Treasure Chest | Easy Blender 2.93 | Tutorial

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hey guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today i'm going to show you how to make a simple treasure chest box in blender 2.9 free and um you can see this one here is very basic and i didn't even add like a little keyhole here or any little latches on the side i'm just showing you kind of like the fundamental um way to make the overall thing that looks like a treasure chest and you guys can use this technique and definitely embellish it and improve upon it so if you think this looks cool and this is something you'd like to make keep watching the tutorial and as always i will be making the blend file available on my patreon which you guys can check out and i really do appreciate all the support i've been getting there as well so um without wasting any more time let's make this guy over here so i've gone ahead and opened up a new scene in blender 2.93 i'm just going to simply select all of the default objects i'm going to hit x and just delete those guys so now we're going to go shift a and we'll go to our mesh options here i'm just going to simply add in a cylinder and we'll just leave the settings as they are so let's hit one to go into our front of graphic view and with the cylinder selected or active we're going to tab into edit mode and before this is geometry selected just make sure it's all active we're going to hit um r y 9 0 and we're going to hit enter so in edit mode we've essentially rotated it 90 degrees on its y-axis okay so let's now go ahead and hit z and go to our wireframe and we're just going to select all of these bottom parts okay so anything below our floor we want to select and we're going to hit x and just delete those vertices that's leaving us with half a cylinder here which is fine but we want to also go ahead and just go to our modifiers and we're going to add a simple mirror modifier for this one here and we're going to be mirroring on the x which is fine so let's just in our front view here just select half of these verts here to select them and once you have them active we're going to go g x and just move them in like this all right and at the moment they're parting because they're not clipping together so make sure you enable your clipping then you can go g x and just move them in together again and they should clip together so now if you hit g x again and you try and move them they're not moving because you have clipping enabled so go and hit one to go back into your front orthographic view and um what we're going to do now actually let's just go into wireframe again we're just going to select these bottom verts so all the bottom verts are selected and we're just going to go e to extrude and z and we're going to bring it down let's say about that much almost the height of the actual top of the box maybe just the same something like that and then we're going to hit um a just to select all of this we're going to go g x and we're going to move it out a little bit now this doesn't have to be any specific kind of length if you want a bit of a longer box you can do it if you want a bit of a shorter one you can do it really depends what you're going for i'm going to go with something round about here and you can kind of look at the grid spacing here see on my floor that gives you an idea of what i'm working with here so you can kind of see i have one and a half almost with the grid space here for for this guy so if that's done i'm simply going to go and um just go to my edge select here i'm going to hold click on this edge here holding and shift i'm going to select the edge on the back and we hit f to fill that face then i'm going to select this edge holding shift select the edge opposite of it and i'm going to hit f to fill that and now i'm just going to go and shift alt click on one of these edges it's going to loop selected so let's just try hitting f just to fill it for now just cheat a little bit that should be okay for what we're trying to do we're going to try to make the kind of outer middle part of the box anyway here so let's not worry about that too much so what i might just do here is just go to my um actually let's just stay on edge select here so what we want to do is we want to kind of create like these bars these metal bars that bend around the box so we're going to come over one of these edges here when you go ctrl r you should see this yellow line appearing now that yellow line is not a piece of geometry yet it's just telling you what it'll look like so what we want to do is we want to just roll our middle mouse button once and we're going to see there's now two of them if you roll a bunch of times you can see it's more but just two cuts like that and you just click and then you can go g x and just move it on to the side so we're going to move it up to about here and then we're going to deselect shift alt just select this edge here by itself by clicking on it and i'm going to go g x and just move that whole row um to about here should be fine okay and then while we have that still active we're going to go control b so control b i'm going to create a bevel and we're going to make the bevel about that much okay so you're not seeing it at the moment what this is going to be we're going to extrude these um or give them some thickness later on they're going to look like the straps that go or metal straps that go around the box so let's add in a little bit more information here we're going to come to this edge here we're going to go ctrl r click g z and just bring that down to the bottom here to create a bottom part about that much and i want to go to our face selector we're now going to go shift and just select these three faces on the side while we're holding and shift and now we can in fact i'm just trying to think about it in the most practical sense um okay let's hit i so hit the i key and that'll inset the whole thing so we're going to insert it about that much should be okay and then what we're going to do is we're simply going to select this face here we're holding in um okay maybe not yet let's just hover over this edge one more time ctrl r click and then go g z and just move up one more edge i think we're going to need that there and then we're just going to hit k so hit k on your keyboard get the cut tool i'm going to click on this end of this edge here and we're going to go over here and then click on this edge and we're just creating like this cut in between here and i'm going to hit enter to fill that so now we've got this running across there like that so now we can go to our face select and it's at this point where if we can go shift alt and then click on an edge here it's going to loop select these faces and now you can just go around while you're holding in shift you can just select all of these faces that i'm selecting here so we want to select these guys like this and then these ones here and these ones we want to select these like that and then these ones here we want to make sure that all of these faces here are selected um except these ones at the bottom don't worry about those we don't want them selected okay so these these ones here and then we're going to go control i to inverse the selection or command i and then we're going to go x and we're going to delete those faces and now we're left with kind of like this skeleton this exoskeleton so to speak so what we can do now is we can go to our modifiers again and this time we're going to add a solidify modifier and we're going to just bring the thickness into the negatives here to make it go out depending on the direction of your normals you might have to do it the other way but for me it's going to be something like this i'm going to make it negative 0.25 maybe not that much so just play around with it okay that much i don't know it's kind of really just up to you i mean how how thick do you want the metal if you can stylize this as much as you want i'm just going to go with something like that for now i think should be okay now i'm also just going to go back into edit mode or i am in edit mode if you can't see anything in edit mode you could just simply go here to your um your solidify modifier and click on this cage to form thing and now you can still see the the edges and stuff so we're going to just make sure we're back in edge select here i'm going to go shift alt and just click on one of these edges here to loop select them around like this and then we're going to do something cool we're going to go s z 0 to flatten them onto z and then we're going to hit the v key to cut it right so now we've made a cut and now that's kind of like a separate object so now if we tab out you can see that's what we have now let's make it look a little bit nicer so we're going to actually go to our modifier stack i'm back in object mode so let's just minimize these guys and what we're going to do now is we're going to add a bevel modifier to give it a bit of a bevel we're going to make sure the limit method is angle it should be by default and i'm going to come here to the amount and we're going to drag that down to a much smaller value and then bump the segment count up to about three so let's go to our object mode and let's just give this shades move and that already looks pretty cool so um yeah that's now the outer part that's kind of like the tricky part the rest should be relatively easy so you can leave it as it is but you can also just go into edit mode and just select everything and go g z and just move it up till it's sitting on the floor here like that so um we can get back to the cage later but now what we're going to do is we're going to model like the pieces of wood or the planks that kind of fill in the spaces here so that's as simple as you'll think just go to mesh add in a cube and then go s y scale it down like that then s x scale it down s sorry i should have said but then sx to scale it this way so you kind of get the point we're just making a piece of wood in fact this is so easy that i probably don't even have to explain it that much just make something that looks like a piece of wood like that it's that simple then go to your right orthographic view g and just move it forward and what we're trying to do is just place it in here so it's kind of touching up against inside of there that's going to be our first plank of wood and you can scale this on the z so s z and make it as thick as you need to but i'm just going to go something like that and then i'm going to go ctrl a and i'm going to apply the scale and then i'm going to go to my add modifiers and give it a bevel modifier and i'm just going to come to the amount here and just bring that down quite a bit so something like that and i'm going to increase the segment count a few times i'm going to go to object mode and enable shades move as well for that piece of wood now that we have that established we can go shift d z and move it up and we're going to bring up one up to about there now you can see we have two pieces of wood and i'm just going to select both of them and i'm going to shift the y and move them back to the back of the um the chest here like that and now we're going to just select one of these planks we go to the right orthographic view and you can do this as roughly as you want we're going to go shift the move this up and then rotate it a little bit and there's probably some modifier trick you can use you know like an array modifier but and for now i'm going to keep it just it's so simple and a little bit of random variation will help us here so when we go shift d duplicate it again r to rotate it we're just roughly placing it around like this if you want to use an array modifier with some sort of offset go ahead but all i'm doing in my right or graphic view is i'm just going to shift d moving it with g and rotating it that's all i'm doing so just duplicating it rotating it g to move it it really does not have to be um anything too meticulous okay so just like that and you can see as i'm coming to the end here that shouldn't have be any gap there like that should fill it in nicely and any little kind of gaps in between there kind of give it a little bit of character you can always select any one of the individual planks and then go s and then double tap something like y or x or in this case maybe z and scale it along its local z axis so they're not all the same length it's completely up to you you can try little things like that but that's looking pretty cool so now we're going to select one of these planks and it's pretty self-explanatory but i'm just going to go to my top view and i'm going to go shift d to duplicate it moving it over to the side then i'm going to go r z 9 0 i'm going to hit enter then i'm going to go g x and just move it in so we're essentially just moving it in to here in edit mode i'm just going to go s x and sorry s y and scale it down into y and now i'm going to go back into object mode and i'm going to go shift d z and just bring it down to make another plank like that then we'll select both of these planks i'm gonna go shift the x and just move them to the other side like this and you can see how simple this has been i mean it's really not hard and now we can just do the exact same thing select these planks here and go shift d z and just move them up and you can try and fill that space as much as possible like that then all you have to do is just with both of them selected tab into edit mode and then a simple little cheat here is just to select the verts and go g so these these top first and go s y and scale them in on the y like that and you can also just grab these guys if you have to all of those first you can go s y and scale them in on the y a bit just to make the planks like that tab out of edit mode and now if both of those selected you can go shift the x and move them over this side and just bring them in there like that how's that so now we have um our chest here and you can also if you want you know nobody it depends on if you're going to see it but if it bothers you you could also just select one of these planks and just go shift d and just rotate it and just add a few to the bottom of the chest here um but it's up to you about this many of them should be fine it doesn't really matter if we're not going to be seeing it but maybe if you want to look inside of the chest um that would matter to you so you know just mess around a bit you kind of know the technique now so it's not too hard so now we have that all filled in and i think this looks pretty cool so one of the things you can also do is go ahead and add in little rivets and bolts which i will quickly show you how to do so um let's just make a few of them so i'm gonna go shift a just add in a simple uv sphere go to the add uv sphere and we don't want too many poly so let's just make the segment something like 12 okay and we're gonna make the rings something like eight that should be fine and now we have the sphere here we're gonna move it to the side i'm gonna go s z and just flatten onto z tab into edit mode and then just in wireframe select all the bottom verts hit x and delete those verts so now you have something that should look like a bit of a button like that tab out of edit mode go to object mode and enable shade smooth for that and then s to scale that one down and now you have a little rivet here so when i just in my right orthographic view move it forward i'm going to rotate it i'm not too worried about precise measurements here then we go g i'm moving over to the side just moving it about here and this is going to be one of those things where it's up to you to decide where you want to place wherever so i'm going to go something like that i'm going to go shift d z bring one down about there and then i'm going to shift d z bring one up but this one's going to be a bit smaller i'm just going to scale it down so just something like that should be fine maybe scale it on the z a bit and now i'm going to just select these three by holding shift then i'm going to go shift d and i'm going to go x and scout and move them along the x and i'm going to do that again shift dx shift dx and don't worry if you don't place it exactly the same as the other side and if it's not mirrored then that's a little bit more accurate because in real life nothing is 100 symmetrical so um let's just do the same thing i'm going to go to my top view and i'm going to go shift d of those guys selected move them back here then i'm going to rotate them around and just place them against here so i'm going to go shift d just doing the exact same thing shift d moving them over and then shift d again to duplicate moving over rotating them a bit so just something like that and now what i'm going to do did you guys see the how i've done that i'm going to just go and kick this into time lapse since you guys know how to do duplicate them and i'm just going to place them a few more places so there you go i've gone ahead and added in some more rivets to the chest here and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to just add some basic locks and things so you could leave it like this if you wanted to but i'm going to probably delete this rivet here and make space for a little simple lock mechanism by the way you don't have to do this like i said so let's go shift a let's just add in a cylinder and with the cylinder let's just leave it as it is and in our front view we're going to go r y nine zero and we're gonna hit s to scale that down we're gonna go g z and we're just moving it up so we're just bringing just a little cylinder to the front here okay and just like that scaling it down okay and then we're gonna go to object mode enable shades move control a and apply the scale and let's give this a bevel modifier and then bring that amount down and increase the segment count so we're just making the lock mechanism thing here and um yeah let's just also add a little plate coming down so i'm going to go tab into edit mode i'm going to go to my edge select just selecting an edge here and then i'm going to go shift d to duplicate that edge and then you can see i've duplicated the edge and i'm going to hit e to extrude it and i'm going to extrude the edge like this and then e to extrude it and i'm just bringing it down to about there so that's where i'm adding it to and then select this guy and just extrude it up and you can move all of this back just a little bit just like that and this is select the actual um lock the plate here and we're going to hit e to extrude it out like that and now we have that mechanism there we're going to go to object mode which make sure to enable shades move for that now we have that simple mechanism now it's too wide just go s x and scale it down on the x a little bit so now we can just simply add a basic um padlock thing to it so let's just quickly model that so a quick way to do that is just to add in a cube just bring it forward and we're going to go s to scale it down and then s y just flatten it on the y and g z to move it up and just model a really basic little lock you can add you can spend as much time as you want but for the tutorial's sake to keep it a little bit shorter i'm just going to keep this as basic as possible so just something like this i'm going to select everything ctrl b just to bevel it and i'm going to roll the middle mouse button to add in some more cuts and then while i'm in edit mode i'm going to go shift a and i'm just going to add in a simple taurus and i'm going to go g y move the taurus forward s to scale it down a bit g z to move that taurus up and with the taurus still active i'm going to go r x 9 0 when i hit enter and i'm just going to scale it down a bit more so just something like that i'm going to move it back and what we want to do is we want to go shift d and then r z90 to duplicate it and rotate it like that and i'm going to go g y i'm going to move it back into here and now let's just select the lock and the the part of it here and just bring those two down and we're trying to let them lay there like that and with this one here you can keep it like this but what i would like to do is just bring this part forward okay and then just delete the half of it like this and then you can just select these verts and just extrude them down like that and that's going to make a bit of a padlock so we're going to quickly add that in and now we can just bring this guy down a little bit this lock make the lock part okay and that's how you make a quick dirty lock and like i said i would add a lot more detail to this if it had more time but just for tutorial sake i'm just going to keep it really basic like that you can add a little keyhole i think that's probably what this needs it's just a little keyhole but i might do that later on and just show you what the final result looks like but i'm not going to add it into the tutorial just trying to keep it super basic and if you wanted to you can also go ahead and just add some basic little handles on the side here and stuff i might add some of that in later just as an example but for now the tutorial the modeling side of the tutorial is pretty much done what we're going to do next is we're going to add some basic lighting to this and then add some really cool materials basic materials and just make it really um look awesome so go ahead and open up your browser and you're going to want to just type in something like seamless old metal texture and just find one that you can use that's seamless and just kind of looks like a bit of a dirty metal i've already got one that i've downloaded a few years ago that i've got on my computer and that's the one i'm going to be using and in the second i'll quickly show you and then the second so i just got these two a little folder on my desktop where i downloaded these two and this one here it's just this wood wooden texture and it's for free i'm going to put a link in the description to the pixels link where you can download this wooden texture so go ahead download that one and put it in the folder on your desktop and then get yourself a seamless metal texture so once you have those two simple textures in place and i just put mine in a folder like i said get back into your blend file and now we're gonna add some basic materials so let's start by first of all just grouping all of the things together so and you can see over here in our default collection we've got a whole bunch of stuff so let's just um simplify things a bit let's just drop that down and let's just hold in shift and just select all of the planks of wood just to make it easier let's just select old planks it would okay just like that making sure all of the panels are good or selected and once you have them all active or selected you can hit m the m key on your keyboard and just go new collection and call it planks and just go okay and now you can see we have a new collection up here called planks we just hit the little eye here just to hide it and now we can just select a frame and anything that's kind of metallic so in this case everything here is going to be metal same material we're just going to select it and we'll just leave it on here let's just double click on this collection let's just call it metal so now we have that metal collection and now we have our wooden planks which you can hide when we need to so let's just start by just these metal guys here let's just select the main frame here this one here let's go over to our shading workspace and we're our shading workspace here we're going to hit z and we're simply going to go into our material preview so make sure you're in your material preview and if this selected we're going to hit new and let's just call it metal so we're going to call this material metal and then we're going to go select our principled bsdf and if you actually go to your edit preferences you can go to your add-ons it'll come up here to the search and just type in node and make sure to enable nodewrangler so once you have node-regular enabled if you select your principal shader you can go ctrl t or command t and it'll automatically add in these three nodes for you here so we're just going to move them over to the side then we're going to click on open i'm going to go to wherever you saved your texture so let's grab a metal seamless texture whichever one you guys found so we're going to go ahead and open that and then we're going to come over here and instead of having flat projection we'll come here and make it box and we don't want to be relying on uvs so we're trying to avoid uv unwrapping so let's take the object coordinate and plug it into the vector here so now it's actually being box projected onto our object here using these coordinates and you can mess around with the scale here if you want but for now i'm happy with the scale of this i'm just going to leave it at that and because we only have our metal collection here enabled we're only seeing all the metal objects while we have this main metal frame active if we hit a to select everything else and we still have this metal frame as the main active element we can go control l and then we can go link materials and now all of them have that same material and it's all looking good but they're not all at the same scale so while we still have everything selected we can now go ctrl a and make sure to apply the scale and now everything will kind of the texture will be represented at the same scale on all of our objects here because it kind of uses the scale of the individual objects to determine how it's going to procedurally place this texture over the surfaces so at the moment it looks really flat and boring because we don't have any lighting and we haven't really messed around with the material settings here themselves but let's also just quickly get the wooden material applied so let's just hide these metal parts and let's just go to our collection here and just enable the planks collection to bring all of our wooden planks and let's just select any one of these planks let's go new this is called wood and with the principal shader selected we're going to do the same thing we're going to go ctrl t or command t to add in these nodes but this time we're not going to worry about the mapping node so just get rid of the mapping nodes and the texture coordinate and we're going to click on open and we're going to go to that one i said i'll put in the description below so that's this image here the wooden image we're going to go open image and at the moment we're probably not going to see anything okay you can see something but it's not looking the way we want it to look so we're going to go into our uv editing workspace like so and we're now going to go to our front orthographic view of all of the selected we're going to go u and we're going to go project from view now over here in this window we can select the projection and we can go r to rotate it and s to scale and we can place it on one of these planks here and now if we go over here we hit z we go material preview we can see what that looks like so let's quickly tab out of edit mode here and while that plank is still active we're going to hit a to select everything you're going to go ctrl l and we're going to link those materials so now all of these have that same material now we're going to just simply select all of them and we're going to tab into edit mode and now you can go into your front view or whichever angle you want and you can go to your face select here and you can just select different faces and you can go you project from view and you can just come over here and you can rotate them scale them try placing them on some unique pieces of wood you don't want them all to look exactly the same so i'm all i'm going to do now here is i'm just going to go through them and just projecting them and i'm just going to rotate them trying to find some unique places to place them and we don't want any sort of unnecessary repetition so keeping things as unique as possible would be really good so i'm going to just quickly since you guys know how to do this now i've shown you i'm just going to quickly kick this into time lapse where all i'm doing is just selecting faces and just projecting them from view and i'm just simply moving them around over here rotating them and trying to give them something that looks um different than all of the others let's do something like that okay so i'm just going to quickly finish that off and now you can see i've finished uv unwrapping all of them just really basic unwraps and you can do the inside faces as well but for now i'm not going to really bother of that so let's go over here to our collections and let's bring back that metal collection so now we have the metal parts and the planks and all of the textures themselves are actually now applied so we're going to be doing next is actually working on the principled shaders themselves to add some nice effects but we also need to add in some lighting first so we can see what we're doing so let's go back to our layout here and first of all let's go to our renderer our render settings we want to make sure we're working in ev and we're going to enable ambient occlusion i'm going to come down and also enable screen space reflections now once we have those enabled we can go shift a go to your light sections and add in an area light so i'm going to go to my front view i'm going to move this area light here i'm going to rotate it in towards the subject matter i'm going to go to the top and i'm going to move it forward and then i'm going to hit r to rotate it in towards the chest here then i'm going to go to my light settings i'm going to increase the size to about 4 meters then i'm going to take the power and make it 300. now i'm going to hit z and i'm going to go rendered and now i can see my chest is being lit here and i got some nice um it just looks nice so i'm gonna just also grab this light here and in the top view i'm gonna hit shift d to duplicate it i'm gonna have one coming from the side here but this one i'm going to make the strength 150 so only half as strong and in what this is really going to look cool is going to be the rim light so let's go shift a add in a point light g to move it up and let's scale the radius of that up under our light settings and increase the power of it quite a bit so about 160 should be good and then we're going to go g and we're going to move it behind the chest and now we need to add in a camera so i'm going to come roughly about here and go shift a and i'm going to go and add in a camera and if that camera's still active i'm going to hit 0 to go to camera view and then g middle mouse button i'm just going to zoom back let me go g z and just move the camera up so you guys should already know how to place a basic camera then go to your camera settings let's make the focal length 95 and just zoom back so just placing a camera this isn't really a camera tutorial so i'm just going to keep it super basic like this and then i'm going to go shift a i'm just going to add in a plane and go s to scale that up let me go to my world settings i'm just going to make the world a little bit darker then i'm going to select the plane i'm going to go to my shading workspace now i'm going to go into camera view hit z make sure you're in rendered mode and now with that plane selected let's go new let's just call it um floor and let's just come here to our principal shader and let's just make that black make it a little bit metallic and then bring the roughness down to make it slightly reflective now we can select this area light here or this spotlight i'm gonna go shift d and we're just gonna move it along the x just like that so what we're trying to do is just create some nice back lighting here so it kind of gives us a little bit of this room lighting effect as you can see okay so it just makes the treasure chest pop out from the background and it looks pretty cool so mess around with that as much as you want just to kind of make it stand out it's a really cool way of doing that room lighting maybe decrease the size of that one a bit okay so that's looking pretty cool what i'm going to do now is i'm going to actually select one of the metal parts here and let's start working on the metal material so let's obviously come to the metallic slider and we're just going to drag that all the way up to one and already it's starting to look like metal and we'll just come take the roughness and drag that down a bit and that's looking pretty cool now you could add some roughness or some bump to this but for now i'm just going to leave it as it is we're keeping it super basic now let's select the wood itself and of the wood here we're just going to take the roughness here and just drag it down a bit but with this one we will add some texture so let's move the image texture to the side then we're going to go shift a search let's type in color and get a color ramp then take the color output here and plug it into the factor of our color ramp and let's go shift a search and type in bump for bump then we'll place it here and we'll take the color and plug it into the height of the bump and we'll take the normal output of the bump and plug it into the normal of the principal shader now we can see we have some bump we're going to come to the strength and make it 0.1 like so and you can do that exact same thing to the metal if you want but i'm not going to do that so just something like that you can mess around with the reflective amount or the roughness amount of the wood but this is just about creating a super quick and dirty um chest in blender you can also just select the background here and mess around with some of the things on there as well it's completely up to you what you're trying to achieve but yeah also try just messing around with your lights so i might move my area light a little bit more forward and see what that looks like in my camera view and also mess around with the strength and the scale of your scene is also going to determine how much you want to increase or decrease the strength of the light because the scale of your scene does affect these numbers here that's also very important to keep in mind but yeah that's how you make a basic treasure chest and i'm also going to just select my camera i'm going to enable depth of field and i'm just going to come to the drop down select this little eyedropper i'm going to select the chest and then i'm going to come to the f-stop and just drag that down quite a bit something like 0.5 that's going to give it some nice soft focus like that so now you know there we have it that is pretty much a basic treasure chest in blender so let's just quickly save all of this and let's go render and let's go render image and here we have it this is our final render this is what it looks like so this isn't by no means a very realistic or detailed treasure chest in blender this is just a very basic quick and dirty way to make it and i'm showing you the technique there's quite a few little details here that i'm missing like maybe a a hole in the lock here maybe some latches on the side to grab onto definitely add some more information or some more nodes into the metal texture there even the wood just to add some more and surface imperfections and stuff like that but other than that this has just been a really basic way of making a treasure chest in blender that looks relatively cool so i'll be making this model available on my patreon and just check out some of my other content if this tutorial wasn't exactly your thing and i hope you guys stay safe and i'll see you guys next time for another blender tutorial
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Views: 9,875
Rating: 4.944056 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9
Id: fwaRZBiqToE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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