How to Create a Low Poly Character in Blender 2.8

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You take the edge

And push it over there

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sicklestone 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
how's it going everyone it is Steve here from CG geek with a new fun beginner tutorial on how to create a low poly character in blender 2.8 [Music] you'll learn all kinds of modeling tips and tricks to get an efficient workflow to create a nice-looking low-poly character that can be used for a game engine or any sort of low poly project and can even be used as the base model and then sculpt it down with more detail later on so it should be a fun little project to get you guys started in character modeling and I hope you're excited and as some of you guys know I do have a full in-depth character creation course planned for the future but that's on hold right now until blood or two-point-eight is officially released and that's gonna be probably a few more months or so alright so there should be a lot of fun and let's get started modeling a low poly character I like to first thank this video sponsor Skillshare so if you're like me which you probably are because you clicked on this video you like learning things and you like learning how to do things the right way and with Skillshare you have access to over 20,000 courses on so many different topics all of them taught by professionals so whether you want to learn how to build your own website or anime in 3d or edit video it's like a professional skill sure has everything you need to get started in any field you're looking to get started in and if you sign up with the link in the description below you will get two months free of Skillshare but don't hesitate as it's only a promotion for the first 500 viewers to use that link so jump on it get those free two months and start learning anything you want okay so over I am blender 2.8 now we're just gonna create a new default scene here and there will be no deleting of the default cube in this video no harm will come to the default cube that's right although we will have to modify it a little bit so let me start off by tabbing into edit mode well in front of you with number pad 1 I'm just gonna go ctrl R then right down the middle and then click to confirm that cut now I can go ahead and if I enable this option here I'll be able to select vertices behind the mesh there so go ahead and turn that setting on and now all I have to do is go be box select select those versus over there and X delete vertices now we can jump over to the modifiers tab right here and go add modifier and add the mirror modifier right there with this modifier added now you can see that I only need to edit half of the mesh to have it mirrored over to the left side there now so that's perfect it's gonna save a lot of time and you also want to check clipping on the mirror modifier with that setup though we can start modeling so I'm gonna start by adding two cuts to the front here so I'm gonna go ctrl R use my scroll wheel to hit two cuts and then click and then I'm gonna go over the top view with number pad 7 + ctrl R again two cuts and put those in so that's all the detail we really need for our head that's how low poly we're gonna be going and what I like to do is I like to start off in the front view and we'll just kind of shape our head here so I'm just going to be grabbing vertices with my box selected again I have that studying turn on and we're going to start just sort of shaping our head so I'm gonna pull these in a little bit I'll pull these up just a little bit here and then I'm gonna kind of form the chin down here by grabbing these pulling these down a bit right along these that axes now we can go ahead and pull this one police in a little bit and as you can see we're just kind of shaping the human head a little bit here grab these and we'll pull them off just a little bit as well and the whole thing could be scaled up along these that access just a little bit and we have a decent shape of the head right there that will work fine for now we can maybe make the top of the head just a little bit bigger by pulling these out just a little bit okay so I'll work fine for now so just doing a top view we're gonna go ahead and pull these Center vertices out a bit and then we can go ahead and pull these in just a little bit more up to kind of round off the front of the head and of course you want to round off the back of the head as well so pull these in a bit pull this up a little bit something like that pretty simple pretty basic I'm just a basic sort of rounded head and now we're gonna hit number pad three to go into our side view and kind of work on the profile of our character so first off start with the forehead here I'm gonna pull these in a little bit and then you might want to go B and select the extra vs. hue then as well and grab those in a bit as well just so we can kind of round off the forehead there a little bit now we're gonna have sort of the nose coming out here so I'm gonna grab these vertices and pull up a nose and then the chin here which would come down a little bit lower so I'm just box selecting that and pulling that down now I'm going to grab these vertices here just by alt right clicking and then double tab G to slide these down a little bit something like that is looking pretty good now we just need to work on the back of the head of course can't have a square head going on here so we'll round that off a little bit will kind of give them the back neck here where it kind of comes in there's a box like these again pull them in basically just rounding the corners off pretty simple stuff nothing too crazy yet actually this tutorial never gets too crazy so don't worry we're never going to crazy with this tutorial now I want to go ahead and pull the nose out here for head out for just a little bit we already have a pretty basic looking head going on here of course the chin needs a little bit of work now so we'll grab these verses here with alt right clicking grab them along the Zed to kind of pull it down a little bit and then of course this chin is a little bit too far down so we'll pull that up a little bit a little bit wide so a little scale along the y-axis just a little bit there if you turn off the show transparent vertices here it kind of gives you a little bit better idea of where it's looking like from the front and you can kind of grab these verses and just sort of shape the head a little bit easier I think so we'll kind of give them the nice sort of face shape that you see going on here and what I actually like to do in the viewport here is if you go over to your shading options right here I'd like to turn on cavity and shadow this just makes you mesh look a little bit nicer and your viewport it makes it a little bit easier to work with we all still want to pull his eyes here for a little bit too so we'll just grab these vertices pull them along the Y a little bit a little bit more as well something like that creating a nice sort of rounded shape moving some vertices around until you get in the shape that you're looking for I think the nose could come down just a little bit here not you you can pull this out a little bit and pull this in a little bit and then we have just a pretty nice low polished shaped head maybe pull a forehead out just a little bit more now something like that yeah we have it I think that's looking pretty nice we can kind of just grab this whole chin here pull it out a little bit pull the nose up maybe just a little bit okay so now that we have the basic low polished shape of our character head here it could use a little bit more rounding this can something that you can kind of tweak for a while just kind of finding the proportions that you're looking for this is not too bad though I'm pretty happy with it it's what we're gonna do now is we'll start on the body so maybe the head could be just a little bit tall enough scaling it along the z-axis there and maybe we can tuck in the chin here just a little bit more with these vertices give them a little bit less of a and we'll pull these vertices up a little bit too so we have the chin kind of dropping down a little bit lower than the neck area here pull those up just a little bit more as well and then this one of course has to come up a little bit too so just kind of a nice sort of low poly head there so all we need now what we can do is we're going to be extruding out the neck from this face here so we want to pull this versity up just a little bit so our neck area is a little bit larger and I'm gonna pull this versity out a little bit as well so we have a nice sort of shape here for the neck is what to be tucked in just a little bit as well along the X so we have a fairly rounded sort of neck I'm just kind of shaping this face here to be a nice shape for the neck when I extrude it down so kind of making this a little bit a little bit tighter pulling it in it along the X there making it a little bit more of a round neck I think that's looking pretty good though so what we can do now is grab the face select here grab that face that we want for the neck there and then in the front view we're just going to extrude it down a bit if you grab your edge select here you can grab that outer edge there and pull this down just a little bit more to give us neck a little bit wider of a neck then we can also pull this edge back a little bit grabbing along the Y just pull this one out along the X a little bit until you find a nice sort of shape for the neck the front edge here can then be pulled out a little bit as well so those decent neck shape you might just want to grab that edge and make it even a little bit wider here along the X something like that is looking pretty good and we can pull this out on the X as well depends how muscular you want this guy's neck to be so you can play around with it and fine whatever you think looks good so now what we can do is we're gonna grab the bottom face here again and we'll extrude it down right about to the chest level so right around here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit s and Z to scale that face along the z axis and I'm gonna hit zero so we flattened off that face just to have some nicer looking topology now if I grab the face select again we can pull these faces on the back out a bit for the chest and back area and then I'm gonna grab this face and just extrude it outwards for these shoulders so right around here it's about how broad this guy's shoulders should be I think right around there looks pretty good and so that is where I'll leave it now I can just kind of pull out some of these vertices to form the chest area a little bit grabbing them and moving them along the y-axis and I'm gonna want to pull these vertices out along the X as well to kind of form the chest area same thing on the back these can come out along the y axes a little bit to give them a little bit of a larger back now something like that just sort of form the back of the neck there a bit maybe tuck this up just a little bit higher in the back there alright so that's looking pretty good let's go ahead and continue extruding down for the rest of the chest I'm just going to grab these vertices I will extrude them down to about the waist here I'm gonna scale them in along the x-axis a little bit it's looking pretty good and then you want to go ahead and put another cut in there and scale this in along the x-axis a little bit too just to sort of form those shoulders now what wouldn't do is when we grab these two vertices on the edge here grab them along these that accidents to pull them down a bit something around there we can grab these versus used to kind of form his chest area a bit there give a nice broad chest now with this face here of course this can be the arm so just gonna grab that face there go into front view and we're gonna get his arms outward again we're just gonna go all the way to the hand about I'll scale it down a little bit and we can go back and add some edge loops to come out a little bit of extra detail so we're putting his arms straight out this is how you kind of want to do it if you're gonna possibly be rigging and animating your character later on so go ahead and do that let's grab these edges here around the arm just kind of moving around with my middle mouse button there I'll pull them in just a little bit so I'm just gonna grab those and pull them in just a little bit tighter there and maybe rotate them just a little bit as well something like that is just what we want we can pull his chest up a little bit higher here along these that accidents a buff looking chest area there and these of course are gonna have to come out as well a bit just to kind of fill out his chest area and with that sort of set up now we can go ahead and add a little bit of extra detail in his arm areas here so we would kind of come down to the elbow here scale that down right around there and then we're gonna give it another edge loop but go and control our and scale this one up a little bit so just hitting GG allows you to slide your edge loop which is really handy for getting an edge loop right in the right spot I'm going to double tap G and kind of slide it until it's right about where I want up there and it'll get a little bit bigger there something like that and then of course a little bit smaller again for the hand area if you hit seven to go to the top view you can also kind of place your elbow here by pulling these vertices back and then pulling this ones back as well of course all right clicking for that edge loop just sort of forming the elbow area there in our low-poly character that's looking just fine we'll pull these back a little bit and then for the hands I didn't bother going individual fingers of course you could do that if you wanted but for the sake of this video I'm just gonna scale I'm along the Y a little bit here rotate it and then I'm just going to extrude out scale it along the Y a bit kind of forming the first part of the hand and then scale just a little bit more here and then I'm going to extrude it out right about there and then we'll extrude it one more time to kind of round off like a mitten sort of hand here that's perfectly fine well scale everyone was dead and that's looking about what I'm looking for skew this along with that as well here this one as well just a bit and then here we can extrude a thumb out so I'm gonna grab the face - like - there grab that face there and top view which is going to extrude this thumb out a little bit pulling it forward kind of rotating that face scaling it and then extrude it one more time pulling it forward scaling it down just a little bit a nice little thumb there and then we can also extrude the palm out one more time scale it off to kind of round off the tips of his fingers they're just the basic hand if you go to face selects here now they're edge like that should say you can kind of pull up some knuckles here a little bit and then kind of cup him his hand a little bit - by grabbing this edge and pulling it up a bit just a little extra detail there to kind of make it look a little bit better and then maybe just pull this face up a little bit for sort of a knuckle on the thumb there and there's a basic hand we can kind of grab this edge and the insight here if you want to kind of adjust the shape of the mitt a little bit something like that and maybe make his thumb a little bit less sharp at the point there yeah round it off just a little bit a basic little hand it's all we need all right so that's looking pretty good you might want to sort of shape this elbow a little bit more was these these faces here just kind of pulling it out getting the shape of the elbow that you're looking for something right around there is perfectly fine and that doesn't look too shabby so there's our base character if we tap into edit mode here we can work on the chest just a little bit more gotta give them a nice buff chest area there and you can kind of position the arms here too to be a little bit more rounded on top maybe a little bit bigger at the bottom there we go that's not too bad we need to do about one more extrusion here for the waist area and then we can start going down to the legs so just gonna grab that extrude it down this will be scaled and actually this one is scaled out a little bit I should say because we have a scaling for the hip area here a little bit just give us out a little bit maybe pull this edge by alt right clicking it grabbing along these dead axons pull it up just a little bit we kinda want its ways to come in a little bit by hitting G and pulling that in just a little bit to kind of tuck that up and we can grab those sent overseas and pull this down a little bit and now for the waist area here we can pull this up just a little bit and it will extrude it down one more time something about there and then we're ready to do some legs so for the legs I'm going to grab this edge here and we're going to tuck this edge in so I'm gonna double tab G and that's going to be the leg shape right here so you might want to kind of pull both these vertices in again if you turn on your see-through vertices right there you can go ahead and grab the ones behind it kind of pull those in along the X as well and just sort of form these in a nice sort of even line coming to it points down here something like that is looking about low going for and now we can grab this face here and just like before extrude a leg out so we're gonna extrude this down legs are pretty long so we're just gonna get them in the general area that we're going for right around down here we can scale that down just a little bit as well I think the whole body is a little longer than I want proportionately probably not but just for this low poly character I like them to be a little bit shorter so we'll go ahead and make that just a little bit shorter pull that up and now just like the arm we're gonna kind of do a few edge loops here to make a kneecap so this is gonna kind of come down we're gonna scale it a little bit there and then one more cut control are placed it around where you want the knee and scale it up just a bit now if we go to our vertice select edges here we can kind of grab these to scale them in a little bit and then pull them up for that knee camp area if I go to side view here we can kind of work on the shape of our body a little bit as well and give them a little bit of a butt of course he's got a very flat looking button right now I'm gonna go ahead and pull that out just a little bit by hitting three to go in our side view got to pull that out a little bit and you can kind of also get the shape of the back going on here as well so just grabbing these vertices I'm hitting see to select those pulling them out and then we need to pull it out of it again in the front here a bit grab those along the Y a little bit kind of giving them a little bit of a hip hit movement going on there and some of these chest pieces can be pulled out a little bit as well just to give them a little broader of a chest and then the knees should kind of come in front a little bit there forward just a tad something like that this would be scaled down a little bit in this edge loop grab those two and double tap G to kind of pull these up a little bit's so a little bit like that I think that's looking just fine scale these in a little bit give them a little bit of a knee there again from the front here we can work on his hips just a little bit looks weird if he doesn't have any sort of hip let's go ahead and do that pull this up a little bit there then pull this down a little bit in the middle there for the groin area please down a little bit as well something like that and there we have it we can give them a little bit of a but we don't have to go too detailed here grab these along the y axes just a little bit then kind of pull this face out a wee bit something like that I'm making some shoulder blades back here too if we kind of pull that vertice and and then pull this two out just to kind of give him the shape of some shoulder blades there a little bit that's looking not too bad if I go ahead and turn off the face there you can see what I'm doing a little bit more pull that out just a little bit as well and that's looking just fine we can pull that down a wee bit as well okay and now we can do some quick feet so for the feet these are pretty fun we're just gonna grab the whole edge there at the bottom we rotate it along these dad a little bit so we can kind of have his feet pointed outwards a little bit now I'm just going to extrude down something like that we can scale them up along the X a little bit here I'm gonna grab these two edges and pull these down even more I want to use that here and then we have a face there to extrude out for the foot so when we grab our face and extra selection there grab the end of the foot there we'll just extrude this out about the length of the foot that we're going for here we go now I'm gonna put a cut in the middle there so we can kind of give his foot a little bit of a shape grabbing that edge and pulling it up got me outside edge here and pulling it out as well and we can just kind of shape his foot a little bit here again it's low-poly so we don't have to be too detailed but I just like kind of giving him a little bit of like he a shoe like look to the foot playing down here a bit as well I'm gonna give him a rounded foot there and then it should have a little bit of heel as well so we can pull this back along the Y something like that and maybe scale the heel just a little bit and if you want to round it off a little bit more you can go control-r and put a cut right in there and kind of scale that just to give it a little bit of a bevel to his foot pull it forward a little bit and you can see we have some simple little feet so grab the edge select there we can pull this one out a little bit and tuck it in now a little bit more kind of just rounding him off here a little bit and that is perfectly fine we can just grab the bottom edge of a foot there grab it along is that a little bit and then scale it along the said to be flat so you have some basic feet and to kind of finish off the last of this character I think I need to pull his head up a little bit here there we go scale it just a little bit maybe and we'll give them a little bit of hair so this is the last step to kind of finish off the character just kind of moving is chest down there a little bit maybe scaling up just a little bit we go ahead and check that we can see what it's looking like from the front view a little bit more and I think that's looking pretty cool I think we might be able to pull his hand up just a little bit something like that we go ahead and check that grabbed along the side there just a little bit and then rotate it maybe a little bit so for the hair what we're gonna do is tap into edit mode grab our face select here and we're just going to select the different areas that we want hair so kind of wrapping over the back down on the back there and then it would kind of come around the front here and then might there might be the ear so there wouldn't be any hair right there so that's about it grabbing those faces for the hair and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to shift D that I'm just going to hit P and separate by selection so now I can tab out of edit mode and we have a separate object here if I select it you can see it is just the hair and on this I'm going to add a new modifier and we're gonna give it a solidify modifier let me just pull it out here so you can see it behind my head a bit and for this I'm just going to give the thickness a value of about a negative point one or point zero five meters so a pretty shallow amount of hair just a nice little subtle edge there and that's basically all we need to do so I can go ahead and close that off we can move that now what I'd like to do is I like to add just a little bit of some spiky hair to give them a little bit of character so to do this I'm tabbing into edit mode grabbing face select tapping into edit mode we have to turn that on so we can see our edges there and what we can do is just add a little more geometry to work with so I'm gonna go control our and added another loop cut there and then in the front here control R and added one more loop cut there alright so with that done now we can grab my face select here and we can just extrude up a little bit of some pokey hair you want to turn off clipping for this so you can kind of extrude it and not have it attached there now we're just gonna scale this down give them a little bit of some spiky hair scale them down to almost complete points just extrude this up scale it down kind of bend it all inwards a little bit pull it forward a little bit just moving around with the middle mouse button here extrude this one up kind of have its hair going forward a little bit scale that down quite a bit and again with the other face here scaling it down making it a little bit shorter on the sides here kind of giving them some cool spiky like hair and you can just do that for most of the faces on the top of the head here tucking them in scale on down keeping them a little bit shorter on the edges here and then a little bit taller on the top same deal right there and then maybe just at the back here give them a little spiky just a little bit back here yeah something like that and then there's another little one right there so just a little bit of some bumps for some hair very simple if you Tabitha edit mode turn that option off you can see what it's looking like and I think it looks just a little bit nicer with a little bit of hair don't you not too bad I think that's looking pretty good so we can just have an edit mode here and maybe adjust the height of some of these hair strands a little bit making it a little bit taller in the front a little bit shorter on the back there I like to just turn off the overlays there so you can see what your character looks like with no other shading and I think it looks not too bad we can go ahead and maybe pull his hip forward here just a little bit to pull this edge for just a little bit rotate it a little bit I think that gets a little bit of a better look there rotate these edges forward a little bit so it's like so it kind of coming out just a little bit in the middle there it's looking pretty good maybe pull out his knee cap just a little bit there as well something like that so that's gonna wrap up this video guys I hope you've had some fun creating some low poly characters in blender 2.8 and if you create something cool definitely share it with me I'd love to see your finished results you can send them over on Instagram there's a link in the description for that and yeah I'd like to again thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video stay tuned guys there'll be more fun tutorials coming soon you want to hit that Bell to be notified so you don't miss out on them and I'll see you guys in a future video ba ba
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 950,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Low Poly, Character, Model, Tutorial, Blender, Easy, Beginner, Eevee, Free, Blender 2.8, CG Geek, Blender tutorial, Modeling
Id: Ljl_QFs9xhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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