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welcome back to New Rock stories I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of black panther what kind of forever a film that teaches us how in grief there is power in a truly remarkable feat of Cinema to advance the thematically rich thought experiment of wakanda somehow without its beloved hero t'challa the late Chadwick Boseman we must dive deep into this film to celebrate how director Ryan coogler pulled this off breaking it down scene by scene not just for the marbled Easter eggs really for what I consider to be even more rewarding and easier to overlook filmmaking choices but quickly just want to thank the sponsor of this video inkbox spoiler warning if you have not seen the film yet over black we hear the voice of shuri praying bust please allow me to heal my brother now of course boss is a panther deity of wakanda the entity that endows the Black Panther with their powers she prays because she needs to regrow the heart-shaped herb all of which was burned by killmonger in the 2018 film and boss is believed to be the spiritual source of that herb shuri scrambles in her lab to heal t'challa by regrowing this herb synthetically with her AI griot voiced by Trevor Noah it's a gripping 90-second long take no cutting documentary style underscoring this is a true medical emergency now the Herb's DNA is shown in a double helix configuration with white orbs while the 2018 film opened with grains of black this is orbs of white already cast in the wakandan color of mourning reports that the DNA's confidence rate is 25 then 29 sure he says good enough and orders it 3D printed but her mother ramonda enters to report your brother is with the ancestors now t'challa's illness is never specified in this film out of respect to the late Chadwick Boseman whose death in August 2020 after a private battle with colon cancer prompted a rewrite of the script this way Ryan coogler and co-writer Joe Robert Cole avoid exploiting boseman's death as a plot point or a spectacle piece it's not really about how t'challa died it's about how to mourn and so by using simply the word illness they imply it wasn't some Cosmic MCU battle but really a more grounded way that many of us have lost our loved ones and truly the way that we lost Chadwick shuri is our focal character for this story and this movie evolves or is comic relief Kid Sister to a true instrument of grief who through her journey teaches us how to heal ourselves because while she's really trying to heal her brother in the opening minutes her true mission of this film is to heal herself like the proverb physician heal thyself shuri's wounds will only be treated when she takes the remedy that she's trying to produce for her brother and once she properly Grieves her lost family Bost answers her prayers with t'challa's Legacy t'challa is buried in a private family plot as water is poured in soil hydrating this plot we're sure he will later plant future heart-shaped herbs shape away the shaman successor to spiritual Elder Zuri in the 2018 film and Terrace t'challa as the son of t'chata in The Descent of bashenga the first black panther and while it's all in wakandan the term black panther is in English suggesting that like Namor this is a name given to the hero by The Outsiders of this world while t'challa himself is buried here his ceremonial casket is paraded through the streets of the golden sea of wakanda a festive celebration of life shuri Ramona and all the wakandans wear the color white as they did while they were mourning to Chaka in the 2018 film we passed a naval guard playing a water drum which is a cameo by Jabari Exum a drumming and movement coach from the 2018 film and a friend of Chadwick boseman's whom Lupita Nyong'o said would drum while they did their fight training for this movie became a very important part of their Rhythm one way that they tried to keep Chadwick's Spirit fighting alongside them in this movie a tribute billboard with what kind of lettering translates to the panther king forever lives in us and rests with the ancestors overhead wakanda Jets crisscross in a flyover leaving exhaust trails that are crossed like the wakandan chest salute the Royal Cemetery gate is flanked by statues of bashenga on one side and a female on the other both of them have Panther statues at their feet the female could be bashanka's wife or her sister either way both t'challa's sister and his wife play key roles in furthering his legacy as they salute his casket and it rises up into the jet the music is ludwigsen's ancestral plain theme to me the most powerful Melody from his oscar-winning score it's the music t'challa heard when he entered the ancestral plane to join his ancestors in the 2018 film and it's the music he and we here now and then under reverence silence the Marvel Studios Fanfare replaces typical imagery of Avengers with moments and Script quotes from Chadwick Postman as t'challa first the script quote in Civil War when he told Natasha about the green field with Boston segment after his father died then our very first shot of Chadwick in the MCU when he looked over his shoulder when he's in Vienna in Civil War then t'challa in a suit with his mask off then the script quote t'chella asks his father in The ancestral plane tell me how to best protect wakanda I want to be a great king then the script quote t'challa said before the U.N in times of Crisis the wise build Bridges while the foolish build barriers then an image of black panther with the mask on then the script quote what happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world which I think was just a line for the Black Panther trailer marketing throughout 2017-2018 then the script quote if anyone found out what we truly are and what we possess they could destroy the world it's my duty to protect it which is an alternate line for the movie that t'challa said to Nakia when they walk through the streets in Black Panther and then t'challa Crossing his arms in salute then we see the letters of Marvel Studios where the flickering images are more famous moments of t'challa t'challa walking into Sherry's lab in the 2018 film t'challa celebrating at Warrior Falls after he defeated in Baku t'challa hugging his father tachaka in The ancestral plane in the 2018 film The Moment t'challa drops out of the royal Talon fighter to help Nakia in the 2018 film then on the inside of the V t'challa swinging from the Rhino horn in the battle of the 2018 film then on the art the child and shuri stepping out of the portal in endgame to give cap some backup and then on the M t'challa shouting the words wakanda forever an Infinity War right before the charge and it ends as it has throughout many phase four titles clearing all of these images with t'challa punching the ground to release the shock wave and behind all this is a purple Hue the color of the heart-shaped herb fitting beautiful and poignant tribute we transitioned one year later Queen Ramona played by Angela Bassett in a powerful truly oscar-worthy performance addresses the UN who tries to shame her for not sharing wakanda vibranium with the outside world Richard Schiff Toby Ziegler from The West Wing is credited as the U.S Secretary of State an office switch during the Civil War era was held by Thaddeus Ross in the MCU all right Peter Thunderbolt Ross William Hurt as well as leader of the merchant tribe Dorothy Steele who plays a small role in this movie but also died during production the French Secretary of State reminds us that vibranium cannot be detected by known metal detectors as we saw in the 2018 film went to Chala Nakia and nikoya entered that Korean nightclub Ramona defends the wakandan's actions as safeguards against the hostility of other nations saying she knows they whisper bird the king is dead the Black Panther is gone and now is the time to strike calling out their treacherous speed Trails of their Goodwill the last time wakanda appeared before the U.N and we actually see these actions at a wakandan Outreach Center in onsongo Mali one of the many Outreach centers to challengeuri opened around the world including one in Oakland that we saw at the end of the 2018 film Fringe Commandos attacked these scientists but Okoye leads dorm Elijah to the rescue and we find out that one of these signs is actually one of the dormologically undercover aneka played by Michaela Cole she uses vibranium daggers against okoya's insistence issue spear the fact that the dorm Elijah already had to have someone here suggested they must have anticipated this attack and or other Outreach centers have already been raided and we learned in a Twist this attack had already happened hours before the UN speech so the dorm Elijah escort these Commandos to the U.N to shame the French let our gracious response to this incursion be an olive branch yeah okoya is French and other non-english languages in this movie it's translated and it subtitles the color white wakandan is always translated into yellow and the language of telecon is translated into blue and of course it's hard to hear the word incursion in the MCU and not think of Reed Richards warning us about incursions heading to Secret Wars and Multiverse Madness we should note that in the 2015 John Hickman New Avengers run that kicks off that Illuminati freakout over incursions that seems to be Marvel Studios road map for how we're leading to that the initial incursion Point appears where over the Skies over wakanda then on to an ocean Expedition where a team of divers is using a one-of-a-kind vibranium detector to investigate an underwater drill that got busted on a deposit of vibranium they're led by Dr Graham actress Lake Bell who voices Natasha Romanov on what if the telecon Warriors Dart passed them in the shadows and we hear louder and louder their siren song the diver Salazar and Jackson get transfixed by a phantom jellyfish before the teleconians kill them I gotta imagine this was at least a nod from Kugler to Jordan peel for the jellyfish inspired UFO jean jacket and nope which hypnotically led people to their Doom but we got a note in this movie not that kind of Doom the telekinesians break the the surface of the water and sing hypnotizing crew members to walk off the deck into the water this is based on Sirens of Greek mythology humanoid creatures who would lure Sailors to their Shores with their songs but then cause those Sailors to crash on the rocks of the islands a Tuma nomura and other telecommands bore the ship in attack in the comics atuma is a rival to Namor but here he's kind of a second in command they all wear breathing masks filled with water so that they can move on land similar to the moisture masks so still suits in Dune Dr Graham departs in a helicopter but it crashes revealed to have been thrown by its tail by Namor flying with his ankle wings and we cross dissolve from this into the border of wakanda making it look like nemour is flying into that Kingdom as this will be the next place he visits CNN's Anderson Cooper cameos reported on the UN speech he looked closely at the ticker along the bottom of the screen it reads Scott Lang continues to promote his book look out for the little guy that book is ant-man's autobiography that he promotes an Ant-Man that was quantumania which of course is the next film on Marvel studioslate ramonda finds shuri in the lab we're sure he's designing the EXO suits that will eventually become okoye's Midnight Angel suits the wakanda letters on shuri's screen translate to Flat Line which might just be one of her design template tool options but also might just be an unfortunate word combination reminding her of how a year earlier she found out her brother flatlined in the same spot now Ramona says that the AI griote unnerves her saying one day artificial intelligence is going to kill us all and sure he says AI isn't like the movie's mother it does exactly what I tell it to which is pretty odd exchange for a world that has definitely had to do with Ultron but Ramona tells Shari she wants to take her on a trip to and her two lead behind her carboo bead bracelet and her comboyo earrings setting up shuri to have two separate ways of tracking her after she leaves behind her bracelet on the bridge Ramona takes shuri to a Riverside campfire to partake in a morning ritual of Bernie in the funeral garments nearby elephants bathed in the river elephants are known to have complex grieving rituals as well traveling long distances to the sites on the anniversaries of the deaths of family members Guided by an instinct similar to the hand of t'challa's spirit that Ramona mentions here but sure he always a scientist is a skeptic she says the hand was a construct of Ramona's mind shuri says if I sit here and think about my brother for too long it won't be these clothes I burn it will be the world and everyone in it now later when shuri enters the ancestral plane she wears these funeral garments as the room around her catches fire so in this moment she talks about birding the world she is invoking killmonger and his rage Ramona nearly tells Sharia a secret about t'challa they are interrupted by Namor now the comics Namor was the Submariner ruler of Atlantis Marvel's first mutant when he was introduced in timely Comics 1939 but here the characters been frequency by Ryan coogler to be played by tenoche Huerta from the realm of telokan but still having the pointy ears and the ankle Wings namora says this place is amazing the air is pristine on the water my mother told stories about a place like this a protected land with people that never had to leave never have to change who they were what reason do you have to rebuild your secret to the world I am not a woman who enjoys or repeating herself who argue I had many names my people call me but my enemies call me no more is The Feathered Serpent deity worshiped by the ancient Mayans telecon is based on talocon an Aztec afterlife that takes in those who die from drowning or anything associated with rain or water the native language spoken by the teleconil according to tanoshuerta is based on ancient Mayan languages sure he observes that nemour is covered in vibranium meaning that she could just kind of eyeball his metallic chess pieces and pearls and tell that they are all vibranium despite their different color and texture from the vibranium she works with she's such an expert she just knows vibrating when she sees it the more leaves ramonda with the American vibranium detector and a vibranium conch shell to call him and I just love this detail because it Embraces what I was told as a Florida kid that when you put a shell up to your ear you can hear the ocean nope you're really hearing them all the Council of Elders gathers including Baku of the mountain tribe the Elders of the River tribe mining tribe border tribe and Merchant tribe as mbaku enters this room he eats a veggie a call back to his line in the 2018 film one more word and I will feed you to my children I'm kidding we are vegetarians the door milage stand on columns for the different parts of the Kingdom on the columns are written Golden City kingsguard River tribe Mighty tribe behind each guard are the Tableau symbols in red clay just like the floor of this throne room they originally designed this throne room so we made it the same clay so that all the different rulers of the different tribes would all stand on the same terrain one of these symbols is a large tree with expansive branches and equally expansive roots in the past I've compared this to the Idris Elba world's tree of Asgardian mythology but in this case I like the symbolism of As Above So Below as above we have the kingdom of wakanda as below we have the kingdom of talukan now behind each door melange guard some new text has been added to the throne room the full transcription is rest in Power King t'challa our hero twas an honor wakanda forever Ramona sits upon the throne and on the seat of it the wakandan translates to wisdom and loyalty actor Isaac devancale plays the River tribe Elder as he did in the 2018 film and surmises that no more must have swum he says 100 kilometers to bypass the River border makes us Wonder a bit about the wakanda feed because it is certainly more than 100 kilometers to the nearest ocean or sea based on the map of wakanda from Civil War but it would be within 100 kilometers of Lake Victoria which would be a nearby lake that no more could swim to up the Nile for the Mediterranean Sea I had broken down this geography in other videos but I think the map does check out there Ramona Sherry nikoye deduced that there must have been a second vibranium meteorite that landed in the ocean which means for them the one gift from the heavens that made wakanda unique a vibranium meteorite was also a gift that the cosmos gave to the ocean of Earth but it also poses a question where in the cosmos did all these chunks of vibranium come from I look forward to exploring that many of the other questions from this movie in future videos but Everett Ross returns to the 2018 film and tells shuri nikoya that the scientist is an MIT student so they head to MIT remember this is Tony Stark's alma mater and currently the college attended by MJ Ned and Flash shuri intercois fion Riri Williams played by Dominique Thorne future ironheart Thor actually initially auditioned for the role of shuri for the 2018 film and you can tell there's an inherent Sisterhood between the two women as intellectual equals kind of like what we initially saw between Tony Stark and Peter Parker in Civil War entries dorm room door is a note collats conjecture 300 plus one this refers to the 3x plus 1 problem with the Colette's conjecture that's the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics presumably this is what Riri is actively working on in her Spare Time inside bravery's room is the flag of the city of Chicago that is her hometown and Okoye gets impatient get out of my dorm get out hey I'm warning toward me see how they teach the children to treat their guests small small girl I am going to give you two options you can come to wakanda conscious or unconscious yeah remember in the 2018 film okoya used an itchy wig to go undercover in the outside world in Korea now she just covers her head tattoos with makeup but it presents its own complication they go to riri's Warehouse where she said she had to build a quantum computer to crack her own encryption Quantum you say I mean the future of technology in the MCU is certainly Quantum Riri actually could have been the friend who helped Cassie Lang build that Quantum Tech that leads to all them getting sucked into the quantum realm and Quantum media Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum sure he notices Riri blueprint asking if it's quote Stark Tech so it's not just that shuri is building her own exosuit inspired by Iron Man she is actually using start text schematics means she might be building this with Tony's blessing through one of those MIT grants like the one that he announced in Civil War Tony's speech at MIT would have been like eight years before this but I assume the grant program is still functioning Riri says there's an entire YouTube channel dedicated to sightings of me which is another Peter Parker parallel with Civil War and homecoming showing YouTube videos of Peter's heroics throughout Queens this might also be an account you can imagine Carla Khan having something to do with either posting content there or definitely replying to it Okoye takes off in a muscle car shooting on a motorcycle and re-ray Suits up in her Mark 1 armor when it Powers up notice it makes the same sound effect as Tony starts for pulsers [Music] honestly this is my favorite suit of all the suits that Riri wears in this film the other one looks a little gun to me to me but here there's no full coverage of the body it's really just like bars and straps and rigging and zip ties and she has this chest reactor in the shape of a heart the whole Escape is just very reminiscent of Tony Stark's initial escape from the cave in his unfinished Mark 1 suit and the first Iron Man film Riri makes its rapid climb into the night sky but she runs out of oxygen and balls reminding us a lot of Tony's first real flight over Los Angeles when he froze over and fell and just caught himself at the last second rigor catches herself here and Glides along the river Sharia nokoye flee the FBI sure he uses her spear to Anchor her turn a government drone closes in on them but Riri shoots it down and joins the other two in a Victorious Glide over the wreckage until boom you looking for this a water grenade completely wrecks them in atuma and nomura and friends join them on the bridge jump in front of the back of a freaking whale the actors actually said this duel between Okoye and the Tuma took the longest of any fight sequence of the film to shoot as they kept having to go back and reshoot parts of it I love how atuma's strike slides Okoye back on her feet she has a vibrating him Spear and she is not used to ever having to repel other vibranium with it so defeated shuri requested the telekneal take her and Riri to meet Namor directly the next morning Everett Ross arrives at this crime scene where he meets Valentina Allegra defontaine Julia Louis Dreyfus the shadowy government figure from the Falcon Winter Soldier and black widow who is now established as of this film as the current CIA director in the MCU and Ross's ex-wife this is a huge deal for the political hierarchy of the MCU this is what I was referring to in my tweet when I said that the hierarchy power of the embassy was changing and they said oh you're gonna get mad at me when you find out what it was but yeah I think it's extremely significant now we don't know how long Val has been the CIA director because John Walker didn't really seem to know she was and the CIA director is a president-nominated and Senate approved very public figure well the average person might not know who the CIA director is someone like John Walker would know but either way this means that Val's recruitment of Walker and recruitment of Elena belova to kill Hawkeye all of these things said the full weight of the US government behind it and now since Val is going to be leading the Thunderbolts the Thunder volts is going to be a much more public Squad of killers I think this is definitely going to tie into secret Invasion and Captain America New World Order and yeah Thunderbolts and Val just shot at the top of my list as scroll suspicious and Everett Ross right behind her okoya reports losing shuri and Riri the doorways behind her are now flanked with text on sacred ground may we find and on the other side the wisdom of the ancestors now it actually seems to be a misprint in the shot of akoye but it is what it reads later when sure he enters the ancestral plane version of this room when it transforms into literal sacred ground where shuri finds the wisdom I'll be a complex wisdom of her ancestors ramonda is reminded that Okoye raised her spear against her own husband referring to wakabi Daniel kaluya's character from the 2018 film who does not appear in this movie but Ramona says that will copy is somewhere that Okoye can visit him anytime she wishes so this establishes that wakabi is alive and well somewhere Ramona shouts of the most powerful nation in the world family it's gone have I not given everything God damn what a great actress like Wanda for the mothers of the MCU with great power comes great loss Ramona also snaps to the koi for standing at killmonger's side when she and sure he had to flee to the mountains something I was surprised to hear she still had a grudge over but it's all coming out and it hurts Okoye resigns for spear Ramona finds Nakia in an orphanage in Haiti and we catch a quick glimpse of a boy who later gets revealed credit scene to say two Saints played by young actor actor and the post credit scene has been field as t'challa inakiasan t'challa son of t'challa That's The Familiar greeting between the boy and his grandmother shuri and Riri wake up in a glowworm Cavern which we later learned is 140 meters below kind of a middle ground man cave for no more to be alone and to paint because yeah you can't paint underwater sure he has told to put on a traditional telecon dress rear says it's some super villain [ __ ] like Princess Leia referring to the slave Leia bikini and Return of the Jedi Belle from Beauty and the Beast and she says that white chick from Indiana Jones referring to when Marion had to put on the white dress and Raiders of Lost Ark but Bell for Beauty and the Beast there wasn't anything that messed up about that I mean I guess it's kind of weird that a bunch of like clocks and candles and dishware is like yeah put on that sexy dress for that Beast this whole movie's kind of Stockholm syndrome what kind of forever tattoos for now ink box tattoos last one to two 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the subtitle switched to the color blue now more brings shuri into his painting room where he explains his backstory with his mother in 1571 in Zama which was the original name of Tulum which is one of the best preserved Mayan cities on the coastal Yucatan Spanish conquistadores gave them smallpox now 1571 this would be about 50 years after the eternals witnessed the Spanish conquering of the Aztec capital and then parted ways you could argue had they finished the job we might not have gotten them or nomura says they prayed to shock their God of rain and abundance for a cure now chalk is the Mayan Reign deity but NASDAQ mythology that God is named slalok who rules over slalo Khan Namor says shock LED them to a plant underwater sprouting from a vibranium Rock their heart-shaped herb but an herb that grows underwater namora's mother and just his plant along with the rest of the tribe and they wake up with blue skin gas paper air having to dive into the water so they can breathe where their skin turns back in normal color so other than the more the slavicaniel turned blue only when they are out of water we see the birth of nemour as he's born in underwater he is the first son of salukan with wings on his feet and ears that he says were pointed to the sky and he calls himself a mutant he says that he has the ability to age slowly and breathe both through air and through water in the MCU still Gathering what the rules of mutant kind are but it seems like every mute must have some kind of genetic precondition that leads to their physical States turning out different from everyone else but it also presents the question do all mutants age slowly because according to the latter Fox X-Men films that definitely seem to be the case to fulfill this mother's dying wish young the more returns to the land where he finds a slave plantation and a priest says Thou Art a demon Son Of Satan and not yet Padre but amethyst is coming soon the teleconil burned the plantation and the more reveals the origin of his given name that they called him El Nino SI nemour the boy without love which she embraced as Namor because he has no love for the surface world so namura wasn't just to nochuerte pronouncing it differently they actually worked in a bit of Spanish wordplay to cast no more as proudly without love for humans no more gives Shari a deep sea diving suit to show her talukan and at first I wondered wait where did the teleconil get these until he realized oh right yes Salazar and Jackson sure he's wearing a suit that a diver was just murdered in nice have fun hope it doesn't smell bad so namora takes shuri down through this tunnel in the water which seems to be a kind of current but I don't know maybe it's a type of Waypoint to a hidden Earthly realm kind of like that watery portal that leads to talo and shung Chi now I know China and Mexico are different countries with completely different cultures and histories but I'm just saying talo talocon both of them hidden mythological Realms on Earth there might be a connection there the amazing music of Buddha kush and Ludwig's cone La Brisa guides us into telecon which is revealed from Mayan script translating to English the way other location titles translate from wakanda to English the talukoneo played the Mesoamerican ball game the modern version known as ulama this was played by Mayan peoples where a rubber ball is bounced from your hip through a hoop on the wall you might know it as I did from The Road to El Dorado the telekinil great no more with a salute forming their hands kind of in the shape of a throne but also an open shark mouth as the telecon throne is a giant shark Jawbone I regret that joke immediately Namor shows sure his Central Palace that is made fully a vibranium and is lit by a powerful light his own Golden City that he must protect Nakia Waits on a Yucatan Beach for griot to track shury's earrings and then dives into a water hole in the jungle a land-based waypoint to talocon now notice how nakia's suit is green the color of her River tribe but costume designer Ruth e Carter Incorporated blue to look like a river snaking Through the Jungle effectively telling the story of nakia's rescue plot in the second act the more it gives shuri a bracelet of friendship the same bracelet worn by his mother both an olive branch but we later learned the plant DNA that shuri can use to re-synthesize the heart-shaped herb so just to track the jewelry swapping going on in this movie shuri leaves her camoyo bead bracelet for Ross to find technically Val bug that bracelet but she keeps her earrings which is how they track her down meanwhile nemour notices that shury's wrist is bare as she surrenders herself to him which she knows that he won't see is suspicious because she was not wearing that bracelet earlier at the Riverside fire ritual for her mother's request so nomore gives her a bracelet which becomes the Cure that she's been seeking throughout this whole film I love it when costumes and accessories have a practical in symbolic function in the film shuri tells no more that t'challa suffered in silence and when he finally asked for help she couldn't now this is a nod to Chadwick Boseman in real life who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016 and he told pretty much no one he suffered in silence while shooting Black Panther and infinity war and endgame Ryan coogler recently told Anna he see coats in a podcast that he noticed Bozeman would struggle during the warrior false scenes in the 2018 film and at the time coogler didn't really know why some days when I would find him doing things that were kind of inexplicable like we would do these these things in the water you know the waterfall stuff so it would take him like a long time to warm back up like you have to be in like in a warm intent for like a long time and I'd be like I'd be like man I'd be like that's odd you know you know I'm saying things like that or you know some some days I would find him just like incredibly sad but looking back I'm like oh man my man's was dying it's a shocking thing to realize and it's also a thing where it's like oh yeah I can't quit If he if he did all that while he was going through that you know this is just grief so it's like we gotta push through the more tells Siri my ancestors would often say only the most broken people can be great leaders he's trying to appeal to her grief as a kind of compliment of wisdom but the more reveals the whole point of all this is that he plans to to attack the surface world preemptively and he wants straight to get wakanda to join them in that war and while he seems crazy they see me cut to confirms that to be essentially the case the Secretary of State tells Val and Ross that the president plans to invade wakanda no more meets Ramon on the beach and warns her that he will kill her if any further intrusions happen to talukan Meanwhile Nakia arrives in history and riri's Telecom he'll guard with a fatal blast shuri reunites with her mother no more returns to find that dying guard and nomura goats him to strike back so no more descends to his shark bone Throne where it looks like the teeth are actually made of vibranium he wears a feathered serpent headpiece of cuckoo Khan I like the symbolic contrast in the directional coronation of the two kingdoms wakanda's ruler Rises up from the ancestral plane to sit the throne telecon's ruler descends down from the Sun to sit that room telecon angrily rallies his people to war done Ikea reunites with the koye in wakanda aquaya says that Nakia left right after thanos's attack when you left without saying a word it hurt how you regret not being there with all of you it was not easy he was King and black panther to everyone I told me he was everything this means that Nakia was pregnant with t'challa's son at the time of thanos's snap in the Battle of wakanda and notice how here Nakia catches herself she almost says t'challa was also the father to her son but she just says that he everything which he was behind Nakia water just slowly starts to flood into the street we don't even notice it at first Okoye just begins to say we are under attack but then the water bombs explode throughout the streets now Namor flooding wakanda was a plot point in 2012 Avengers vs X-Men comic storyline that's when the Phoenix Force possessed its name or infuses him to flood wakanda when the nation Harbors Avengers Neymar and t'challa have a bitter hatred for each other ever since that in the comics Okoye grabs a kid as the water gushes and hands them off Ayo and the other door milage save some rescue workers who get enchanted by the teleconneal siren songs shuri and Anika pilot an aircraft to save a trolley we actually saw one of these on the streets in the 2018 film it's just pretty satisfying to see all levels of wakandans immediately spring in to help each other no more joins atuma and nomura on the shoreline and imbaka jumps them from behind but breaks his staff on his arm and the more punches him right in the chest breaking his chest armor Brian coogler said that nomore is the strongest Thor and if he's rounding up water is the strongest Hulk I actually recently broke down the power hierarchy in the MCU and since no more is technically the Avatar of a God that kind of checks out with the mcu's internal Logic the more zigzags through the air defenses he does his mid-air turn with his foot passing the camera showing his ankle Wings flapping over time the more it flies up to the throne room to face off with Ramona and Riri inside he stabs his spear into the glass and cracks it then throws water grenades and floods the room Ramon is able to save Riri but she drowns and sure he is inconsolable so shuri has to go through another Royal burial this time for her mother now ironically by not burning her funeral garments before she left them to be used again just imagine how horrible it is you just were closer to your brother's funeral and before they even have a chance to gather Dusty gotta put them back on for your mother yet the answer cherries woes is literally tattooed on her hand the double helix configuration with orbs her attempt at the recipe for the heart-shaped herb and now on the same wrist is the final ingredient she needs nemour's mother's bracelet that is made from that plant meanwhile Val confronts her ex-husband Ross on his contact with wakanda Anderson Cooper cameos again but this time the new sticker reads Ritson signed trade pact with new Asgard to create something but this isn't not to the new U.S president ritzen who's gonna be played by Dermot Mulroney in secret Invasion so again we're getting us into the political hierarchy U.S president secretary of state Toby Ziegler and CIA director Val it's still crazy to write my head around that also this is a reminder that like wakanda the colony of new Asgard led by King Valkyrie is in the MCU its own nation state with international relations across the world stage now Ross reminds us that the wakandans could be using their vibranium against the United States and ask Vala she's ever thought what the US would be doing if we were the only country in the world to add vibranium and Val's response is interesting she says oh I actually dream about that I miss a little hint that one of Val's objectives is to amass all the vibranium and weaponry under government control or at least under her control and maybe the mission she's going to deploy the Thunderbolts on is an invasion of or a heist from wakanda or since Bucky's lead in that team may be a collaboration with the dorm Elijah to steal back vibranium from some other third party who steals it like the real intelligencia so the Golden City evacuates to the Jabari Outpost sharian reread deduce that nemour absorbs oxygen through his skin and thus will be weakened by dehydration gets to work on new Iron Art armor made from vibranium she hammers out a piece in the shape of a heart Sharia gives akoye her completed Midnight Angel suit in the comics the midnight angels are a naked group of former Jor molache sure he is able to synthesize the heart-shaped herb DNA from the bracelet and when it prints it successfully glows so shuri sips the liquid and falls into the ancestral plane as Nakia nokoye pray for her now structurally this mirrors the leap of faith at the end of Act 2 in the 2018 film when the women resurrected t'challa to restore wakanda's protector shuri immediately finds herself in an ancestral plane mirror of the real world underwater in the flooded throne room in the exact same spot where her mother Ramona's life left her body just like how when killmonger went to the ancestral plane he visited the exact spot of his parents tragic death Cherie swims up to the surface and she's again wearing her White Funeral garments but as she Rises out of the water her clothes are dry a really cool effect that makes me wonder if Leticia writing Ryan coogler might have shot this in Reverse but here in the throne room we see there is someone sitting on the throne behind her suddenly we all feel a mix of dread because none of us want to see a cji recreation of Chad with Bozeman it can't be him it can't be so instead the ghost who greets us is killmonger Michael B Jordan making a surprise Cameo which comes as both the relief but also an intriguing Haunting of its own the scene that follows is my favorite scene in the film cutting deep to the core conflict of this film while also re-contextualizing everything we saw in the 2018 film remember the ancestral plane is not an objective afterlife it's really a personalized Vision where the visitor is able to confront their ancestors there's some Cosmic forces at play that decide who you actually need to talk to one could say this is a request coming from one's own soul but for t'challa it was to rage against his father for killing and jobu and abandoning jaka for killmonger it was his chance to revisit the Oakland apartment where his father died but who does Sherry see she sees her cousin killmonger who taunts her saying you chose me and he challenges her for not even believing the ancestral plane was real but just took the herb for the same reason he did to avenge Fallen ancestors now remember as much as this is killmonger talking to her we could totally look at this as shuri having a conversation with herself and all the second guessing she's been doing about killmonger over the past several years so why did Cherie seek hillmonger she already chose him earlier in the film when she said at that Riverside campfire that she wanted to burn the world down that was killmonger's goal and notice how in this scene the throne room ignites the same way killmonger set the heart-shaped herb garden Ablaze and left Sherry with that medical crisis here killmonger defends himself he says I had the courage to do what was necessary to change wakanda how many people like your scientists to wakanda protect before I took the throne cowards those are the Panthers who came before me and before t'challa sure he tells killmonger that he was coward for taking a last Urban burning the rest out of fear of being replaced that he left wakanda with no protector and that's a challenge Ramona's blood is on his hands the killmonger responds don't you dare take that away from your mother she sacrificed her life to protect a girl from The Lost tribe your father he was a hypocrite he would have killed that girl [ __ ] he killed his own brother t'challa he was too Noble he led a man who killed your father live and here you stand are you gonna be Noble like your brother or take care of business like me killmonger calls Riri a member of the Lost tribe which is how he saw himself and all other black people outside of wakanda the lives that he fought for killmonger also invokes Zemo killed tachaka and t'challa for gave Zemo at the end of Civil War I like to think that Zemo at this moment stiffened in his cell on the Wrath feeling to shiver down his spine but then just resume dancing it's so so interesting to see killmonger eternally sitting on the throne now again shuri has subconsciously summoned him here but this visual presents a hypothetical that killmonger could be in a kind of Hell of his own making where he's sitting on the throne that he always wanted but ruling over a vacant dead kingdom while all other Panther ancestors joined together into communion as Panthers in a tree killmonger tragically will always be part of a lost track of one this scene ends before shuri can even answer killmonger's question framing it as a haunting nightmare that she's still trying to figure out for the rest of the film she's afraid to tell others who she saw in that Vision out of shame because killmonger was a symptom of her own moral illness that this physician still needs to heal but sure he still has super strength and she suits up in a new suit she places her helmet beside the helmet of her brother the helmet that she carried in the opening funeral scenes now she has a helmet of her own and sure he joins everyone else at the Jabari Outpost fully suited up interesting how she joins by descending from above the way nemour set his throne shuri does not rise up she drops down she's still being driven by the misguided Vengeance that guides him more and guided killmonger when she lands I like how the impact spreads via purple kinetic energy as her suit absorbs the shock of it her helmet has a DOT pattern that matches the war paint that she's worn from past battles also on her gauntlets or open Panther moths sure he leads wakandas out to the ocean and lures the teleconneal into battle she chants Evon Bay that was t'challa's war cry from the Battle of Condon Infinity War since the Moore's punch broke his old chest plate mbaku suits up with new armor burying the face of Hanuman that's the ape deity of the Jabari worship the telekinil attacked for the backs of blue whales and orcas their Shields I'm pretty sure the shells of sea turtles awesome the more it breaks the pulsy device the wakandans use to try to subdue them actually Jessica Clemens interviewed Alex lubinali and Mabel Cadena asking about their underwater work for this film and Alex confirmed that Mabel holds the record she's six minutes you can hold your breath underwater six minutes and a half you're a fish ReRe joins a fight and her Mark two armor it's got an inner heads up display of her head and darkness surrounded by glowing indicators much like Iron Man's heads-up display one of her controls reads max power I like actually also installed some foot thrusters similar to Tony's Mark 50 armor in Infinity War Riri shoots it into more from behind but he's able to dodge the blast without looking crazy good reflexes they're able to snare no more on the Royal Talent fighter sure he uses hand mounted Sonic cannons to repel the telekineal like the ones that's used on killmonger in the 2018 film she claws down the side of the boat kicking one telekineal throwing another Barrel rolling and then sliding down since both her claws and the whole of this voter made a vibranium they released blue Sparks from the friction and from here she leaps into the Royal Talon fighter where she tries to fly no more to a nearby desert to finish him off but before they get there he's able to use his spear to stab through the fighter and wreck the engine causing it to crash leading to this brutal Showdown the claws come out jury and the more Slug It Out She Dodges this hook and goes low slice slicing off some of his ankle Wings he impales her on his Spear and since it's pure vibranium it goes through her suit's vibranium weave it seems like it's all over as her life Fades she's transported back to the ancestral plane the burning Throne Room briefly her greatest fear that being consumed with killmonger's ventral rage has led her to death but instead she now rejects that path she claws off the spear she pulls herself off a bit somehow leaving no blood on the shaft of that spear okay and leaps over no more and lands before him and she uses the exploding jet engine to blast no more presumably most effective just by drying him out even further and as she holds the blade to his throat both Fighters are close to death and they sink in this fascinating interlocking visions of their ancestors for sure the conflicts of the past rewind we see the flooding in the battles before reversing symbolizing her wounds beginning to heal both the physical wounds in her suit and her psychological illness her mind is retracing its steps back to the mutually peaceful kingdoms of wakanda and talukan and finally shuri sees the ancestor she wanted to see in the ancestral plane a vision of her mother Ramona who says show him who you are and sure he tells them more to yield so that Their Kingdoms can protect each other no more looks at Butchery and what does he see he sees the vision of his mother reaching down to him on the sacred ground these two have found the wisdom of their ancestors a closing Montage of shuri replanting the heart-shaped herb garden in t'challa's grave site she greets Riri in the lab and makes her return the suit but leaves her with the car of her father that akoye wrecked on the bridge earlier not having this super vibranium suit's probably a good idea because this way where he was going to be set up to build a new DIY armor set in Iron Heart on Disney Plus in 2023 we return to Warrior balls but instead of shuri coming out of the royal Talon fighter it's mbaku he says the Black Panther sure he sends her regards but Baku wishes to challenge for the throne this sets up mbaku to be the new ruler of wakanda while shuri continues to be black panther at least an intermediary one we catch it back with namora nomura in his Peyton cave seems as though things are still a bit unresolved and we realize no more has been painting all this time a depiction of himself and a panther locked in battle Okoye rescues Ross from captivity making him a fugitive from the American government and leaving Okoye in her Midnight Angel suit finally with some headgear that she's comfortable in the final scene brings shuri to a beach in Haiti where she finally allows herself to burn her funeral garments she closed her eyes and meditates and she flashes back to the images of t'challa from the 2018 film when he walked down the hallway to her lab and gave his sister their handshake when she placed his necklace suit on him after he resurrected the first time he walked into the throne room as king as she finally breathes to let go of her brother she and we are lulled by Rihanna's lift me up the lyrics of which become shuri's prayer to her brother Lift Me Up Hold Me Down hold me close safe and sound now burning in a hopeless dream Echoes the fire of the despair that she felt in her nightmare with killmonger in the second verse that part becomes drowning in an Endless Sea a contrast to Fire and Water there but both represent killmonger and no more dragging shuri down into violence which is why the chorus comes back to the prayer of lift me up and in the post-credits scene her prayers are answered Nakia introduces Sherry to her nephew to Saint Sherry says the name to Saint carries a history referring to to Saint the Overture sorry if I mispronounced that my French sucks but this guy was awesome called the black Napoleon the father of Haiti who in 1791 led a successful slave revolt against the French and one Haitian Independence I think what I love most about this line is that it signals sure he has through her wakanda Outreach centers that she built with t'challa has begun to learn more black history from outside wakanda and has begun to reconnect with that lost tribe that killmonger fought for I mean I don't know I'm sure he's pretty smart maybe she already knew this stuff but it did seem like in the 2018 film all she really seemed to know about the outside world was like Disneyland and Back to the Future too Saint reveals that his real name is t'challa son of King t'challa he would be no more than six or seven years old so we would need a bit of a time job before we see any real superhero action for this kid even if he were to join a group like the Young Avengers but a new t'challa lives he has his whole life ahead of him and he knows where he comes from and who his baba was the Black Panther is not a burden story must carry alone anymore her brother is gone but wakanda is forever now definitely go watch Jessica Clement's thoughtful review of wakanda forever that's on the channel along with mt's insightful breakdown the post-credits scene I truly appreciate you all giving me this opportunity to break down this powerful film to bring my nerdy analysis to this artistic achievement of Ryan coogler and his whole team as Marvel phase four comes to a close as we look ahead to phase five stay tuned for some big announcements about some new projects where you will be able to see me dive even deeper into the details you missed from the films you love there's some big things ahead for new rock stars in 2023 I can't wait to share them with you follow me on Tick Tock Instagram and Twitter at eavos follow new rockstars subscribe to new rockstars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 2,058,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, black panther, wakanda forever, wakanda forever breakdown, namor, black panther wakanda forever, wakanda forever easter eggs, black panther easter eggs, tenoch huerta, shuri, black panther post credit, tchalla, wakanda forever review, wakanda forever new rockstars, erik voss
Id: 9sHJSJdhcS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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