LET THEM GO - Jim Rohn | Td jakes & Joel Osteen | Steve Harvey Best Motivational Speech

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[Music] and hear me when i tell you this when people can walk away from you let them walk when people can walk away from you let them walk everything you're going through is preparing you for what you ask god for you just gotta quit tripping while you're in the process because the process is necessary you may not see it now but when he gets you on the other side of it you're gonna see exactly why it went that way and you're gonna be okay with it but quit tripping during the process oh lord why me you ain't the only one oh lord why me you ain't the only one oh lord why i lose my job you ain't the only one unemployed oh lord why he leave me your first chick got left lord if i could just stay with him a little bit longer maybe you don't need him maybe he the reason you ain't got nothing now well i don't want to leave him because i've been with him eight years well hold up you want eight more years of this let his monkey go but now god can't give you what you want cause you want to hold on to what you got you all in the way now you telling him how to bless you you can't tell god how to bless you it's a simple process the only reason i'm telling you this because this is how i made it i just do me i just i'm just being me i stay uniquely who i am because you are okay just the way you are because you god made you uniquely who you are he wanted you to be just like you are god uses people to help move us toward our destiny but here's the key you can't become so dependent on people that you're getting your worth and value out of how they treat you it's easy to become addicted to compliments addicted to encouragement addicted to them cheering you on now you rely on them to keep you feeling good about yourself to always be there to validate you to make you feel approved like a drug if they don't keep you fixed meet all your expectations you get discouraged feel inferior work overtime to try to win their approval if you rely on people you'll be disappointed people will let you down people will get busy and not be there when you need it sometimes people will even turn on you quit relying on people what they do or don't do doesn't determine your worth what they give you or don't give you cannot stop your purpose quit waiting for people to approve you and start approving yourself people may not encourage you you can encourage yourself people may not make you feel special you can make yourself feel special i know i'm crowned with favor i'm one of a kind i'm a masterpiece you'll have better relationships if you'll start validating yourself if you're always depending on somebody else you'll become needy a burden waiting for other people to keep you fixed can i tell you your friends family members they have enough problems of their own they have enough issues that they're dealing with to not come home and have to work on you for three hours that's not only hurting you it's unfair to the people god put in your life they're not responsible for your happiness they're not responsible to keep you cheered up don't put that extra pressure on them if you're basing that off of what people give you then if they change their mind if they stop doing it you'll feel devalued well joel my parents didn't raise me right i didn't have a good childhood my spouse never compliments me my boss didn't give me the credit that i deserve i say this respectfully if you didn't get it you didn't need it they can't stop your destiny what they say or do cannot override god's plan for your life that person that walked away did you wrong made hurtful comments shake off the disrespect don't believe the lies that you're not talented enough attractive enough good enough they don't determine your value they can't lessen your self-worth the only power people have over you is the power that you give them and it's good when people encourage us when they cheer us on what i'm saying is don't become dependent on that if you'll start passing these tests not relying on people you'll not only live more confident more secure but i believe and declare you're going to overcome obstacles that looked insurmountable accomplished dreams that seemed impossible and reach the fullness of your destiny i can tell you if you don't get anything else you have to look at your relationships and you've got to ask yourself the question what is this relationship doing to me and i mean in every area of your life when the doctor looked at me and said you have cancer cancer is the most feared word in seven different languages one of the first things i had to do i found out who had cancer at some point in time or was living with cancer and conquered it i surrounded myself with people who had done what i wanted to do who were winning at the game it's it's very important every area of your life if you want to improve your health start hanging around healthy people they did a a 30 year study and said that the reason that most people are obese it's a mind virus listen to what they said a mind virus is communicated mind to mind that if you have a friend that's fat or you marry somebody that's obese you have a 41 to up to 161 percent of becoming obese yourself even if they live in another state whoa why because birds of a feather flock together never forget high school teaching mr leroy washington said mr brown if you run around with nine broke people i guarantee you you'll become number 10. whoa think about that part of your mindset development not only listening not only reading but you have got to look at your relationships upgrade your relationships and continue to evaluate them and make sure they're an asset to you and not a liability my son john unless he's a motivational speaker he has a saying who should you count on and who should you count out see there's some relationships that can start out real positive and then sometimes we outgrow people have you ever outgrown someone somebody used to be close to used to be your bosom buddy and then you haven't been together for a time and then when you get together you have absolutely nothing in common sometimes that happened with family members my twin brother it's a strange conversation because he's talking my last did you hear who died no i don't get up reading the obituary column i'm glad my name is not there hello i don't care i'm focusing on living our conversations are so different isn't it interesting how you can be raised in the same family same circumstances by the same parents and end up dramatically different it's called life never underestimate the power of influence what an important statement the influence of those around us is so powerful many times we don't even realize we're being strongly influenced because it generally develops over an extended period of time if you're around people who spend all they make chances are excellent that you'll spend all you make if you are around people who go to more ball games and concerts chances are excellent that you'll do the same if you're around people who don't read many books chances are excellent you won't read many books people around us can keep nudging us off course a little at a time until finally ten years from now we find ourselves asking how did i get here those subtle influences need to be studied carefully if we really want our lives to turn out the way we've planned of course you must be the judge you must determine whether the situation and the people call for disassociation or limited association but remember if it isn't taking you where you want to be five years from now ten years from now now is the time to fix it spending more time with the right people people of substance and culture people who understand philosophy and discipline people of accomplishment and character many years ago mr shelf said to me mr rohn if you truly wish to be successful you've got to get around the right people keep asking the question who can i get around who could i spend some time with who would have a positive influence on my life don't pick up your plan especially your financial plan from unsuccessful people this is called association on purpose getting around the right people by expanding your circle of influence listen to me man you have a great life in front of you but your great life is in front of you it's not behind you what you did back there ain't got nothing to do with what god got for you what you did back then was learn the lessons to get you to where you are at this particular moment right here but what god got for you do you know man that you can actually mess your life completely up you can jack it all the way up and you can turn around get it right do you understand that do you understand that you could have had a baby out of wedlock and still be all right do you know that you can be divorced multiple times and still be okay do you understand that you cannot have a degree and still be just fine you won't know how i know cause i'm telling you what i know i lost everything twice i don't know if you've ever lost everything before but i've been bottomed out twice i haven't seen rock bottom two times i've been through some walls up in here man i'm just trying to tell you man god is really with you you ain't got to believe me you ain't got to believe me but keep doing it without god let me know how i work for you matter of fact write a book on how to make it without god cause i wanna i wanna read it i wanna read the first page and then i want to read the last page because it ain't going to be but two you can jack your life all the way up god is in the forgiving business you can make all the mistakes you want to make or think you shouldn't make god is in the get it together business if you got dreams and visions i got news for you god is it to make your dream come true business he did it for me i won't do it for you a lot of y'all better than me i'm just gonna flat out tell you you ain't most of y'all ain't done what i had to do to get to where i am today you just ain't had to do this type of dirt you ain't been homeless so what what you you ain't you ain't got to scrap like me most of y'all didn't come you're not old as me i've overcome it all because i have a relationship with him and you can listen to me and tell that i'm not a perfect person i am not a perfect christian i have my flaws i am a flawed human being but guess what you are too you ain't got it all together i dare you to say you do i make a lot of money man but guess what i ain't got it all together i'm hurting i'm hurting man everybody tripping through something everybody i don't care who you are you're going through something but if you've got god you can make it i'm just telling you this little piece of information i don't see most of y'all most of the time so you're sitting here you're kind of looking at me a little bit oh why steve talking like this stuff i'm just trying to put you put your own game cause let me just all y'all want to be successful and you want to be happy but you got to get there it's a shortcut to getting that the shortcut to that is the relationship with god if you try it without him you're gonna fail miserably you're gonna sink man it's gonna be ugly for you now this what you gotta do identify your gift and get busy with it god gave all of you a gift identify your gift it is the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's your gift get busy at that if it's drawing if it's teaching if it's sharing if it's caregiving he put that gift inside of you he didn't hide it under a rock or put it under the mountain or put it on the mountain somewhere he put the gift in you [Music] and you look at me any kind of way you want to what i'm just telling you is real that's how you become successful identify your god-given gift what he gave you at birth if you do that god will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive i am telling you that is a fact
Channel: Motivitional vibes
Views: 542,606
Rating: 4.9466457 out of 5
Keywords: jim rohn, td jakes, les brown, joel osteen, motivational speech, motivational video, jim rohn motivation, td jakes motivation, les brown motivation, let them go td jakes, steve harvey, steve harvey motivational speech
Id: odLwkkd5K6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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