Blender Tutorial: How to make an Airplane - Part 1/2

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g'day and welcome to another blender guru tutorial this tutorial focusing on how to make an airplane airplane it's apparently how Americans say aeroplanes so I want to rank well on Google so I'm gonna write airplane anyways this is the finished result that you can see right here so we are going to be modeling the entire plane texturing it doing everything starting from scratch and creating an entire plane so it is a 747 400 and it's going to be split up this tutorial is going to be split up into two parts part one is going to be modeling and then part two is the texturing the materials and lighting and all that good stuff so I'll just show you briefly what the what the finished scene looks like this is it right here it's a really SuperDuper basic scene the plane hasn't even moved from the grid floor the background is completely fake so we're not going to be doing clouds and all that extra stuff that would be an entire an entirely new beast we're just focusing on the plane and so part one being this one this is what we're going to be creating so it is going to be modeling exactly what you can see here and we're going to be modeling off blueprints and yeah learning a few tips and tricks along the way one thing to note very clearly is that we're not modeling windows which is uh which is a big relief that is actually going to be achieved in the texturing stage so a few little tricks here and there to just show you how to how to get the finished result and yeah lots of fun so hoping you will join me in this two-part series let's go ahead now open up a new scene in blender and let's get started alright so once you've got your new scene loaded you want to go ahead and delete the camera and the lamp so we've got a completely empty looking scene and the first thing we want to do is you want to go ahead and add in our blueprints for the Boeing 747-400 now there's a number of sites that you can go and to get your blueprints the ones that I use are from the blueprints dot-com so I'll put a link to this page so you can actually find it if you're watching this on Blender girl you'll see it underneath the video but the one we're looking for is the 747-400 and you'll see on the right hand side here it's got the dimensions so I'm using the biggest one available so go ahead and click that and then you'll want to go ahead and download it now to download it you'll need to be a member membership is free I don't think I can actually give out the file to you so you will actually need to register I mean it's it's completely free there's nothing wrong with it it's it's just so you can actually get the blueprint so once you've gone and downloaded that you can then go ahead and import it into blender so you do that by going to the background images because we're going to add it click on add image click on open and then find your image now there is something else I need to tell you and that's it the file that this website will give you is a dot gif and unfortunately for whatever reason blender does not recognize dot gifs so you'll need to open it up in or I don't know mspaint or whatever program you want and and just save it as a dot PNG and then blender will recognize it I don't know why blender doesn't read gif files that's it's not I have no idea why but anyways once you've converted it to a PNG then you have finally got it in your blender scene whew awesome alright so now that we've done that we can go ahead and add in a cylinder because that is obviously the basis of the general shape of the aircraft ok so I want to look at it from the side view ok so looking at this blueprint this is the side view right here and you will notice actually if you zoom in here it's actually got a handy little scale to let you know exactly how long this plane actually is now you might think that's not very useful for blender because one that doesn't use units but you can change it if you go to the scene panel I'm you'll see that you've got units here now I normally use metric but in this case we have to use imperial because that's what we're working with so now you'll see that the dimensions are in these weird numbers so normally the dimensions are just you know arbitrary values like this 2 2 2 but when you convert to something like Imperial you can see that you get actual I don't know why it's a 6 point 5 6 2 feet that's what I like Imperial right but anyways you've got now actually got some some measurements that we can now use for our blueprints so I'm going to rotate this by 90 degrees and I'm gonna now going to apply the scale by hitting control a and then join up the scale the rotation so apply the rotation which will now make sure that the y there we go that one is the one that's being moved and I want to set this dimension to of course 225 so type that in we now have roughly the length of the plane if you want to be even more exact just type in 2 and then a quotation mark and that'll be 2 inches so 225 feet and 2 inches is the exact length of a real 747-400 what is that in metric by the way no 68 meters okay okay and kind of interesting um alright so now how do we get this cylinder so that it actually matches up with our blueprint over there now we don't do that by scaling this down because this now is the actual physical dimensions this will never change alright this should actually stay exactly where it is and we shouldn't adjust that at all what you need to adjust is the size of your background image so the exact size you actually need to set this to is 73 ok so you set it to 73 now you use the X and the y over here until you have this lined up pretty much sort of like dead center in the middle of the airplane alright so bout there pull it up to a bed there and you just want to check that the tail there we go and the tip meeting so there we go excellent and whilst we're here you can see that it's obviously very thin lacking some thickness so we want to scale this up we want to scale the thickness up now if we were to scale this up like that you can see that it's now stretching along the y-axis so what you can do is if you hit s and then hit control shift Y what that's going to do is it's going to scale it along the X and the z axes and not the y axis so by hitting ctrl shift and then Y it's basically emitting Y from the scaling so that's a really clever and handy little trick to sort of hang on to it'll come in handy in a lot of places it took me several years to learn that one but once you learn it you never forget it um so now that's roughly the right thickness okay all right so now we've got it from the side view if you go to the front view you can see that if we were to adjust this these settings over here then it would mess up our side view so what we want to do is to want to make this image that we've got right here only viewable from the right axis and then from every other axis it's not visible and then we want to go ahead and add another image which is the exact same image setting this scale to 73 just like before but with this one we want to match it up so that it matches the front view so now just moving this along to about here move up the Y till it sort of matches something about there and yeah that's pretty good right there um actually I think why I move that up a bit to there there we go excellent alright so and then you want to set this axes to be front of course and then finally we've got one more which is the top view now unfortunately if you were to go ahead and add a new image here use the exact same image and then you know scale it up you'll notice that the top view we can't actually use this image because the top view is horizontal in this blueprint so that is a real pain so what I actually did and what you need to do is open up this blueprint in Photoshop or something like that and then just rotate it by 90 degrees counterclockwise okay really simple to do anything like that just save it as a separate file load that in and now we have a blueprint that'll work from the top view okay now the size that you need to give this because it's rotated will be completely different actually need to set it to 52 okay and then once you've done that you want to go ahead and just like before line it up as best you can and this one is actually kind of handy because it's got like a dotted line directly down the center of the plane which will come in handy because our grid line is right there and then just line up the Y like so and move that up to about and excellent perfect okay um now this by the way where my cursor is right now that is actually the tail of the plane not this point of it the pointy bit is this Wilhelm alright so from top view front for a new image here you want to make sure there's only visible from the top okay so from side view you'll see that are the fin this this top fin actually sticks out further then out tail there so that's what this little point of it is so provided it it sort of lines up approximately there you're doing fine excellent alright now first thing you'll notice is that from the front view it's not matching our blueprint very well because apparently I used to me a Boeing or a plane is not exactly a cylinder it's close but there are some differences so the major one is that is it is squished in slightly length way so first thing you want to do is grab your cylinder scale it along the x-axis till it fits about there and you'll see from the side view that this top part here is slightly bulging up this is a probably because the a the first-class passengers get to sit up there or whatever so it's got a little bulge at the top there so we'll add that later and so that's matching up there that's matching up there yeah that's good excellent so now what you want to do now that we've got the basic geometry of the plane set out you now just want to go ahead start adding in some loop cuts and you can start just setting out the basic sort of parameters of the plane so I'm adding in a loop cut here where it starts to sort of slope up and then I'm grabbing the tail here and I'm just going to scale this scale it way down to about there and then if you go into top view you'll notice that it's also scaled along the x-axis so it's really sort of thinned out at the end there and I'm also going to add another loop cut here conveniently placing it right where our fin for the plane stars that will come in handy later on and I'm just going to scale this along the x-axis so that it fits the blueprint a little bit there we go and now for this bulge part right here okay this is that's it kind of easy to do is add in a loop cut where the Bulge is going to start and then we're going to add in a loop cut where it's sort of going to end so this is where you want to add it in right where these windows the cockpit windows sort of end at the length there and I'm just going to position this so that it matches our blueprints a little better ok and then I'm going to scale down the nozzle here I called the nozzle note it's called the nose that's right the nose it's one thing I remember from watching that movie a flight plan or whatever the one with that chick who thinks that a daughter was kidnapped on a plane or something like that and she went like hit it the nose of the plane it was like this massive huge structure and it like I know nothing about planes but even I thought ok that's that's really stretching it guys there is no way there is that much room on a plane to just be sort of dancing around in the cargo area anyways alright so um alright so now we've got sort of the basic shape of the nose now you want to add in a bulge all right so let's add that in I'm just going to scale this up and then scale it up along the z-axis so that we don't sort of blow it out the um the we don't blow out along any other axes that's fine pull it to there actually no no I'm gonna pull to that okay now although it doesn't perfectly match it up yet we're going to keep this the way it is and then we're going to add more detail a little bit later because what we're going to do next actually right now is actually start modeling the wings for our plane here so that's starting right about here and I'm pulling out to the sides there so let's get cracking on that so if we go into side view mode you'll notice that it's it's a little bit hard to see sort of how to model these wings because you've got if I just hide this you've got sort of like to sort of semi circle oval looking shape things like one here and then one here and then you've got a bunch of engines and it's really hard to see what's going on the top view is not that much help either and neither is the front view really but if what I've realized all this is sort of my interpretation of what I'm pretty sure it's right is that this first little semicircle right here this is where the wing starts to form okay so this is where it's because if you have a look at some actual reference photos this is a sort of a pretty low res one this one's a little bit better this is if you go to Flickr by the way just type in 747 you get a whole bunch of photos they're really helpful for reference you'll see if I just go to the actual full-size we can actually see it that where it actually yeah this part where the wing actually sort of starts about here like this is where it actually sort of looks visible but it starts to form like way over here so if we have a look at this our blueprints this is sort of where it's starting to form and then this is the actual wing itself like like it's sturdy wing self right so how we model the wing is we take this loop cut that we've got right here and and we just start moving it along piece by piece this okay until that's you know about that that's pretty good okay and then we do the exact same thing over here so I'm going to add another loop cut and you'll notice at the back here we've got another little semicircle we don't have a circle to show where the wings start but if you go to top view that's going to be helpful for that so why do we know where it starts we should be right so I'm just going to move this along by one one by one okay to about there okay so you should have basically this line here and this is really this is going to be the top of the wing okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take I'm going to select all these vertices right here except for the bottom two loops there and I'm just going to go ahead and delete them so we've now got a hole right through the middle of the airplane and at this point by the way it's probably pretty helpful to go ahead and turn on mirror editing now we didn't do it at the start and the reason we didn't do that is that when you're scaling things you know along the you know getting the correct axes and all that kind of stuff when you start because it's a cylinder object if if you're working with a mirror modifier mode what will happen is that it's not scaling it properly because it's it's you know it's using it half the mesh as opposed to the full mesh to judge it's sort of scaling proportions if you go I mean so we did most of the like the majority modeling just using the full cylinder but now that we're going to get into the nitty-gritty details we're going to add in a mirror modifier so I've deleted half of it that's what I did just then and I'm gonna turn on clipping and now you can see we have the whole mesh but we only have half of it but we need to actually edit great awesome alright so that all matches up well there now one point to note at this stage is from the front view you want to make sure that this actually lines up correctly in a lot of cases it doesn't it's like all mashed up all over the place in this case it's actually come out surprisingly well oh I see that's right I haven't actually uh I was wondering how it turned out so great I haven't actually done any extruding yet all right so once we've got this all right we've got this radio I'm going to go ahead and hit E escape and then I'm going to scale it inwards all right and then this is going to fit the wing that we have in our blueprint okay so just sort of I'm just doing it like one by one because it's sort of a rather custom looking shape I would say so it should be flat on the top I don't know a lot about airplanes I will tell you that much okay but I think I know that the back part because we can't see it in the blueprint I know the back part should be thinner at least that's according to the planes that I have flown in and some reference images that I've seen all right so now we've got that now if you're going to front view there you go you can see that it is all over the place so at this point we're going to pull it out because this is where it's going to sort of like start to take its form anyway so I'm pulling it out and I want it to sort of you know take on the basic shape of what it should so that part there looks alright so I'm just roughly sort of making it look cylinder ish okay so something about that okay I mean doesn't have to be exact it's not going to be exact but provided it it sort of looks like a you know the you know the shape of the cylinder then you're on the right track okay so that's pretty good it's gonna look a lot better once we are obviously add a subsurf modifier but for now it's fine okay so now we've done that easy part go ahead hit e again pull it way out to the very end of the wing scale it down and now go into front view rotate it around a little bit this is where the plane starts to take its shape and it starts to get a lot easier this wing here this whole part that we've just done putting all in it pretty much the hardest part of this plane so now we've done this the rest of it should be fairly easy all right so I want this top part here to be flat scouring along the z-axis hitting zero do I have the screen keys cool I don't have the screen keys tool all right turn that back on somehow that turned off sorry about that um anyways this is a little good excellent alright I think it's coming along pretty good so the wing if you'll notice it doesn't exactly sort of fit the shape here but we're going to get to that later when we do a little bit more detail for now and I focus just on the big stuff so I'm going to add in this big I'm going to call the dorsal fin of the plane I'm pretty sure that's not the name you give it but it really doesn't matter what you call it I'm going to add in a loop cut where of course it ends so about there and I'll just select these top vertices right here okay alright I'm just going to extrude it upwards pull it back and you'll notice that if you get this problem of course need to flatten that out just pull it in and flatten it out like so excellent alright so that's pretty much the shape of it I want this to be flat so again s Z and then 0 ok that's good alright so now for the psy.d parts all right I'm calling it that just to deliberately and nice and people and as well B we got really annoy when I don't use the proper names in tutorials but I mean to be honest I mean there's so much that's going through someone's head when they're making a tutorial I'm thinking of the next step have I done this I bet on that I mean the last thing I'm thinking about really is uh what's the name of this side fin we have no idea so anyways probably what I'm doing is uh I'm just grabbing yeah these these faces here these look pretty good and then just extruding them outwards I mean there's really this stuff isn't rocket science it's really just a matter of having a go seeing how it how it looks on the model and then sort of going from there but provided it sort of looks okay I mean you'll learn you know the more you do this sort of stuff if you do a lot of vehicle modeling then you'll obviously be a lot better than somebody who's just starting but really it just takes that initial leap of faith to just start pulling and pushing stuff around and just hoping for the best that's really all you can do now you'll notice that from the front view the tail isn't flat like it should be in the blueprint because it's actually sort of tilting the plane down so this would actually be a disaster in in real life um but yeah we're not trying to actually make this plane be good to fall you know actual take off and you know being a plane doing what a plane does it really doesn't matter so for the most part we can sort of get away with a little a little laziness but you want to try and get it as flat as possible and also something I'm going to do I'm just going to pull these back and these ones here as well and this will just give that just a little bit of a curve shape now they look a little bit nicer than completely flat on excellent alright so that is starting to look rather good so um if you want you can go ahead and add in a subsurf modifier now if you haven't already I know that's the fun part where you get to see how smooth everything looks um and look at that so you look really good it starting to look like an actual plane great um so it looks like a foam plane something you throw out the window as a child so this is of course where we add in more detail so to start with I'm going to start adding in some some creases where there should be so for starters right on this wing here I'm going to hit shift II pull it all the way out actually make sure you select the full loop cut and just to sort of save time you can use the mean crease to set one and there we go so we now have a sharp crease right there and so you need to do that in in a few places now for one you'll notice that here on the tail of this plane you've got this sort of like line which have juts up so that's actually gonna be really handy I'm just going to add in a loop cut and drag that down to about there and then I'm going to add in another loop cut where this guess where score is called the rudder yeah um the I'm just going to pull that up to the top there where the rudders sort of ends and that's going to help it sort of smooth off the top of it as well and if you want that completely flat which I think we really do just turn up the mean crease there and there we go we have a nice flat lookin tell us looking pretty good my bad if I do say so myself and I do the exact same thing over here okay I'll make this make it flat there we go and turn out the main crease on that one and what else what else do we need to do I think another loop cut yeah that's probably good there we go alright so the basics of the tail you can see that looks a lot nicer doesn't a lot sharper less foamy looking which is pretty uh pretty good um now for this bulge here we haven't done a lot of work on on getting this bold just right so so let's do that so the bold is of course where our fancy um first-class passengers get to sit as well as the captain in his little copilot whatever when how much of a plane is sort of autopilot nowadays we wondered that like if you could sort of peer into the cabin whilst whilst you're flying across the Pacific to see two guys passed out on whiskey it's never good but I'm sure it probably flies pretty well on autopilot I'm just guessing I have absolutely no idea anyways my voice is pretty croaking I'm gonna get a drink of water all right much better um all right so the next thing we're going to do is for this bulge the top part of the plane you can't see it in the blueprint but if we have a look at some reference images where's a good one this one okay you can see there is a crease a very defined crease where it goes from the pretty much cylindrical look of the plane all the way up to this part where the Bulge comes out and then you have this very defined looking crease that that goes down the side there you can sort of see it so in order to create that in our model if we just take this one point right there turn on proportional editing set it to sharp and then just drag this forward and then increase its effect by using the mouse wheel and you want it to increase to about there then you see we can now have this nice little slope and then if I turn off proportional editing and let's just select all of these then hit shift E and we now have a little crease now it's not very defined because it's a I mean we don't really have a loop that is close to it so if you want you can add in a loop cut right here and that will make it look a little bit more defined a little bit more obvious and as well as that you can also sort of increase its bold enos sort of look by using the proportional still go smooth proportional fall-off tool and just sort of I increase that and yeah we're sort of slowly getting the look now we're slowly getting there it's just about slow and steady progress that's pretty much all it is okay great so now for the next part the part which I'm not terribly fond of and I say that because I mean I'm I'm not the sort of guy that likes complex modeling challenges what we're going to do is we're going to model the cabin window where the pilots set because unlike the rest of the plane where we can use a texture for the windows and doors and stuff this is too big and too detailed to be able to get away with with just a easy little texture so we have to model it by hand and that's pretty hard because we've got a nice flow the topology is sort of working for the plane everything looks pretty good and so if we just you know start cutting in here it's going to have some effect but anyways I found a solution which works relatively well but I'm open to any new ideas if you want to have some homework and have a go at it go for it anyways use the knife tool and select this point right here and then just drag this out and if you hit C it's going to make it straight and click and then enter and then do the exact same thing for this top point right here drag it out C click enter and there we go so we now have an area where the the cabin sets the the pilots you know whatever the window you might think that looks pretty good but we actually have two triangles and that is two too many you don't want any triangles in any model you're doing regardless so this is bad news so we want to try and get rid of those triangles so I'm going to delete this edge right here so we know how big gaping hole and this is sort of like because we don't really need this edge loop right here this is sort of unnecessary detail so we can actually just go ahead and delete that entire edge loop my screen keys tool has turned off again I apologize for that you can't see what I'm pressing and the next one thing that I want to do is want to get rid of this triangle right here so let's just delete that face right there and let's add a loop cut and then let's move that across this is not the best solution but it'll pass okay so if you have a look at it from the front you can see it's sort of got a little bit of a bolds there it's not exactly perfect but hey yeah it works and if you want to see how it looks like with an actual window material just add a base material for the whole plane and then add another material underneath it and then just make it dark and this is with the blender internal rendering engine by the way this is just sure physically so we can actually see it on the model then just hit a sign and there you go that's how it looks um and the reason it's stretched all the way back is because the nearest loop cut is all the way over there so you want to make a loop cut and then drag it in closer to the to the window there and yeah that is pretty much pretty much it and also if you want to add even more detail which is something else that I did if you grab this entire window here and actually make it look more like a window if you extrude it inwards let's go back II and then drag that downwards like that so now it actually has a bit of a ledge to it and then using the power of the crease tool shift II pull it out and then do the exact same thing for this outer edge here shift II pull it out oh and sorry my cursor just flew off into the the monitor next to me and tried to click something anyways um and then I'm going to select these two ah these tiny little off for goodness sake edges right there and I'm going to hit shift E and then drag those out now in this case I think I actually for these two I'm only going to use a half crease so you can custom Li like just type it in here 0.5 and that'll make it look a little bit smoother on the edges now you can see from this point this is why this there's a few little problems like it's sort of bulging out from the mesh so if you were doing a close-up shot this would really not work and you would want to come up with a better solution than this but in our case for our plane which is you know being photographed from far enough away that we can get away with not that much detail on the clock it essentially works out to be pretty good pretty decent so excellent um the next step is the wing alright so as part of the wing you have some flaps which physically move if you've ever looked out the window and seemed to move around it I mean it's yeah it's scary but anyways you have got three flaps yet one here one here and one here so what I'm gonna do is create some loop cuts for those wow I think I just I made that a rigid body how do I undo that okay there we go I wanted to create a loop cut let's turn off subserved okay okay so I'm going to create a loop cut wherever there's a flap is going to start or end so right here and I'm just gonna hit us scale it in actually and we do I want that to appear yeah I think that should be alright and I'm just going to drag drag this back to there that's good and then create another loop cut right there and then just drag this back to there as well I might actually because this is going to be quite annoying yeah let's just do that that way we're not having to fiddle around with stuff and this you know I want you toriel's to be smooth I don't want to have to do this embarrassing stuff while people are watching what on earth up in there let's go back okay sx0 okay that's not too bad okay um so this is the yeah that old really boring part of the tutorial where you just create a whole bunch of cuts and move stuff around and the the tutor tries to fill in the time by explaining what he's doing and it's really boring to listen to so I'm not really a big fan of doing modeling tutorials because I know there's this part where you just have to put in the hours in order to get the finished result and there's nothing to talk about you know talk about my day it's pretty boring but anyways so you get the point I'm just creating some loop cuts there and then once you've done that that arduous process here to select all these faces like this make them a separate object that I know like that and you'll see when you turn on the subsurf modifier they now have rounded edges and it's not ideal at all you don't want that so what you have to do for each of these is to add a crease at each point so if I go if I drag that out and then you also need to do that for the wing itself so all of these edges there and here and here shift e drag it out you can see that that is now a tight little tight little area there so then if I just just to make it a little bit so it stands out a little bit on the wing so it's not completely blended in I'm just making a little bit smaller instead of tucking it in a little bit like that you can see that that is now nicely in there so I'm just going to pause the recording while I do the exact same thing for these other two flaps there we are um and we do have a little bit of a sort of a smooth off area that's sort of colliding without flap there so to clean that up I'll just select these here tighten it up and there we go all right so we now have some actual physical flaps if you wanted to sort of fill it in with some faces you're welcome to do that so you don't actually have a physical gap I didn't find it was too noticeable in my finished render but if you are one excuse me if you all want to go for the detail you're welcome to go ahead and fill that in um anyways so that's done that's great um actually there is one other thing creased bad there we go okay alright so next step is to go ahead and create the engines a scary-looking engines um I just fine is like every plane I'm on I always just take a gander out the window just stare into those engines and it's just it's just amazing they're just holding you up there you know all that steel it's just it's never never a comforting thought anyways so I'm to create the engines um I'm going to just create a cylinder make sure I'm just going to use 16 vertices and set the cap to nothing okay so it's just like that and this should be part of that mesh there we go control J that's good and let's just go vertice mode let's turn off subsurf there we go and scale this up okay and I suppose I should show you the reference photo of the engine up close okay so this is it here so this is what we're modeling right now which is this tapered off cylinder looking thing then you've got a very boring turbine sort of thing sticking out there and then you have this piece at all important piece which is actually holding it onto the wing I don't know what it's made of but it's it's could be pretty strong so that is going to be modeled just with a cube really it's very easy to model this stuff you can go to as much detail as you want in this really it's up to you I'm modeling it the way I mold it for my final one in fact I'm actually going to give more detail than what I did for my final render so but again it's not exactly perfect and you are welcome to add more detail if you choose to so as you can see it's just I'm just taking the cylinder and I'm just whoops just using it again and again to create the look of the engine and when you turn on subsurf modifier you can see it looks kind of like an engine and then if you just select natural whoops the engine itself and you hit e to extrude it and then just scale it downwards then it'll actually look as thick as a real engine too so that's kind of important okay great awesome alright so now for that piece that actually holds it onto the plane actually this should probably be a little bit longer and this should be there a little bit anyway you get the point okay so for the piece that holds onto the plane very easy just add a cube delete the the face at the top as well as the face at the bottom so it looks like that and then all we need to do is just grab that and we're just going to place it at the very tip of the engine because if we have a look at our reference photo you'll see this stretch of right to the road tip there and connects square on to the wing as far as it can go which is reassuring I guess when you're on a plane it's so it's connected to the wing as much as it possibly can so that's good to know so stretch this out as far as it can go all the way to there and then let's just pull that down a little bit there we go and we'll drag that back to about there if you have a look we turn a proportional sorry turnoff subsurf modifier you'll see that it's sort of got this this sort of winged shape like I don't know wing shape I don't know I'm talking about so extrude it down a little bit okay like that alright and then this you want to sort of pull back so like that and you turn on subsurf and there you go that's so that's pretty much it that's the engine that uh it's uh obviously in dire need of some more detail but it gets the job done and that's all that matters now for the next piece you'll notice that next to the engine we have these weird what I'm going to call novelty bits that are sort of like stuck to the bottom of the wing I guess they're important because they're part of seemingly every airplane and then part of the blueprint and everything I don't know like they measure the weather or the for aerodynamics I don't know I have night I'm not going to argue with anyone that says that they're necessary I just don't know what they are anyways they're going to be created in a pretty similar way because we're using the subsurf modifier you can get away with a lot of stuff so this sort of starts out I don't know what three-quarters the way under the wing and then sort of comes out to the back so if we just take that drag that out all the way to the back right there and then let's see you want to make it sort of scaled down a little bit oh no I've added a loop got in the wrong place loop cut there okay and then let's go cut there I mean I'll go cut main crease okay it's pretty good and then let's just bring that down and there we go we have one nobody bit but uh you can drag that back a little bit for some more accuracy no that's uh something that I've been striving for for the most of the tutorial but anyways um so now we got one of them just like we did before with the engines just rinse and repeat across the blueprint that's pretty much it we do need to I suppose correct them so that they are in the appropriate place according to the length of the wing so just move these around a little bit that's pretty much it okay good um hey what's going on over here why is that oh that is weird oh okay alright so I never did the this engine I never did that one probably okay I don't know how I couldn't see that before hmm you guys come on all right pull that back all the way to there then this one pull that back as well excellent look at that that I it looks like a plane awesome so now for this next part it's it's pretty easy we just need to create some physical flaps for the rudder as well as for these are this tail fin okay so for the rudder I'm just going to select this entire part right here and I'm going to make it its own separate Oh like that and then in course in doing so you've now smoothed off the entire thing so I'm on I'm just going to show you how to do this one by the way because I know that this this stuff is very repetitive so I'm just going to show you this one and then you guys can do the rest I mean for the the fins I mean so what what on earth okay and delete that material I think that's annoying me okay um okay create a mean crease there mean crease here ah okay whew it's getting really hot in this room this is uh it's not the first time I've recorded this tutorial I must say sorry it's uh it's getting on a bit and it's uh it's extremely hot huh well this is great to listen to isn't it anyways um I'm sure what just happened there I thought I already deleted the material okay that's a different part of it alright well okay okay good and finally the last piece down there okay so I'm gonna just tighten this up and then I'm gonna do the exact same thing to these these fins down here I won't show you how to do it all individually because I know that we've done it for these ones over here as well so um yeah I'll let you guys do that and I'll show you what it looks like when it's finished and there we go nice and finished nice and clean looking so um each of these are basically their own object and I've just added creases and marked the edges are sharp and everything just in order to make it look nice and clean and you know like an actual separate object um that you know looks like it could be moved looks like it's part of a plane you know that's the whole point of it anyways so I just basically just going to make all of these one object by hitting ctrl J and it's now applied the material to let's just get rid of those materials there we go and there is a little I guess there's a hole at the front here so I guess the final step would be to close that up and when you do that you get is weird sort of pinched edge so I find if you just create a loop really close to it and then just scale it down and then you generally get a a nicer looking result but that is pretty much it and it's pretty much the end of the tutorial so um yeah that is part one to creating a plane in blender so um I hope you enjoyed it I hope you learned a few things along the way and looking forward to seeing your results that you make and yeah I hope you will join me for part two and we'll be learning how to create the rest of the scene yeah so have fun and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 475,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, cycles
Id: mu9J0D6ebVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2014
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