Blind Dating 6 Women Based On Their Bodies | Versus 1

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- What is your ideal body type? - [Woman] I would say someone who's like, fit. Someone who could definitely just like throw me around. Yeah. (girls giggle and agree) - Noted. (upbeat music) - My name's Maki. I'm 23 years old. I'm from Los Angeles, California and I do social media marketing. I would say my body type is someone that's very slim. Someone that keeps up with themselves. I wouldn't say tall but just someone around my height as long as she's not like three or four feet taller than me. (record scratch) - [Speaker] Okay, I'll... (overlapping comments) - Oh wait, sorry, wait, inches. (girls giggling) Sorry, I meant inches. I meant inches, I meant inches. I'm not the biggest or the strongest but I know that I have some great qualities. So I like my body. I'm always gonna be confident about myself. (bell chimes) Interesting toes. (loud laughter from girls) Very interesting toes. I'm gonna say there are some people that do keep up with their toes. There's also some women who I feel like my toes look a little bit better than. - [Woman] The shade, the shade. (overlapping voices) - What is your ideal body type? - [Sierra] So someone that's fit. Not really that they have to be really strong and very, I guess muscular but more that they have a confidence about themselves. Really the personality like really makes or breaks if I like them or not. And that they like the outdoors and being active 'cause if they can't do active stuff with me it's really hard for me to wanna like connect with them. - Okay. - [Maddy] Tall, fit, but not too big because I'm kind of a small person. So not like you can kill me. - Like they're kidnapping you. - Yeah. - You don't need to be a gym rat or look like Chris Evans. Although he's pretty fine. And Captain America's ass could like, you know I'd be down with it, but you don't need to look like that for me to be like into you. - I do prefer somebody who's taller than me. The most I'll go shorter than me is like two inches. Um.., I'm sorry, babe, not two feet, but two inches. (laughter) - I would say someone who's like fit and takes care of themselves. Someone who could definitely just throw me around, yeah. (giggles of agreement) - That's a turn, that's a turn. - Noted. - I have dated people of like all different heights and body types, so I don't, I don't discriminate over here, baby, I mean... - I noticed the tattoo "bittersweet" and I gotta say I really dig that. - Thank you, I appreciate it. - Now, are you lovely ladies into tattoos at all? - Oh hell, yes. (overlapping agreement) - Okay, music to my ears, I have three. - Okay, you gotta catch up baby, I got like eight. - Oh shoot. - I had six. - Quite a few of us back here have tattoos. - I only have two, I feel like.... - On our next date, we could go to a tattoo shop. (bell chimes) (upbeat music) - I'm probably going to have to go based on the feet. I love the answers from this one, but I'm going to have to eliminate number one. - Oh, hi, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Hey, you got tattoo. - I do. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - I don't know, they just, they were the only ones not really done. - Yeah, I hike and like lift. So nail polish just gets rubbed off. - Aw. - Yeah. - I like going hiking too. - Yeah. - I messed up. (bell chimes) - Okay so some are a little bit revealing and others, I see shorts. - Yeah. - Okay, what's up with the shorts? - My parents are going to watch this and... - Hi parents. - Yeah. - This is like conservative, I think for me. - Whoa, conservative, okay, okay, nice. And then number five? Oh, there's a lot of tattoos over there. I like that. - Yeah! (giggles) - Nice tattoos. - Yeah, I have like little kind of random bangers all over like little stick and poke style ones. I'm a stripper, so I'm like, in my underwear for a living, so this is also very conservative for me. - Okay, a stripper, what's what's your favorite thing about stripping? - The money. - The Money! (laughter) - I went a little bit more conservative. This is not the norm, I just, you know, I think there is something to leaving a little something to the imagination. - Right, right, now there was someone earlier who mentioned being thrown around? (laughter) - Um... hi. - Now I have a personalized question for you. - Oh no. What's your biggest turn on? - Um., probably, oh no, I can't say that. (laughter from all girls) I would just say like someone who cares about pleasing the other person more than themselves. - Okay, how comfortable are you in your own body? - I think when I was growing up, I wasn't but then as I got older, honestly I think that I kind of had a glow up, but yeah I'm pretty confident as you kind of tell. - Shout out to that. - I'm pretty confident and comfortable in my body but it was a process. Like I don't think it naturally came to me. I've always kind of been like the bigger taller girl and also being, like, biracial and growing up with like a white mom. It took me a lot of time to kind of be comfortable in my skin. - Back in school, I used to be made fun of for being like real skinny, I'm trying to learn how to love my body throughout all stages and be comfortable in it. No matter what it looks like. - I'm like cute all the time, so.., yeah. - Nice. - We all have our insecurities and I definitely have some but I go to the gym a couple times a week and I've been weight training for almost like the past year. And I feel like that's helped with my confidence and feeling comfortable with my body alot. - There's a lot of pressure in the industry to get plastic surgery and stuff like that. And I'm very pro plastic surgery. But it is something that, you know, just being around a lot of people who have it, you think like maybe do I need it? Should I get it, but I'd say for the most part I am pretty confident in my body. - [All] Yeah! - I like that, we love a confident queen too. - How confident are you in your body? - Yeah. - I'm definitely confident in my body. - Oh! - Yeah, I can tell. (laughter) - Yeah. (bell chimes) - How many am I eliminating this round? - Two. - Oh God. - Okay, oh my gosh. I'm going to eliminate number three. (bell chimes) - Okay. - Bye babes. (giggles) - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - Oh, I like your tattoos. - Thank you. - Damn! - We'll link up, it's cool, see ya. - Damn, this is hard as hell, like I don't want to eliminate anybody. Number two. (bell chimes) - Hi. - Hi, I'm Angelica, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you as well. I thought you were gonna be taller than me. So I was like...yeah. - Yeah, like I'm tall, it'd be like it's okay. No harm, no foul, it's okay. - Take care. (bell chimes) - Okay so let's see. What's your least favorite thing on your body? - Either my boobs or my nose. - Okay. - I don't think I'd ever get a boob job though. Even though like I'm kind of insecure by my boobs. I don't wanna be like, yeah I'm gonna do what you want me to do. So I'm gonna do the opposite instead. - What does that key mean? - It's the key to my heart. - I like that. - You want it? I'm gonna have to take that right now. - I'm confident, and I'm happy with the body type I have. But at the same time if I'm feeling insecure or if I'm experiencing like body dysmorphia or anything like that, it's almost a situation where it's not accepted for me to have those insecurities or voice them because somebody might be a different type of body type that's more targeted in a bad way with society. - So I will say like being a curvier girl, I do have like obviously like more belly and more leg than a lot of like Instagram models and stuff do. Obviously like everyone has their angles and stuff, but you could like kinda hide that a little bit. - Why are you single and what do you look for in a partner? - I'm single because probably because of my bad taste in guys, I've only been in one relationship technically and we never even labeled it because it was just so toxic and honestly like emotionally abusive. - I would say I'm single right now just because I'm a very picky person, I'm open to going out and casually dating and just having fun. I'm not necessarily like looking for the one or like anything. - I actually moved out here from the east coast with my ex at the time. So put on my best clown makeup and came out here and it did not work out. It did not work out. I'm looking for someone that's wholesome. (bell chimes) - Okay, so the person I'm going to have to eliminate unfortunately is number three. - Hi. - Hi. - Damn, I love your hair, that's sick. - Hi, hi Emily. - I'm Maki, nice to meet to you. - Nice to meet you, what's up? - I love your tattoos. - Thank you, I like your tattoos. - You have a nice story. - Thank you, you do have nice, he has really has nice eyes by the way, he really does. - Thank you, I appreciate that. I like the hearts. - Thank you. - I'm going to have to eliminate number two. (bell chimes) - Hi. - Hi. - I'm Christina. I'm Maki, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Damn, I don't know. Like you just seem very shy. I like your answers though. - I got like the same glasses as you. - You do? - What's your vision, are you near a farsighted? - I am near side where you can see, right? Right, yeah. - Give, give, give. - You wanna take my glasses, okay, for sure. Can I see with the... oh, yours... I don't know. (laughter) - It's like 3D, Huh? - It's like a little stronger than mine, so yeah. - Oh, I know, I'm sorry. - Don't be sorry, you good. - It was nice meeting you. - Thank you. - Come on out. - Hi. - Hi. - Hello, I'm Maki. - Can I hug you? (giggles) - Yeah, of course, I've been hugging everyone. - Hello. - Hi I'm Maddy. - You have nice tattoos and I like your answers as well. Especially with the key to the heart thing, that one was dope, that was dope. I'm definitely excited to see like what happenes. - This is awkward eye contact right now. (nervous laughter) - Can I have your number, instagram? - Y'all actually do make like really cute couples. So like if y'all don't date I'mma be mad.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 4,551,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: rZVLO9B2qyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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