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Moe: Seeing my comments section going like. Guy in the background: Hey Moe, when's your next Anime in Minutes? Guy in the background: Ay Moe, where's the Anime in Minutes you slut? Guy in the background: Hey Moe, I'm gonna eat that juicy ass of yours! Moe: You want an Anime in Minutes??? Moe: I got you! *Weeb cover of Bleach OP1* In the beginning of Bleach we got, Ichigo Kurosaki, a purposeless protagonist. One night Ichigo is just chilling thinkin' about hentai, and that's when he meets Rukia, who randomly sneaks into his room. That's when Ichigo is like, please don't rape me. But we all know Rukia wasn't about that, and explains that she's a Soul Reaper, and Ichigo is no regular human, because he can see her and spirits. Just then a Hollow attacks. Taking Ichigo's sister Karin. Rukia's then all like, I got this. Then saves Karin, and shortly after, the Hollow goes for Ichigo, but then Rukia uses her secret technique, The Human Shield, defending Ichigo from the Hollow's ferocious attack. Now that Rukia's health has depleted near to zero, she then says, Yo, if you wanna live you gotta take my Soul Reaper powers, and Ichigo replies with, say no more. Accepting the powers, I Strawberry Kurosaki, now have purpose in this anime. And so, he goes for the... SLAAAAAASSSSHHHHHHHH!!! Taking out that Hollow with ease. Moving forward, two Soul Reapers from the Soul Society, Renji and Byakuya, pull up to the World of the Living, and are like, hey Rukia you have pulled one of the biggest taboos a Soul Reaper can ever make. And that is transferring your powers over to a human, so, for that, you're gonna die, and so they end up trying to cut that bitch up, but soon after, the main character, of course, comes to the rescue, but ends up getting his ass beat, and catching a few L's. Afterwards, Rukia, Renji, and Byakuya head to the Soul Society to perform a proper execution on Rukia. Leaving Ichigo in critical condition. By the way Rukia was the one technically saved Ichigo by accepting her fate, and suggesting that they leave the main character behind to bleed out and die. Guy in the background: Ha, did they really think the main character could die by simply bleeding out? Moving forward, Ichigo gets Nurse Joy'd by Kisuke Urahara, and that's when Urahara is like, you want to enter the Soul Society? I got you if you come to my basement, big boy. So for this operation to rescue Rukia, Ichigo is joined by Brock, Misty, and, Max. Okay, I need to stop with these God damn Pokemon references. So for this operation Ichigo is joined by his friends, Orihime, Uryu, and Chad, who also possess some type of supernatural power. Orihime has Shun Shun Rikka, Chad has Brazo Derecha de Gigante, and Uryu has Quincy Powers, which is basically a nice variant to what Wind Archers have in Maple Story. So given the portal by Urahara, all four, I mean five, including this cat, all enter the Soul Society. (loud crash) Well, that gotta hurt. While moving through the Soul Society, they end up bumping into this bitch, who gives them transportation, or I mean a canon to shoot them into Seireitei. Where the Soul Reapers live, and most importantly where Rukia's located. As they enter the Seireitei, they all end up getting split up into pairs. Since the Soul Reapers were ordered to get rid of the intruders, Ichigo encounters a Soul Reaper named Ikkaku. And... Guy in the background: EASY! As a result for the victory Ichigo manages to extract the information on the location where Rukia's being executed. And so he heads out, but as he's making his way towards Rukia, he is intercepted by Renji, and had no other choice but to fight, and as a result... (loud crash) Renji: -Ah! Guy in the background: EASY! So this is when Renji explains his backstory with Rukia. Basically goin like, Rukia's my childhood friend. It's all my fault Rukia's getting executed. And after concluding his story about Rukia and him back in the good ole days, he then requests that Ichigo goes ahead to save Rukia. And so, once again, Ichigo heads toward the direction where Rukia is being held, but, as expected, another Soul Reaper cuts him off. And so, this Soul Reaper, his names Kenpachi, who's HUNGRY for a good fight. The fight concludes with a stalemate. With both Ichigo and Kenpachi laying in critical condition. But, no worries, the main character manages to survive. Guy in the background: Wow what a fuckin' surprise... Thanks to this ca-... Bruh... Yeah, well by the way, this cat girls name is Yoruichi, and with that outta the way Yoruichi bring Ichigo to special training grounds to train him to obtain hin Ban Kai. Basically the level three powers of his Zanpakuto, or in other words, his sword. After several episodes of getting an ass beating, guess who unlocks Bankai? *Weeb cover of Bleach OP3* So with Ichigo having a mastery with Bankai, he's then like, it's time to rescue Rukia! So just as Rukia's about to get executed, Ichigo comes in clutch, and sets Rukia free. He then tosses Rukia to Renji, so Rukia can get the hell outta there, while he takes care of the other Soul Reapers. But that's when Byakuya comes in like, oh no you don't! So with no other choice, Ichigo releases his... Ichigo: BAN-KAI! And he ends up winning the fight by destroying Byakuya's Zanpakuto. This is when Byakuya's like, Byakuya: The only reason why I allowed Rukia, my sister-in-law to be executed, is because I come from a noble family, who honors the law, and must set an example for other Soul Reapers, but since you have defeated me... Byakuya: BYE BYE! So with that being said, Byakuya has deserted his task to pursue Rukia. And so Rukia is pretty much off the hook at this point. BUT WAIT! Did you really think it was all gonna end here? THINK AGAIN! Because this is when three Soul Reapers, Aizen, Gin, and Kaname, arrive at Rukia and Renji's location. Aizen then gets his hand, and shoves that shit through Rukia's chest, taking the Hogyoku that Urahara had implanted and hid inside of her. This item is able to transfer Soul Reaper powers to Hollows and vice versa. Shortly after Aizen, Gin, and Kaname, flee the Soul Society to Hueco Mundo. A dimension that resides between, the World of the Living, and the Soul Society. And it's also the habitat for Hollows. And by the way, they might be future villains later on, wink, wink. So after that incident, the Soul Reapers no longer view Ichigo, Uryu, Chad, or Orihime as threats. And also, Orihime, Chad, and Uryu did have their own fights, but really, if it didn't include the true main character, does it really matter? And so, they return to the World of the Living, on good terms with the Soul Reapers. While right before doing so, Ichigo is gifted a substitute Soul Reaper badge. Basically a badge allowing Ichigo to go into Soul Reaper Mode without using soul candy. Like he always has been doing. And so, moving forward, we got, oh my God, a filler arc! So, moving past that atrocious filler arc. Ichigo meets Shinji, who is a Visored. And if you don't know what a Visored is, too bad. Just kidding! So basically, a Visored is a Soul Reaper who has acquired Hollow powers, and by the way, Ichigo has show hints of having this type of power, but it really wasn't relevant 'til now. So with Ichigo technically being qualified as a Visored, Shinji is like, hey man, you should leave the Soul Reapers, and join my squad. But Ichigo briskly declines. Moving forward. Two Arrancar arrive in Karakura Town, Ulquiorra and Yammy. And what is an Arrancar you ask? Well, to answer your question. It's a Hollow that has removed it's mask, and obtained powers similar to that of a Soul Reaper. Oh, I really wonder who's responsible for this. This is when Chad and Orihime pull up after sensing their spiritual levels OVER NINE... Guy in the background: Oh hell nah, you ain't gonna finish that dead ass meme. Well after Orihime and Chad sense the Arrancar's spiritual pressure, they rushed to the location, and engaged in battle. And it looks like Chad takes a fat L. Just as Orihime is about to get striked, you already know the main character's gonna appear. Ichigo: Guh-ah! Orihime: Ah! Ichigo: Uh-ah! Yammi: Argh! Moe: Oh, oh God. Moe: Oh... oh God. Oh God, oh, oh, God. Moe: This was a bit unexpected. So this is when Urahara and Yoruichi arrive at the scene, and pretty much scares the two Arrancar off. Or, maybe not scared them off, because Ulquiorra says they were sent by Aizen, to gauge Ichigo's strength, and since Ichigo was seen as trash to them, there was no use staying around. With Ichigo feelin' like a weak piece of shit, he goes to meet up with the Visored. Asking if they can teach him how to control his Hollowfication, and their like, all you gotta do is join, and with Ichigo, being Ichigo, he's like nah, I'm just here to use you guys. And so a fight breaks out leading Ichigo to release his untamed Hollowfication, and chokin' this bitch out. But soon after the Visored restrains Ichigo, and stops his rampage. After seeing Ichigo's Hollowfication potential, they then decide to help Ichigo get a grip of his power. Moving forward. Ulquiorra was ordered by Aizen to capture Orihime, because he had an interest in her powers. Also, threatening her friend's lives if she didn't comply. Ulquiorra then gives Orihime a 12 hour period before bringing her to Hueco Mundo, allowing her to say goodbye to one person. She is then instructed to wear this bracelet, which makes her invisible to everyone, but the Arrancar. And so she says goodbye to Ichigo before being taken prisoner by Aizen. Moving forward, the Soul Reapers inform Ichigo about Orihime, and concludes that she has sided with the Arrancar. Ichigo did not accept that, and so he gathers with Uryu and Chad, and heads to Hueco Mundo through the Garganta that Urahara has opened for them. *Weeb cover of Bleach OP7* *WEEB COVER OF BLEACH OP7 INTENSIFIED* On their arrival they meet three good natured Arrancar, Nel, Pesche, and Dondochakka. Shortly after Rukia and Renji appear. Using the Arrancar's worm looking pet, Bawabawa, they travel to Las Noches, where Orihime is being held. Now that they have arrived is Las Noches, they had no other choice, but to go up against the Arrancar elite forces, known as the Espada. But of course, they breeze through these fights no problem, because after all, they all got that main character invincibility cloak equipped. Oh... nevermind. Moving forward, the Espada Grimmjow sneaks Orihime out of her prison to heal Ichigo. Or maybe not heal, more like bring back from the dead, using her power to reject reality, and basically rewind time before a certain event occurred. But the reason why Grimmjow did this is to get a proper death match with Ichigo. Because the last time they faced each other he was forced to retreat before finishing their fight, episodes back. What's funny is that I forgot to include this detail, so I'm including it now. And so Ichigo unleashes his Hollowfication, and beats that ass, easy money, and... (Door opens) Guy in the background: Ay, you know there's another filler arc. Moe: What!? Guy in the background: I SAID... THERE'S ANOTHE-... - [Moe] I heard you the first time, for fucks sake! ♪ Because these shits suck so much ♪ ♪ I will skip them ♪ ♪ For the sake of this Anime in Minutes ♪ ♪ Thank me later and I will ♪ ♪ Kiss you on the cheek (pause?) ♪ Shortly after defeating Grimmjow two Arrancar appear, Nnoitra and Tesra, and they end up picking a fight with Ichigo. And so, Ichigo being at a weakened state, he takes a fat L. NANI! Where did Kenpachi come from? NANI! Kenpachi takes out Nnoitra? Nani! Orihime gets captured by an Arrancar again? Na-... alright I need to stop. Well, moving forward, with many Soul Reapers besides Kenpachi pulling up to Hueco Mundo, Aizen uses Bakudo number 77 to contact them. Basically using Bakudo number 77 as a fucking speaker. To tell them that he lured them here, closing off the Gargantas that they entered here through, and essentially trapping the Soul Reapers in Hueco Mundo. With that being said, Aizen leaves Hueco Mundo with Gin, and Kaname, to Karakura Town to create the Oken, a key to the Soul King Palace, which requires a hundred thousand souls to create. And basically Aizen's plan is to fight the Soul King, to overthrow him and take his throne. But I have heard that Aizen just wanted to have a good fight, but I mean, yeah, I just saw that on the internet, but 'ey lets move on. But little did Aizen know Urahara had set up a plan to replace the real Karakuta town with a replica, and to post the 13 Court Guard Squad Captains in that fake Karakuta Town, but as soon as Aizen arrives, he already knew what's up. He was like, yeah this shit is all fake. And so Aizen summons his Arrancar troops, and soon after the Visored arrives. Siding with the Soul Reapers with the intention to take down Aizen. *Bleach OP10 playing* Yo, tell me why this song makes me wanna twerk. Moving forward, Ulquiorra is with Orihime planning to finish her off, because Aizen no longer has a purpose for her. But of course, the main character arrives at the scene once again. So Ulquiorra and Ichigo have a SPICY fight, even breaking the boundaries of this God damn dimension. Meanwhile, the 13 Court Guard Squad Captains got a lot on their plate, and Oh, for crying out loud, another filler arc! *Bleach OP11 playing* Yeah I think I'm getting tired of covering these filler openings, so uh. You know what it's time for? It's time to get into the good shit! *Weeb cover of Bleach OP12* Well, moving forward, Ichigo is still in that juicy fight with Ulquiorra, causing him to enter his full Hollow form, after being killed. Yeah, you heard me right. But with this form Ichigo spreads Ulquiorra's cheeks, like bread, and drills. Killin' that bitch, but it looks like Ichigo goes down along side with him. Guy in the background: You know he's the main character right? Moe: What are you talking about? Moe: Fuckin' hacks! After recovering Ichigo heads down to do clean up duty, and attempts to take out the Arrancar Yammy, but in the midst of battle Byakuya stops Ichigo tellin' him he must return to the World of the Living. Using the Garganta Mayuri created. And so after a bit of conflict, he goes through the Garganta with, Retsu Unohana. While traveling through the Garganta Unohana tells Ichigo he's the only one who can possibly defeat Aizen, because he is the main character, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's because Ichigo hasn't been exposed to Aizen's Zanpakuto ability, Kanzen Saimin, or complete hypnosis, which is initiated through looking at the release of Aizen's Zanpakuto. This abilities influence is pretty much permanent, and has the ability to hypnotize, and manipulate all five senses. Unohana warns Ichigo to never look at Aizen's Shikai, or in other words, Aizen's Zanpakuto release. Moving forward, the Arrancar get wiped out, Aizen's henchman Kaname gets killed, and Ichigo arrives in false Karakura Town, and goes to strike Aizen right off the bat. But it doesn't seem to be workin' out so well, and so the Visored and Soul Reapers help out the boy Ichigo, and ends up getting annihilated. *Weeb cover of Bleach OP13* With Ichigo being the final man standing, he goes up against Aizen once again. And this is when Aizen is like, check out my nipples, oh, uh, I mean my Hogyoku I fused with. Which essentially gives Aizen fuckin' God mode. Aizen then continues spouting out some bullshit. Saying that he has forged Ichigo's path all the way 'till now, since the day he was born. This is when Daddy Kurosaki swoops in, and apparently he's a Soul Reaper. Shortly after Gin arrives at the scene, and takes on Ichigo, while Ichigo's father, Isshin, takes on Aizen. As Isshin is fighting Aizen, Urahara and Yoruichi arrive to assist him in this battle. With Aizen being an OP ass mother fucker, her then follows through, and drills their cheeks with ease. Shortly after those ass drillings, Aizen then leaves with Gin to head to the real Karakura town, to forge the Oken. Leaving Ichigo, Isshin, Urahara, and Yoruichi alive. Guy in the background: Bro, I think he forgot to finish off the main character. Moving forward, Ichigo's father gives Ichigo one of those POWERFUL Naruto speeches. Saying, even though they are too weak to defeat Aizen, they can't just stand around doing nothing, because everyone in Karakura Town will inevitably be slaughtered. And so, Isshin opens the Senkaimon enabling them to travel to the real Karakura Town. As they are traveling through the Senkaimon Isshin notices the Cleaner's no longer there in the Dangai. Essentially the Cleaner's there to kill anyone or anything from staying too long. And the Cleaner is pretty much as durable as diamond. But since Aizen got those OP hacks on, he destroyed that shit pretty easily on his way to Karakura Town. With that being said Isshin decides to take advantage of the time distortion in the Dangai to teach Ichigo the final Getsuga Tensho. And for those people who don't know know the time distortion in the Dangai, I'm gonna tell you. Well, just look at it like this, one year outside the Dangai will equate to two thousand years in here. So yeah Ichigo kinda got a lotta fuckin' time on his hand. So moving forward a couple of episodes. Gin ends up turning on Aizen, because apparently he and Rangiku were childhood friends, and Aizen ended up harming her a long time back. Making him plot his revenge the day he affiliated himself with Aizen, but things don't go as planned... (Rest In Peace) Shortly after the death of Gin, the boy Ichigo makes his appearance. And man did he get a buff after training in that Dangai. Just look at this disrespect right here. Aizen: You will... Aizen: What! And so, Ichigo and Aizen have their final showdown, resulting in Ichigo using the Final Getsuga Tensho. Smacking that bitch Aizen right in the mouth, and taking him down. And to put the icing on the cake, Urahara uses his Kido to seal and apprehend Aizen. Knowledgeable of the repercussions for using the Final Getsuga Tensho, Ichigo slowly loses his Soul Reaper powers, and Oh my God, for God's sake. Another filler arc? Oh, get this filler arc opening outta my face. Well moving past those God damn fillers. Ichigo had lost all of his spiritual energy, and so he says his farewell's to Rukia, and that is the end of Bleach. Guy in the background: You know there's actually more. Moe: Do I really have to go over this shit ass arc? Guy in the background: Do it for the Anime in Minutes. Moe: *sigh* Moe: Well apparently there's more. ♪ This is the final arc of Bleach ♪ ♪ Sorry to say ♪ ♪ It's shit ♪ ♪ So I will skim over this shit ♪ ♪ Like no tomorrow ♪ So with Ichigo no longer having spiritual energy, this guy hits him up like, Kugo Ginjo: hey, yo, you want your powers back? And Ichigo's like... Ichigo: YEAH BRO! So Ichigo unlocks Fullbring powers. Of course that's after a series of tests that pushed his physical and spiritual capabilities. Just as Ichigo gets a mastery of his Fullbring powers, this guy turns on Ichigo, and steals his powers. That's when Rukia appears behind him and stabs him with a special blade giving him spiritual energy, and his Soul Reaper powers back. With that being said, Ichigo beats that ass, and kills that bitch. Oh yeah, his name was Kugo Ginjo, for anyone who actually cares about that. I mean, I don't know why you would, but, yeah. So, with that villain out of the way, Ichigo's Soul Reaper powers returned. You got the conclusion of Bleach. Or maybe not the true conclusion, because we still haven't gotten to the Thousand Year Blood War arc. But lets pray, Someday they will release it to the anime.
Channel: SomeMoeGaming
Views: 5,304,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: somemoegaming, bleach, bleach anime, bleach manga, anime, manga, amv, bleach op, OP, ED, all openings, bleach episode 1, bleach episode 366, bleach all episodes, english dub, english sub, sub, ichigo, bankai, Soul Society Arc, Arrancar Arc, Fullbringer Arc, Thousand Year Blood War Arc, zanpakuto, top anime, BLEACH IN 16 MINUTES, all OP, all ED, bleach amv, bleach ost, opening, ending, endings, openings, best anime fights, top anime fights, best bankai, bleach opening, bleach in minutes
Id: 7CjwiZ59XJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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