MODELLING, RIGGING & ANIMATING a Tentacle in Blender | Tutorial

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hey guys and welcome to another very exciting blender tutorial now before we get into it I just wanna make a quick comment about the video at the two or three weeks ago but which one is the best sweetie application it was absolutely not my intention to sound like I wasn't giving blender much credit it's actually quite the opposite blender is the main tool that I use for all of my 3d work well that and a bit of Houdini I really like using it and with version 2 point 8 coming up pretty soon it might be an absolute game changer my main point was really just that as of right now blender just isn't as widespread individual effects and filmmaking industry like tools such as Maya cinema 4d or 3ds max and so just take that into consideration when you try to figure out which program to learn this however is absolutely going to be a blender tutorial and now you may be wondering what I've actually got in that box just a little while ago actually surprised water with a cute new pet and because there was so much fun the first time around I actually grown myself a second track and to repeat the experience okay nah it's still alive okay well in this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can model rig and animate a tentacle in blender this is going to be an intermediate tutorial and I would assume that you are familiar with all of the basics of blender if you not I actually have a full beginner tutorials for blender on my channel I'm going to link you that down below so be sure to watch that first before you come back here but now while I try to figure out where to hide this little guy let's jump right into the tutorial [Music] welcome to the exciting world of blender I've got a brand new empty project file here and the very first thing I'm going to do come up to the top and change my render engine from blender render over to cycles it's just a more modern engine and render much nicer and then I'm just going to delete this cube because it isn't very tentacley in order to model this tentacle we're going to use a Bezier curve and just to be very upfront I didn't invent the method of creating this tentacle I got it from a channel called inventi mark I'm going to link that down below you know just to say thank you and give credit where credit is due but now to get started let's create a Bezier craft so shift and a come into curves and let's drop down a Bezier curve let's zoom in a little bit and if you press tab and go to edit mode the Bezier curve has two points one on each side that you can move around and being a Bezier curve it also has these Bezier handles that you can grab and drag her out to tweak the curve in any way that you want and while I do want my tentacle to be nice and bendy I don't actually want to model it in a bendy way because we're going to add a spine to it later on anyways I kind of want this curve to be nice and straight so I'm just going to tweak my curve to kind of align it very very smoothly with the center axis going to drag these end points out a little bit more just to make the tentacle a little bit longer and I think that should be fine let's exit edit mode and in my outline I also want to rename this curve let's just call this one tentacle and in order to add some volume to this curve in the properties panel over on the right hand side let's come into the curves menu and in here you've got an option to bevel this curve if you check this depth up blender is going to bevel out this curve but if you zoom in a little bit this is only kind of half of bevels like half a pipe wrapped around our curve in order to make this wrap nicely around the curve again in the curves menu under the fill option let's change this from 1/2 over to full so now we've kind of got this pipe swept along the length of our curve and because tentacles aren't usually very square again in the curves options under the bevel depth you'll find the resolution and as you Jack this app blenders going to add more and more resolution to it and what I want to do let's just zoom in a little bit press Z to go into wireframe and I do want quite a high resolution because we are going to have to model out those suction cups along the length of the tentacle by the way they're called suckers so in case you don't learn anything else in the rest of this tutorial at least you'll be able to take that to the next trivia quiz so along with the circumference I already have quite a bit of detail but I might check up the resolution just a little bit more maybe to roundabout 30 or so and right now you can see that we have a lot of resolution around the same conference but along the length we only have you know just a few number sections we have these really long and stretched out polygons here in order to add more segments along the length of the tentacle again in the curves menu let's come all the way down and it's got this resolution here this is you resolution let's just Jack this up more and more and more and we can get up to 64 we've added quite a lot of detail but if i zoom in on any of these polygons you can see they're still kind of elongated they're not square yet and I do kind of want all these polygons to be quite square however we can't increase the resolution past 64 but the cool thing is this resolution isn't actually based on the length of the entire curve it's based on the number of segments that that curve has so with the curve selected press tab to go into edit mode press a a to select all of the points so we have two points of this Bezier curve one at the start one at the end let's press W to bring up the specials menu and let's choose to subdivide this curve and keep an eye on what happens to the polygons so W subdivide and we can just get a whole bunch more because these 64 segments up between each points and now my Bezier curve is one two three points let's zoom in a little bit and check this out and that actually looks a whole lot better if these are still a bit elongated depending on how you stretch your curve in the subdivide options you can also check this up more but now they're being you know stretched out the other way so I think I'm quite happy with just one subdivision right here let's press tab to exit edit mode period on the numpad to zoom all the way back out so there's kind of our base for our tentacle and now the next thing I want to do is I want to taper this tentacle because it looks like a pipe right it doesn't look terribly organic so I kind of want to add an organic taper so sticker and it goes thin and has stretches out just like a tentacle would in order to do that on my curve I can define a taper object but right now I have no other object in my scene so in order to taper out at this tent let's add another curve so shift and 8 and let's drop in another bezier curve let's bring this one over to the side and actually going to rename this to taper curve and then re select the tentacle and now let's change this taper object over to the taper curve and immediately you can see the taper being applied to our curve and kind of a weird shape right now it's not right yet so let's reselect our taper curve and the way the tapers calculated along the length of this curve is by the distance of this curve to its own origin to this yellow dot here has press appeared on the numpad to kind of zoom right back into on the center there so you can see the curve here stretches along the side and wherever it moves away from this yellow point is where it gets thicker so right at the end it stickers and I can't gets thin again so that's kind of how the tapering works so with the taper curved selected press tap and now we can obviously modify these points and if I drag these points around you can see the tape a change on my actual curve so I kind of want it to start out fairly wide I'm just going to drag this back as well kind of match it up with the length of the original curve it will start it out right there and again you can just tweak these handles as well that looks alright at this start but it gets way too thin at the end not at all what I want some just going to drag and move this out as well again just align it with the length of the tentacle this makes it easier to taper maybe I don't want it to be quite that thin but I kind of do want it to tighten up quite quickly at the end actually what I might do am I putting this in let's make this fairly tight but then just bring this handle out so kind of it you know it just kind of is quite thick almost what's the N in there come very quickly converges towards the end press tap to get out of edit mode and Z so you can see our tentacle I think that's actually pretty good for the base shape next because this looks more like a rocketed than a tentacle let's add the actual suction cups along the length of this tentacle right now however if I select my tentacle and press tab to go into edit mode all I get is the Edit for these points because it's still just a curve so I do want to convert this to a mesh first let's go back to object mode hold down alt or option if you're on a Mac and then press C to bring up the convert to menu and let's select mesh from curve nothing much seem to have happened but now if I go back into edit mode I actually have a mesh this is no longer a curve this now been converted to polygons and the very first thing that you may notice is that right now our tentacle is Hollow it's open on both ends and that's probably not what we want so let's assume in a little bit on the end let's make sure we're an edge selection mode hold down alt or option and that's like one of these edges along the end to select that loop and then press F to insert a face so we're just kind of closing the tentacle on that side let's swing over to the other side and let's do the same thing hold down alt option click select that loop press F to close off that tentacle and now let's add those little suction cups the suckers along the length of this tentacle for that I'm going to use the circle select tool and here there are a few things that are really important and you have to be very careful doing this the right way otherwise this will not work first press v to go into author graphic view and then press 7 to go to the top of the graphic view because we want to be looking straight down at this tentacle otherwise this might just end up a little bit ugly and if i zoom in a little bit hmmm I feel that isn't really quite enough detail in this mesh just yet and the ones in the middle I kind of still stretched out because of the way I've set up my curve so let me press a a to select everything and over on the left hand side and the tools I'm actually going to select to subdivide everything one more time just to get a little bit more detail into this mesh just got to make it a little bit easier so let's subdivide just added a whole bunch of polygons and by the way keep an eye on the polygons over on the top right hand side so we've got 32,000 vertices right now you don't want this to go too crazy high otherwise the modeling the rigging the animation is going to slow down quite a bit let's just zoom out a little bit press a to unselect everything and I'm still in my top orthographic view and this is very important also very important change over to face selection mode then press C to bring up the circle select tool so again we're in top orthographic view in face selection mode with the circle tool selected and another very important thing means right click to cancel out of that make sure you have this option enable to only select visible face otherwise you're going to select right through your tentacle so make sure that is ticked let's press C again for the circle SEC tool I want to make these a little bit small I don't want the circles to be too close they shouldn't be touching each other and there should be quite a bit of space between them and you can kind of decide whether you want to lay down two lines or just one lines but again I'm just going to give these quite a bit of space and just kind of start painting these suckers along the length of the tentacle and you can use the mouse wheel to make the circle smaller as you go along the length of this tentacle by the way while you encircle sexual you won't actually be able to move your view around so right-click to cancel out and then you can kind of zoom in a little bit see again for the circle select tool and if you want to undo any of these middle mouse press and hold and then you can kind of erase those points against a zoom in a little bit this makes it a little bit easier and just keep painting those little suckers along the length and I reckon I'm going to leave this very last bit empty this is zoom back out and check this out and I think that should work alright let's press v to go back into perspective view and let's just check this out and all of these circles actually look pretty good pretty evenly spaced out obviously just do whatever you want however you want your tentacle to look and now we need to kind of extrude these areas out to build out these little suction cups for that we are going to use an add-on and it's available and include it in blender for free so simply come up into file user preferences and then in the add-ons tab let's search for loop and be sure to enable the mesh loop tools this is going to add those tools into blender doesn't require restart or anything let's close this down and now again make sure you are in face selection mode otherwise this is going to go horribly wrong press W to bring up the specials menu and because we've enabled the add-on we now have these loop tools up in there and let's select circle what this tool does it essentially cuts circular outlines around those circles that you've got select and let's check this out make sure everything worked arrived sometimes some of these circles can turn out a little bit weird after you use this add-on so you may have to erase and repaint one of these circles and the reason I'm using this ortho view top-down is because it makes sure that all of these circles are nice and you know round if you're trying to paint these suckers on in perspective view they might end up being a little bit elongated and then the loop tools just don't work very well so this actually turned out pretty good I'd say and now I want to push these circles out of the tentacle and start building out those little suction cups for that you can press G with all of these faces still selected and it doesn't really do what we want I kind of want to push them out along the surface normal so kind of poking out equally in all directions so let's right-click cancel that operation and now again a little bit of a tricky thing so do pay attention change the pivot center from median point over to individual origins then over on the right hand side change to transformation orientation from global over to normal so we're going to move all of these ones out along the surface normal so so the circle on the right is going to go bit to the right the one on the left's going to go bit to the left let's press G to select the grab and move tool press Z to lock this movement down along the z axis and now press Z again to change this movement to be along the surface normal KC what's happening this is kind of really cool I really like this feature let's just push these out just a little bit to kind of build the base of those suction cups let's press e to extrude and again it's going to go along the surface normals I'm just going to push them out a very little bit press e again let's extrude one more time and now let's press s and let's scale this out a little bit press e to extrude and let's pull this up press again to extrude s for scaling I'm going to bring this in to kind of start building in the inside the rounded closing part of this suction cup press again I'm going to start in setting the suction cup just a little bit s and it's going to scale this in one more time and E and let's extrude inwards a little bit and again just s in the scale is down just a little bit so really building out these little these little suction cups here and again you can kind of modify them in any way you want maybe let's do one more extrude and a scale to bring this in nice and round towards the center so now I've kind of built out all of these suction cups along the entire length of our tentacle let's press tab to exit edit mode pure it on the numpad to kind of Center in on our tentacle let's just zoom in a little bit here and let's just check this out so let's press ctrl alt and 0 on the numpad going to place our camera let's just press f12 to render this out cool that's actually not too bad however you may know a little bit of deformation bit of problems around the base of these little suckers here and there are a number of different ways to fix it's not going to go into too much detail here the easiest way that I found to fix this simply with the tentacle selected in the properties panel come to the modifiers tab and I haven't talked about modifiers yet but might make a different tutor on that and in here the one to add a simply called subdivision surface such as click this one to add that modifier you don't need to know anything about just leave it on the default settings if you now press f12 to render this out cool that looks really nice and smooth now next right now our tentacle looks kind of it kind of looks a little bit like a submarine or you know still kind of like a rocket it looks a bit too even for tentacle if I'm thinking of a tentacle arm like an octopus or something or you know calamari it's kind of always a little bit deformed it's kind of you've got some balls and some weird shapes for that we're going to do a bit of sculpting and again I haven't really talked about scalping in a separate tutorial but just going to touching it anyways just because it's fun it's actually really easy to do also I'm because I've got this camera placed right here in the middle I'm actually just going to make this invisible because otherwise it's going to be a bit in the way I'm also going to hide my taper curve and the lamps are in kind of just concentrate on this tentacle right here and in order to discussing with the tentacle selected simply change from object mode over into scope mode and on the left hand side in the tools shelf under tools you now have this brush you can actually click on this icon here and select a whole bunch of different brushes that you can literally paint onto your model let's select the clay strips for now and you get a little brush here by the way you can press F and then move the mouse out and into kind of change the size of it and it also has a strength and for that you can press shift in F that looks a little bit less intuitive but you have move the mouse in to give it full opacity or you can fade it out to make it nice and soft I want something fairly softish but I want it fairly small as well let's just come to the side of this tentacle let's just click and then just paint a drag on this mesh now this may have been a little bit too subtle so let me just undo that shift an F let's just make this a little bit stronger this is paint along the edge of this tentacle here you can see I've kind of added this strip I kind of sculpted this it's good to just draw a few odd shapes along the edges right here just kind of one deform it a little bit I just don't want it to look too organic by the way if you noticing strokes being applied in two or more places off the mesh at the same time like it is just here come down in the brush and by default and the symmetry or look usually a mirror option might be enabled some Scone to disable this X mirror it's under that last operation also it's going to make my brush a little bit bigger just kind of keep painting the kind of some odd shapes and just move around the tentacle just kind of add some shapes and some structure into it just it doesn't look so organic and you can also do that gently over the suction cups themselves just don't go overboard otherwise this might actually kind of shift polygons through each other and give you some really weird results so just kind of wanted to add a little bit of know just a little bit of form a little bit of organic feeling to this technically she kind of liked how this looks I think is actually turned out quite nice the last thing I'm going to do again is come up to the brush tool I'm going to change from the clay strip brush over to the blob tool what this does is essentially this kind of blobs things out so you kind of just paint little blobs onto kind of little dots and pins it just kind of makes it blue that was a bit too quick I kind of clicked twice but because we have about a hundred eighty thousand vertices in this mesh sculpting reacts a bit slow so you need to give it a little bit of time so you can kind of figure that out and I'm just going to move around the tentacle just add a few you know just dots come just a bit of imperfection make it look a little bit more organic but feel free to add absolutely anything you want to you know tweak this tentacle to your liking cool I think this tentacle looks really nice let's consider the modeling part of this suit all done and let's move on to rigging up this tentacle so we can animate it really easily let's return to object mode and right now you can see that the origin of the tentacle isn't actually at the base of this tentacle but for the purpose of using this tentacle in other projects or whatever you want to use tentacles for let's move the origin to the actual base of this mesh so let's press tab to go into edit mode let's select the face at the base of this tentacle shift & S to bring up the snap menu let's select to snap the cursor to select this going to place our 3d cursor right in the center of that face let's return to object mode in the tool shelf on the left hand side and the set origin let's like to move the origin to the position of the 3d cursor that's going to move the origin of this object to the center of that face shift in S one more time let's move the cursor to the center and with the tentacle still selected shift in S one more time and let's move the selection to the cursor so it's going to move our selected object a tentacle to where the cursor is for just the center of our scene press Piron on the numpad to zero in on that and I've got the tentacle position properly let's press our to kind of move this tentacle around and let's press Y to lock the rotation of the tentacle to the y-axis and hold down ctrl or command on the Mac anika has snapped this tentacle I don't snap it right up right and under rotate you can see my minus 85 no we want minus 90 to have this tentacle standing up straight in our scene and now let's add a skeleton rig for this tentacle so we can animate it really easily with the cursor still in the center of our scene which is now the base of our tentacle or if it's not there press shift and F and move the cursor to the center let's press shift an a and let's drop in an armature an actual skeleton and I'm going to drop in a single bone that's going to be placed right where this tentacle sits so that's why I can't actually see it put over on the right hand side in my outline I can see the armature with that selected come in to the armature options just go up a little bit let's enable the x-ray option so we can see the armature over any measures we may have in the scene with the armature selected press tab to go into edit mode and we now need to extrude this bone a number of times along the length of the tentacle to kind of give it a spine like a snake that we can then animate in order to make aligning the bone with the mesh nice and easy let's press ctrl alt & Q or command option + Q on a Mac to go into quat view so you have got nice orthographic views from all sides and you make sure that the bones and the skeleton is nicely aligned with your mesh so to make sure we could see everything nicely and then with the tip of this bone selected press e to extrude another bone I want to place this along the length of the tentacle press E again extrude another bone come down press E again let's extrude one more bone all the way up to the tip of this tentacle and in my right although I can see this isn't quite aligned if you feel like you can't move things around the way you expect them to you know edit motifs because we messed around with it let's change the pivot mode back to median point and let's change the transformation orientation back to global otherwise moving things around in general is not gonna work terribly well cool now we can move things around again the way we expect them to let's make sure we're placing all of these bones right in the center of our tentacle let's make sure this is you know looking proper from all sides let's exit this view with ctrl alt & Q or command option Q on a Mac actually I think I might move the endpoint for the last bone up just a little bit since it's exactly in the tip of their tentacle and that looks all right let's go into pose mode if you select all the bones press R and rotate it around absolutely nothing will happen because we haven't yet skinned the mesh to the armature so moving the armature doesn't yet move the mesh with the bone still selected press alt or option + R to reset that orientation and now we just need to skim this tentacle to the actual armature fortunately that is super easy and I've already shown you how to do that in my reading for beginner tutorial come into the outliner let's grab this tentacle mesh here let's simply drag and drop that right onto our armature let's let go and obviously we now have a few option to set parent to and we want to choose with automatic weights so how the bones influence the mesh is going to be automatically determined by blender and by default it should actually work pretty well let's hit that that is going to take a couple of seconds let's reselect our armature make sure you still in pose mode and again select one of the bones press R and then rotate that bone and now this bone is actually deforming the tentacle I'm noticing that this is pretty slow though and one of the reasons for that is also because we still have the subdivision modifier on the tentacle itself so I might actually open up this armature in my outliner reselect this tentacle mesh here come into the modifiers tap and what I'm going to do is for this subdivision modifier we want to temporarily disable it because not rendering this tentacle just yet and I've really only need this for the final render so I'm just going to click on this little eye icon here to disable the subdivision surface modifier on the tentacle let's reselect that bone press are nice it's immediately working a whole lot quicker and you can now position these bones too well move your tentacle however this set up is not ideal because right now the way the skeleton is set up is that every bone will simply affect all the bones further down that chain what we've got celebrat now is called forward kinematics where bone affects the bones forward further down that chain while that might work fantastically well for certain setups in the particular case where we just want to move this whole tentacle really nice and easy and just kind of have it you know sway about and try to grope for things forward kinematics is not the way to go let's press a a to select all of her bones alt or option + R to reset all of them and I now want to set up inverse kinematics what I'm going to do is I'm essentially going to have this bone here at the end of the tentacle drive the position of all the bones further up the chain so the kinematics rather than flowing from the root bone forward it's going to be driven by an end bone like a target for the tentacle to reach and blenders automatically going to figure out how all of the other bones need to be positioned in order to reach that goal for that select the last bone in the chain in the properties panel over on the right hand side right next to the bone tap you find a bone constraints tab and in here you can add a whole number of different constraints to your bones the one I want to add is called inverse kinematics so let's add this constraint to the bone that made the bone orange but it hasn't actually done anything yet and you can see this is kind of indicated as red here because this bone now needs a target a place to kind of aim for and there's a property called target but right now that's not set to anything and you can obviously aim it at anything you want but what I want to do I want to create a new empty object and kind of place it at the end of the tentacley and then we can move this empties object around and then the tentacle is essentially automatically going to try to reach for it so let's come into object mode shift and a and let's simply drop an empty object into our scene and you can use any shape that you want it doesn't actually matter it's going to use a plane excess empties object in my outliner I'm going to rename this to tentacle target and then I'm just going to drag it up and place it at the top of my tentacle let's reselect the armature come back into pose mode make sure we have that bone selected that we've added this inverse kinematics constraint on and now for the target of this inverse kinematics constraint I want to select my tentacle target you may have seen that the tentacle immediately snapped in position to kind of shoot straight at that empties object and the cool thing is that now I can select this empty object press G to grab and I can now move this empty object about and the tentacle will automate try to reach for it and this is a really great way to now animate this tentacle just by moving this empties object around however before we start moving this empties object around one thing I want to address is that right now this tentacle has very clearly defined straight segments because the bones are quite large and it doesn't doesn't bend very organically right it looks like there's very hard bones in this tentacle fortunately there is a really easy way in blender to make your bones bendy let's reselect the armature and with the bone with the inverse kinematics constraint selected you can see this is a dotted yellow line that just indicates that this bone actually controls the chain starting at this particular bone so this entire bone chain is controlled by this one here at the top so if he moved this bone around he can see how that drives backwards the entire chain of your skeleton and it's a really great way to set these things up but what I actually want to do open the properties panel let's come into the armature tap and on the display you can actually display your bones in different ways right now they're being displayed as octahedral so you can also display them as sticks or SP bones or envelopes or as wires change this over to be bone but just come just like a little rectangular display for your bones but now with the last bone selected come into the bone tab and under this bendy bones section you find an option for segments right now that is set to one let's just check this up two two three four five however many you want and you can see that this bone is now being subdivided and it can start to bend so you're now adding some elasticity some flexibility into that bone let's select the next one and again let's just pump these segments up maybe two three and you can immediately see how the tentacle starts to bend a whole lot more organically just by us adding some more segments that's at three segments to that as well you can see how the bend becomes much more curved much more natural and feel free to pump this up to however many segments you think you need obviously more segments will take a little bit more computing power and now if we select this empty object press G move this around you can see the whole armature is much more flexible because we've added all of these little segments in there and if you now reselect the armature come in to the armature tap and that's disabled x-ray mode because we no longer need to see the actual skeleton and much rather to see the tentacle wriggle around let's assume out a little bit might hide the armature altogether so in my outliner I'm going to disable the visibility on the armature so I really just see the tentacle and if we now move this empty subject around you've got a really nice organic and really tentacle now you can add some keyframes to this emptiest objects to kind of move it around and have this tentacle wriggle really nice and organically but we can also do that much more easily by using something called F curve modifiers these modifiers will allow us to just add some noise some position noise to this empty subject let's kind of have it move around a little bit like the tentacle is swaying in the well water for that we're going to be using the graph editor that I've already introduced you to in my animations beginner tutorial so let's come up to the top right hand corner of the 3d view click on these three diagonal lines drag down to split this view horizontally let's change the top one over to the graph editor right now there are no curves in here there's nothing animated yet we haven't actually enabled any channels or set any keyframes so with the empties object selected in my 3d view come down to the timeline change the keying set over to location let's set a single keyframe this has now enabled the channel for the location on the tentacle target if you expand this so you've got X Y & Z location right now there's no animation at all and as I said you could just add manual keyframes if you wanted to but what I'm going to do is move to select my X location hover the mouse over the graph editor press n to bring up the properties tab and in here you have different tabs for F curve modifiers and your view I'm going to go to the modifiers tab I'm going to add a modifier to this F curve to this animation curve so under the add modifier will drop this down and add a noise and you can see how this added little noise to this actual curve and if you now scrub through you can see this empty subject jitter it's kind of like your octopus head a little bit too much sugar and this is really just very twitchy it's not really what I'm after but in the modifier properties I can actually check up the scale to kind of make this movement a little bit more smooth and I can also lower or increase the amplitude depending on how much I want this to move let's just check this out and that is a very very active tentacle let's just come back to the beginning old and a to play this back cool I actually think that looks alright now you can repeat the process for the y&z location but you can also just copy and paste these F curve modifiers for that on the right hand side next to this add modifier drop down you've got two buttons for copy to clipboard and paste from clipboard so I'm just going to copy this to my clipboard select the Y location curve I'm just going to paste this from a clipboard in right here so now I'm also affecting the Y and the technical side just swing around a little bit strong but also because I've pasted this modifier the x and y curves are exactly the same so on my Y location curve what I want to do is in the modifiers over on the right hand side I can change the random seat shift this a little bit it's going to shift this curve off just so that they don't move exactly the same way you might also lower the amplitude on this a little bit just so that the tentacle doesn't swing around too crazy let's just remind all tane to play this back that looks fine to me let's select the Z location property in the graph editor and again this is pasted from our clipboard who's going to shift this off as well just so that you know they all kind of don't quite match and my tentacles getting a little bit too stretched there so what I might do is might come to the very beginning to where actually set a keyframe on this MDS object let's push this down a little bit so the tentacle starts out a little bit bent and let's reset that keyframe so it just pushes everything down let's just play this back it's moving way too strong right so on my Z location in the modifier I'm really going to lower this amplitude down to maybe around 1 again feel free to tweak this in any way that you want after all this is your own personal tentacle you can do with it whatever you want so let's rewind and press alt and a to play this back and with that we're done you have learned how to fully model a tentacle in blender how to add a rig to it and use inverse kinematics to drive that tentacle with a single target and on top of that you have learned how to use F curve modifiers to add some organic noise animation to your objects without using any keyframes and all days to it if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button if you new here hit that subscribe button and if you want to watch more just click these links over on the right hand side if you want to support me in what I do in this channel be sure to check the links down in the video description and as always thank you very much for watching and until next time I will see you later
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Views: 65,018
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Keywords: blender, tutorial, modeling, rigging, animating, tentacle, how to model, bezier curve, subdivision surface, taper curve, bevel, loop tools, extrude, inverse kinematics, forward kinematics, f-curve, modifiers, how to, 3D, free software, surfaced studio, bendy bones, smooth surface, how to create tentacle, modelling basics, keyframes, circle select tool, quad view, kraken, snake animation
Id: 1Ap-5D1oRbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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