Black Panther Wakanda Forever Original Story Before Chadwick Boseman Passed?

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and black panther wakanda forever pulled off the near impossible task of a successful follow-up to the 2018 black panther film and thrilling MCU installment despite tragically losing Chadwick Boseman right before production of the sequel was set to begin after a draft of a previous version of black panther 2 was written in 2020 and as someone who's written a few screenplays myself and read hundreds more I am copyrighter Joe Robert Cole Weber to accomplish and the way they were able to relatively quickly reconceive this narrative as one focused instead on shuri evolving the character into an instrument of grief that taught audiences both out of mourn Chadwick Boseman and t'challa and how to process the death of any loved one in our lives this is especially impressive now that these creatives are opening up about what that original 2020 script draft looked like this week an in-depth interview with the co-writer Joe Robert Cole and cryptic mentions that you might have missed in other articles upon this movie's release about other characters who originally gonna be killed off instead of Ramona and when exactly elements like namora talukan and even t'challa's son to Saint came into the story so for the sake of celebrating the challenges and triumphs of the filmmaking and screenwriting processes let's break down everything we know about this original script of black panther 2 what would what kind of forever app looks like with t'challa in it well according to director Ryan coogler this second black panther film was always going to be one about wakanda's relationship with namora's rival Kingdom in a podcast interview that Ryan cooglers did with tanahasi coats kukler said that as early as late 2018 months after the first black panther was released and the movie was starting to get Oscar buzz boogler began to have meetings with Marvel Studios about what the sequel was going to be I know I wanted to make another one you know when I was doing my deep dive you know all of his stories there were like a few characters that he would interact with I thought man this is just like this this would be awesome and I'm new that like it would be calling killmonger for the first one but Neymar was like all over these books and it was always really interesting if we ran it back it would be about him and name one and we would introduced Marvel's Atlantis to the fall the co-writer Joe Robert Cole confirmed to Rolling Stone that no more was always going to be the antagonist of this movie and that they had always wanted to bring in Marvel's Atlantis because yeah in the comics t'challa's biggest rival really is Neymar but since the DC's Aquaman was going to be coming out at the end of 2018 they really went in deeper they changed Atlantis to talocon basing it all on Mesoamerican mythology googler also said the movie was going to explore t'challa more as a person second script was like a t'challa vehicle it was like okay we set the world up now we're gonna like do it the deepest dive into this guy that you could imagine and that was what excited me even more because I knew Chad better as a performer and as I knew him better as a guy yeah notice how googler said that there were certain biographical elements about Chadwick Boseman as a human being that he wanted to bring in to inspire the character of t'challa and specifically at this period the relationship between the two men Chadwick Bozeman was tragically planning a wedding with his partner Simone Hubler also confirmed in this podcast that he finished his draft in August 2020 and brought it to Chadwick Boseman to read my last conversation with him was calling him asking him if he wanted to read it before I got lost from the studio that was the last time we spoke you know he passed maybe a couple weeks after I finished and then he was like yeah he didn't want her he said he didn't want to read it because uh he didn't want to get in the way whatever notion Studio might have or what have you so he was like it's better for him to read it later I thought letter that he was he was too tired to read anything yes this is a very heavy but meaningful podcast with some really deep moments of Ryan coogler I highly recommend you listen to it but from this we know that coogler's 2020 draft was a rivalry between t'challa and Neymar two kingdoms exploring t'challa as a family man and a political leader debating whether to join forces with Neymar in the war against the surface World essentially the conflict that shurin ramonda faced as rulers and representatives of the kingdom of wakanda interesting to also know that Google are always intended on calling back killmonger from the ancestral plane Cole also confirmed that in the Rolling Stone interview that killmonger's ancestral plane return was always going to be in the works the difference was that in the 2020 draft this return was going to be a rematch with t'challa perhaps not a physical rematch but a war of words similar to powerful speech that killmonger gives shuri but upon wakanda forever's release there was another in-depth article from variety that kind of got buried by the opening weekend headlines but in that article there was one mysterious paragraph that reveals quite a bit it reads as is often the case with Marvel Studios Productions the screenplay was a largely fluid document from pre-production all the way through the Final Cut of the film an early subplot for the United States featured more prominently in the confrontation between wakanda and telecon was dialed down while the incident that launches the third act shifted Focus to different characters So reading between those lines two things there essentially a U.S invasion of wakanda and then a different incident that launches the third act focusing on different characters now of course the US invasion of wakanda is hinted at in the scene with Val in the Secretary of State but we never actually see it they don't get there yet maybe Marvel Studios to save that for a future title like Thunderbolts now black panther what kind of forever offers an optimistic view of the future wakanda will last forever but sometimes the pressure of Four River can be overwhelming and it's helpful to just say what's going on right now well inbox tattoos can help with that ink box tattoos last one to two weeks so you can express yourself with a tattoo for the mood you were in right now without worrying about whether or not you'll want it well forever there are over 10 000 tattoo designs to choose from you can even create your own totally unique tattoo easily using inkbox's custom platform and if you're a pro artist or an avid doodler you can draw your own tattoo with one of inkbox's freehand tattoo markers now I chose the uh Booboo ghost tattoo I really like ghosts I like this design I'm gonna put it right here on my wrist now applying the tattoos really easy you just take this primer wipe you rub the area to clean it 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act 3 incident structurally refers to the death of Queen ramonda and Cheri scene killmonger in The ancestral plane the final version of the movie that is the sequence that ends the second act when shuri reaches her lowest point the sequence that ends with shuri powering up is a new Black Panther and confronting Neymar in the teleconneal in the final battle the third act so this variety quote is glossing over the fact that in a previous draft either a different character was going to be killed off instead of Ramona and or shuri was going to see a different character in The ancestral plane than killmonger now to be clear coal confirmed that it was never considered to use CGI to recreate the likeness of Chadwick Boseman but it is possible that a past version of wakanda forever featured instead of Ramona dying the death of a character like bukoye or umbaku if you think about it in a version of this movie where t'challa was the hero embaku's death would have been made gritty devastating loss Neymar would have killed t'challa's strongest Ally t'challa's Mercutio something that feels like it could have still survived to the later version of this movie considering baku's brotherly status to shuri and how relatively little he now has to do in the final battles movie like they kind of had to come up with stuff for him to do in the final fight now yes they did bring back in Baka to Warrior Falls to claim the throne but when it comes to the final battle as fun as it is to watch him fight he can't really say he's much of a game changer in the title of that war now Cole does admit that they definitely played around with the idea of making Baku the Black Panther of this movie altogether but pretty early on they settled on shuri being the most impactful vocal character of this kind of story and then after they made that decision they shifted to all other characters into shuri's orbit really the most surprising thing to learn about the original 2020 script draft was according to Nicole t'challa having a son was always going to be part of this movie he said that t'challa had a child in this script prior to Chad's passing and was always in the DNA of what they wanted to do Cole even said that this 2020 draft was more quote child focused and then that element was more reduced after Bozeman's death Cole said they went back and forth on when to introduce Toussaint originally playing to straight up named the kid the first time we see him with her motive visits Haiti but later they decided to just show the kid in that scene and then introduce him by his name in the final scene so what does more child focus mean well Ryan coogler might have given us the answer in another interview he did with inverse in early November where he revealed about the earlier draft quote the tone was going to be similar the character was going to be grieving the loss of time you know coming back after being gone for five years as a man with so much responsibility to so many coming back after a forced five years absence that's what the film was tackling he was grieving time he couldn't get back Reed was a big part of it the loss of time a forced five-year absence that really does sound like this was going to be about t'challa having missed out on the early years of his son's life he was obviously pregnant with t'challa Junior before the snap and gave birth to him shortly after t'challa having been dusted for that time meant that he was gone for like the first five years of his son's life and coogler wanted to explore the theme of fathers being taken away from their sons and then suddenly coming back in those kids lives and struggling to be respected paternal figures if you look back at Ryan coogler's work this is a very important theme to him as a filmmaker and by the way Marvel Studios did totally repackage this relationship with Scott Lang and Cassie Ling and Ant-Man the WASP onomania Wisconsin last five years so Cassie being the one valuable piece of Leverage that Kang uses to incentive by Scott into helping him but one could only imagine the deeper layers of impact that would have been had we seen it with t'challa and his son so here's a quick summary of what the original black panther 2 2020 script draft most likely was one t'challa returns from the blip and deals with having been an absent father to his son to the United States actually invades wakanda Bree Namor confronts t'challa and challenges him into joining the fight against the other nations of Earth leading to a fight between the two kingdoms wakanda versus tawacan for killmonger returns to the ancestral plain but tests t'challa maybe even tries to convert to chala's son to his ideology and five a different character dies in raimonda maybe umbaku now again the point of all this sleuthing isn't to say the previous version would have been better but really do appreciate how story elements shift involve over time and to respect the creative team for finding a new way into the story while redeploying these elements in service of a more impactful theme about loss you can follow me on Tick Tock Instagram and Twitter at EA boss follow me Rockstar subscribe to new rockstars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching bye [Music] thank you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 919,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, black panther, wakanda forever, wakanda forever original, black panther original, black panther 2 original, t'challa, chadwick boseman, ryan coogler, shuri, toussaint
Id: 37b8z_uPNE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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