Blender 2.93 Beginner Tutorial in 10 Minutes! Blender 3D Basics for Absolute Beginners

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3d is on the rise and more people are choosing blender as their preferred 3t software it's free it has a great community it's powerful and it's awesome and with many big tech companies joining its development fund it's growing faster than ever in this 10-minute guide i'll teach you the blender basics you need to know so you don't get intimidated by other blender videos out there so let's get started take the cursor to this region then use the left mouse button to orbit the view like this use the hand icon for panning the scene left right up or down and use the magnifying glass icon for zooming in or out now a better and quicker way to work with blender is to remember the shortcuts to perform these functions pressing the middle mouse button will orbit the view shift middle mouse button will pad the scene and control middle mouse button will let you zoom in to zoom out simply scrolling the mouse wheel also works now before you just like this video just because you don't have a three button mouse let me show you the fix head on up here to edit preferences click on the input tab then make sure the emulate three button mouse is checked on and before exiting bring the cursor down here and select save preferences and now you can simply use the all plus left mouse button instead of the middle mouse button with the selection tool active you can select with left mouse button to select multiple objects hold down shift key while selecting simply left click dragging over the objects also lets you select them to deselect shift left click on it again or control and left click track over it to select everything press a entity select all press all plus save now to delete any object select it first then right click to bring its context menu and select delete you can also delete by pressing x and selecting delete tab optics head over to add menu up above and select the object from the list if we want to add the cube back we can find it under the mesh sub menu you can also use the shortcut shift a to bring up the add menu whenever you add any object in the viewport it always starts from the same place this is because of the 3d cursor so say if we want the object to start from this region then we will have to place the cursor there first to do that select the cursor tool from toolbar and left click where you want the cursor to be or use the shortcut shift plus right mouse button to do exactly that if you add any object now it will start from where the cursor is placed now to reset the cursor back to world origin right click then under snap select cursor to world origin or use the shortcut shifted s to bring the snap by menu and select cursor to world origin [Music] to duplicate objects right click and select duplicate objects move the mouse to change its position and left click after finalizing or use the shortcut shift-e to duplicate then left-click to finalize the position to move objects enable the move tool from the toolbar then click hold and drag the little white circle to move and if you want to move it in a certain axis click hold and drag the colorful lines here blue stands for z-axis red for x-axis and green for y-axis the shortcut to move will be g to grab then left click and for movement in a certain axis press g then press x y or z to move it in the respective axis similarly there is rotation tool white circle for simple rotation and colorful ones for axis rotations and then there's the scale tool white circle for uniform scaling and colorful ones for scaling in certain axis [Music] edit mode is where the actual modeling happens to enter it head over to top left where you see object mode and change that to edit mode by pressing tab you will be able to quickly toggle between object and edit mode here in edit mode you will be able to play with the vertices edges or faces with vertex selection active you can select vertices with that selection active you can select edges and with face selection you can select faces you can also use the shortcuts one two and three for vertex edge and face selection respectively you can also use the tools which we used in object mode in here as well [Music] now let's take a look at some additional tools you get in this mode first is the extrude tool with this active you can extrude different regions of your model click hold and drag the yellow button to extrude the regions use the hotkey to extrude regions quickly and left-click to confirm or right click to cancel be careful when you cancel the extrude with right click because pressing the right click only cancels the movement but there still remains in overlapping geometry so if that happens simply use ctrl c to undo [Music] to inset a face drag the yellow button inside or use the shortcut eye this is really similar to the result you get if you exert a face cancel it with right click and then scale it down with ass first let's select an edge then with bevel tool active drag the yellow button to bevel then down in the operator panel you can adjust the width number of segments per shape you can also bevel the vertices instead of edges the shortcut to use the bevel tool is control plus b and scroll the mouse wheel to adjust the number of segments if you don't have a mouse wheel then after you press control plus b press s to change the number of segments and press a to adjust the width and to bevel vertices and to vertex selection then after selecting vertex press control plus b then v to bevel it or simply press ctrl shift and b to pebble with loop cut active if you take the cursor nearer horizontal latch a vertical preview loop appears and if you take the cursor near a vertical edge a horizontal preview loop appears so left clicking will make the cut and you can make even more cuts and in the operator panel you can change the number of cuts and with the factor slider you can slide the loop as well the shortcut to use this tool is control plus sir then by scrolling the mouse wheel you can change the number of cuts and people without mouse wheel use the page up or down keys in your keyboard after left clicking once you will be able to slide the loop as well you can also slide the loop by pressing g twice currently you're in solid view so you can only select the parts which you can see directly to select the parts at the back you have to orbit the view first if you don't want to do that there's a wireframe view for that in this view you can easily select all the parts of the object the shortcut for this is shift plus c you can also turn on x-ray view for similar functionality but the good thing about the x-ray view is you can go to the drop down here turn on x-ray and control the opacity as well the shortcut to use it is all plus c on your keyboard to add materials to your model head over to material properties in right side and click on you then under base color select one from the color wheel you can't see any materials on the model because you are currently in solid view you will have to switch to material preview or render view to be able to see them let's switch to material preview first there's a quicker way to switch between different views you can press e and then select the view you like to enter there are many different material properties you can play with in blender i will just show you two very basic ones the metallic slider decides whether an object is metallic or not one being the most metallic and roughness slider decides how much reflected the model is [Music] tad material to only certain faces enter edit mode select the face where you want to add materials then in material properties click on the plus button to add a new material slot and hit the assign button then you can simply add a new material to it now the lighting in material preview is actually done by some built-in hdr eyes which you can access by clicking on the drop down here the settings can be changed from here but this lighting won't show up in your final render as the name suggests is for preview only so enter render view now before we talk about scene lights let's add a ground plane so we can see the lighting better scale the plane up with ass now by default there's a point lamp in the scene to get a brighter scene bring the lamp near the model or head over to light properties and increase the power if you press shift today you can see three more different kinds of light which you can add in the scene you can also change the current light to one of those from here as well the point lamp casts light in all directions spotlight for focusing on a particular area of the scene area light covers more area but only in a single direction these three lights are dependent on the object's distance from the lamp for the sunlight you need to first lower the strength here the object distance doesn't matter the light is distributed equally throughout the scene you only need to change the direction of the sunlight to add a camera press shift and a and select camera but we have one already then to enter camera view select a camera icon here text it select it again or use the shortcut tilt key and select view camera when you try to orbit you exit out of camera view if you want to avoid that drag this little arrow or use the hotkey end to bring it out then make sure lock camera to view is checked on now you will face any problem while orbiting panning or zooming if you want to change the resolution of the final render then head on up here to output properties then change the resolution and finally if you click on render properties you will be able to change the render settings there are two main render engines which come default with blender ev is a real-time render while cycles is a more accurate one you can however make ev look similar to cycles by tweaking some of its settings now to render this image head over to render menu above and select render image or use the hotkey f12 once done under image select save as in the file browser select the file folder where you want it to get saved select the file format name the image and then select save as image and to save this project so you can access it later go to file select save as or use the hotkey ctrl shift and as in the file browser select the file filter where you want it to get saved name the project and then select save as and to open a brand new file head over to file new and general or use the hotkey control plus and congratulations you made it to the end of this video i am 3d greenhorn i've been making blender related videos on this channel for almost two years i will also be releasing a beginner video next week where you will create something better than a cube so subscribe and turn on the notifications to get notified and i hope to see you in the next video if you like the blender software you may also want to learn it from the professionals by enrolling in a proper course these are the two courses i recommend for every blender beginners in the cg boost course you will learn the ins and outs of the software and then modeling a beautiful car and animating it as well within blender well the polygon runway course is project based and you will create awesome looking illustrations directly without stressing too much on theory part both courses have their own merits i have learned many things from both of them their teaching styles are really different which is a bonus i would recommend you to try both but if you can't afford both of them right now get the one you think suits you best if you use the link in my video description you will also be supporting my small channel those are affiliate links which means i'll receive a small commission on every sale without costing you anything extra [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: 3DGreenhorn
Views: 10,653
Rating: 4.9670105 out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.93, blender 2.93 lts, blender 2.8, learn 3d modeling, learn blender, get good at blender, blender 2021, learn blender for beginners, learn blender 2.9, learn blender full course, blender absolute basics, blender in 10 minutes, 3d, learn blender 2.93, how to use blender, design, 3d software, high income skills 2021, LTS, blender 2.93 lts tutorial, blender 3.0, blender 3, blender 2.93 beginner tutorial, blender for absolute beginners
Id: Be_9yovWwWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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