Blessed Assurance - Andrew Cox

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[Music] kindness [Music] [Applause] babe No [Music] [Music] and I can see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh I've got the bed line live in the bathroom I've got the bed I'm alive in you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh it's great to be in church together aren't you glad to be in church this morning how many knows what you've come to do today those of you that cannot be with us Wednesday night you missed a great message if you haven't seen it brother William preached on this flesh and what this flesh is for and we found out that what the devil took two men to destroy us that we can take this flesh and God has given us the power to conquer it to give praise to him let me tell you what you've done with this flesh this week thirty-five hours you've watched television 24 hours you've been on your computer 15 hours you've been on the cell phone 17 hours you've been on social media that's the average person now that's a pretty active week I think after all of that we can come here for an hour and a half and get praise to the king of kings in the lord of war and give him the worship that he deserves as we magnify his holy name I had a great week and a lot of great things people's gotten the Holy Ghost this week been baptized this week but one of my greatest happenings was I call Veronica and I Martin I said how is Terry she said well he's doing better and we're thankful for that and I said well let him know I'm praying for him I said well let's do this put it on speaker soft phone and let him hear my voice and let me pray over him I said Terry he said yes pastor [Music] that's what he did to me and folks for two or three minutes Terry and I carried on a conversation so I called buck back yesterday and said he wasn't having that before the end had too many of those since that was quite a conversation y'all had that's just the beginning of what God is doing and I'm gonna praise God for that we had one gets the Holy Ghost in Jennifer's prayer meeting brought him up here and baptized them in Jesus name I give praise to God for that we're gonna go the Lord in prayer let's remember all of our spoken and unspoken requests let's remember mother today she's speaking for the Woodward's in Canada this morning tonight Marsha and Bonnie are in Ohio remember them Gentry is preaching in Mani let's remember him and then you have an unspoken request was signified that with a raised hand would you take the person's hand beside you would you raise it toward heaven and let unitedly pray for God to do a work in this place this morning and forgot to move not only in this place this morning else the Lord to touch us in a great way this morning hallelujah sweep over this place brother moko Jeanette Wallace Lewis Stokes Twyla Lewis Terry Westbrook we speak it oh great we speaking in your name Jesus we speaking in your name Jesus step across the aisle greet somebody let them know how happy you are to be in church with them and tell them let's praise God today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you may be seated I would like to say congratulation to Melvin and grace Tuvia would y'all stand back there brother sister Mia would y'all stand they have been married 71 years would you give them a hand [Applause] [Music] that is just wonderful I'm telling you 71 years as a while we've been celebrate Mickey now and 71 years as a while so congratulations glad you're part of our church and glad we can make those kind of announcements at our church aren't we glad to have all of our guests can we give them a hand this morning we're glad to have all of our guests you're not a member of PA we're glad you here there's a gift at our Welcome Center for you if you're a guest here please go by the Welcome Center we want to let you know how happy we are to have you it is a privilege to have you at the PA and we want to let you know that we feel honored that you're with us so if you're one of our guests stop by the information center we want to celebrate you being here with us we're glad to have all of our guests it is time for our Sunday morning Tod's and offerings [Applause] God's been good to us how many believes in giving of your firstfruits with Eurasia thank you don't forget remember that message that pastor preached I was wondering maybe people did not understand I have a full understanding of it because after that message God had been blessing to this church to which I'm thankful for never forget to pay your tithe it's one of the greatest things you can do you and your family will be blessed but you will also be in obedience to God when you pay your tithe and then your offerings are what you're blessed on and God has been so good to us that he's blessed us in a great way and we celebrate that now god bless this I pray over this great church right now I pray over our businesses I pray that you just be with these people God the economy in Central Louisiana and always the best but you've always blessed our people continue to bless their businesses with somebody lift your voice with me I feel like God can bless our businesses right now bless our families bless our homes this has been a mission giving church oh god bless the members of this church we celebrate that now in Jesus name Amen amen okay Usher's receive the offering and let's celebrate what God has done be sure to get a copy of this week's weekly it contains important information and registrations and details about upcoming events and I would like you to listen closely I need some men and I'll tell you what even some women could help us but tonight after church we're going to church prayer rooms everybody say 5:30 prayer room six o'clock pastor Gentry will be preaching tonight it's going to be a great night but after church tonight our men are going to clean the platform off we're going to be doing some remodeling up here and changing some scene with our platform to the next couple of weeks and tonight some of you men you can wear casual clothes and be prepared to work if you could help us after church would you stand real quick for 30 minutes 45 minutes thank you thank you could you stand good that's a good and any of you get convicted and want to join us we'll do that thank all of you men would you give them a hand please god bless you may be seated we will start soon as churches over will clear all this off and we'll begin to build our platform it's going to be great then next Sunday morning is freedom Sunday and we celebrate the freedom of America I thank God that I live in America don't you but that's not the main thing we celebrate Marcel I wish next week you would do a special effort to have how all that section filled with people that need deliverance I believe next Sunday we could have a Freedom weekend like we haven't ever seen how many's family has been touched by chemicals would you raise your hand next week let's all work to have them here amen if they hadn't already been delivered let's all work next Sunday morning for freedom weekend to see God do a great thing in our congregation you believe that I believe that God can do a work next Sunday morning I believe that can be freedom and we're gonna speak that in Jesus name let's get on our feet and prepare to give God glory for the things that he has done yes I will all I give you go another way for the things that you have done in Jesus name [Music] I can't the same guy don't never fails will not fail me now he won't fail me now in the way the same God Neverland is working all things I'm working all things [Music] monsieur de [Music] see boy Oh [Music] same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy yes and I choose to pray so glorify glorify the name of all [Music] but nothing can stand against hot you to pray single refine the name of all man cuz there is nothing like a sin again [Music] [Music] we speak his name where there is darkness here a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] salvation Redemption created [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] confidence because I've seen the faithfulness of God but still inside assume the promise of the shore I trust the power of your enough to seek your kingdom first beyond the barren plain beyond the ocean way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because I [Music] who you are [Music] right now boys rejoice for the lords of the moment I take any from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why don't we raise our hands right now I think that's more than just a song for a lot of us I think that's a prophetic word for a lot of us I think that's his provision for many of us in this room right now I wish we would be vulnerable to the presence of God and entertain him in a passionate way with our hands raised in our attention to the heavens come on let that speak loud into somebody situation right now [Music] god I know you will make away I know you will make away I am Not Afraid you will make away [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] Jesus name I am ever thankful for the presence of God that we are so privileged to enjoy and have her the Liberty to express ourself [Music] he's been so good to us [Music] [Applause] it's so good to us I don't know that there are any finer people in the world it's a privilege to be able to minister to you this morning I look so good I often tell our students I'd charge Hill with a water pistol for them we're looking at all y'all I think you charge Hill with water pistol for everybody in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I believe God is going to give us revival [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fantastic worship this morning thank you very much to a worship team being anointed let's look at song chapter 25 verse 2 in a few moments I'm going to give you an opportunity to respond and I would ask that you respond without any inhibition and that you would surrender your life together that we could pause our afternoon schedule and give God an opportunity to strengthen us and encourage our spirit soul and body Psalm chapter 25 verse 2 it'll be on the screen and you can read with me let's read oh my god I trust in thee let me not be ashamed let not mine enemies triumph over me I speak to you this morning from the subject blessed assurance speak that to your neighbor give them a high-five tell them they look good something and you may be seated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes let's receive that word I love you - I love you - I love you I love you - this the word was to turn to him and to receive him and he's receiving and wanting to receive us so for 15 to 20 seconds why don't you just pause and begin to soften your heart - what he wants to speak to us in what or in whom do you trust trust is arguably the most important part of a healthy relationship trust is strengthened by commitment I heard the story of a gentleman that was walking one night it was dark and he missed stepped and fill and in falling fell off a cliff on the way down he was fortunate enough to grab a piece of limb that was protruding out of the cliff and there he hung valiantly with all of his strength and he began to cry for help hell it's probably a little more loud than that but he was passionate in his cry when suddenly from his plea of request he heard a response what do you want to which he replied I'm holding on to a limb I can't hold on to much longer can you help me the voice responded yes I can help you to which the gentleman replied will who are you the voice responded back I am God man then you know well this is God this is great well what do you want me to do I want you to let go of the limb to which the man responded after thinking for a few moments is there anybody else up there that can help me too often that's our response to God in heightened moments in our life yesterday on some things of trust one lady said it was an article on the web I trusted my dog and I'm still alive another said I trusted a career coach and I now have the job of my dreams another said I trusted God with my finances and it paid off another said I trusted my trainer and now I am healthy another said I trusted my doctor and it saved my son's life it's intriguing to me that even our currency speaks to whom we should trust in God We Trust is inscribed on every currency that the United States has I brought a penny you can't see it but if you have some money you want to take it out and improve what I'm saying on this penny right here at the top it says In God We Trust even our great dollar bill with mr. Washington on the front but on the back it says In God We Trust those of you that have larger amounts of money then I brought today it would say the same trust it is those closest to us that we assign this beautiful word we trust and through trust we experience from their presence we trust those who were there when it was not convenient for them to be there we trust those who were truthful to us even when the truth was painful we trust the promise her when they could easily have broken the promise considering that our blessed assurance is unto him who loves us most for when we trust God we benefit not only from his presence from his truth and his promises that do not fail we are also saved from our trespasses and sins the beauty of trusting God the application of these two words joined creates incredible resiliency these two words have we heard repeatedly all of our life for the last three weeks we have been in a season of youth camps at the louisiana district campgrounds and i thank all of our volunteers that helped over the last three weeks encourage our students that attend our church and the even guests that came to our camps thank you to our volunteers for helping us but all of our life we have heard trust god our incredible sunday school teachers that minister here faithfully every sunday morning when i was just a wee little chat i was told trust god my dad and my mother repeatedly i guess i didn't get it the first time so they repeatedly told me trust god my family my friends those closest to me have always encouraged me in dark moments just trust god i feel and i believe that you would agree we have the greatest pastor in the world how many times pastor have you told me and this audience trust God it is certain the blessed assurance from which we can capture strength stems from our ability to trust God and His divine provision trust God two pivotal dynamic words we must embrace and apply Corrie ten Boom said and I quote never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God it is in crisis that she spoke these words and of a certainty it is in our crisis that our trust is measured crisis is often extremely unsettling the unexpected dreadful information many if not all have experienced it manipulates the strongest it shakes that which can be shaken it fills even the strongest Titan crisis raises questions that seem to be unanswerable if God loved me if God was real how could he ignore me if God if God if God that position of reason is shallow and incomplete we breathe elementary accusatory statements according to the extremity of our crisis in our tempest we capitulate our trust in him too readily we bought his promised abundance for the easier comfort of this temporal life trust God when an extremity we switch to if God if God if God if God easily we forget the Lord chose before us he will not forsake us God is our refuge hand streak the name of the Lord is a strong tower just in the Lord he is an everlasting foundation in the time of trouble he shall hide me those who seek the Lord will find him the Lord will fight for us he gives strength to the weak do not fear nor be intimidated I am your God he said I will help you no weapon formed against you shall prosper the Lord is my light and my salvation of whom shall I be afraid trust him in the day of trouble and he will deliver you the Bible chronicles such statements for our inspiration in dire moments but it is from Psalm chapter 25 that we capture the blueprint for blessed assurance in any situation Psalm 25 and 1 David Hunt to thee O Lord do I lift my soul yes very much so most of us had clever most of us get excited I applaud you David fantastic you did what everybody does in time of need how many of us in here in time of need do not cry out to God and assign God an individual you Lord it's not personal you Lord I lift my soul see David he cried unto God in a time of need which is great that's what we should do but that is not complete because David's shortcoming was his desire for control unto you God do I lift my soul I'm gonna lift it to you but I'm going to hold on to it I'm going to cry unto you but I'm going to hold on to it unto you do I lift my soul his shortcoming was his desire for control and his lack of trust his initial tendency was to support that which was not his to support that is what most do with the clinched hand we bring our situation and presented to God and we cry unto God here God here is my problem here is my situation and we hold on to it because we've learned how to manage our tempest and we've learned how to manage our distress and we've learned how to live with agony and pain and torment and we feel comfort and crying unto Him here not and we never release it to him but the beauty is not captured solely in twenty five and one and do not misinterpret me I'm glad that you cry unto Him I'm glad that we're confident in crying unto Him but we cannot afford to pat ourselves on the back as we cry unto Him not realizing our request is incomplete and our action lacks we lift our adversity to him yet we fail to relinquish our control out of fear that something worse may happen we have managed to control the terror we have reasoned and settled in our mind that we can cope with the adversity and the singular act of lifting our soul to God is inadequate we must also join our lifting was an unwavering trust David had barely uttered his thoughts before he recognized his air the abrupt correction is recognizable it's obvious to us notice the personal change from verse 1 to verse 2 God goes from you Lord to my god David changed from tidal assignment to personal relationship a personal relationship with him is pivotal yet it seems too many have Saints in God because they're supposed abilities are adequate to satisfy and we need a reassignment of our priorities you Lord needs to be coming every one of our lips my God because he is more than a title he is more than an object he is more than a cross he is more than a tune he is more than a resurrection he is my god can I want all the world to hear and I want all of the enemy to know and recognize he chose me I am NOT an accident I am NOT a failure I am NOT a mistake but he is my god every depressed spirit in this room every agony in this room every torments room I want you to hear the voice of God speaking in your life he is not just you he is your God [Applause] every sick person in this room he is your God every family that's on the brink of disaster he is your God trust God Psalm 25 and two they'll have it on the screen oh my god I trust in thee let me not be ashamed let not mine enemies triumph or over me and that is exactly what our perfect God desires he is not ordinary he is not an individual god he is a specific God he is whatever you need him to be he is whom you need him to be he will be there when you need him to each he is our personal God and he is infatuated with that assignment and so we must take ownership in him my god the emphasis of ownership rests on the foundation of David's unshakable trust my god I trust in you you are the source of my salvation David's awareness was encouraged by God's presence David's isolation was comforted by God's presence David's constrained heart was released by God's unfailing love so let our prayer mirrored David's prayer in the latter part of Psalm 25 verse 16 turned the unto me and have mercy upon me for I am desolate and afflicted and then at the end of chapter 25 Oh keep my soul and deliver me let me not be ashamed for I put my trust in thee the beauty of all the magnitude of it all is at the end David's last words recorded in second Samuel 23 give testimony of God's provision he says it like this God gave me an ever lasting covenant honored in all things that was my desire and that was my salvation Psalm 25 was a prayer under God but his last words were a testimony when I cried unto you and when I joined that cry with trust when I assigned you as my God not just you Lord there was a covenant that established itself on my benefit I could not escape the words to the beautiful song blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine heir of salvation purchase of God born of his spirit I'm washed in his blood this is my story this is my song I'm praising my Savior all the day long so the word this morning is very simple and easy to understand trust God unfortunate non-settling crises are God's opportunity to express his Dominion God takes great pleasure to be our source of provision so make room in your situation for the opportunity of encouragement surrender control of your manage suffering to God's promise of provision perhaps as I've spoken you thought this very scripture trust in the Lord with all that heart and lean not unto thine own understanding maybe if we speak it into our situation right now some of us will begin to grasp it and live in it so why don't you quote it with me trust in the Lord with all come on let me hear you say it lean not unto thine own understanding so I'm gonna give you a moment I'm gonna pause I'm gonna give you an opportunity right now in the middle of a message to begin to demonstrate what you just spoke into existence because every one of us have something that we have lifted up under God and if we can begin to join our lifting with our trusting I believe the supernatural will manifest itself in this room I'm gonna ask you to stand I'll have you be seated again but I'm gonna ask you to stand I feel this presence of God shifting in this room right now many of you have cried unto God and that's great and that is without air but as you surrender to Him and as you trust him he takes on his identity come on quick in your spirit yes yes [Applause] you're gonna have to trust me and you're gonna have to trust God right now I'm gonna abbreviate the rest of my message but in prayer yesterday at 5 o'clock I felt God speak to me in the way that he speaks to me and he said this if they will trust in me I will secure their soul I'm speaking with great anointing right now and you're gonna have to trust me and some of you doubt when people say God spoke to me now I didn't hear an audible voice of God but it is clear I could take you to where I was studying in prayer yesterday and God spoke to me very clearly if they will trust me I will secure their soul I'm not sure who you are and I'm not sure what trouble you have webcast I'm speaking to you as well but if you'll lift the cry under God and if you'll lift your trust in God he said I will secure their soul [Applause] I can't do it for you you're gonna have to do it for yourself the wind blows where it lists and now hears the sound thereof you can't proceed where it comes nor where it goes but it's the supernatural working in your life I'm gonna abbreviate the rest of the message but you can go to job chapter 19 to figure out what I was going to speak after that Joe 19 and 25 job is responding to one of the trends that it's spoken in his life the entire chapter of chapter 19 gives jobs response and in 19 and 25 he says this I know that my redeemer lives and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth that was at the end of his storm or near the end of his storm that was at the end of his question that was at the end of his Testament and job gives testimony I know or my blessed assurance is that my redeemer lives and he shall stand for all humanity to see that my redeemer lives so my question for you this morning is are you near the end are you ready to quit are you ready to give up his life corrupted your way are you seeking an answer to your question do you want a solution to your problem and if the answer is yes I'm gonna ask you to respond by moving from where you're sitting stay or listening or watching I know it was quick and I know it was brief but the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit God is wanting to step into your situation right now and give you a supernatural opportunity now I've felt very strongly that God was going to pour out his spirit in people this morning you may not understand what the Holy Ghost is you may not understand what water baptism is but God said trust me and if you'll trust me I'll secure your soul [Music] [Music] I'm gonna give you an opportunity to respond if you can't get to the front that's okay God is a personal God when I ask you to push forward but if you've gotten as far as you can get that's okay God is waiting for you I am persuaded about that [Music] I want you to hear this trust in God not defended by deliverance would confuse humanity and give a complete misrepresentation of who God is so that is why I have the faith this morning to speak to you that God will defend you with his deliverance because if he does not defend you he cannot lay claim to being God so in our crying unto Him and in our speaking unto Him there is something that captures his attention in the alignment of those two things that he stands tall for all to see for all humanity to recognize I am God and beside me there is none else [Music] Philippians two and nine and I'm finished and I'm gonna give you a moment to respond wherefore God has highly exalted himself and given him a name that is above every name or a name that stands tall above every name that you're gonna give to him here in a few moments God has highly exalted him that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth every name that you're about to lift to him he said I stand tall in it because I am your Redeemer so if you've been attracted by the presence of God this morning and you would like to receive the spirit that he has promised unto us 2:39 of X the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call if you're attracted by his presence and you would like to speak in that gift that he has promised us would she raise your hand for me if you've never experienced that and you would like to experience that for the first time let's switch it up together and gather some some belief in here if you have spoken in the spirit and you've spoken in the tongue that you can't understand we call it the Holy Ghost would you raise your hand now for those of you that haven't received leave it up I want you to look around look at everyone that has received the promise of the Spirit there is no reason why you can't speak in that language is a promise to you is as a gift to you so let's go back to the first question if you would like to receive the Spirit the Holy Spirit for the first time this morning when she raised her hand we're not gonna embarrass you I see a gentleman here with his hand raised I see a lady right here it's your gift it's your it's your God I see a gentleman here just real quick now I need someone that has received the spirit to find these people and indecency and in order because that's how God is he's a gentleman we're going to pray for them and they are going to receive the Holy Ghost if this morning you would like to speak a new language again we call it a refreshing a renewal in the Holy Ghost if it's been a while and you would like to receive that would you raise your hand I see the hands raised so those of you that are confident and comfortable in the spirit that is in you please find someone with the hand raised now the beauty of this is I'll give you an opportunity to move the beauty of this is none of us in here can manipulate the spirit we can't give it to you we cannot take it from you God gives it to you but as you believe as you repent from your transgressions and as you surrender and cry out to him and trust in him there is a promise that you will receive so begin to feel that in your spirit begin to feel that in your soul now for the rest of you that came to the front with faith and a God that can take care of your situation if you're in a dire moment a dire need I want you to raise your hand it's getting ready to explode in here it's brewing we can feel it raise your hand now for those of you that have someone beside you and a hand raised I want you to become the Oracle of the testimony of God then as they cry out and as they trust you minister under them and God will release the supernatural in their life do you believe it do you believe it trust you trust God trust God [Music] to an unlimited God there is no level of difficulty [Music] the measure of your suffering it's up to the power of his authority so lift your hands everybody [Music] everybody in the building those of you watching crying out to God and trusted him yeah receipt receive the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus receive the revelation of the power of the name of Jesus [Music] come on never seen the holy ghost I know all of heaven is rejoicing [Music] the tempest in your life [Music] come on let the supernatural be manifested in here let the power of God release itself in here demonstration of the spirit Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] the whole ego [Music] [Music] always be [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Pentecostals of Alexandria
Views: 3,294
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Id: aj71Wr-k_cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 51sec (4491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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