Blender: Easy procedural leather material

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all right we're going to learn how to make this simple leather material so go ahead and add a maybe a sphere so that we can preview this and shade it smooth on our sphere go ahead and add a new material call it leather make sure you are rendering with cycles and let's go into the shading Tab and underworld I'm going to add an hdri so that we have some light and there we go we've got some light to work with let's go back to object and on our leather material we're going to go ahead and add a bornoy texture so shift a texture we're going to set it to distance to Edge and I'm going to set the scale to something like 40 ish if you have the node Wrangler enabled you can control shift click to preview that and then I'm going to add a color ramp and another color ramp and I'm going to plug this distance to Edge into the factor for both now on the top color ramp we're going to change the color handles to a dark brown and a light brown I'm going to choose uh 57260c as my dark brown and for my light brown I chose 784.028 and it should look something like this on our bottom color ramp we're gonna drag the white handle down to around the middle maybe a little left of the middle on the left handle on this bottom node I'm just going to change the color to a very light gray with A2 A2 A2 something like that is good so this top color wrap is going to be our base color and this bottom one is going to be our roughness next we're going to shift a and add a bump node and plug the color of this color wrap into the height and the normal into the normal output and reduce the strength to something like 0.15 now this looks great this could be used for like a procedural leather if you wanted like a stylized leather for something but to make this more realistic we need to add some noise so add a texture coordinate and mapping node and plug the UV of the texture coordinate into the mapping node and then we're going to add a noise texture so shift a texture noise texture and plug the mapping nodes Vector into the vector of the noise texture then add a mix node and change it to color and we're going to change the mode from mix to linear light plug the color from the noise texture into B and the vector from the mapping node into a and set the scale on the noise texture to something high like 200 is probably good and then take the result of this linear light and plug it into the vector on the voronoi texture what this group of nodes is doing here is essentially mixing blur or noise into the into the sort of mapping for this texture and so if you turn this down we get less noise and the more you turn this up you can see the noisier this gets now if you want you can plug the generated into the vector on this mapping node and you'll get a much more uniform layout on this sphere but if you have a complex object that you have UV unwrapped yourself then you probably want to use the UV texture coordinate instead of generated for this and I'm actually going to reduce this noise scale here to like one maybe 150 is good and on the factor here I'm going to set this to a value of around .007 and that's it that's this whole material if you want to make this neater you can select all of this and bundle it into a group and I'm just going to rename this first group output to roughness and move the color to the top there we go there you go a very easy fast leather material that looks pretty good if you like these quick material videos then again like subscribe uh you know leave a comment it helps it helps the channel and I'll also know that this is the type of content that I should be making more of
Channel: CG Krab
Views: 7,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procedural, blender, material, texture, how to, guide, tutorial, easy, free, simple, leather
Id: 7DbXGH0Ortg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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