Bishop Noel Jones - More Than Conquerors

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at Hanna's Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 and help me sound man I've been cross country five times in six days it's a little a little crazy and out of the country had jumped off the boat Norlin Esther and I want you to notice the closing of Romans 8 beginning at verse 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justified who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died J rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principles nor powers nor anything present or things to come right nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord I want you to look at your neighbor and say neighbor you've got life by design walk in your destiny [Applause] who the book of Romans is quite interesting in many circles that is known as Paul's treatise of the gospel and of course when argues how can it be denoted in any sense as as gospel when he does not tell us anything of the historical geographical relationship of Jesus Christ to the world into the earth he doesn't deal with the uniqueness of his birth from an historical point of view he doesn't deal with the uniqueness of his calling his messianic awakening he doesn't deal with so much of what he did from historical point of view but it is still the gospel because what Paul does is he goes behind the scenes of the Matthew Mark Luke and John account and gives us such doctrines as the doctrine of soteriology which includes redemption reconciliation adoption sanctification and all of the things that are not mentioned in Matthew Mark Luke and John he opens in the first chapter with the with pointing one barrel of the shotgun against mankind in general when he found that man didn't want to retain God in his knowledge so God gave him up to a reprobate mind a mind that could not distinguish right from wrong a mind that was so confused it couldn't even distinguish the use of a woman separate from the use of a man our God was saying once since you decided you want to figure me out and put me on trial to see whether or not you want to follow me I will give you a mind that's trial les reprobate in the second chapter he turns the other barrel of the shotgun against the Jewish people and he said to them you have had the Pentateuch you've had the Torah the law you have had the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar fire by night repent the tabernacle the temple and you still wouldn't serve God so by chapter three he concludes that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God he had to deal with the doctrine of condemnation in order to bring us to the doctrine of justification and in Chapter four five and six he outlines justification diaconis and he's saying that you could no more justify yourself then Abraham can have a baby at a hundred with a wife that's 75 just as impossible as it was for them to produce Isaac so impossible is it for you to justify yourself he moves from justification in chapter 7 because having been given all the graces of God one might think that well we should have it made I mean come on and then he raises the issue now of the old man fighting to dispel the appointing and the anointing of the new man and he argues vehemently that when he would do good evil always shows up but then he thanks God that he will have victory through Jesus Christ he now comes then to chapter 8 and out chapter 8 becomes the conclusion of his presentation of the gospel and where I began reading becomes the conclusion of the conclusion because now before we leave class he's gonna ask us three questions what shall we then say to these things it is interesting however that now we understand the real reason why God has brought us into this world and that is for those who are the called according to his purpose his simple reason complicated simple it simple is that we are predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son now I want you to see this very carefully he is not predestinated you to anything else but being conformed to the image of his son I dare say now that has to be the single most difficult job for God to do and that is to make me you might be closer than I am that to make me like Jesus sealer can you imagine the enormity of the job to take me who is so far out and make me like Jesus but he has predestinated me to be conformed to the image of his son now obviously many questions have to bombard us as it relates to our lives because the things we have found ourselves in often times without having orchestrated them ourselves have forced us to deal with things in life that we didn't even bring on ourselves I don't know if your life is like mine but I just woke up one day and found that I was a member of a family that I did not choose I didn't choose my mother my father I end up being born in a particular side of town that I did not choose I was born at a time in a nation and I did not choose the time I was born I am very grateful that I was not born in other errors in other epochs and other times I was very grateful to God but nevertheless I didn't choose it how often is it that we have looked for someone to deliver us from what it was that just naturally became our destiny because if I did not choose the family I was in then it was destined that I was born in this particular famine and many times because we will not deal with the fact that we have come into an unfriendly and foreboding world that's mixed with all kinds of nefarious and evil people that we have no power over neither did we try in any way or could in any way shape the way they even felt about us and yet still we have had to deal with those things that we did not bring on ourselves I can almost hear rat licking ice it's gonna get rough for a minute we were born in many instances to families in our helplessness and we had to deal with abusive fathers and many of us had to deal with abusive relatives and had to endure some abuse that we should never have endured but we didn't have the power in any way to make it any different I don't care how naked my five year old or six year old daughter gets I'm still her father and she can never be blamed for my behavior because she is innocent and doesn't have the capacity to change me or cause me to be anything other than what I should be but so many of us have been raised in families that we were abused sexually mistreated physically debilitated psychologically and yet still we had no power to change and it was our destiny cold uncaring mothers who spent more time on drugs than she did fixing a bottle for her children and yet still the child has to come through and live through that kind of environment that they didn't choose to have and didn't orchestrate or didn't put together and it leaves many times an indelible print on the lab the immaterial personality of that individual and for years to come that individual has to overcome the stigma and the pain of things that they did not bring on themselves and if that is so then that is their destiny you've got prejudicial teachers mean people in general and who and mix that with poverty and failure to be educated at the right time because you ended up in a situation without any guidance a destiny we had no choice in I mean it was simply handed to us and for so long we seek to cover our backgrounds we seek to hide our backgrounds and if we don't try to hide them we seek to compensate for it and sometimes we try consciously to deny that it even existed and we do anything to face directly dealing with certain aspects of our childhood I'm talking to somebody this for the most part then turns and brings us into intense resentment and we end up now hating certain people and despising certain people and it's not it's not with a clean clear heart that we go to a family reunion sometimes we go with chips on our shoulders we go looking for folk many times we haven't even discussed with mother some of the things that we have experienced and often times we can end up hating her because we believe that she was there and knew it was going on but didn't raise a hand to do anything about it must I stop here can I keep going and we're bound to do it because the things that have gone on in our lives no matter how we struck with so we cannot scrub away from our intellect those things that were so painful in our upbringing and then we decide that we're going to bring somebody into our lives to massage and take away all of these scars of yesterday's pain and we become doubly sensitive doubly sensitive to their behavior because something on the inside of us make us particularly cautious when we look at them because we have a reservoir of negative things that have happened to us so I sit across the table looking at you with suspicion and you have never done a thing to me but I'm looking at you with suspicions because ain't nobody gonna treat me right everybody's something wrong with them and so you're looking at me with suspicion and then you have lowered your level of expectation because you have been raised in such difficult and such hard times and you will not embrace it as your destiny you would rather deny it and push it away but if you had no control over it then somebody else must be orchestrating and manipulating and moving the pieces in your life and so you look over with suspicion and I look back with suspicion because I feel suspicion coming over the table and since you lowered your expectation I'm holding back so you end up getting exactly what you expected because you didn't go by your strength but you chose out of your weakness it's good thing to know that I have come through a part of my life that has been awful but that was my destiny now that I have met Jesus then something about destiny has got to change I wanna take some time here why does this person who should give me security that I have chosen and recompense for the past continually cut my heart in two and the reason is I have chosen out of a bundles of other bundles of issues I have not chosen out of the free spirit of a renewed creature but I'm choosing like an old creature you see but as far as destiny we've got to pray with got to confront it as a given there were some things that you have gone through that are unchangeable and so when I deal with my destiny I look at not just the good part but all of it because I just read somewhere where all things work together for good so even though it's painful and it's unchangeable I need to acknowledge it and I need to accept and this is where we begin to experience the relief of one who was once a slave but who is now free what used to be an embarrassment has now become testimony and what used to be a weapon against me has now become a weapon in my arsenal [Applause] thought you would destroy me but I can look back over my life and declare if anybody should not have conquered it should be me and that's why I'm not just defined as a conqueror defined as a more the great 20th century psychologist said this and I quote he said the freedom of each of us is in proportion to the degree with which we confront and live in relation to our destiny it happened to me I have some ugly stories but it happened I don't have any resentment because it happened it happened at the right time because I met Jesus and I recovered I don't have to be ashamed of it I can praise God for it because it's life by design [Applause] oftentimes we let movies and our entertainment define words for us the term destiny many times has been reduced solely to the unescapable catastrophe some sort of secret doom and irrevocable ruin you know that kind of stuff it includes that of course but it's much more than that because destiny is defined as to ordain it is to devote it is to dedicate in advance to consecrate and when you place that within the context that you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world the question now becomes why do you tell me that because you're saying to me you have ordained I am devoted you dedicated me in advance and you consecrated me but you allowed me to come into a family and into an environment that was so detrimental to me it was contra distinctive to what I would believe you would do if you chose me it would seem if you chose me before the foundation of the world that from the moment I got here things would be wonderful and sweet but if things were wonderful and sweet the moment I got here I wouldn't be qualified in my destiny to serve and bless others through ministry in a sense can't help me you cannot bless me if you haven't been to hell and back you cannot bring me out if you haven't suffered some things yourself so God designed my life to go through hell so that I might get the knowledge of hell is life so that when I deal with folk who are in hell they know I know what I'm talking about [Applause] it is an interesting thing here because it is designed it is devote it's dedicated and the only reason you came through it and you still sing when others have lost their minds it's because he dedicated he devoted he consecrated and he had his fund on you [Applause] you're going somewhere so destiny then is a cognate of the word destination which implies moving it toward a goal God didn't intend for me to stay in the abuse he intended for me to move through it because he had consecrated me he had devoted me he had dedicated me in advance and so he was ordering my steps even when I didn't have the will to determine my steps he was ordering my steps so that the abuse didn't kill me the abuse didn't ruin me they abused and wrecked me you thought you were going to kill me but joke [Applause] I feel God releasing somebody with this dessert now we see the two trends in the different meanings here because one has an element of direction and the other has the sense of plan or design and of course these are aspects of the human condition that you were going somewhere and there is a plan not only are you going somewhere but there is a play and yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no because even when I didn't know he was there he was there all the time in the room with that evil uncle he was wicked man he was there in the room where they tried to turn me out almost sexually he was then he was there and he had consecrated and anointed and said in spite of the hell you're in right now I've got a plan and you're going somewhere I feel it here it was Paul Tillich who influenced rollo me and he defined destiny as a pattern of limits and talents that constitutes the Givens in life because there are some things no matter who you are there are some things that are given like death death is a given or minor scale like the shortage of water or gas prices that's just a given and you can't shrink from it you can't turn your back on it you've got to confront these limits because when you confront these limits now it brings out your create that gift in you that God has planned it and it just so happened for you just just for you just touch a chess and sit just for me yeah it just so happened for you to be who you are you had to go through what you didn't like because God wanted to deposit something in you because of the experience you didn't like in order to bring something out of you that would destroy the devil's Kingdom that puts you through that in the first place I feel like preaching in here have I told you touch your neighbor yet I think right now is a good time give somebody a high five and say I used to be a victim but I'm a big porn ah may not feel the Holy Ghost destiny then cannot be canceled our destiny might I say it again can not be canceled our destiny cannot be erased our destiny can not be substituted or exchanged it is what it is it is what it is I am Who I am what God gave I feeling here so now I can do is choose how I will respond to it because destiny is a term that describes our condition prior to sociological and moral judgments it's our typical and its ontological meaning that that's the original pattern or model of a work your destiny then is uniquely yours that's why you can't use your fingerprint for somebody else's life you can only use the fingerprint of your destiny for your life I'm not anybody else's destiny I can't do it anyway I can only live mine and that's why I don't want anything that's yours but I want all of what's mine devil I won't give it to you [Applause] the nature of being or reality your destiny is as real as you are it is as real as God is because he is the designer and he is the life giver so it confronts us I'm just gonna give you a few levels it controls us on the cosmic level like birth and death you can slow death down by not smoking maybe by not drinking but you're sure can't stop it it's coming no matter what you do you can speed it up by suicide but death is sitting there waiting irrevocably that we will die you got earthquakes and you got volcanoes and ain't nothing you can do about it and here's what the insurance company calls him acts of God insurance company you're wrong I am also and of God it does not matter where you go you can go to California run into earthquakes go to the West Indies ain't nuttin but hurricanes the second set of Givens is genetic and that is just what passed down through your genes and you can't determine what comes your way my mother was high jump champion when she went to high school I was long jump champion when I went to high school my son holds the high jump and the triple jump record at Clermont College and my grandson four years old has a vertical leap of 25 inches and so that's all genetic you can't take my genetics and try to live my life because whatever genetics you got that's your destination you got to live within your genetic proclivity and become all that you can be and now that I've met Jesus he has removed the negative oh I wish I could preach the same the next set of Givens are your talents because one is possessed by these talents and you cannot deny your talents without penalty and one know for denial is neurosis anytime you deny who you are you're a neurotic I didn't say psychotic you ain't that bad the third is cultural because within this family that we were born in within the world it's a given and the fourth of course is circumstantial you can't stop the war in Iraq you can't stop what is going on around you do I have a few more minutes there's a severe some pushing me and it's now I have to take all of this and cooperated when I open my eyes by chance but it's happened by the hand of God because it begins when he says to those who love God and are called according to his purpose now all things work together for good you thought you were destroying me but every time you hit me it was good I Got News for you devil you lit need me it was God who used your can to hit me in order to change my direction because it was my destiny I feel the Holy Ghost give somebody a high five and said you rejection ain't nothing but Direction sick somebody's head yeah reject me so I can find out where I ought to be don't leave me hanging on take me out so God can pull me in the place I ought to be it is clear now that he includes eternity and time but because of what he does now is he moves into eternity and he brings eternity into time the chain reaches back and forward into eternity yeah therefore your future is always better because your future is not born out of time your future is born out of eternity yeah because I was chosen in him before the foundation of the world now every link in this chain is a chain that is bounded by divine action human responsibility doesn't rise in this text this text is all divine action how did I come out of my state I was called according to his purpose this is why I couldn't hang with folk I want to hang with because I was called according to his purpose this is why I had to learn that every relationship that I thought was not a permanent one some people are supposed to come and some are supposed to go because they are only here for a purpose to bring me to a certain level and then like the tanks that's shooting the Space Shuttle after a certain stage it's got to fall off I have spent too much time in my life trying to hold on to what needed to fall a future coming through you so because I wouldn't let it go God had to take it from me the first link here is for known from the word prognost oh and it's better understood from Acts chapter 2 and about verse 23 where it says him being delivered by the determined counsel Co usal and foreknowledge of God this determinate counsel here is the translation of a perfect participle and a noun the noun here is bolli and it means Co UN CIL it means that a co un CIL convened for the purpose of administrating the affairs of government on a war council so the Co UN CIL came together in this case the Co UN CIL was the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I feel something pushing me now and what they did was determine a co un SEL and that is a predetermined course of action that would best meet the circumstances that they had to face in the future in other words before you came in here the Co UN CIL brought your name across the desk of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit it was there that they chose you in him before the foundation of the world now who did they choose you in well the father and son did not come to die it was the Sun rather than the Holy Spirit and the father didn't come to die they say that the Sun to handle now for here before he died you were outside but because he's a lamb slain from the foundation of the world they decided to choose you in him before the foundation of the world I feel something helping me now what he's trying to tell me is I ought not to sit here and worry about my recent past because before my recent past was my permanent pass my permanent pass began in eternity I feel the Holy Spirit so the devil didn't really get me first God had me before the devil got me because in eternity I feel a breakthrough coming somebody's gonna get out of here and tell the devil where to go so God had a cou ncil to decide the son of God would pay the sacrifice and the word bowling Council is described by the perfect participle to mark how boundaries or limits that's why God's got a limit on everybody in this room that's his and I told him in Bible class last night and it messed them up I got all kinds of calls when I told him that chastening is Grace anytime God whips you it's grace it ain't just money that's grace but when God can make your decisions come back and bite you so that you don't make those decisions that ain't nothing but the grace of God [Applause] I don't want to get away I don't want to live a life that you just let me do what I want to do because it says I'm not chosen but when you're chosen he'll let your decision smack you in the face so that you can turn from your ways and declare for God our live and for God I'll die how much time do I have what he says here when he talks about Harrah's oh the verb tells us these deliberations were for the purpose of determining something and the fact that is shown in the perfect tense means that he did it one time and didn't have to do it again when I decided to choose you I don't ever unto you I've done it one time and it's settled in heaven and I know what to do with everything you go through because I'm the one who's designing your life I'm the one who put it on the drawing board and that's why I know the end from the beginning because I'm the one who mapped out the path so the cou and CIL has put forth a cou and SEL and because of that I've got foreknowledge it's not that he looked down and saw something and then went down to make it happen no he was the one who orchestrated it from the very beginning of your life so it's not just previous knowledge it's four ordained for ordained that that man would be [Applause] higher when he wants and all I got to do is ride with them he also called and he calls with an eternal calling because when God called you you had to move I feel like preaching here you had to move I don't it's you I want but it's him I need and I tell folks don't mess around with unsaved with half save people but I feel like preaching here the fellows don't you fool around them girls that ain't walking with God like they shoot and buy and BMWs and condos because God's gonna call him back and when he calls them again they don't come on now today and they gonna walk away from you and your money and you gonna say well baby didn't I buy you all this but when God calls you ain't got enough money don't you fool around no man that God's got his hand on and if he's not living right right now don't worry about it when God begins to move him back he'll leave you standing where you are because he calls with an effective calling and whom he calls he justifies and you can't take it off me you can find fault with me all you want to but when he justifies me he puts me in the right standing with whom he justifies he glorified and it's all in the past tense I feel like preaching in here give somebody a high five and say it's already done I'm just living it out but God has already fixed it because he designed it from the beginning to the end so he says now that you know it I've gotta take you to class for a minute because we got to answer some questions for you to walk out of this classroom and get to where I want you to go and the first question is if God be for you [Applause] if God is for me what can you do about it if there is no there is no there is no to the next level because it's [Applause] and say [Applause] what can you know what your doorstep what can the way it's already made what can you do about it I don't have to wait till the battles over [Applause] I wish I had some help come on and help me hey I need some money come on young man come on and help me come on somebody gives somebody a high five and say who who can lay any charge who can find fault and cut them somebody that God's got his hand on why are you talking about me why are you trying to put me down he's watching man with his blood is cleansing why are you trying to destroy me he's fixing making just like an open their mouth when God is cleaning me who can't condemn me when God is elevating then he says one other thing you gotta answer this right who can't talk can't keep you from your blessing he said he is but he gives you Jesus how will he with Jesus freely give you all things if you've got Jesus you're already got the best God can give her and if we gave you Jesus a house ain't nothing if he gave you Jesus carry nothing if he gave you Jesus a million ain't nothing if he gave you Jesus how good husband ain't nothing because anytime you got Jesus you got the best that God has to give give somebody a high five Stan life decide walk in your design walk in your face in your anointing [Applause] a minute Flores tightly its jaws its jaws it's gone it's gone y'all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I decided I for knew it I called you into it I justified you because of it and you're already glorified what shall we then say to these things if God before us I'm closing my time is up but I point out to you a real subtlety in the sex if I run a race and I happen to win I am a conqueror I have won so how do I become a more than winner I mean if I beat him by an inch or I beat him by a mile I have one from pugilistic if I'm in a battle I'm fighting and I knock the other man out I have won how do I become a more than winner I need if you send me two brothers refers I am in two examples tonight two brothers washed into blood go to church I see his hands raised giving God praise he's got one suit and holes in his shoes had to catch a ride excuse me meanest wife worse kids living from hand to mouth yet I come to church see him praising God he's right beside her brothers got everything in the world living large beautiful wife beautiful home he's a conqueror because he's washed in the blood never had an abusive past never had to fight through snakes and millions of difficulties mother was never on drugs father never never nothin just had a picture-perfect life he's a conqueror but right beside him with his hands raised just like his are and praising God with the same intensity here is somebody who had to face hell every day of their life now he's not just a conqueror because if anybody should have lost in life it should have been him but he's right up in the middle giving God the glory like everybody else here in just a conquer and I rose to tell you as I close that God has destroyed the devil's hole because God does not only raise conquerors he raises more than than you ain't just a conqueror you should have been dead you should have been crazy you should have been wasted but you're still here because you're not just the conquered but you're all more lame take somebody's head he designs your life walk in this design he designed the circumstance of the events live in that design father right now I particularly reach out so the power of your anointing through that person in here who has been carrying the burden of the past seeking with every move to deny it to compensate for to consciously repress it but tonight Lord through the power of your truth cause my brother my sister to embrace it janosh utter it to is part of your design and out of that hell oh I feel it is coming a future that is going to defy every demonic power they are about shotta I claim it right now I claim it right now in the name of Jesus embrace it mix it in with everything else and watch it come out good good good good good because God they signed I claim it now in Jesus name give somebody a high five and say I'll see you on the top side [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 55,011
Rating: 4.7671957 out of 5
Id: 7oGBwnUcmrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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