Blacks Love Hummus w/ Doboy & KevOnStage |Full Episode| Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz & Akaash Singh

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[Music] you're handsome and cute so you lost how much bro right now currently 222 pounds randomly now do you wonder where that goes you lost one-fourth of a teddy well you introduce our guests but you all should know them from the righteous righteous and wretch and ratchet podcast on our podcast now did you guys get that from Charlemagne no we did not actually we actually started this a long time ago I'm a god from you know I'm not even saying that I just think sometimes original idea we had started back in 2016 and we really just started like as it's like a conversation like you know cuz keV is more put together he's married kids are at the time was just ratchet in the streets and so we used to talk about like principals are just trying to live so when I was all Christian Christian personals all Christian based conversations but I lost that sounds argument watch it you're not so you can there's the way I was raised and I was hurt out of here with you so yeah you can't as long as not black women you can't watch the Queen's getting disrespected like that determine marriage the marriage bed is undefiled so there's a lot of most Christians would agree that porn is bad you should not watch it marry you if you're married because you because you because you're watching like somebody else have sex right so that's like adultery right so this is how I grew up right so when I was like 16 I was watching this minister and his wife's kids like babysitting them so I go to the VCR so like a Disney movie in a VCR and it was a porn in there in the main kitchen like I mean the main living room thing yeah this is a minister so then I'm like yo yeah like maybe that's the mistake right so I'll take it out and go to put it to the side bro they had like 20 horns like perfectly labeled I'm like yo but y'all was teaching so I was like ever since then I kind of been like and that's kind of been a lot of things in church I grew up people said one thing but what they were doing at home turned out to not be what they were preaching and stuff so when I came to LA me and my wife kind of went through a period of like man what is what is our relationship with God gonna be because so much it was what our grandma said what the pastor said like one of our pastors when we were growing up said you can't go to the movies every movie sinful Lion King sin and I found out when I was like 17 she was like my grandma is like oh yeah his son was having sex in the theater so he kind of went on this whole tangent but we ever really listened like that was his whole thing but our age the pastor was Raible like he talks or relationship with God can you watch porn I don't feel no one I don't feel comfortable enough to watch porn in my relationship I have watch porn and what did you do that [ __ ] where do you point your dick when you jerk-off right to the [ __ ] heavens [Applause] that's okay all right I'm just saying so you're staying away from the porn I don't really watch that much porn either yeah I think I don't feel 100 seconds when watching porn no I've never really been into porn any no you'll be making your own porn Oh other people so you lost on this way now you do it listen I'll be with on raise your stomach off I'll tell you that be the reason cuz people always ask me like they be like yo why'd you lose weight maybe thinking is like some big like epic reason and it was really just to get my dick back like that was the only me mr. Ashe yes it was not good so it was hard to stay up or what no to stay up but it just it got fatter you think it's smaller when you get bigger the perception or only let me tell you I was waking up with less dick than I was going to sleep with when I with the band quarter in a row and I'm telling you there's no good there's no good sexual positions like I had a chick try to run no power every other part of your body gets fat your head sad your ankles get fat everything gets mad it goes away goes out as if my stomach was holding my dick hostage it was going away I had to free my dick with diet and exercise so you start losing weight uh-huh and your dick start coming back and I was going on a revenge towards you know like women are different when women lose weight and you went [ __ ] with them maybe like five new hsu is lit so you know I'm stare was definitely the biggest motivation for losing weight like because I couldn't find bra really did they change their tune were they like Yelp reviews whereas I absolutely yeah and it's like so now like all the old chicks that you semester to try to come back like new church trying to get in the game but I said try call now I got a relationship I know now this sex positions when you're wearing forfeit when you're weighing 450 well you have one doggy style that's it oh you don't lay on your back I try to do this if you had a lay down and you throw 86 and see got a pommel horse like for reals you got a discount it was tough and it was like you know you try to get on top you taking you taking the chance I had it I told their story off I got like a chick was like you know because when you're big you don't want to let all your weight go and so the chick was like Suze like those other [ __ ] act like they do give it all to me give it all to me daddy I said well she's like put all you so she was I put all your weight on me I said I so I'll put it all in so that is but not all of it would see that top of a gray one it was no let all the way go on big dues no you hold your arms up like this so you know but she wanted me to just kind of just really you're basically blanking yes I was playing the whole time you're probably was super strong like this yeah it was but the dick was trashed though it's not the dick is on point man oh you lost how much again so I started it I started at 46 and as I have a couple days ago I was 262 so and wait how'd you do it you died no this thing I got so that's the thing so people would be thinking I cheated the system because I got weight-loss surgery so I got weight-loss surgery because I got weight loss I got the gastric sleeve so yeah I started losing my but people don't understand it's like I have what was called like basically a transfer of addiction because I couldn't eat food anymore but then I started drinking so I started drinking like a bottle of day and so then it was like a whole thing I became like a whole functioning alcoholic with no that's not accurate cuz you were not functioning together yes cool we were cool I make funny from being fat he make fun of me in brown whatever that was that was a relationship but that we work out we do these colleges together oh yeah and any time Doughboy was at a college with me and I went to the hotel they were like you want one King I was like not doubling the heavens on [ __ ] and every time Doughboy will pretend he had a place to stay in there the naba yo man where you staying every time come back up a little bit you got a speedo I was just hi Kelsey what is that you will me we're out of town from getting your right size bed to just let me just go yeah all the way has that effect on people want to help people want to help don't we got $15,000 from Russell Simmons at all death for losing 200 pounds Russ fled to Sri Lanka so damn fast but he gave me 15k and I was losing 200 pounds and oh boy lost like 150 he was like I just bet you he won't have I was like I did it today he was like I lost the weight but then like I was a full functioning alcoholic I went to rehab right [ __ ] got raided by the FBI okay the rehab facility I went to they were doing like some foul [ __ ] they're like creating fake insurance policy for people they were like so I'm there for two weeks like judging everybody like y'all are really alcohol and I was saying people drink hand sanitizer it was a whole thing and then the FBI came in and I was like oh Jesus must want me to keep drinking some water and Snapple it was then I came back out and so like for the next six months I kept drinking and drinking he was actually my boss this time over at all deaf and he almost had to fire me because I came in late on a shoot and [ __ ] and then I finally was just like I let me go get sober so I haven't had a drink since November 22nd 2007 yeah fifteen thousand 1700 three years that one by fast that's for me I don't have to personally struggle with that so you guys have a pocket where it was just started with you guys going back and forth about these things and you're this pious dude I would even say that it's just Doughboy was really wild now I respect cabbies a religious person that doesn't put on airs doesn't pretend to be holier than thou yes God is the center of his life and he don't you don't have to be like him I want advice he'll give it to you that is that that's just I feel I've never heard it described that way but that is literally it like I feel like cuz I used to get I got so much crap for moving to LA I remember one Deacon was like you moving to the land of sinking sand you know one of the girls like you move in LA that's just full of people who try to make it yeah but um you know so people get mad because I would do comedy and comedy clubs like how you how can you do that be around those people like we're like this is my job like this is what I do for a living like I can't practice there's no Christian comedy club I'm gonna be good at comedy you have to practice in comedy clubs with drunks get heckled otherwise you're trash you know I'm saying so have you oh yeah oh yeah I've done in churches colleges comedy just new tours all comedy clubs because materials a little more risque for me but churches charges are the best venues ever they have great sound systems they're not in the business of renting out their stuff so they're not like trying to get rich so they like me they're like man you will do for free will give you volunteers they got crazy amount of seats great parking literally all right so my agent was like nah comedy clothes like no a hundred percent of the door at the church how do they pay the bucket tickets and now do you give ten percent my age my age man you you taking a worse in the club is a good deal like the door deal 80% is a relatively good deal you gotta pay your agent so you're getting like 70% of the door like that's a lot to give away when you were getting a hundred percent at bigger venues yeah so but but but also fill it up no because did you have a big following off the podcast or a TD to film no sure to see a lot of people yeah charge you see a lot of people so I had a lot of fans from like just my social media Facebook Instagram you to all deaf gave me a lot of fans but a lot of all deaf friends don't buy ticket 12th they're like super young so don't buy tickets they don't my merch they just I started going viral doing Church videos about the black shirts and stuff like that so yeah pretty much that audience and then it's grown to the righteous roger audience to love our podcast audience i do my wife oh yeah I don't know why anybody would leave it no it's there's just like weird maybe there's this weird pressure comics put ourselves where like we want to make it in the traditional way at all is this proceed like theaters the theater deals are the worst things ever somewhere like 50 percent yeah after like a few like seven eight thousand dollar minimum like this is literally you know my agent as I put the prestige like bro proceeds don't pay no bills okay nobody's got to do it is for timing yeah it's like I only have this much time in this place there's no way I can absolutely 500 people or you get if you can sell 150 and up ticket prices then it make sense oh that's exactly you mean actually per ticket yeah yeah sound a hundred I don't like to do like gauja fan too much me no no I understand like if you're a guy like Jim Gaffigan and like that's what you do for apps you know I mean yeah these guys yeah but you cuz you can't start 100 at the comedy clubs no a little foul absolutely not but yeah the theater thing I feel like comics are so excited to do theaters because I feel like it they feel like it validates them and says yeah yeah bro like bro it's a business first the theaters also don't promote the club some a lot of clubs have returned people they got people just coming because they like the clothing and you know the theater is like bro you guys sell every single ticket someone told me this I forget who told me they were like if you're selling out clubs I don't mean you're gonna sell theaters because the club has something built in they're like if you do a theater everybody that goes there is your yep fan yes nobody goes while we go to the theater yes absolutely yes right the comedy club probably thought they might do that they might just pull up except for years on the road that's how people came to see all of us I'm sure ya know who the [ __ ] we were just coming up anyway Oh Joe do that for theater you know Orson you have to tell them ya know so it costs you a lot marketing you know ad buys all that type of stuff so the club's I could do this forever that's why I deal Hughley them big people they still be in the club yeah yeah so doubt we can four or five hundred seats oh you're making fifty sixty seventy grand if you can sell out all those cities you know I'm saying like yeah that's big money that's real money that could come as low low low of work for you they got people there working yeah theaters you got to hire everybody in there and they're young and there's no you can't even negotiate that's all people to run no the venue will be like you gotta have police officers in New York and we had to be out at the exact moment oh they're not playing around with none of that stuff they're not playing you they'll charge you crazy if you over have a church what do you do if you don't if anybody's like Ford oh boy you're a heathen talked about going on the road right yeah start a hell they think does going to hell I'm gonna club off night yeah that's hot night is the best way to get in because if you can prove you can sell an off night fooled in the club will look at you low snap you sold a Sunday night out Tuesday Wednesday on your own like and the comedy clubs aren't doing nothing like it's it's all gravy for them if you can actually sell other than that you got to do non-traditional venues colleges high schools well then you run the risk of you know the quality of venue being completely different then you're gonna try to pay you in hot wings yeah we had that last year we had a show in Cincinnati we were in around school we got there super early races as that didn't matter to pay you to how you know that comes a man you see the dough didn't really do it was called a promoter yeah yeah but we were out of high school in the janitor was like oh man we forgot I was even supposed to be here luckily I was just at work but they didn't know how to turn the lights on they didn't know how to work the soundboard it was like y'all go in there so we went back there turn the lights on ran the soundboard ourselves like literally had to do it like that and that's why I was like bro we can't be doing that people are paying their money they're not really trying to but the school is like 400 bucks because they don't care but then you also get there's nobody there because they're not a because you pay for it exactly your audience ain't trying to hear none of that no they don't want to hear nothing oh yeah the comedy clubs are really there they're a perfect perfect venue man for sure it's just their perfect venue there's one thing that you change obviously which is the cheque drop check gets dropped during the comedian's infuriating it never and it's usually the best part of you're saying yeah son sometimes they'll drop it as soon as 15 minutes intercept use they want to stagger it throughout yeah the bad thing about the nice thing about staggering is with the idea is like okay the whole room won't be paying bills writer to do you thing about staggering is the whole room ends up paying bills right this one is finishing what this one started 90% of [ __ ] room not paying attention and I hundred I don't understand I asked every single club I go to our goal is drop it at the end and none of nobody's an answer system and it's hard to get someone to laugh who's double-checking make sure Arlene I am the wings no my boy that's funny when your money yeah absolutely cuz people don't even want to pay the two items oh yeah we do it because they have to six that are dividing don't have to do math worse might even be out if that's what you got to do maybe we've been there no boy we get excited about boy oh can you still eat I care but it's weird like I can't eat too much I'll throw up [ __ ] surgery you got I know but no but it was a land where the boyfriends did his job he grasped the concept of that though oh it was a very epic day Teddy was there we ate everything like you're talking to a rock star we we had alright we did dunno yeah we got the whole nugget tray you you took part in it but you weren't getting the surgery I'm the worst candidate for the gas I didn't do nothin right they told me to talk to a therapist I was like black people so that's so I didn't do that yeah they told me that Sharla man they told me certain foods not to eat I was eating everything like I would literally go to lunch every day and try to eat food I remember we were on the road like who will be sitting there away for me to put the food down every get data to be like if care would always eat lunch because he knew I wasn't gonna finish my food he was like you know budgeting eating opposite that I wasn't gonna eat some ya know what's not a lot of food away I've thrown a lot of food away I throw away a lot and and I was throwing up a lot and then just the drinking I thought like okay I can't eat so I can't drink that was a lie I was absolutely able to drink okay I'm safe at night that's 17 shots now whatever 45 I got him a light button no but I was doing that when I was like - like 280 - nah I was still in the thing is when you get your stomach cut the whole bottle is like a regular your stomach yeah so somebody could get that surgery and then they get fat again completely if they say that leading cause of death in that surgery is suicide because people will lose the weight gain it back and it feels so much shame and be like man that's funny yeah so it's like a real mental thing that people go through and they're people some people hate themselves how they look with the loose skin afterwards like that's another thing people say to me they be no no he has it but it's not as bad as some people are I mean it was about your face some people Shona Hill got skinny and he just looked like like a like a sponge yeah the other day he looked like he's like I'd back at a cool size green yeah supposed to bra I was just about to say that I think certain people have a certain body type yeah and outside of every ski you stop because you don't want to absolutely but when I be like my mission is actually I think this is what I should go - yes likes cuz I would I wouldn't look sick if I got to like Andrew sighs you look sick I would look sick I guess what I look sick I look like the pinnacle of health no he looks like 2d pow no I didn't realize he got that small I have a theory about this I feel like HIV Wolverine answer this Ozzie can I believe you will all right have you both seen bad boys 3 please tell me you know I believe yeah I I seen it I thought it was dressed funny I knew you know I believe this rap Martin is not funny he's a physical comedian that relied heavily no pun intended on the physicality yes it's like when he's not that it's like I feel like once you get to know a person and find a person funny and once they see if their body changes you're like wow this is weird this is this is deferens people clown me for that but when Chandler got fat hey Joey I don't question what can there be love people would say like he looked like he was dressed up and be by myself okay and I love mine so please I hope I don't want mine to see if they got hate him but I'm like blood the fat like fat Martin it just don't do it Martin been small in a while [ __ ] for his level of comedy see now Metallica [Laughter] really laughing at me like skinny Martin bruh no skinny Martin was so cutie mark anymore I look funnier look at that fat Martin is not the same this is not he just does it go like it's so tragic no go back to fat morning yeah look at that that's him today and I tried to watch it so I'm like I'm gonna give that Martin a bit of a good now as much as like I'm not like you've aced it I'm like Professor Klump was changing from yeah the fat one that's why Martin looks like yeah man just swollen loving everything okay this is a form of fat shaming yeah Akash is a is a fan of fashion I'm a proposal yeah.he a childhood obesity you're obese probably that's what your parents let you do whatever you wanted yeah man they love me too much mom was like no you're great however you are on downs like me because I was the only fat person in my family I was like I was like was it because you ate all the food yeah like like but you would just think how come don't nobody else look like me here because you're you 3840 I just worry yes ma'am actually just good you lost it because it starts at being problem and you know Joe's decide that the number one thing was like I was like I'll really be seeing 300 pounds 60 year-olds [ __ ] no you know you already see 302 pounds 70 year olds like you gotta live you don't travel well so I was like I got to get down to the point where I want to live so when I was in Japan I was on a roller coaster and it wouldn't click and they run out the extended I was like I'll walk home I would rather die with this thing not clicking I would die before I let you put that on leave I wrote it with this I've told myself is because I was talking to them was that you were black or that you were that fat I didn't really get no black thing like everybody always says when you go overseas black dislike that I've been overseas a lot I don't really get like also we live in America it's hard being black here yeah the police I know Americans and I know Indians Indians hate you more do they then white people I don't know I don't you mean two people in in dark Indians you know what dark in every race is the worst except what he knows series Garcia black dudes get more love that's celebrities all that dark irregular dudes why do you think your light yeah I'm in the middle yeah yeah you're closer to darks gear that don't mean you're dark I'm not that dark skin barely that was a darling [Laughter] hey let's take a break first I can pay some bills if you're watching on YouTube you can see they're wearing yet another location that's right we're certainly looks this episode you just type in flagrant two on YouTube you can subscribe to the channel but bill time maybe my favorite bill dapeng if I'm being honest with you because it's a bill that keeps on paying it pays everybody forward that's right it's blue chew if you're new to the podcast and your dick game is that 80% while she gets 100% it's that 50% watch you get so 100% if is that 100% why does it take it to a hundred and twenty percent yeah blue to give your girl the night of her life give your wife the night of her life give that girl that you're nervous to take out on a date you finally got her going date with you is she's bringing a storm Carolyn she's been saying pictures her feet the best type of nudes you ready to do it blue to calm slash flagrant usually philately use that calmo code flagrant alright you're gonna get free blue - all you gotta do is pay $5 shipping I mean that might be the best deal in the entire world $5 and shipping free blue chew you give the women in your life the night of their life that's all I gotta say about that promo code flagrant blue chew dot-com beat Lu e CH e w calm now let's get back to this uh oh by the way same active ingredients it's in Viagra or Cialis or any of these drugs the exact same thing only it's chewable so it goes twice as fast that's right you're not waiting around it's in the system couple jumping jacks that Dixie the hitch up chin let's get back to the show bro you see we do mix so it's difficult traveling as a black guy it's not it's not it's not like I don't feel like it's any more difficult than anything else being black oh god I don't get a whole bunch more weird looks in Japan or Spain or Amsterdam or whatever then I get here like we got the cops caught on us at our studio twice the first week we moved in and then like maybe a month or two ago we got kicked out for being black basically we're you guys done bein black so the owner yeah so what did the cops say when they so Bo time the car like literally one time the cops came we were playing trouble we play this game night thing on our channel like that so the cop was like super irritated that they had to even come out white cop Mexican cop and they're like man oh man the lady downstairs called I said they know what's going on like we literally eaten sandwiches and play in trouble the first time we were Resta word trouble a lot no like literally playing the game trouble I know but it's does that involve saying that we're like maybe she's just here's a few black guys out there like yeah you were in trouble and then Oh were we saying now I'ma get you wait a board game with your friends it's frightening for a ladies down if you're black and loud because we were like unapologetically black yeah like you know we just were yeah we make these Mexicans disappear like a ga see [Laughter] that was the weirdest thing I think about the Super Bowl for me with seeing a Donald Trump commercial oh we were just some other oh you feel no he freed black people it was like they didn't reveal this Trump tell the first [ __ ] they made the girl go eyes free literally a black person one freeing prisoners and then they have the like f-16 one that was like we love the military support our troops one yeah Super Bowl commercials ain't what they used to be no more I was like this is what we're doing like I think that's because of the advent of the internet we see so much funny stuff on the internet day to day we don't have to wait till once a year to be impressed why SNL sucks that's why late-night sucks yes we heard the joke already 7:00 you're so late night Wow you're just the end of the week that's it Wow on Twitter that rah blah blah or at Twitter okay dad oh yeah this is flavorant to go the day that we we killed the dude in Iran I can remember snail can see bra yeah the the black I remember a time I laughed that hard Larry Saturday Night Live has not been that funny in 25 years they say only on the row and it was just regular everyday people black girls was like I know he's talking about equality stuff but they talk about the draft draft we cook it it was them doing laundry why it was just it was perfect and it was because you should have been laughing and you still laughed that's what made it funny the people know you shouldn't laugh like obviously this is like terrible in real life but that's that's great comedy when you know you shouldn't laugh and it's funny anyway but man by the time that comes down the line I'm not staying up late for that because I was laughing at real time okay take it back when we write are deaf because back when we like my schedule like if something would happen topical yeah it was like a like a little system that happened to have like we have to write the sketch and it probably like two or three days and then it got to the point where it's like okay we're already too late now if you don't get it that day it's not even a point shot on your from the moment in half so to try to wait till Saturday it's like we've moved on forgetting house they've all commercials back when we were kids beer commercials had all the money and spent all the money they're always funny now it's a bunch of Silicon Valley dorks and nerds don't know what to do to make this was trying to dare dancing with the hours is like a rose lie enough I I didn't like any of the commercials like oh man that really stuck out to me I was just like Anthony I understand that his mom was funny that was funny where the cop Hawks itself or whatever that was John Krasinski and two other actors from Boston he has a Honda commercial and they were just speaking in a Boston accent like the cop Hawks itself uh-huh the cop pop to pop the card like they just kept doing all the [ __ ] was funny yeah the over Vere there's what you know like you have the times in your life where you laugh like the hardest really one of the hardest times of my life that I think I've ever laughed yeah yeah yeah we're at a coster's apartment in Brooklyn one of his first apartments really moved in the city there were rats all over it he had a Chinese landlord that wouldn't talk to him she just would say and her like thick Chinese accent the amount of money they owed left they would all pay to ran different ways so you just walk up she was always the one roommate from Boston who was an alcoholic and a couple logical I would never never pay and she'd be like I thought we're stepping that bit idea money was sucking dick he's acting so so we're over there and they were telling us about when they would play youth hockey in youth hockey was a big thing in Boston they were in South Boston like your accent is from right typical every Ben Affleck movie like Southie and when in in in South Boston when the kids will play hockey the whole city would come out town will come out so yeah full stadium and what where were they they were playing Revere they are playing another city the kids these are five year old kids they're so funny though dude yeah all the funniest comics Bill burr special bill burr had a good special last one I was like man you really you are good at this he's like sometimes you see comics you know you do comedy you see somebody else's like this must be what it feels like to watch LeBron you're an NBA like I'm also playing the sport but not at the level you're you might even be an all-star but with LeBron that his love LeBron man he should be in the league he's not supposed to be this good at you're 17 you're not supposed to be this good still he's supposed to be posting people love by now he's like nah bro millions of dollars has been on his body every year yo real talk it's the investment millions of dollars every I mean the best trainer food hyperbaric chamber treatment literally everything you could possibly do it then why didn't his peers do the same thing because the people that he got with they're stupid or not like in the same time are still playing boss retired were right who else were in that dress back a little bit yeah Darko he was never anything and draft he's gone or done and he's just still playing he's playing at a high level 80 42 somebody's gonna come back cuz oh yeah sorry their focus their discipline is different is that's the thing like you y'all playing the same sport but you're not doing it the same way that's the I think you find out what you want once you get there like some people they just want [ __ ] there's one family I think a lot of guys get to the NBA and yes they're going to get there yeah there's no Johnson y'all want me to win championship row I want to go to the playoff train me too the team would get good to be like alright trade me to somebody or is he in the league I think he got signed I don't think he's playing now I think I see a massive contro million he left the Suns got 84 million he's got a big term I remember he would be like he'd believe he'd be released and he'd be that guy that's like in the middle of the season you can after they're bought out you can pick him up and he would just never go to the best team he always just go over this game losing the first second-round be out throwing chillin I guess Chris Parker there was like as name like what he liked a class to go like to a contender he was like new overall my city no way this thing is chasing reads like it creates your Kevin Durant like the Kevin Durant examples I all forget you like you can't win is Kevin Durant could have been the best player in the week Chris Paul right now no but you're never gonna be the best player in the league true ever this is done you're vicious rhyme go get a rain contribute nobody knocks Gary Payton no you got a ring when he was on the heat when he couldn't do it on his own he went to the Lakers and the heat yeah he put on my new jersey your ring when you're past your prime is they see a ring early yes that we don't like Mike you got it like Garnett to each a yes for all Timberwolves thing fan mentality it's because certain narratives makes sense but vital is that like if you were in a position and you're a professional athlete and you can leave a situation from a bad team and go to a good one why would that be settled I don't mind you go into a good team personally I might do going to the best team yeah if you auto a good team because your management sucks like LeBron leaving Cleveland the first time you should have left right yeah they listen to you too much quite frankly you going to Miami to be with the second best player in the league and then bring bringing Chris Paul's another top ten player or whatever it's like that's too much if you went to the Bulls I've been like I respect we didn't know Derrick Rose is gonna be that good there's a good team always wanna room for David that's the war is a perfect example when they were scrappy we love them when they've got good we like our we hate y'all now yeah everybody is sticking it to them to this day any team that trades to take on Knicks players they're trying to are calling the Knicks like who you got to make that Angela Russell right yeah that's right well the Knicks are gonna give them everything it's just this is a team that two years ago was like wait the biggest dynasties ever and now there could be a lottery team but that's cuz that way get the good pics on the way coming back this year they've got stuff coming back next year it's perfect it's the Spurs that can you remember when that win it Robinson broke his ankle or foot and they got Tim Duncan yeah they literally ran that for 20 years it's the best position to be it right now yeah but I mean they were gonna lose regardless so you might as well completely lose and get a lottery pick yo y'all heard this [ __ ] about Kauai what is your club in New Balance rodeo and had the strip club thing that's hilarious and he was so kawaai with the money least interesting he's like you're it's crazy when they want a championship you like bro you want is like his Russian I've ever seen perfectly there but apparently um apparently there's some beef someone was explaining some beef about uh about practices because he lives in San Diego and he helicopters r.i.p Kobe but he helicopters to the Clippers facility and so if there's bad weather and [ __ ] the practice got to be moved around him and it's causing some issues Paul George were getting preferential treatment listen bro get-get with it you need to get preferential treatment if no yeah listen the world the world doesn't care if you're not the best okay the people who are the best get life easier be the best so you can win it you say to those other a little rock alive that's what you'll eat little me so you expect them to put their bodies and their night well this guy's absolutely yes not to play with that guy absent yeah but then come playoffs whatever supposed to be brothers in the treaty we're not supposed to be brothers though man this playoff finish three minutes left and you give it a ball to Kauai every single possession you're not like yo we brothers are we right you're going with how do I give you the ball guys exactly so you got to do the work during the season he takes you to Promised Land in a playoff I think you live in San Diego but generally speaking I think that's terrible where you get the perfect you know longest preferential treatment guys he'd be taking off games absolutely are you giving up them game checks I doubt it no so you want to get paid in that place and this is what happens though rafters and window the rafters women the Raptors let him do all that and it and he left and they weren't even mad and I think that that's the worst of the NB a get out Raptors got the third best record in the league and they ballin again it's not a crazy why shouldn't have left I don't think but they still want to [ __ ] if he took games off and then they don't win now you got started answer I just don't see how you how that's a sustainable model for our sports franchise or even sports because how do you make all the other 80% of the guys that aren't mega stars by you're a LeBron fan LeBron got ready he was ready to get rid of everyone on the Lakers for Anthony Davis mm-hmm didn't happen his teammates are mad at him what the [ __ ] you really gonna do we're gonna make this trade and are you mad at LeBron for getting ad or they Ron is like the airline's we lost your back what you gonna do about it what you gonna walk shut up put you on the next flight we put you on the next flight I didn't say nothing it was just a big game like we leave we leave you asked that when we're gonna leave when we say we're bored you're gonna do nothing these mad as you go beat you ain't gonna do nothing that's gotta suck you can't weapon LeBron either what you oh yes but my crispy this dude looks like a cyborg yeah he looked like he could go to the NFL right now and beat a tight in and go to the Pro Bowl and there's only one guy we've seen put the clamps on LeBron and it's kawaii yeah what you gonna tell the why I think it's bad for the league and I'll tell you I this I will make a prediction here on your show I think that attitude is what's going to stop the Clippers from being successful in the postseason you know what you know that manufactures know what's never work for the Clippers in the postseason we in the Clippers have Ava made to the Conference Finals ever know I have the inmates know like just last year they had Lob City what happened a lob City nothing in Oklahoma's they lost as a team and they got traded as a team bro the funniest thing I know we passed that but when a bran try to trade everybody they did get traded Sadie said maybe got him in the summer yeah and now you gotta move to New Orleans Lanza what you gonna do nothing nothing pack your bags boy I think basketball is the only sport like that where one person can have that much yes say over things quarterbacks kinda but still different common Premier League soccer they have that type of that type of impact to this that was just one person being maybe the quarter but Tom Brady has that time you know what one person can change the game in basketball he plays both sides of the ball bro yeah so he still has [ __ ] cornrows why does he have like you don't we for a good 15 years oh no no I don't have no designs either no personality with a weird lab I'm telling you bro God gives people too much basketball talent he gives them nothing else yes yeah other personality things he probably can't read or write like I don't need you to do that wrong to say that if it came out that koalas illiterate I be a Michael Jordan Mike the roof is was silly not that he's illiterate but like they low-key imply that he's not that intelligent like my Michael Jordan's genes his suit is sooo game is gone hoop earrings too he got the jaundice i Michael Jordan was fully [ __ ] [ __ ] looks like I'm housing dancers thinking like a house and like you fit into a Russian kick that is ridiculous Michael Jordan probably got 18 on the SATs but he was a five and 20 that night he's lucky like the history arms of Michael Jordan memories Oliphant speech was like yeah maybe they do for third grade yeah you like that speech where he brought the guy yeah I mean there's also white on this podcast oh you can't put one what kind of [Applause] that's alright pay some bills real quick this is actually really important if any of you listening right now have a business where you're selling things online I don't care if they're cards sneakers things that you yourself make you're using Amazon Etsy I don't care what shipping service are using FedEx UPS etc there's a way to better organize this system treat it like a real business so you can keep track of every single order that you have gone out know where they're going no one has robbed know everything that's going on with your business and that is using ship station comm shits to ship station comm that keeps track of every single order you can use FedEx you can use UPS you can use all these different ship and brands and you can do it through all the different websites various websites that you're selling your products from it just organizes everything you have so you have it on one interface you know where everything is hey you have a real [ __ ] business that way all right and it's just getting stickers all around your apartment you're throwing on random boxes orders again lost etc this is the real deal and if you don't believe me once you just try for free you go to ship station comm use the promo code flagrant and you get 60 days of free free trial if it helps your business helps organize your business in any way shape reform to help to organize that side hustle that you got going in any way shape or form and you and you like it then use it simple as that we're giving you a free trial offer because we believe it that's how much the company believes in itself as well free trial offer shipstation comm s h IP station dot-com use the promo code flagrant and take your business to the next level make ship happen and hey ask about yourself that voice every race can make white people voices perfectly why people cannot do a black voice good good black voice what's a good black voice I have no idea um I don't know why it's so hard for other races to get it like they can get like Barack Obama's voice right but not average black dude voice that's average black dude voice hit whatever [Applause] yeah what's your face you happy to be there man you know Shelton would grab cheeks you don't show to it I don't know what let me I'm respectful no that was nice go full palsy what's that that's biggest aliens PR team posted they're not PR team there or fanclub posted that me that was a good day man always make 510 I think 180 was six - no she just she's yeah Meg the stallion is probably the most fitting rap name for how she looks yeah daddy's right because male horse in a filly is a female but a filly don't have the same realignment let girls a filly that sound make the stallion you know exactly what you know and it's not the style of like that girl's a thoroughbred she is yeah but if it's you know it's a dude you should know that in the South now all of a sudden see Meg gay know what's going on people don't be noisy set to name the horse and a girl a stallion okay have you a stallion stallion are you Estelle stallion stallion ain't selling no more just the same letter just marry in cash the pony that's smaller I'm a mule at this [ __ ] bro keV the stallion at my house I'm not going it's not only this room but kept the stallion could go no absolutely you know we got a lot of crossover fans they're gonna be they're gonna be in your comments calling you care of the stallion I hope not if that becomes a thing I'ma be livid stallion bro I think you got it okay meri cuz he can't even give himself a compliment cuz he knows his wife cannot a lien you think she would say that you know she's very protective of my delicate ego okay so yeah it's a sports if she supports it she she she um massages my ego yeah she she makes me feel what I need to feel to do what I got to do oh good man I'm gonna tell you comment - comment - coming are you probably gonna suffer from this or maybe you don't I don't know but three years of is my third tour coming up right with very little time in between and this time I took like three months off before this one so I went up there me and Doug were on the road together and he was he was taking his shirt off so he was give me the best out of you the crowd was living right so I wanted to here show no Doughboy intro you talk about crickets in the audience a lot huh mm-hmm so my confidence was trashed so my question to you is what do y'all do when y'all have a set or a couple bad sets in a row and you like am i funny anymore like the podcast is stuff like oh that's cool but yeah if you ain't funny on stage it starts a mess with your whole funny psyche like I don't know if I could be funny anymore period how many odds that you never happen they call me [Applause] now you know you know it's nice Klaus says this is like are you doing a lot of spots in the city I'm teasing obviously in LA yeah sets yeah I think that's what keeps you on your P's and Q's and what keeps you humble because it's like when you go to the club those people a lot of times aren't there for you so you get to form for these people who don't know you or don't think you're as funny and yeah yeah so then you get that reality check during the week and then you go on tour on the weekends and as long as those things match up you're like I bet I'm funny that's true so this end is better better in that sense to not even set up like your own show just go just do like drop it you both okay but I do firmly believe like you're supposed to find your audience I don't think absolutely I think we're supposed to be able to make everyone laugh in the beginning of our career because that's how you make a living but once you find your crowd that finds you funny you don't owe it to people who are not them to make them laugh oh I thought that was hilarious Tony and to hear but I didn't get caps thing like so much a black church thing and I respect that like your whole point is to find your pee like y'all's brand of humor that's it is y'all's brand like say a lot of people will be less offensive but the people who like it like that's the thing that happened when Ari Shaffir he greatly underestimated what happens when you go outside of your fan base on the Internet cuz he was trying to explain it to people who was like no not just don't worry about that I never heard of you cuz I was like people wanted to fight him straight up like a lot of comics and nobody's trying to understand there so that's a good point like how it was a drop-in set that I did yeah I was just like completely mediocre that was kind of like a shell shock but at the same time that type of stuff I always find I find more funny material when I have a bad set there's a really scrambling Tamayo that didn't hit yeah let me try something black if you're having a good set you're just gonna go it works for an important set to me used to freak me the [ __ ] out and now I'm like you know what I got that other way now I'm focused and I would go it's knocking what it's been a while since I had liked but I would go through like phases around like like a month two months sometimes longer I'm like I don't think I'm funny I'm not doing that great I know what helped me the most is when I would host because then you're just doing crowd work you can't overthink everything yeah listen respond yeah yeah if you do that enough you're like oh [ __ ] I'm funny yeah you're what I would not even trying that's it I don't know ever thinking I'm funny yeah I'm times you can get addicted to the kill yes yes that's probably you we can stand a nose and then it's like you start going well if I don't get a standing oh I'm not funny and then when and then you get into that room the room could be smaller all these types of things but what I noticed often what they addicted to the kill thing is it stops being about the material it stops being about the thing you love which is creating it's just about the reaction yeah and then you go you don't get that reaction and you feel horrible ease me you'll feel horrible because you forgot that you really just like telling those jokes in the first place yeah sometimes for me the point of the joke is to make a crowd groan absolutely some jokes are not designed like sometimes cha its to mess with you it's the [ __ ] there's no punch line you've got to see in that yeah yeah I want to find out who really wants to go there with me right Joe but I I notice that early in my career like if I was addicted to the kill the second I didn't have as good a set I was like oh man it's really [ __ ] sucks and when I was addicted to the jokes I would enjoy even bad sets cuz I beg I know I could do something with that line yeah I remember early on I was trying to impress some comic who came to the village lounge and it wasn't there in retrospect the guy was nobody but I didn't have a good set and then our homey case Rosco said to me the problem was you focused on killing instead of folks in I havin fun yeah you forgot to have fun yeah yeah yeah fine yeah that's why the same thing with sports like you to the Superbowl you're like oh I'm gonna try to do that's what Don McNab said he was like man I was trying to do too much yeah like my riff I was just played hard normally play we would have won but it was a Super Bowl I'm trying to make throws I'll normally make I'm all out of my comfort zone and now I'm trash you don't get that back you know many times happens in FS I'll picture the 14th another 49ers the Panthers you may I cam Olson like Thomas Davis is like oh yeah that one sees it right it's a picture of all captain's Lukey yeah yeah that season they were freaking steamroll over people you couldn't do anything with them if they lost that Super Bowl and they'd never recover huh no just can't might not even be honest yeah that's just crazy Roloson broke his foot like three years in a row like they just released him yes like yesterday that's the thing that annoys me we we spoke about the Super Bowl very briefly but like there's all these articles every time a team loses the Super Bowl oh they're built for the future probably they're not though everything is so short in the NFL I would love to get to the Super Bowl everything gotta break the right way you could come back but it's highly unlikely I don't know how in depth y'all went into this but why in the hell did the 49ers stop running the ball yesterday we didn't go in depth and that my assumption was like you go down you got a score quick and you know you're down two possessions yeah right you're down with it down 1022 once you down so you know it's - pizzette it's it's - its to draw two scores yeah yeah yeah so now you have to throw the Chiefs though he threw up then matters working up high they could have ran the ball to run out the clock when they were trying to come back know about why did the Niners get away from what was working the whole game was running the ball the last six minutes you get the ball back you're up Tim and did you go three and out where the kids trying to throw the ball like so there's a couple of things I really questioned with Shanahan that other people are question number one at the end of the first half it's 10 oh they're getting the ball back there's less than two minutes left and they let the clock run all the way down instead of using a timeout they three times over they were playing to sit on the anti game yeah if we can get points out great but we don't have to yeah and that's to me you're playing now will always backfire yeah the other plate you're talking about I think is it was second and five and maybe I'm still 20 to 10 or maybe was 20 to 17 and Jimmy Garoppolo tried to pass it and the pass got batted down yeah if you run the first of all Raheem motion whatever you pronounce it has been killing everybody you've also sued that's got a great game at this point you might get a first if not it's third and one the clock keeps running third and two third and three probably yeah then you can run again and get a first keep draining clock throwing it it gets batted down another clock stopped now stirred in five now you gotta throw again and then he got sacked on me and I think he got sacked Jimmy I would other incompletion clock stops again yeah chief said that much more time Jimmy's not ready for the bit I don't trust him when you meet without saying that all season I'm just like and the other [ __ ] decision of that was is fourth and two and they went for a field goal to go up 20 to 10 don't come back night you so many things to have to go right in the NFL for you to get to the Super Bowl at the Rams last year they were no boy used to be a 49ers fan tell y'all the boys for 38 years I was a 49ers fan for hella years and I'll be trying to be woke in a black community come on I'm trying to be whoops I was like all right man like I'm sick I don't like how they big Kaepernick and I have been living in LA for the past nine years and I was like if I live in the city for 10 years I'll justify switches so I said oh like how do you take Kaepernick I'm gonna go to the Rams and then the Rams ended up being on some [ __ ] and then the 49ers went to the ball and now I like a [ __ ] idiot well at least they lost for a minute and Richard Sherman who I love he got Bart day for his like no explanation you got shook he got sat at ground broke with that one little older yeah that's like when your kids get better than you at 14 like you see them lose though cuz the Bay Area is a bunch of [ __ ] tux and they don't deserve another champion you got the [ __ ] Warriors are whole bunch you didn't need this no they don't baby I was happy for Andy Reid ya know I'm so so happy love an Erie I'm so happy played by a football his whole life everybody was 222 career way that was big Oh Bassem Vick he blew a couple he used to get all the bad time management thing he was always miss managing the clock like everybody that the other coach is taken any justice he was the OC for the Falcons when they got big hand was OC for the Falcons when they were up on the three they're 22 three and then on the last Drive I don't know if you remember who our Jones had an insane catch on the second Drive in regulation if they just run a couple times and they kick a field goal they're up 11 New England's not gonna win that game over Mike Matt Ryan drops back to pass and this is on him he takes a sack like a [ __ ] idiot now they're out of field goal range they're up eight they punt New England scores gets a two-point conversion they lose but that was on him to college I know why on the past told us that that they said like he's been outscored like like 40 to zero in the last quarters in Super Bowls and I think he's a good coach but whatever he did he's been going a Super Bowl twice and knowing it was you that lost it bro that's God then it's you bro and it's really tough to get back there it ain't easy cuz everybody gonna be good again that [ __ ] around see how so because that's not gonna be no easy woman shots of my boy Brian who's text me one of their good defensive linemen is probably gonna leave he's a free agent also they don't have a draft pick in the second third or fourth round so like now he's got a first and then they don't pick again to that [ __ ] so the idea if players leave normally you just get good players back do that yesterday try to go all in yeah that's not a bad move it just get up at the end what time are we at one time where it were once have you want to do a couple patreon yeah I put up the topic this morning so we'll see hopefully yeah by the way I appreciate y'all for the patreon oh yeah we can my gosh yeah gave us the rundown on the bonus episode oh yeah completely so y'all I do or not no stole completely copy job to our benefit oh yeah bro is the best thing ever like though don't reinvent the wheel someone's saying this about Kobe he was like Kobe wasn't afraid to copy greatness yeah like he saw Jordan's eye oh that works yeah I'm gonna do that exact thing and I'm gonna be great I'm Ben he did yeah like this clip of him doing like it's like 15 Ray's move from the same spot on the corner not just the same move like the same spot verbatim right so we saw that patreon thing it was literally life-changing I was shaky that was right at the time that I had quit it was like a year yeah it's time Doughboy was me you know Mike called me he was in my position yeah and your podcast put me already said don't wanna put you eat gave me all the game and it little details kill them they are cars built that whole yes pay and Andrew I just talked to another commie Nathan McIntyre I'm trying to help out it'd be very funny too if y'all ever see him yeah but uh Andrew said to me like just I was I'm so thankful for what he did for me like just pay it forward I know they pay it forward to people who will pay for oh that's and that's what I love it like four week you're on doesn't affect our share game like it is I got like five comics that I that I support I don't watch all their videos with annually about that right it's about supporting avoid when people hit me up I tell about this is how you do it like the only thing people misunderstand is that you can't just set up a patreon exact specs call me that I set it up now what do i do like way there's a lot Matt and people are not consistent that's the thing that people don't want to really sit with the truth of it is you're it's not gonna grow if you don't deliver on your premise like we we had to struggle to get some bonus episodes on tour it's like that second episode sometimes is like brah I I don't I don't have no energy or right now in LA the only reasons to do this episode I'd have been home he was already in Northern California instead of flying back he stayed an extra two days yeah three days $3 yeah I flew down here to record so we could record this but that's the type of commitment I guess it's your job it changes it because you know how it is like when we're self-employed out here like in between get the biggest thing for me is that now I get the power to say no yeah some kids cuz you know back in the day they call you you gotta make sense for you gotta make sense are y'all putting the amount of money you're making on your patreon yet told you bro people is different this and I stand by this yeah God why people like to see money man no I'm telling you though I think you got jewelry that's not jewelry that whatever's in your cup it's worth to say matters what are black people when we think you're doing - good would be like trying to like now if you're out of the stratosphere like Tyler Perry 500 million dollars I'm like there's a dude I helped out a comedian who made 100 grand like listening to my principles I sell a master class on how to do that he was like bro you can shout me out just don't tell nobody how much money I make cuz I wanted people counting my pockets why we be like that like you teach a master class oh you took a mil he had like how to build your business on social media out of that [ __ ] you tell me the way I call it that's that's where I got the idea from like I would be telling comics like they'd hit me up like you know how did you do that or how did you do that so I would just be telling them and my wife I got a shot my wife out man black women mm-hmm can't marry black one with respect yes sorry because I was gonna travel around and do it like in a city see the only [ __ ] white girls that's the truth he gives a master climate getting married okay as long as you come on when it's time you see Russell Wilson ever since he came to Sierra life he looked so much happier I got another cake coming bacon number three but anyway what I was saying was I used to tell her bunch of comedians and my wife was like why don't you just instead of going around selling it just put it online people can click it and watch it and it was the best decision I ever made yeah like I'm trying not to have all my money be from fly Stan perform use my voice like that is taxing like touring a junk Bobby like why I love stand-up don't get me wrong but man the road especially the way we were doing it three four cities in a road not even being able to be at the clubs like I'm so looking forward to being able to at least wake up in the same city two or three days but overall we've man well he's in full our drives it was like it was tough but ain't nobody really trying here people complain about getting paid to tell jokes about being white it when it's hot or something this one gets we don't have Ellen in you know guys if it gets hot we got their sickle cell number we got listed a black new complaint and like you said earlier how about a soda that's that and we the first people always die from coronavirus or any Asian disease [ __ ] that girls too much it's true I think a Chinese guy was just tired of white people [ __ ] his room and he was like let's hold on we gotta put some pig somewhere else [ __ ] all of ours mostly yeah it was a lot easier y'all went on this Sun then you came in and brought us to work cuz orb some of the sound my career's oh oh it's the bonus episode those are let's stop for a second pay some bills I really wish akaash was with me right now as we're doing these ads because I love it when he does this ring because it's for addicts remedies that's right radix remedies the CBD company that's where it's previous DVD I swear to god that's all it is maybe we got a good batch maybe that's the best is out there so get it while it lasts but radix remedies are ad IX remedies dot-com promo code is flagrant you get 10% off your entire order radix remedies dot slash blade Grint promo code flagrant 10% off your order they got these pre-rolled joints CBD CBD okay these pre-rolled joints CBD um that's what we were smoking up and getting higher four asses on the podcast obviously they got the gummies they got this south they got this neuro start your day with it I mean you are centered focused ready to go they got pills a healthy sleep be careful at those because they do uh some melatonin in them but if you need to knock out then they will put you on your ass they have the entire gambit it is the CBD company of flavor until we partnered with them this relationship that we will have for a long time so the [ __ ] army when it goes to get CBD it goes to radix remedies go there right now radix remedies dot-com / flagrant use the promo code flagrant get 10% off your order enjoy let me know how it goes hey alright so what do we got let's talk to these Pedro's I forgot all right is Pat mahomes the first $200,000,000 QB well Jerry [ __ ] Dec over and tag him are paying the money he deserved if so how much you think Dec is worth pama homes he it's 200 million I think listen my passage second season starting yeah Super Bowl MVP Super Bowl winner NFL MVP yeah max I'm out cash I'm Albert do 23 or 24 21 Tom Brady did for one team with all the other players came in and out like they kept that one dude yeah and they we were able to be contenders for what 15 years straight now Brady would all we right he was almost never the highest-paid player in the league no right that's why he's mad now yeah but you you might as well take you being mad in 20 years and six Super Bowls later absolutely I mean you got all you can get out and then hopefully after this one you can be like look you got a catch I don't think that goes well you say did you say that yeah game worth Patrick Mahoney no no I believe a deck at all you think that my homes will recognize what Brady did and go listen I know I'm worth it but I'll take a pay cut so we could keep Travis so we could keep nah I think you would I think you would but and you use you got the Chris Paul mentality with you yeah I think bro like that's that's an ownership problem like finding people around me salary cabin you know luxury tax that's yours mine but it makes it easier to win if you're willing to sacrifice a little bit that's true but also actually easier to win when you're you know 100 percent like don't get me wrong you deserve your money I guess at a certain point in time it's like having a team million dollars or 84 million dollars or whatever the [ __ ] it is is not gonna make that much a difference in terms of your happiness and I don't know who he is having one Super Bowl or two Super Bowls yeah I might make a huge like you're basically going how much money would I pay to have another Super Bowl I love the game even the first people of your neck [ __ ] I think that it sucks though I think that it sucks that players are even asked to do that because the owners don't do that [ __ ] and when they move on from players they just move off on it whether it's trade or just a release where I'm just like do what's best for you I could they put that all up he's like well you should take less no owners don't ever tell you nothing you don't know owners don't want em I assume owners don't want a salary cap like if I'm if I'm James on the New York Knicks I'm like well just let me pay LeBron 100 million I guess how that's why Premier League Soccer is so good but the problem Premier League Soccer is it the same two teams are the ones in the you know but you know what though here's my argument to that people like that we don't like charity as much as we want we want to root against you or for you like that's why Premier Li like I just started getting into it yeah it'd be the same 16 for like the last 20 years yeah like that or it's one of these six is gonna win it outside of like some random aberration yeah fans are cool with that even your team sucks perennially yeah you you start to be like when this is you know hopefully we'll be able to culture differently like they build the culture of the team at like a really young age yeah that's what I realized my son wasn't gonna make it to Premier League why they can I realize we're like age they start oh you don't even make it to the top like if he was good enough in Europe he wouldn't even be going a regular school like they're like bro you you're pro at like 11 but what do they do when those guys when you could I get somebody we're gonna be going for 11 if it just doesn't pan out what do they do it like 16 they're pro in another another lower division country they come to the MLS they'd be like 4 gig in education just play and what's the point of getting an education bro we're here to get paid yeah our whole school system was set up for farming like we just wanted to get people enough knowledge to be able to be farmers is that right yes that's the whole American with one schoolhouse thing it was to teach people how to be smart enough to run a farm we got to give you a little bit enough information so you're like kind of well-rounded but then you gotta go get a job like none of that junk matters that's why like pro tennis players go pro at 13 boxers at 16 like while we trying to hold NBA players back you could be in the league at 16 yeah we're trying to hold them back obviously views there's like a billion dollar industry they get support oh yeah absolutely LeBron could have been like in Europe lucuma baby playing pro four years before they come to the league that's why there'd be so much more developers they be playing against grown men for a long time yeah that's why LeBron or LeBron would got like 20 in his first game yeah not a good time talking about Wesleyan Catholic their game on Thursday in November oh the depo all out goon said was Tom Brady's commercial I'm staying with the Patriots or I'm staying and leaking out retiring commercial just yeah Tom Brady yeah I think he's staying in the league not the Patriots you know what I think you know I think he could possibly go the Raiders San Francisco no they just pay Jimmy I think that they'll beat him I don't know how I hit him underneath him because he always wanted to play for the poor you know he's from the bay who Tom Brady yes I might have misunderstood the tweet but someone was saying the Niners could save like 25 million moving on from Garoppolo and signing Brady or breeze do you tell me if you put cutting him I don't know how that's why I didn't look into it Brady on the 49ers is presently constructed do you really think my game goes down like you did last night oh no absolutely not no Brady gonna get you that heavily not the Tom Brady the reason they want Bosa the Mac relentless to see Jamila Hills goofy-ass tweet this [ __ ] it's too much Jamila hill somebody went through and found that Nik Bosa follows an account that made a joke about Kobe's death and she's like this is who nick Boza is he's following this account but it's a satirical Instagram account that has jokes so it's like like a meme page there's a meeting so you can't control what memes are posted on that he didn't like it yeah she's like but this is the same person is he would follow an account they would post something that he had no clue they were post that's a little - I'm a big dez bryant fan there's one - blaze pizza and tip like $100 or somebody is like a blaze pizza and then the the waitress retweeted and said I'm still gonna root for I'm still not a cowboy fan though I still hate the Cowboys or whatever Dez retweets that and he's like I guess I won't be in a blaze pizza anymore laughing and then Jamil Hill because dad's wouldn't kneel she was like oh so you'll take a stand against blaze pizza but she wants to take a stand against God never mind and then and then she tried to backtrack and be like I was kidding but it's like now you aren't [ __ ] and if you are that's the Irish you're your level joke like you ain't doing nothing but bring in trouble yeah hot sake that's a hot day right there you just called Jimmy Jimmy that was nice man I met her yeah I respect that she still could stand enough to lose a ill-ass job at ESPN he quits the clip yeah you left - did they do sports - yeah you know credit yeah talk about him she she works at the Atlantic he started some new venture but he was a writer by trade yeah yeah like yeah yeah I think they just got tired of being at ESPN yeah yeah I think yeah I think it's been surpassed his prime yeah they had a show that I'll be watching the the isn't hers yeah but it wasn't doing that well and I think it kind of got ahead of the show be better I think that was look it's a tricky time second question second question he has said we I think we should talk about he talked about one night but we should talk about it longer can we talk about the spirit of Kobe Bryant possessing Damian Lillard on his memorial night at the Staples Center sure he's been like two weeks now he's been Damian Lillard is averaging like forty eight point six points a game over his last like seven and it's like he's not taking it's not like 30% shooting 60% shooting nine assists per game it's different right now right yeah he I really like him just for one just cuz he's just all about ball like I don't watch from him but he bought and he bought another epic tear I feel like maybe he's just really really been inspired and going on what else to his I think that's what Kobe would have wanted yeah I saw the one the one funny Kobe joke I saw was like you know the scene I think the Spurs in the Kings we were playing they both ran out the clock the first time and it's um I was like Kobe is the most competitive person ever every possession counts like funny joke in his head of Kobe's right all right somebody asked day like did you want to kind of let them win tonight and Dan was like no nobody wins we're just playing basketball but also I want to go for 40 you know what's funny about Dave I know it's not the answer to question Russell Westbrook keeps taunting Dame and Dame embarrasses him time and time again he pulling up from the logo on Russ 40 remember when he when he limited the Thunder that got way that I they said that that was the bra got the franchise with us it was done it was the most like dagger estado I've ever seen and Russell keeps coming back and it's like this is the most lopsided rock more relaxed day at the bench now yo is it I mean he should be on of he is but you're a glorified super cell that's James Harden's team you should come off the bench me Manu but like you're not even the best player in their own team anymore no was he everything on the same yeah yeah when he was dropping triple-doubles left but he's just not good enough to carry the team and I think somebody said it's like wait whistles not good let's carry the team you're probably not your best team if Russell Westbrook is yeah but you're down by three do you want the ball in hard-hit hardens head yes yes absolutely I feel like Russell got that dog and even though that won't allow absolutely no you had that dog yells but he don't got that shot so he takes a lot of bad shot yeah and we're fans and I like Russell but have you seen harden yeah but I felt like he's a lot of ISO ball now but that's what happens everybody's gotta sit around and watch him and be like I but you also can't stop him though he just has more things he can do with the ball right like Russell he got to get in that mid-range he can't pull up for three we got to get the mid-range you got to back you down any double team comes gonna have to pass out of it but James if you don't play up on me I'm wet absolutely wherever I do play up on me it's a layup easy dry pad and then as soon as you can step back do you think he's a flapper or do you really feel like he gets proud of he's a flop flop rewards it that's the thing as [ __ ] up it's like you almost can't blame him because he hacked the game of basketball yeah he found a way to score and that's the points like if you're an offensive player find a way to score like a foul all right boom you did it do you feel like they can make noise in the playoffs oh [ __ ] no no absolutely not no oh yeah I think I'll take it this year Bron yo LeBron does it man are we gonna be dope LeBron bro he's going to be hard to play the Clippers that mean it's gonna be if Co is healthy because he sat games out wide Doughboy if Y is healthy I think the Clippers win if Kauai is healthy and Paul George is healthy you're checking them over a deal LeBron yes yes the thing is the Clippers the Clippers had a nice run last year with alkali or Paul George and they didn't lose anybody to gain them they took they just the Warriors yeah yes Katie yeah with Billy they're never about a 7 over to six seven six well the six yeah they took two off of it yeah yeah Luke Williams bald out of this little Williams out of this world still there montrezl Harrel sleeper is for this season I could see them realistically winning the championship the heat trust women championship because the East is weak I feel like you don't like they can come out of the East I think the Bucks have come out I don't think they're gonna be the Bucks four times I think the Bucks did you see what happens to the bugs last year for the Raptors yeah kowai kowai though they forgave them right Kauai happens winder so if you see if you have the Bucks and the heat in the in the Eastern Conference Finals you're just automatically say in the Bucks yes I'm making the Raptors got a chance I don't know why people sleeping on the Raptors it's like this good Pascal see outcome is the only one they wouldn't give up to right yep yeah yeah yeah it's right out there yeah one more time question mark help him out there so the whole thing they'll fall apart mom I don't know much about this but I heard apparently this is from table knock there's a new Taylor Swift documentary and it's like really trash in the Kanye moment and like I guess and it's like class is probably don't we think this is the moment that really polarized and skyrocketed her career she was popping already she but she did capitalize off the mall and I can't exactly trying to pass it to Beyonce like if you're Taylor Swift you milk that like she and I do I agree with show you care about Beyonce's much J wanted to be the guy saying just wish to be absolutely that's actually always can I find them both incredibly annoying yeah I thought Taylor Swiffer Matic moment is such a white woman thing to do me a [ __ ] astronaut trophy [ __ ] popcorn [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here that's that's a month of therapy max [ __ ] she was writing songs about it relax he's still talking about it this [ __ ] was before Tiger Woods she dies [ __ ] girls same here Wow strong feelings about her fans hate me man oh because she made that somebody said that Taylor look light-skinned in a video numbers like Taylor Swift looks like Taylor's literally the widest person ever and they were I mean her fans oh my god all in my mentions I had a picture of the previous video is my son scoring a soccer goal this kids never gonna be bad is worldstar all the Beehive is the word agent a fast call 10 right swift these are things swifter swifter something like that I don't know it's my first now what do they call oh good who's trying to be rowdy rich I heard sis from Justin Bieber is so low it has anybody heard the news doesn't be problem you cannot be just a song that rowdy rich song is so dope it's just sometimes a wave happens there's nothing nothing it's like a little not song it is you look you look like you're getting the way of a tank like this is gonna be what its gonna be this timing that's like when do balls smile [ __ ] car nothing you can do can do nothing you can do about let it happen I heard about the box before I ever heard that song like I heard memes about people talking about I had to go search it because it wasn't hitting my periphery with Justin and Selena were saying that they're saying it for their singles to sell not the album no their albums so Justin did that album no I think he was trying to so it was he wanted yummy to hit anyone one yummy to hit number one she wanted her album to hit number one Richard is beating both of them no no she beat him she got the mic at work yeah but he got it back the next week the what I didn't follow it after that that's a loss interesting one I know she made music like I didn't either rowdy tweets I'm funny he was like you know go stream Justin's album yeah that was like little knives when pastor Troy went on that thing I'll know if y'all heard about that Patrick R was him and his son were at Applebee's and apparently two gay dudes were eating mozzarella sticks and him and his son I had enough pastor Troy one on this Instagram he put a picture a little notch asking this pink cowboy suit pink hat and he was like it this is what I gotta wear to win a Grammy that I'll never win one and little knobs like I look good in that though right you can't you can't try he came up being a Nicki Minaj like fan leader or something like that like he's like a comic at this point everything is material so you look worse trying to go yeah he's using everything against you like it was then they started naming pastor Troy it was it was just old school thanks to hip-hop you know a pastor Troy song I can't think right now you know I'm a pastor what is Pastor Troy's big song oh is he a big ball of smashing my hands I'm like that good Oh baller shot caller Troy 28 brain only ecology late-night bus to our pasture it's not that might be passive oh what a passage oh I do I don't know not enough yeah hey we're per day we had a whole somebody else's mill Troy's like it's happening again we got it we got to wrap this up man but there's so much research I know y'all gotta come to New York dude I'm coming to New York in April yo come on yes we'll do some New York y'all got the new pocket new studio there yeah I'm gonna copy you again cuz we just got a new office it's all white walls yo let me tell you something your [ __ ] before was trash [ __ ] iPhone did not tell you this is ridiculous that deserves better and then the producer was givin y'all attitude I was like y'all put up with this [ __ ] on my phone that was me we got the Sony's and stuff it's just my complaint I don't even add it to stuff somebody else has to do with the footage we can find you keV on stage everywhere righteous ratchet boy bo bo wah this is what Andrew usually does I think it's a good way to promote is what's the episode of your podcast you think if you're if I'm a new little boy bought a car that can traverse yes no boy bought a car they can't that's what we not just our podcasts which because the blast episode could've been enough it's just too many episodes it gets overwhelming and you're like what should I spend time and then you just go away but if you say there's one episode there's so fire and they listen to it they don't like it good because they're not supposed to be a fan if they do like it that's a bar right there universe that's a lock and a man run with it bro there's nothing here that we do that you shouldn't copy man as for all as for everybody I mean that sincerely so let me not to use that word copies for everybody's yours already I'm what all of that letter said your brother thank you guys for sharing that 40 shady man take it easy man people god bless you [Music]
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 320,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, kazeem famuyide, real life kaz, kaz, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media
Id: XNDS69o1DlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 11sec (6191 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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