Teachers Guess Dress Code Violations

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when I was in high school half my wardrobe would have been like not allowed hi my name is Salani and i've been a teacher for five years my name is Stephanie and I've been a teacher for three years hi my name is Ted I've been a teacher for five years my name is Ryan and I've been a substitute teacher for two years and today we're going to talk about real or fake dress codes it just depends on the situation you know sometimes it's really hot some of the kids will take certain things off and I'm okay with it and then there's some people that do things for attention in my experience with dress code I find myself to be lenient unless it's like over you know they're showing up in like a t-shirt with like bad words written on it's like I think it's part of being a teenager sometimes with your try to get attention from what you wear if I see something particularly egregious then maybe I'll like let another teacher know and be like hey is this something that's should be like mentioned but other than that I mean as long as it's not something like wildly inappropriate like I'm not gonna fight about it out of drede specified be I say a because she has a shirt that's it's not short to me but it's short enough to wear maybe if she lifted her arms up her stomach might show I'm gonna say I'm gonna go with B being inappropriate just because the shirt maybe use a little low-cut I don't know there's like a zipper on it or something that's kind of like maybe suggestive I don't know it doesn't bother me but I don't go to school in Georgia yeah I want to have to agree I want to say B is inappropriate there's a lot of skin more skin that I would expect yeah B B [Music] Oh Georgia you never be going to do what I would have been out of joist code what the shirt must extend to the top of the knees so they're supposed to wear like a quadruple XL I did not even realize that were leggings I just presume that a was very skinny you know I'm like I'm gonna say a because of the nose ring you know I'm gonna say it cuz I hope it they oh well I feel like this is there's a trick here you know what I'm gonna say a I'm gonna say a to why do you think so I think a isn't appropriate because I see some piercing in the nose the nose ring I feel like there's this is the trapdoor here I would also find it hard pressed for a school like to have written into their like you know their bylaws or whatever they're like Oh makeup can be weird but only by a female maybe maybe I'm being you know naive in that sense [Music] how would have been kicked out of school haha if that was a rule at my school I'll say you look great let me get a picture of you first take a go to the bathroom wipe that off and then come back I wish I could just let him wear it but I know I'm kind of the same boat what come on for two here we go [Music] Oh a girl showing her shoulders I was thinking but dang yeah but a guy can wear your shoulders out oh that's so unfair I don't know either way it's unfair I say both be I'll say because it's a girl yeah Rob ibly gonna say that the underarm is too close I don't know so they're both tattooed both wearing the same shirt same same color hair even one is a man and one is a woman okay I think that might play into their dress code here Oh tough this guys have got a nose ring - that's have a nose ring okay they both everything's the same so I think saying we have tattoos okay I'm gonna say a and I want to say a because I think that this school may participate in the same dress code that you see in some of those fancy clubs that are like no athletic wear men have to wear long sleeve button-down shirts or something like that and tank tops would be inappropriate for a man but okay for a woman I'm gonna go with a as well but guys can wear their arms out I had that rule as a middle school student here in California and I got in trouble for it yeah but that was you know 15 years ago so I had it like good just a thin tank top and I always got in trouble and boys would walk around just like freestyling in nice and cool yeah I don't know I feel like they both look awesome so why would you all have one and not the other [Music] I'm gonna say a good say yeah just because you can see a little bit of her stomach it's a v-neck but he can get away with wearing baggy pants though or a little bit wrinkled they should say no wrinkles no wrinkles he's wearing a t-shirt that is untucked oh and she is wearing a white shirt that it's too short to be tough yeah I do see a little bit of skin in between the shirt and the pants there how do I say be and I'm gonna say be because I think that the t-shirt for guys is a no-no I'm gonna go with a because I do see a little bit of like that skin in between the shirt and the pants and you know I mean monterrey pretty progressive place I would imagine but I have to choose the opposite of him so I'm going with it right [Music] I'm so confused why maybe it references games I don't know I mean that's a good guy it looks like a hobby he's like hey Hollywood California yeah I wouldn't care but if I had to enforce that I would say look can you go turn your shirt inside out the principal's coming to check and then as soon as they left I'd be like Jim you go put it back regular I don't know why don't you say that yeah fire I would enforce it with an eye roll Wow congratulate it what oh but only California so if this person was wearing like a big star of Texas t-shirt they would have that would be totally fine [Music] I already know it hey you know man hey it's not even the man but it's cuz he has dreads and I'm sure that they're gonna say something or brains or something yeah it's cuz he has twists and I feel like they're gonna say that he's not allowed to have no there's something crazy I was thinking yeah I was thinking the hairstyle so let's say we have two people - nose rings - buns his button contains you know like braided hair her as dozen I don't know if that's gonna make you know a problem that looks like an earring it looks like a like a shell or something attached to his ear I'm going to say a and the reason I'm saying a is because I think that this part of Texas might have a specific rule about hair length per man I'm thinking kind of the same thing they would probably I mean maybe in Texas they have some sort of stricter requirement for hair or something [Music] but girls can wear buttons I would feel sad to enforce the rule I probably would get in trouble I'd fight with them because you know some cultures I have students that are from certain places that they grow their hair long so they have to wear it up I would let them slide the principal would have to come and check me yes oh my god one points let the man bones free you know yeah we're here to say it I feel like a little frustrated it's so outdated yeah it's it's hard to believe it definitely makes me a little angry oh it's annoying I would fight for my students if they have you know certain things that they can't change like or if it's super hot and a girl can't wear a tank top Oh God come on what are we in like 1922 or something yeah it's weird I mean all of these came as a surprise to me in the first place so it's totally than the realm of possibility that I would be teaching in a school and then be surprised that a student was in my class that wasn't following the dress code I do think that when it comes to dress codes and don't like the Wild West you have no there's no real way to like be able to guess without looking at the three page single-spaced document with some admin typed up to be like this we have to make sure that they don't they their show their shoulder straps should be wide [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,124,061
Rating: 4.9044862 out of 5
Keywords: KQvz, SthJ, Teachers Guess Dress Code Violations, bfv, buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, dress code, dress code violation, education, guess, high school, rules, school, school dress code, student, student's clothing, student's dress code, students, teacher, teachers, teachers guess, teachers play, teachers react, teaching
Id: z9vIvhUq1G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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