Blender 2.93 Beginner's Guide 2021

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hello guys today i'm going to show you how to use blender 2.93 which came out in june so it starts off with this cube so like when you download the version um it's gonna give you a blank screen but if you open it up and let's say we don't like it you can just go into file new and then general i mean you don't you can press save if you use want to save that file for later if you need it or you can press don't save we don't need to save it so here we go we got this basic cube this is a camera this thing right here is a camera it takes videos of all the stuff you can actually because zero on your number pad to uh activate like the revision in the for the camera so for zero on the number pad boom if you don't have a number pad you can press z oh i actually need this thing you can press a little squiggly line evan shows you all these things it it actually you can do view selected um i don't know what i'm doing you can do so when you click that and you don't have a number pad you can click on this it'll take you there and then compress on it again and then view camera again so then there's this cube i'm gonna i'm gonna reset because i'm in a weird formation so then we got this cube and also we got this little thing up here this is um like my toolbar so this is move or you can press g then you can move this thing around you can move whatever selected object we have around so then click the press g move around click also you can also uh there's these things little arrows you can you can click and drag it around in one axis or you can do that the same way by doing g and z and then you can move around i know m and click or you can do t y y axis g and then g x x axis the next one is the rotate you can press r to rotate two so this rotates a cube r rotates a cube what what wherever you want so um this is for rotating the cube you don't have to press r you can just take this and then move it around also you can uh rotate like this it's not our way to rotate and then this one you can also rotate on the x-axis and the z-axis this is rotating actually this is rotating this v-axis a click of a wrong button and this we have this one which is the scale you can scale it however we want let's see this thing doesn't matter we can like scale it like smaller like this this it's the same thing you can press s and then whatever axis you want to go on this is the z okay that is weird i don't i don't know what's happening you don't have to do that you can just like collect this so this is all like the simple stuff transform is that like everything together like all this stuff together you can do move you can do rotate and you can do scale i know this is a little weird so this is what this does if the toolbar does there's all this other stuff but we won't focus on this this is select box so you can select anything it doesn't matter what it is you can just select stuff or you can click and drag or or if you want to select multiple object objects you can select one thing and then hold shift if you have shift key and then click on something else and there you go we um select all the objects then you can move all of them like that so let's make a new one so since we've got this now this you can change the modes you can do it quickly by pressing tab so this is object mode where you basically move stuff around and also guess what when you press tab the toolbars change see not that now there's not only this and this now there's also these weird things i don't know there's this thing you can just duplicate stuff like this i think i'll just i do it so um that's what that is that's extrusion this is um insert faces so you can uh kind of like i don't know what that is i think it like moves like the faces change maybe i don't know what that does though and this oh this kind of bevels it like you might not see but it does something called deviling beveling is basically a modifier right here beveling i see it just beveled a little [Music] beveling is actually a little cool too it gives it this this nice curvy texture on like the sides so cut wasn't like just a normal cube it was like a little like curvy on the sides which is on the edges i mean to make it look cool this is called loop cut so you can cut it in a specific way and you can keep doing it too sometimes uh people will uh use this for like um like if they want a separate block to be taken out like let's say we did a cup for this uh well um we go back here or or maybe they just need more like vertices they can take vertices mnt can do whatever they want with them you can like change it a little like this or however they change it into this like weird formation or whatever they want to do okay that is a weird shape i'm gonna undo all of that so that's what that is also this is called slicing you can do a specific loop cut in a specific way but this is a little weird not not many people use this um i just want to get rid of this i don't know how to okay tab thank you let's go back into edit mode this is poly build you can just like basically um make polygons build polygons that's why it's called poly build and then just basically just move the vertices around that's basically the same thing as a move tool i'm just going to keep doing this weird formation thing that's basically what poly build means you can make these weird shapes out of blocks and people usually use um loop cut before they use polybuild this is to whoa i don't know what that is okay i just don't know what that is this um is to uh i just made a weird guy so this what is this called it's to like kind of sometimes sometimes it actually smooths it out but where it actually smooths it out it's not an edit mode but like you go here and sculpt mode we won't really use this but i'm just showing you that that this is how to use this so we go into sculpt mode smooth right there now that's complete oh right here's move then you can uh take this and then do this weird thing it kind of like smooths it out but also composes it up i like literally i'm making my whole entire block disappear that is weird should i just disappear i'm like where are you making it disappear this is the cube now this is my cube and i have it literally disappeared it literally disappeared what is that i just literally disappeared okay here we go i'm not doing this i'm going back into it edit mode so that's what it basically is uh it's basically like smooth it's not the same smooth though this is edge slide oh it moves some of the vertices um over like if if the vertices got out of got out of order you can move the vertices a little outside like that this i don't know what that is uh maybe is to like oh my gosh that is weird that is to do so this is to shear off a little bit of it i don't know what that is it's a little weird thing there not many people it's not really used much and also this just pulls the whole entire thing with it that is called rip region so i showed you that there's different modes that we don't really use so i'm just going to undo everything and this is usually used in render mode so if you go up here you can see there's something called rendered mode uh or if you don't want to or if you don't want to do that you can just play z let me go up there to render escape if that's possible uh this is this just shows with textures this just solid mode and this is wireframe mode it usually just like makes it like see-through and also it shows you like the vertices and stuff so let's go into regular road so you got this and this is the light you continue to sun now see how brighter it is change the strength to one see now it's very dim this is what it basically is it's basically a sun it's it's used often like in rendered like situations like when we have to render something that that's when it comes in sometimes so there we go this is the light this is the spot not it's not really use much and this is area it just goes into wherever it needs to go usually by for default is on sun not really gonna go on that though so now we're gonna talk about um the ad you can go up here to do it or you could press shift a then there's all this stuff over here you can add meshes we usually add meshes so just so you know you press you can add a plane this is a plane it you can i you can you can never ever ever um bring down uh change the z uh scale because it's a plane it's not a cube let's delete that or x you can press x to delete stuff let's say i have this cube i could press x to delete it and press this button oh wait let's not there's also other stuff there is a cube a circle this is not like i'm gonna move the circle upwards this is the circle you can actually kind of change it a little you cannot it's just like a just like a plane you cannot change the z-axis but you can actually uh change it a little um like you can actually but you can change it in edit mode i think wait can you let's call it oh wait selected uh so if we go add circle oh it's only a different thing like i think extreme region no it's not that whoa that is weird though okay go back in there let's eat that whoa so uh there's other stuff there's a uv sphere ico sphere they're they're basically spheres this is a cylinder a cone and s taurus not um some of them are not really useful unless i used oh at all like almost never use is this the grid it's kind of complain but it's actually it looks like plain but actually it's part of this i know it's a little weird so that's what it basically is so that's the ad you can press shift a there's curves there's surfaces there's metaballs there's text you can actually add text some text so that's very cool so then let's uh tap back to this we usually have special um things so let's talk about like the world stuff right now like there's another toolbar right here and this link for renderer right now we're under branching but render engine is evie evie is the best if he's the best of a rendering engine cycles is actually the worst look at it look at that i looked so weird workbench not really as much eevee is used the most so this is render is it eve or evie i think it's e yes it's e so this is render like um i don't know what that is but it's nothing good it's something that it does there's ambient occlusion it's like something with like them wait where are they is the light even on there we go let's go back onto this so this is basically like the render stuff like for rendering this is the scene this is the output this is the output from the rendering you can change the file format you can change your colors usually this one is used uh you can change how many frames on the time i'm there uh how how many frames per second there is usually it's 24 because that's you can you can actually change it or you can do custom so that's what this is this is belayer not not one that uh that could be opened a lot so let's not focus on that we won't really need that this is the scene like the whole entire thing not like the whole entire thing i mean it's like some other stuff uh in the world you can you can make um what what but you can make multiple cameras so it can make a background scene you can you can see active clips what active clips there are you can also change the units from metric to and pearl imperial but usually metric are used this is the world um this is basically what it's basically used right here in this world so this is surface just like uh all this stuff like like the world like i can change the color of it a little brighter well let's not do that i'll leave it like how it is that was kind of cool about you know just pressing ctrl c but actually change the one and press ctrl c so this isn't really used this is basically like the properties the object it's not really oh sorry about that noise it's not really used it's some it's usually used like to change the location the rotation and the scale like menu like manually not like not like by taking it and guess what it actually shows you how much it moved which is cool because like if you got it the wrong amount you can just keep moving it until you get the right amount or i can actually type it in here like let's say one meter goes up one meter zero meters goes down zero meters there we go so that's basically it for the location you can move it around like that this is the rotation it actually is used to but you can change it but it's also not really used it actually is though also you can actually see [Music] um which way goes it's usually used like this this is the scale like let's see one thousand this direction goes one thousand doesn't matter zero it just turns into a plane there we go that's like that's what usually is used so over here is relations i think it is you can actually take these and then press this and then uh click an object and then they're joined together they're they're both gonna move together um these are collections i'm gonna add one of these i don't know what that is motion paths not really used visibility not really used you put display sometimes used it's it's just for free it's about a free viewport of the block you can change the color i don't even know why it's not changed guess what i'm not even so guess what a lot of this stuff isn't really used the next one is the modifier tab so here you can add modifiers like right here there's some like modifiers one that's mostly used is subdivision surface and um bevel solidify soft body fluid ocean collision cloth armature uh i think aren't you yeah particle if you want to use verticals explode sometimes is used build sometimes is used boolean is kind of weird bevel is very used i think i already said that an array not really used at all because it's kind of it it's still one it's still it's still one object but um let's change how far away it is guess what it's still an object click on one of the cubes and guess what it's gonna say oopsies this is one object so i don't really i use array array is like weird it's very weird i i hate it i i mean i don't hate it but nobody really uses it this is particle you can basically make particles this you can add one guess what you can you can't really see it but guess what here's a particle right there you can actually add more where is it i think it is i don't know where you change my mouse it i i heard yourself and called like density i think it's when oh my gosh i don't know what that is actually press the button so that's what that is that's like about particles this is like the physics like just how you saw it like the last time you saw um all the stuff there which and it looks the same and actually it is the same it's basically physics this is soft body to make it soft so when you play that was weird let's go back um so that that that's the physics it's basically about physics it's mostly about physics collision soft body fluid and rigid body are the most used uh ones those are actually the ones that i mostly use this is about constraining two objects together like um i know it's a little weird um let's not talk about that it's not really used to actually let's talk a little about that so i don't really use it so i don't know much about it so i'll try my best to show you guys how this works um so basically this right here um these are basically the like i have been i have never used these so i don't really know about these so it's actually like try pressing one of them doesn't make change but i mean i don't know what that is i have used this before i know what this is it's about um it's the data about it guess what i can add two objects together um i think it's like present one of please no oh i remember this but it's not much used so let's not talk about that because you won't really use it guys so guess what you won't really use it i know it's kind of weird you can't really see the whole screen but you can still see a little i think i see that you can see a little or should i kind of like um there we go that's much better for you guys and also i can show you that yeah there we go now that looks better that is much better so right here is like is the material basically let's let's say we have like um a picture of something let's see like um like a picture let's go i i don't know where to find any pictures but um so i don't know where to find pictures the pictures there's a lot of stuff to explain the one that's mostly uses right is this thing and this thing because you can you will sometimes want to change it like glossy if you want it to be like golden a little glass but usually it like for like the default principle bsdf i don't know what that is not really used not really used this is used a lot you can change it like into the textures that you have which is image textures and environment texture so we can also change the metallicness so it looked a little more metallic but there's a lot of stuff here to touch you can actually make it different um right now it's all hockey which means you can it you cannot see for it so that's so all of this is good this isn't really used too but guess what it's it's a textures this was material this was texture i was kind of i was wrong this wasn't uh the texture this was material this is texture so here you can you can um change like the textures of it you can it's kind of like uh putting on a picture which you can actually literally put a video onto this which is cool like basically you take a video and put it onto this when you're basically watching a video on this thing which is cool i think that is cool and now let's talk about these they have their own um special um thing this is called um the camera properties but it says objective properties so don't worry about that you can change you can basically change in this you can basically change everything about the camera everything that the camera uses so basically change whatever the camera uses which is nice i know that's pretty cool so i think we got everything no actually we didn't this is zoom you can zoom in which is nice you know what you don't have to scroll you can just zoom in with this thing over here is like panning around it's to pan around like to move or move your like screen around this is to talk about the camera and guess what this is to make it look like you're under and over which is weird and actually this isn't used much so let's not use that i'm sorry that they on my video there is layout so this stuff right here isn't uh not many people open this but um sometimes you can use this like over here quick effects it basically opens up like the goes in here goes in here it takes fluid and then it picks the domain when it picks what type so that's what that does there's a lot of other stuff delete global is basically the deletes the whole entire theme so i'm gonna do that so this is select you can it's select stuff um you can invert box select uh use a lot circle select it was um there is suck by type it's a mesh a curve a surface a whatever select active camera if a camera is active then it selects the camera select mirror there's no which is actually on the camera select random and so i liked a random block a random way selecting select randomly it's like everything even uh so it basically selects random things but they are not really used so if you uh i'll let you uh view all the stuff sidebar you can press n to view it and also it shows you toolbar which is dapping there is tool settings this stuff up here you can um i don't know what that is i don't see anything that changed whoa this is basically it so if this helped you a lot plea please subscribe to my youtube channel that would help me a lot and also like this video please will help a lot to you and i'll keep making more videos if you do [Music] well if this helped this if this video helped you well good for you now you know much a lot about more about blender if you're new to blender bye
Channel: Maksim Gopigo
Views: 224
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: blender beginner guide how-to
Id: RN598y09bv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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