Bishop Wooden Preaches // "The Mollification of God's Truth"

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[Music] Father bless us now as we preach teach this message with power and authority and may we not allow the enemy to mollify us glory to God may we keep our fire may we remain vigilant may we stay on our posts Oh God give us strength to never be asleep at the wheel o Lord touch us now may we not be enticed by the world's goodies may we not become unwise and allow our image our likeness or our influence to be used in a manner so as to be seen or understood as endorsing evil in Jesus Holy Name we pray thank God amen the modification of God's messenger mala fication of God's truth our text today is a very powerful story that illustrates one of the strategies that Satan is using to silence the voice of the church to silence the voice of the servant of the Lord to silence the voice of the preacher as a matter of fact when attempts to intimidate and Stu censure and to injure or mislead in our Tech's fail going to show you Satan employed a different strategy and the strategy was that of modification or assault to mollify the preacher if you this is the ultimate if you can't beat him join him or if you can't beat him get him to join you praise the Lord Snoop Dogg understands modification he said concerning the legends of gospel and those that he wins to his causes or he gets them on his side he says you've been snooping the devil is in the business of Snooper fine believers because we're not wise to his strategies you or somebody in the kingdom of God but you better know that you're somebody and every believer is given the responsibility of not allowing their good to be evil spoken of I'll never forget before I dive into this message Louis Farrakhan came to Raleigh a few years ago and while in the city word was sent to yours truly that Louis Farrakhan wanted to meet with me he did not suffer from having a tremendous line-up of african-american preachers who couldn't wait to shake the ministers and to be seen and to maybe to get a photograph with the minister when word was sent to me that he wanted to see me I sent word back that that's not possible but that won't happen I'm God's man I understood that all would be necessary to mollify me is for just one good photographer to be there and just take the the picture was there pictures above a thousand words snapshot of a handshake now we could be shaking hands saying IBM Utley disagree with you but the point is with the snapshot you can make it look any way you want I didn't go because I'm responsible for where this image shows up you don't hear me today the devil wants to mollify the believer to mollify in the strictest sense and i don't want to insult your intelligence it's the crush but it is actually to soothe the temper of to to pacify to appease the mollify is to make less intense or less severe a man to mollify synonyms mollify to placate to sweeten to Asajj to calm ones down to softened ones tone oh it is to and that various ways of doing this one ways you do it is you could take advantage of using a person's likeness to end up being where you shouldn't be with the crowd that you shouldn't be with are you following me so the goal of the devil is to get the preacher to be less preachy and to get us to go to sharing with you my friends I just come to share with you today I didn't come to share I come to preach I'm a preacher that's what I am sometimes our brashness is mistaken for arrogance there's not arrogance it is a understanding that the world is trying to soft and soften us as it with brash and boldness proclaims its message they want to shout at us and expect us to whisper shout you down shut up preacher or to put you in a position where you can't say anything because you've been mollified praise the Lord now jacks don't just preach teach Sunday it says in verse 1 of chapter 13 of first kings and behold there came a man of God this particular preacher is unnamed but we know that he's a man of God because the text tells us and he came out of Judah God called the man of God out of the southern kingdom now where he came to was the northern kingdom by now Giroud Israel have been divided into two distinct kingdoms two distinct nations ten of the twelve tribes were under the leadership of a man named Jeroboam the remaining two called Judah and that is tribe of Benjamin which made up the Levites and Benjamin and Jerusalem that the two were under the leadership of Solomon's son King reborn rheya Boehm his parents parents hear this parents rare born parents were in trouble with God from day one parents parents yours a man why because of what rare bones [Music] daddy D his daddy was King Solomon Solomon was David's son his son that David had the second child that Bathsheba gave birth to the first child died you know the circumstances if you're a Bible student of David and Bathsheba rare born was Solomon was the legitimate heir David got up off of his deathbed while he was sick with the condition where his body would not hold heat he was dying and he got up off of his deathbed and went and made sure that Solomon would be would be heir to the throne when Solomon got in Solomon outsmarted himself because Saints he would not hear god this is a lesson to the nation this is a lesson to us as a people this is a lesson to the white man to the black man to the male to the female the Bible teaches that righteousness exalteth our nation but sin is a reproach to any people sin will destroy your career it will destroy your name it will destroy your money it will destroy your family it will bring you down the best thing that can be done with sin is for sin to be confessed and forsaken and fast that's possible don't play with it Bible describes sin as a lion crushed at the door set to pounce on you praise Lord sin will pounce on you like Wilder got Poundstone say Amen see if y'all don't like me today Solomon as wise as he was made many strategic blunders God appeared if you studied the Bible to Solomon twice and told Solomon whatever you want just let me know Solomon had a open contract with God the Lord blessed him with wisdom beyond any of his predecessors said to have been the wisest man to ever live and even the wisest of man cannot outwit sin so his word is to the wise this word is to the educated this word is to the collegiate this word is to the senior citizen and to everybody all in between sin is your enemy sin is our enemy and we're warned in the scripture the Bible says and be sure that your sins will find you but don't nobody know what I'm doing be sure that your sins will find you are so the best thing to do is see is to confess it and forsake it fast Bible says if you say you have no sin now you're lying so all of us have sinned at the continuances but don't coddle you'll see don't try to rationalize your sin don't try to justify your sin don't try to make a special deal with God you're gonna you're gonna make some special arrangements outside of the Bible so the law is gonna make a special deal with you you're fooling yourself Solomon went outside the boundaries and it's Solomon led Israel in the national sin of idolatry the Bible says on the Solomon chapter 11 and verse 5 so Solomon went after asterism the goddess of the sidonians and after Malcolm and the abominations of the ammonites and Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord and we're not foolish after the Lord as did David his father then then did Solomon build high places for chemos thereby the abominations of Moab and in the heels that is before Jerusalem and for mulac the abominations of the children of Amon and the worship of Molech is like today's today's abortion burning the children in the fire to a false God Solomon assured in the age of diversity and tolerance and an equal religion equal view of all religions as an equal and separate path to the same God Solomon was the tolerant diversity King his his daddy was conservative his daddy served Yahweh only he was not a perfect man but he served Yahweh David never served a false god God called David a man after his own heart but his son you know what he did see he thought that he could outwit his father he married all of these wives these were diplomatic moves these were these weren't he didn't marry them for he'd fall in love with all of me married him because when Kings made treaties with other nations among the things that they did was they married into those royal families so Solomon married and to the point where he had several hundred wives several hundred wives and princes and 300 concubines and his wives turned his heart away from the Lord this in first Kings chapter 11 and verse 3 so he thought that this would build his Alliance but with those wives came their religions came their gods as water Bible teachers that were to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers you need to marry someone that you have things in common with first and foremost is as a believer you should you should even consider a person who doesn't love the Lord you love church but you'll marry somebody who don't like Church half comes the church they're only showing up and girls fall for this and occasionally you get a blockhead God to have come to church because they want to marry you now you know he's you know he's not interested you know he's not you've never seen him shout never seen him get happy the Holy Ghost move all over the service he's just sitting there doesn't get involved in the service doesn't say man act like he has no emotion going with into the game loud as one in the pews go with them to the movies oh he's got emotional alright because he's all over you when the movies over he hadn't seen enough things well don't even know the name of it there you go same has no interest for the Lord and then you married there were comes with that mate is there God secure ISM no interest for Jesus they don't believe in tyre they don't believe in giving it all comes out you know the guy didn't like the pastor when you married him you knew he you know he's all right then it all comes out and you know what happens he turns your heart he turns your heart say what you will of me it's easy to serve the Lord married to somebody who loves the Lord like you do it is to serve the Lord married to somebody who don't love the Lord your best day my sister your worst day alone unmarried it's better than your best day married to a man who don't love the law and don't love you I just quoted a prophetess Janet flawed a single a woman she's on her own her own law firm she's a pastor she's a prophetess she's a world-renowned speaker and she's never been married so before you say it's easy for you to say that because you've been married almost 40 years I quoted someone who's been single over their life and and and will go to go to heaven single unless the Lord sends the right person but she needs somebody who loves the Lord the way she loved the Lord there has to be some agreement you don't marry no you don't marry someone and you're wondering you're not quite sure of her sexuality you're not quite sure of his sexuality walk away now don't walk away run away run away because anything going work now college students and visitors if you've never heard me before I know I'm a little hard-hitting I was when I was poor to me if I was preaching on another subject and I spoke to the young one young lady after service she struck she loved the Lord but she struggled so hard with some of the things I hate to say because I I let the hammer down and I told her after service I said that's the way God's truth is God says is not my word like a hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces I told you I come to preach to you I didn't come to share with you a hand been mollified [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so he marries these women they turned his heart and God gets angry chapter 11 first Kings verse 9 says and the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel which had appeared unto him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods but he Solomon kept not that which the LORD commanded so God judged him verse 14 of the same chapter says and the Lord stirred up an adversary unto Solomon Haddad the Edomite and he was of the King's seed in Edom you know the children of Edom and the Israelis has a common ancestry for the were the descendants of Esau they were strong mountainous people after Solomon died are you follow me his son Raya born chapter 11 verse 43 says in Solomon slept with his father's and was buried you know that's that's something right there you read that over and over in the Bible and was buried and was buried and was buried you cremation people and was buried and was buried he slept with his father's and was buried in the City of David his father andraia born his son reigned in his stead chapter 12 are you following me and Rambo and went to seek him for all Israel will come to seek him to make him King and it came to pass when I'm gonna getting ready to introduce someone when Jeroboam we're going back to him now the son of neba was yet in Egypt he heard of it for he was fled from the presence of King Solomon Solomon and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt now why the jet was Jeroboam in Egypt well in chapter 11 verse 26 says and Jeroboam the son of Nebat are you free type of Zurita Solomon whose servant whose mother's name was Zorua a widowed woman even he the Jeroboam lifted up his hands against the king and this was the calls that he lifted up his hands against the King Solomon built milho which was a military outpost and repaired the breaches of the City of David his father built up Jerusalem and the man Jeroboam was look at this a mighty man of Valor and Solomon seeing the young man that he was industrious that is that Jeroboam could get things done some people are talkers Jeroboam was a doer he could get things done and he made him ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph perhaps had Solomon not been caught up in idolatry he wouldn't have taken an industrious man who had lifted his hands against him and made him and appointed him it's never good to reward iniquity you reward you get more of what you reward a man and it came to pass but at the time when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem follow me now that the Prophet a Hodja the Shilla knight found him on the road and he Jeroboam had cleared himself in a new comment just got him got a raise he's been elevated his money and he has rank and they too were alone in the field and a Hydra cult the new garment that was on him and written it in 12 pieces in this day of time that would have been a bad fight the Prophet grabbed his garment and ripped it in 12 pieces and he said to Jeroboam take the 10 pieces for thus saith the Lord the God of Israel behold I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and will give you ten tribes but he shall have the one tribe that is Judah and and that doesn't count the the other tribe the Levites Benjamin for my servant David's sake for Jerusalem's sake the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel and why is God going to take ten of the twelve because that they have forsaken me be careful America as you line up to vote for a man who's married to a man be careful as we celebrate guys like Dwayne Wade who was a child abuser any man that raises a twelve-year-old boy as a girl and some wronged him that's abuse say what you want that's abuse it's abuse if words still have meanings it's abuse abuse is abnormal use it is abnormal to raise a twelve-year-old boy as a girl that's wrong be careful as we line up and throw our support behind those who promote the customs of Molech and the blood of millions of unborn babies are on our hands be careful as we endorse other religions this country shows more respect I've said this before Allah lost a member behind it now I say it again America shows more respect to the religion of our enemies than it does to the religion that made this country great Hollywood won't won't make movies saying anything disparaging about Muhammad they're not going to criticize Muslims most of the time when they show them shows they are portrayed is noble first-rate sincere people but look at how the Christian is portrayed look at how the name of Jesus is marked look at how the Lord's name is taken in vain oh my look at look at their comedians who built their careers on criticizing the house of God and the saints of God be careful how you do these things God said because they have forsaken me I'm gonna preach in just a moment and have worship asteroth the goddess of the sidonians and kumo the god of the more bites and Malcolm the God of the children of Amon and have not walked in my ways to do that which is right in my eyes my brothers and sisters who are darker than blue be careful as we embrace these strange offshoot religions I must say the right to combat it I don't know even I don't understand understand what's even attractive about trying to serve a God that represents an ancient Egyptian system did you read where God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt haven't you read where the Lord conquered all of the gods of Egypt each plague represented an Egyptian god and Yahweh proved to be greater don't you know your history it was the God of the Bible who brought us out of slavery and kept us during that time and yet many of us now are quick to turn our back on the church and on the Lord be careful God said that wouldn't follow me some of you college students may be saying to you said I picked the wrong it's the right day you need to hear you need to hear a preacher not a shower you need somebody who's not afraid to tell you the truth praise the Lord say man now you have to admit I'm in the Bible see these folks cars are just religious by a different name there's always been false gods they have always been religious systems in the world complex that were older that predates Judaism that were false gods before God gave the Commandments to Moses that were false gods and false religions before Jesus came why do you think he came he came to bring light he come to judge the world he came to set the world free to get them out of darkness get them out of darkness to get them out of these false religions and false gods and false ways and point them to the true and living God and then Jesus declared no man cometh to the Father but by me that's the whole point the point of biblical Christianity is not that there are multiple ways to God the part of biblical Christianity is that that's one way and Jesus says I am that way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me here we see that apostasy diversity tolerance of all religions God is really in trouble with God and the Lord said to through a high jump to Jeroboam I'm gonna take the 12 tribes I'm gonna give you 10 of them he says bhai beardo verse 34 I will not take the whole kingdom out of rare bones and out of Solomon's hand but I will make prints all the days of his life for David my servants say some was a blessed cause God remembered our parents you had a praying grandmother praying mother a man whom I chose because they had they kept my Commandments and my statutes but I will take the kingdom out of his sons and I won't take it say Solomon was king when a Hodja spoke to Jeroboam he says I'm not going to take it from Solomon but I'm gonna take it from his son verse 36 and unto his own unto his son will I give one tribe that David my servant may have a light always before me in Jerusalem follow me now verse 37 and I will take thee and thou shalt reign according to all that I so desire I'm gonna give you all you want Jeroboam and shall be king over Israel you're gonna be king over the northern kingdom and it shall be then listen to this if thou will hearken unto all that I command thee and will walk in in my ways and do that which is right in my sight to keep my statutes and my Commandments as David my servant did other words don't do like Solomon did he says that I will be with thee and build the Asscher house as I built for David and will give Israel unto thee and look at this and I will and I will for this afflict the seed of David but not forever Judah's gonna suffer but not forever sap after this happens somehow the word got back to Solomon Jeroboam should have kept his mouth shut Solomon salt therefore to kill Jeroboam and Jeroboam Errol arose and fled into Egypt and Sheik our king of Egypt uh-huh unto Him and was in Egypt until Solomon died so this is how back to our text this is terrible and this is why God sent a man from Bethel are you following me is it making sense to you let me tell you what happened Rambo became King Solomon dies REO boom is king and they send word back to chapter 12 to get tell terrible the Solomon is dead and they sent and called him and Jeroboam and all the congregation they all all of Israel came just to to speak unto rebel remember in verse 1 of chapter 12 you Bible students rare born summons to people - she come for him to be made King the some of them summoned Jeroboam come out of Egypt and let's go and behold the coronation and they said now we're going to talk with him because Solomon was great but Solomon he made our yoke Grievous Korda verse 4 and and and the congregation said to the two grand born thy father first of all made our yoke Grievous now therefore and make Val the Grievous service of thy father and his heavy yoke which he had put upon us they said lighten the load so your daddy built that temple if it was beautiful but man like the taxes to death and his mansion and all that I mean it was something but they said he's gone now now that your king lighten the load a little bit because number one you just got in it so you don't have the weight that your father has you you've just been appointed so why not cut taxes say Amen why not give us a break give us some tax relief let us keep more of our own money that we've earned in our own pocket and rainbow I will read this part but you read it when you get home met with his father's administration his father's counselors and said to the people he sent the people away said give me three days and I'll give you my answer so he met with his father's administration and his dad's advisors can you see him sitting around the table said to him sir the King Rehoboam that doesn't there's some truth to what they said your dad was great but but hid the Lord was heavy give the people relief cut taxes give him a break slow down some of these building projects let the people live and they'll serve you forever all right after he heard from the his father's camp he met with his own buddies his boys his crowd see he lived in a bubble that was a hit remember remember he was Solomon's son so he always had answer entourage around it he always had people around him tell him how great he was whether they admit it or not because it wasn't in your best interest not to tell him he was great so he met with those guys and you know what they said to him they said you could tell they had never led it said you should double the load you tell them if you think that my dad was rough it'll be just like one of my fingers I am going to put it on you and all just be as condescending to them as you can and do you not know that that is what he did but people came back three days later he said I have what ya'll said but I'm not going to do any of that and he said verse 11 and now where's my father diddly lay you with a heavy oak I will add to you you my father have chasing you with whips but I will chasing you with scorpions a fool if there ever been one and so when he said this verse 12 says so Jeroboam and all the people came to rail bomb on the third day and and he spoke roughly to them and and the end of his how it ended verse 16 says so when all Israel saw that the King Haakon not unto them the people answered the King saying what portion have we in David neither have we inheritance in the son of to your tents Oh Israel look at this now see to thine arms house David so Israel departed unto that tent that is they said let David take care of himself we're gone and the people left him and they form they almost had a silver war the ten tribes and the two tribes please follow me this kind of preaching is good for those who love the Bible it's boring to those who don't they almost had a silver walk if you read in verse 21 and down and that was a prophet a man of God named shamea he came and he spoke up and he told them not to fight and said this division is of the Lord so now the kingdom splits Jeroboam is now King Jeroboam he goes from being a fugitive in Egypt to king over the northern kingdom rare Bob is king rare born with two tribes where is he when he went in office he had 12 what does Jeroboam do power we're ruin you because they one of the things that power will makes you do is that it makes you think too much and Bible teaches that you trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean to that own understanding Jeroboam began to reason within himself because he knew that there were special feast days special holidays they were called holy days at least three per year that summoned Jewish males to Jerusalem he got worried is like those who get worried about things that renegade jurisdictions are doing why worry let them do that you do what God have called you to do you keep up with what God is doing if you keep up with what God is doing here the rubber what the devil is doing the Lord put Jeroboam in offers but Jeroboam chapter 12 verse 26 the Bible says and Jeroboam said in his heart beware of the man who keeps his own counsel beware when you all your heart become its own echo chamber for all of a man's ways are right in his own eyes he said in his heart now shall the kingdom return to the house of David other words I'm get ready to lose these people why did you think that God have already set you up if this people go if this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the Lord Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem then shall the heart of this people turn again to their Lord even unto a rare born king of Judah and they shall kill me and go again to Rael born king of Judah he began to think self-preservation he became paranoid you know what he did instead of seeking the Lord who had elevated him listen people instead of seeking the Lord who had elevated whereupon verse 28 where I pawned the king took counsel he listened to the wrong people now Jeroboam is making the same mistake reborn me he took counsel and made look at this two calves of gold he created his own religion and set and said unto them these two gods that he just made it is too much said to the people it is too much for you to go down to go up to Jerusalem behold that God's o Israel that brought thee up out of the land of Egypt they said you don't have to go to church it never was sentiment about people today in that one said with these new religious systems Christianity is a white man's religion don't go over there they're serving a white man's God here's a new God for you the next thing you know you out there standing on side the road we're in a winter suit with a bow tie on selling magazines serving a false god I'm a part of the Nation of Islam you better get back in church that serve the God of your forefathers the God who made us great so he made these two gods self-preservation and set one in verse 29 in beth sheba and the other in dan that is he set one at the northern coast and one at the southern coast and the people began to worship and serve these false gods and he set up a religious system verse 32 and Jeroboam ordained a feasts in the eighth month on the fifteenth day of the month like the feast that is in Judah that is on the same day in Judah of where they're observing the Day of Atonement the Feast of Tabernacles he sets up an alternative religion an alternative religion I'm almost through and so while they were worshiping because he didn't want them to go to Jerusalem for fear they'll fall in love with the Lord and not come back so they set up an alternative religion you don't have to set up an alternative religion to make it you don't have to succeed you ain't got to become a liar a a backstabber you don't have to undercut someone else if God has something for you just live holy if God has a husband for you he will give you somebody else's just live holy God has a wife for you you don't have to steal huh from someone else just live right if the Lord has a promotion for you you have a you have to compromise your views to get promoted just wait on the Lord Jeroboam fail to wait on God and the Lord have set him up are you getting something under this so Wow they were worshiping while they were participating in this false religion back to the text verse the chapter 13 verse 1 and behold that came a man of God out of Judah's see everybody in the Northern Kingdom under Jeroboam the Bible teaches that Jeroboam took the worst men the basis man the lewd man and made them priests verse 31 of chapter 12 says and he made a house of high places and made priests of the lowest of people who which were not of the sons of Levi took drunks Liars cheetahs all kind of low people and consecrated them and made them freeze so you can imagine what kind of worship service they were having with little green low people as priests Bible says be clean that bad the vessels of the Lord and my preaching Oh preacher you sound harsh you sound a little judgmental no I'm teaching you how to make judgments this is a highway when you get saved God calls you to come up so they were worshiping and this man of God woke up in there at Shechem down are they were in Bethel so he walks in there in Bethel wow they were having service while king jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense and when the preacher walked in he didn't say I just come to worship with you all he didn't say I just come to share with you the Bible says and he cried against the altar in the word of the Lord and said o alter alter those saith the lord behold a child shall be born of the house of David and let me tell you what his name shall be his name shall be Josiah this is I'm a little flat brother Rick this is Josiah who would be born 300 years later said a man will be born of the house of David whose name is Josiah and unto unto thee shall he offer look at this the priests of the high places that burns incense upon thee and means bones shall be burnt upon thee other words he comes in and he intentionally insults their worship he intentionally disdains that worship and says all of you priests you're gonna end up being burnt up on this altar in years to come you will be sacrificed because of your wickedness and he says and I'm going to give you a sign praise the Lord verse 3 a sign look at this and he gave a sign the same day saying this is the sign which the LORD have spoken behold the altar shall be writ and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out which is the Lord's way of invalidating the altar he says the altar is going to be torn down and the ashes that our own it are going to be spread out and it came to pass follow me now when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God look at this which he had cried against the altar notice terrible the the preacher didn't come and try to blend in he interrupted the service and cried out the King got mad and put forth his hand from the altar saying lay hold on him the King stood up and said y'all get this fool get him and when the King lifted his hands and pointing his hands at the preacher and said we're gonna get this judgmental self-righteous preacher the Bible teaches and when he put forth his hand against him that his hand dried up so that he could not pull it again to him God throw jeroboams hey can you imagine and for what I love all I could understand the preacher when he walked in brethren he had no I'm embarrassed he had no agitance he didn't even have he was like me he had no Amen come hallelujah and yet that man stood alone and sad what God said and he was not intimidated and when the King rolls up her said get him god fro the king hey can I get a witness oh my and and look at this when God are you praying for me throws his hand the Bible says look at this here's the sign and the altar was written and the ashes water according to the sign which the man of God said he says the sign that I'm telling you the truth that's what's gonna happen in josiah's day is that this altar is gonna be turned over right before their eyes the Kings standing there was long frozen none of his men moving none of these soldiers none of the temple guards attacking the man of God the altar flies open that ashes was spills out which invalidates their whole worship service and now you just saw the first step of the attempt to mollify him is that the king tried to hurt him he tried to silence him he tried to send soldiers he tried to kill him but God froze his hand God turned the all to open over now watch this and look at this and verse 6 says and the King answered and said unto the men of God oh oh where's your bullets now Jeroboam entreat now the face of the Lord like a please pray pray pray pray for me pray for me that my hand may be restored again pray for me pray for me man of God and demand of God salt the Lord and the Kings hand was restored again and it became as it was before so now God have placed his approval on this preacher it shows that his arm didn't freeze it wasn't a coincidence it shows that the altar wasn't just poured out it didn't it wasn't happenstance it wasn't serendipity it was the hand of God and so now look at what the King says his modification and and verse 7 and the King said unto the man of come home with me come home with me be careful why are you invited be careful where you're seeing come home with me theologians argue whether or not the king was speaking of his residence which wasn't good or the house of his faith of the false god other words I need your Jeroboam you understood he understood visuals we need to look like we'll fellowshipping we need to look like we're on the same team so he says to him come home with me she sent me all you want to look like the world oh you want you wanna you wanna you you wanna you wanna identify with them to said come home with me come come and notice this he says come home with me and are you praying for me and he says and not only that come home with me and and and all and refresh thyself and then he really tried to mollify and I will give you a reward he tried to enhance him with money with in other words I need to get this prophet to look like he's endorsing me because let me tell you something sayings you cannot cry out against a platform that you're standing on you can't preach against what you allow you you preachers who cry out against homosexuality and LBGT but you got a choir full of sisters your word has no power got a homosexual on your organ and Lisbon playing the drums yo your word has no power see for you cannot you cannot cry out against the thing and endorse it at the same time you either you either on the Lord side or you're not you either pro or your car praise the Lord praise Allah I can't I'm not gonna preach against abortion and then vote for somebody who's for it what kind of senses got me that makes no sense at all I'm not gonna be for what I'm against Bible said the double minded man is unstable and all of his wings the Kings had come home let me refresh her you know what kind of signal that would have sent to the rest of the worship was there in Bethel if the Prophet would have been would have gone home and then as he's being refreshed and being said he's being mollified his his his desire his willingness to preach against it Oh to crawl out and spare not he's being softened by the dainty and bother that good heart bath Oh y'all in the palace and you can see all of that stuff you know the world knows how to entice you they know how I'll ten entice you come come go with me come on over to my place and you walk in and you see all of the trappings of sin y'all don't hear me and but you know what the preacher said then the verse ain't said and the man of God said to the king if thou gave me half of that I will not go with thee neither will I eat that bread and I'm not gonna drink your water why far for so it was charged me by the Lord saying eat no bread nor drink water nor turn again by the same way that thou camus so he went home another way and returned not by the way that he came to Bethel God said when you go down there don't eat that food since some of you the world is enticing you because you're eating their food you like what they have to offer it agrees with you the Bible never said that sin wouldn't agree with you dr. Bob Arnot years ago I watched him judge and he was trying to prove that Christian men were hypocrites and that Christian men were hypocrites beyond unsaved men he says he cites the study I don't know if that's who did it but he cites it and he said the studies show that men who watch porn on a regular basis were not moved as much sexually I'm not a determined it by the pornographic images and the Christian man were moved when they were shown the pornographic images so he said that shows you that the Christian men are hypocrites because they were aroused more than the men who watch it all the time that didn't show that Christian man were hypocrites because the Christian men never claimed that a naked woman is not attractive to look at praise not hey they'd ever said that to see something like that doesn't that movie that's that I'll claim God says it's wrong that's the claim there's a whole lot of seeing that you like but you stay out of it because it's round that's good region right there that's good preaching the whole lot of things we would do if God didn't say it was wrong it's a whole lot of places we go if God didn't say that it was wrong there's a whole lot of decisions we make if the Lord didn't say that it was wrong but because God says it's wrong even if our own flesh craves it matter of fact let me help you to Bible says so the Bible said the spirit lusteth against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit and these two are contrary one to another so that you will not do the things that you would a man's spirit a man's flesh lusts against his born-again spirit his spirit is saved his flesh is not and there's always praise a law a part of that man that says duro but thank God he listens to the Holy Ghost in him that says do right we don't clean we don't claim to be impervious to sin matter of fact of me who get in trouble are the ones who claim that that what the Bible says the Bible said let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall see the guy who will get his head knocked off is the guy who's only the impression that oh I'm so saved there are some things I won't do can't do shall never do won't fall fall you know I would never do it he's the first one to fall man told me one time early and my safe walk he said to me he said preacher bring me a brick I got I got to go home now - getting bored he said preacher if I was in a room full of naked women he said I would not have sex with any of them turns out he didn't take a room for he enough father for one see he gave himself too much credit the Bible said flee fornication you have to know how to keep yourself out of certain places young folk young ladies tell the boy at a certain a certain hour to leave the dawn or we just get ready to study the Bible or you get ready to become a Bible story leave that thing alone go send him home send him home at a certain hour at a certain hour God Almighty and worthy in college or whatever that you got to stay you gotta stay holy where to keep yourself out of certain situations a man a man I've been well to help each other live holy help him I said to someone one day young man loves you you gave me happiness they say helping make it until you get back don't let that just be too tight don't let the truth be too revealing because he's a regular guy he already loves you if he's a regular guy a regular man wants a woman he a man he he's always rebuking the devil he's rebuking self he's rebuking his own mind cuz ain't nothin wrong with him but the woman was made for the man so you got that oh y'all don't hear me preaching got that happen live holy y'all don't hear what I'm saying today God said don't you eat that meat don't you drink that water don't eat that bread because if you eat it if you eat it if you eat it it'll get in you if you eat it it'll affect you if you let it get in here it'll mess with you praise the Lord if you let it get in you it'll mess with you be careful praise the Lord on what you order off of iTunes be careful what you download be careful what you listen to be careful with praise and Lord as you do your head shake and check your nails be careful because the devil will cause you to go to hell you better watch what I'm saying here the devil will destroy you but he wants to get in and you can't let him in you let him ride he'll try to drive are you with me today so the preacher says no and he goes another way I wish I could close this sermon on the mountaintop I wish I could close it with a big hoop but that ain't hard ends the Bible says and there dwell listen listen and there dwell an old prophet in Bethel now when I let the inexperience of you have it the oldest thing said a man young folk y'all ought to get revenge now it was an old prophet being in the way a long time been in the church a long time experienced I said an old prophet sometimes when the devil comes it ain't somebody's young sometimes it's somebody old and you call you off to the side don't care what bishop wouldn't say live your life so you're old don't let these people fool you be careful a whole lot of young folk of going straight sitting around listening to old people o position holders all the same things that they are not the same and you know you know why you're saying it you know why you're saying that you are using your influence to put a a wedge between your that young person has listened to you it may or may not be a family member you know why you're saying you are manipulating them you know out of that respect for you you're using the respect that the church gave you because I endorsed you you're anything in this church I appointed you you're using the respect that I gave to pause and that young man the Bible said it was an old prophet I tried to figure out y'all how I could swing this one to just close out strong the Lord said the Lord said you can do it he said bring it down all you who Louie in positions who have influenced it was an old prophet in Bethel in the same place where the preacher had just preached and his sons came and told him all the words of the man of God what the man of God had said that day in Bethel and the words that he had spoken unto the king he was too much for Jeroboam then they told also to their father and their father said unto them no prophet which way did he go where did he go for his sons had seen what way the man of God went which came from Judah and he said to his son's saddle me the ass and they saddled him and he rolled their own and went after the man of God and found the man of God sitting under an oak sometimes you got to be careful when you take a break perhaps the guy wouldn't have caught up to him God said when you do finish your assignment go back don't go the way I came go home he decided to sit under oak while sitting there he didn't know his enemy was catching up didn't know that he were being pursued this is preached each Sunday and while sitting under and Oakland are you following me he said unto Him the old man's art thou the man of God that Kamath from Judah and he said I am then said he unto him come home with me and heat breed come with me and he said unto Him the preacher I may not return with thee nor go with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water with thee in this place see he didn't he shouldn't have stopped knows what he said he said I can't eat with you in this place say he was still in the northern kingdom see some of y'all you ain't come all the way out yet so you say you sanctified it almost feel you've stopped you got to come out all the way out you praise the Lord yet come out well I'm not quite sure whether I'm committed to commit to the Lord to that degree the old man is catching you why are you why are you dragging your feet he's riding on his horse he's racing toward you why are you moving like a snail praise the Lord he said I can't eat in this place that means he had not gotten back to Judah that means he stopped when he should Oh God give me strength not to [Applause] God give me the power I need to keep going for it was said unto me he says that old man by the word of the Lord thou shall eat no bread nor drink any water nor return again and go the way that thou camest God told me not to then he said unto him I am a prophet also as a lot I'm a prophet too I'm just as much of a prophet as you are and he was a senior citizen so you're responsible let me tell you something you're seniors you're responsible for the respect that that gray hair gives you you're responsible for the risk the respect that years of having been here gives you you're responsible for your title for your position in this church you're responsible because it gives you influence and we've influence comes responsibility to toe the line you don't know about keeping your children who undermine you I don't do that with my grandpa with my grandbaby when they asked me some I said let me find life is all right with your parents ain't gonna do nothing to say and then that's different for what their parents tell and then tell them don't tell your parents I'm under mine and they ain't no cute way to undermine it says the wrong singing I'm preaching too long what His Prophet says I'm old I'm a prophet I'm a prophet as that one and the angel of the Lord spake unto me by the word of the Lord saying bring him back with thee in thine house that he may eat bread and drink water now pastor how do you know that the Lord didn't speak to the old prophet I'm glad you asked the Bible says but he lied to him he lied to him but notice he was able to tell a lie so convincingly that the last sound like the truth look at how they're lying to us today God made them male and female anybody tell you in a different align marriages union between a man and a woman anybody tell you in a difference they're lying liars if a man don't work neither shall they eat anybody tell you in a difference they're lying liars don't you be loud out of don't you get a lot out of your place in the kingdom don't you let nobody lie you to lie to you and take your anointing the man lied the man lied and look at what happened it gets said I I wish I could closer but then there's a whole lot of messages online we're closed huh and and and look at this and he can't and he came to pass no no verse 19 so he went back when I read this it brings tears of mine he went back with him and look at this indeed he breathed in his house and did drink even though God had told him not to do he let the politician couldn't get him but he let his fellow religious leader get him be careful of those who try to get you to do wrong in the name of the law all through the Obama years every time I would cry out against something that the president was doing that was against God all of my friends and old prophets would say what wouldn't doesn't understand is it that you got to separate your religion from your politics that's a lie not just on Obama some of them I'm mad because I'd said under the current president it's all discussing this stuff I said that is not good it has contributed to the moral decline in our communication there are those who well you shouldn't say that what do you mean I should ain't nobody's hand in my pocket I seek no favor I never have the man pauses alright you'll get my support by the terms of holiness yeah people don't you beware of those who try to lead you astray in the name of the Lord this man came to him in the name of the Lord and the preacher said and he ate and he drank let me wrap it up let me wrap it up and it came to pass as they said at the table look at this look at this that the word of the Lord came to the Prophet that brought him back though man God's Word came to the old prophet here's what the old prophet said to the young prophet and he cried unto the man of God that came from Judas saying after the Gala's fool was good yes did you enjoy it yes are you refreshed yes is it all right yes you enjoy said yes he said das antelope for as much as thou has disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and have not kept the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee but thou but camus back and Haise and has eaten bread and drink water in the place which the LORD thy God told he not to do wait old you eat no bread drink no water he said because you disobeyed God thy caucus shall not come unto the suppo create of that father can you imagine how he had to feel this is the same man the same man who talked him into it now says you're gonna die and it came to pass after he had eaten bread and after he drunk that he sat older look at this the whole prophet saddle for him the ass I'm gonna I'm gonna get you ooh BRR taxi so yep you got to go now mission accomplished gotta go now you gotta go says for the Prophet whom he had brought back and put him on the animal and said goodbye the Bible says and when he was gone a lion met him by the way and slowly he allowed himself to become mollified when he went to the old prophets house the old prophet was not a prophet of the Lord he lived in Bethel he was a prophet when the Jeroboam remember I told you Jeroboam upon Jeroboam appointed the lowest so when God's prophet was at jeroboams prophets church worshipping with him eating at his table in doing that he validated that false religion hence he mollified the preacher and once the devil once god's servant represents satan in the world then god's servant cannot shine the light cannot represent the Lord I don't want this to happen to me I don't think that I'm so saved and so strong that it can't happen to that was his problem so therefore I want the Lord to keep me I want the Lord to give me eyes to see and ears to hear I want the law to make me wise so that when the enemy come whether he comes disguised as King Jeroboam has a offensive worship system or come disguised as an old prophet of God that I have the spirit of discernment and not be drawn away by the world some of you are being enticed you've been inside they pulled you in because you want what you want the world knows how to get you incremental II well preacher I haven't done any of those wicked things you don't have to do it if you're standing there if you're with them if you in the photograph it is as it is it is as though you've done it for when people see you the assumption is that's who you're with now you cannot run with the devil crime and one with God's crowd one day I was at a national meeting waiting to get a ride I was catching a courtesy car and a man pulled up in the car dressed like a woman and wanted to know if I want a ride oh no I don't want no ride ain't got nowhere to go do you know the damage that can be done just being seen dropped off with that kind of driver well don't the Bible says judge not only does but you say that you judging me right now so people don't do that so you have to know how to not allow yourself to be tricked and then you take the world's goodies and all of a sudden sin is not as sinful anymore your stance is not as strong your your punch your hit is not as powerful as it used to be you've been modified I've seen modified Church mothers mollified pastors mollified bishops mollified singers what you think the voice in the and American Idol all that's all about they they pull in all of our singers put them on that platform and then say sing the world song and you got to praise them because you want to get to Hollywood you got to do what I tell you because you want to get to the next round so you sellout then then once you lose then you try to come back to the church but they've mollified you it takes a minute to rebuild I want to pray today I've been up long but you know God says speak to him one two people the Bible is a true book that's why every story doesn't end and they live happily ever after preacher I want you to pray for me that I not be mollified that I am wise enough to recognize the devil's plots and plans and the things that Satan tries to do to the word I'm searching for is the devil's enticements he'll entice you if you won't prayer for this meet me at the altar the young and the old I don't want to be enticed come to the altar I want to pray a simple prayer I don't want to end up being lions food I'm away from home for the first time I'm on the college campus it's a new world everything's new it's big its bold is brash I work in this industry I work in that industry Bethel Jeroboam that false religious system is all around me I can't get around it how do I stay save in the midst of it God gives you wisdom God gives you power God shows you where to go and where not to go what what platform to be seen on and what platform to avoid so as to not allow your name and reputation to be brought down to keep you from being mollified once you've been modified you're no longer qualified and you're no good if you can't say what God would have you to say if your hands dear Lord Jesus we come before you we're challenged with the world's enticements the world is saying in one form or another Come Dine With Me eat my bread drink my water let me bathe you let me refresh you and what we said no but the world has different ways the devil come one way then here come another way God give us wisdom to recognize even the old prophet give us the strength to keep walking to stay on the journey had he not stopped hey not stopped the devil would not have been successful had he just left even if he wouldn't have gotten all the way home just got out of the territory of the northern kingdom anywhere in Judah he could have eaten anywhere in the northern kingdom they could have dined together and judgment would not have come and Satan caught him Oh God give us power to keep running to stay in church to stay interested in the things of God thank you give us power to stay on fire for Jesus to hold on to the altar to keep the fire burning my God as the years roll on may we keep our fire as life happens and even as we suffer losses and different things God keep us fired up God give us strength to stay on fire for the Lord God give us the fervency as the years roll by may our strength not be abated may I'll seal not lessen but give us power Lord hallelujah Jesus to get stronger as the day go by hallelujah Jesus to get stronger as the day go by as the years roll along hallelujah let us grow up and to be more committed in the name of Jesus whoo give us strength to serve you in a day like today in the name of Jesus and whether the devil comes through politics whether the devil comes through hallelujah religion however the devil comes well there's somebody young like we're rheya bones advisors or someone old like this old prophet God give us the strength to get in the word and stay there - stay there - stay with God's truth just stand on the Word of God to stand on the Scriptures in the name of Jesus now in a pew Satan Satan the Lord rebuke you and a hand of God is against you and we speak deliverance we speak power we speak change your mind we speak change of heart let the Lord turn let him turn you away from the advice of that old prophet who is the old prophet they don't have to be old and age just if then if the advice is against God if the advice is contrary to what the Bible says then that's that old prophet don't listen to them they'll get you eaten by a lion you'll lose out but if you just stay with the law [Music] the Lord will keep you in Jesus name in Jesus name with your hands lifted on the altar I hear the Lord I hear the Lord yield not to temptation for yielding is sin each victory will have you some other to win I'd manfully old word dark passions subdued to Jesus he will carry you through you just ask the Savior to can you climb for strengthen and key ye willing to lay you Jesus will carry you through one more time just as Savior to help you comfort strap on and and keep you years willing [Music] Jesus scary [Music] [Applause]
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 4,130
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: k7vaKHwoiqU
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Length: 99min 52sec (5992 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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