Blender 2.7 Tutorial #3 : Building a Snowman #b3d

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hello our three video series and how to use blender 2.7 in this quick video we really practicing using all the things that I've covered in the last couple of videos in order to make a simple character in this case a snowman using primitive shapes within our scene in the 3d viewport let's go ahead and let's click on a splash screen to get rid of it I'm going to quickly go to my properties panel with the n key and turn on my screencast keys this is an add-on for blender let me show you what I'm pressing on my keyboard and with my mouse um all within the 3d viewport only unfortunately so down here you can see what I'm pressing but I'll be kind of talking as I do it I don't go to my front orthographic view so I'm going to press 1 divided by front view on v to switch into orthographic orbit that if you use the 1 3 and 7 keys and I recommend doing that that'll bring you to and keep you within your front right and top views if you press ctrl + 1 3 or 7 again this is all numbers on your number pad in the last video we set up blender so that you can also use your number row if you don't have a number pad on the side of your keyboard that's just fine if you hold ctrl and press 1 or 3 or 7 it does the opposite so control 1 goes to the back view control 3 goes to the left until the right view and control 7 goes to the bottom to the top view so I'm just going to press 1 and go to my front view and I'm going to delete this default cube so I'll press X or delete and then select delete with that selected now your 3 cursor is where new objects get added so if you've clicked to put it somewhere else other than at 0 0 0 in our scene those are the coordinates the very middle of the world I'm going to press shift C and what shift C does is two things it puts your 3d cursor back at the middle of your scene at 0 0 0 and also kind of zoom so you can see everything nicely in your scene although I will pan over so it's more in the middle of my screen and I'm going to add a UV sphere which is a kind of a mesh so the add menu and mesh and I'll add a UV sphere now I don't normally go down here to the add menu I usually just go and press shift a that's the keyboard shortcut for or the add menu and you can see that it's kind of reverse to actually mesh is at the top now it's at the bottom which I kind of like because mesh is the most common thing you're going to add while modeling I'm going to add a UV sphere there we go now when you're adding any default objects which is important to know that you know not really default objects but when you add any meshes they have a default number of faces and these faces are divided up by edges and really we have to be thinking about if we're making very complicated scene how many faces or polygons that are on every object as soon as you add an object if you open up your tool shelf which is this little plus a button if you click it it opens up or you can press T and that will show or hide it as soon as you add a mesh and before you even move it or do anything to it you get the options for that mesh so this is where you can change on a pair of segments so if you click and drag you can see that we were all the way down to a three in this case but you can see you can simplify it and segments are like the and I get this wrong and my high school teacher in socials is going to wash this and hate me for the lines of longitude I hope that's what these I felt really earth that's what it would be decreasing or increasing with segments rings are the ones that go lies a latitude I I hope and the size you can adjust the size to so that's what you can do in there the first two things are most important because once you move or rotate or scale this object this section goes away so and there is no way to get back to it so let's not leave it that simple I'm going to shift again and add that UV sphere again I'm going to add what actually member what it was I'm going to do a 12 by 12 UV sphere but I think I'm going to simplify it more for the Rings to make those things more square in fact I'm going to go up to 12 and then try to make them as square as I can there we go 12 by 20 works if you leave it at the default I think it's 36 by 18 that's my guess let's hope totally okay all right so go to UV sphere I'm going to pretend that this red line for my front view which is the x-axis or zero on the x-axis or zero on the z-axis up up and down if I move it down there it's actually below zero on the z-axis but I'm gonna pretend that that red line is my ground because if I orbit around you can see that you know there is that ground right there I'm gonna duplicate my UV sphere because we're gonna make a three snowball snowman now you can use the duplicate in your tool she'll remember that ever since to plunder 2.70 there are now these tabs within the tool shelf I'm not a big fan of these tabs telling the truth I would've rather just have everything still there you can pin sections of this tool shelf so if you right-click on any of the headings transform edit history and I I can pin that and then I go to the create tab that transform section is still there and I can move it around and pin it to make sort of a customized I'm gonna unpin that tool shelf but you know what I don't use much more than the the tools here if I want use my grease pencil which I haven't talked about yet in any video or my physics I might go there but you know I use keyboard shortcuts more than anything else um with this UV sphere selected I'm going to duplicate it twice now I could click on the duplicate button in the tools tab and what that will do is it'll make a duplicate copy of that UV sphere and attach it to my mouse right away but as you can see my mouse is no longer Lea in the 3d view poor at least on the main section so I don't like using these buttons especially not for you know rotate or translate you know something likes to have my mouth so close to the edge of the screen um so I'm just going to use shift D and shift keys just as good or better for duplicate because I can put my mouse right over it and then I can move it now if you grab something after pressing shift D so what shifty actually does rest shifty it makes duplicate a copy of this the effort you have selected and it attaches it to your mouse until you click but if you press what are the three letters of the axes either X Y or Z in this case I'm going to press Z it's going to constrain the object to going up and down so what I did again is I press shift D duplicate and then I can move it anywhere I want so I decided down while I pressed Z and now I can only go up okay I click to let go of it and I'm going to scale the S key I'll move my mouse closer to the middle of that object that's good shift D and then Z move it up there and click ask the scale scale it in and click and then I'll move it down great I'm going to add some eyeballs to my snowman so I look at my 3d cursor rate off to the side of snowman and because that's where I want to put the eye and I'm going to add a new again the add menu is just a I'm going to add a new UV sphere and it's that same twenty by twelve that I customized earlier let's go ahead and scale that down so I'll press s when you're pressing s here's tapping s by the way you're not holding it at all ever so I'll make it about that big great and I got a G to grab it and put it in on the front of the head but you'll see that it goes into the middle of the head that's actually not behind that it's in the middle of it if I go for my top view you can see that you know it was over here because I think a 3d cursor was exactly still lined up with the middle this is the front of the snowman this is the back of the snowman so what I need to do is I need to you know I can move it in there but then I want to bring it forward so it's kind of sticking it over the snowman's head and do it right there so now I know it's about right if I orbit around that's pretty well what I want I'll move it back a little bit great back in the front of you now I'll duplicate that I so I'll press shift D and now I only want to move it side to side so I'm going to press X now we'll constrain it to the x-axis movement only so there we go I'll zoom in a little bit so we can see that a little better maybe I can shift select the second one maybe I want to move them both up a little bit great all right let's go to the front view again and I'm going to add a comb so I'll click to add my 3d cursor right there shift a I'll add a cone now this cone is you know obviously too big but if I just scale it down if I press s and scale it down you know it's still too wider it's too tapered or not tapered enough I'm not sure I would say that but it's too big at this end and of course it goes down to my point that's about the length that I want to be and it has one circle on the bottom but what I wanted to be is more like a carrot shape or at least you know not quite so wide at the bottom the way I do this is not justice grab your scale gizmo and then scale it like that because then it's just squished the way that I recommend scaling things is you know I want to make the end Isco this is true for cylinders and cones I want to make that circle the right size first I don't care how tall it is because it's going to be very easy for me to scale the cone up and down but I'm going to press s and then move my mouse to make that circle the right size so right about there that's the size of the base that I want and now I can use my scale gizmo and drag up on that cone just to make it taller notice how I didn't rotate it ahead of time because that would distort potentially this yeah you can see it got stretched a little bit this bottom is now an oval so before you rotate or do anything like that you'll want to scale that uniform and to make the circular right size and pull it up by the way you can press if I had pressed s to scale this to the code to make the circle the right size and I didn't want to be using my gizmo I can press s and then just press Z and it'll only let me scale it on the z axis to make it the right size and if you're as nutty about keyboard shortcuts as I am you can even I'm going to undo a few times you can press s to scale but if you want to scale on the x and y axes and just not the z axis you can press s and then shift Z and what that'll do is it'll allow you to scale on the x and y basically shift Z means negate Z or don't scale on the Z but scale on the other two axes so again that was s and then shift Z and that will only scale on the x and y axes so I'll do that and that's just as quick if you are more comfortable using the the s key and then just the scale gives no that's totally fine by me I'm going to press three glower my side view maybe I'll scale that up a little bit longer maybe press s and Z and scale it to make a little bit shorter and press R to rotate my cone to be pointing forward although I'll rotate it exactly be pointing to the front of the snowman so I'm gonna press R and then I'll type negative 90 and then press enter when you type r you can then type a number of degrees in this case I want to rotate 90 degrees to left which is negative 90 so I typed are negative nine zero and then I press Enter let's go ahead and I'll move the cone right about there I'll go to the front view again remember that when you're positioning things in 3d space you have to look at it from at least two angles usually the front and the side or the front and the top / whatever makes sense now I don't quite like how pointy this nose is I want the base to be a little bit bigger so what I'm going to do is I'm going to scale it on the Z and X axes and I don't care how you know how I'm scaling it on the or don't want to scale at all actually on the y axis now because I don't want to make it longer I just want to make it wider so I need to press s and then shift Y so now I'm not scaling on the Y I'm only scaling it on the Z and X ax easin there we go it looks pretty good to me let's go ahead and I'm going to add a mesh we're going to add a ecosphere Uggla spheres more like kind of like a soccer ball although a soccer ball is made up of what is it hexagons or Pentagon's I can't remember right now but it's a different way of making a sphere instead of having squares or rectangles you have triangles I'm going to scale that down this is gonna be the little pieces of coal for the mouth also I'll scale it down I'll go to my side view or right view put that right about there for the mouth I'll grab it with G key and I'm going to do some duplicating shift D whoops by the way if you ever um I press kin or shift F there if you ever get into some sort of a mode that you don't know how to get out of it or you press P and you don't know what's going on you can always press escape and escape will get you out of any kind of weird mode that you're in let's go ahead and grab this okay maybe I'll move it over there shifty shifty oops shifty I keep pressing shift F by accident that's what I get when I switch between different keyboards on different computers all right I don't like how some of these how far some of these are sticking out so I'm going to move these in a little bit I'll grab those two with the shift key and with min with my gizmo great looks pretty good to me let's go ahead and add a top hat so I'm going to click my 3d cursor above the head I'm going to put shift a and I'm going to add a cylinder and now I want the cylinder to be like the brim of the Hat this top hat so before we do that though I'm actually going to increase the number of vertices around that cylinder again this is in my tool shelf and I can only do this before I move or rotate or scale that cylinder I'm going to scale us on the z-axis so I'll press s then Z or I could just use my my gizmo good I'm going to make it a little bit bigger than that maybe a little bit smaller than that and I'll squish it down to make a little bit flatter great I'm going to move this down we're going to add another cylinder I'll scale up to be both the right width I'll move it up and that's about the right height actually actually so I'm going to select both of those things move it down a little bit now my snowman has a top hat good same thing with the arms we're going to make one arm down and we're going to duplicate it so I'm going to add a cylinder will scale it down again I want the circles to be the right size I don't care how tall it is because I want to get the circles the right size first before I rotate or do anything like that and then I'll scale it I can use my kids'll and drag up or I can just press s and then I only want a scale on a z-axis that can pull Mouse away away away from the middle of that object to make it longer great now I could rotate it but before I do that I'm gonna make some fingers so I'm going to shift D duplicate that cylinder and then I'll drag this down to make it much shorter for the fingers I'll grab that with the G key rotate with the R key so I hope what you're getting here is practice and if you follow longer you'd make a snowman after me practice doing these things and getting comfortable selecting and moving and rotating and using your gizmo using the fact that you can you press the X Y or Z buttons after you press you know R to rotate or even G to grab or s the scale getting comfortable navigating in the 3d viewport and using your hotkeys like shift a and R and s and G and to shift-click to select multiple things now the last kind of thing I'm going to show you or less keyboard shortcut it's new in this video is if I want to select a bunch of things at once I can select one thing and then hold shift and select you know the additional things afterwards but there is a faster way if i press B on my keyboard B is in box that's the box select mode or that's how you get into box like mode so if I press B you can see these lines coming off at my mouse cursor if I now click and drag around objects that's how I can make a selection block so I can select you know whole groups of things together just be careful though that you're not selecting extra things you can see how I accidentally select the head and the body there by the way the a key selects everything or deflects everything it kind of toggles between so you want to make sure that nothing is selected you can press a and a a few times until you see there's no orange or red outlines and now I can press B and box select I'll now press R to rotate the arm I'll put it right about there make sure it looks good from my side view in front view and I'll duplicate my whole selected for peace arm with shift D now I could rotate it and but what I'll do instead is I'm going to mirror this arm so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to object mirror and X global and what this will do is it'll flip it or mirror it on the x-axis in our whole global world so I'm not sure that this is going to work but nope you know what it's not we're not going to touch upon that in this video though why I didn't work I will explain it later but not for now let's go ahead and let's press R to rotate and then I'll put this right there what else should we add just for flourish let's go ahead and add another set of ico spheres I'll scale it out with the S key grab that put that right there go to my side view go there are there duplicate it whoops that shift F don't do that that's a bad habit it up just started doing alright so I've got my three buttons I got my snowmen there it is orbiting around that'll be it for this video thanks for watching and I'll see you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 139,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender 2.7, Blender, 3D, CG, CGI, Tutorial, Lesson, beginner, dummies, dummy, help, character, model, modelling, modeling, software, tips, animation, animate, mesh, polygon, learn, tutor, transform, rotate, scale, keyboard shortcut, Tricks, Cartoon, Blender (Software)
Id: ywVN__LjuyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 10 2014
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