Blind Ice Cream Taste Test

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Blue Bell would have kicked every one of those piss poor excuses of "ice cream"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Funkybuttlover69 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What is this weak "Trending" shit doing on here? Don't turn reddit into Facebook.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a cringeworthy video, holy shit. Grown men screaming for no reason, laugh tracks, wacky sound effects, the gimmicky spoon that hurt the entire premise.

Iโ€™d take those โ€œexpert tries to guess the cheap/expensiveโ€ videos over this any day.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/darknecross ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
= I scream, you scream, we all scream for an ice cream death match. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) - Good Mythical Summer. - The best part of summertime is that our beloved ice cream parlors can finally open their dusty windows, which have been boarded up for the cold, long, sparse, disease-ridden winter, and yell to the townspeople gloriously, ice cream is back, the ice cream is back, winter didn't kill us, and the ice cream is back. - I love that classic summertime tradition. Everybody loves ice cream, but what is the best ice cream out there? We could debate our local favorites, but today we're finding out the best possible pint of ice cream you can buy in almost any grocery store. It's time for (upbeat music) What Pint of Ice Cream Will Make Us Say Yas Queen. - Okay, we're gonna be tasting vanilla from each of the brands, because we think it's the best across-the-board indicator of quality. Sorry, we don't make the rules. - Actually, we did. - And we're gonna be rating the ice cream on a scale of one to 10, and also guessing which brand we each think it is. At the end, the highest-rated ice cream will be crowned the king of ice cream, and whoever guesses the most ice cream brands correctly between the two us will be the ice cream king. - Mmhmm, and here are the brands we're gonna be tasting. Haagen-Dazs, Ben & Jerry's, Tillamook, Blue Bunny, Dreyer's, and Breyer's. - Let's do this. (upbeat music) - Round one. - As you can see, we can't. - All of the ice cream will be served to us on the patent-pending commune spoon. Let's bring in the commune spoon. Where is it, where is it? Where is it? Is it, oh, hey, oh, oh, oh. Where's the ice cream in this commune spoon? - We were close. Be careful, I do not want to touch tongues with you, man. - Hold on, where? How much ice cream, they didn't put. Oh there's some over here, too. - Oh, I got, I got, I got some ice cream. Now that is, that's some good ice cream. - It tastes good. - But I have nothing to compare it to. - I think I got a little bit on my beard. Not a lot, but maybe just a tad. - You know, I think it's great, I have nothing to compare it to, I will say it's more on the icy side than the creamy side. - I don't think I'm gonna have any insight into this at all, because I very rarely get just straight vanilla ice cream. - I like a good vanilla ice cream. - And I haven't had a few of these. - I've had many of these, but not all of them, and the thing about Dreyer's and Breyer's that I learned was that they're totally unrelated, named after totally different people, and I kind of thought that Dreyer's was just some guy who broke off from Breyer's, and then wanted to thumb his nose, so I'm just gonna change one letter. - How about Dreyer's, it's drier. - But they are totally separate is what my research tells me. And by the way, I guess I'm giving this a five just since it's the first one. - Well you always do that, so I'm gonna do it as well. No, I'm giving it, I'm gonna give this one a four, because - Think it's a little low? - It just, it was, there's nothing really exciting about it, I know it's vanilla ice cream, but it didn't have a real richness to it. It was good, not great. - Little icy more than creamy. - [Stevie] You ready to guess? - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Dreyer's. - Breyer's. Oooh. - Did you go with Dreyer's? - No, I said Breyer's. - You said, oh, no, no, it's definitely not Breyer's. - Buh, buh, buh. (upbeat music) - Round two. - Alright, bring it in. I understand how the commune spoon works now. There's ice cream on, well maybe I don't. Where, oh. - Oh sorry. I think I might have just slingshotted it into your face. - Did you move the spoon Don't touch the spoon. - Well I was pushing down on the spoon. - I had to just suck it out of the spoon. I'm gonna suck a ball of ice cream out of the spoon. - You okay? Now I immediately notice that this ice cream, - I got a lot. Oh! - Oh, are you okay - I got a lot of ice cream. - What have you noticed about it? 'Cause I'm noticing something immediately. - It's cold. - Okay, what else? - It's better. - Much better than the previous ice cream. So whatever that one was, this one is much better. I'm saying, I went with a five before, man, I'm gonna go with a, at least an eight for this one. It's got a hint of almost, - Vanilla. - Yeah, it's much more vanilla-y. Do you have a hint of salt? - A hint of salt? - Yeah. - Nope. It is very good, though. It's got a more complex flavor, I got a huge ball of it. It was a little overwhelming. - What number are you giving it? - I'm gonna give it a seven, but what is it? - I have a guess. - Okay, I got a guess, as well. - [Stevie] Three, two one. - Blue Bunny. - Tillamook. - I almost went with Tillamook, but I haven't had that before, so there was no reason to. - Me neither (upbeat music) - Round three. - Are they washing the spoon every time? - I think it's a new commune spoon time. Probably not. - I just got chinned with some ice cream. Oh that, no, that's just the spoon, the spoon's just that cold. - The spoon moves a lot, and I don't know if that's you, or the person holding it. - That's not me. That's the person holding it. - There's a sharp end over here that keeps hitting me in the face, so I'd rather not get a fat lip. - Well, tell that to the guy holding the spoon. (Link slurps) Creamier, much creamier, right? - I was thinking icier. - Well, the taste is creamier, but the consistency may very well be icier. - It feels like it's got more air in it. Like somebody took a shortcut. And then, and now, - Air? - I'm getting, you know, ice cream has a certain amount of air in it that makes it fluffy. - [Stevie] Can we bring the spoon back in please? - Oh, the spoon wasn't even there? Dang, having a lot of spoon issues. - Traditionally, the thicker the ice cream, the less air that's in it, the nicer it is. It also has a slight, almost fake vanilla flavor as an aftertaste, did you notice that? - No, but I do think it's definitely not as good as the last round, it's somewhere in between the two. So between five and an eight is a what, six and half. I'm gonna go with a six for this one. - I'm going back down to a four. This one is as bad as the first one for me But what is it? I honestly don't know. - [Stevie] Want to guess anyway? - Yeah, I think we should guess anyway. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Blue Bunny. - Tillamook. (upbeat music) - Round four. - I've never felt, - Bring in the scooper. - I've never felt more lost. I just feel like I'm just throwing out random ice cream brand guesses with no indication as to what, there's no logic to it. - Wow, this ice cream is totally different than any of the others. It's so much smoother. - Oh, that's almost soft serve. - I think I know what this is, I'm all over this one. I've got the phone number, I'm dialing it up brring, brring. - Let me get some more of that, that's good. - You think it's the best? - Where is it? - I actually don't think it, I still think the second one, - I still haven't figured out my technique. I feel like a baby who's learning how to eat. - I put my lips on it and just suck. Like on a cow teat. - There was an audible ugh, is this gross or something? This isn't gross. It's just two guys eating ice cream out of a big spoon. - This one is so smooth. - You've seen that before. - Since it's the smoothest one, the consistency is top notch, but the taste is still not as good as my number eight. So I'm giving this one a seven. - I'm giving this one, it doesn't have as much of a rich vanilla esh-nesh to it. But I think I gave the other one a seven, I give this one a six, 'cause I do, you know what, I'm gonna give it a seven, as well, because the consistency's better. - And I'm pretty much betting my farm on knowing this one. - Really? - Yep. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Haagen-Dazs. - Ben & Jerry's. - Ben & Jerry's is not that smooth, is it? - Well, it is, because that's Ben & Jarry's. (upbeat music) - Round five. - Bring it in, bring it in. - Oh, that makes me want to go in, making pig noises. That's the way to get your commune spoon buddy to get in there. - Mmm, mmm, that's a good ice cream. Dang, it tastes exactly like the second ice cream. - I can't, what. - It tastes no different that that one. - I feel like they're giving, they're making yours higher or something. There it is , I found the ball. - Gosh, the noises that you're, it's like an alien dissection. - Oh man, oh. - That's good, isn't it, man. - You're right, though, it's a lot like the second one. - Which I gave an eight to, this is not better than that, it's exactly, exactly the same as according to my recollection, so I'm also giving it an eight, which I think is gonna become my new 10, - I think the consistency - You know what I'm saying. - Of that is better, so I'm giving this an eight, which I think is my highest so far. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Blue Bunny. - Haagen-Dazs. I think Blue Bunny's not a good ice cream. - Really? - Yeah, that's my hunch, but I can't say for sure. - Okay, alright, never had it, wouldn't know. (upbeat music) - Round six. - Alright, last one. I'm gonna try to have manners for this one. I've learned a lot of lessons throughout this process, I'm gonna try to do this in the most refined way possible. - This, my friends, is the crappiest ice cream of all of them that we have tasted this morning. It's not bad, unless you've had all the other ones that we've had this morning. Do you agree? - It's definitely not a contender for the best. - It's definitely the worst in my mind. I mean the taste is just blah, I'm giving it a four. - It has a little bit of that artificial quality that I was talking about with the previous one. - It's very mild. - Not a bad consistency. - Yeah, it's creamy. - I'll give this one a four, as well. - Again, I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's the worst. - [Stevie] Do you know what it is? - Yeah, definitely. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Dreyer's. - Dreyer's. That guy who says that he didn't rip off Breyer's, but we know he did. I've read the Wikipedia, and I still don't believe it. - Okay, can we take our blindfolds off? - [Stevie] Yep, take your blindfolds off. Who do you feel, - I hope we're right about Dreyer's, 'cause we were certainly mean to them at the end, especially me maybe. - Yeah, don't bring me into that. - If I was that wrong, I will apologize. - [Stevie] Who do you feel won this game? - I honestly was, it was a complete shot in the dark every single time. Link seemed to have some confidence with his guesses, but he's done that before, - But you know what that means? - And it's been bad. - I think Rhett won, but I don't think he deserves it. - [Stevie] Link, you got three correct. - What, that's incredible! - Yeah, I feel good. - You got three correct? - But Rhett. - Yeah. - [Stevie] You got one correct. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yay. - The last one apparently. - [Stevie] So let's bring out that crown for Link. - So that makes me the ice cream king. - [Stevie] And your favorite ice cream. - Ice cream for everyone. - [Stevie] With a total of 16 points is Ben & Jerry's. - Ben & Jerry, was Link right about that one? - No. - No, he was not. He wasn't right about that one. - [Stevie] And your second favorite was Haagen-Dazs. And your least favorite was Dreyer's. - Dreyer's, yep, okay. - We did it. - Hey, there was some logic there. - It's amazing what one letter change will do. It'll make your ice cream suck. - Alright, now you know what you should be eating. You're welcome. - We're gonna eat some more stuff in Good Mythical More, I believe, but thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Anita Houser from St. George, Utah, and I'm here at the famous Ben & Jerry's factory in Vermont, and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - It's easy to get distracted by that ice cream. Click through to watch us try some of Los Angeles' weirdest ice cream flavors, including black olive and goat cheese. - And to see where the wheel of mythicality lands in Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Shield your eyes from summer blues with these mythical sunglasses available at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,758,316
Rating: 4.8811264 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, good mythical summer, rhett, link, rhett and link, blind ice cream taste test, ice cream taste test, gmm blind ice cream taste test, blind ice creram taste test gmm, gmm taste test, gmm taste tests, ice cream taste test gmm, good mythical morning taste test, ice cream, vanilla ice cream, best ice cream, best vanilla ice cream, gmm playlist, #1336
Id: MidgYgFwgTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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