Retopo in Blender - Retopologizing the Face

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hey guys penny I'm working from phenomenons here in this video we are showing you an excerpt from our newly released introduction to with apology in blender this is where we are covering how to actually beat apologize a full face but also covering a lot of wit apology theories such as how do you actually set up blender for it apology where do you put your loops how do you go from high risk to low res shapes we cover some body rate apology and much more than that at the end of it you will have a solid understanding of how to reach apologize anything within blender particularly creature related the tools you learn will be able to really be a foundation for all the weight apology ever want to do from now on so sit back relax and enjoy alright let's get started with actually read apologizing this character the way we're gonna be starting is by blocking out the main loops and we'll do this in a very clean and effective way we are starting off with this scene here you can find this under your scimitar what's called retopo face start and this has already the model in here this comes directly from ZBrush and this area has been decimated which just means that it's it's heavily triangulated you can't really hear anything apart from as reference for now but it means it has all the same shapes for it whatever you you get your character from doesn't really matter as long as you have gone through a path of really decimating the character I put this under group here or under a collection where we have a different the different models here so if we want to take away some of them which we don't really need right now we can easily do that also if we go up here to the filters then we can enable the selection type click on this one and now I can make this selectable or unselectable so now if you want to know if be able to accidentally select it you can easily do that by clicking on this little arrow this is really useful because it means that you don't really have to worry about accidentally selecting the wrong model so the way we're going to start now is by making a cube I'm gonna putting this in the scene here so we do this by hitting shift a and then we go to mesh I'm going to cube then we scale it down a little bit move it in the front move it up like so and then we can scale down as well the only thing I'm interested in now is this this plane right here the only reason I'm doing this with a cube instead of a plane is just because the orientation is already there you could totally take a plane and rotate it that would be exactly the same then we take go to edit mode we go into polygons we select this polygon here we control I which inverts the selection and then we hit the X key and we go delete faces this now means that we have now one polygon facing straight forward now we can continue working on this in edit mode so we can hit the a key to select it G to move it into place like so and disable snapping for now you can just move it in like so we can just move it in so it's around the central line and then if you remember from the retopo settings we can now go in and we can enable all the different settings we need the first one is indeed snapping so we go to snapping sets of snap to face which is the closest project won't itself and project individual elements there's no means that when we click any vert here using the move tool it will now snap to wherever it is then we need to go and give this a material just we can actually see what's going on set this to just a more extreme color just we can actually see it then we go under our object properties viewport display and set in front to be active then we need to go under our modifiers and we add a shrink wrap modifier then we set the target to be this model oh and since this is a non selectable we have to just quickly turn that off first so set this to read on selectable there we go and then we enable this in a viewport by hitting on cage so now we have the same result so now if we were to start to move this around we are good we can also do is we can enable mirror modifier which fine on generates mirror and now it's mirroring and then we set this to have clipping enabled which is at the origin to be the 3d cursor it's gonna put a right in the center since we've already set the origin here it wasn't pretty cool cuz you can also set the mirror object to be actually the object here as well that means it's gonna mirror exactly there so then you don't have to set the origin but for now we are just going to be using the actual origin point here idle words and then we are going to start manipulating this around we are going to start with the major loops which will include around the ice the nasolabial fold the default going around here or on the mouth around the eye here to create this little like almost like a little like a superhero glasses on all that and we're just going to get them in so let's start off with the mouth so we can take this entire thing go into polygon mode and move it down like so you just moved it in as well just so it's right in the center like this and like we mentioned before what's important is that you have big polygons you don't have to go much smaller than this but it's really important that you are using big polygons for this otherwise it's really tricky to get it right so we select the border here or the edge border here and then we can extrude it out one cool thing is if you hold down ctrl and right mouse button this just automatically extrudes to where you're clicking which is really handy you can also hit the e key and just drag it out whatever you prefer or we can use the poly build tool like we spoke about in the tool chapter and we can just drag it out like this no right way of doing it but there are many it so many ways to roam so we can used to use a Pollock poly build tool for now because it's easy for this step but honestly whatever you prefer and it's important to be meticulous at this stage the cleaner your topology is easier everything is going to be later on I really can't stress this point here enough if you for instance were to add like if it's messy like this in order to add a loop here you see how the consequent loop is now also messy but if we undo this and we just make it nice and clean and put a loop here you see how nice and clean this loop here actually is so you by spending more time on it you get paid back like tenfold later on so we want one loop to go around here like so around the mouth then we want a loop to go around the nasolabial fold like this and we can take this loop here as a starting point we can extruder out just in the e key illustrator out once more like this and then we can start to fit around like so so what we talked about for us well we're trying to keep him keep the same amount of loops here as I am here so that it's just a lot easier so we're blocking it out just try to keep this in mind and whatever technique tool amusing if it's extrude or poly build or selecting in here and then control clicking or control right mouse button like that just that just depends honestly the noodleman like that is it matters very little it's the exact same operation what's cool about having both of them at the same time like having in their Dyson you can see when something goes wrong like it can be kind of hard to see from this view here what's going on but you can clearly see from the other angle that it's that it's screwing up quite a lot so it's really handy to have both views remember to save your project as well it's really important to keep this same and I'll remind myself that throughout the series we can take this and just make you go all the way down like so we can just rotate it we can do it again do it again like so I can take this and we can just start to move it a bit into place whenever I've been blocking in loops I find to be really useful to spending a bit of time just making sure they're nice and clean like I said like this will this will save you so much time later on earlier you get your loops to be clean the barrenness so we're like we filling them in in this video we're just going to be blocking them out so you can easily see we can fill this in but we're just going to wait for that until next video and then we're gonna take a loop here and this is going to go around the ice like so so we can take this one and we can just move it out like so this general layout gives you pretty good deformation it's a very safe way of doing it and it generally works very well like this is true for for humans or animals whatever it might be having this band around the ISIS is pretty is a pretty nice way of doing it extruder out actually this one we can since this is directly connected to the other one we can take this one we can just extruder out like so so it's all reconnected then we can hit this guy here hit the F key if we have the f2 add-on it's going to beautifully connect up like so we can take this and we take this unity F key or we can select this one and we're gonna hit the F key here so now you can see we have this nice strip around it like so the goal is that you can go in here and you can right away and start to block in the loops and you can clearly see where the loops are going then we'll take a loop which goes around here it goes around the jaw and it comes under here so let's just start to block this on the F key well selected in the corner and F and there we go it doesn't matter exactly where the point is here like if you put it here if you put it here what matters is more that you're blocking the loops we can always change the exact point where it is later on again trying to match this up to this up we're not going to be bridging like this right now but it is still important that they they generally match up I'm going to save a lot of pain later on oh cool now we can start a block in the loop around going around the eye so we can take this guy here and we can start to extrude it so like this guy Nate the F key this is why I'm not really using the pole build too much because this tool here is just so damn good it will just do most so things I need to anyway so might as well just keep using this tool here you can also take these two points and we can just merge them together just hit add Center and then we just go and try to read a rector around a little bit like so so there it goes like this then I'm also trying to match these guys here up as well go so now we have a loop going nicely around the eye so I'm definitely looking reference when doing this like I said before like this is you're not just gonna be doing it like this fast without reference because now I know exactly what I'm after so if you're just trying if you're freestyling this it's going to be significantly slower for you so I highly recommend that you get some good reference to look at here this loop here we didn't force to go to the right here so let's just keep going making go through here just keep give it up making a bit cleaner before doing that we also need another loop going around here as well so hit control R then we can just force a loop here because I don't want to go all the way down here with the jaw I wanted to go more up here this is what I mentioned we can always move them around like if we if we need to can select this case like this and hit the F key and then we can add point in the middle by hitting ctrl R you can see how fast is is right we're not really far into the video but already it's starting to you know come together it's starting to become you can see where the main loops are and you can start to see the character of this little troll guy same thing trying to connect these guys here up - add more loops here just so it connects up and let a loop here as well this is really handy where you just hit the edge and double double tap the G key and then you can just move it in you know so you set flow like we did before which you can find under edge and set flow if you've installed the edge flow add-on then we can also add a loop going around the ear as well you always need a loop going around the ear so we can do this by we can just add a loop here then we can add one here just move this out a little bit like so you can also hit shift click up here as well and I can unleash under polygons edges faces and these means you can now collect multiple component select but prefer to just stick to I prefer to click one two and three because I just control a little bit better so regardless what software are you using the principles here are exactly this and there is nothing fancy about blender really it's just it's just another tool for with topology hit the F key to merge it and then we can just hit merge and where to Center so you're seeing right that all the tools we use the same tools over and over again the real magic of RIT apology is keeping it simple so now we have some the main loops down we can block in a loop for the nose as well we can take this guy here we can extrude it down like so we can keep it just keep flushing out like so we get this guy and we can just hit extrude and wrote it into place you'll see the hotkey down here if you're confused about what's actually happening what's really happening is just that we're just taking it very easy also if you if you don't want to see the other side here you can just disable the real-time so you can't really see it so it's still there you just can't see it which is really useful in cases like this where it might be you might be giving a bit too much information so around like this and now we have the nose proximity blocked and then we can also block in the centerline I really like to do this early on this is just a line which goes all the way around here just makes a bit easier so I'm gonna make this very narrow because there's a lot of fidelity going on here I make sure that it keeps it retains the curve like so and then we can just start extruding up now this is where I actually wanted the mirror modifier to be back because it's a lot easier to actually see what's going on here take this and move it up like so we just insert the loop through here as well we can insert this down we can just bridge these two together I really enjoy that the F key they're just bridges and blender it's is very intuitive to select this it's like this and hit the F key what's also important as well is that of course that you you have all the topology you need like this is definitely where we need to add another loop later on because it's not supporting the cade know the actual shape but that's for later we had a little loop here select this it's like this at the F key and then we can just keep expanding backwards this is where it's important that you just straighten out a little bit because otherwise all the subsequent loops will have this pattern here and it's so much cheaper to fix it early on we also definitely have to add a loop here as well here you can really see it that doesn't conform to the shape at all there we go and then we just get this down here all the way down and you can always add loops in the center as well I'm not too fast about exactly how many loops you need throughout here because this is something we can we can always keep adding to them then I want to loop which goes from here and all the way down here actually before that let's add a central line here as well before so select these two at the F key and we're not going to worry about inside of the mouth at all for now that just complicates things it's very simple to do it just makes it a bit complex at this stage okay so let's do the underside here and let's just block these guys in a little bit first okay and then we just extrude down and we fixed the shape so essentially as you see the processes add polygons refined set polygons add polygons and refinement and if you push them too much and you add loops like this it you might be in a bit of pain just because you you have to do it you have to change the shape a bit too much but this is fine okay so let's add a loop going from here around like so this this loop here is so that it's really nice and easy to deform the actual neck of the character then we just add a loop like here as well then we can add another loop just going through here and we can make sure they're fitting nicely can add a little loop here as well and is spending a little bit a little bit of time on this to make sure it's all nice then we need to add another loop from here and then in this is so that we can connect up we can actually figure out what's going on here in terms of direction changes so let's take let's add another loop here and let's move this guy down here a little bit let's refine it just a teeny bit and then we can take this loop here and we can move it over like so you see a little I'm actually moving the camera and trying to get a squeeze as much out of every single camera angle as I can before moving on it's like these two and hit the F key and we're starting to get there now on the major loops being actually blocked in then we're going to take this loop here and just redirect this down like so let's extrude her out like so and then we can hit the F key there we go and the more time you spend blocking in the loops easier everything becomes I've seen a lot of people in film who they go this narrow into it and the problem there is that you you're it's impossible to change the topology you're so locked into what's going on the design will always keep changing movies and if you're this granular the topology is so specific that it is support and design changes and it also means that you nobody can pick up your topology for any animation testing or anything like that until like very very late on in the process you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 88,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, foundry, pixologic, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cube brush, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru, cgi, blender 2.8, blender 3d, b3d, Blender tutorial, blender tutorials, learning blender
Id: OuFwUaS8y1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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