Blender 2.8 Creating A Medieval Castle Door PT1 Tutorial | Start Learning Now!

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This is part 1 of an exciting FREE YouTube full course on building a medieval castle style door in Blender 2.8. In this tutorial, we will work on the stone blocks around the outside of the door, the door frame, and the basic door structure. Everything is done in Blender, letting you fully explore the software’s modelling and texturing capabilities.

I recently uploaded a timelapse of me building this medieval castle style door in Blender 2.8 as well. Feel free to take a gander to see what your finished model will look like at the end of this course.

Over the next week, I will be releasing a FREE YouTube full course showing you exactly how to make this medieval castle style door. This will include a few tutorials, taking you through the process of building every small component. Like with all my tutorials, I will be showing you how to build it step-by-step, with on-screen tooltips to guide you through the workflow without any fuss.

All resources, including a free HDRI are available via the YouTube link.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/3DTudor 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello everyone its Neal here from 3d tutor back today with another full course and this one we're going to make a medieval door if you've not seen the time-lapse that I created go to my channel and find the time-lapse on the medieval door and you'll see exactly what we're gonna cover in this course and see if it's right for you all the resources that we use in this course they will be in link down below to a Dropbox and just download them and then you'll have them ready to use as we move along so much later in the course that when we use those but just get them downloaded and ready or in fact you can use them on something else if you like so with that said let's get started so we will actually link the Kuban or anything now we'll do the camera just so that South away and we'll delete this life so all I'm doing is left clicking and pressing the delete button just to delete those then what we're going to do is going to press shift a to bring in the primitive we're gonna come to where those mesh I'm going to come down to a say cylinder now this another moment has far too many edges so let's come down to the left-hand side here click on this arrow that I clicked on and then let's change vertices down to something like 18 and now we're free to move this around so let's press Alwine 90 and we'll just turn it so that when i press 1 on the number pad I want it basically facing towards me and at the moment you can see it's not facing towards me so I'll do is I'll press RZ 90 just a rotates it round to get it in the right place then press shift space and that's gonna bring in my move tool and now you can see we've got get small here and we're free to move this around so let's pull it up a bit we're not actually gonna worry about proper sizing or anything like that at the moment once we built it you can scale in and take into games engine like on real or unity or something like that so now we're going to do is I'm going to press tab to go into edit mode we're gonna come up to the top left hand side here and we're gonna select faces so let's like this face well come around the back we'll shift click on this face and then we'll press delete and we'll go down to where it says faces now I wanna do is want to basically delete where the point is is actually gonna come down vertically in a straight line you can see that here is where it comes out here and then it starts to go back in so this would be a good polygon to delete so let's delete the same the other side first leads click faces now hover over this part of the mesh press L to select it all and then press delete and faces now let's get this thing so insert the right size for one to do so imma press 1 on the number plat that's a s I'm just gonna scale it out a little bit and basically this is going to be the stoneware that's actually going round the door so you can see here that when I bring this down is probably gonna be a bit too short so I'll press shift space again bring my move tool in lift it up a little bit and I would say that actually the cylinder that we bring in is probably the right dimensions we don't really want to bring you in that much on the x-axis you can bring it out a little bit so i'll do is i'll press sx and just bring out just a tiny bit something like that and then i can kind of see when my door and frame is gonna go around here and I think they'll be really really nice so now I'll do is I'll come to where H select grab this edge on this edge press 1 press e for extrude Z for the z-axis and just pull the mouse down till it reaches the bottom of the ground plane here and you should end up with something like this now if we hover over it press L s Y and let's just squeeze it in just so we've got something that were happy with and the right thickness for our stone blocks that are going to go round the top of our doorway now all do is with everything grabbed I'll press e4 extrude and press the Enter button and then I'll come up to my two links here make sure it's on medium point and then if you press s to scale you'll be able to actually scale it out so what you want to do now is you want to make sure that these blogs are about the right side size for what you're actually trying to achieve here now the thing is that I what I always do is I look at these blocks that here these are Canada last ones before this big block here so I'll press 1 and then why try and do is level those up so you can see here that they're pretty level now and you'll see now that this is pretty much level all the way across and now it's a simple case of grabbing everything coming up to mash coming down to a bisect and then what we'll do is we'll cut it across along here now what I want to do is I want to let go well what I want to do for zooming a little bit you can see those jewels below this ground plane here so make sure you call cross there then come over this is not open click it open and just make sure that this where it says no point normal want or it'll say something like no point naught naught 8 depending on out straight you've actually caught the line just set this to zero and what that I'll do is that I'll make sure that the core is actually straight if I come in and turn this up you can see that it's really wonky so we can actually change that if we want to what for this we want it set to zero next thing we want to do is want to clear the inner and and that just make sure that we've got rid of that mesh and now it's a nice straight cut along it alright now that's done what we can do is we can grab the outside of here so let's say grab these and the reason I'm going to do that is if we look from this angle you can see that they slant out a little bit so what we're going to do is I'm going to press 7 on the number pad and that will give us a top view of it and then we'll press the Z button and that will actually take us there into wireframe if we click on this button here then that means we can actually see through the mesh now so I can do now is I can just press s and Y and I can actually bring it in just so it's level with those ones on the nead and that makes sure then that when I let go of it and I press the set born again go into solid that it's nice and level going pretty much all the way around now the last thing we want to do is we want to press ctrl R and bring in a edge loop so let's come in and press ctrl R to bring in an edge loop and at the moment you can't actually do anything with it you can actually place it wherever you want it so you can even place it going across here or something like that well do is all over over this face here and I'm going to press 5 on the number pad and that will bring in 5 edge loops and if I now left-click you'll see that they are able to be moved up and down and basically what I want to do is I want to hit right click on the mouse and that will drop them in to the center if I left click on the mouse here it means that they'll be placed wherever this mouse is so right click and you can see they're dropped in central and you can also see that they're roughly about the same size we might be able to get away with four and not five here so I'll press control Z go back control off four left click right click and we can see now that these are much more of that size in comparison to these so now we'll do the same on here so it's control our 4 left click right click and that will drop them in place what we're gonna do now is we're going to come up to our face select and I'm going to actually split them up so I'll come to this face first and I'll press alt and shift and click if I click heading towards the top you'll see it selects all these going around I don't actually want to do that so let me just take that off with double-a and Waldo is alt shift click in this actual facing this way going this way and that will select all of those faces going all the way around and I'll do the same going all the way up so I can grab all these faces all the way around when I get to the Bob I'll do is I'll press Y now and you won't say anything happen but when I pressed Y you'll see now for press G which allows you to free move any object so press G you'll see that I can move them over here and they're all actually split off from the other parts of the mesh so now if I press right click on the mouse I'll just drop them back into place and now press a to grab everything around here I'm going to come up to my little links here and I'm gonna come down and make sure we're on individual origins and this just means that we're going to scale them in individually based on each one of these stone blocks so let's now press s to scale bring them in like that and now you'll see they're all scale did nice and evenly next thing you want to do you want to make sure you've just got everything selected if you've not just pressed a and that selects everything come up to mesh come down to where it says clean up and what we're going to do is we're gonna actually fill holes and now you'll see that we've got faces all the way around on all of these which is exactly what we don't need these faces over on the bottom so what I'll do is we'll click on this one shift-click this one press delete and faces all right so the next thing we want to do is actually mark some seams on this and seams are basically a way where we can put of materials or textures on and basically wrapping it around these pieces of mesh and if we don't mark any seams it will try and put the texture of material onto these stone blocks and they'll just come out looking like a a blurry mess cuz blender doesn't know where to start and where to end it's basically an infinite loop and it just it will come out on the UV map just a mess so let's do that now so what we'll do is we'll come in and select every other one so I'm hovering over them pressing the elbow to select each other one and the reason I'm doing it like this is just to make it easy so that we can mark off seam so once I've slipped all these women press H for hide and then gonna come down and I'm gonna select this face and shifts let this one and just keep shift held down and select them going all the way around and then we're going to come to the other way and select the bottoms of them again or the tops all the way around and I'm gonna press ctrl e and that's going to bring a menu up and if we scroll down here we can see they says mop seams and now we've got all the seams marked on these blocks so that's a great start now let's press alt H just to bring those blocks back that we hid and now we're gonna select the blocks that we've just made now you'll see there's a problem if I select them with L now because I'm on face select it won't select the top or the bottom ones and that is because that this seam actually cuts it off so that I cannot select it all so what I have to do instead I have to come up to edge select and then I can select them all with the elbow so let's go all the way around select the ones that we've righted don't press the H bond come back to face select and now we'll do is we'll select these ones holding that shift again all the way around and then we'll go to these top ones and I found this is just a really quick way of marking seams and perhaps it's better to do it this way because then as we're building everything we'll have it seems marked and it's not so much of a bind when you come to the end and you've got a mark all the seams across all your model so now let's press ctrl e and again we'll play mob seams and now we've girl those domore gonna presses alt H just to bring everything back and now we're gonna do is we're gonna go around the back and we're actually going to delete these spaces if you're not sure where the back is press 1 on your number pad that will take you to the front view middle mouse just rotate around and let's click on all these back faces and based on what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually delete these and the reason is it's gonna save us a lot of polygons in long run and polygons is always something that you want to save on because when we take into games engines and things like that or even when we render out in blender the more polygons we have the longer everything takes now with all these selects let's press delete and faces and just get rid of all those and now what we can do is we can actually press the top one and we can come over to the right hand side this little spanner this is our modifiers tab click on it and you'll end up with something like this and now if you click Add modifier and what we're gonna do is we're going to generate a bevel modifier and you'll end up with something looking kind of like this which is a bit too much bevel so let's come down to where it says offset and let's just turn this down pretty much all the way to something that you're happy with now to really see how this is going to look what we're going to do is we're going to press tap on we're gonna come up and make sure that we're on individual origins on our links we're gonna press a and then we're gonna press s and we're just gonna bring them out so they're very close to each other you really don't want to see any light through there so you can see it's a little bit of light through there so just bring them all just so they're really really close now with these stone tablets I think I'll put it on note point not too not but not point not one just to give it a bit more bevel than Weiss actually got here so let's turn that up one and now we'll do is we'll right-click and we're going to click shade smooth so if you right-click anywhere in the viewport and you'll end up the menu like this just click shades new and you'll end up with something like this what blenders trying to do here is is just trying to smooth the whole of the mesh here which is not something that we really want so if you come down now to this triangle here and what we're going to do is we're going to come to normal I'm going to click Auto Smoove this then is based on an angle of 30% so what you can see is it smoothes some parts off and all the policies actually left as a hard face like this okay that's exactly what we want and now I've come over to our spanner again and what we're going to do is you're going to apply this modifier because later on in the course we're actually going to add another modifier to these once we've got the materials and textures on and lastly now what we need to do just to finish this off is we need to press tap and you can see here that we've got mark seams on here we really don't need these ones we all need a seam on the top and on the bottom so it needs a way to clear those is if we come down to all of these stone blocks press alt shifting click and just click them all round in the middle so we grab them all the way around and you can see that the ones that we've actually selected are just touching the seam or the second seam on these blocks the ones that we don't need so what we'll do is when we select them all press ctrl e and clear seam and now you'll see that we've only got one seam running all the way around and I think this is a really fast way of actually marking seams for things like this so now let's press stop and go into object mode and start on our doorway so again what we'll do now is we'll press shift a and we'll bring in another cylinder now if you've not reloaded blender it should come in with 18 vertices again exactly the same as the first primitive we brought in because that is what we actually set it up so I think it'll be a good time actually to go over to file and we'll come over to save as I'm actually going to save it out so I'm going to save mine as Castle door main tutorial and then just press ENTER and press ENTER again and that will actually save it out and now when you save it you can come to file and just click save on all right so let's rotate this on the x-axis so our X 90 and let's get it into place let's press 1 on the number pad bring it up and bring it out a little bit now this will be the wooden frame that goes around our actual door so this actually needs to be slightly bigger than the actual door so if I press s and Zed now I'm just going to scale you up just a little bit press the top board make sure you're in face light select the front and the back face with shift select press Delete and faces and what we're gonna do again is we're going to delete the ones that are going down so you can see here if I guess what that this one here is fine because it's actually pointing downward so if I come in and I delete the ones that are starting to bend in so delete faces hover over this L delete faces and now I can come in and with edge select on grab the bottom of these edges on both the sides press one key for X true said and just pull them down again just below the ground plane I'm just going to shrink it in now so I'm going to grab the whole thing with L s and Y bring it in and now I'm going to do is I'm going to make a copy of this and that's gonna help us make our door in a little while so now let's press shift D enter and that will make a copy and there you go you can just drag it out like that and that's there now to make our door frame so I'll do now is we'll actually work on this part over come in to face select and all the dudes will delete these faces here and just press Delete and faces come in to edge select grab this edge here so alt shift and click and that will grab them all going around there shift D and you'll end up with just an edge like here you can actually delete this now so press L press delete vertices they'll get rid of everything for you and now just hover over it press L and that selected everything one and now you're gonna do is you're gonna press II said bring it down and you'll end up with something like this which is the start of Otto and now if we select it all with l1 again come up to mesh and again down to the bisect and we're just going to cut it right at the bottom of there like so again just make sure it's below the ground plane come over and you can see my knees on naught point naught naught 3 I'm going to set this to 0 and because I already are clearing it on last time you use this is actually cleared the in it for me now we need to mock some seams on this door so if I come in and I select these so I've got one piece of wood here which is basically made up of two parts and then these are singular plots as you can see so I'm going to right click this time because I'm on actually edge select so right click come down to mark seams and then we're going to alt shift and click going all the way around all the way down here and all the way around the bottom now for right click once more mark seams and you should end up with something like this the only ones that aren't marked are these ones here now let's come to face select you grab every other one press the white bone and to let you know that it's work press the G and you'll see that sauce splits up right click and just drop them back in place okay so let's just now make sure that these are split from each other so let's go to edge select select one of these edges press L so that we've only got this selected press the P and well that's going to do is going to separate this mesh from our door so let's click selection now I can do is we can press tab on and you can see now that we've got two objects so let's come back to our door here and what we'll do now is we'll press tab a and let's extrude it out so E and pull it out the other way like so just to give it some thickness press 1 and what we're going to do now because we've only got these selects of these front faces when we bring these in the back faces should actually stay touching each other so what we can do compress one come up to our links again make sure you're on individual origins and now press s and X and bring them in you'll see now that we've got some nice pieces of wood for our doll now what we can do is we can press top we can go around the back so come around the back and grab each one of these and now we can come up to mesh cleanup and you can merge by distance and what this will do is this will connect each one of these just to make sure that we've got no gaps down the back of end you can't actually see through it so mesh cleanup merge by distance and you can see you remove ten vertices and what that means is now if I click on this one we split it earlier now you'll see that it's actually joined where as the front as you can see is not joined and that's exactly look we're going for okay so let's get this in place now so if I press tap press ctrl-a and what we're going to do is we're going to reset all the transforms now this is really important when you're adding modifiers or anything like that or when you're trying to move something or duplicate it what you basically do is you set all the transforms back to zero now if you don't do this when you come to unwrap something probably gonna have some problems like these stone blocks that don't think we actually reset the transformation so we'll do that in just one minute and basically what it is if you bring in a cube and you change that cube and you change the bevels and your bevels the sides and you do loads of things in there and then you come to unwrap it or you come to add a modifier if you haven't reset the transforms blend they're still things dice I actually transform in a cube so once we reset the transforms blender knows that were actually working on something a bit more elaborate than the cube so let's press ctrl 8 click all transforms and then we're going to do is we're going to right-click on the viewport come down to a sister origin and go down to origin to geometry and that's actually just gonna print right in the center of whatever we're working on now what we can do is we can actually move it back into some sort of place I'm not sure if it's gonna go there yet but it seems okay at the moment the other thing is of course now this is the time when you really want to look to see how big your door is and if you actually wanted that big at the moment I feel like it's a little bit big so what I'll do is I'll grab this door grab this back because this is actually going to be the door frame press 1 press the s-bahn and I'm just gonna bring you in just a little bit because I think it's just a tap to big something like that and you can press s set as well if you want to and just pull it off and make you whatever size you want this is probably going to be the last chance that you can actually do this you can probably do when you've got your door frame on but it's just going to make it a little bit more difficult so what we'll do now we've done that is we can come to our door frame and you'll notice the door frame center of origin is here and that's what we don't want so what we'll do is we'll press ctrl they all transforms and we're going to have to do it again when we've altered that but it just makes it easy so now let's press right-click sour region to geometry and now it's banging the center of there and we can actually free to move this now into place around here now the other thing is let's actually set the transforms on these stone blocks because I don't think we did it so click on them ctrl a your transforms right click set origin to geometry now when I come to UV unwrap these these should unwrap very very nicely so now let's come to the door frame and what we'll do is we'll grab our door frame and you can see the doll frame is a little bit out so let's sort that out now so I can't see the door frame at the moment because it's a flat piece of mesh but what we're going to do is anyway we're going to bring in another modifier we're gonna give this on there so let's come over to add modifier come down to solidify and if I pull this back the other way you'll see now that we've actually got some depth to it so now we can see what we're doing and if we press one we can see that we need to bring this down and we probably need to make it just a little bit smaller something like that then just base and make you fit around your door now there are going to be pieces of wood that come along here this axis so we need to make sure that we pull it back a little bit just to make sure they're not too thick now we can also see that we're missing and at the bottom and we need to sort that out as well let's do that now so if we grab this now at the moment the mobile key knows press tap when come into edge select grab this edge and this one you can't actually grab the ones at the moment around the outside because we've still got our modifier on and we've not applied it yet if we press one and now you can see we can actually bring this down and we want to bring it down just below where this door actually comes so once we've done that we can press tab we can press apply press tab again and now you'll end up with something like this now because this is a wooden door frame it doesn't matter about these pieces of wood it would be quite logical for them to have a long piece of wood going on and the wood to split actually as it goes around so I don't need to pointy edge loops or anything like that down and that makes this a bit easier to work on than the stone blocks so now let's come to face select I'll click on this face first here just to make sure I've got nothing else selected then I'll press alt shift and click twice and I'm just gonna do the same thing going all the way around just to make sure that I've got all of these pots separated when we press Y to separate and again just to make sure that separates against our habit of doing this press the G Bourne for free movement and you'll see that they are split up now the one thing you can see is that this bond part here is actually split away from this which is fine because we're gonna delete these anyways let's shift click this one press delete and faces and then we've got those out of the way I know we can do is we can grab the whole thing we can press s and just bring them in like so now these will always drop down further than these ones that's absolutely fine and now let's fill these also come on to mesh come down to clean up and let's fill holes alright so now let's come around the back and actually delete the face on the back we're not gonna need those I'm gonna save on our polygons so let's click on all these press delete and faces now before I bring these and back close together long days I'm gonna mop seams just to make this easy for myself so I'm just gonna go round and mark all the faces on the inside of all of these wooden blocks and we're gonna mark these actual faces as the seams because then if you look when this one wraps it's like unwrapping a present these one wrap separately these are mostly hidden from these parts we all on show so the material will start here and wrap all the way around here and then these will be a separate piece where the material will go on so that is why we're doing it that way and this is a very easy way of unwrapping something like this so now control e and mark seems and there we go and what we're also gonna do while we've got these here we're gonna actually press ctrl e again and we're gonna actually mark a show now you won't see anything happen at the moment and that is because if you come up to these two interlocking circles here click this down arrow come down to where it says seams and click it off you'll see that underneath them is shops that are actually marked now shops basically make it so that when we come to smooth this no matter what we turn this up to so this angle these will always stay basically a hard face and that's what we want on these pieces of wood so let's come up to our interlocking circles put seams back on just so they're hidden and what we can do is we can press a now press one grab everything and we can start bringing these back in so they're nearly touching something like that you do want to make sure that there's a little tiny gap down there like this and now we can come over to our spanner once again I've modify it and we can click on bevel modifier and you'll end up with something like that which is not ideal so again let's turn this down to something like no point not one this time because they are piece of wood so the amount of develop on them would be nothing alike the actual stone okay so let's make a start on these pieces of wood going upwards along here and along the side so what we need to do is we need to press shift a MASH come down to where it says cube and what we're gonna do is gonna bring a cube in I'm gonna pull it out a little bit and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna delete the pots that no one will be able to see just to make it easy for this to actually on rough so if it'll leave the top back and the bomb press delete faces and you should end up with something like that and you can see now that when we unwrap this it'll just unwrap flat on the other side so I'll have these two flaps that I'll just come out so now I can grab it with I'll press 1 press the a spawn to scale it in and if I bring it across and let's say I want it going up here but I wanted to be round about the same thickness as this piece of wood here so press s bring it in pull it up a little bit and maybe make it a little bit thinner something like that I think will be absolutely fine and now I can bring it into place and you can see that it sticks out way way too far so if I press this and white then just bring it in till I'm happy and you can see that if I move it across I want it so that is just tucked in just past here so you can see that whilst over the edge there and then our piece of wood actually stops here and the other thing is at the bottom of here there is gonna be a piece of wood going on here so I don't actually need this right down at the bottom so one winds do is I'm just gonna pick you up just a little bit like so and now I'm free to actually work on this now it's actually in place one thing I do want to make sure is that it's actually touching there so just make sure it's yours touching there and if you want to see where it's touching you can grab the edge here and you can see those right in actually there so I just tried to grab it and actually go through the mesh and grubs it so there's a little tip so now let's say click this edge this edge on this edge press 1 on the number pad and let's pull it up into place and you can see that the moment we can actually see through the mesh and we can see that it's not poking out and now we've got this in place what we want to do is we want to put this on the other side as well so what we'll do is we'll press the top on and at the moment my center of origin is right in the center that is actually where I need it if yours isn't press shift s cursor to world origin while this is selected in object mode right click set origin to 3d cursor and what that means is now the center of origin is set here which means that when we come over to our spanner again I don't know the modifier come down to mirror it's gonna mirror it from this origin here you can't have the origin here or soilders or mirror it on itself you just end up with two pieces Award they say the top of each other okay so now let's play apply because we don't need our mirror modifier anymore press top let's grab this piece of wood shift D that's just to basically make a copy of it so I'm just moving it and right click to drop it in place oh.why 90 and now you can see that I've got my piece of wood here and I'm just gonna move it to the middle and I'm actually going to pull it out a little bit because I want these slightly more than the other pieces now you can see that as I brought it out that this has gone past these pieces of wood here and I don't really want that so I can do now is I can grab all three pieces of wood I'm just going to pull them back past that point where it just bevels off there now if you're moving too fast and out and in just hold the shift button down and they'll really slow down how much you can pull it in and out so I just wanted to pass that like so and I think I'm happy with that now I'll do is I'll grab this piece here press 1 press s and X and just bring them in and then let's just try living them up a little bit so I don't want to waste too much of the polygon space going all the way into here when it doesn't need it so let's press X just bring them in just a tiny bit more and now we've got that in place we can actually bring you down to the bottom and how these will be built is basically this interlocking piece would be just a little bit higher than these two pieces on the left and right hand side okay so now we've got that in place let's so while this is highlighted press shift D make sure you've brought it right click just drop it back in place press 1 and let's pull it up to where abouts we want it so somewhere like that might be absolutely fine and what I'll do now is I want to separate it from this piece here so if I press P now selection and now it's actually separated out now on the press control a Paul transforms right click set origin to geometry and now it's banging the center of there and we want it in the sense of this because we're going to add another modifier and this time we're going to bring in the array array modifier basely as you can see makes a basically another copy certain distance so if return the distance up you can see the distances from here to here and now every single counter go up you can see it's exactly the same distance so let's put those back and actually I'm gonna put on two just to start with and we set this to where zero because I don't want it going on the x-axis I actually want to go in on the z-axis which is this one here and if I drag this up a little bit you can see now that we've got a distance from here to here and what I want to do is I basically want the same distance from this one to this one to this one to be about the same so if I pull this down you can see they're roughly about the same and now if I bring this up so let's bring you up to something like that what I want to make sure is that this I don't want to be using this piece of wood so what you can see is if I now bring all my Zed and you can see the distance now is change from there to there and I can actually pull this up a bit and make sure the distance is about even from these they don't have to be exactly right is a medieval door after all they're not exactly perfectly level or anything like that so once you've got them in place now what you can do is you can press apply press the tab all in and now you can actually work on this mesh make sure that your in edge select grub this whole of this piece of wood here press Delete and vertices and now we'll do is we'll bring in this one so I'm going to grab this one l1s X bring it in just to make sure that these corners aren't going past this wooden frame here now we're done that all we need to do now is join these all together so let's press tab to go into object mode shift-click on the other piece of wood just to make sure that you've got them all press ctrl J and what they'll do is that I'll join both of these meshes up into one object and now you're free to reset all the transforms with control a right-click savage into geometry now let's come to our wooden frame and what we're going to do is you're actually going to take off this bevel modifier just for now press control eight all transforms right clicks our origin to geometry and now we're going to do exactly the same for the door and this just makes sure that everything is reset so that when we come to put our materials on it'll all be nice and me really easy to do let's press ctrl-a on the doorframe all transforms right click set origin to geometry and now we can go in so we'll come into these ones first add modifier bevel modifier now you might like it like that but I won't mine a little bit low I don't want it that much and I'm gonna set this I think to naught point 1 a thing they'll be absolutely fine you might want your pieces metal and a thing that looks nice wood or metal so I'm not going to play it I'm going to come to the next part now add modifier bevel turn it down again to naught point naught 1 and now to our door frame where I'm going to actually put this off just a little bit I am probably not point not to so velour and it might actually be nice at Northpoint not 3 let's just make sure that's actually working yeah no point naught naught point naught 2 I think that should be absolutely fine and the last thing we want to do is we just want to bring you out just a little bit so we can see that's really really close to where that is so press s just bring them out a little bit and now you can see that they're resting nice and easy in there apart from the bottom so let's do the bomb so let's grab all the bombs and we're just gonna pull them all just a little whoops go back pull them off just a little bit just above that piece of wood just so no one can see them so press 1 now you can't actually see anything down the bomb okay so that's it for this lesson on the next lesson we'll stir on the wall start our hinges and I think they'll pretty much finish up on the modelling on that lesson okay everyone if you like this lesson give me a like subscribe and I'll see you on the next one Thanks live wrong bye bye
Channel: 3DTudor
Views: 12,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mesh, modifier, blender, 2.8, 2.7, new, guide, lesson, youtube, 3D, 3dtudor, tutorial, how, create, maya, best, top, number, one, asset, obj, fbx, model, modelling, textures, materials, 2019, course, beginner, video, game, warcraft, eso, wow, warhammer, cycles, eevee, rendering, lighting, uv, unwrapping, retopology, material, texturing, low-poly, low, mobile, modifiers, prop, castle, door, blender castle
Id: f2DXgtv48As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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