Blender 2.8 #0: Beta Overview #b3d

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hello my name is Colin and this is it wonder 2.8 beta was released earlier this week and we've got a lot to talk about in this video it was about ten years ago this year that I first opened up blender 2.48 and I pretty much closed it right away because I was used to a different program and at the time under was not as user-friendly luckily you know we've gone over several new versions in the last ten years we went on to Bunner 2.5 which introduced a new layout and design we've moved on through hundred two point six which gave us a cycles render engine then we got blender 2.7 and here we are today at the beta of blender 2.8 in this video I'll be going over about 27 new changes or features or changes in blatter 2.8 that you should know about if you're converting from one or two point seven up to two point eight or if you're just new to 3d and you want to check out what this point of thing is about well it's a perfect time to get started in blender for you as well if you want to try blender 2.8 beta for yourself there's a link in the description area below or you can type in blender org slash 2-8 in cheer up brother and you'll find it you can go ahead and download it Before we jump in of course if you like this video or foreknown slipping go ahead and click on that like button below it really helps me out and if you wanna see more videos like this one in blender and in tech click on that subscribe button as well also click on the bell icon to be notified whenever I upload new tutorials hopefully that'll be a fairly regularly at this point also check out my facebook page at slash born CG on that page I post news and updates and sneak peeks of what I'm working on next but let's go ahead and jump in first up let's talk about the splash screen and let's go ahead and zoom it all in it so we can take a better look this flash green features new badges that you can get if you join the blunder cloud if you support the blunder fund that is if you donate five euros or six American dollars a month to help support new development of blender and they give you one of these badges that you can have or not if you don't want to on your profile so you can let others know too that you're supporting the development of future versions blender below the splash screen is a new quick setup area with a few settings that you can change before you even jump in and by the way if you close the splash screen click and then you go back up to this little icon yeah you can get it back up and you can customize your settings again until you change or save any of blenders other preferences what's available on here well first of all if you're coming to blender from a different 3d program like Maya or 3ds max you can change your keyboard shortcuts so that you're more used to how to get around and use blender right now though we're in beta so there's only shortcuts presets to blender itself and older versions of blender because some things have changed hopefully they add to this list but that's that next up just a minor detail here select with left click or right click and by default now you're selecting with left click again that's totally minor we totally won't talk about that later of course we will next up is the spacebar you can now use it to play your your timeline you can use it to bring up a tool shortcut bar and you can use it to search by default and blender up until now it's been for searching and then they tried to make it an alpha version of blender 3.8 into a tools kind of menu you'll see what that's about in a few minutes but now they've decided to go and make the spacebar into the industry standard in other words in any program where you can play a timeline like any media player software if you press the spacebar it plays that's what it does by default now but of course you can change them lastly in this section we have a theme selector and right now there are only two themes to choose from of course in later betas or the final 2.8 there will be lots of themes to choose from right now there's only blender dark and blender lite I'll stick with dark for now okay next up is left click to select before I get there though I'm gonna change the size of my interface just because everything's a little bit small for you on my screen here so let's turn up - this is 1.35 okay and I'll close that now um blender for the first time after 20 years of right-clicking to select now in lender you left click on objects to select of course if you go it to your splash screen you can change that if you're used to right clicking to select and that's where your muscle-memory is you like me you can stay with right click to select if you want just like that but for new users left click to select really really will be easier so they've made it the default and yes it's a big shock but it's here but there is no benefit that's the good news - switching to left click if you want us to close right click you can what does this mean no well I'm gonna be sticking with left click because you get a few differences and this is all gonna be teaching it from this point forward of course if you left click on an object you select it that's great unfortunately though the way they've implemented this in some windows like the timeline is a little bit weird and I hope they change it right now if you expect to click on something and to select it with your left mouse button well then a new user would be expecting to probably be able to go down to their timeline and then left-click and drag this playhead and unfortunately they can't you have to right-click to drag it and that's a little bit backwards you would think people make it consistent but really in this case and there are some cases where it's different in this case they've just flipped the left and right buttons on the mouse and that's because when you were right click to select you can left-click and drag the playhead but now that it's reversed well you have to right-click and drag so I hope they revisit that or at least maybe give a new gizmo on this playhead so that you can drag it by left clicking so now if you can left-click on objects to select them what happens if you right-click in your 3d viewport well with an object selected if you then right-click with your mouse you get the new object context menu now this menu might look familiar to you if you're used to blender 2.7 and before because this menu used to be called the specials menu yeah if I were to switch back over into right-click to select and then I were to press W on my keyboard you get the same menu now in 102.7 and for you might have used this commonly if you press tab to go into objects edit mode and let's say you wanted to subdivide up your cube you might have pressed W and then you might have selected oh it's at the top now subdivide this is that same menu but if you're in object mode and you have different types of object selected you get even more features now at your fingertips just by right-clicking so if I were to right-click on this mesh cube well I actually have to change my settings back to left click select to be able to do that if I were to right-click on my cube I now have options like smooth shading versus flat shading so if I switch to smooth shading you can see my cube is now shaded smooth which I would probably never do with a cube so I can go back to flat shading you can do things here like set the origin of your object to the 3d cursor or geometry or a center of mass or something like that you can convert objects here so if you wanted to convert a text object into a mesh you could do that here and yes you can even now copy and paste objects with this menu or with control C or control V oh my god this is amazing copying and pasting objects not just duplicating them so now if I go to copy object and then right click paste object I can now grab with a G key that hasn't changed my object and I've got a copy of it let's talk about render engines render engines are no longer found on the top bar in blender and actually I hope that changes I think that's a good place for them but you can now to switch between different render engines under the camera tab at the side of the new properties window so if I click on the camera tab with the very first thing I can change is my render engine and the new default engine is the new AV render engine we'll be talking about that of course later in this video render engines have changed of course we have this new one evie we also have a new one called workbench this is really just an OpenGL engine it's kind of like just rendering your viewport it's simplified there's no shadows there's no special effects it's just how your viewport looks essentially so if you're looking at your viewport and you have certain settings you might get a very flat architectural look it's a nice simple engine the workbench engine the last engine that we is the cycles render engine and the cycles engine hasn't changed too much actually that's kind of a lie it's gotten better on newer faster Hardware the cycles Runner engine is about 30% faster so hey blender is better than ever but it's a sad day though the old blender internal render engine is now gone that they had to get rid of it unfortunately because hey it was just really outdated it didn't give very good renders if you were really looking to make a high-quality professional-looking anime and movie or 3d model scene and unfortunately this is a really sad one the blender game engine has now been removed from the lender the game engine was was fun it was a good educational tool some interesting and well made great games were made with it but it never got mobile platform exporting support so you couldn't export to iPhones Android phones things like that so it never really took off and so it had to be taken off and that's in large part because of blunders new technology and the old technology that the old game engine used next up let's talk about tools and gizmos blenders tools are now active and they're found in large part over in blenders new toolbar you can see that when you first launch blender you actually get an active tool enabled by default it's actually the selection box tool and this tool as with any other tool now it takes over your Mouse's operation in other words with the selection tool you can left-click on something to select it but also being this is the Box select tool you can now click and drag and box select things in your scene now as I said tools are now active and that means that when you select them like the new 3d cursor tool yes the three cursor has been around forever on blender but the 3d cursor tool is new its active that means it takes over the functionality of your mouse if I now click on something I can't select it that's because now left clicking means with this tool selected then I'm moving the 3d cursor around same thing with a new transform tool this is a combination of move and rotate and scale when I have it up and I want to move rotate or scale something I can select something with this tool as well and I get all three options so that's great yes before blender you could hold shift select all move rotate and scale with the old gizmo selection on the header of the 3d viewport but now it's just one tool on and so on of course we still have moved we still have rotate and we still have scale but you'll notice now that the on-screen controls in other words the gizmos have changed maybe only subtly but with the move tool now if i zoom in on that object you can see that my gizmo know has these new squares and that allows me let's say if I were to grab this Blue Square to move the camera on only the X and the y axes and not the z axis in other words it's colored blue because it negates or does not operate on that blue axis so I can move it around without worrying about moving it up and down the scale tool has this to you on a scale in two directions you can do that you would probably wouldn't want to scale the camera though so I'll select my cube and the rotate tool when you grab one of the three hula hoops it will actually give you a kind of an idea of how many degrees you're turning right there and if you hold ctrl it'll snap but you get this new set of increment that you can actually see to actually give you an idea about how much you're actually turning the object that you're currently rotating now if I go and press control Z on my keyboard to undo that and if I press tab to go into this message edit mode you can see that my tool bar changes and we have access to a list of visual icons that represent tools that we commonly use in edit mode now if you don't just want to see thumbnails here if you want to see the name you can just put your mouse at the edge of this toolbar and drag out as you can see you can have like a column of two or you can see all their names so that might be more helpful for new users if you're not sure what something does so if I now select let's say the extrude region tool it's active and it takes over my mouse so I can't do other things with my mouse it's only gonna be for a selecting vertices or edges or faces and extruding so I'm gonna go into face left mode I know left-click on one face and you can see now that the extrude tool has a new gizmo an on-screen control so now I'll have to do is drag this little plus icon and hey I can extrude and with this extrude region too I can select different regions and I can pull out on the gizmo and extrude handy let's go ahead and switch to a different tool I'm gonna switch to the loop cut tool this one works a little bit different than if you were to use ctrl R on your keyboard by the way yes control our for loop cut and slide still does work but this new loop cut tool works a little bit different you can hover over an a mesh in edit mode to use it and if you then click and then drag immediately you can drag an edge loop to where you want to go so you don't click and then let go and then click again to slide you just click and drag and hold down all in one motion and then let go so that's the loop cut tool there are some other new gizmos on the screen as well a cool new one is for lamps I'm gonna go ahead and select this light in my scene I'm gonna go ahead and change it in the properties window there's the light tab I'm getting a 2 and the area lamp with an area lamp or light now as they call it you have a new circle on the direction of the area lamp and if you drag it you can move the way that your lamp is pointing but also if you get a little bit closer you can actually mouse over and change the shape of your lamp at least the area lamp I didn't go ahead and make this one a little bit bigger this over here I'm gonna type in let's say 1 and 1 so now if I orbit around you can see that my area lamp is a square but again if I mouse over it I get these controls and I can just actually manually change the size of my lamp but without having to go into any settings now this tool I think is a little bit buggy right now at least I don't understand that maybe because it should work and it's not but again we have that context menu so if I right-click on the light I could actually set its size both x and y and I just select size it actually fixed it and it actually made it that bigger size and it's letting me now stretch it on the x-axis and I can right click again and set the Y as well so we have new gizmos on-screen and control for tools and active tools speaking of tools let's talk about tool settings if you're using a tool now there are a few new places that you can find that tool settings let's say I want to use the loop cut and slide tool so I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in on my cube I'll press tab I'm going to select that new active loop cut tool right there now when I select it that's what my muscles gonna do it's gonna create a new loop cut and let me slide it of course if I now click and drag it'll just put it right there but what if I want more than one cut as you know if you were to press I'm gonna switch over to my move tool if I were to press ctrl R on my keyboard to create a new loop cut and slide I can scroll up on my mouse to get more cuts then I can click and then move a mouse and click again so I can create more than one cut with that loop cut tool so how do I do that with the new loop cut tool the active one on my tool bar well I'll just undo those quickly and I go back to loop cut tool options are now just like the Adobe products like Photoshop or illustrator or animate you get tool options at the top so if I wanna change the options for this tool the most common ones will be up here I can change the number of cuts over here so now if I were to just use my tool and then click and drag you can see that I have that number of cuts up there now the most common options for tools will be up here in this new top bar but if you wanna see all the options for any given tool let's say the extrude region tool you'll want to go up to the top tab of your properties window this is a new tab it's called the I'll just hover over it so it'll tell me what it's called the active tool and workspace settings you can see here this has sections in it they're different for every tool you can expand these out and you can see options for the tool that you have selected in this case I've got the extrude region tool selected so I can extrude based on this faces normal or I can extrude in the global X Y or z axis now this top toolbar is gonna come in really handy if let's say you want do a task like texture painting in fact I'm going to go up to my new texture paint tab at the top and as you can see I new texture potala we'll talk about workspaces in a few moments but as you can see I now can access my draw brush and if I'm drawing or painting on an image I'm gonna click on new and press ok actually I'll change this to a white new picture I can now choose up here my top bar B color and radius and other properties of my brush so if I wanna paint not with white but if I'm gonna paint let's say with red I want to change the radius of my brush I can do that and now I can paint on that image so there's gonna be a handy place for you to find settings for your current active tool next up our workspaces workspaces our new ways of rearranging your screen and quickly getting into active tool sets to start getting into a task right away yes you can still go to the top or bottom of any window and put your mouse in the corner of a window and left-click and drag just put that window into to either left and right or again up and down and you can still change any window into any window type let's say I change the three viewport into a oh I don't know a timeline yes you can still do that but no I'm gonna go up and actually go to new and general but now you can change your layouts even easier but again this goes into more than just window layouts the list of tabs at the top are called workspaces and they're organized in a general file like you're creating a 3d animated movie when you're creating a 3d animated movie the workflow generally is professionally that you do layout first that means you're creating very very simple low poly objects to lay out how a sets gonna be organized like where tables and chairs and cars and city streets and buildings will be and then you go into modeling so actually modeling in more detail what objects are gonna look like and then you might go into sculpting if that object requires it and then you might go into texturing like you've the editing and painting or texture painting then you might go into shading and actually customizing the materials and the shininess and dullness and reflectiveness of objects then you'd probably animate so you need different windows for that then you'd probably render and then lastly you might composite and I don't out to know why they have scripting here but they do now that's a workflow for 3d animation but what if you're doing a different task when it also has new tools that are great for 2d animation and other things as well that's why if you go to file and new you get a list of preset templates for actual dunder files I just used general that's what I'll be using most of the time but it's also a preset for 2d animation and so if you go to 2d animation you get a different set of workspaces you get the general 2d animation canvas you get a full canvas and then you get a rendering workspace if I go to file new and sculpting let's say you're used to ZBrush and you want to try that same sort of thing in blender well this gives you sculpting and shading for making objects using the sculpt tools and changing their material so as you can see workspaces are not only layouts they're also active tool sets and you can make your own presets of course as well let's talk about these new controls at the top right of the 3d View window this is one of the new most recognizable features of what our 2.8 you get some new controls which let you change your view very easily now forever as long as I've been teaching blender I've recommended that you need a mouse to use blender if using a laptop you need to plug a mouse in because you need a scroll wheel and a scroll wheel acts like a button in order to do simple things like orbit in your scene or just zoom in and out in your scene and then if you hold shift on your mouse and then you orbit by of course pressing your middle mouse button down you can pan around in your scene so if you didn't have a mouse if you're using a laptop well you kind of had to be a second-rate citizen and when it came to blender that is no longer the case we now have this new gizmo yeah it's like weird again gizmo on the screen but if you just put your mouse in it and then you left-click and drag around that's a way that you can orbit your scene so now you really don't need a mouse you can just use your trackpad and click and drag and move around that's great but this little gizmo is more powerful than that you see if I click on one of the little balls at the end of the points of the gizmo you can point your view in that direction in other words if I click on the little Z ball you can see that I go to my talk you if I click again on it you can see I flip over to my bottom view you'll also notice that if I orbit around it switches automatically between a user perspective view or a perspective view and if I click on one other little ball since I want to go to the right or left of my scene I can go to that side and it switches into orthographic automatically so now it's easy to go from left to right right now I'm in right I can click again on the X to go to left if I want to go to the front our back I can do that really easily again top and bottom very very easy to do next the skismo are a few buttons to help you do other navigation tasks you can click on this little magnifying glass and if you click and hold on it and move your mouse up and down that will let you zoom in and out really easily so that's great next this little hand if I can I click and drag on it up and down and left and right I can pan my scene around and if I want to switch into the camera view there's a button for that easily I can get into the camera I can press it again to get out of the camera and lastly if I'm in a perspective view and I want to go into orthographic that means a more flat view I can press this last little button and it toggles between again this is orthographic it looks more flat but it is still 3d and perspective view so those are the new controls at the top right of a 3d viewport window next up let's talk about blenders improved user interface lots of little things have been tweaked to make blender even nicer to look at and easier to use one of the themes that went into developing what our 2.8 with was making things more consistent and easier to find for the user the first place you'll notice this is the header bar of each of the windows up until now in previous versions of blender the header out of a window that bar at the top or bottom of the window could be found on the top or bottom in the old 3d viewport window the header was on the bottom and some windows it was on the top it's called a header so they've always put it on the top now and you can always click on the same spot on the top left on that little button to change that windows type just a nice little thing here do with consistency another major area where the interface is that improved is over here in the properties window the properties window used to have along the top and now there along the side yes these icons have been a little bit controversial they are monochromatic so they're a little bit harder to identify what they are and yes I agree with some of that criticism but being on the left-hand side means that you can now maximize your 3d viewport space by making the side panel of windows narrower so now you can have all your tabs on the side and you could actually see them all if you try to do that before and load our 2.7 and before if you had tabs along the top you had to make this one do at least wide enough to see all the tabs otherwise you'd be cutting some of the tabs off and you'd have to actually make your window wider and then select the tab that you'd want to go into that mode of this this properties window then you can make the window narrower again having side tabs makes that no longer necessary just about a week ago also they mean it's like you could actually not just click on a button but you'd also just click in this area and drag so if I want to explore these tabs I can just find the one that I'm looking for and then oh there's the world tab I can now let go so that's great besides that in this properties window if you go to a section you'll notice that the sections are now reorganized they're tidied up but they also have a single column layout before I'm going to 0.5 to prove 2.7 you would actually have these value input boxes side-by-side and it was actually quite messy now no matter what section you go into you'll find that there's only one of these value input areas next to its description so it's much usually to find your way around it's just more tidy but also this allows you to have a narrower again side properties window so you're maximizing your 3d viewport space in fact well I've gotten in the habit of doing in the last few weeks is I've gotten the habit of making two of these windows side-by-side because you can still see everything that means you can have two different tabs side-by-side let's say you want to have your render settings with a camera over here or maybe in this one and then over here you'll have material settings for the object that you currently have selected so now I can go ahead and let's say add a color to my object now besides that another change that you'll notice is in each of these sections or rather in some of the sections you're gonna see some presets let's look at this output tab and by the way they've actually rearranged the content of the render settings tab to exclude things that have to do with the output settings of your final render now the camera tab only has settings do with your scene like samples and depth of field and shadows and volumetric lighting and things like that that's all another render tab this new output tab that looks like a little film canister with film popping out of it now has all of your export or output settings things like dimensions and frame rate and start and end frames and output format like if you're exporting to a JPEG sequence or a still image or a video file with sound all those settings are now here but these sections all now like dimensions has presets so I can actually choose not just 1080p 1920 by 1080 but if I want to choose let's say 4k I can do that with simply two clicks now it doesn't actually go away I hope they make this menu close but as you can see now I have 3840 by 2160 which is essentially 4k the last little tweak they've made is that in areas where you can animate values if I say go to the object properties tab you can see that I've got these new little dots next to my value boxes what these little dots mean is that if I click on it this is how you can add a keyframe so let's say I click on this little dot and if this section goes yellow that means I made a keyframe of this object on its x-axis at this current frame if I right click and drag down to frame o let's say 24 and then I move that value I can just drag in that area and then I click on the keyframe again I've just created an animation I now have an animation of my box going from the middle sliding along the x-axis so I can now animate that's a nice user interface improvement let's talk about blenders preferences blenders preferences used to be found under the file menu and there no longer there there now under the Edit menu because that's sort of the industry standard if you're used to any of the Adobe programs like Photoshop or Premiere or animate will always find preferences under the Edit menu it's just industry standard so now we're moving towards that in blender I can go to the edit menu select preferences the other change here is that now I can see there are side tabs rather than top tabs I think they're gonna be playing with this idea more and rearranging some of this main preferences window space they better be laid out for having side tabs but here they are you can still save your preferences over here so if I were to let's say go to my input tab and if I were to let say it be a laptop without a numpad and I wanted my number row to act like my numpad I could emulate my numpad I might also under interface select rotate around selection and I want to save these settings for every time I use blender of course I can save preferences but do note that if you do click on the save preferences your quick little settings area your quick setup area will no longer be there so those are blenders preferences let's talk about collections and the outliner window no longer does blender have layers if you think back to 102.7 layers without little grid of squares that represented layers that were kind of like layers in Photoshop or but really how I explain them were parallel universes you could separate objects lamps anything in your scene you could separate them into layers so you could view one layer at a time or you could hold shift and view multiple layers at a time unfortunately layers were limited you can only have about 20 of them so now about a 2.8 we have what are called collections and collections are more versatile and they're unlimited and you're pretty much gonna always manage them over here in the outliner window by default you're given one collection and a collection is really just a group you can move objects between different collections and you can create new collections really easily in fact if I select my cube and I press M on my keyboard you can see now I'm not moving to a different layer I'm moving to a collection and by default we only have one collection in collection so I'm gonna click on we're a new collection I can click in here and I can name it I can call it happy monkey with party hat I swear this will make sense in a second and I can press ok so now my cube is in this hemp you happy monkey with a party hat collection now let's say that I actually want to make that collection have what I say so I'm gonna select my cube now and I'm gonna move it to a different collection I'm going to make a new collection just by right-clicking over here and saying new and I'll double click on this and I'm gonna say boring cube and I'll press ENTER and I'm gonna select my cube tap em move it to my boring cube and now in my happy monkey with party hat collection in fact I'm actually gonna hide this collection at the boring cube collection and so now with my happy monkey with party hat collection I'm gonna press shift a on my keyboard I'm gonna add a monkey and it is in that collection and I'm gonna add a cone on top of it and I'll tap G and Z to move that up so now my collection is complete as you can see I can have a little bit number of collections here I can group in any way objects can actually be part of multiple collections I believe and a cool thing you can do is you can actually add instances of collections so if I press shift a on my keyboard and go to add and I go down to collection instance you can see now I can add instances of well not like boring cube but my happy monkey with party hat so now I actually have a reference copy of my monkey with party hat and if I changed my original so if I left click on this hat if I press tab to go into edit mode I'll go into face lect mode select the face I shoot it down a hold ctrl + alt and click on edge there to select that edge ring and I'll tap Alt key on my keyboard and extrude faces along normals the I want quick look there but that that's okay I now have a monkey wearing a witch hat and as you can see that changed the instance as well because it's a reference instant so now you can change lots of things now seeing it really quickly and you can create instances of your collections next up let's talk about blenders new a 3d viewport window just looking at it in a 3d viewport you can tell things have changed a little bit it looks a little bit more 3d and that's because when you look at things that are further away especially lines and wireframe models you can tell when things are closer to you and farther away because lions like the grid of floor lines here look a little bit more salt and thick when they're closer and a little bit more faded away as you get into the background this is also true if I were to go into wireframe view and look at the different wireframe thicknesses you can just tell of course there are thicker outlines on objects but you can also just tell especially let's say if I were to press X and late this cube and if I were to press shift a and add a new mesh monkey head you can just tell them things are closer to you and that's great but one of the bigger things about this new viewport are overlays now in our 2.8 you can control exactly what you can see in your viewport let's say you don't want to see your grid floor well up here under those overlays new pulldown menu you can see I can really turn anything on or anything off in fact with wireframe mode I actually have control over how much wireframe ice can see if i zoom in on a monkey you can see these lines are certain thicknesses but if I turn this value down you can see I can see fewer wireframes and that might be helpful to you in some circumstances I'm not really sure but let's say I want to turn off the grid floor well I can do that I can actually turn off the axes so I don't see those that red and green line I can turn on the z-axis line if I want to I can turn off the grid floor so you can really customize what you can see in your view but also you can change the shading of your viewport what does that mean well right now what I'm in this wireframe view I can select either my theme background color so listen to the background color that came with blenders dark theme but I can also select a world color and means under my world count this is actually the render output color I can change the color so I can go to some wacky orange red color if I want to that's garish and I can switch also to a viewport color which I can actually customize for just this viewport I can change it to something a little bit more pleasant like I don't know a light blue also we have a new x-ray mode this little button used to be called limit selection to visible and now is either called x-ray or show whole scene transparent what this means I'm actually to go back into solid view is that you can turn on x-ray you can make all of your objects see-through simply by clicking this one button now as you can see now if I look really closely at my mesh I can see into the background but what am I also do is I can actually turn on a wireframe while I'm in solid view so I can see the outlines of each individual face on my monkey head and I pressed have to go into edit mode and then let's say I press alt a to deselect all I can now see geometry in the back and while I'm in this new what is it called again is show whole scene transparent or x-ray mode I can select things so I'm actually gonna press W a few times on my keyboard and get that circle select tool and I'll make my radius of it bigger if I paint now while I'm in this x-ray of you I can paint a selection and it will include faces or vertices in this case in the background but if I were to undo that and then turn this limit selection to visible that's the old name for it the x-ray button off and I were to paint a selection now it would only select vertices in this case that I can see and not any vertices in the back of the mesh so that's the x-ray button and the new 3d viewport let's talk about viewport shading if I have I Mouse in the 3d viewport and I press Z on my keyboard it brings up a new pie menu and these four options are the four new viewport feeding modes of the new 3d viewport by default you start in Sol view and solve you or viewport shading lets you see objects in a fairly plain looking white or gray color in solid viewport shading you cannot see material colors but what you can do is change the overall of solid view right now I'm using studio lights and so my scene kind of has a light blue shade over it but if I switch to let's say a flat lighting well now I can't really see the contour of objects at all and that might be what you want especially if you're rendering out and you want architectural drawings and you want to be able to see outlines you might actually turn on let's say wireframe so you want to render out just an object with very plain lights that's what you might do you can also change your studio lighting which we had before but you can change it to different sorts of light mode so I want to see my entire scene with a white material but in a sunset I can do that so you can imagine a whole white scene or maybe you're doing a layout of a city street but you want to see it from a sunset well now you can get it we also have if you press Z a new-look def mode and this look to have mode is great for texturing and painting textures on images because they look to have mode lets you actually see colors and materials and image textures so now with my cube selected where you are in this third mode look dev mode I can go and add a new material to this object I'll give it a color let's say green I can see it if I press Z and go back in to solve you I can't see those materials anymore next up if I press Z I go into wireframe mode we've already talked about this one it's great for seeing you're seeing simply and through your object that's great I press Z one more time you get the new render view and because the default engine in blender and in the viewport is the et render engine Wow is this fast you can really see how your scene is going to look in the eve your inner engine in real time and when you move your mouse around it's just rendering in real time it's really amazing so it's a great new 3d viewport and different viewport shading modes of course if you're in any of the modes including rendered you'll notice that in render view I can still see all of my overlays or I can turn them off and see how exactly my scene will look especially if I go and press 0 to look for my camera hey I'm actually seeing my scene without having to render of course there are different options for each these different modes under shading actually it looks like there is no options for rendered view under shading that's because you actually have to change your render settings under the camera tab so those are the four new viewport shading modes rendered solid look dev and wireframe let's look at popovers popovers are a new unit face convention in our 2.8 where you might have an area pop up over your screen with settings or tools for something that you're currently working on if I go ahead and delete my default cube with the X key and I press shift a and add a new let's say UV sphere if you added a new UV sphere input are 2.7 or before you would have gotten a little section at the bottom of your site tool shelf to let you change the properties of this UV sphere this UV sphere has a lot of polygons but I might want a simpler polygon well where do I find that well it's now under this new little pop-up and you can click on a little arrow to expand it this is what a pop-up looks like it's a dark area it's just like one of the other menus it looks like that but here with this pop-up it's temporary I can change things like the segments I can turn down the number of segments and I can turn down the number of rings and I want a lower poly UV sphere I can even change the radius here but then just like you learned 2.7 and before as soon as you click something else or off fit that little pop-up will go away so this is a new convention in blender 2.8 you'll be saying more pop-ups here and there let's talk about blenders new status bar and for this one I'm gonna have to zoom way in on my interface so I'm gonna go up to edit and preferences and change my interface scale all the way up to and I'll close that window there is a bar at the bottom of blender that gives you hints about what you can work on next why you can currently do with your mouse in other words if I select an object well what I do next well down in the status bar it shows me what I can do with where I nose currently is so right now my mouse is in the 3d viewport and I have the cube selected let's say I go and use the transform tool well as you can see I can now with my left mouse button there's a little picture right down there I can select or deselect so if I click on something I can select it or if I click on nothing I can deflect it that's great if I have this transform gets all up it'll say hey you can transform from the gizmo in other words I can use my gizmo and I can scale or I can rotate or I can move what else can I do well if I middle mouse button I can orbit in my view or rotate the view and if I want to bring up a menu right there it says call menu hey I can call a menu up onto my screen now if my mouse is in other windows you can see that it changes with my mouse in the timeline you can see now I can select keyframes by left clicking I can transform keyframes by left clicking and moving my mouse I can pan my view by pressing my middle mouse button down like a button and then moving my mouse around and I can change a frame by right-clicking on them in other words I can right click and drag my playhead now if I'm in and objects or meshes edit mode it becomes even more useful I'm gonna go ahead and press tab to go into my cubes edit mode and then if I press K to go into knife mode you can see now on this bottom bar I have all of my little hints and shortcuts about how I can use this tool so if I'm using this tool I might click and then click to make a cut across my mesh and that's great but as you can see II will let me make a new cut so if I tap Yi on my keyboard my first cut stops and now my mouse is free to make another cut that's wonderful if I press E again I can do that again I can use ctrl L or ctrl R to turn midpoint snap offer on I can use shift Eldar are to ignore snap I can press C to enable angle constraint and if I tap Z on my keyboard I can cut through an object and I'm gonna go ahead and press Enter so now I have a cut through with that one specific cut that I made so that's blenders new status bar units units a blender have always been a little bit weird by default up until now blender was measured or scenes were measured at using the blender unit and that really doesn't mean anything especially if you're making models to a specific size and you want to use it millimeters or centimeters or inches or feet or yards so in blender now the metric system is defo if I go over to my properties window and under the scene tab you can see I have a section called units and yes by default the metric system is default if you'd rather use the imperial system with inches and feet you're welcome to but now you have even more control and as areas simplified in terms of its interface of what exactly you're using so imperial could mean inches or feet so which one is it gonna measure him well you could actually change that you can change the length value to feet if you always want to work in inches you can do that if using the metric system and you want to always measure every length in meters you can do that or you can switch over to centimeters if that's what you want or what you can do especially for the length is if you want to have different measurements depending on the size of the object or how sumed in your--in I'm not really sure you can change this length value to adaptive and so now if you're working on things different scales it'll adapt to what you actually want to see so if I open up especially my n side that's a little plus side properties panel you can see I'm in meters but if I'm working on another object or maybe zoomed in it might change to centimeters and it might vary depending on what you have selected what you could also do when you're an edit mode this is a cool one this is a new overlay if I press tab on a mesh to go into edit mode and I open up overlays I get even more options here and then if I was to be in object mode you can see it's smaller but in edit mode I can actually enable edge length so where is this edge link there we go so now I can see all of the measurements of every edge in my model pretty cool hey that's measurements and units in blood or 2.8 one of the many new great features of under 2.8 is multi object editing let's say in butter 2.7 if I had two objects in my scene two meshes I'm gonna go ahead and press shift a on my keyboard and I'm gonna add oh yeah let's go ahead and add a mesh monkey head and I'm gonna use the Move tool and move it over let's say I wanted to edit that monkey heads mesh so of course I would select it I would press tab to go into edit mode and I could that's great but then what if I realize that I wanted to work on this cube well I would have to press tab to go back into this monkey heads object mode and then I could switch over and select the cube and press tab to go into its edit mode wouldn't it be nice to have edit mode in multiple objects at the same time yes it would be and it's never blurred to the point 8 if I press tab to go back into object mode and then I select more than one object at the same time of course you can hold shift and do that you can hold shift and click unless on the second object or as many meshes as you want or you can use the Box like tool and select multiple objects but you have more than one mesh selected you can press tab that'll go into edit mode of both meshes and as you can see now I can select faces of both objects and I can move them around and so now I can edit two meshes at the same time and a high press tab I'll go back into object mode of both and now they're both still separate objects that's multi-object editing let's talk about rendering if I want to go ahead and render this beautiful scene right now my cube of course I'm going to go through my camera mode and I want to press either animation or render and that used to be in butter 2.7 and before under the camera tab but as you can see it's no longer there so what do you do well of course you can press the f12 key to function twelve key on your keyboard if I do that that still works it pops up with a new window by default and I get my render and that's great but where else can I find this in my interface without actually using a keyboard shortcut well it's up under the render menu and I'm not sure why they got rid of the render buttons I really wish they would bring them back or they could actually bring it back up here or somewhere in the top of winners interface that would be nice too but they're now under a render so you can render image or animation if you want to change how your render shows up or where it shows up you can go to display mode and by default a new window is selected so when you press f12 or go to render render image or animation it will render in a new window that pops up over top of blender if you want to change that you can change that to one of the other options I can make it go to an image editor so now what it'll do I think it actually takes over the largest window that you have in blender so in this case it should actually replace my 3d viewport window with an image editor with my render so if I press f12 yeah it changed my 3d viewport into my UV image editor window with the render and I can press escape to go back to my 3d viewport so a few little things about rendering have changed but it's not too different let's talk about materials materials and lunder have gotten a lot easier in part because of the Eevee render engine and in part because of blenders new default material if you were using 102.7 or before and the cycles render engine you would be used to the fact that if you took a new mesh when you actually get rid of my default cube and I'm gonna add old let's say a Taurus and I want to add a material to that Taurus of course I would go the material tab in the properties window and I would press new and if I was using this cycles render engine in butter 2.7 I would have gotten a basic diffuse material a diffuse material is basically just a color so you can change the base color now it's called to a different color and you can change your viewport shading to look dev or rendered so now I can see the color but a diffuse material the old way and the cycles render engine didn't have many other settings the new default material is called the principal psdf shader and this is basically your all-purpose all-in-one chair but lets you change many things about your material like how shiny or dull it is or really really customize it to your liking you can do it all in one place now this principle bsd f cedar is actually a PBR shader that means a physically based rendering shader and what that means is that it's actually more realistic especially in the way that it reflects other things in your scene if I were to say make my doughnut or tourist look smooth of course I might right-click on it and enable smooth shading then I might add another wrench tab a subdivision surface modifier and I wanted this to look like a very shiny donut well under the material tab right there I can turn down the roughness and that makes it more glossy especially find out more things in my scene to reflect but more like in the real world and this is why I physically based rendering Tyrael really is a good thing is that when you look at a shiny objects in the real world the way their effect is not even up until now if you were to use a glossy material and let's say cycles materials would reflect the same no matter which way you looked at them and that's not really how materials reflect things in real life if you look at let's say a car's glossy finish well if you look straight into a car's glossy finish you're probably just gonna see the colors in a little bit of reflection whereas if you were to look at the edge of your car looking at it from the side and across let's say the hood of your car well you would actually see more reflection of other things in the background let's say your house or trees or the or the horizon or the sky looking at an object from an angle this is also true with water if you're standing at the edge of a lake and you look into water well if transparent most likely you can probably see into a little bit and you're not gonna see you that many reflections whereas if you were to look across the lake at the water and a distance and more of an angle you'd probably not see through the water at all you would see all the reflections this is called the frenetic and the joke is everything has for now and that's true of PBR shaders it's now in a proven in blender and one of the nice things about using this principle bftf shader is that you can switch between the EB render engine and the cycles render engine and your materials will stay the same and they'll look the same and it'll all just work great let's talk about rendering specifically in the Eevee render engine of course if you press Z on your keyboard you can switch into the render to viewport shading mode and then if you turn off overlays with this button right here you can see essentially what your render will look like when you actually press f12 but of course you always render through the camera so I'm going to go ahead and press 0 on my gun pad and I'm gonna orbit my camera a little bit so I'm gonna press n to bring up that side panel and I'll lock camera to view if i zoom in and I press f12 to bring up my actual render you'll notice that the quality is not as good as you might expect from another render engine like the cycle render engine and that's primarily because of a few things but number one our reflections and balanced lighting and number two our shadows most two things really go hand in hand in the IDI render engine yes you're not gonna get quite the quality that you would get from the cycles render engine but in reality the reason why this render doesn't look as good as the cycle runner engine is because of settings that you have to enable yes you can make some amazing things like this and like this and like this and finally like this in the evening render engine you can get some pretty great results but you have to enable certain settings in your render settings the first thing I'll talk about here is the fact that you don't get bounce lighting for free in the IDI render engine what am I talking about well if my red monkey head was sitting on a gray floor you would probably get some of the balance light from the red monkey head bouncing on to the grey floor and so you get some red in other parts of the picture likewise if you had on image texture or a checkerboard tile pattern on the floor you would see the reflections of that up on the monkey head well right now we don't get any of that and that's because of Bounce lighting how do we enable this well under your camera tab we have many settings here that we need to enable in order to get a higher quality render with more realism so the first thing I'm gonna enable is called screen space reflections and this is how very easily just by clicking the check box we can get a little bit of reflection in your scene I'll turn it off and I'll turn it back on again as you can see the lighting changed a little bit and you can see a little bit of redness in the floor under the monkey head now this is gonna be helped if I actually select the floor I'll turn overlays back on so you can see that I have it selected and if I make this material more glossy so under the material tab I'm going to turn down the roughness on the floor and as you can see now I get a reflection and that's because I've enabled screen space reflection so I'm going to turn that off and then that gone again and you can really adjust these things in both this section and also of course with the settings of your material so I might turn up the metallic property of my floor play with the amount of spec value it really comes down to along these different settings also the first thing that I noticed with the IDI render engine is the quality of the shadows when you first look at you're seeing you know most your shadows will be quite rough and this is because Evie does not have proper ray tracing how do we solve this well if i zoom out and I select eleven my scene I can adjust its shadow properties right in its own properties under the light tab in the properties window just if I expand shadow of course you can turn shadows off or on but what I probably want to do here is make my shadows a bit softer so I'm gonna turn softness up on this individual light and as you can see my shadows look a little bit better but after you there's a better way so I'm gonna turn that back down I'm gonna right-click and reset that to its default value instead I'm gonna go A to B again the render settings and under the shadow section there's more settings here that will affect your shadows than anything there's a few different methods of drawing shadows ESM and VSM back in earlier alpha versions of 2.8 i found that there was more difference between these two but they've both gotten better but what I can do here is I can enable soft shadows when I do that and only when I do that it does the size of a lamp matter because if I didn't have this turned on and let's say if I had a larger lamp so I'm gonna turn my lamp into an area lamp and I'm gonna change the size to 3 meters by 3 meters you can see that this size of a lamp in a realistic situation including in the cycles render engine would cause the shadows to be diffuse they would be very very blurry because that's what naturally happens when you have a large light source I was very disappointed to see that this was not the case and the EB render engine but how do you solve this well it's easy equal to your camera tab you enable soft shadows as you can see now they've gotten nice and soft now you might notice that they don't look quite as smooth as you would like that's just because of the sampling in evey by default in your viewport you only get 16 samples that means 16 different layers or increments of your shadows but when you render out you can have my more so if I turn my viewport even up to 64 and press Enter the shadows look smoother so you can imagine if you had 256 or 512 your render would look great let's just do a quick test and as you can see the shadows look pretty decent there's a few things missing though and that is the shadows under the monkey head where it's nearest to the floor it doesn't look very realistic what's happening here is we need to enable an extra shadow called contact shadows this is especially apparent when you have hard shadows and when you have something directly touching the ground so I'm gonna get rid of my monkey head I'm gonna add a cube and I'm gonna move it up on the z-axis so what's on the floor and I'm gonna disable for a moment under my camera tab under shadows soft shadows as you can see if I were to get rid of the glossiness on the floor you can see where the shadow meets this corner of the cube isn't realistic it doesn't seem to match up well well how you can solve that with your lamp selected what you can do is under the lamps own settings you can enable contact shadows and when you enable contact shadows it makes an extra little shadow where your object meets the floor and I'm gonna increase the distance of this here you can see that that helps and I might increase the softness the softness of your contact shadow is not affected at all by the size of your lamp so you actually have to adjust that one manually but once you have contacts a doze things look a lot better something else you might want to do is enable ambient occlusion that just helps make areas darker or ambient light light from light sources is occluded that's what that means so it's right here under the camera tab and if I enable it you'll see things get a little bit darker especially our near near corners so what I might do is I might turn off the distance of that and as you can see things are getting a little bit darker in here it doesn't matter too much right now but it really really does help in certain situations let's talk about the timeline the timeline in blender 2.8 has a little bit of a makeover and that is in the way that it deals with keyframes if I want to make an animation of course I can turn on my red actually it's not red anymore but it's still the record button in other words it's the automatic key frame insertion button if I have this pressed and it's enabled what I can do is I can pose objects and when I pose them or move them or rotate them or scale them at frames they'll be recorded in that pose at that frame so on frame 1 what I'll do is I'm gonna move my cube over to the side and here you can see a difference in platter to point 7 and before in the timeline keyframes just showed up as lines and you couldn't select them and you couldn't move them and you couldn't scale animations in order to do that you had to use the dopesheet window let's just follow through with this I'm gonna go ahead and right click and drag to let's say frame 24 and I'm gonna drag my cue over and because I have this record button turned on I have now two keyframes and I have an animation but as you can see in the timeline I can select keyframes I wasn't able to do that before of course I'm left clicking to select now and I can left-click and drag to move keyframes again I couldn't do that before up until now you had to actually make another window you to have a timeline in order to have this record button I'll turn it off now and you had to have a timeline in order to press the play button and what I used to teach is you had to go up to the top and drag the corner of the window down to get another window and you would turn this into a dope sheet and the dope sheet let you have these diamond-shaped and moveable keyframes but now the timeline has those two so the Doshi has been made less necessary although it still exists custom shortcuts in blender 2.8 you can add your own quick shortcuts to a new menu that you access using the q key on your keyboard if you press Q when your mouse is in the 3d viewport you get the quick favorites menu but by default there are no quick favourites because this is for you to customize if I want to add a quick favorite let's say I need to access something in a menu and I don't want to have to go up to that menu every time because of something that I do all the time let's say I get rid of my cube I press shift a and I add a new text object and I'll press tab to go into edit mode of it and I'll press backspace and I'll type Boren CG and let's say under the font tab in the properties window I give this text some geometry I extrude it up and let's say I now want to turn this text object into a mesh well right now if I go up to object I can go to convert to and I can select mesh from a curved meta surf text and there's no keyboard shortcut for that by default in 2.8 there was in 1 or 2 point 7 M before I think it was alt C I can't remember so if I want to add this to my own quick menu because something that I do all the time I can right-click on it and I can say add to quick favorites it's really that easy you can do this with anything you can find in a menu and once you do that you can press Q on your keyboard and it'll be right there I can do it from this menu right here and now my boring CG text is a mesh I best have now there it is it's a mesh I can access my vertices but what if you actually want to add your own keyboard shortcuts for specific things well that's easier than ever now as well if I go up to in fact I'm not going to go up to anywhere I'm gonna right click to bring up my object context menu this is a menu I can add keyboard shortcuts for these things if I want to add a set origin to geometry keyboard shortcut there is no keyboard shortcut for this right now you can see that my text its origin is right over here I would want to make it into the middle of this text object as quickly as I can so again I'm gonna right click sad origin origin to geometry I'm gonna right click on this and say assign shortcut now when you do this you put your mouse in this little press a key section and you press a key this does not work I think with multiple keys or a command so I'm gonna try my T on my keyboard and let's see what happens I'm gonna press T there you can see and now has a keyboard shortcut so I'm not gonna do it yet but then I can press T and as you can see that little orange dot my origin went to the middle of that mesh object that was a text object so that is the quick favorites menu with a Q key and then you can also add your own keyboard shortcuts by right-clicking on anything in a menu let's talk about last two tools on the bottom of the toolbar those are the annotate tools and the measure tools annotation is a new tool that replaces the old grease pencil tool the old grease pencil tool allow you to draw on your viewport you could actually animate on your viewport and what it was used for is to make notes and little scribble drawings on top of the scene in case you were say a director of a 3d animated movie and you want to give feedback and notes to the animator of a scene what you could do is get their file and then you could watch their animation of let's say a character and you could you know draw different poses you could say okay I want this character to be posed more like this and you could quickly draw it the same thing here if I take this tool I can now just simply draw in my viewport and because we now have quick settings for tools up here you can see I can change the color of that I can keep drawing but with this tool where does actually draw well right now it drew in line with the 3d cursor in my scene so because I was looking diagonally at my scene downward that's how it drew it from my perspective up there but you can change where it draws right now it's drawing in line with a 3d cursor I could actually draw on my view so if I draw now it'll actually stick to the glass essentially of my viewport I can also actually draw on the surface of objects so if I go to a corner and then draw let's say a happy face well the happy face is gonna look pretty distorted because it's on two different sides of my cube these do not render but they're handy for notes if you press n on your keyboard to bring up the side panel that's a new section for this there are layers so if you have different colors or separate things out you can press this little plus you can choose a color for each layer each layer can only have one color and then you can draw and each individual stroke can have its own placement Savita precursor of you or a surface so that is the annotate tool the next tool I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these two layers is the measure tool so if you ever want to measure anything in your scene let's say you're doing architecture or 3d printing this is how you can do it really really quickly the measure tool simply works by once you have it enabled it's an active tool after all you can click and drag in your scene and measure anything so now I know roughly this edge is one point four eight two five four meters okay how do you be more exactly how do you get rid of these off of your screen it seems like it's you know stuck on my screen in fact that wasn't accurate at all what you can do is you can with the tool still enabled you can drag one end off of the screen and it'll entirely disappear so it's how you can easily erase it but what you can do here if you want to snap two vertices and edges in fact is you can hold ctrl but you don't do that right away so I'm just gonna do it without holding ctrl I'm going to click and drag from that point and that one's not quite accurate but now if I hold ctrl you'll see it'll kind of stick to an edge very accurately and it also snapped two vertices so now I'm holding ctrl still and it snapped that vertice I can go back hold ctrl and I can snap this 12.4 to see and now I know that this edge is exactly two meters long okay so that's it really quick and I'll do it one more time you can simply click and drag and then once you start dragging hold ctrl to snap and then you can hold ctrl still and snap if you want to measure an angle I'm gonna drag this one off this is also a protractor tool so let's say I don't want to use my cube because I know everything is 90 degrees so I'm gonna get rid of it I'm gonna press shift a and add a monkey head of course it's a go-to if I want to measure this angle I can just again click and drag but I want to drag from this point to this point because I'm gonna drag the middle of my measuring tool out to create a protractor with an angle so again I'm just gonna click and drag from roughly that point I'm gonna hold ctrl it'll snap to that vertice I can correct this one again holding ctrl still and that I can drag anywhere in the middle of my line an aha I get an angle and I can hold control again I can snap to that edge and that vertice and now I know that this angle of 66 degrees so that is the measure tool and the annotate tool one of the big new features of blender 2.8 is the new grease pencil 2d animation tool the Bunder cloud actually a few months ago spot so that the production of an enemy is short using the new of 2.8 grease pencil tools it's called hero you can check that out online I'll put a link to that in the description area below the grease pencil tool is a fully fledged 2d animation tool built into blender and it's getting a lot of attention in the 2d animation world if I go ahead and delete my default cube I press shift a on my keyboard I can actually add a new grease pencil object this is actually a 2d object in 3d space but it uses new stroke objects and with this object selected I can actually press tab on my keyboard oh pardon me I'm gonna press ctrl tab to bring up my different modes and I'm gonna select draw and now I can actually draw 2d objects in 3d space but this isn't the ideal scenario ideally actually you'd have a special layout dedicated to a 2d drawing in 2d animation you can get this by pressing the plus button and selecting 2d animation in 2d animation and there we go but I'm just going to go up to file new and select the template for new projects called 2d animation when you do that you get a white canvas that you can start drawing in and you can just click and drag right away you could animate really easily to in here so very quickly I'm gonna press control Z on my keyboard I'm going to draw a slightly larger brush I'm gonna draw a happy face and I'm going to do a very very quick animation so as you can see my happy face don't laugh has one frame and if I go let's say 8 frames later or so I can pan down and I can draw maybe a stretched happy face like he's falling and I want to see the old version still so I'm actually going to turn where is it it is onion skinning there we go there's actually a section for it under the grease pencil option so now I can keep drawing there is the eyes I gotta stretch out the eyes there we go mouth now keyframes in this 2d animation happen or the frames happen when you get to there keyframes so the first picture lasts from frame 1 all the way to frame 7 and the new picture comes out frame 8 but as you know if you don't know any 2d animation before especially in software that you should do in between frames so I could actually go half way in between when I let go of the playhead I get my current frame and I get my onion skin on the next frame so now I can start drawing in between so I'm going to draw something like that that's pretty terrible and I'll draw my eyes and my mouth and so now as you can see I can drag through and I have a very quick animation I'm not gonna do these tools justice but there's a lot in here check out that hero movie in the description area below lastly a blender now supports multiple windows so if you're somebody who has multiple computer screens on your computer you could actually have a different blender window on each screen with the same file open and they work together what am I talking about here well I'm gonna go ahead and snap this blender window at to one side of my screen and now if I go up to window I can say a new window or even new main window but I'm just gonna do a new window and what this does is it opens the same blender file in another window but now what I can do is I can make let's say one window be rendered so I'm gonna press Z on my keyboard switch to rendered maybe I'll turn off overlays and maybe I'll actually get rid of my other windows here by merging them together like that and like that and so now I can see my my finished version over here and this window I might have it in solve you or even I'll tap Z I'll go to look def mode so I can edit my materials and as you can see blender now supports multiple windows it's a great new feature ok so that's been my intro to blender 2.8 beta did I get anything wrong did I forget anything I'm sure that I did in both cases thank you for watching of course if you like this video if we're doing something go ahead and click on that like button below this video on YouTube and if you wanna see more videos like this one in blender and in tech click on that subscribe button as well and click on the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a new tutorial I look forward to working more in learn 2.8 and posting more videos in 2.8 especially when the final 2.80 release is release but there might be more videos between now and then again check out my facebook page at slash born CG on that page I post Niek peeks and previews of what I'm working on next thanks for watching see you next time bye you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 59,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, tutorial, lesson, 3D, model, modeling, modelling, beginner
Id: pU23lO36l2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 58sec (4438 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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