Blender Realistic car animation tutorial in 20 minutes | Beginner | Rigacar fix inside

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foreign this little car animation from scratch so if you're a beginner and you want to learn car animation in blender this video is for you let's start with the car if you need one you can download my C63 AMG for free it's already rigged so ready for animation you could also use a car from the Transportation addon or car of your own it's up to you in blender let's create a new scene and delete the light and the cube then you import your car file append select your car append you select everything by pressing a and append again if you're using my 663 it should be the same if your car is not rigged check this video I'll show you how to do so and how to get free cars along the way select everything starting with WGT then M move to a new collection name this collection something like ND for not needed exclude it and hide it select the rig right click select hierarchy and M again move to a new collection and name it my car for the animation part first let me show you how to do it with the launch control add-on as it is now my main rig for car animation the link to this addon will be in the description then I will show you how to do it with a free alternative so to rig your car with the launch control add-on you press n you go on launch control and you press read vehicle and voila yeah with one click your car is ready for animation I can even press spacebar to show you the result everything is automatically animated the wheels rotation the steering and I'll show you how to apply the physics before we start let's extend the ground so you click on this plane modify your properties add modifier array in factor x you put 0 and -1 on y because we are going in this direction then on count 3 will be enough for now now let's modify our path this little tube this is what defines the trajectory of our car so you click on it and you go in edit mode by pressing tab on your keyboard here you select those points like me and you press delete on your keyboard that it says to zoom in and you select the last point of the path G then y to move it on the y-axis just a little bit maybe something like that from there with the last Point selected you press e and Y to extrude it and that will create a new control point and you repeat this operation one more time e and Y so now you should have three control points if we select here so that's one that's two and that's three let's select the second one and j and x to move it on the x-axis something like that that we create our turn you select the last point and E and Y to extrude again you press 7 on your numpad and spacebar to test your animation as you can see those turns are a little bit too hard so we need to smooth everything you select this point and S to scale and then you select also this point and S to scale if necessary you can move the control points with G and rotate them with r when you are happy with the result you press n to bring the menu and you click on update driving path and now for the speed of our car you go in manual gearbox Advantage animation and you check speedometer yay now we can check the speed live let's modify it to Sweet our project you click on the rig and you go in pause mode by pressing Ctrl and tab or by using this drop down list in pose mode you select that wheel and let's check the animation as you can see my car is stopping way too early let's suppose we want 200 frames for our project so we are going to move this keyframe to the frame 200. like this and let me update the project to 200 with the wheel selected you go in item you go on the frame 200 and you update the Z rotation until the car is Row 3 where you want it to be at the end of your animation so something like that for me in keying active keying set you select location rotation and scale and on the viewport on frame 200 you press I on your keyboard to update the rotation now if you check the animation my car is correctly stopping at the end of the animation let's check the speed if the speed is not what you expected if it's too slow you need to drive to a further Point by updating the keyframe 200 if it's too fast you need to drive closer something like that but don't forget to press I on your keyboard to update the keyframe once you change the value I want my car to be a little bit faster so on frame 200 I will update the Z rotation something like that and I press I to update the keyframe personally for this project I wanted something between 90 and 100 kilometer so that's perfect for me now for the physics it's all automated by launch control you click on the addon you select your preset for example Road car and you press apply physics and boom the physics are applied and if you want to fine tune the effects you go in a physics poster fix and you can play with the different values live without the need to redo all the calculations until you have something you like if I input High values here you can clearly see that the car is moving all around at the turns for my case I went for those values and that's it this is how I use the launch control for this simple animation of course it can do much more but we'll check that in another video now let's see how to animate the car with the Rigo car add-on which is totally free from here we are going to create the path so shift a curve and buff G and X to move it on the x-axis with the path selected you press n item and you write minus 90 degrees for the Z rotation let's check if we are in the correct direction so you press tab on your keyboard to go in edit mode and here you activate the normals the arrows are in the right direction go back in object mode with tab let's scale the path a bit with s something like that select the rig and go in post mode with control tab select the bone constraint properties and the blue one add one constraint follow path and here you select your path and let's move the buff in this collection we want our car to follow this curve so let's check follow curve we are going in the minus y direction so let's update the forward axis to minus y let's represent the points on the path in a range from 0 to 1 by checking fixed position here 0 is the start of the path and if I move to one now normally it should go at the end of the path our car is not on the curve so let's fix that you go in object properties and you put 0 in all the location values press 1 on your keyboard to go in the front view and let's lift the car a bit so you select the rig G and z okay now our car is perfectly aligned with the Curve Let's test we go back in one properties and now zero to one is working perfectly fine to test the animation you go in keying active King set and location rotation and scale on frame 1 click on the blue rig set the offset factor to zero and with the cursor on it you press I on your keyboard to insert a keyframe here now we go on frame 200 we move the offset factor to 1 and we insert a new keyframe by pressing I let me update the project to 200 on the timeline you press a to select all the keyframes right click interpolation mode and linear because we want our car to have a constant speed so let's test the animation now yay it's working fine now we can design our buff if it's not already the case go back in object mode with control tab select the path and switch to edit mode with tab select the last point and E and Y to extrude on the y-axis something like that and repeat this operation one more time so e and Y to extrude again select this Middle Point and G and X to move it that will create our turn and with the last Point selected e and Y again to extrude one more time if you want you can move the points with G and Y to move it on the y-axis and G and X to move it on the x-axis and you press spacebar to test your animation here I found that my car is a little bit too slow so to speed up your car you just have to create a longer path so here you select the last Point G and Y to make it longer okay now I like it when you're happy with the result you go back in object mode with tab with your path selected Ctrl a and apply or transform you press one on your keyboard you select your car and numpad period to zoom you select the rig just here and G and Z to put it on the ground now to bake the wheels rotation and the steering there is a bug with the rigor car add-on and blender 2.4 but this guy found the solution but it's not committed yet so while we wait for the patch I created the fixed version that you can download from my drive the link will be in the description to install the add-on you go in edit preferences add-ons install and you look for the file Regal Car Master fix that you just downloaded and install add-on then you have to be sure that the add-on is activated with this checkbox in object mode you press n to see your different add-ons and you select the rigger car add-on if you don't have the add-on appearing here you just have to select the rig first and then the addon will appear you click on big Car steering OK and bake Wheels rotation okay so it will create all the animation for the steering and the wheels rotations for us let me show you the result by parenting a camera you don't have to do this it's only to see the animation and now you can see that everything is animated correctly for us for the physics you have to do it manually by animating the rig controls Let's do an example so maybe here you want your car body to roll on the side a bit you select the rig and you go in pose mode with control and tab you select this control which is controlling the car body as you can see when I press G I can move my car body just before the turn maybe around here you press I on your keyboard to insert a keyframe at the default position so to have a better view let's click here summary and you search for suspension okay so now we can see the suspension keyframes and then in the middle of the turn let's exaggerate the effect so you can clearly see what's going on so G and x and I will move my car like this and I press I again to insert a keyframe and then a few frames later I want my car to go back in the default position so I will copy this keyframe just here now let's check the result perfect the car is rolling on the side and you can do this kind of animation with all the different controls on the rig and this is how you simulate the physics with this add-on you have to animate the controls manually but at least it's doing exactly what you want and it's free the downsides are it's time consuming when you want to simulate many physics and it's calculated automatically with launch control so the physics are accurate and realistic when here you have to judge by eye okay the animation is now done let's set up our scene I did many videos on how to create a realistic road you can check them if you want but in this video I will simply give you the road already done with some assets for free so you can follow along all those assets are coming from my city pack and here is a quick shout out today I'm very excited to announce that I have released my own City pack on the blender Market I designed this pack for blender users with low end computers and users who want light assets for the animations and steel compositions the objects are realistic and enough for beautiful animations and at the same time very very light for your computer to render and to manipulate in the viewport by the way I created my last animation using only elements from this pack there are 34 buildings 11 skyscrapers with an easy light system and more than 40 City props like roads trashes street lamps Boxes Etc of course there are free Alternatives out there but if you like my work and if you want to support my channel it's a great way to do so so you open the file with the free assets and you just copy paste the road I'll go in material preview mode here you select your road and and in item I will make a rotation on the z-axis of 90 degrees G and shift to Z to lock the z-axis and you can move your road freely I will put mine just right here with the road selected you go in modify your properties add modifier array to change the factor x to -1 and the count to something like 20. let's play the animation If you experience this issue like me where the car is going out of the road you just select your path you go in edit mode by pressing tab you select this point and G and X to move the car on the road perfect and then tab again to go back in object mode here you select the rig and you go in a regular car and because we changed the path we are going to clear back animation and bake the animation again big castering okay and bake Wheels rotation now let's animate our camera there were four shots in my project we'll focus on this one because if you know how to do it you will know how to create the others move your cursor on this corner until you have this Crosshair and drag it in this panel you go in camera mode by pressing zero on your numpad press n to hide this window Ctrl and middle Mouse button and you move up until this view is filling the panel then you press n again you go in View and you check camera to view and tick show overlay and show Gizmo press T to hide the tools in the output properties change the resolution to 1920 by 8 17. for the Cinematic ratio click on your camera go on the camera icon and here change the focal length to 35 for a wider view in viewport display change the pass power out to 1. activate the depot field change the f-stop to 1 to blur the background and put 5 in blades let's create a focus point so shift a empty plane axis move this Focus point in the first collection here and name it focus and move it to the back of your car so G and shift to Z something one here you can press 7 on your numpad to go in the top view and G shift Z again okay now it's placed correctly with the empty selected press shift and click on the body of your car and Ctrl P to parent it to the body of your car object keep transform now if I press spacebar the focus point is moving with the car and thanks to this method it's easy to change the camera Focus point just by animating this empty click on the camera go back in the camera icon and in deeper field for the focus object select the focus going frame number one if it's not already the case select your camera and let's update the view to have the camera behind the car when you're happy with your camera selected you press I to insert a keyframe and if you don't see the keyframe don't forget to delete any values that you have put in the search bar and once again and don't forget to have the camera to view selected otherwise we won't be able to change the framing of your camera from there you can continue to place your camera wherever you feel just change the frame and place your camera and press I to add the keyframe when you have created two keyframes select those and right click interpolation mode linear it's very important if you don't want to mess your camera animation don't worry if the camera movements are not smooth we'll deal with that later okay now we have our camera setup let's build the environment for this project I duplicated the road so you select the road alt D and G and X to move the road around here and then I added some barriers which are coming from my city pack they are also included in the blend file I'm giving for free I like the road you just copy and paste them in your scene and you array them until the end like we did for the road and then for the sides I created the plane with some grass scattered on it I used the botanic add-on to do that if you don't have the botanic addon let me show you how to easily do that first you add a plane shift to a mesh plane if you don't have the botanic addon you can go on sketchfab to download grass chunks for free this one for example I will put the link in the description and let me Spawn one with the botanic addon when you have your grass on your scene you just move it on the side and be sure to have your grass in one collection then you click on your plane you click on particle properties plus you select hair then in render render as you select collection instance collection you select the collection where you have your grass you check advance here you check rotation and orientation for me Global X you press one so on the side view it's easier to adjust the scale something like that you can also add some scale randomness and here I will change the number of particles until you have something you like from there you can change the size of the plane and item and here you can do whatever you want but don't forget to adjust the number of particle if you change the size of your plane for the texture because we will not see the plane you can just use a basic color so shading you press new and in base color you go for something brown something like that and when I was happy with the result I just duplicated This Plane everywhere then I added some trees once again you can check sketchfab for free trees for this project I use the alpha trees addon those trees are very very light because those are just cards as you can see but they look like a real 3D trees when you render them and in the alpha trees addon you have hundreds of different species so if you have a slow computer or you simply want to scatter millions of trees without killing your under time it's a good option and then I added some random assets from my city pack those are coming in the new update that I will release really soon and of course if you buy the pack now or if you already have it you will have this update for free but as usual I'll be including the blend file free assets so you can decorate your scene without buying the pack I added all those elements in one collection and then I duplicated this collection with alt D and just move it on the other side for the cars I used the transportation addon and for the animation I just changed their location with keyframes but I didn't bake the wheels rotation and steering as they were going in a straight line and I knew that nobody will notice that their wheels are not rotating and if you don't have the transportation I don't please check this video where I'll show you how to grab free cows and how to animate them for the main lights I used those Street lamps coming from my city pack and because I love you guys I will also put those lamps for free in the blend file concerning the lights those are area lights with the power of 30 watt if you want to duplicate the lights you select everything but don't forget to use altd to duplicate the lights so if you change the power here all the lights will have the power change as well then as usual I added some fog let me show you how to do that shift to a and mesh Cube and you scale the cube to cover the entire scene then with the cube selected you go in shading and you press new you delete the the principle bsdf shift to a you search for volume principle volume you plug the volume to the volume and here I used a density of 0.01 but of course you can change this value to fit your need I changed the anisotropy to 0.5 at this stage our render should look something like that just for your information it took 52 seconds for my computer to render this Frame so if you are happy with the result let's finalize the camera animation you select your camera you press a to select all the keyframes now is the time to smooth all the camera movements so here you change to graph editor with all the keyframes selected you go in key and simple keyframes it will create automatic keyframes for us and now you press alt to o on your keyboard to smooth everything and you can do it many times if you want and now if I check the animation the camera movement are very smooth but of course we don't want something that smooth so we are going to add some shakiness and for that we are going to use the camera shakify add-on this addon has been created by Yan Uber and Nathan degdal so a big thanks to them but actually the addon is bugged so I have fixed this version for 3.4 and you can download this addon from the description to install the addon you do as usual edit preferences add-ons install and you look for the addon it should be named commercial file masterfix you install the add-on and as usual you should verify that the add-on is activated with this checkbox then you select your camera you go in the camera icon and here on the bottom you will have the camera checkify add-on you click on plus to add the first effect let's check the animation okay cool we have some shakiness but let's add one more and maybe we'll change this one so here in this drop down list you change it for example to wedding let's see the result okay great and I think we could add one more and this time let's go for handicam run and let's change the influence to something like 0.3 okay cool I like this version and as usual you can change those values to switch your need and now for my render settings I have everything by default only there I change the max samples to 2048 but once again according to your machine you could change this value to something lower or maybe something Higher One very important option as well is to check the motion blur here for the output I use PNG well that's it guys I think I covered everything and I'm very happy that there is now a solution for the Rigo car add-on if you want me to focus on a specific subject please ask it in the comment section if you like my video it would be great to leave me a like and to subscribe because I have a lot of surprises coming for you thanks for watching and I see you soon bye foreign
Channel: JeanYan 3D
Views: 132,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender car animation tutorial, blender car animation tutorial for beginners, blender realistic car animation full tutorial beginner, blender car animation tutorial for begginers, blender tutorial, blender car tutorial, blender tutorial 2022, blender beginner tutorial, learn blender, how to animate blender, blender animation, blender 3d, blender beginner, blender car animation, 3d car animation tutorial blender, blender tutorial for beginners 2023, learn blender 3, animation, car
Id: NrlfpGfvp3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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