Blender 3 Realistic car animation tutorial | Beginner

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone I hope you are fine today I'm very excited to show you how I created this project so if you're new to blender and you want to learn car animation this tutorial is made for you I will start from scratch so we can go through all the different steps together like car import rigging your vehicle with free and paid options car animation realistic Road scene setup lights camera animation fog render composition in DaVinci Resolve and fusion for the color grading and for the lens flare and other tricks I might forget something but at the end of the day you will be able to create an animation like this one on your own so let's start just after this quick shout out today I'm very excited to announce that I have released my own City pack on the blender Market I designed this pack for blender users with low end computers and users who want light assets for their animations and steel compositions the objects are realistic enough for beautiful animations and at the same time very very light for your computer to render and to manipulate in the viewport by the way I created my last animation using only elements from this part there are 34 buildings 11 skyscrapers with an easy light system and more than 40 City props like roads trashes street lamps Boxes Etc of course there are free Alternatives out there but if you like my work and if you want to support my channel it's a great way to do so okay first for the car you have different options you can check this video where I show how to get free cars or you could use the transportation addon for example it's the one I mainly use for my projects because it contains the 78 Vehicles the link will be in the description or you can simply download my C63 AMG for free it's the one I'm using in this animation okay in blender let's delete the cube and the light so you select those and you press delete on your keyboard and now I'm going to create a new collection for the car so here you press this little icon for the new collection and I will name it C63 to import the car you go on file append you look for your model so mine is here you press you go in object you press a to select everything and you click on append okay because we don't need this rig anymore let's delete this so you select the rig and you press delete and now let's delete also all the objects starting with WGT so you select everything and you press delete okay I don't know why I have a light on the camera but I will delete those as well normally you should have a body the brakes and the wheels four bricks and four wheels now let's just press n on your keyboard and you select here the body and you go in item just to check the eight so the correct dimension of C63 is 1 meter and 44 centimeters eight so let's select everything and you press s on your keyboard to scale it until you have 144 to have the correct Dimension okay perfect now let's take care of the rig for this project I use the RBC add-on the pro version but the good news is you also have a free version that you can use to follow along and to animate your cars as you know I love car animations and this add-on is really a Time Saver for me everything is automatic that's crazy you can rig your car with one click and I'm going to demonstrate that in a few SEC the physics are calculated by the add-on the drifts the collisions with objects and other vehicles the collisions with the ground the crashes the gems all the physics are handled automatically for more realism and to avoid the time consuming process to do it manually don't worry I will make many videos to illustrate those functions but for now let's start with something simple the main differences between the free and pro versions are with the pro version you can rig your vehicle with one click when you have to do it manually with the free version with the pro version you can read whatever you want cars motorbikes trucks vehicles with custom number of wheels and with the free version only cars with the free version you cannot handle the brakes part you can only do that with the pro version and with the pro version you can control your car with a controller or keyboard when it has to be with keyframes for the free version and finally in the pro version you can fine tune your setup and physics and in the free version you only have limited options so if you like animations like me maybe you should consider the pro version as the price you will rise when more and more functions will be added it's also a great way to support my channel and the artist behind this add-on or if you just want to animate your car with the perfectly working rig you can go for the free version okay so you download the add-on you go in edit preferences add-ons and you click on install then you search for the file you just downloaded so it should be named RBC if you have the pro version or if you have the free version it should be named free somewhere so you click on the file and you press install addon and then you just have to be sure that the add-on is activated with this little checkbox and now if I press n on my keyboard you should have the RBC I don't know installed okay first let me show you how to install the ring when you have the pro version here you select your body part then you press Ctrl on the keyboard and you select the different Wheels the four wheels with everything selected first you press one and you have to be sure that the the car is facing towards you if it's the case here in the drop down list you select quick rig and you just press quick rig and that's it the rig is installed with only one click as I told you we still have to deal with the brakes but if you want to see an animation here in drive I just put 8 for example and I press spacebar and as you can see my car is moving the rig is working fine okay now let me show you how to do that when you have the free version okay for the free version you only have the car Option first you select the collection where you have your car and you click on ADD rig Okay cool so now the the rig is here RBC add-on you go in the RBC rig section with the the in the setup menu so here I'm gonna select the body for example and I click the equip body to tell the rig that this is the body and you do the same for the front wheel so here the front wheel and I will say that's the front wheel back left front right and back right and when you have selected all the different parts you click on generate rig and that's it it was also fairly easy now you have the rig installed on your car let me see if it's working fine quickly so here on Drive I press 8. space bar and yeah it's working fine okay now let's deal with the brakes as I told you you can only do that in the pro version so you go in RBC rig you can set up and in the extra Tab and here you select the front left for example and you just have to press this plus icon to say that it's the front left and you do the same for the four bricks and that's it you have attached the brakes to the rig and to see if everything is working fine you go in control here and you put a value in drive for example 8 or 10 or whatever not whatever but maybe 10 and you understand why in a few minutes okay and you press spacebar and now everything is working fine and the brakes also and guys you see how easy it is to use this rig we just installed the rig and the wheels are already animated and it's the same for the steering I will show you that so maybe let's add a value in steering maybe 0.5 just to give it a try then I press spacebar and as you can see everything is automatically animated the steering and the the wheels rotation and I can't resist to show you that very quickly but if I want to create a drift for my car here in the drive section I just put a value for example of 40 so it's a relatively high value and I press spacebar and as you can see my car is already drifting is automatically drifting so now all we have to do is to play with those values to get the effect that we want so this rig is a little bit different from what we knew with the Rigo car addon for example because here we are not using a pass we will use keyframes to make the the car move and same for the for the steering I will not cover all the different functions in this video because we have a lot of topics to cover but as I told you in the beginning I will make different videos about this add-on okay now let's take care of the car animation for the first part I wanted the car to be slow and then a sweet little break at the end I went for 300 frames but if it's too much you can just create your animation with 150 or 200 frames so you can change this value here so here I have 300 already but if you want you can put 200 uh 200 sorry or 150 it's up to you so let's go for me for 300. and you can move this little thing here in order to see all the your frames so here I know that I can see all my 300 frames actually let me just move that here so as I already showed to have the car moving you must select the value in drive here I choose 8 for this project and 0 for the steering as the car is moving in a straight line so let's see how it looks so you press the space bar on the timeline or you just click this little play button okay that's perfect this is the speed I need for the the speed I want for the first part actually let me get rid of all those lines so you click here and you have relationship lines and also those cameras I don't want to see those cameras okay perfect and going in a straight line is a boring visually so from there we know that later we will have to spice the scene with some camera movements okay for the brake part I would like my car to break at the end of the animations so for my project it would be around 250 frames I think so let's do that I will place my cursor on the frame 250. and here on the break button you press I on your keyboard that will add the keyframe at this position but of course I didn't press the break button so it means that here from from 0 to 250 the car will will move and then at 251 I would like it to break so I will press the break button here and press I again so there are two keyframes one at 250 with the brake not activated and one at 251 with the brakes activated so let's see how it goes I will restart the simulation and press play and now it should break this is exactly what we want once again according to the project you can move those keyframes wherever you want but for my 300 frames project at 250 that's perfect for me and one thing if you want to replay your animation like this as you can see my car is not properly moving it's because there is no cache what I mean is with this add-on let me just do that with this add-on everything is simulated in real time so if I go back and then I play play now the simulation is happening but if I try to move my cursor nothing is moving because there is no simulation so if you want to have the simulation in Cache what you have to do is to press this button record cache so I will do that just to show you so record cash when you have and you should do that only when you're you're happy with your simulation so I go back in the frame number one and I play the animation and the it will record every frame is in Cache and let's go until the end and it's okay if it's looping like that but now you have everything in Cache and you can move your cursor to see your animation and once again let's test let's see uh we ask one more thing if you're new to blender when I select an object for example I was like this and I want to focus my camera or the viewport on the the car for example I just press an object here and on your keyboard you press numpad period so it will zoom on the object you want to focus on and it's the same here if you have this object you can press numpad here and with zoom on this object in the different layers in the object list okay so let's let's look at the the break animation wow so so you saw that all the physics all the calculations are happening here you know the car is moving there is this little animation and it's incredible because trust me we used to do that manually every frame you can check my other tutorials if you want if you don't trust me but but with this add-on everything is is automatic that's that's great the realism of the animation is great all the physics are calculated automatically and by the way as I told you if you don't like how the car is breaking of course you can play with the brake strength but also with the setup of the car here in tuning you can play with the suspensions the wheels the physics Etc I will not do that in this video because I think it's already good looking but I will try to to talk about those those functions in a in another video okay but for now the default the default values are perfect for for the animation so as you can see guys the animation part was fairly easy but we will add some bumps later to make it more interesting but for now let's focus on the road for the road if you have my asset pack you could use the one of the rod already available if it's not the case let's create one together so to create the road first you click on collection because I would like the road to be there and you press shift to a on your keyboard mesh and plane let's press numpad period again and the plane is here you press n on your keyboard and you go in item and I would like to change the dimension of the plane and X should be 14 meters and Y should be 7. okay perfect and now we are going to rotate this plane so on the Z axis you go from 90 degrees okay great and let's go in shading now so here you go in the shading tab and actually let's hide the other ground so let me go there and here on ground I will hide it and not activate the renderer for that with the plane selected actually let's rename this plane to Road okay but capital letter just for me and here you press new okay so you will have the principal bsdf perfect and now you will need those files in order to to continue and I will put this available in the description so the link sorry will be in the description so you will be able to download those files okay for the road we will need three files we will need the rode base color so here you just drag and drop the image here in the Shader editor and we will need the normal and we will also need the roughness okay we only need those three files okay go back in blender for the base color we can plug directly the color to the base color okay cool and we can do the same for the roughness so color to roughness and now let's do that for the normal so color to normal but as you can see it's a pretty boring road so let's fix that we'll add a new node actually let me move that so you press the shift a on your keyboard and you go in color and you select the mix color node and you put that here and now we are going to plug the roughness to the point B here so roughness to point B and now as you can see it's becoming more interesting maybe it's a little bit too much so let's go for two 75 for example 3.375 for example okay good and now we are going to add a new node so shift to a search and you search for the bump node here we are going to use that with the normal okay but for the eight let's use the roughness again so roughness here and now as you can see this is way more interesting maybe the effect is a little bit too much so let's try zero one yeah maybe zero 70s 017 sorry so now it's up to you to choose what the the visual you you want to have and that's it we have our road so let's go back now and now when we activate the material preview mode yes that's good and now I want to duplicate the road for the bumps and you will see that in a few minutes so you click on the road and you press shift to D to create another instance and I will move it on the side so j and x to move it on the side actually let's rename this to a bump okay now we want to extend the road without consuming too much resources so let's click on the road and add the modifier so here you click on the modifier properties and in the modifier you go in Array okay so actually we can see that we already have a longer road but it's not going in in the correct direction so it's green one in the X Direction so we should say minus one so now it's going in the direction that we want and let's see for animation yeah it's way too long so maybe uh yeah 10 is enough okay perfect now we have our road maybe I will place the road correctly for my car J G and x and in my country we have the car driving on the right side you can put it on the left side if it's the case in your country okay cool now let's take care of the bumps so you click on the copy of the road then the one we named bump and you press tab on your keyboard to go in edit mode or you can use this drop down list to go in edit mode okay object mode edit mode and in edit mode you press right click on your mouse subdivide and let's go for 40. okay cool and now you press tab again from there you go in this drop down list again and you go in sculpt mode and here you already have the draw tool selected that's perfect and let's choose 30 36 it's okay and let's try to create some bumps on this road like this foreign just little stuff like that would be perfect okay let's try that I go back in object mode I take my bump here and I move it so G and shift Z to lock the z-axis and you move it right here on the on your road okay perfect and now we press n to go back in the RBC RBC addon but there is one thing we have to do we as if you remember now if I press play uh the car yes here the car is not uh considering the bumps because we have a cache here so we have to delete the cache okay so we can restart the the simulation and there is one more thing to do when you have this bump we have to say here in the addon in the RBC collisions we have to say that this bump is an passive Collision object so we click on passive Collision like that and now the car will correctly react to this bump so let's test that so I press play and let's see yes okay so there is one thing if I press here and you go in here passive you will have the ocean to see the convex L and you have to select your boom first and then convex L yeah so here you can see what is the the object that the car is considering and it's not very accurate if we want it to be more accurate we can go for mesh it will be much longer for the the other to to calculate but it will be more accurate so let's test that with mesh and now as you can see it's much it's way better for the for the Collision I will lower the ground a bit to not have these bumps at the beginning then I start again yes perfect and now we have this bump perfect so if we press record cache now anyway go back in from the beginning and press play again we will have the car driving here and it's slowing down for the simulation and then it's going perfect and to the end until the break and now if you press play it will be smooth because we have everything cache in memory yes great so by doing that we are giving more interest to the to the scene and maybe the bump is a little too big so what I would like to do now you press 7 on your keyboard and we don't need those parts and those parts we only need the bumps so what we could do we go back in edit mode and I will select everything here and I press delete on your keyboard oh wait where is where is the bucket the bump is here okay go back here and the bump is around here so I will delete everything here and that's it so now we only have the bumps okay now let's play the animation again I already did the cash yes let me record a new cache so play okay perfect let's see that in real time now so maybe the bump is too high so I will lower it again so G and z and you can hold shift if you want to lower it very slowly like that and let's delete the cache and play yes I like it like that yes it's a good example because I forgot to press the record cache but as you can see here I have this yellow line it means that it's already in Cache so instead of playing it again I can just say record the current cache so I press this button current and now as you can see it's red because it's in memory so if I play the animation it will be read time okay perfect so once again the the goal of those bumps are just to give some interest to the animation and to showcase the physics of the of the add-on if you want you can lower it again and now if you want you can duplicate the beams so to to duplicate the bumps this time it will not be shift to D to manage our resources we are going to use alt D so alt D so you click you create another bump and when you have Alto D you just press G and Y to move the bumper wherever you want and you can play with the eight of the different bumps okay so shift and Z to move on the z-axis and you you press the shift button and you move at the same time in order to move slowly and it's up to you now maybe you can put 10 beams or two bumps or one bumps the idea is a is really just to have some interest test in the animation just don't forget that it's a road it can be the match but it can be a four wheel drive it's a C63 AMG don't create bumps like little mountains it just bumps so now it's your creation it's up to you to create as many bumps as you want on in your scene for this first part okay here for example I went for three bumps but once again it's up to you so if I press play there is this first bump a little one then there is a bigger one and I end up with a smaller one again and when I say smaller of course it's just that it's a deeper in the ground okay so that's it for the the road and the bumps that we have created okay now let's create our first camera animation it might not be the final one but we need it for the scene setup the lights the street decorations the buildings Etc it will help us to place those items first I like to open another window here so you come here on this corner until you have this Crosshair and you drag the window here in this screen you press zero on your numpad to have the camera view let's press n to clean everything and here I will remove this and this to have a clean View let me press n and go in view yes I'm not the camera review is not ticked yet so that's good and I'm also going to press T to remove this and your press control and middle Mouse button and you move up until you have this view okay and now one thing we we have the camera setup we are in the camera view but of course the view is not good so in the viewport actually let me press n and here Nam pad I go in frame 0 yet so we did the case and I will place my viewport where I want the camera to be something like that and on your keyboard you press Ctrl alt and zero so here is the the camera view is updated I will press 0 to go out of the camera view from here you select your camera and you press I on your keyboard and you select a location rotation and scale okay so we have inserted the keyframe for the camera here it's better to use this view to reframe our camera view but if I move it as you can see I'm going out of the camera view so to fix that you press n in view you tick camera to view okay now I press n again and I press 0 to go back in the camera view and this time when I move the screen it's moving my camera okay cool let's try to uh have something we like maybe like this and I will go in the object data properties for the camera you have to activate the deeper field and I will select an object to focus let's click the door for now and in the viewport display you're going to put one for this value the pass part out so we only have the camera view nothing is disturbing our view let me select my camera and if I want to change here the Y value oh sorry no here the Y value yeah something like that for the start and I press I if you don't want to uh for blender to ask you every time for the keying you just go here in keying an active King set you set it to location rotation and scale so now with my camera selected if I press I again it's a creating a new keyframe another thing is actually we also see the keyframes for the brakes that's not good for for our view it's a little bit confusing so you're going to press on this little arrow here okay you're going to have summary and we only want the camera keyframes so here in the search box you type CA so for camera and you will only have the keyframes that concerns the the camera okay so we have our first keyframe and let's create another one maybe at the end of the animation so let's go in frame 300 or maybe or I think it was 250 for the break and here to move your camera you can press G like an object G and Y to move it on the y-axis and we want it to be here and I and at the end okay it's still moving so maybe you don't want it here you see here and let's add another keyframe actually so G and here and normally it's the same keyframe for at the end okay so I can just copy that here Let's test the animation I guess one more thing you select all the keyframes right click interpolation mode linear so you have a constant movement and no acceleration so I press play okay it's okay it's working fine so we see that our camera is a little bit late it's because it's uh it's moving but the car is not moving yet so I think until frame 10 we don't have to move the camera so we just have to copy the first keyframe here and now let's try again okay cool and maybe from here I already want the camera to be placed correctly so I will add another keyframe and I will move the camera on the y-axis something like that and why and now and now it's good we have the camera correctly following the car this is not a 6C at all I know but this is just to to have our frame and here at the end let me see okay it's cool that when the camera is following the car the the camera is not expecting the car to break so that's cool that the the car is touching this uh this part of the screen but maybe it's a little bit too much yes here here what we could do is add another keyframe just moving the camera a little bit like that and see how it goes yes that's better perfect and once again I know that the movement is not sexy at all it's a very hard movement at the moment but don't worry we will fix that later there is one issue though that I didn't correct for my final animation but I want you to to correct for your animation look at the the the wheels as you can see the wheels is going up a little bit too much it's because the initial position of my of my car is not good so let's go back in frame one and here you you go in your C63 um collection you click on body and we are going to raise the body a bit so G and z and then you raise it something like that I think and now if I play the animation again yes as you see it's better it's not touching the the body of the car if you want you can go a little bit higher so let's try this okay something like that and go yes that's way better maybe it's a it's a little bit too high but you got the idea you can position the body of your car wherever you want and actually it's bothering me so let me lower this a bit okay cool now I will try again yes perfect well guys that's it for this part of the tutorial we have covered a lot of items yeah and sorry the tutorial is already 30 minutes long it's because we have so much to to cover and you have a lot of homework to do for the next part don't worry it won't be longer I think it will be ready in around two days so stay tuned for the next part and thanks for watching bye foreign
Channel: JeanYan 3D
Views: 42,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender car animation tutorial, blender car animation tutorial for beginners, blender realistic car animation full tutorial beginner, blender car animation tutorial for begginers, blender tutorial, blender car tutorial, blender tutorial 2022, blender beginner tutorial, learn blender, how to animate blender, blender animation, blender 3d, blender beginner, blender car animation, 3d car animation tutorial blender, blender tutorial for beginners 2022, learn blender 3, animation, car
Id: T5D--VPeH7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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