Preschool Teachers Play Never Have I Ever

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you guys bleep okay hey I'm Jake hey I'm Emily and we've taught preschool before and man is it wild I'm Keeley I am a current preschool teacher I'm Stephanie I used to be one being a preschool teacher is great I love teaching preschool but it does come with it some crazy moments so many diapers oh no so many diapers it's a roller coaster and you know what else is a roller coaster playing never have I ever I'm played this since middle school let's go let's do it never have I ever been called mommy or daddy by a student definitely have so embarrassed right yeah oh yeah it's weird totally it's real weird I got mr. daddy or I get the ones that don't realize it at first its although let's be like mommy mommy mommy yeah I it happened to me when real mom was in the room so Oh it's uncomfortable it leads to a good conversation never have I ever been given a cute gift by a student I tell ya the best part it can be anything yeah piece of cardboard you're like oh my god I mean five-year-olds so like the drawings are not art but they're art when I had my like goodbye celebration after I moved from being a full-time teacher to a substitute they had the whole like little celebration for me and they all brought flowers I directed the theater show with the the kids and they gave me a director's chair with my name on it way too much very sweep away too much never have I ever had to stop kids from doing something naughty you mean 24 hours a day even when I'm not at work yeah what's the Nadia Nadia isn't really a word we use in childcare we don't say bad those generalizations aren't welcome the enrichment center I worked at um was very much about like making positive statements whenever we lost hope in kids like biting another kid oh yes oh thank you yes no thank you one boy I was teaching that one was hosting a penis contest in the boys room had to shut that down never have I ever had to try to explain something substantial to a child because they asked oh oh I have oh boy I would say no no you're lucky there was his book and we were reading it and at one point it was like and then like sometimes people die and then what oh yeah it was like what does that mean when someone dies and I was like this is the moment yeah I've been dreading I had a student who thought the kiss of a wedding was what produced a baby and he saw a kiss that was not within a marriage and I tried to get around it I tried to just say like it doesn't happen then never have I ever had to clean up pee poo or vomit oh yeah I've definitely had to clean up yeah every day every day every single day many many times a minute yeah smile add an addendum to this one you ever been vomited on Oh totally yeah I've been vomited on I think I can honestly say I've cleaned up pee poop and vomit in the last week all like yeah that's a great feeling they choose you never have I ever had a favourite child in class oh I think that's a lie I've had so many favourites and I tried really hard not to let them know it but they always knew yeah I think I'm gonna say I haven't just because like they all have something like something unique to offer like if I'm like what is here this I have for sure how to favorite and it may or may not have to do with what their parents get you for Christmas oh never have I ever had to tell the a parent their child had misbehaved in school or your kid misbehaves I am telling you immediately had to write some emails since like you know the penis competition well you that was definitely a big one we have to make sure we're very sensitive with those things yeah so the parents don't get like scared or feel like they're being judged because I think that's one thing that parents are really oh yeah really scared about use kid gloves with the adults mm-hmm never have I ever been asked out by a parent like I said minor much older than me sadly no I'm grateful truly isn't that the rom-com fantasy that world we are all thinking of never have I ever experienced a child say something inappropriate they say things that are just so hilarious sometimes I think kids favorite thing to do is to tell you when you don't look good that day oh yeah lots of cursing kids repeat oh yeah so if you don't want your kid to say chode like all of those never have I ever been yelled at by a parent Oh moment of pride I'm not diffused then who's yelled at I felt cornered a little bit by parents oh yes totally have been yelled at by a parent I've been yelled at by a parent in a classroom I've been yelled at and by a parent through a group text yeah yeah that's theatre parents but never have I ever been made fun of by a child and I was told I yell a lot but it was like I was I exaggerate you know I get into it I get animated it I get excited about it and why just take it down a notch I said I was at 11 and if he could be getting me at 5 never have I ever been friends with a student's family uh like yeah me neither I have actually I have not no yeah I've I've been like acquaintance see mm-hmm but I've I have I've had a boundary thing with that that's like very proud of on yeah at least at the police I worked it's very like not okay and I technically was friends with his family before I got the job at the school I got and before their oldest students started going in some being a preschool teacher is grueling it's crazy nuts nuts nuts bananas we do a lot more nerd in our day with so many kids so many other teachers so many parents I think a preschool teacher is a hard job but someone's gonna do yeah but totally worth it it's totally worth it well this with preschool what you see is what you get and we help you know start kids off as who they are and so hopefully this was enlightening but not too terrifying I hope we're not freaking name by out from ever having kids or teaching preschool you're just a subset of the population but we tell the truth [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,042,615
Rating: 4.9345865 out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, Buzzfeed, LSC, NHIE, Teachers play NHIE, buzzfeed never have i ever, buzzfeedvideo, game, never have i ever, never have i ever challenge, never have i ever game, people play never have i ever, play NHIE, preschool reacher play never have i ever, preschool teachers play, preschool teachers play NHIE, preschooll teachers, teachers, teachers play, teachers play never have i ever
Id: IIz4dwBXk1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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