Fast Food Employees Review Each Other's Fries

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I feel like I'd recognize these flavorless pieces of hardboard anywhere hey guys my name is Morgan and I used to work at the illustrious McDonald hey I'm Sarah Beth and I am a former chick-fil-a employee hi my name is Joshua I used to work at Popeyes hi I'm Victor and I'm a former KFC employee hi my name is Luna I used to work at Wendy's the perfect french fry is crispy salty 5:00 to perfection the salt quality is just that soggy really bad for you so I'm ready and send the frozen take the light fries like they have no comparison because they're so unique they're the waffles man they're the hashtags of the fry world they're amazing that's it oh-ho waffle fries baby yeah I'm gonna bite it I don't care chick-fil-a knows what they're doing I'm telling you their fights so perfect they're salted so perfectly too [Music] could be a little bit better I feel like defi could use a little bit more salt a little bit more flavor all together not enough salt for me these fries would be perfect for anyone with high blood pressure because there isn't a lot of salt so he was trying to watch your salt intake these are perfect for you baby the fries have like no seasoning on them they're just kind of like greasy potatoes and I love a good potato potatoes and all forms but like this is testing me right now let's just estimate it's gonna be a ten honestly it's gonna be a same maybe like a four point seven six out of ten I would give this like a 1 out of 10 like chicken we're really like let me done McDonald's hands down has the best fries they try it just right the ratio is perfection like you never need to add anything if you want to dip it in sauce that's cute but they're perfect just as they are other fries really not so sure these must be good because apparently they saved the rest of them for themselves on the galley for so by the smell of these automatically they're for McDonald's sometimes these are ones are like you get like a soft soggy and sometimes you get like a really crispy one it's just like all the different textures this makes me happy hmm that's not my favorite fries at wok tastes like an average McDonald's bench my nothing too crazy they're not crispy they're all soggy and Limp they have no flavor Oh ranking mais yeah give them like I want out of ten like they're like they're just so like this is like sad like it's like this fry needs some support for somebody not me these are ten is there a ten because they never fail me I would probably rate McDonald's french fries a five I would give these and being pretty generous of four Popeyes fries are the best because they have more seasoning than everybody else's everybody else is just kind of just fried up with salt but like Popeyes I don't know what they bred them in but it's just like super crunchy and they go the extra mile for you this is what I like seasoning I don't know maybe because I'm black I don't know but the seasoning I can already tell he's gonna be good I like new no Deezer Deezer bangin I think they might even fry them in the oil from the chicken but I'm picking up some of that there but it is ridiculously good there's gonna be comments like this girl just likes every food you give to her [Music] they're good though I mean they've got way more flavor they're not really crispy they're kind of like soggy and squishy and like also greasy like the chick-fil-a fries but at least they got seasoning a solid eight pass just on seasoning alone these are really really really good ten baby although pretty much like all I'm looking for in potatoes is very nice if I had to give them a rating I'd give them like a four out of ten I could eat them but I don't necessarily want to Wendy's fries still reign supreme and none of y'all can touch it all right all right what do we have here these look really really good honestly on this okay these actually taste way better than they look they taste alright so good whatever it is I won't be going there these were not for me oh I've made these to my grandma if she's not wearing her dentures they're babies you've heard of digesting stuff again low in love and salt actually this one had a little dab of salt I like that one but yeah grandma I'll bring you here wherever it is I'll bring you use it for you I'm gonna do six and a half out of five that's exactly oh no six and a half out of ten I'm sorry I would probably also have I ranked all of them 10 I probably raised these right now like a four point sick I've seen pink Himalayan salt yeah well all different kind of salts when you put it around taste like salt like [Music] hey MC fries are absolutely the best fries there are and it's because they're not even a fry it's a potato wedge it's a slice of potato real piece of potato has the skin on and everything and on top of that it's perfectly seasoned some awesome awesome flavors and it's just a color what everything is perfect about it oh yes okay these look like chicken fingers and I'm very taken aback whoever was working and they find these they were like they love their job because these are amazing oh my god okay y'all you know they're good when you doing dance the girls you know what I'm talking about when you do the dance my feeling about KFC fries it's like why not just get a biscuit I honestly like them best out of like all of them so I kind of like regret talking smack about KFC's potato wedges early Earth in this experience so I'm gonna give them like a solid like something out of time I'm gonna have to go with the eighth taste check shape cute seasoning perfect they just drop the fry on my left perfect my final answer yes these are really good I'd probably give these an eight they have a lot of good spices they're crunchy I love the way that they're like fried and they're they're unique so the Popeyes French fries one again just like their chicken sandwich I knew it from the jump everybody everybody says go stand in line for pop eyes right now like we need to start a huge mass line and get it all over Twitter because this is ridiculous like their food is insane [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,859,846
Rating: 4.8991084 out of 5
Keywords: Fast Food Employees Review Each Other's Fries, K_fe, PL-TryingOtherPeoplesFood, best fast food french fries, best french fries, buzzfeed, buzzfeed french fries, buzzfeed french fry review, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, chick-fil-A, drive thru, employees, employees review french fries, expert, fast food, fast food employees, fast food employees review, food review, french fries, fries, mcdonalds, popeyes, rank, review, taste test, wendy's
Id: CjNotRAZQu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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