Blender Tutorial Creating a Highrise Building

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hello everyone and welcome back to another blender made easy tutorial today we're gonna be creating a high-rise building in blender so we're going to be modeling different set of windows and then afterwards we're gonna be using an array modifier and duplicating them putting them in different places to create a high-rise building so this is going to be our final result right here this is my scene that I created and I added a little bit more detail than what we're gonna be doing in this tutorial like you can see down here there's some transformers and some different pipes and whatnot we're going to be creating the building this top part the part over here and then we'll be adding in the lights so let's get started with this tutorial so first off we're not going to need this cube so we can press X and delete it next press shift a go to mesh and then plane I'm gonna rotate this plane 90 degrees so press R X 90 and enter there we go next I want to make sure the origin point is at the bottom of our our plane right here so I'm gonna go into edit mode press G Z holding ctrl I'm gonna snap it to that blender unit up right there and you can see the origin point is at the bottom next press N and if we come over here we can see the dimensions of our plane right now it's 2 on the X and 2 on the Y but if you notice it's completely flat on the Y so this should not be 2 this should actually be 0 and the reason for this is because we haven't applied the rotation to our plane so let's do that real quick let's press ctrl a and click on rotation and then you'll notice that the Z is now 2 and the X is 2 and the y it is set to 0 and that's what we want alright so now that we've done that let's set the exact dimensions that we want now for the average house this Z value is usually 2.7 4 so we're gonna type that in here so type in 2.7 for and there we go so this is the average height of a ceiling and that's the value that we'll be using and for the x value we can probably go around for blender units so I'm going to press X and drag it along the X till it's about four blend units it doesn't have to be perfect but probably right around there maybe a little less all right that looks good next go into edit mode we're gonna be adding in two loop cuts so press ctrl R add in two loop cuts left click then right click then come down here to face select mode and select all of the faces then hit the i key will hit it twice so it in sets the individual faces will drag it in just a little bit right around there then press e to extrude and will drag them back there we go not too bad next I'm gonna press shift a add in a mesh and then cube then go into edit mode scale this cube down then place it over in the top left corner so go in the front view by pressing 1 and then 2 5 for orthographic view I'll press G and move it right up top right about there looks good then right click on this bottom face and drag it down then drag it down until it's at the bottom there we go next press e to extrude drag it down a little bit so it's passed then right click on this edge and then press e to extrude and we'll drag it this way next go over to the modifier tab click Add modifier and mirror alright and then you can see it's on that side we can turn on clipping and drag this till it's connected right there then you can press X and delete that face all right there we go looking good next let's apply this mirror modifier so click apply then shift right click on this plane and press ctrl J so now this is one object alright it's looking good let's press n to close off that panel since we're not going to need it anymore ok next thing I want to do is make sure this right here is completely flat so go into edit mode go into vertice mode z for a wireframe I'm gonna deselect then draw a box around the top set of vertices then press sz0 and enter all right there we go now let's shift D this suppress shift D and move it along the X and we're gonna change this up just a little bit first thing I'm gonna do is add a little bit of the balcony so go into your face select mode right click on all of these faces then press e to extrude and just drag it out just a little bit alright so there we go next go into edge select mode right click on all of these edges then press e to extrude Y and drag it out a little bit then to make it flat go s y 0 and enter all right let's go into top view z for wireframe and then we'll make this flat so select everything s y 0 and enter all right there we go let's right-click on both of these drag them this way a little bit then we'll right-click on the main one that we created shifty it again for this one this is going to be a actual balcony with a railing all right so go to edit mode we're going to right click on all of these faces and the one on the side as well and then press e to extrude and drag this out a little bit all right there we go next I'm gonna right-click on these two faces shift D it right-click s Y and drag it in a little bit then drag it all the way to the side then press e to extrude and drag this to the height that you want probably around there I think we'll be good next we're going to make these two faces into windows so hit the i key twice and set them a little bit then press e to extrude and drag it back all right there we go we have our balcony the last one that we'll be doing is pretty simple and this one we're going to add in a plane so shift a mesh and plane are to rotate X 90 and enter then press tab G Z holding ctrl I'm gonna snap the origin point to the bottom now make sure the height is exactly the same so press the end key and set the height of the of the Y we'll apply the rotation in a second set the Y to 2.74 all right going to front of you GZ will drag it down a little bit next we're gonna go into edit mode press s X and skill it out not as much as the ones over here but just a little bit then add a loop cut right in the middle next going to face select mode right click on both of these faces hit the I key twice we'll inset it then press e to extrude and drag it back just a little bit all right there we go not too bad okay so there we go we have all of our windows that we'll be adding to our building I'm gonna press n and T to close off both of those panels now let's apply the rotation to this so press ctrl R our control AME and click on rotation all right before we start moving on to the building itself we need to apply the materials to this so let's right click on our first one go over to the material tab and new we're gonna name this material white so just type in the word white then for the surface we're gonna set this to principled now underneath the settings we're gonna drag the roughness up to 0.4 and then the specular we're gonna drag that down 2.4 as well all right there we go everything else is fine we can open up the preview and see what it looks like next hit the plus sign new and we're gonna be calling this one window now if you're creating the entire building interior as well you can set this to the glass shader but since we're not gonna be doing that we're just gonna be doing the outside I'm gonna set it to glossy the roughness I'm gonna set to point zero one so it just gives it a tiny bit of roughness and then for the settings down here I'm gonna set the viewport color to a nice blue so we can differentiate where the white material is and where the window is next go into edit mode and then right click on these three faces then click on window and assign alright so you can see that material is now assigned to those windows next let's come over here go into edit mode do the same thing first we have to select the white material - click the drop down menu hit the plus sign drop down menu window a sign we need to do that two more times so for this one click on the white material hit the plus sign and then window and for this we're going to select the windows in the back and the windows in front and assign last this one right here white plus sign drop down menu window edit mode and then assign all right there we go now we are ready to start applying and array modifier to our building so the first thing i'm going to do is right-click on all of these hit the M key and move it to layer two then go to layer two right click on our first window that we created and shift D press the M key and move it to layer one for this I'm going to go over to the modifier tab click Add modifier a red I'm gonna set the count to three and then I'm gonna hit the copy button and this will copy this array modifier so we'll hit copy and then close that off for this will set the value to zero and then the Z value to one all right and then we can set the count to four I think that will look good all right one more modifier that we'll be adding is another array so click a copy and that will copy that write modifier we can set the count to three and then for the Z value we're gonna go with a we're gonna go with a value of 1.25 alright and that gives us a small gap right in between all of these where we can place the other windows that we have all right there we go looking good and here you can decide how tall you want your building to be mine right now is going to be 14 stories so I think 3 is perfectly fine there next let's go to layer 2 and I just forgot I want to do one more thing with this window right here I'm going to go into edit mode place my cursor or right about here shift a and add in a cube I'm gonna scale this cube down then press s X and scale it along till it is the width of the window this will just give it some more interest and differentiate from the other windows make sure it's a tiny bit back not completely back but just a little bit so there's a small gap right there all right there we go then press shift D right click em and one now let's go to layer one and let's position this in between our buildings right here so go in to front view G place it right here zoom in a little bit drag it up and then G X we'll drag it this way till it's lined up on that edge then click Add modifier array we can set the count to three there we go and then hit copy and then we'll set the X to zero and the y I think it needs to go to 0.5 nope we also need to set this to two we'll drive this up till it is the height looks like exactly five is the number that we need so type in the word R the number five there and there we go we can see it's perfectly in line okay the last thing that we need to do with this is drag this backward since there is a small balcony so I'm gonna drag it along the Y till it's just a little back all right there we go now let's go to layer two again and then we'll right-click on our balcony window well shifty this right-click and and move it to layer one then go to layer one and let's position this so going to front view I'm gonna position this along this edge so just place it right there then hit the add modifier array set the X to zero and then the Y to one and then we can drag this up so we'll type in the number 14 well done that's the wrong one said that to one type in an account 214 and there we go and it goes all the way up next press G Y and just drag this back there we go then zoom in and make sure there's no parts right here where you can see through make sure it's connected all right so there we go we have one side of our building done we need to do this side now so for this side I'm gonna go to layer two right click on our last plane then we have an edit shifty em and move it to layer one go to layer one then we're gonna rotate this 90 degrees so hit our Z holding ctrl I'm gonna snap it to 90 degrees and then place it along this wall so I'm gonna go into top view and then G to move and place it right here all right good then click Add modifier array we can set that to two then click Add modifier array set the X to zero and then the Y are the Z I mean to one then of course set this to 14 all right there we go we can see it reaches the height and it looks like it's a little shorter so what I'll do is press s Z and just drag it out a little bit till it reaches that height looking good next I'm going to right click on our balcony windows go into top view shifty place him on this side are holding ctrl I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees and then place it right in line with our other windows right there okay looking good then I'm going to add another array modifier to this so click Add modifier array and we're gonna set the count to 3 perfect one more array modifier I'm going to just close those off add modifier array I'm gonna set the count right here to 1.25 and you can see there's a small gap right there which is exactly what we want then I'm going to right click on our other windows shifty it X are no y and drag them out this way I'm going to place it right here then get rid of the two so we can have just one of Windows right there let's go in to talk to you and we'll zoom in here and make sure it's in the right place so I'll just move it right there and there is a small gap so I guess we need to just shrink this value down so 1.2 1 and you can see it's now closed off perfect okay so the last row of Windows that we'll be adding is this one right here so we'll right-click on those windows go into top view shift D and place it over here then R to rotate I'm gonna snap it to 90 degrees and then place it right here okay next I'm going to get rid of all of these array modifiers make sure this is at the bottom so we'll drag it down go into front view and just make sure it's completely in line there we go then click Add modifier array set the X to zero and the Z to one and then set the count to 14 okay there we go we have our building next thing that we'll be doing is adding a small border around here and then maybe adding a wall or so down here as well so this is pretty easy to do all we're gonna do is just place our cursor right here shift a add in a mesh and then cube right here go into top view and then place it in this corner I'll scale it down a little bit and place it right here we can have this a little forward as well so it gives it some depth then go into front of you and drag this down to the bottom it is a little bit big so I'm gonna scale it down even more place it right here side view and drag it in front all right go into edit mode we're gonna right click onto this face and drag it all the way up to the top then at the top we're going to extrude this so press e to extrude drag it up a little bit right click on this face e to extrude we'll drag it across all the way across right here next we'll add a loop cut so control our add a loop cut here drag it along then we'll go into face select mode right click on this face e to extrude and we'll drag it across until it reaches the edge e to extrude again and then finally it will drag this this face down e to extrude all right there we go we have a border and it looks like though there's a small gap here so an easy way to fix that is just to go into edit mode right click on all of these faces and dragging it along the Y and then the same thing over here we'll drag this face this face in this face and drag it along the wire till it reaches back all right there we go we have our building main structure done for the material for our border we're just going to be using the white material so click on the drop down menu and select white and also just to give it some more detail we can add a bevel modifier to this so press ctrl-a apply the scale then click on add modifier bevel we'll zoom in here we'll set the width down to a lower value so I'll just drag this down probably around point zero four or so then I'll turn up the segments to three not too bad all right so now that we've done that we can create the front right here we can add some more windows and then we'll add a big wall along this side so first let's do the windows so I'm going to place my cursor right about here shift a add in a mesh and then plane press our X 90 and enter then go into front view I'm going to place this along this edge and now since we're adding a little bit more we can drag this face down to the bottom I'm also going to press it and set the dimensions of the Y to 2.74 there we go we can actually set this to three we'll make it on a bold taller and then we'll drive this down so this is gonna be our height of our our doors right here so then go into edit mode I'm going to right click on this edge and drag it across all right right about there looks good and then we'll drag this back up till it matches the height of our doors right about there can drag this back into the building itself okay then go into edit mode for this I'm going to add in about three loop cuts so we have five different faces left click then right click then go into edit mode are going to face select mode right click on all of these faces hit the I key twice inset it and then press e to extrude and drag them back all right looking good next I'm going to add in another cube across this top so place my cursor right about there shift a add in a cube and scale this down then press s X and scale it all the way across for now we'll leave it there and we'll drive this face across this way perfect for the material for this we're gonna go to the material tab click on the drop down menu and select white hit the plus sign drop down menu and window go into edit mode right click on all of these faces and assign ok so now that we've done that let's add the border along here are the wall so I'm going to add in a cube so ship-day a 10-8 cube going to front view z for wireframe and then we'll place this cube along this edge I'm gonna press s X make it a little smaller and place it right about here then go into edit mode I'm gonna right click on this face drag it up power right and we'll drag this back then we'll right click on this edge and drag it all the way across so drag it all the way this way until it reaches that corner drag this all the way across all right there we go ok so now what I'm going to do is go into edit mode our wall right here control are at a loop cut and drag this all the way across then control are at a loop cut up top then right click on this face and extrude it along surprise e to extrude and drag this hold on e to extrude there we go drag this all the way across until it reaches that other side okay then go into side view by pressing 3 I'm gonna go into edit mode Z for wireframe draw a box around all of those and just drag them back just a tiny bit right about there looks good alright and it looks like though we need to drag this down because we added that border now so we'll drag that down then we'll right-click on our border right click on this face drag down and then finally over here we'll do the same thing so right click on this bottom edge and drag it down ok there we go we've completed our building and now we're going to add some lights onto the side right here and underneath so first off I'm gonna save my project so hit ctrl s just gonna save it to you building tutorial and I'm just gonna call it building tutorial 2 since I've already tried to record this and the recording failed on me next I'm gonna press end to close that off ok so for the lights I'm going to just place my cursor right about here shift a and add in a mesh and then cube and scale this cube down next I'm gonna go into edit mode right click on this face drag it along the X then press s Z scale it down and then press s Y and scale it along the Y alright then right click on this back face sy make it a little longer then for this face right here I'm going to inset it by pressing the i key and then press e to extrude and drag it up alright there we go then click the drop down menu select the white material then hit the plus sign click on new and we're going to call this material light for the surface you can set it to emission and set the strength to a value of 15 let's try 10 then go into edit mode and assign at that light material let's press shift-z and see what it looks like there we go not too bad looking good we can drag this along this way maybe scale it down a little bit okay then go over to the modifier tab click Add modifier a ring set the X to zero and then the Y let's try like eight there we go the eight looks good and then we can drag the count up probably around eight lights or so then drag this out all right let's press shift-z and there we go we can see a lot of lights are now flooding into our scene looks like the lamp is still in our scene so we can right-click on the lamp press X and delete it now for the lights underneath our doors I'm just gonna place my cursor right here press shift a add in a mesh and then circle scale this down until it matches the side till matches the size of our border right here go into edit mode press F then e to extrude then e to extrude again right click scale then either extrude and drag it up I'll zoom in here so you can see it a little bit better all right there we go then press a once or twice ctrl N and that will fix the normals and now the shading is perfect for the material for this we're gonna do the exact same thing add the white hit the plus sign drop down menu light material go into edit mode we can right click on that inside face and assign the white material there we go all right we can drag this along here and what I want to do is have each of these be under each one of these doors so hit the add modifier array now we're gonna have to play around with the x value we can just drag this up for now probably around 31 drag this out till it's 4 and it looks like it's even along each of these windows which is perfect you can press shift-z one more time and looks good all right one more material that we need to do for our scene is this border right here or this wall and this is going to be a concrete material now the link to the texture is in the description and we're gonna be using this one right here concrete bare Oh 428 so let's go back to our scene here go into edit mode 8 once or twice you and smart UV project then hit OK also let's set this to scale so okay control a apply the scale and then do that you smart need to be project ok over in the material tab I'm gonna hit new underneath the color we can select image texture then hit open navigate to where your texture is let's see if I can find mine more quick concrete bear oh for 2804 28 right here then hit open alright let's go into text review to see what it looks like and we can see it is very very big so we need to open up the UV image editor and scale it up so I open up a new window come down here and click on uv/image editor then go into edit mode press a and then scale it up really really big and if we zoom in here we can see our texture probably even larger there looks pretty good next go to the node editor then press n to close off that panel for the diffuse we're going to delete that press shift a add in a shader and then principal shader take the color plug it into the base then take the output plug into the surface the roughness we can leave at 0.5 the specular we can drag this down to about 2.2 all right another thing I want to do is change the color of our texture a little bit so I'm going to press shift a go to color hue saturation and that there the saturation I'm gonna drag 2.8 and then the value just to make it a little brighter I'm gonna drag to point one point two next take the color and plug it into the displacement of the material output and you'll notice in the preview it gives us some displacement now to control how much displacement there is in the scene I'm gonna press shift a go to converter and then math note place that in between the displacement and the material output then turn on multiply now this value down here controls how much displacement there is so we can set this to maybe like points three point two or so I think point two is perfectly fine all right there we go now we can close this off perfect now let's do the lighting for our environment now we're going to be using an HDR and it's right here under HDR Haven this is a great website for free HD ours they're very high quality and the textures here are great as well so go check this website out and you can see what the texture is looking like down here you can download which one you want for mine I used the 4k or maybe I use the 8k can't remember but we're gonna be using one of those so feel free to download which one you want next let's open up the node editor so drag out a window click on node editor and go to the world settings click on use nodes then press shift a go to shader no nut shader texture environment texture take the color plug-in to the background then open up your HDR and mine is right here so I did download the 8k so sky is on fire 8k and open let's set up the camera so we can see what this looks like so I'm gonna put my camera right about here alright then hit ctrl alt 0 another thing I want to do is we don't go underneath the building is I'm gonna press shift a at any mess and then plane and drag this to the bottom of our building and then press s to scale it out really big so if we press 0 we can see that we're underneath our building so I'm gonna right click on our camera GZ and drag it up now I want to be able to see our entire building so to do that we can change the focal length I think for my scene I did use a value of 22 and there we go we can see our building even more what what we can do also is press G shift Z and then move our camera along the different axes so we'll drag it back I'll just drag it back and manually so going to talk to you drag this out here then go back in the camera view we'll rotate this down a little bit shift Z and I think there we go we can see our entire HDR and everything in our scene it looks like our window though is kind of blurry so maybe let's try point zero zero to ship Z and there we go that looks a little bit better okay another thing I forgot to do with the material is we're going to apply the rate modifier to our building right here and apply a different material just to give it some more variation so for our windows we have selected right here I'm going to go over to the modifier tab I'm going to close this up as well and apply both of these modifiers so hit apply and apply same thing for the other row right here applied that material and then we can also just join these objects together so I hit control J with them both selected all right if we go into edit mode we can see all of them there okay so come over to the model prior tab click on the plus sign I mean the material tab and then hit new we'll type in the word grey and then with the principal shader we're gonna set this to a grey color so underneath the base drag this down till it's a nice grey color then go into edit mode now what you need to do is just rain select different windows and applied the gray material so first off we'll grab this one maybe just this one like this something around here doesn't have to be perfect just random faces to give it a the gray material because right now everything is super uniform and it doesn't look too realistic as you can see there everything has the same material so just randomly select different faces and then we can apply the material to it something like this alright and there we go so now that we've done that we can click on grey and assign and there we can see our faces so now if we press shift-z we'll notice that there's a lot of grey right here and it looks a little bit better you can also do the same thing with your other buildings so you can go into edit mode maybe select the the white right here so maybe select those two borders and then hit the plus sign drop down menu grey assign that and that will just give it some more variation and you'll notice maybe that looks pretty good and actually I think I'll leave it right there all right there we go so let's go into camera view again we'll press ship see you see how our building is looking not too bad okay so the next thing I want to do is change the HDR just a little bit so I'm going to open up the node editor one more time go to node editor press N and then click on the world settings down here first off the color I'm going to press shift a add in a color hue/saturation I think the overall HDR is just a little little saturated so I'm going to turn that down 2.9 and I'm also going to set the background strength 2.2 so everything in the scene is just a little darker next I'm gonna press shift and go to input and then texture coordinate then shift a converter mapping node take the generated output plug into the vector and then the vector into the vector now if we press shift-z we can rotate our position of the HDR so I think if we just set this to like 240 there we go yep that's the position I want we can see the background here we can see some buildings over there the lights reflecting off of our scene I think it looks really nice alright next what we can do is add in a Sun lamp so I'm gonna press shift a go to lamp and then Sun going to top view five to go into a throw graphic view place this over here then double tap R and we'll rotate it this way hold on that's not the way I run it we rotate it down and place it right about here go back in a camera view and see what this looks like alright there we go not too bad okay what I might try just to give it some more variation with the material is I might change this to the grey we'll see what that looks like there we go that might look a little bit better but I think I'll leave it as the white material I think for my final scene I did add a smaller border around and I gave that the grant material so you can go ahead and try that if you want to but I think I'll just leave it for now okay and then we can also select the plane give this a new material and just kind of darken it up just a tiny bit so it doesn't reflect too much all right there we go that looks a little bit better now what you could do if you wanted if you were gonna create an animation or something you could create the rest of the building but for now since we're not gonna be viewing it from that angle I think we can just leave the the back right here without any building now last thing before we render this out I'm going to box select our entire building shift D it and move it over here so we can see this in the reflection so I'm gonna place it right about there move it back a little bit then press shift-z and should be able to see it in our reflection in their rego we can and that looks pretty cool so now that we've done that let's go over to the render settings the resolution I'm gonna turn up to 100% then the sampling underneath here I'm gonna set this to let's go with 200 the clamp indirect I'm gonna set that to 1 I'm gonna turn off reflective and refractive caustics okay and I think we are ready to render let's save our project one more time then click on render this should render out pretty fast and if there is some noise we could go over to the render layers panel and turn on denoising but I think it should be perfectly fine so I'm gonna pause the video right now until this is finished and then we'll work on the compositing ok the render is finished it only took about a minute or so and if everything looks pretty cool so next look let's come down here and click on compositing use nodes and backdrop we'll close off both of these panels to give us a little bit more room then we'll set up the compositing so I'm gonna press end to close up that panel right click on this and drag it over to view the render in real time you can press ctrl shift left click while you're hovering over the render layers panel and that will bring in a P or node now to zoom out we can press the V key a couple times alright and then you can also press alt V to zoom back in so V all be ok next press shift a we're going to be adding in a filter and then glare to give the lights over here and maybe the background just a little bit of glare we'll plug that in and change this from streaks to flog glow the threshold we can bring down just a tiny bit and to view this we can actually set the mix to 1 and here we can see where our glow is actually affecting the image so if we bring that even lower we can see it right here I think that's good we'll set that back to 0 to bring back our image alright next press shift a add in a color brightness contrast node and we'll just give the overall scene a little bit of contrast so I'll drag this up to maybe 0.4 or so and then the brightness we can drag down to point negative 0.1 then press shift day we'll do some color grading sold place that here the color balance node put that into the composite and for the shadows over on the lift will drag that down to make it a nice red color the mid-tones maybe a blue and then finally the highlights we can make it even more of a red color something like that so if we preview this I'm gonna ctrl shift the left click on brightness contrast node that's before with the color grading that's after the last thing that we'll be adding is a vignette to darken out the edges so I'm gonna press shift a go to filter and then blur then press shift a go to distort lens Distortion set the distort value to one take the image plug it into the image set this to fast relative Y and before we do that let's add in a color mix node place that here and plug it into the composite then take the image and plug it into the image all right now here is where you set the amount of darkness that you want or how dense it will be so if we set this to like 15 or so we can see it's pretty blurred out the lower we go let's try 10 the the darker it will be as you can see there so I think let's try 15 again if we set this to multiply it will get rid of the white and bring back our image now this factor controls how much darkness is in the scene so let's try 0.5 and there we go I think that's good let's try brightening up the highlights just a tad there we go that's a little bit better maybe darken up the shadows not too bad and a little bit more maybe and then the highlights will drag up even higher there we go we got a nice glare and I think everything else is looking pretty cool so let's uh view the before and after I'm gonna ctrl shift left click that's the before without any compositing and then this is the after and as you can see it looks a lot better so there you go guys that is our final scene our final image that we'll be using let's go to the viewer node right here I'm gonna save my project and there we go so there it is guys thanks for watching this tutorial I hope you learn something new if you created your own building I'd love to see it so make sure to post it on social media and all that fun stuff don't forget to Like comment and subscribe for more tutorials and I'll see you guys in the next one take care good bye
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 60,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, beginner, animation, realistic, highrise, building, architecture, blender tutorial, 3d, cycles, blendermadeeasy, blender made easy, create, tall, model, modeling, 3d modeling, window, windows, blender 3d, blender 3d tutorial, blender 2.8, blender animation, render, rendering, b3d
Id: twZ7mmX5gJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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