Who KILLED the ALPHABET LORE in Minecraft?!

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a letter from the alphabet has been murdered now it's up to me and my friends to uncover the mystery of who did it while also trying to make sure to protect all of the other innocent letters hey you you're a suspect too you better like And subscribe or I'm gonna put you under arrest thanks huh what's going on over here hey [Music] a murderer oh oh anyone could have done it um all right no one move everyone here is a suspect huh oh what's that just calm down it's fine let me go check it out oh um oh um hello [Music] hello oh it's you no you don't I'm an e what are you doing out here what is that calm down guys stay safe okay let me go check that out baby let's see uh there you are come over here what was that was it a letter a letter a note uh what is this huh what's going on what what the where am I wait what why am I invisible did I die wait a minute this is A's house yeah everything is very a themed I get it Apple a but wait is this four hmm don't be suspicious what is she doing uh I got it gotta get out of here what did she get with me is this this must be from earlier anyone there [Music] yeah she's acting really suspicious must be a sheep okay I definitely hear something what's going on uh-oh but you can't see me get pokey dokey let's go all right that's weird and this is where I got the notes interesting wait what huh what did she take oh hey guys okay we need to talk to Kim I I don't want to think she's the killer no I don't trust that girl she reads too much and she'll do anything for a potion let's go have a chat with her well you know I'm I'm gonna let you do that because you know you're the cool detective and all that so um yeah no no I I got things to do gotta go all right this is Kim's house all right no we have to be calm about this Camp me baby I want my lawyer maybe aha so cious that your name starts with k and that's also what killer starts with um let me think about that where were you earlier about Gathering ingredients like I usually do interesting potions what's this a shuriken [Music] what's this Tim spit it out I don't know I don't have to do with anything you know snitches Kim I promise you that you won't get any stitches just tell me what's going on and be honest uh well you see X and F came by and asked for some ingredients only they didn't ask they were like super duper mean about it and they told me that if I told anybody to destroy all my books you're trying having some kind of weird potion did they happen to mention a at all um yes I wonder am I in another flashback okay so X's house let's see where's Dojo rather um I I guess you can't see me so I can look around for who's all I want yes but uh it doesn't look like I can interact with items okay I can at least look for Clues get my magnifying glass paid one Emerald for it I'm gonna wait a minute room of xylophones that's unexpected all right that's not X oh that's f what's going on what is he doing here huh [Music] f X yeah oh I mean I guess they can't see me there you go uh yeah X oh yeah can we get in the fight right now oh get these away from me I don't need them okay what are they doing what no no that's not good [Music] they were working together all right Kim huh you're good for right now come on M P let's go [Music] not yet let's see X and F working together to get rid of a PPP why were they threatening Kim there's something important to tell you what is it okay you told me anyway I know everything tell me what you know I know I know I know all about X because X always marks a spot on my gold Maps Ian really out of everyone on the server you're suspect number one you're always behind all this Mischief wait a minute actually huh follow me I don't want to take my eyes off you come on we're going to X's Dojo okay you puked outside my house looks like he'll have to explain okay now X is very dangerous so Ian we gotta stick together okay okay are you got it I'm sticking together by going to the basement and I just said not what and that's where the gold is that's dead today and x marks the spot right whatever I know I know um let's see any clues around here anything at all [Music] um X um okay to you man I wish I understood everybody um we're just here to look for clues about the murder of a all right huh I found it yeah also hey X what's up X uh wait you guys know each other hey yeah yeah X was helping me find gold and uh pretty sure he's been busy doing that so you couldn't have killed a right X yeah anyway uh this is my gold or at least half of it is here here you're you're happy X have you seen F do anything weird I mean I know you guys may have oh three so x x x x [Music] wait don't touch that oh this place is not very fun um oh FNA nice hey [Music] yeah hey hey hey hey F oh man it happened yeah oh yeah oh yeah wow oh x x x x that's where X got the Fang from this all makes sense now whoa nearly something bad happened there that was really scary when they're angry all right we need to find them but where oh uh PP follow you okay um okay right here wait m he what the I I don't get it I can't spell huh what hey AP I get it [Music] okay all right let's go thanks I don't think about you anymore okay so this is where the mountain is I think the mountains no sign of f anywhere yeah that that seems pretty big I don't know all right well maybe what's that it's a it's a furnace yeah I think I think we could use one of those yeah a fishing rod huh Ian do you know what this means it means we're going fishing no it means these things are things in Minecraft that start with the letter F oh I I don't I can't spell I figured it out we need to find the things that start with f and maybe we can find F like uh oh and rotten fresh there we go oh oh yeah yeah yeah and then uh fish and then oh we are going fishing silver [Applause] wait what yeah we're trying to do that okay get out of here sorry I will save the day oh wait I threw away my sword all right I still have mine good okay there we go I think we got this and a chicken chicken didn't do anything Ian okay fine yeah [Music] I wish I understood [Applause] all right F if that is your real name oh wow very angry f a f is dead this has all been a huge six I was looking around for more clothes outside and look what I found a gold ring oh uh can I see that the gold what what yeah Finders Keepers just just let me hold it for a moment trust me okay fine but you have to promise to give it back okay oh it's happening ah whoa where am I hey who's that for oh it's this ring oh where is he going hey wait a minute oh huh hey what's that oh okay oh hey I see oh hey hey oh hi hi oh I hey oh hey oh hey whoa oh no I'm not doing too well wait a minute this is where this is wrong this oh no oh no no no no this is really bad X X oh he's got cool oh because he was mining with Ian that makes sense so a and F were a thing and then o also might a but a didn't like oh I don't know if a liked F but something was going on and then oh got jealous and killed a was poison which him which X is now oh X must have been trying to tell F about what happened and then it all makes sense oh a f my gosh oh um what is it uh so this you can have it gold ring gold green gold ring I I'm really sorry hey guys how's it going no Ian I don't think we should trust them I got it yeah I died [Music] no there's no in an eye yeah they're getting up on me this is my gold ring I'm on fire oh no I don't know [Music] I can help you oh [Music] got it what was that don't worry about it [Music] oh yeah and it's oh God did my Fireball get him I didn't even hear Fireball got a lot but I think I think I'm okay I think I know what's going on what I and O are trying to steal all my gold no I poison hey and now a is gone oh I'm sorry ah you can have your Fang back oh and I have the flashlights and I [Music] find [Music] yeah at least oh at least a came to stay there final goodbye wait bye yeah so does that mean you don't need this ring anymore it's okay don't worry there's other letters in the alphabet too all right you can just go find a friend come on let's go fishing yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,170,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: IrHT1jQVs5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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