HEALING. Derek Prince. Audio sermon

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hello this is Don Basham and I want to say a few words about the tape message you're about to hear it's a message on healing by Derek Prince which was given as the last in a series of four messages on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and was taught in our Good News Fellowship Church in March we believe that it's an unusual message in that it has an unusual anointing of the Holy Spirit upon it those of you who are familiar with Derek's ministry know that his teaching is always clear and helpful and so it is on this tape but in addition to that we feel there is a really unusual anointing of the Spirit upon the tape which will enable you if you need healing to be healed in fact we've done something unusual with this tape in that at the end of Derek's teaching we've actually included a few minutes of the healing service which followed his teaching ministry a number of outstanding miracles were performed in the service and many many people were blessed and we trust that those of you as you listen to the tape who may be in need of healing if you will listen prayerfully and open your heart to the Holy Spirit you will not only receive a blessing from the teaching but you may be healed as well god bless you as you listen to this tape we've been speaking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit we might turn back there for a moment 1st Corinthians 12 verse 7 through 11 but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal or to give given to each one individually for the common good for the one is given by the spirit a word of wisdom to another a word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healings by the same spirit to another the workings of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these worketh that one and the selfsame spirit dividing to every man severally or individually as he will I pointed out that there are nine gifts listed there and that it's very common and I think probably helpful to divide them out in three categories the revelatory gifts the vocal gifts and the gifts of power the three gifts of Revelation word of wisdom a word of knowledge discerning of spirits the vocal gifts tongues interpretation prophecy the gifts of power faith miracles and healing now I want to deal mainly this morning with the three gifts of faith miracles and healings and on the basis of those gifts I'm going to be ministering to the sick in due course but I also want to say that I do acknowledge the revelatory get a word of wisdom a word of knowledge and discerning the spirits and it may well be in the course of the meeting that one or other of us will get a word of knowledge it might not be me it might be Jim on a hand very often a word of knowledge reveals that there's a certain person in the congregation with a certain specific sickness in a certain area sometimes it reveals further details like the person has had surgery three times and so on just depends how God chooses now we're going to make room for that type of ministry of that gift but I want to explain to you beforehand if that kind of manifestation of a word of knowledge comes for it's for your good if you're the person who's indicated by it don't be embarrassed don't hold back because God works that way to show you that he knows all about that he's concerned about you and that he wants to help you and this supernatural revelation is designed to impart faith to you so that when you know that God took the trouble to point out your particular need and problem in the midst of all these people here this morning it was because he wanted to impart faith to you that you'd be able to receive healing or whatever it is you need so there's always a purpose in what God does if this should happen well respond don't hold back don't be embarrassed don't think that people are trying to make a spectacle out of you that's not the purpose our sole purpose here this morning and everything we do is to help as many people as possible normally I don't get a word of knowledge in that way but when I do start the minister for people then sometimes I get a word of knowledge for instance a person will for physical healing and the Lord will show me that their basic problem is spiritual and that if that spiritual need is attended to the physical need will be taken care of sometimes God gives me a word of knowledge that certain people are going to be here you might think I favor those people but it isn't my decision and when I tell a person but they're going to be healed they're going to be here but if I could operate that at my will then I probably overuse it but I want you to understand these are as the Holy Spirit will and I want to make very clear right at the beginning that the Holy Spirit is the administrator of all the riches of Christ we said that earlier whatever we are going to get here this morning we're going to get by submitting to and cooperating with the Holy Spirit it's my desire to be sensitive to the way he leads and I'm inviting you to ask God that you may be sensitive to the more sensitive we are as a congregation to the Holy Spirit responding to it's moving and direction and prompting the more God will be able to do in the midst of us so I'm going to talk now primarily about the three gifts of power faith miracles and healings and I want to suggest to you that the basic gift there is faith and that very frequently it's faith that in turn triggers miracles or healings the kind of faith were talking about is not just the kind of faith that enables you to be come and live as a Christian Romans 1:17 says the just shall live by faith that's Martin Luther's basic tanks there is a kind of faith which we must have to lead the Christian life it's a continuing ongoing personal relationship with God it's really not so much theology as relationship I think it's beautifully summed up in the first verse of Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want David wasn't making a doctrinal statement at that time he was declaring his personal relationship with the Lord that's a faith relationship so a relationship of mutual commitment I'm committed to the Lord the Lord's committed to me and on the basis of that relationship I can make the most amazing statement I shall not want they'll never be any need in my life which will not be supply isn't that tremendous it's not on the basis of your theology you may be doctorally very exact but out of touch with the law it's on the basis of your personal relationship that's what I call faith to live by and uh there's a book of mine there with that title which you're welcome to obtain at the end of the meeting now that's not the kind of faith we're talking about now that's the faith every Christian has to have to be a Christian we're talking about a special gift in Galatians 5 Paul lists the nine fruits of the spirit love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance faith is both a fruit and a gift as fruit it's an aspect of character I think you can call it by two different sides of the same coin it's trust it's an ongoing steady even unshakable trust in God that's not affected by situations or circumstances it's also trustworthiness faithfulness steadfastness reliability but again we're not talking about that we're talking about the supernatural gift of faith what I call mustard seed faith Jesus said if you had faith like a grain of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain be removed and it would have to move now the mustard seed is singled out as the smallest of all see what Jesus is saying there is it in when we're dealing with this kind of faith it isn't the quantity it's the quality he cursed the fig tree it withered from the roots in 24 hours and when the disciples marveled at what had happened he said to them have the faith of God that's the correct translation that's God's faith God has all wisdom all knowledge and all faith by a word of wisdom even parts to us a little portion of his wisdom by a word of knowledge he imparts to us a little portion of his knowledge and by the gift of faith he imparts to us just a little portion of his own divine supernatural faith and while we operate in that faith we are just the same as God I hope you understand that I sent Reverend because it's not us it's God's faith now that kind of faith is always given for a specific situation to meet a specific need when the need is met the faith lifts and you're back again on your own normal faith this gift of faith is frequently manifested by spoken word not always but in many cases Jesus said you can speak to the mountain you can speak to the sycamore tree with the same kind of faith Jesus stood up in the midst of the storm on the Sea of Galilee and spoke to the winds and the waves and immediately there they did the remarkable thing is that afterwards he turned to his disciples and said where is your faith in other words why didn't you do it why did you have to leave it to me and when he cursed the fig tree he said if you have that kind of faith you can do what is done to the fig tree God has never rebuked us for having too much strength you know and I don't think we ever displease God if we sincerely and humbly seek to exercise faith it was that kind of faith that enabled Jesus to walk on the water and when Peter saw him doing it and realized he could do the same he asked for a word from the Lord the Lord said come so he was not a fanatic he was acting on the Word of God he stepped out began to walk on the water he was doing fine until he looked at situations and circumstances and he began to sink and he just had time before the water clothes over his mouth to say lord save me he didn't pray hour-long prayer Jesus reached out his hand and lifted him up but what I want to point out to you is Jesus did not say pooter Peter how foolish you were to walk on the water he said why didn't you keep on believing most of us in that boat we would have rebuked and criticized Peter for having the foolishness to step out and walk on the water that would be the average religious attitude I want you to notice the attitude of Jesus was exactly the opposite he did not rebuke Peter for walking on the water he just reproved him for not staying on top why didn't you believe bear in mind that faith of every kind is extremely precious the Bible says it's more precious than gold that perishes the most precious of all metal and it says in Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God religion doesn't do it prayer doesn't do it giving doesn't do it nothing does it without faith I've always been impressed by the fact that least always for a number of years that when Peter when jesus warned Peter that he was going to betray him he didn't say Peter I've prayed that you won't betray me he said Peter I've prayed that your faith won't fail it was inevitable in the situation but the weaknesses in Peters character that he would make that tragic error but Jesus said Peter it'll be all right there'll be a way back as long and your faith doesn't fail and Peter himself later wrote about the trial of our faith being more precious than gold that perishes I suppose he wrote from experience and I want to point out in every trial that you go through it's your faith that's being trying we often lose sight of that fact we get negative we become self-critical we say how did I get into this thing I'm all wrong I shouldn't be here and we begin to let our faith go don't let your faith go hold on he that cometh to God must what pray know believe that he is and that is a reward of them that diligently seek it's not enough to believe that God exists I suppose all of us here this morning probably believe that you've got to believe that if you diligently seek Don he will reward you do you believe that are you sure you believe it would you say so you believe Don you believe that if you diligently seek Him he will reward you that the reward is sure that it cannot fail bound to come I believe that but there are lots of times in the middle of seeking God diligently that I begin to be tempted to doubt it never doubt it faith ultimately is faith in God's faithful not faith in yourself faith in your ability faith in your gift faith in your experience faith in the faithfulness of God and if I had to leave one message behind to my family and succeeding generations as a result of my Christian walk I could say it in three words God is faithful that for me is not a theory it's a proven fact I trust him I believe in him now I want to talk primarily this morning about how faith leads to the workings of miracles and the gifts of healings I'd like to show you a rather interesting passage in Acts chapter 19 verse 11 says God brought special miracles by the hands of Paul you know the word that really excites me there the word special because if you analyze the significance of that word it means that in the early church miracles were normal but some were special how many churches today have normal miracle I've been in some churches where people have sat there for 10 15 20 years and never witnessed one visible miracle in all their day and some of them were Pentecostal churches interestingly enough well God grant us to have miracles and Lord we'd like special miracle turn back to Acts chapter 4 verses 29 and 30 this is a prayer that was prayed by the Apostles and the early church in Jerusalem was an honoured by the Holy Spirit and recorded in Scripture so I think it's a good prayer that's what it says Lord behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth thine hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy Holy Child Jesus there's a very specific prayer that God will grant signs and wonders in the name of Jesus and that he would stretch for this hand to heal do we dare to pray that prayer for us here this morning and they believe it will be answered you really believe that God would answer that prayer here this morning well then let's pray together you don't have the King James Version of the Bible will forgive you just have whatever is in your hand that's Bob Mumford says that was the version for news I want you to read it out with me and if there are a few different words the Lord will unscramble it in the heavenly computer up there are you ready now this is a prayer we're praying at this mall a prayer expecting God to answer it here and now Lord behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth thine hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy Holy Child Jesus amen do you say Amen all right well I want you to notice that it's very scriptural to pray for signs and wonders and healing those very spiritual men the apostles and the founders of the first church in Jerusalem specifically prayed for them I trust we'll never get so spiritual with it well more spiritual than they were now turn to Galatians chapter 3 verses 2 through 5 this only would I learn of you received ye the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith are ye so foolish having begun in the spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh have you suffered so many things in vain if it be yet in vain he therefore that ministereth to you the spirit and worketh miracles among you doeth he it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith and it's very obvious that the answer is not by the works of the law but by the hearing of faith I want you to see there that Paul assumes and he's writing to the churches in Galatia that in every church there would be somebody who would minister the Holy Spirit and work miracles he assumed the presence of such a person and he says something that is very significant and I want you to lay hold of it here this morning because it's going to help you the working of miracles comes through the hearing of faith in other words how we hear what the Holy Spirit brings to us through the word will determine how much we experience of the miraculous I'd like you to say that with me or rather after me the working of miracles comes through the hearing of faith so it's going to make a lot of difference to many of you here this morning how you hear and I'm not going to stand here and talk for the sake of hearing my own voice because I hear it often enough I'm talking for the sake of imparting to you faith and if you hear the right way faith will be imparted and if faith is imparted miracles will result so bear in mind there's a principle the working of miracles comes through the hearing of faith now just for a little while I want to take a few scriptures that relate to hearing and I want to show you that hearing in a certain sense is basic to our relationship with God whether we hear right or hear wrong is going to determine much of what we receive in experience from God turn for a moment to Romans chapter 10 verse 17 so then faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God all the modern versions will say the word of Christ which makes no difference to my present thought I remember in 1941 42 I lay for many long months in a military hospital in Egypt with a physical disease that the doctors were not able to cure as a newly spirit baptized Christian and continually I was saying to myself if only I had faith I know that God would heal but the next thing I always said wants but I don't have faith and when I said that I was in what John Bunyan calls the slough of despond or in modern English the long dark lonely valley of despair none of you've ever been there but I have and as I sat there in my bed day after day in that darkness of despair suddenly there came a piercing ray of light in the darkness that actually changed my whole situation and it came through that verse Romans 10:17 4 it says so then faith cometh and I caught hold of that simple statement in two words faith comes if you don't have it you can get it you don't have to stay without it and then I looked and I said how does faith come and the answer is by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now I could preach for an hour on that without stopping but I don't want to this morning I just want to say that faith comes as you hear the word that God speaks to you the Greek word that's translated word there is Rhema not law God's law Gus is the divine Eternal Word the total counsel of God which is settled forever in heaven as David said it's also the Word of God manifested in Jesus Christ in the beginning was the logos the word but Rhema is specifically a spoken word that's what it means faith doesn't come by the Bible that's a shocking statement in it faith comes by hearing the word that God speaks to you that that is the meaning is obvious because of the word hearing no one ever yet heard a Bible you see a Bible you can see white pages with black mark stone but that does not produce faith please note faith does not come by reading the Bible unless what you hear the voice of God and multitudes of people read the Bible and never hear God's Word and the result is they never get faith what turns the black marks on white paper into a voice that you can hear well no faith comes when it's avoid what makes it a voice the Holy Spirit that's right and without the Holy Spirit there's no way to get fake you've got to come to the place where you are so related to God that when you leave the Bible or hear a sermon or whatever way it may come and it may come direct to your mind without me mediated through any other channel you hear God's Word to you it's a Living Word it's a personal word it's not remote it's not theology it's something God says to you because he loves you because he cares about because you're related to him that's how faith comes by hearing the word that God speaks I just want to take a few other scriptures that bring out the tremendous importance of hearing in our relationship with God Jeremiah chapter 7 and verse 23 I haven't read yet around very much lately I can tell that the pages are hard to turn not that I don't love Jeremiah I love him thank God but Jeremiah Jeremiah 7 verses 22 and 23 God is reproving Israel for backsliding and turning away from him and he says this for I spake not unto your father's know commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices but this thing commanded I them saying obey my voice and ye shall be my people that's the simplest statement I know anywhere in scripture of how to be the people have gone obey my voice and ye shall be my people not read my Bible and ye shall be my people but obey my voice until it's a voice you're not God's people please understand I think it's a good thing to read the Bible but it's not sufficient obey my voice and I will be your God that's not sheets of paper with black marks on that's something living personal that you have to hear if you say well the New Testament was different oh no it wasn't you look in John chapter 10 verse 27 Jesus is speaking my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me Jesus did not say my sheep read the Bible he said my sheep hear my voice and that's how they follow me and if you can't hear the voice of the Lord you can't follow him there's no other way to follow him but to hear his voice now I want to point out to you in specific relationship to healing without any doubt the great basic requirement for receiving healing is to hear God's voice it's always emphasized first I'll show you just three passages of Scripture in Exodus 15 verse 26 passage that was quoted from the the words that Jim read at the beginning from the pray manual this is where the covenant name of Lord Jehovah Rapha is Foam the Lord die healer and I want you to notice the primary condition for having the Lord as your healer Exodus 15:26 God said if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to His commandments and keep all these statutes I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that he Lizzy I am Jehovah your doctor that's a perfectly legitimate translation that word is used in modern Hebrew for a doctor what's the great primary condition would you look there what is it if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God where the King James says diligently heart and the Hebrew says if listening you will listen one way that Hebrew emphasizes a verb is to repeat it use it twice when I lay in the hospital bed wondering what I could do to receive healing I read that Scripture and I said to myself what does it mean to listen listening and God answered me into my mind and he said you've got two ears the right ear and I left ear and to listen listening is to listen to me with both you your right ear Angela and I've come to see many people listen to God with the right ear and the devil with the left now what's the result mental confusion two different streams are coming and meeting inside that person shut your ears at the devil and open both years to go you'll never gain by listening to the devil and the long run he's got nothing good to sing I suddenly thought about something that happened that's why I smile got nothing to do with my message but I think I'll tell you anyhow about two years after my wife went to be with the Lord I met a man who told me this incident I never knew it had happen I remember being in the church which was Liberty Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh and I remember the night when I told the people forward and said that I would pray for their healing and I said in around the casual way that my wife also prays for the sick and you're welcome to go to her and I didn't know what happened but this was told me by an eyewitness there was a man who had been prayed for by another preacher in Texas for the healing of his eyesight he was wearing glasses and the preacher said now I've prayed for you keep on trusting God and he will show you when to take your glasses off so in this meeting in the pit in the Liberty Presbyterian Church the young man came up to my wife and the presence of two or three other people and he said he told her the story and he said I don't know whether to take my glasses off or not now normally Lidia would have said you thank God for the doctor and keep your answer sir but this occasion she said take them off and put them on the devil the man took his glasses off and was instantly healed in his eyes not merely the weaknesses eyesight but he'd been color blind and he was fielded in color blind now that's a Ramos sir that's something that God speaks to you personally doesn't work for everybody no imagine you can all just take your glasses off and see instantly but when it comes as a Rhema when it's the voice of God speaking to you do it it'll work all right let's look in Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 & 2 now Judah Army 28 is the chapter that contains the blessings for obedience the curses participe the first 14 verses are blessings and the next 54 vs. accursed and here is the basic condition for receiving the blessing it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments what's the great basic requirement for blessing to hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord to listen listening to God's voice all these blessings shall come upon thee verse 2 all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee I love that word over tank many people pursue God's blessings and never seem to catch them up God says if you'll just listen to me you won't have to pursue the blessing they'll pursue you and no matter how fast you're going they'll can't sure I tell you it is good to be caught up by the blessings of the Lord what's the requirement to do what the hearken diligently to the voice on the Lord with an attitude that you'll do what he says one final scripture and I'm preaching on healing I could never leave this out proverbs chapter 4 verses 20 through 22 now there are some of you here this morning who will be healed by miracle there are some of you who may not be healed by miracle and I just want to tell you don't give up God doesn't heal everybody the same way but here is one of the most all-inclusive specific promises of healing I know in the Bible and I just want to saying this is the promise that got me out of hospital and made me perfectly well when doctors could not heal me so I'm not offering you a theory I'm telling you something that would proverbs 4 22 22 my son bear in mind God is talking to his child this is not addressed to unbeliever but it's addressed to every child of God attend to my word incline thine ear unto my sing that did not depart from thine eyne keep them in the midst of thine heart for their life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh all right what more can you need than their health in all your flesh as I understand it health and sickness or opposite if you have health there's no room for sickness if you have health in all your flesh then there's no room for sickness anywhere in your body and the alternative reading for health is medicine this is God's medicine bottle take it according to the directions that's what God showed me when I when I came to this passage he said this is my medicine bottle the directions are on it you better read them I went back and I saw there were four directions for taking God's Word as medicine number one attend to my words an attitude of reverent careful attention number two incline thine ear notice where it begins with the ear unto my saying to incline your ear is to humble yourself when you listen to God it's to bow down that stiff neck of yours and let God tell you what he wants to say many people read the Bible with their minds already made up as to what God should have said and if he hasn't said that they just don't hear the inclined ear means be teachable that God tell you he's got something to tell you you don't know it all it says my words my saying I believe that's the written word and the Rhema you need them both my words are there but when it becomes my sayings the things I actually say that's what imparts it to you that do not depart from thine eyes them in the midst of thine heart all right there are four directions we're not going to dwell on them attend and fine your ear focus your eyes and admit them and keep them in the midst of your heart and when they get to the midst of your heart they'll do what God is promised because the next verse says keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life what's in your heart determines what you experience in life now the Lord helping me I'm going to minister to the sick I'm going to start in a way that's familiar to some of you it always embarrasses me a little bit you might not think so but it does basically the people that are in my spiritual stream tend to have certain specific characteristics they believe in physical exercise amen they're 100 percent pro-israel and they lengthen legs I discovered in my recent trip to Jerusalem that I had that disciple there really didn't know about the leading Baptist minister in Jerusalem both cast out demons and links and legs I was talking to him this time and he said that just recently he prayed for the wife of one of the professor's Jewish professors in the Hebrew University and the Lord had lengthened her leg praise God so we're going to start with this rather strange get to faith which the Lord has given me it's not to me only he's giving it to others but I'm talking about my son this is faith for people whose legs are unequal I remember Jim Chandler here when he was teaching I think this is correct you can correct me afterwards if I don't correct me in public now but he was teaching in Fort Lauderdale High School and my grandson Stephen was there in his class and they met on the basis of the fact that they both had their legs lengthened by me and I must say about Stephen he is a real persistent leg lengthen it there's just no doubt about that Stephen also has an unusual faith fatigue had many teeth filled by the miracle-working part of the Lord what I'm going to do is exercise this gift to say this is my faith you may not have it I do God gave it to me and I can basically assure you that in nearly every case where I minister to people that unequal legs they will be made equal visibly and virtually speaking immediately some things take more faith than others there was a man in South Africa last year whose left leg was two-and-a-half inches shorter than the right well I would never begin with a case like that but that takes a little you have to take two breaths to take that one but in due course after we've done some of the shorter leg lengthening we went on to this and his leg began to grow and straighten very steadily but it was taking a little while so I called another brother there and said listen hold on to his leg while it grows I'm going to pray for the other and in due course he took off his boot or his shoe which had a two and a half inch build up and walked down off the platform with equal length matter of fact when the report was recorded in a South African secular newspaper they stated that his left leg was a little longer than the right I don't know whether they realized that that it wasn't been the one that was shorter that miracle triggered many others in that situation and the man whom I picked on innocently just to hold his leg white drew got fired up with the idea and went around the whole area lengthening the legs of everybody he could meet and many dramatic miracles took place for that man's ministry now I want to make it clear to you that this is strange I agree if I'd been gone out of thought of another way to do it but God didn't give me an option he gave me again and when some good friends of mine began suggest to me that it wasn't very dignified for a well-known Bible teacher to walk around and travel around holding people's legs I thought well maybe that's right I'll ask the Lord about it when I asked the Lord about it this was the answer I feel he gave me I've given you a gift there are two things you can do with it you can use it and get more or you can fail to use it and lose it so I settled for the first option immediately and I praise God that in his faithfulness I have been getting more and particularly in Australia this past January when I had large congregation sometimes a thousand or 1,400 people it's obvious that you can't pray for say 700 people in one evening to have their legs linked and so I used it as a jumping-off point and a few people experienced specific visible miracle testified to it their faith was built my faith was built and after a while I said no I don't think I need to pray for you individually any longer I'm going to release the healing power of God into this entire congregation and I suppose about 50 people in different areas he immediately went down under the power of the Spirit without anybody touching and after that God showed me one sickness after another to pray for collectively in South Africa I pray for about 15 people at one time all of whom had arthritis and all of whom testified to being instantly healed so God has been faithful I just started this simple familiar jumping off point and then we see where we go from there I need to tell you just a few simple rules first of all I don't take people in a line I start with the people I feel it'll be easy to minister to I usually start with medically diagnosed cases of unequal legs because then more difficult for people to say that I'm making it up and when God touches you when your leg grows and you'll feel it and see it it will not be imagination it will not be mind over matter bear in mind that's a very vital moment in your experience that's the evidence that you are plugged in to God's supernatural power outlet now I plug you in but from that time onward what happens becomes your responsibility as well as mine and if you know how to respond to the supernatural power of God you can receive almost anything how do you respond not by praying not by being religious not by trying to have faith but by relaxing opening up to God and doing one specific thing which is thanking him most of us here Oh God half a billion think today would be a good time to start paying off now when God touches you don't be like a pump that has to be primed and I have to save you now God has touched you start thanking because that takes a lot of energy out of me which I can use better the moment God touches you spontaneously in obedience to me begin to thank him whether you feel like it or not and as you open up and thank him you expose yourself for God's power to do in you whatever is needed I'll give you just a few examples there's a lady named Helen dog who's a retired judge of the Supreme Court of the state of Virginia if you get woman's agloe magazine her testimony is the first testimony in one of the recent issues I was in a meeting in Falls Church Virginia and a Methodist Church which was not charismatic definitely not and this lady came up to me and she said mr. Prince I've been in continuous pain night and day for ten years there is no painkiller that can stop my pain I said what's wrong with you and she began to give me a long list of things I said hold it I don't need to know all that what you need is the package deal I said come this evening and when I pray for people don't be the first one in the chair watch what's going on and when your faith is built up then sit in the chance so she did that and after I've ministered for about maybe 20 minutes I said to her are you ready she said I am and she said it very definitely and I knew she want I put her in the chair measured her legs unfortunately one leg was shorter than the other it grew out I said there you are you're plugged in I stepped back and for the next 45 minutes and she told me this herself a--they National Prayer Breakfast last year in Washington where I met her and sat at the same table she said for 45 minutes I was under the power of God and when she came up out of that experience for the first time in 10 years she was free of all things about a week later she realized that God had healed it completely my wife said to her sister dodge what was it like when Lord heal you and she said it was as if 15 plumbers moved into my stomach and started joining up the pint and in her testimony which is printed in women's aglow she told something I didn't know that she had various pieces of plastic and stainless steel inside her intestine and when God healed her he just removed them and left no scar that's a written testament that all happened as a basis out of the result of my simply lengthening her leg in Mississippi in the Ole Miss University I had meetings tonight the end of my teaching which was not related to healing I offered to pray for the sick people came up one lady came up I said what's the matter with you she said I got cataracts on both on I was about to say to her I prayed I don't have much faith for I then I thought to myself why spoil it so I said sit down and let me measure your legs and well that sounds crazy - somebody's got cataracts in their eyes but sometimes God's foolishness is one of the men so she sat down in the chair her leg grow out I said god bless you and let it go the next night before I preached thought we'd have some testing so I said is anybody here was healed last night and up stands a lady with our face radiant looks me right in the eyes across the audience I said what were you healed up she said cataracts on both eyes well I thought it was a good thing I didn't tell her that I didn't have much faith now it was not my faith that heal but I plugged her in and God took over so that's what we're going to do now I want to say to you people that are in the congregation this is not a one-man show this is the body ministering to the body and so I want all of you that are believers to be in a prayerful reverent worshipful spirit and I want you to take upon you the needs of the various people that we minister to there are some people here with serious needs there are some people with incurable condition and I don't know how the Lord is going to lead but in it may be before we close that will be ministering to them I start off when I don't know what direction the meeting will take but the more the people are praying and worshipping and identifying with me and with the people I minister to the better results we get now is there anybody here with a medically diagnosed inequality of the leg and I have your legs your left leg that's short can you feel it growing now can you see that I want you to look you see all right can you see that you're exactly equal Donna don't take the shoes off and from all right her left leg grew out proximately I would say 3/4 an inch now you're the that's right you don't need that anymore Franco you have double curvature all right no I'm going to plug you in and after that it's between you and the Lord I want everybody to hear this frequently when a person has spinal curvature what happens is the short leg grows out beyond the long and then the long leg catches up that's what appears to happen in actual fact I believe that we see in the legs the manifestation of what's happening in the spine so if the short leg grows out beyond the long run relax it's all right okay but when that happens you're plugged in okay so that's a vital moment you just begin to thank God and open up to him and receive his power okay now your left leg is a little bit short not half an inch can you feel it growing now rapidly and there you are it's gone well beyond the other one in fact it's gone about an inch beyond the other one now the other one will start to move out you feel your right leg moving amen now you're under the power of God that's right he's touching you through and through thank you long that's all just worship God's again thank amen thank you me thanks you long that's right now the power of God is going right through your body that's it amen just don't fight the Holy Spirit yield to him thank you lord thank you lord there you are amen thank you long thank you Jesus that's all worship God I believe he's performing a miracle amen we thank you Lord we thank you Jesus we praise your name Lord we give you the glory we give you the praise we give you the on alone we worship You hallelujah thank you for us sista loan we give you the glory for what you're doing amen in the name of Jesus brother so and come up and stand behind your wife when just exercise faith on her behalf you can see God's power is touching our whole body don't put your hand on I just stand behind her and thank God for it all right sister has a curvature that was caused by an accident and she's had back trouble all her life which I would say is long enough now you prepared to get plugged in okay you see part of your back trouble is your left leg is an inch short can you feel it growing now that's right begin to thank you thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord now you plugged in begin to thank him father in the name of Jesus thank you lord thank you preciously hallelujah thank you Lowe's that's right now the God is touching you right now thank you Jesus corundum sin you can just thank him because you're healed thank you how many don't remember what's your problem on uh-huh all right your right leg is the short one and you get it growing now now you're plugged in
Channel: Max Ocheredko
Views: 155,363
Rating: 4.7502041 out of 5
Keywords: church, Bible, Holy, Spirit, teacher, teaching, sermon, preaching, Derek, Prince, Scripture, keys, success, life, Jesus, Christ, cross, saviour, christian, failure, promise, promises, milk, and, honey, people, word, of, God, Eucharist (Religious Practice), Derek Prince (Deceased Person), Gospel, Truth, Salvation, Prophecy, Hebrew, причастие, евхаристия, учение, освобождение, учитель, Библия, Дерек, Принс, grace, enjoy, joy, благодать, audio, English, healing, sickness, sick, pain
Id: p9papr-bj5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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