Bishop TD Jakes: Own your own happiness II STEVE HARVEY

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[Applause] well everybody all my next guest is a best-selling author successful film and television producer and the man who inspires millions each week through his message of positivity and faith I can't even tell you what the man mean to me please welcome back my friend Bishop TD Jakes [Applause] thank you my appreciate you coming I'm glad to be here bet you've been busy since I last saw you I have indeed I'm busy working on megafest and you know about megafest you came and blessed us at megafest and the guy here started but not just start but in the faith world yeah expose you there we got all kind of activity the comedy shows and dramas and plays and spiritual elements and family fun how many people you think come through megafest total well you know we were running about a hundred and seven thousand when we were in Atlanta each day three hundred thousand over three days now we're going to five days we've been doing about 80,000 hours and yet it doesn't feel like a crowd because we got so many different activities going on you can tailor the event to what you want to be whether it's economic empowerment sessions business sessions or just fun and hanging out with the kid at all ages or whether you just want to go to church we got all of it available we're taking over Dallas yeah a lot of people always asking themselves what can I do to be happy that's a big question for a lot of people may you have a system of five steps yeah yeah readin five simple steps that really helps no matter who you are what walk of life you're in number one you have to own your own happiness take it away from other people demanding that they make you happy your kids are not gonna make you happy your spouse is not gonna make you happy a big house is not gonna make you happy own your own happiness to be responsible for doing those things to bring joy into your own heart independently of life and people and money and all of that stuff it doesn't necessarily give you a happiness you have to take responsibility of that peace and that joy that lives inside of your heart and not inside of your stuff Wow all right yeah and the second thing the second thing that thing people need to do is challenge their own story because people torment themselves by how they see their life they've told themselves a story as if it were the truth when it is really a perspective truth and sometimes you've narrated a story that you beat yourself to death with challenge your own story change the way you talk to yourself about who you are and what happened to you and what you're going to do in your life you you wrote the script changed the story change the dialogue you can leave Emma right you know the third thing that that I think is very important is to enjoy the journey not the destination a lot of us delay our happiness when I get to this level when I get my degree when I get the kids when I get married I'm gonna be happy enjoy the journey enjoying the whole step the whole process every day that you get up to strive for whatever it is you're after you know I'm a goal-oriented guy yeah so you don't celebrate when you get to the finish line celebrate all along the way some way all along the way yeah man you know that's so true because I hear people talking about a million a million man when I make a million dollars I'm gonna do this right here well look if you've been making twenty five thousand dollars a year and all of a sudden you're making a hundred thousand dollars a year I Got News for You Man hey you need to go eat a piece of cake and put a candle in it or something because that's a big jump and like you say enjoying the journey it's just realizing that there's joy in the process and they not put me on my calendar put me on my calendar because I want my attention too because if you don't see yourself as valuable nobody else will you know nobody else will the other point is make relationships count it making your relationships calm because everything is about relationships you're first of all your relationship with God your that's a very important thing to have because as long as you know that there's somebody in charge you don't have to bear the brunt of the responsibility and the weight of what's going on in your life here you can talk to the boss yeah remember to enjoy your relationship with yourself if you don't like you it makes it hard for me to like you know because people when you walk into their atmosphere they draw you into the cosmos of their own drama and if they're full of drama without you when you come in you become caught up in the cyclone of their drama enjoy your relationship with yourself and then anybody else who comes in they enter into a party you already started yeah yeah and then the relationship with your kids the relationship with your spouse the relationship with your friends taking time to enjoy the relationships because there is no fruit nature teaches us that there is no fruit without relationships you cannot be fruitful by yourself in business in home not in life in church I don't care what it is you are no more than the relationships you surround yourself with and make sure that though the good ones the fifth thing yep yeah now go ahead I'm loving it it's good yeah this is really good the fifth thing that I really ascribe to is balance work with play you can't do all of either one and be successful and to those whom much is given much is required and if you work really hard you're really diligent person make sure that you do some play to balance your life out if you play real hard but you don't work very much it'll be fun but you're gonna be hungry you gotta balance work with play you have to balance it with your children if you're always the disciplinarian your daddy gonna get you when you get home I don't want to always be the police in the house yeah I want to be the fun guy sometimes balancing work with play call this not only for you to be holistic but for people to get a better perspective of who you are I get on my Instagram and I put crazy stuff my kids died just yesterday I put me sweating in the gym saying they said it's gonna be fun but it hadn't gotten fun yet you know you know to let people know that everything is not serious every day that's too much pressure we've got way too much pressure on us to be the people we were created to be you got to enjoy the journey in the process like I told my kids the other day I said let me explain something to y'all if something happened to me and mama I want you all to understand y'all gonna be around the casket crying because I'm not leaving you everything I'm just not I'm gonna spend 85 percent of my income on me and your mama you're right yeah I don't leave about five ten percent that's it the rest of the money me and your mama going somewhere we couldn't dad me we can't go on vacation no no I want to be with just with your mother well it's common people don't understand about children it is not what you leave to them that makes them great it's what you leave in them and if you leave it offend them if you leave enough in them you don't have to worry about what you leave to them if you leave more to them than you leave in them they will run through everything you left to them yeah but if you leave enough in them you don't have to leave so much to them because they can go out there and make their own way in life cool I'm glad you said that but now then getting nothing coming up next bishop TD jakes has a special story to share with us that proves miracles happen right here on earth stay with us we'll be right back you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,789,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, TD Jakes, Bishop, Bishop TD Jakes, Happiness, Happy, Producer, TV, Faith, Spiritual, journey, church, goals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2015
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