Blender Bulgarov Style #1 | Blender #17

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hello in this video i will show you how you can use blender to model like vitalitable gareth and get this kind of style so pretty much you can find a link to this page in the description with the first thing there and basically the talib has various things for sale he has both subdividable and non-symmetrical parts for cell and we're looking at these it's other vital parts so the sub d stands for subdivision so pretty much have a look here through the various models and do your best to try and replicate them in blender you can see we have two types of models we have these more organic smooth models and we also have this more angular model i'm going to take a look at this more angular model right here because these little bit more advanced but these angular models are a great way to start making some more advanced designs and shapes in blender and with polygons in general you can still of course remember from this video even if you don't use blender because a lot of the polygonal modeling programs have similar features so i recommend if you're new to modeling especially with polygons start with something like this for example or like this you know trying to recreate these shapes as best as you can even a simple shape like this can teach you a lot not just about the various tools in your program but just about getting an eye for design and how can you have good curves and angles just to make nice looking shapes here how about something like this for example i think a lot of users in blender they will have this approach where it's booleans or it's nothing and pretty much when all you do is rely on booleans you're pretty much limiting yourself to just what booleans can do and you're kind of ignoring a lot of the shapes and potential designs you can get from combining booleans with more organic curvy subdivision shapes you know for example look at this interesting shape right here this one so let's get into blender and i'm just going to have pure ref right here you can press ctrl shift a to have it always be here we can for example take a look at this as we're modeling all right so i'm going to press shift a mesh and start with a plane we're breaking from tradition this time we're not starting with the cube so i'm going to tab all right so what can we do is i'm first going to just rotate this whole thing all right and so i'm just going to scale it as well all right and so we're going to use the cut tool or the knife tool and blender to begin cutting out our initial shape so pretty much just use your imagination and cut something out you see i'm kind of just imagine what it could be all right there we go we can press e for a new cut and now i'm going to work out the topology left click left click e for a new cut left click left click e left click left click e and then space to confirm all right now i can pretty much select these polygons holding down shift to add additional ones and then x and then we're going to delete the faces all right so just like that interesting shape but right now you notice it's way too flat so let's make it more interesting by selecting certain faces and kind of moving it a little bit here i'm moving just in screen space where you can pretty much left click anywhere to move it all right hold shift and left click to deselect this and let's move this a little bit more there we go now it's looking a lot more interesting from all angles not just the front right here but the side and even this right here so that's the thing you don't just want to leave a flat shape you always want to be kind of get interesting shapes right here all right so we're going to press shift d and then middle click to limit it to this axis and we'll left click so that way we're going to have kind of a progression line of what we're going to do in every single stage all right so what can we start to do here well let's try to celebrate this and see what we get so i'm gonna press ctrl 1 all right we're going to get this and i'm going to say that's fine so i'm going to go into the modifier panel i'm going to apply this we're going to exit out of edit mode pressing tab we're going to apply all right tab to go back into edit mode all right after doing this i'm just going to move these out a little bit here so even though this is kind of curved things it's not a bad thing you can sometimes use these various features to kind of further correct this now maybe maybe having this be curved gives me an extra idea so sometimes you want to kind of work with the mistakes or work with the undesirable features so now i've got this this is what i like to call awkward quad but it's fine for now all right there we go all right so now we can start to do i'm going to go ahead and shift d here is step two all right so next before we add thickness we can start to figure out if we want some holes anywhere because you notice on this mesh for example we have one two three of these holes so i can start look at this and start to see okay what about a hole well maybe down here so before i do that though i am going to a just like everything i'm going to inset all right just to have a nice loop going all the way around here and so in order to get this hole we can of course left click on this polygon hold ctrl left click left click left click to get this but if we inset now you know it's going to be a little bit sloppy here so sometimes it's a better idea just to cut it out yourself and that way you have more control over the shape as well all right e left click left click e left click left click e left click left click e and then after done space all right now i'm going to select this hold ctrl and then maybe insert and then delete there we go interesting little shape right there and when you're using this modeling style you're not too concerned about the topology because you actually want any distortions to work to your benefit and because we're making things more angular here so we can have support loops pretty much anywhere here because even though it will make things too angular it will actually work to the benefit of this particular style so this modeling style is not beneficial for all shapes but for more free-form sci-fi shapes it's really good and you kind of work with the topology so this is a great example of working with topology as opposed to working against topology a lot of people really hate using support loops because it's just kind of a huge hassle to just do this all the time but if you lean into this style you will find that it can actually benefit you to create certain shapes and designs as opposed to having to always struggle with preventing distortion so you pretty much want to work with it for example i introduce these two loops right here and many situations for average modeling this would be a bad idea it would make it more difficult to prevent distortions but with this more freeform style i can now left click hold ctrl left click and just move it right here and already that's creating a more interesting result for us i can even scale so pretty much you want to get used to just randomly moving rotating and skiing your objects so a lot of people when they work it's almost like when you're drawing when they see a lot of people draw well what i used to years ago they would draw you know very carefully they would slowly draw these lines here trying to be so super careful and precise whereas really good artists would just kind of scribble all over the place and get their shapes down very quickly and that's what you want to practice doing this is like a 3d version of that so instead of trying to very carefully move everything around you want to quickly just grab it move it grab it rotate it grab it scale it and you will find that once you start doing this and stop focusing so much on just super clean topology you will find that these interesting shapes just emerge almost automatically almost by themselves look at how much interesting this is as opposed to this one right here and this is our third phase so shift d and this is our third phase right here you can see how we're moving along humble beginnings getting more and more advanced using the mistakes to our advantage alright so we've got this i'm looking what else do i want a hole well maybe maybe we can create something up here and so maybe i'm going to just make another one right here all right e left click left click e left click left click e just to make this a little more even i'm actually going to left click here as well just to kind of even this up all right space now i'm going to select this polygon hold ctrl inset x delete all right this is phase four and remember you can always go back here and kind of retry for example if i don't like where this is heading i can just restart with this one or maybe i can just go back to this one or just this one so not every shape is a winner just remember this is all kind of experimentation right here all right now that we've got this let's add some thickness here let's solidify and remember you don't want to go too far because once you go too far it's going to kind of clip in on itself right here so we're not going to go that far turn on even thickness here all right and we're going to apply that as well let's get out of edit mode tab and apply all right let's also press ctrl 3 for subdivision and let's just see how this is looking all right not too bad don't see any horrible distortions so tab and let's keep going here so we're going to work with the topology we're going to work with this and we're going to start inserting loops so you can press e to even things out and notice how right now it's not even we'll have to press f to flip it so let's just go through the process so we're first going to use loop cut we're going to left click and hold the left mouse button and notice how it's not even we're going to press e for even and f to flip it because right now we've pressed e but right now it's working to the right side notice how even with the right side but not left side so we have to press e to flip it if we make even with the right side we'll go here and press f to flip it again so there we go let's do that again e and f all right you can see how it made this a little bit sharper all right i'm going to change the material here i've already got this material set up pretty much what i've done here is just go down here and then use this color metallic roughness close to 0.5 just to make things a little bit reflective here all right let's also start to get some loop tools involved so i'm going to press n we're going to edit loop tools if you do not have this you can simply go into edit and then preferences and then add-ons search for loop right here and so this comes with blender by default what i like is that a lot of useful tools come with blender by default now so pretty much just activate it right here so what we can do here is the television uses a lot of kind of circular details so sometimes you may see an opportunity for circular detail maybe right here we're going to go ahead and left click hold ctrl we're going to go ahead and extrude scale we're going to go ahead and flatten this out because we know it's not very flat so we're going to flatten this we're going to use circle just into a circle like so and we're going to scale so actually what i'm going to do is we're going to have one and going inwards a little bit we're going to extrude again and this time go outwards all right we're going to rotate a little bit so just going to get used to doing all sorts of rotations we're going to inset all right so just extrusions and insets all the way here and then just adding a few more loops here e and then f there we go all right so now we're getting this as you can see these nice shapes almost kind of emerge by themselves once you get used to this we can actually use it's to our benefit so for example let's say i have this nice loop going around here so i'm going to hold down alt and then left click on this to get this but notice how it's the wrong loop what i actually want to do is hold alt and left click next to this one and we're going to get this happening here now actually first of all i'm going to insert a loop right around here all right then i'm going to extrude this and there we go we now have this nice little detail going around here so pretty much we're going to look for opportunities through various extrusions and various movements rotations and scales until we get interesting details and results i actually let's shift d and create another copy right here so we have this loop going around here so i'm gonna hold down alt and then left click to get this let's try moving just this whole thing back here and maybe scaling a little bit as well so when you're scaling things the reason for this is because you want to make things less even so for example now i can move this a little bit right here to have this extrusion or this movement be a little bit more over here i can move it to the left like so and so every movement like this will make things more interesting but notice how i move it right here it's kind of clipping so i got to be careful with that all right and now we have this interesting detail happening so just like that we're able to get lots of interesting details so if you practice this you'll have a good eye for where you can add details using polygons we can also use the vertex and edge slide tool i don't set the hotkeys yet but it's right down here we have edge slider and we have vertex slides so i can select this vertex and then slide it right here if using the default blender hotkey setup you can pretty much press g twice to slide vertices as well so for example i'm going to extrude this and i'm going to scale it then i'm going to move it and this nice unevenness will help to generate additional visual interest especially when you set the viola right here and sometimes we do a nice little cut although that will kind of ruin the topology make it more difficult to insert loops but sometimes you want to do that when you want to get specific details all right right after doing that i can select these polygons and maybe scale this as well and get that maybe flatten this a little bit maybe inside so getting all sorts of details here this detail is not looking too good so this situation i'll definitely want to control z that maybe i can try to circle this see what that gives me okay that's looking a little bit better so there you go sometimes if a detail does not work out you can pretty much try something different here all right after you're done here you can insert more little circles here if you look at what vatella has done here you can see that after the initial shape there's lots of little circular details over the place which what i can do here is just maybe subdivide once to give ourselves more topology here so i'm going to go to our modifier so we're going to bring this down to 1 and we're going to apply that there we go actually before we do that let's shift d for the next phase all right we're going to apply that and now we can start to pretty much what i would do is just select individual polygons here holding down shift to add to my selection if i hold down ctrl it's going to select all the ones in between as well although sometimes you will see opportunities to just maybe add a nice little extrusion and then set right here all right ctrl two and that will give me this so you never know when there are opportunities for that but i don't think this one looks too good so i want to undo that ctrl z all right once i've got that i can use circle to turn them all into circles i think some of them may need to be scaled a little bit notice if i scale right now it's going to scale them all towards this kind of center area notice how they're all going towards the central area so we need to actually change this we need to change that from the median point to the individual origins and now when we scale it's going to scale individually so i think some of these may need to be scaled down all right so now what i can do is just kind of model an individual one let's say right here do a little bit of inset and notice how they're all going to be in set now all right a little bit of a scale they're all going to be scaled a little bit all right extrude scale a little bit of an inset all right there we go so now we've got these nice little circuit details over the place all right i'm going to right click and shade smooth and there we go that's our final phase right there so that's the example of how you can do vitelli bulgaria style modeling in blender thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 22,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, arrimus, blender, topology, vitaly, bulgarov, 3d, design, detail, hard, surface, beginner, easy, fast, how to
Id: iCvqJ45FMkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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