Blippi Ice Creams and Popsicles | Food Videos For Kids

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[Music] oh hey it's me blippi and i was just dancing but it's really hot outside i wish i could take a break well no time for breaks when you're dancing [Music] oh do you see that whoa it's a popsicle cart and i love popsicles i think you and i should get a popsicle let's go hey hi blippi how are you what's your name i'm julia would you like a handmade popsicle yeah i love popsicles what flavor do you have this is cha-cha-cha it's mango pineapple and chia seed that sounds so yummy mango pineapple and chia seeds that is so yummy okay glad you like it do you want to see how they're made yeah that would be so much fun let's go let's go welcome to my kitchen wow look at this place it's so cool thanks now first thing you need to gear up oh check it out this is an apron here we go wow okay well what do we have here so these are all the ingredients we use to make our popsicles oh it looks like a bunch of fruit and vegetables yep you got it we actually use a lot of superfoods in our popsicles so you'll see kale and avocado and spinach and chia seeds what's this this is a coconut wow that's cool a coconut cool what flavor are we making i thought we could make popeye popeye yeah all right that's why i call it popeye um i don't know why i use spinach okay so here you go hold the spinach i was making a batch earlier so i thought we could just add to it okay so here's some spinach and what do you have strawberries strawberries and to sweeten it we use dates dates all right come on back oh okay so here's the batch i was working on earlier oh look at it all right that looks yummy go ahead let's add it in okay bye-bye spinach and then here are some strawberries and dates yum now what might be different about your kitchen is we have some big equipment we use here really i'm excited whoa look at that that thing is massive what does that thing do this is our immersion blender wow so you put it in whoa you hit the button [Music] whoa you go so that just blends it up into a liquid it sure does wow that looks so yummy well now what do we do now we're gonna put it in our molds and okay gonna get my trusty picture [Music] all right so it's basically three ingredients all blended up to make one yummy tasting liquid so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour it in and then you kind of just have to feed it through shake it around yeah may i of course okay here's some more whoa we got some chunky ones in there that's okay there's some more okay and then next what we need to do is we'll just put in our sticks whoa yeah like a popsicle stick have you ever eaten a popsicle and you hold on to the piece of wood yeah that's what we just put in there so it makes them so handy okay and now we put it into our extra special popsicle machine whoa what does this thing do it makes it super cold it freezes the popsicle in 18 minutes wow i'm so excited i sure do love popsicles hey check it out let's put it in whoa so is that just really cold in there yes it's actually made out of a special popsicle freezing liquid whoa all right i'm gonna maybe for later well now what do we do well usually when i wait for popsicles to freeze i like to dance okay let's go [Music] [Music] whoa does that mean it's done it sure does [Music] all right let's shake off that good popsicle liquid okay let it dry all right i'm gonna grab this house so we don't slip on it that'll make a fun dance move we have to put it in the liquid okay and what does that do it kind of softened it up so it comes right out last one there they are those look so yummy i am so excited go ahead try one okay how about this one wow yum that is so yummy [Music] yum that reminds me i gotta go back out and sell more popsicles okay well do you think you could watch the kitchen for me feel free to make your own flavor make our own flavor that sounds like fun see you clippy thanks for showing us around no problem but did you hear that you and i get to make our very own flippy flavor let's do this [Music] did you hear that all right you and i gonna make our very own flavor and i am so excited all right let's see what we have to work with all right you know what kind of fruit this is right yeah this is an apple okay looks like we have some grapes yum oh what are these check these out yeah these are lemons lemons are the color yellow wow and then we have some greens over here whoa spinach wow whoa it's like hair whoa oh this is kale and kale is really yummy and it doesn't like containers that's silly okay let's put these back in here so then we can continue to see what type of fruits and vegetables we have like this whoa this is so heavy whoa whoa oh yeah this is a watermelon and watermelons are so big and yummy do you know what color is on the inside of the watermelon [Music] yeah red and the outside is green okay just a couple more bananas and [Music] pineapple no okay so you can see we have this big bucket right here and we need to put a lot of the ingredients right in here can't forget about the strawberries we'll start with those here we go that kale let's put some in there [Music] you're doing so good oh apples okay we could put the whole apple in there but i think we should probably slice it have you ever had a slice of an apple they're so yummy okay here is our red apple slicer and then put it right in the center just like that and then you push down whoa look at that that is awesome slice the apples so then you pull them out and then you can put them right in our big bucket wow and you keep the cork you keep the core which is the center out of it because there's a lot of seeds in there speaking of seeds watermelons have seeds okay let's cut open the watermelon whoa i'm gonna be very careful because i'm a grown-up with this knife ready okay here we go chop it in half just like that flip it around [Music] wow look at that that looks so yummy our popsicles are gonna be so yummy okay um i have an idea here we go all right we have some bananas open those up here we go bye-bye banana and we'll do another banana yum here we go look at it is that looking tasty or does that look tasty [Music] whoa and remember we learned what fruit this is yeah the coconut all right these are a little tricky to open but it's worth the trouble so let's take the coconut opener [Music] we did it look at that whoa wow look at all that liquid i just want to drink it all up okay we'll put that in the bucket fur the popsicles whoa oh yum okay let's use this little coconut device and pull out some of the coconut meat yeah right in there yummy there we go all right perfect let's bring it right over here yum all right oh spinach right here and then we have a bunch of grapes we'll do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven grapes all right and then remember these we used these earlier these are dates here we go wow okay can't forget about the lemons we have so many types of fruits and vegetables in here here we go wow okay let's take these and give a little squeeze have you ever tasted a lemon before okay let's try some whoa that's sour okay let's wash our hands and then last but not least we have a pineapple we cut the pineapple just like that and see that yellow that looks so yummy so now we take this pineapple tool put it right on top and then give it a little twist wow look at that and then you pull it out check that out then take it off just like this and that's gonna give it some nice sweetness to these yummy popsicles all right i think that's plenty that's so heavy come on back here remember that next step that we do yeah she taught us that you put the bucket whoa right here you take the big blender whoa and we blend it up here we go [Music] whoa all right now it's all mixed up wait a second though we need the magic tool this is a giant whisk check this out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty it's adding some color okay let's put this right over here and then we can bring this up and grab this pitcher remember from earlier we need to scoop some out oh i am so excited pour some in let's grab another scoop okay here we go okay whoa all right i think that's plenty so let's give it a shake okay yes these are gonna be so yummy and let's take these sticks wow that's a lot of popsicle sticks put them right in there oh perfect okay now we need to bring it to the cooling station here we go set it down we did it all right now remember what we had to do earlier it's gonna take a long time so we get a dance while we wait did he carry dave oh you sure did the popsicles must be ready let's check them out woohoo all right whoa i am so excited hey we gotta drain them i can't wait to see the ingredients you use me too wow my two favorite colors yeah check them out blue and orange shall we try them yeah do you like them these are delicious flippy you know what you need to take those outside and go sell some pops awesome all right let's go try some sell some popsicles popsicles popsicles who wants a popsicle i love popsicles and that was so much fun learning about how to make popsicles with you at mom and pop shop in costa mesa california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job well see you later [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at priest point park in olympia washington and i am going on a hike i love hiking because you get to be out in the wilderness hey speaking of hiking i don't have a hiking stick maybe i could find one do you see one anywhere oh hey check it out this is a perfect hiking stick amazing it's so smooth there's no bark on it yeah i'm definitely not gonna get any slivers with this stick wow and look how unique this stick looks there's a bunch of knots in it yeah whoa that's a really cool stick all right let's test it out awesome and it's really strong all right let's continue hiking whoa whoa look down here look at what we found wow do you see this these are clam shells yeah do you see them whoa these used to be fully closed just like this and there used to be a clam inside but now there's no clam where'd the clam clam go wait a second do you see this this is a clue these are feathers yeah look bird feathers wait a second i wonder if a bird was hanging out right here yeah maybe it was having lunch okay well i'm gonna take one of these two feathers and put it in my bag and i'll show you something really cool later and one clam shell all right let me put it in my bag and then we'll continue on okay let's go oh gotta stay hydrated [Music] whoa look at this plant this plant is a fern wow it's a beautiful plant it's so cool looking oh hey it lost one of its limbs yeah yeah a bunch of leaves are on this i have an idea what if we keep this and use it for something really cool later let me put it in my bag just like this and then i'll show you later all right come on let's go [Applause] whoa check it out whoa an old tree yeah this tree used to be vertical and then it fell down whoa and when trees fall down they decompose and they allow for a great opportunity for insects yeah and animals to have a home do you see it yeah insects love to eat these type of trees yeah because then it allows for nutrients to go in the ground whoa hey speaking of bugs do you see this wow that is a grasshopper hello grasshopper hey i have something really cool in my backpack i have what are called bugnoculars let's see here bug noculars are great to use to see bugs up close so what we're gonna do is open them up here we go and then let the grasshopper jump inside there you go there you go just get right in there perfect oh wow the grasshopper is inside now so then if i close this up i can look through the eyepiece whoa and see it really close whoa check it out wow wow what a beautiful little insect okay we should probably let it back all right grasshopper go ahead oh back to your home you go all right i'm gonna put these back and continue on see you later ah i am getting so tired on my hike when i breathe in i breathe in oxygen [Music] and i breathe out carbon dioxide in oxygen out carbon dioxide but hey check this out all these plants and trees and bushes and shrubs they breathe in carbon dioxide and they breathe out oxygen they breathe in carbon dioxide and they breathe out oxygen isn't that cool yeah we're the opposite of them we breathe out carbon dioxide and that's what they breathe in and then they breathe out oxygen and we breathe in oxygen yeah we are a great team [Music] hey check it out do you see these these are pine cones how many pine cones do you see one two three pine cones pine cones are so cool looking wow hey chipmunks love pine cones because there's little seeds in there that they grab and then they eat pine cone seeds okay i'm gonna put this in my bag for later yeah for that special something that i was telling you about [Music] all right let's continue on [Music] whoa i spy something really cool let me tell you what it is i spy a half of a tree [Music] do you see it yeah a half of a tree [Music] check it out this used to be a whole tree yeah but now it's just a half of a tree [Music] oh that's cool hey that was actually really fun yeah i gotta see something so i say i spy it and then you get a look and search and find it okay i'll do another one i spy something red do you see it oh yeah look wow it's a butterfly a red butterfly whoa hey red butterfly how's your day going are you having fun just hanging around butterflies are so beautiful wow okay we'll just let it be alright bye-bye butterfly okay we should probably get continuing on hey check it out i just found a really good tree to climb on whoa be very careful when you're climbing a tree whoa whoa whoa what's that i spy something i spy the beach i love the beach wow i love the sand yeah and i also love the seagulls yeah wow i really enjoy hanging out at the beach all day long whoa wait a second what is this this isn't supposed to be here this is garbage who left this here i don't even know i am so mad this beach is home to so many critters and it is our duty to keep earth nice and clean yeah would you want your home dirty no i sure wouldn't hey i have an idea why don't you and i clean up the beach that sounds like fun ready three two one check it out i have my garbage sack yeah i'll put all the garbage in here and then i have my garbage grabbers yeah it's like a claw all right let's pick this piece up all right i'm using these grabbers because i definitely don't want to touch this i have no idea where that was before all right here we go okay i see a shell that should be there oh this should not be here this looks like a soda can yeah a pop can all right put it in there perfect we collected two pieces of garbage wait a second here's another one one two three our third piece of garbage there we go i am so happy that we're cleaning up this peach here's another one two three four the fourth piece of trash is in here two more one two three four five right here yeah six we collected six pieces of trash good job but we're not done yet this beach is so dirty here's the last piece all right one two three four five six seven pieces of trash good job that was so much fun cleaning up the beach with you all right i'm gonna put this in the trash can bye-bye garbage ah good job well i should probably get my hiking stick back so then we can continue to hike got it i am now ready that was so much fun today going on a hike with you we learned so much we got to learn about plants we played some search and find yeah i spy that was a lot of fun hey we even saw some insects ah yeah and probably most importantly we cleaned up the beach good job hey remember earlier that we found some things yeah we found this fern yeah i'm gonna show you something really cool with it very soon and then we found this shell yeah we found this pine cone [Music] and we found this bird feather wow okay we'll put that right there okay well this stick used to be a hiking stick that we used all day that was great but we're actually going to turn it into what's called a journey stick yeah indigenous people from different countries used to make what's called journey sticks they would collect things on their hikes and their journeys and then they would put them on their sticks in chronological order so then they can remember where they've been so let's do that now so let's take this big fern put it right there i actually have some orange string yeah i'm gonna wrap it around okay [Music] perfect doesn't that look good whoa pretty cool huh okay wow this looks so cool yeah it's like a stick with a fern on it okay what else oh yeah we have the shell that's gonna be tricky to put on there but i think we can do it there it is you see that yeah this is looking awesome and then we have this pine cone that i'll put right below that shell just like that and then loop this around so then they'll hold on to it [Music] all right we are almost done see we have the fern the shell the pine cone and last but not least [Music] the feather okay i'm gonna put it right up top right there see that all right check it out how does this look whoa [Applause] [Music] well this is the end of this video i had so much fun learning with you but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i blippi good job all right see you soon bye bye [Music] hey it's me flippy and look at where i'm at whoa today i'm at i fly indoor skydiving in seattle washington this is so cool yeah indoor skydiving yeah normal skydiving is when you jump out of a plane i'm so scared and then you pull out your parachute and go to the ground but today we get a skydive inside yeah there's some giant fans that push air and pull air up and then you're right here and then you're flying yeah i am so excited let's go hey what did i thanks for having me go ahead and head on upstairs to the flight deck we're ready for you to fly all right let's go come on light deck viewing area oh the flight deck must be right up here whoa i am so excited [Music] whoa here it is wow this is the flight deck yeah this is where you can watch but this is the flight chamber i am so excited whoa check it out inside the flight chamber it looks like there's a lot of colorful balls and a couple toys hey i have an idea why don't we turn on the flight chamber and see what items fly in the air first come on whoa whoa whoa wait a second we need some safety gear on hey right over here we have the yellow lockers whoa yep it's this one [Music] all right we have our goggles oh they're nice and clear protects our eyes perfect then we have some earplugs put it in the ear perfect roll it and here's another ear and they're both plugged so now we can go inside and see what items fly whoa check it out i have my tote right here and then i'm gonna see what items fly first it looks like we have some just normal wiffle balls a blue one and a pink one oh we have a rubber ducky hey look and a rubber chicken all right hey look over here oh a big basketball whoa all right let's turn it on and then we'll see what items fly do you hear that whoa the balls are starting to move [Music] hey i have an idea why don't i pour some of this water out and see if it floats in the air ready [Laughter] whoa whoa do you see that it's just hovering in the air see you later water droplets they're flying really high in the air i'll do some more a little bit more and then i have a secret toy [Applause] okay check this out all right now i have this really cool squirter right over here and i'm gonna suck it up [Music] all right now this is full of water are you ready [Music] normally when i squirt this it squirts out really far but now [Music] [Applause] that is a lot of water that was so much fun playing with all those toys and seeing what water does when air is coming super fast from below but the point of this place is not to play with toys it's to use our bodies and fly in the air ourselves so let's learn how to do this in the classroom whoa all right what do we do hey we're gonna watch a quick video teach you everything you need to know and then we'll go fine awesome all right i guess we get to watch a video [Music] oh what a cool video all right so now you know how to fly right yes that's pretty good couple of questions okay what is this straighten your legs got it how about this one bend your legs and that's to relax a little bit got it number one roll chin up all right you sound ready to go let's go get all your equipment on okay get your helmet your goggles light suits all right so i'm gonna put on all the safety gear on so then we can fly yeah all right looks like i have a lot of stuff to put on looks like i have my flight suit a helmet some goggles and some earplugs okay three two one check it out yeah yeah how do i look whoa i am ready to fly let's head to the flight chamber [Music] this is a high fly this is where we go really high [Music] oh that was awesome okay now let's let the expert go come on this is gonna be awesome whoa look at the whole machine wow it's so big okay here he goes [Music] whoa look at him [Music] oh that was so crazy did you see him he went up and then down and then spun around and wiggled just kidding he didn't wiggle he stayed nice and calm yeah it was so cool i had so much fun and when i went there's just tons of air pushing against my chest and my body and when i went smaller i went down but then when i expanded i went up yeah because there's more more surface area wow that was so much fun i cannot wait to do this again you did such a good job we have a flight certificate for you and we'd love to have you back what is this my certificate well done thank you so much wow i just got a flight certificate because i completed a flight at ifly yeah that was so much fun at i fly indoor skydiving in seattle washington whoa it was so cool being able to have air push me from the bottom and make me feel what flying feels like that was so much fun but this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Music] and check this out this is a giant moose and today you and i at northwest trek in eatonville washington are gonna see some awesome animals maybe we'll see a moose i am so excited let's go bye-bye moose [Music] whoa check out this radical off-road vehicle this is so cool this is what you and i are gonna take the tour in let's inspect it make sure it's nice and safe for us check it out these are some big wheels and tires whoa and look at that tread that is some big tread for some massive off-roading yeah check out that up there that is the canopy top just in case if it rains nothing will hit our heads it's kind of like an umbrella but for a vehicle all right let's check out inside whoa hey check this out hello hello northwest trek flippy's here can i come on the tour hey there olivia you're clear for the tour all right you heard him we're ready to take the tour all right first we need to finish our vehicle tour all right check this out this is where you fill up the vehicle with gas yep it's nice and full all right there we go oh now into the back of the vehicle whoa check it out whoa there's so many seats back here whoa this is so cool i'm gonna sit right here so i can get a bird's eye view of all the fun animals we're about to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those animals those animals are elk hey look at that one that one has big antlers that one is a boy and all those other ones are girls see you later elk oh looks like they're playing see ya let's go explore some more animals around here whoa check it out this is a bison whoa and do you see how it has some fur on the side yeah some really short fur and some long fur and that long fur is called a cape yeah that means this bison is a boy whoa this bison is so big it weighs the size of a small car [Music] whoa this is so much fun at the northwest trek [Music] whoa do you see that animal that is a moose one way i can tell that that is a moose is the thing that it has under its chin that's called a bell whoa and there's another moose over here hello moose hey moose do you see how that moose is moving its ears yeah they have some big ears they can probably hear really good let's see moose hello hey i was being really quiet and it hurt me [Music] whoa check out those animals those animals are big horn sheep can you see their horns yeah if you look at them from the side kind of looks like a circle wow what cool animals this is so much fun at northwest trek we are finding so many animals they are so cute [Music] whoa do you see this there's three goats right here hey i think you and i should count them one two three yeah three white ghosts oh they're so cute hello goats hey oh oh looks like two are leaving three minus two is one but they're still there so there's three oh so silly wow so cool that bison is massive and those goats are really small it's so cool that these two species of animals are living right next to each other and they're getting along [Music] wow northwest trek is such a great place to see animals that are native to the pacific northwest yeah well we gotta keep going because we have so many more animals to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those birds they're so big those are bald eagles do you see how that one has a white neck and head yeah because that is an adult but that one right there with the darker neck and head that means it's a juvenile which is five years and younger hey how old are you cool this is the wingspan of a bald eagle whoa it has a bigger wingspan than i do oh [Music] whoa do you see that animal that animal is a raccoon whoa raccoons are so cute yeah you can find raccoons in a lot of places like out in the wilderness and even in the city yeah sometimes i hear my garbage at night getting ruffled up and actually it's a raccoon just trying to find some food [Music] oh do you see that those are itty-bitty chunks of food for an animal called river otters i am so excited do you see those animals those are the river otters i was talking about earlier and they're eating lunch oh come check them out hey there they are wow they look really hungry river otters can actually dive down 60 feet under water whoa that's about 20 meters that is really deep check them out whoa that is a wolverine it has some really sharp claws and its teeth and jaw is so sharp it can crunch through bone whoa and these animals are really fierce they have to be fierce because they live in the wilderness what cool animals whoa do you see those animals yeah those are bears they're actually grizzly bears these are the biggest bears that we have in the pacific northwest oh they're so big and their smell is so good they can smell food from 20 miles away wow that's like about 32 kilometers that is so far hey i have an idea how about you and i act like bears so we get on all fours but when you hear music then you stand up and growl and dance like a bear ready all right act like a bear [Music] ruff ruff [Music] that was so much fun today at northwest trek in eatonville washington wow we sure did learn about a lot of pacific northwest animals today didn't we yeah i really enjoyed learning with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-e-p-i flippy good job alright see you soon bye bye [Music] come [Music] so on to learn about it'll make you want to
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 8,793,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, ice cream, ice cream song, ice cream truck, blippi ice cream, blippi ice cream truck, blippi popsicle, popsicle, popsicles for kids, blippi food, food videos for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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