RRR (2022) is a Massive Feast of Awesomeness

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rr or rise roar revolt is the latest film from ss rajamouli and apparently the new big thing in the world of indian cinema full disclosure i did watch this a full month or two ago and like a catchy ridiculous song and dance number it's been stuck in my brain ever since the story takes place in the 1920s where two dudes on opposite sides of the british occupation become best friends without knowing the true loyalties of the other beam is on the trail of a little girl from his village who has been kidnapped by the dastardly crumpet munchers whereas raju is working his way up the chain of command as a soldier for his own mysterious reasons and that's all i'm gonna tell you because you have to watch this movie everything everywhere all at once might be my favorite movie of the year so far overall but rrr is far and away the most fun i have had staring at a screen for over three hours this movie is so many things you guys it's a hilarious buddy comedy it's a brutal action war movie it's a musical with astonishingly complex dance numbers it's a touching drama about friendship and it's everything in between and what's crazy is that it all actually works and feels natural in the world of the movie it's a three-hour roller coaster of tones and genres and i loved every god damn minute of it now those of you who are more familiar with high budget indian cinema will already know that a lot of it tends to operate this way it often eschews traditional genre labels like comedy or drama instead utilizing a variety of those standard ingredients to make a cinematic dish that's very much unique to the culture i should say at this point that i only knew this abstractly as i had never actually seen one of these movies before rr until my recent conversion my experience of indian cinema was pretty much limited to the films of satyajit ray once again sorry about pronunciation who galvanized the movement towards realism in the 1950s with his seminal apoo trilogy which i cannot recommend enough to cinephiles provided you can handle the glacial pacing just get to the second movie and you'll be in i guarantee it but now after having seen rr i'm kicking myself for not indulging in the wacky majesty of this cinematic world earlier i loved it i don't know if the sort of everything but the kitchen sink method of storytelling and tonality here would get exhausting and lose its magic if you watched movies like this all the time but i would love some recommendations if you want to drop them in the comments i've been thinking about what i want to highlight for you and it's really difficult because it's kind of everything and at the same time it's not really a movie that requires the deepest of critical analysis but i'll do my little jamo best i loved the actors and their chemistry as buddies was incredibly natural eclipsing anything i've seen come out of hollywood in ages accepting maybe like cage and pascal and the unbearable weight of massive talent that's the only one that gives rrr a run for its money but only fractionally rr still wins by knockout and the actors are all terrific and this guy ram sharon teja is so handsome it's actually unfair like hey buddy save some genetics for the rest of us uh i also loved that every british person in this movie is like a literal mustache twirling villain they were comically evil cartoonishly evil and that sort of juxtaposition with the lovable heroes just further magnifies and heightens the ridiculousness of the tone and it makes it so satisfying when they get their asses kicked speaking of which the action scenes blew me away with their imagination and complexity and honestly once again just put hollywood to shame you know i feel like i could do better here if i were more schooled in this type of movie but i kind of feel like i just ate a curry that blew my mind and i have nothing to compare it to you know but maybe there's value in that too just getting a raw white man movie boy reaction and you know what i think i'll leave it there that's rrr as of now it is available on netflix and everybody should watch it it's ridiculous it is so much fun i actually couldn't believe what i was watching a lot of the time so my bollywood cherry has popped i guess and there's no going back i'm a little worried i'll be chasing the dragon now but hey what's one more addiction right anyway that is me done for the day now get out of my theater i need to take a nap see you in the next one
Channel: Jammo Risin
Views: 101,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, review, movie review, cinema, visual essay, animation, film, reaction, movie reaction, cinema review
Id: FWLEJjs-lDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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