EASY Procedural eyes in EEVEE - blender 2.8 Tutorial

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hey everybody welcome to bandits procedural eye tutorial today I'll be showing you how to make these eyes procedurally still look nice something there my new eyes I don't need my old eyes I have normalized you can have eyes in blender so just sit back relax and follow along guys so we got a default scene here this is blender 2.8 for everybody's wondering now first we're gonna delete the default and we're just gonna add a UV sphere it's gonna rotated by 90 degrees on the x-axis so just points forward like an eye would alright next step we want to model the re before we shaded of course so it has a correct shape and the lights yeah goes into it correctly just go into edit mode and we're just gonna use this loop cut I can't put it a little bit more up somewhere this this this will differ them what kinda I am making if you're going cartoony or more realistic just look up reference of an eye and then just check where that falls right we're gonna put it around here is it correct yes and let's just select whoops select this one that's gonna be just a little bit more edge loops here you're going to select the the middle vertex here we're gonna put our on our procedural a proportional idling sorry too much procedural proportional editing Kemper disarmament oh and we're going to put this on in first square this will allow us to invert it the other way so we get a perfect sphere once we're at the other end I'm gonna scroll just to about where that edges if you want to get a clear view on that we decide for you and then make sure your border of your proportionality is just about that edge just a fine unit hold shift and then scroll and just around there another thing you put a wireframe now can perfectly see what's going on we can look how many takes about one to three squares on the grid we can go one two three and then we have a somewhat perfect indents into the eye you can make this deeper or more shallow if you want sir it's all about stylistic choices you know when I move this edge a little bit up with hitting G twice and I'm gonna select this one and I'll hit ctrl B to battle and a school up once to add another edge loop and we want to make this about a thick so second thing you want to insert in here is the lens the way we'll do that is about the same so we'll go about let's say this edge and that's just first bevel there's etch again just to have enough look cuts nice check if that's all smooth yeah I kind of want these to be square doesn't really matter but you know it looks a bit nicer and makes the curve a little bit smoother so I'm just gonna move this one a bit more inwards there we go and now I want this edge to be the edge of the lens so oh gee why I'm gonna move it forward so it sticks out just a little bit I see that the middle one still needs me a little bit of tweaking another thing you can do is a selectors faces and if you have your loop tools enabled this should be enabled by default in blender 2.8 otherwise check your preferences let me go to loop tools and go to Latin and now it's flattened then maybe you can push it a little bit outward I guess right of course we want to shade this smooth as W in your object context menu a shade smooth and then of course the edge of the lens we kind of want to sharpen as well so add two more edge loops again that looks very nice alright there's one more thing we need to add to the model of D re actually need to add a second object it's gonna be our outer eyeball so that's gonna be our eyeball with our lens and it's gonna make deionizing shiny so we're just gonna add our UV sphere and you can also rotate this on the x axis by 90 degrees it's not really necessary and you can scale it up let's say one point zero two this will make it just if you look on side view here it will make it just a little bit bigger than the eyeball [Music] okay so we're just gonna hide this for now and with this one selected will go into our shading panel up top I'm gonna start procedurally shading oh but first you want to UV edited actually although this is procedural we want to UV edit it to make some things easier so we're just gonna select our it's a very easy unwrap select our middle edge here press ctrl e Frech mark seam and we're just going to press a to select the entire all the verses and press you for unwrapped there we go so now what I want to do is select my islands up here it's like this one SUV and pack islands so it's nicely fit in the middle of our image the outer sphere whoops we kind of want to turn off our proportional editing but we just want to scale it down and put it in the corner here it's not really gonna be visible normally except a few making of course an eye that popped out of somebody's skull in which case this will still work of course so let's go to shading finally let's give this a new material and we're just gonna call this material I or matte - I we're also gonna rename this object of course so we're gonna call this eye - inner I'm the other one that said I - outer now comes the exciting part we first want to separate the three the three areas that need three different colors basically we have our eyeball that's gonna be white with going to some red or some purple to the back and we have our iris and we have our lens that's black in the middle to separate these we're just gonna use a gray gradient texture that is it's gonna pop it in here I have no triangular turned on so if you want to follow along with the same shortcuts an able note regular and then from this gradients we want to put this on spherical I'm just gonna press ctrl T and it's gonna bring them the mapping and texture cornet note I want to put this on UV and I want to Center this spherical node so I'm gonna put the X&Y location to minus 0.5 and mines pretty fine because the the spherical gradient texture starts at 0 0 but you want to start it in the middle of our UV texture and we're just make a simple plain rotate it as well and let's assign it the same material in the meta I so you can see what we're doing here if I just go back I turn this to zero the greens will start from the middle but we want it to start from the center of our UV map so we can do now is that a color ramp and if we slide it down you can see we can select different parts of our over I so because we don't want to play around in this area of the color ramp because this is gonna be a little bit hard to control I'm gonna add a little trick our funds to make it a little bit easier just adding an add a math nerd put this on power and let's put some tree so now you can see the control of everything that we need the lens and the iris so it's going to be here it's gonna make sense in a second if it doesn't already so first in the color ramp we want to add a red a red color right then we want to add two green colors so I'm gonna press this twice green and then the last one I just want to be blue okay and now we want to position these so that the lens is blue and the iris is green and the rest of the eye is red so to make sure I mean because this is a little bit it seems correct but let's make sure and enable in our viewport overlays here geometry and yeah like this then we can really see where our edges are so let me see that the air is a bit more forward and we want to leave a little bit of gradients between those because the eye isn't perfectly you know doesn't go from one to the other so if you want to fine-tune this you can also select it go to the position hold shift and drag it in some case is gonna be a little bit easier then our other one you just wanna go to the edge here as well no small gradients going over it all right now it just looks like a very creepy eye let's disable our wireframe and what we can do now is go to convert a separate RGB now we'll we basically have masks for three areas so of course we want to want to arrange this nicely so we'll add a frame a sector notes here let's control P and then if you open up the and panel just add a label to fighter I don't know what to call this this is called divider there we go alright so now we want to add the iris so how do we add a procedural iris that looks nice first I'm going to confer color ramp and convertor when we saying texture gradients I'm just gonna pop this in here already and with degree in texture we're gonna press ctrl T and we're gonna put this on the UV and we want to put this on - five four - five again so we could basically take this vector node pop it in here but uh yeah I like to have it separated and one of puts the style on let's see here radial what this will do is basically make a radial gradient it goes around the reason I need to call a ramp is because I want to smooth this out so I'm gonna move to white to middle I'm gonna move another black one too right so now this transition smoothly what we're going to do next is add two textures which is a noise texture and a Voronoi texture there we go and we want to add a mix RGB so we can mix the color ramp of our wipe here to our UV and it can mix the two if you look kind of wait but if we pop it in into the noise texture and the Voronoi texture is basically this and we get this weed spy releasing because the factors are being influenced by the Radle wipe here it's also for a noise texture you see some funky stuff happening here cool so we kind of want to play with this of how much this affects I think you can see the best results on the Voronoi texture we just want to see how much it distorts on the island we want to increase the scale on the Voronoi you can already see what we're going for here so that's a little more because we kind of want to keep the circle and which are typical for an iris I think I just want to put this up more I will see it once once we got there we can tweak it further down the lane we also have our noise texture here and is just to add some extra noise because the eyes aren't perfect I just want to bump up the scale bump up the detail and maybe you can add some distortion for some interesting effects going on right there yeah and of course we want to add a mix RGB and add a factor of the noise too well just a color it's black and white anyway and in here we see then we kind of have a mix of the two kind want to tend to go to the Voronoi texture a bit but that we have the detail of the noise in here as well so the only thing we need then is to add a color on and let's push our notes back here a little bit and in this color ramp we're going to find the eye color let's just go for blue eyes now so our darker colors may be somewhere in here and here really you have to create a freedom of creating whatever color you want look up some reference of how to use in the eyes change like this maybe I can't read this once we see our entire eye alright so we're gonna do the same here we're gonna make a frame and we're gonna select these notes press ctrl P and then label that frame iris cool so now we need to add the eye white so the the white eyeball so the way we're gonna do this is just by adding let's see here another of gradient texture love gradient textures going on alright and we want to put this on near it's good let's ctrl T and wants us to be generated and we kind of want to rotate I think under know the Z know the x-axis know it's one of these oh yeah this is y-axis who's right so put the y-axis on 90 degrees so you have gradient going from back to front all we needs a color and then we can make this go from a red color to white nice okay bump it up a little bit more I don't in the middle and push that gradient a bit if you want to already be showing that on the edge of the eye this is really if you just needed to popped out or anything it's a small detail so of course we also want to add a frame for those that's ctrl P I'll label this I white can also just make this white if you want to keep your eye of white so now we can already assemble these pieces right what we're gonna do is add a color makes RGB I'm gonna check this right now factor on 0 well make this black this is gonna be our iris you don't need more for the what am I saying the lens or something the lens it's the pupil there's a word so this is gonna be your pupil it's just gonna be black all right then we want to check our red channel and pump it into the mix so now it's gonna look like this and I'm weird and then we want to pick our eye white here and pump it into the color and the bottom color that is so now we have our eye going from red to white and then it stops where the iris is there's gonna duplicate this with Jeff T and for the second mix we're gonna use green and we run them make the result of this one in color 1 and then color too we're gonna top our iris yeah it doesn't look half bad but it still needs some details so I'm just gonna make some I'm just gonna select these two frames and this is gonna make some room up here and we're gonna add two details to really sell this as an eye so I'm gonna add a another gradient texture where are you there you all right press ctrl T sectors on the UV again and again put some minus 0.5 to minus 0.5 and then of course we want to put this to circle okay so we have our sphere here again and we can of course do the math thing again where we map this to the power traders cool now we add a color ramp and we want to do here is add a lighter rim to the center of the iris so we're just gonna go pump this down to where the iris begins put the whites somewhere in the middle add another note or another color rather good like this that should be good so we have gradients in the iris so what we can do now this after all our elements were joined here or before carrillo choose can put it on the iris just to be sure everything is in the correct order order so we had a mix RGB between the iris and where it gets added and then I'm just gonna pop this one in here and put this on Dodge and then if you look at the result well let's look at the entire result this is gonna add a small rim to the middle of the eye looks looks nice it adds a little bit of flare and you can with the slider just up and down unable to disable it and if you want to shift it up or down a little bit you can just move this one around nice and that's a little bit that much needs Flair you nice right just gonna write stuff at another frame I'm gonna leave that frame light rim of course where there's lights there should also be dark so I'm gonna well duplicate this entire frame and not added to the other frame no ok don't ok good so now with this color I'm selected we kind of want to do universe so now we don't want to flip it we want to go to the outer rim that's here right got unable wireframe again if you having trouble finding it like this and then our whites we want to make black and our blacks we want to make white alright just adding in thirds but matter alright cool so it looks like this sweet and now just after we dodge the inner rim want to add another mix RGB and pop this one in and this one we're gonna put your multiply look at our ends result now this adds a darker rim on the outside Sofie pushed yourself it's gonna add a little darker rip I kind of see that even on one it's not that obvious I want to go back here okay I wanna pushed a little more yeah I can see this is just being added to the to the rim and not reaiiy white and this mostly gives correct results but I'm kind of bothered by these gradients so I'm going back to our red and green here or divider just gonna push this a little bit together as well maybe a little outward there we go you just have to tweak those settings until you have a desired result I also make the iris but smaller that's a sharper router I still want to fit a model we might all right this looks nice cool now we just pop this all into the principal shader into the base color and I can remove this frame here and we have our I inner alright nice can maybe pump up the roughness a bit because this isn't really affect a lot of light so a last thing you can add for just a little bit more frame for the inner eye does we got to the other eye in a second we'll just go to effect your bump and we're just gonna make a color mix RGB we're gonna put in the before the color ramp here I'm gonna select our result of our noise and our Voronoi texture of the iris here we're just gonna put this let's say on the second a color note here right on the first color notes we're gonna put our green channel on the mix we're gonna put our green shell and then the color one we'll just make white and we're gonna pump this up into the height of the bump so our bump now looks like this little extreme just inner strength gonna push this down a lot there you go maybe even if you have this weight artifacts can go to color mix RGB at that's a little whiteness here so that it gets pushed out rather than pushed in all right count okay Nona tweak this a little bit and then we can just punch this into the normal f3 check it all right nice and this adds just a little bit more texture to the eye so looks nice alright so now we're gonna add the a dry so we're just going to press alt H to enable our outer eye here again I'm just gonna put this on shade smooth what I knew and in our principle vfvf we want to change a couple of things first we want to put on the transmission because of course the outer eyeball is just gonna be transmissive and we want to put the eye or two 1.41 which is the IOR of your lens C index of refraction you wanna Google that if you don't know what that is it's important information before Shady's and then we want to put our roughness to a very low number let's say 0.8 or something all right but now there's a problem with evey we don't have this is gonna work in cycles but we want to make this work in easy of course so we need to adjust some settings in the render settings first we want to add screen of space reflections and that refraction now we want to go back to our shader here into our settings and we want to enable screen space refraction so now we added a nice outer sphere to our eye and now you can play around with this or if you just want to rig it animate it so one thing is why I used UV and not a procedural generated shader it's actually because if we go into if we hide our outer sphere for a second and we select this yeah the ads around the lens and we put it on proportional editing just on smooth and you see that you can actually move the pupil so let's put it off and the iris will stretch along with it so doing this with generated textures is gonna be a bit hard but doing it this way really gives you a nice result we can put this on a shape key all right you can have a shape key it's really big alright and then minus one and you can just yeah run to the eye yeah cool duplicate your eye I'm gonna make your second eye in here nice oh of course I want to make a new shader first make your second eye a nice color of brown and you can go as funky you can add extra gradients to this to really make it pop or something can ya shuffle these around and that looks nice so there you go that's how you make procedural eyes so if you like this video press the like button down below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell button to get more tutorials like this also if you want to check down in the description down below you'll find my patreon on my patreon you can find perks like me giving art critique to one of your artworks or having a personal session with me to go over what you're having trouble with and you can support me in making more videos so please check that out also if you want to download this procedural ifile just go to the camera link down thank you also I want to personally thank Taylor Brown for supporting me on patreon Thank You Taylor you're a nice guy
Channel: CGRogue
Views: 181,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, how to make eyes in blender, how to make eyes in eevee, procedural eyes, how to make stylised eyes, how to model eyes, blender eye tutorial, how to create eyes in blender, 3d character eyes, realistic eyes, how to make eye texture, eyes in 3d, character eyes, how to give a character eyes, simple eyes in blender, eye shader, eevee shader, realistic eyes in eevee, create nice eyes in eevee
Id: E0JyyWeptSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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