Blender 2.7 Tutorial #8 : Smoothing & SubSurf #b3d

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hello and welcome our 8 on my video series and how to use blender 2.7 in this video I'll be showing you what's called the subdivision surface or subsurface fire which allow you to take models that you create in blender especially things like characters or smooth organic shapes and make them look very professional and smooth in one easy step there are actually several ways to make objects look smooth and blender and the easiest way is to just click on this smooth button I'm not gonna do that with this cube though I can't delete it and I'm going to add a UV sphere because I UV sphere has lots of faces in fact it has 32 times 16 faces which is over a thousand to create the shape using that many faces so it's nice and smooth but you can still see all the individual polygons or faces because it's in what's called flat shading view and in flat shading view all the faces are shaded or basically colored or shade in terms of the light source and where the shadows are independently between each individual face if I click on smooth though what it's doing is it's blending that shade from one face to the next across your entire 3d mesh if I go back into flat view what you can see here is that when we click on smooth the shade of this face and the shade of this face will get blended from one to the next for the middle of one to the middle of the next one but up and down and side-to-side all the same time so that's what associating smooth versus shading flat does shading does not actually make a higher resolution mesh or a more detailed mesh all it's doing is changing the shading the way it draws in the screen and when you render out but when you look at the object from let's say a profile or the side you can still see the original Jaggi edge the polygons that's what the subdivision surface modifier does it actually makes your object in reality more smooth I want to mention though that we would never use smooth our object that has edges in other words I'm going to go ahead and delete this UV sphere and we're going to add a cylinder because a cylinder has smooth parts and it has edges as well the edges are of course are around the top and bottom of the and I'm going to call it a soup can because the soup can of course has a middle top a middle bottom but has a smooth paper plastic or paper and label around the outside and I label does not have these faces on it so what you will need to do in this case is go into edit mode select all the faces around the whole label of a soup can and again I did that by holding ctrl + alt and right clicking on one of these edges and that will select the entire ring of faces same thing with edges you hold alt and ctrl for that so there we go and then you would click on the smooth button but the smooth button has moved because we're in edit mode right now the smooth button is now under shading and UVs and that's why I'm not a big fan of these tabs that have come out in the last few versions of blender it creates more searching time so face is smooth there we go and I go back into object mode you can see that now the soup can label is smooth but there is an edge from the top to the side and from the bottom to the side so there we go I'm going to go ahead and delete my cylinder though and I'm going to add the original cube back and we're going to add the subsurf modifier to it to add a modifier of course you have the mesh selected and you go to the wrench tab and you click on add modifier and there is the photo position surface modifier when I add it it's going to drastically change the cube and what you can see hopefully and I'm going to hide the modifiers effect with the eye and show it and hide it and show it what it's doing is it's basically cutting every face into four in the words in two directions and it's smoothing out the middle of one face or across the mesh to the middle of the next face so this point basically would have been where the middle of that original top face was and that point there would have been the middle of the side face but it's subdividing up and then taking that those new edges in between or the original edges of the cube and that's pulling them in a little bit to make the mesh look more smooth now this is only displaying one iteration of the subdivisions or the subdivision surface modifier and that's because it has options right here the Sun additions you can turn up and down as you wish as long as you have not clicked apply on the modifier so if I turn view up to to each one of those now faces that got turned into four got divide it into four so each original face is now you know each one is divided by four and again divided by for us of each face is now 16 and it's smoothing it even more if I keep going you can see the object looks more and more smooth but I'll warn you don't turn these up too high that might cause your video to slow down or even crash your computer or maybe just blender so keep that in mind please now there are two ways you can subdivide when you render out a scene in other words you draw out the frame with its proper lighting it will look how it does with the display number of iterations so that's how it looks like right now and I'll press escape to go out of my render and then it's just displayed like that because we only had two set of visions if I turn this down to zero even though I see around in my display with three subdivisions when I render out my scene it still looks like the original cube so keep that in mind please what this allows you to do is not see your mesh so complicated in your scene so it does not slow down things like orbiting and working in blender or crashing your computer but you could turn render up very high so right now I'm looking at my scene is only 16 faces per original face with two subdivisions but when I render out the see from the render tab it looks much smoother than that now of course you can still see the individual faces and that's because we are in flat mode and I go into smooth mode again it smooths out the mesh and when I'm rendering out and now looks like basically a sphere the powerful thing though about the subsurf modifier is that you can still work on your original mesh in edit mode so if I go ahead and press tab and edit mode you can see I can still access my original faces and I can still model exactly as I would before if I want to subdivide this up I'll select everything press W click on subdivide and I can keep working with it now you'll notice that because I certified in my Cuba it became looking more like a cube and the reason why that happened and I'm going to actually go back a couple of steps is because when you have two edges that are close to one another it forces a harder edge so I'm gonna use up make a loop cut here and I'm going to click in the middle and you'll see that right away it turned my basically sphere into more of a pill shape and that's because again it's moving from the middle of one face to the next and between these two faces it's not going to make a rounded edge between them so this takes some practice to get used to it needs to how modeling will affect how something is round but you'll notice that if I put two it is very close to one another in other words right there you basically get a totally hard edge at least at least mostly okay and so that is something to keep in mind I'm going to flip over now to my bunny head from one of my previous videos right there so that's what we got to at the end of video number six we create a bunny head without the mirror modifier and if I wanted to use them your modifier what I could do is go to my front view and go into edit mode and turn on see-through mode and I would delete all the vertices on one half of the mesh so I'm going to select all of that I'll do the other side okay so I'll select all about half and I'll bleep that all those vertices I'll go ahead and add the modifier mean and click on clipping so it does not cause me any issues at the mere point and what I can do after this is add the subdivision surface modifier and this is where our modifier stack comes in the first modifier modifier I added was the mirror modifier and the next one I added was the subset of modifier and therefore they added those two things where those two things came to effect in that order the original mesh looks like that and the first thing it does is it adds the MIR modifier and the second thing after it there are now two halves is it then smooth out both halves you can reorder modifiers up and down so now these up sort of happened first it's going about 1/2 and then duplicate it and flipped it and in the other case it mute it and then subcircuit when using subsurf I would suggest that should be the last step you should near before you subsurf there in that order what you would never want to do with the subsurf modifier is apply it because if you apply the subsurf modifier and go back into edit mode you now have all those faces for real to work with which makes it very you know difficult to work with that smaller face and I didn't even have it that detail if I go back and turn this up to let's say 5 and now I apply this blender it might take a while it might even crash but now if I go into edit mode there is only one half but you can see my computer's responding slowly and I have a very very dense mesh to work with in fact it's so dense that I can't even see the individual faces anymore and I think I'm going to crash my computer so I'm gonna try to undo that just don't ever apply it you can make a movie and still have characters with the subsurf modifier on it you never have to click apply if my computer responds again that's going to be into this video thanks for watching and I'll see you next time you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 244,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.7, Blender 3D, 3D, blender3D, blendercycles, b3d, Tutorial, Lesson, class, tips, help, trick, tricks, beginner, subdivision, surface, smooth, shading, CG, Animate, Animation, model, modelling, modeling, Subdivision Surface, Smoothing, Blender (Software), 3D Modeling (Film Job), dummies, computer, software, graphics, imagery
Id: gkN1aLaNWxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 20 2014
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