Black Siblings Play Never Have I Ever

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if you like slept one of my girlfriends or something you can tell me that like I don't care well that that settles that are we done yet hi I'm Jeremy I'm Justin and today we're playing never ever ever ever have I ever excited I hope and pray that I know everything about her if she doesn't surprise me with some crazy things I can't wait to learn some stuff about him that I might not know I'm scared to learn some stuff about no I would say he keeps secrets yeah because we're twins we pretty much know everything about one another but I think for me there are some things that I will be taking to my grave we're born a year in less than a year and a half apart so I would say we're as close as siblings can be and we choose to be friends as adults which is cool all right let's get at it I can't think of anything specific but I'm pretty sure yes for sure for sure I'm pretty sure there's a lot of things I've ever done that I blamed you for yeah I'm sure you have because I took the flack for you a lot yeah that was bad he was a bad you got in trouble in like fifth grade for tripping a girl totally me that did that and then like she's like what's your name and I was like Jeremy I will say I have Kayla Kayla likes to go out at night past 12 o'clock and she don't tell our parents my mom likes to hit me up and I'd be like hey you know Kayla she's with me right now she's in my room I have we were gonna go to Disneyland and Jeremy ate the chocolate cake or something the night before we went and left of just a giant mess the day before we're going to Disneyland and my dad is like I we're not going anywhere until somebody admits who did this and then Jeremy had the audacity you should go ahead you should be like you should really like step up have not I have I'm sure I've taken the fall for you I mean anytime you were a little and you would like do something really messed up wasn't the baby actually I'm gonna rotate this to like I have not and any chance of your younger sibling has an opportunity to take the fall for something that you did by all means do that let's say I have not I try not to lie I try to keep it real with the siblings yeah at the very wise are for everyone else parents yeah I would say I have I trained to believing that he needed to go outside naked and I locked him outside of the house and the only way I let him back into the house is if he ran around the neighborhood naked Kayla always like oh casino you you oh you owe me this you owe me that and I'm like hey I don't owe you anything you didn't buy that for me and I and I know deep down inside they Caleb paid $400 worth of stuff for me I have not you better put I had like go ahead and put that up there he does it now I wear office all the time my closet is trash she is known to her math have better fashionable items she's more stylish than I am her shoe closet is way better than mine I will not oh that's problem I probably have like he doesn't now like my brother thinks that everything is that's mine is also his so they're like you got two wardrobes yeah actually like ended up stealing your Shack shorts remember the shack shorts you know two pairs of basketball shorts cuz we rep Shack we like shack everyone hates out loud you have it I have he says he has I've never heard anybody call him a favor I'm definitely my mom's favorite I'm definitely her least favorite I mean I've been favorited I was never I'm a teacher's pet parents she does everything me on the other hand it's like okay I'll get to it when I do it if you rush me to do something I'm not gonna do it I think a serving everybody knows you lost that when you got drunk and fell flat on her face that husband favorite I I don't think I mean I lead is not as big as it once was Oh which which one the last one yeah I think everyone unfortunately this guy because when I didn't like them I made it very clear that I did it I for sure I do not like and I must say this with infants ability to save the babies I do not like the person that you think was they didn't thank God I mean I don't like most of your girlfriends so I mean either most of the time the girls that my brother has picked up in pretty harmless so there's a weird way to wear it that I always want to hang any time any day any hour don't get much time to anymore because I got kids but I come through I grow up one day and then I'll be out of the house yes and then and then we'll hang out all the time cuz I won't have kids I had younger I wasn't I wanted to be as cool as I could be and I didn't think my brother was cool at this age it's rare you see be a Kayla hang out together you go out and do your own thing I go out and do my own thing and then you know we want to hang out and get gate we can as I got older I realize like in high school of course like he was one of my best friends but younger I thought again it's like you're nerd not somebody that like a lot of people associate with people associate with me the end game was to make sure that we both were in a position to where people who really were accepting of who we are moved to a new state and unfortunately for that to happen I had to like kind of separate myself from him yeah we'll talk every talk even we first we fight yes but we make up at the end of the day no I don't think so I think the longest we've ever gone without talking is probably a week by like we we do social media together yeah this dude calls me every day yeah I called him just to remind him like how much he sucks every day okay really quick just before you get off the phone don't forget that you suck all right take care I mean it he says something worse than that but I'm sure you can all imagine that's fake news our siblings we all have a group chat the sibyl's the sibyl's yeah the bird Sybil so we talk pretty regularly we'll be dead mad but we'll still text each other yeah like hey I brought you some food come eat this yeah don't call me but you can take that respond no keep it in private I would die yeah yeah her hayden Panettiere I'm not gonna lie like we get to get dirty I'm gonna exploratory stage in my life my question escalated things very quickly mm-hmm I'm the rainbow shade I would say I don't I don't think they call me the black sheep it's like the rainbow she I feel like I'm different from everybody yeah I think me and my mom my mom think she's a black sheep but I think I'm like sheep because I'm always I'm different I don't think that there's somebody else in our family odd one out can you tell I think he'll have some more lives I do not know bringing to the forefront I said in the beginning there are some things I'm going to attain to my grave it's kind of funny I think that this is I open that you are a good brother I'll be a review because apparently 90% of what you do is manipulating me it's good business you're my favorite person I've been adult person okay I got the little ones my Road Dogg for life G died [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 825,363
Rating: 4.7717957 out of 5
Keywords: PL-CocoaButter, PL-NHIE, VXWf, black brothers, black siblings, black siblings play, black siblings play games, black siblings play never have i ever, brothers and sisters, brothers play, brothers play never have i ever, buzzfeed, buzzfeed cocoa butter, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, cbpl, cocoa butter, never have i ever, nhie, siblings never have i ever, siblings play
Id: j2uvpjiaRLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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