5 MORE Modelling Tools You Need To Model ANYTHING in Blender

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hello welcome to another exciting tutorial i'm chris bailey and i'm a blender youtuber over at c bailey film today i'm bringing you this tutorial with cg cookie we're gonna be taking a look at five more modeling tools that you need to create anything in blender [Music] now don't forget to check out cgcookie.com you can start a free trial today and get a taste of all the amazing benefits you get okay so to begin making this old-fashioned joystick what we're gonna do first is we're gonna enter edit mode and i'm gonna have everything selected i'm going to hit s to scale in z just to scale it down on the z plane i'm going to scale it up a little bit just to make it a tad bigger then i'll select this top face right here and we're going to use the first tool we're going to talk about today the inset tool now the inset tool is really easy just hit i to insert when you have a face selected and it will basically inset that face it's exactly the same as hitting e to extrude and then s to scale so you get the same results just saving a couple of key presses it's a pretty good time saver so we can just bring this down a little bit and this is going to be our inner section where we're going to create the circle for our joystick now we need a few more edges here um so we're going to cut this thing up so hit ctrl r and we're going to create a couple of loop cuts maybe four and i'll do that again the other way across so i'll create four loop cut so his skate before i move my mouse so that they just lock into the center point and then i'm going to select the center face here and hit control plus to expand my selection now i've got this grid of faces but i want to turn this into a circle so i'll bring up the the two sphere tool by hitting f3 and typing to sphere i'm going to drag my mouse and it's going to spherize all of those points so it's going to try and turn it into a sphere now because they all live on the same z plane it hasn't been able to spherize it on the up and down plane so it's just stretched everything out flat across the the x and y plane now we don't need these faces anymore i'm just going to delete those and this will just leave us with a nice little edge ring that's a fairly decent circle shape now it's never going to be quite perfect all these edges aren't exactly the same length so it can't give me an exact circle so if i want to have a perfect circle in the middle of this geometry we can use this as the starting point and then what we can do if we switch to vertex mode make sure our cursor is right in the center of it all if it's not we could just hit shift s cursor to selected and that'll put the cursor right in the middle of what we have selected then we can hit shift a in edit mode and bring up a circle now this just brings up a piece of mesh within our mesh that's a circle of vertices and we can make some adjustments here now we need to make sure that the number of vertices are equal to our circle and this extra circle that we've just made so i'm going to count these up and make sure they match you can also use the rotation and radius tools just to make sure it lines up decently well and then what i can do is i can hold down shift alt and click this ring so now i have both of these rings selected now we can use the next tool we're going to talk about the bridge edge loop tool so i'm going to hit f3 and type in bridge edge loops and there it is the bridge edge loops tool basically takes two edges two continuous loops of edges that have to be a loop actually it can just be a string of edges as long as both groups of edges have the same number of edges uh then it will create faces bridging them so you can see here it's done that for us and it's bridged these guys nicely now i've got a perfect circle surrounded by a okay circle now if i want to match these up perfectly what i can actually do is alt click to select this edge loop and then i can double tap g to slide the edges double tapping g is like grabbing but it forces all the vertexes that you're grabbing to stay locked to the edge that they're on so it slides up and down the edge so i can slide all these edges in just like this and now they're lined up perfectly with this outer circle now if i hit s to scale it's going to scale them out lock it on the z plane just hold down shift z or shift x or shift y it'll lock it onto it'll not include that cardinal direction in the the scale that you want to do so i'm going to scale this out and you can see i've got a nice perfect circle now i'm going to go ahead and take this and i'll hit e to extrude and i'll grab zed e again i'll go ahead and make the sort of ribbed joystick support section just bring up this main joystick center section i'll hit e to extrude the final bit just to bring this top in and then to close it off i'll use the grid fill tool that we talked about last time now i feel like this joystick is a little small compared to the base so i'd like to make it bigger easiest way to do that is if i hit control plus to expand my selection until it includes all of this i can now hit s to scale and then i don't want to scale on the z because you see it's getting you know strange but if i hit shift z it's going to turn off the z direction and i'll just be scaling along the y and x so now i can get that size to look just right awesome now i want to go ahead and get my model looking a little bit better as i continue progressing with it and again modifiers are a great way to do that i'm gonna add in a bevel modifier to get started and i'll set my segments to two just to give them a little bit of a nicer edge and then what i want to do is i'm gonna come to this little green triangle and this time i'm gonna turn on auto smooth and the normals now this is a really great trick for getting a nice looking smooth geometry without having to have too many faces if you right click on your geometry now and shade smooth it's going to start using the auto smooth feeds feature so basically what happens is wherever a an edge is uh sharp enough so it's greater than 30 degrees in this case i will shade it as if it's a hard edge anything less than that will be shaded as a smooth edge and now to round off these uh edges that i want things to be really smooth i'll use the subdivision surface modifier now right now the bevel modifier is creating bevels for every edge and i don't want that so i'm going to set my limit method to angle and now it's only going to bevel any edge that's got an angle of 30 degrees or greater now the next thing you want to do is create this button section down at the bottom and in order to do that i want to have sort of a straight section that comes off of this rounded base and i want it to go into a circular shape so first thing i want to do is i'm going to create another edge loop and i'm going to drag it out so it matches the side of the square and then i'm going to scale in a little bit just kind of find the right point where i'm going to have the the box kind of end so i like this right here i'm gonna bring this one in a little bit on the x and this one down a little bit y just to try and straighten these up a little bit and then what i want to do is i have a circular shape right here so i need to insert a circle in this section of the square so in order to do that i'm going to select these three points and i'm going to shift s i'm going to go cursor to selected that'll put my cursor right in between these three points now what i can do is shift a circle and i can turn down the number of vertices so that it's not too big i don't have too many to work with all right so i've gone with eight points and now i'm just positioning and scaling it just so that it matches up roughly with these vertices here because i'm just thinking about how is it going to fit within this section so okay i like that i feel like that's going to work pretty good so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select these two points i'm going to merge at center it's going to merge these vertices together select these merge at center as well and then what i can do is i can come here and i can select this vertex and i can delete it that's also going to get rid of all these faces in this area so what i can do now is i come over here and if i create an edge loop to try and add some more edges into this to map to be able to fill out these faces you can see creating an edge loop now is actually going to create an edge loop across my entire surface my whole object which i don't want that that's going to create a lot of unnecessary phases so what i can do instead is i can break up that edge loop by coming down here just deleting one of these faces temporarily now if i go into do edge mode it's just going to do an edge loop that's just that one face now this is going to create an in-gone which you can see creates some you know it'll create some weird properties but because it's a flat surface it will hide it within the geometry which is what i want now i'm going to create this edge loop here and just set this up so i can connect this here and then i'll connect this here and then i'll see i'll make one more edge loop right here now i'm going to connect all these points up and i'm going to create polygons using a new tool called the fill tool now the fill tool is basically really simple to use you click you select a certain number of vertexes and you hit f and it will fill those faces for you and turn it into a polygon so i'm just going to keep selecting sets of four and hitting f to fill there we go so i've filled out those polygons you can also go ahead and fill in this hole down at the bottom that i've created so i'm just select all of these and hit f as well now even though this is an in-gone so it's got more than four sides it's got in number of sides it's got one two three four five six sides in this particular case this usually creates uh rendering artifacts and can be really weird if it's deformed but because it's on a flat surface surrounded by other flat surfaces it hides the in-gon so the shading works blender knows what to do with it and it doesn't really create too many artifacts you can kind of see a little bit of something if i move around here there's a bit of shading that's a little different there but it's pretty minimal now the next tool we're going to talk about is the snapping tool snapping tool is really useful you can use it by turning on the little magnet up here and then you can select all these different ways to snap you can snap onto edges or faces or volumes or just use an increment i usually keep mine on vertex and the hotkey is shift tab it's really useful i turn it on and you can snap to other vertexes so i've got this one selected now if i hit g with snapping turned on and bring my mouse close to this other vertex this one's going to snap right onto it now if i hit a to select alt m to merge by distance it's going to merge that vertex up and now it's going to be one continuous connected piece of geometry now what i can do is i can select these guys here and hit f fill now what i can do is i can select this edge loop i can hit e to extrude and s to scale bring it in and i can go ahead and make the actually before i make the button i could make the raised area so i'm gonna select these faces right here and then i'll shift i'll alt shift click this loop here to create select this whole loop then i'll let e to extrude and i'll grab it on the z and just bring this group up just a little bit like that then i'll come back here i'll select this edge right down on the inside and i'll hit e to extrude scale it in e again grab z to lock it on the z and i'll bring it up not too high uh e to extrude bring it in and then f3 grid fill bam now i'm still getting some bevel from uh my bevel so i need to turn up my angle i'll turn it up to like 75 that's probably good enough all right now to finish this off i'm just going to select these outer edges right out here and i'll hit ctrl b to bevel and i'll just roll my mouse just to get some extra subdivisions in there not many just a few because i want my subdivision surface to do the work and then i'll also select the outer ring here and i need a little bit more room in between this let's see if i just bevel this a little bit i don't want these uh vertices to be intersecting so just to kind of create just a little bit of extra bevel on that section there and then what i can do is i can come down here and i can do a control r to create a loop cut and then i can switch to transparent mode go to the side view double tap a to d select alt and then b to box select this bottom section and i can scale that down like so in fact what i can do is i can even come to my faces here and i can hit e to extrude and scale and shift z and just scale this section in so that it's actually a bit of a shelf on the outside which looks pretty cool now i need to fix up these faces of course so i can just select all these guys just go to the center one and just control plus and scale these ones in and maybe like one more little edge in here i could hit ctrl b to bevel this drag my mouse wheel just to turn it down a touch and then e to extrude and scale just to bring it in a little bit of an edge there now last thing we can do is we come in and we can create some edge loops uh here and turn off snapping just bring these guys up a bit so that they're more rounded thanks so much for watching this video hope you really enjoyed it hit the like button if you did and don't forget to leave us a comment and subscribe to the channel so you can find out when we launch new tutorials every week stay tuned i'll catch you in the next one see you later [Music]
Channel: CG Cookie
Views: 172,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, learn blender, CG Cookie, blender beginner, model anything, blender tools, blender 3d, blender tutorial modeling, model anything, model anything in blender, inset tool, bridge edge loops, fill tool, snapping tool
Id: _0sMYvk1o-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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