Blender Tutorial 1: Modelling a Building (The Basics!)

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okay so here we are in blender a fresh install of blender any time we need to use something that isn't in a regular installing blender or isn't by default I'm gonna show you how to set that up - I want to do these tutorials on the assumption that you've never touched blender before I find a lot of the ones online though they're really awesome I assume you know something I'm assuming you know nothing because that's how I started and I didn't start very long ago so the first thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna set this up to be in metric I'm in Canada so that's what I'm used to dealing with you don't have to do that but all the numbers I'll give you are going to be in metric so if you want to follow along I suggest doing that so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to the scene button up here and right now yours will be set to none or it might even be set to imperial let's just switch that to metric all right so in the middle of the screen here we have a cube just in case you don't have one already or you accidentally deleted it I'm gonna delete this one so right click on it to select things right click is selecting and hit delete on the keyboard and then just click delete here so that's gone and over here we can go to the create tab which is where we make all our objects from and we're gonna click cube now I like mine just because it's easier to start in the middle of the world and to be sitting right on the ground which I call this little plane here the ground so we're gonna hit n on the keyboard and that just pops out or hides this little sidebar so once we're in here I'm gonna go to the location and make sure it's set to zero zero zero so it's already in the center that's good now if you ever need to move things around you can use these X's forward and back Y is left and right and in most game engines Y is going to be up but in blender it's left and right and Z in blender is up and down all right so let's set these all back to 0 just like that and right now the cube set to 2 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters that's not really appropriate for a building we're not going to worry too much about scale because we can change that later and it won't hurt anything but let's start off with 10 meters by 10 meters by 10 meters for the dimensions that's more of a building type size now you'll notice that sense of scaling from the middle it's dropped down below the ground a little bit halfway exactly so I'm going to move the Z up 5 meters because that's half of a 10 meter cube boom so now we're looking at the basics of our building in the center of the world sitting on the ground now I'm gonna zoom out a little bit so I can see the whole thing and you do that with the mouse wheel in the middle just scrolling it back and forth just like that now the first thing is is most buildings in a city which is where my buildings gonna go our skinny and long and I think that's just to save real estate space so we're gonna do that to this building we're going to leave the oh no we're not gonna touch scale at all we're gonna go with the dimensions so I'm going to take the X and I'm gonna make it a little longer and I'm gonna take the Y and make it quite a bit skinnier so we have our building just like that so that's a pretty good way to start and if we want to rotate around our scene we pushed down the mouse wheel or the middle mouse button we can call it and we can look at things like that and if we need to pan back and forth you hold down shift on the keyboard and then click the middle mouse wheel and hold it down and go back and forth like that just learning that will save you a huge amount of time because you're always going to be rolling around like this okay so the first thing I want to do is I'm gonna go up and work on the roof now we can't work on anything in object mode we can't make any changes to this hardly at all except for the dimensions of the whole thing so down here it says object mode right now and if you have something selected by right-clicking on it remember you can switch to edit mode now as you get going along you'll want to do this a little quicker because you have to go back and forth a lot so you can hit tab on the keyboard that goes back and forth so let's stick in edit mode for now and down here you've got three selection options the first one is vertex which is points so these little corners here I call them corners you can select those and move them with the arrows don't do a whole lot of that right now then we have edge selection which is exactly what it says these are the edges and we can do some with that later same situation here move them back and forth and then my favorite and the one I use most for buildings anyway is face select and that selects a whole face just like that and once again you can move them back and forth okay so what I want you to do first is right-click remember that's the selection button right click on the roof and we're gonna go to our tools and we're gonna inset a little because we want a little edge around the top so you can click here and use inset faces or you can use the keyboard shortcut which you should get used to using these by pressing I now once you've done that you can move the mouse and it will let you inset the face so it'll make additional faces to comp seat for this and that's exactly what we want so we want an edge about like a bit like that so once we've got that done your first instinct might be to grab this and move it down and you can do that that doesn't hurt anything but if you look at that it's making little beveled type edges and we don't want that for our building it needs to be more square so what we're gonna do then is with this middle face selected you see how it's created these with the inset but you want to select the middle face again and either click extrude over here or hit the e button for extrude and then if you move the mouse down it'll make our little edge on the building pretty cool it's exactly what we wanted to do so now we've got our roof pretty good but one building all buildings have to have roof access so we need to make a little raised part that people could get into here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna be using loop cut and slide quite a bit and what we're going to do is make sure this top face is still selected and either click that button loop click a loop cut and slide or pick hold ctrl and hit R on the keyboard and you'll notice that depending on where you move the mouse it'll allow us to cut and make more faces and if you scroll the wheel and let you make more divisions so right now we just need two divisions so if I click this way it'll then let me move my divisions over like this because I'm gonna make this little roof access over to the side of it pretty good we're gonna go back down to face select again select any of these faces doesn't matter which and do control our again and this time we're gonna make the cut go this way but again two divisions by scrolling the mouse wheel left click once and move it down here a little bit alright perfect so face select again select this face and let's use the e key for extrude it's going to be a best friend of ours and that'll make a little box coming up like that so let's select the face of this again to the side here cuz we're gonna make a little door do ctrl R again and move the mouse till it's facing this way and we're going to move that to the top because we don't want Oh actually less undo that hit escape and do ctrl Z ctrl Z in almost every program is undo so we undid that let's do ctrl R again and we've got a little cut going this way and we're gonna make two divisions once again I'll move it down here so there we got that head to face select again right click where we want the door to be and let's use from the first thing we did in set to make a little doorway that's away from the roof a little bit and then hit e for extrude and just pull that inwards now we've got a door in our low roof access now I might have made mine a little wide you can make your smaller however you like it it could be a double door who knows doesn't really matter right now and just for style I'm gonna go to face select here and we'll inset this so we'll make a little box like this and hit e to extrude that upwards and then just looks a little bit fancier no particular purpose we just want to make our model look as cool and realistic as possible and the more you work you spend on this the better your games gonna be and no one really wants to make a shitty game okay so now that that's done what else should we do I think I'll try to make a little ledge along the top here so I'm gonna select a face any of these faces will really do and hit control arm and we'll get we'll move it this way and then move the mouse up and they'll let you go here so now we've got a bunch of faces here what can we do with these faces well altogether we probably don't want to do too much to these but let's see what happens if we go and we select all the faces along the top remember right Mouse sorry hold the middle mouse button and move the mouse and you can rotate around things just like this and holding down shift when you right-click lets you select multiple items at once that's also very important to remember hold down shift and right-click to select more than one face so what we might want to try here is hitting scale or s on the keyboard now that moves our whole building out we don't really want that effect so let's hit escape and ctrl Z to undo so how can we prevent that well the reason that's happening is you're moving these faces out and they're connected to these faces so the whole bottom of the buildings going to come out words to that's no good for our purposes so let's make sure face selection is available right click here and hit ctrl R and we're going to make another cut right here and what that means is when we move these faces out the bend will only have and to this line and leave the rest of the building alone so let's go back to face select right-click hold down shift keep right-clicking hold down the middle mouse wheel to rotate around and while shift is held keep right-clicking these faces just like we did before until we've got them all and let's look at the building from the front again and we'll hit s on the keyboard to scale let's scale that out a little bit there we go now if I deselect though as you can see we've got a cool edge around the top of our roof and later on we'll probably texture that different differently as well so I think a fun thing to do might be to make it the little ledge around the bottom too so let's go to face select hit control arm and we'll do a division like this move it down to right about here and if you're wondering how I'm deciding this stuff I'm just winging it I'm just making it roughly how I want to make my building to look you don't have to follow me exactly if you do things a little differently you'll still be right it's just what you want to end up with so click on face select again right click here ctrl R again to make this little part here and remember we do that so it doesn't move these big faces when we scale out this bottom part so switch back to face select right click hold down shift right click right click middle mouse wheel to move us around hold down shift right click right click right click right click you get the idea so just right-click all these faces here BAM just like that so we're back on the front again and we're going to hit s to scale it out a little bit whoops that's in words just like I'd say I'd say about that much yes if I select here that looks pretty good that looks pretty good I don't let us get a lot of detail on here when we're working on this all right so I know for a fact that I'm gonna want some windows on the side here on both sides actually so I'm gonna I'm gonna select this face and do control arm and make sure I get my slice going up and down and I'm gonna want two windows here so I'm going to scroll the mouse wheel so that I get mmm yeah I'll get a line like this and I'm gonna leave it right where it fell because it made three roughly equal faces here perfect so then I'm going to face select again ctrl R and we'll make two divisions going this way and we'll put them actually yeah we'll put these right here cuz this will be the second floor in the alleyways there's not gonna be any ground-level windows because number one you can't see much and number two robbers will climb in them so we'll put our windows right here so let's go to face select and let's select this face hold down shift and right click mmm yeah that's what will put them right side by side so selecting these two faces so let's go to inset hitting I on the keyboard alright see they're they're joined together here I don't like that so much so I'm going to see I'm gonna inset them a fair amount but then I'm going to go down here and click individual and that will keep them separated so they're not sort of joined together like that and then with them both selected still I'm going to hit eat and extrude hmm actually no less extrude outwards hit I 4 inset again and then we'll hit again to instru inwards and the reason I did that is we just made window frames very easily just like that and I'm gonna do it again on the other side a little bit slower so you'll see what we're doing so let's hold the middle mouse wheel down and go over here and right click this face to select hold down shift and right click this face right next to it we're gonna hit inset and we're gonna inset it roughly roughly this amount here so click and remember these faces are separated because we clicked the individual option now we're going to extrude with the e key pull it out just a tiny bit just window frame amount something like that and if I look at it from the side oh I've extrude them too far I can just pull them in and out by left clicking this arrow pulling it back and forth so that looks good so now less since we've got those window frames going let's in set again with the eye key and oops just put them down like that and hit e to extrude it inwards again and now we've got windows that are roughly the same on both side if you wanted to make them exactly the same on both sides you can select them all at once and do them I don't have a lot of luck with that sometimes so I typically don't do it so now we've got a building with roof access upper ledge that's stylized bottom ledge that stylized and we have two windows on each side so that's coming along pretty damn good so the next step here is we're gonna go to the front select a face control arm and I'm going to cut it roughly like this so we've got some faces and we're gonna make windows up here so go back to face select select this one hold shift right click this one and let's in set these just like we did before like that hit e to extrude it outwards a little bit and let's look at it on the side those are way too far out so if we grab this arrow then we can bring them back in and then we're gonna hit I on the keyboard again to inset it make them regular frames just like those just like we did the other ones I'd say like that hit you again to extrude inwards so we got two windows up there so that's pretty cool and then we're gonna need a doorway so I'm gonna right click this control R I want the doorway to be roughly let's see doorway to be roughly this height so we'll select this face IT inset the doorway a little bit okay something like that e to extrude it inwards there we go I'm gonna hit I to unset that one more time and II to extrude it inwards one more so then we've got a little ledge right in there which looks pretty cool if you texture it later and let's see we need to make some big display windows here so we're going to inset these oops actually let's undo that just like both of them at the same time inset them now these ones I want to be up a little bit from the door so I can just drag them upwards like this until I get to this line here but not any more than this or it will look odd see then shading that's appearing there that means basically wrong so don't do that okay so now we're gonna even set them again and hit extrude with ye on the keyboard and pull them back in now look what's happened here we completely forgot to make our window frames what are we gonna do about that well if we zoom in scrolling the middle mouse wheel we can select all these faces hold down shift and right click all the faces on both sides perfect it extrude ye on the keyboard bring them out that's just a bit of the perfect amount so that's really good so now we might want to make other windows up here same procedure inset maybe we'll make really tiny windows here for whatever reason inset again e to extrude it inwards pretty good select these faces cuz once again we forgot to make the windows or the window sills it extrude to bring them out and we want them to be roughly equal to the other ones so so here's the front so far so what we might want to do here with this face hmm no I don't think we want to do yeah actually let's select this face hit extrude bring it out a bit and then let's use the edge selection tool because we haven't done that a lot and select this edge and we're gonna bring it down a bit and yeah bring it in words a little bit like that and now we've sort of got a little awning here over the door hmm excuse me that looks a little bit too far out so I'm gonna select faces again just like this face and let's just bring it in a little bit so that's pretty good got a little awning there in fact we could do that with the windows out top as well if we wanted to I think I'm just not gonna bother with that though but I do want to make some surface detail up top so hold down shift and hold the mouse button down so we can pan up here and I want to select all these faces here yeah you know let's select all these faces here and in fact let's rejoin these two faces so if you select two faces that are right side by sign you want to make them into one you can select them both and then hit F on the keyboard now we've only got three equal faces or roughly equal faces up top here so let's select them all by shift and right clicking hit I for inset and let's just bring them in like that hit eating extrude them inwards and that's just some more good building detail so that's pretty good so we're almost done here on this building and you can make more complex buildings in this using these exact methods but we need some way for people to be able to get up here so we need some kind of stairs here so let's make sure we're on face select select this do control our again have it going this way and put it roughly equal here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to face select select both these faces hit e to extrude it outwards then select only the bottom face hit e to extrude that outwards so there we go we've got some steps there and just to make them a little fancier I'm going to go to edge select select these edges both of them by holding shift move it outwards a little bit actually I'm gonna move it outwards a little bit more go back to this side select these two faces move them at words roughly the same amount pretty good select the this face move it in a little bit just like this opposite one that in a little bit just like that and there we go we've got a pretty good building go
Channel: ManekiNeko
Views: 58,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Game Development, Unreal Engine, Sci Fi, SciFi, Science Fiction, Blender, 3D Modelling, Crios, Games, tutorial, basics, blender basics
Id: AeRQvoTwmfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2016
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