now okay make sure the door shuts perfect and here you go ready yep all right okay so it's ready i'll take it out for you there you go here we go okay now he's gonna cut it into small pieces watch him all organized in the meantime [Music] so check it out this one's ready and now we're gonna put it in this machine okay here we go uh-oh baker sir can you help us yes okay i don't know how to turn it on yeah first day ready one two three whoa okay so we're gonna be sure we don't put our hand inside already okay [Music] whoa okay now let's give this to him do you want it right here yes okay there you go you're welcome okay let's do another one ready whoa hello where are you okay here's another one whoa here's another one [Music] get ready whoa we've done three but it looks like i'm falling behind i need to go quicker let's put one in let's wait a little bit okay let's put another one in okay perfect here's one and here's two okay there's one here's two okay here's some more okay three two one three two one three two one [Music] oh geez okay last one [Music] whoa this is so much fun it was like this size and then it comes out kind of like a snake whoa okay here we are you ready i'm ready now what now we're going rolling we're going to open the door slowly slowly okay open the dough [Music] you feel good right yeah feels nice and good and it's getting really long dc okay yeah you're a lot better than me okay like that yeah a little bit longer are you ready we're gonna shave this okay eight okay [Music] okay with this one twist this one down underneath [Music] number eight number eight now he say hello blippi and he say good night hello okay there we go okay oh okay let's do another one [Applause] all right here's another one [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay are you ready i'm gonna try again okay one one two [Music] two and we're going to say hello and we go and say hello blippi and we say goodbye good night blippi really nice yes very good [Music] whoo they look so tasty now what do we do hey baby now we're going to bring the seed oh okay you grab the puppy all righty perfect good now okay so we grab one hey [Music] that looks good okay one more [Music] okay one two three [Music] that looks yummy okay let's do a couple more okay [Music] oh this is fun you get to roll these in the seeds hey all right i'm ready ready one two three there we go [Music] okay and then can we leave the last two playing exactly okay all right there's one [Music] and here's two perfect okay now the proofer okay the proofer yep let's go this is the proofer it's pretty humid in there and it lets the dough rise [Music] whoa okay here we go let's put one tray one tray right there okay bye-bye okay let's put this next we'll do a tray layers up okay how about right here okay and then these two plain ones let's put right [Music] here and then we get a weight good job whoa okay now we need to get the challah out of this thing okay remember whoa the plain ones and they're bigger they're bigger than before yeah perfect this is kind of like the mama's womb they grow really slowly it's nice and warm and humid in there wow they're way bigger than before but don't worry when we cook them they're gonna get even bigger and then they're gonna be nice and golden color okay last one [Music] all right do those look tasty or do those look tasty okay all right let's bring them to the oven [Music] okay here we go all righty okay let's open up the oven then we'll put them in ready one tray two trays three trays okay now we need to wait four twenty minutes now we just wait [Music] the challah is ready okay first things first safety first let's put on our oven mitts there we go let's open it up whoa let's take them out whoa look at how big they are and they're golden brown that looks so good good job okay let's grab this tray whoa these are colorful whoa remember making these very good job okay and the last one whoa yum okay let's put that right there let's close this up let's take off the mint wow wasn't that cool creating these from scratch yeah it used to be flour and some other dry products and then we added some liquid and now with all these other things it grew into some tasty baked goods i'm so excited to eat these yum [Music] [Music] did you hear that the boss said we need to bring him the croissant come on okay let's open it up okay let's take one of these out whoa those look tasty okay then we put it right on the tray right here whoa check it out whoa okay okay let's go bring him the croissants okay all right here you go here's the croissants thank you blippi you're welcome man now what do we do put this in the oven in 15 minutes okay so now we need to put these in the oven for 15 minutes okay let's open it up whoa so hot in there okay here we go perfect good okay close it up okay okay do you hear that what does that mean the person is ready okay so take this out okay okay let's take out the hot croissants hey blippi safety first oh safety first these are mitts and they keep your hands really warm okay this one looks really good check it out whoa that looks so tasty okay let's put it right on the rack okay now we can pick one let's spin it around check it out now we can pick one up rip it open and see if it's cooked i'm using the gloves because it's really hot ah smells so good and it's so flaky and soft at the same time yum [Music] now that everything is baking and also other things are rising let's see what else is in a bakery whoa whoa a sink yeah you have to be able to clean all the dishes whoa [Music] yeah check it out a place where you can even wash your hands yep washing your hands is really important when you're dealing with food okay let's turn that off okay whoa check it out it's like a miniature mixing bowl whoa and it kind of looks like a blender oh but or a food processor i don't know it's cool though whoa look at all of these things whoa a bunch of totes and containers let's count them okay we have one container [Music] two containers [Music] four four containers in that stack whoa a spatula some tongs that kind of look like spatulas [Music] whoa whoa a little ice cream scooper i bet you can scoop and measure a bunch of cool things with this whoa look at this whoa that's sharp whoa you can make some nice even lines with that when you cut a bunch of dough whoa whoa whoa okay let's put that back [Music] a whisk no way oh in a giant bowl check this out i have something fun to show you this is called the baker's drum yeah the baker's drum [Music] listen to this [Music] i love making music with things that i find like around your house or even at the bakery what hello hello [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna throw some flour right here first all right there we go is that enough yes okay where [Music] you ready rock and roll yep ready to rock and roll whoa look at it go for that thing it's flattening out really smooth look at how big it's getting [Music] oh look at how big it got because it used to be really tall but now it's really small but then it got really long and he's folding it on top of each other and it goes back through whoa it's getting bigger because it keeps getting squished down whoa okay another time to pull [Music] that looks so cool okay a little bit more flour good job thank you [Music] hey perfect [Music] oh look how long this game yeah oh okay check this part out [Music] [Applause] one two three okay all right [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] whoa [Music] look at how long it got oh remember it used to be about this big but now it's that big that is a really long piece of dough lippy you look chocolate yeah i love chocolate do you love chocolate yeah okay wow check it out [Music] that looks tasty okay let's spread it around here we go whoa [Music] this is so much fun it's kind of like an art project [Music] you have to get it all the way to the edges or almost to the edges hey whoa that looks tasty hey does that look good or does that look good [Music] hey chocolate chip slime okay ready chocolate chips time okay grab a big handful and start sprinkling whoa [Music] that looks real good whoa put a lot right there okay i don't know how much to do [Music] that's enough yeah okay a little bit more down here and then we're good to go here we go [Music] a nice straight line okay okay you ready to roll this yep one two three one roll this slowly slowly tight whoa you sure you don't do this before you look professional hello first time yep whoa i'm getting dirty [Music] oh oh i guess we roll all the way okay roll roll roll maybe you could make something at home just like this pretty hard though okay how does that look perfect [Music] it's gonna roll outside inside okay and roll the outside inside [Music] how does that look does it look good yeah it does okay so cool how we created this all from scratch you know it started out with just a few ingredients and now [Music] looks like a masterpiece are we going to buy these [Music] one two three four five sections open him wow look at it go okay he's cutting it in half the long ways you know there's a short way and a long way perfect [Music] okay now the fun part okay open them okay open them [Music] then you do a little twirly whoa this is so fun this is something or what yeah it's pretty messy but goodness yeah yum does that look tasty [Music] here we go hey just a few more [Music] i'll let you do some more he's a lot better than me let's do this one divide them by two then do a cross kind of like an x and then a little twisty and then do a little twisty there you go look at that yum [Music] whoa okay here's another one i'll do this last one so it looks like we're putting them in those boxes okay so here's the box [Music] inside inside let's get roofing whoa look at that wow whoa oh thank you hey whoa and there's another one [Applause] [Music] wow look at how tasty these look okay now they need the proof and then we can fake them good job doesn't that look good okay let's put it on the tray right here and then let's put it in the oven all right here we go it's nice and hot in there [Music] whoa now we get a wait yeah oh it's ready yum look at it yum yum yum okay let's go to the front so then we can eat some okay here we go [Music] oh you want some chocolate vodka yeah okay here we go all right yum yum can i have a piece okay let's try some okay um oh it smells so good tastes really good too hey do you like yours oh it was so much fun baking all these goods with you today at leor the baker's place in scottsdale's arizona well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well see you soon bye-bye come here see you later bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and look at where i'm at i'm at a super center but look at what it is it's a delicious apple i wonder how this apple got here [Music] every apple at the grocery store came from an apple field first you gotta pick the perfect fruit [Music] like this one this one looks really tasty and after you pick it you put it inside the bin with all the other apples [Music] let's try and find an apple together hmm do you see an apple oh i see one yeah look [Music] yum [Music] it all starts by a worker hand picking every single apple and then they dump their sack into the bins and when the bin gets full a tractor picks it up and takes it away now that the apples are all out of the fields and into the bins and the bins are full now we need to transport them to the trucks [Music] wow four giant bins full of apples and one red tractor [Music] okay the apples are now here at the semi truck [Music] now we gotta load up all the bins on top of the back of the semi truck with a forklift [Music] the bins are loaded on the back of the truck so let's go [Music] off to the factory we go [Music] we've arrived at the factory so now we need to take a forklift and get every single bin off the back of the semi truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now it is time to clean and package all of the apples [Music] look green apples now we need to empty the bins of all of the apples so we can clean them and package them [Music] the apples start their floating journey while the bins get emptied out look the bins are empty whoa that's a lot of floating apples then they get taken out of the water and scrubby dub dub nice and clean and clean some more look at all those bristles [Music] wee those apples look like they're having fun and then all the apples get sprayed with some water nice and clean and then they go through giant fans [Music] once the apples are all dry they get sorted they get sorted by the ones that look really tasty to eat and ones that don't look tasty to eat [Music] and remember the not so tasty looking apples yeah these are them they get to go up some fun apple escalators and then they get to go down some radical apple conveyor belts on their journey to make some tasty apple pie but we're not done there yet every tasty looking apple gets a sticker this is the sticker machine and once every single apple has its very own sticker they get put on what i like to call apple beds and then the next step is that those apple beds get put inside of cardboard boxes and some get put inside plastic bags [Music] [Music] oh looks like some of these boxes need their tops closed [Music] now that the apples are clean and packaged up we gotta storm in a giant refrigerator and wait for the trucks [Music] we're inside the giant refrigerator now it is very cold in here this is where all of the apples get stored wow look at how many apples there are that's a really tall storage building [Music] yippee the semi truck is backing up to the building so it can be loaded up with a bunch of fresh apples [Music] the apples are almost ready for you to eat we're currently loading them into the back of a semi truck all right forklifts just a little bit more apples [Music] now that the semi-truck is all full of apples it's gonna deliver them to the grocery stores [Music] it was sure fun seeing how apples get to the grocery store with you and remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away [Music] hey it's me flippy oh and look at what i have hmm tasty vegetables they were really healthy but i'm really full now and after you eat a nice healthy meal guess what you get to eat next yeah dessert and today we are at boom's candy in issaquah washington this is gonna be so tasty come on look at this place yum oh i don't even know what that is but it looks so good hey some caramel some chocolate yum hey i think we should learn how to make some of these tasty treats [Music] chocolate chocolate chocolate i sure do love chocolate hey look at it look at it come out of the spout right here do you see whoa look at what i have a plastic thing that has some letters on it do you know what letter this is [Music] yeah it's the letter b do you know someone's name that starts with the letter b [Music] yeah my name does blippi hey i have an idea let's fill up one of these bees with warm chocolate ready [Music] look at it and just squirt a bunch of chocolate right there okay now we need to take it right over here and we need to shake it and get all the air bubbles out of it and use this chocolate paint brush or a chocolate brush okay turn it on [Music] all right now that all of the air bubbles are out of here let's put it in the fridge hey do you know why we're putting it in the fridge yeah because remember earlier i said the chocolate is really warm and we need to cool it down so then it gets nice and hard chocolate is hard when it's cold see no chocolate on my fingers all right now the next step put it on this tray and we need to pop it out here we go [Applause] [Music] yeah look a chocolate b b what other words can we think of that start with the letter b um brown yeah this chocolate is the color brown what about bee whoa yeah like a bumble bee okay let's put it in this box box also starts with the letter b okay bye bye bee there we go hey speaking of boxing up chocolate check it out [Music] okay whoa look at what she's doing she's putting a lot of chocolate in all of these boxes wow good job indeed thank you sir are you having fun oh lippy i'm having a lot of fun i really am cool well this is what it's gonna look like when she's all done isn't that beautiful it sure is okay now let's complete the process so we need to take this box of chocolates put this pad on top and then this flyer bones chocolates put it right on top and then let's put the top of the box on slide it inside the plastic push it onto the conveyor belt shut it perfect okay now we need to take this heat gun and this is called shrink wrap it tightens up the plastic makes it nice and tight there we go oh this is kind of fun whoa whoa yeah that's looking real good okay there we go let's flip it to the back and then once it's nice and warm and tight then you put on the bow [Music] just on the top then on the bottom and voila see got a beautiful box beautiful and box start with the letter b and booms does too now i can take it home [Music] b l i p p i flippy [Applause] [Music] this candy looks so tasty oh it's on a really long conveyor belt [Music] i wonder how it works oh can i try sure look over here [Music] let's take two pieces let's put one piece there and let's put the second piece right there and then it goes down this really long conveyor belt oh and this adds some chocolate to the bottom wow that's cool-looking and then it dries a little right here and it goes really slow do you see how slow it's moving [Music] oh hey look [Music] another part that adds chocolate to the bottom wow [Music] that's really fascinating to watch [Music] [Applause] now that there's two layers on the bottom the next part is right here what are you doing i'm covering the mountaineers with a lot of chocolate so there's no holes so they're putting a lot of chocolate up top oh look that looks tasty meet me on the other side [Music] [Applause] what are you doing i'm adding white chocolate snow to the mountaineer check it out white chocolate snow [Music] [Music] whoa it's looking tastier and tastier and then right here it cools down and then meet me over here what are you doing putting these on putting these chocolates on the tray oh these chocolates that are complete now go on the tray watch [Music] wow check them out yum at them they're like little triangles with some snow on top just like mount rainier wow yum oh look i have some chocolate in this plastic tube i cut the bottom off and now i can make a masterpiece ready um whoa it's coming out okay let's draw a triangle oh there we go good job now how about a rectangle that rectangle kinda looks like a chocolate bar hey here's a chocolate bar let's spell my name together ready b l i p p [Music] hi yeah look blippi that looks tasty what else can we draw i know a bunch of squiggly lines there we go when that dries it's gonna be super tasty whoa whoa look at this this is a giant bar of chocolate whoa it's really heavy oh oh geez have you ever seen a bar of chocolate this big i sure haven't okay what i'm about to do is gonna get really messy so the first thing we have to do is wear an apron perfect let's tie it on the back [Music] now that i have an apron on we can smash this bar of chocolate but hey this looks like a hammer right but this isn't a normal hammer this hammer is only used to smash this big bar of chocolate ready yeah yeah that was awesome one more [Music] another one there we go now it's in a lot smaller pieces but still really big so let's take this over to the heater but first we need to take the cover off of the heater and then oh look they did it for me thank you check out check it out whoa that looks like some tasty chocolate this heats up the chocolate so then it melts all right here we go all right let's put the tray back and then we need to take this big bowl and put it right down here because when i open this a lot of melted chocolate is going to come out ready whoa whoa that looks so tasty it's really heavy okay let's take the chocolate up here and what we're gonna do is make some rocky road you know what rocky road is really tasty all right so since that chocolate was really warm we let this cool down just for a little bit see here's some tasty chocolate that's just slightly cooler all right so we have some chocolate and then we take some nuts looks pretty good and then we also take some marshmallows let's put the marshmallows in first and we mix them all up together okay here we go whoa yep you have to mix the chocolate and the marshmallows really good together so then you see no white and you only see chocolate we're almost there [Music] all right looks pretty well mixed do you see that looks like chocolate covered marshmallows all right now we need to put the nuts in there so let's sprinkle them in stir it up okay here we go let's stir it up [Music] now that looks tasty all right so the next thing we have to do is take it out and put it on the table it's going to get really messy so the first thing we should do is put on these really big gloves look how big these gloves are they go all the way up my arm whoa then let's put on this other one okay whoa i have two giant gloves on one two [Music] and then let's put another set of these small gloves on now we are ready let's give it one last stir okay let's put the mixing spoon right over there and what we're trying to make are really big logs that look like this do you see this whoa that looks tasty so let's take this put it on the table make it into a really long mound ready [Music] it feels so mushy and it smells so tasty [Music] here we go oh this is so much fun okay there's a little bit more [Music] okay this is a bowl that i sure want to lick okay a little bit more all right i think that's all of it so put that right there and now i'm going to shape it into a really long mountain type of shape that has a mound oh does that look good or does that look good all right so now what we do is let it dry and then we enjoy good job [Music] check it out now that's what i call rocky road [Music] ooh do you see what i'm doing i am washing my hands and i'm washing them really good because what i'm about to do requires me to use my hands all right let's dry them off real quick oh this is gonna be fun all right now my hands are really clean so i'm gonna use my hands as thermometers do you know what thermometers are thermometers help you check the temperature and the temperature of this chocolate that i'm gonna use is really important and that's why i'm not using any gloves so i can touch the chocolate and make sure the temperature is perfect do you see this chocolate right here it's really warm so let's take some [Music] and put on the table [Music] yeah just like that perfect i'll put that right there and then you spread it around just like this and what we're doing right here is making truffles whoa she's really good go look [Music] wow that's fascinating see i'm moving my hand around the chocolate to make sure it's the perfect temperature all right feels pretty perfect to me so then with my left hand i'm going to grab some of this peanut butter and i'm going to take some of this white stuff put it right there spread it around oh i have to keep moving my right hand it's pretty tricky it's kind of like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time okay let's see it's really hard and it feels so smooth okay that's gonna be [Music] the closest i can get to it see kind of looks like a perfectly round circle ball okay let's put it in my hand oh whoa okay and then looks like i put it on this tray just like what she's doing do a little swirl that looks pretty good let's make the next one a little bit bigger [Music] i'm not very good but practice makes perfect okay here we go all right throw it in my hand again all right here we go whoa that one has a lot of chocolate [Applause] here we go oh go watch her again [Music] all right i'll make one last one swirl it around put it right there let's squeeze some chocolate on top wow looks like a tasty truffle all right now that i'm all done let's go wash my hands again let's go over here okay whoa all right like i said i'm all done and those chocolates are gonna be so tasty you know what other chocolate might be tasty yeah i'm gonna lick the chocolate off my hands because i'm all done with the production of the truffles and then i'll wash my hands immediately after that was super tasty [Music] there you go oh thank you have a great day yum i am so excited to eat this doesn't it look tasty whoa wasn't that fun learning about all those tasty treats like this this chocolate dipped ice cream cone this is gonna be so good we saw the conveyor belt we made some truffles oh hey some friends whoa let's try some how's the sweet treats kids [Music] real good well that was so much fun learning what we learned today at foam's candy shop well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i good job all right see you soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Blippi Wonders - Educational Cartoons for Kids
Views: 7,319,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Nursery Rhymes, kids songs, toddlers, children, kids, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, kids learning videos, wash your hands, home school, online school, 123, abc, kids video, baby videos, kids cartoon, videos for kids, education, children learning, Baby Songs, toddler songs, babies, moonbug, kids tv, bus, videos for toddlers, blippi bakery
Id: f48jKji1O3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 51sec (4131 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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