Bishop Noel Jones - Do You Have Soul - 2-20-2022

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[Music] [Applause] in saint mark's gospel chapter 8 and beginning at verse well i'll read 34 so i'll be contextual and when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also he said unto them whosoever will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospels the same shall save it for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul what shall a man give in exchange for his soul whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words and this adulteress and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he cometh into the glory of his father with the holy angels now it's interesting because he is asking a question and he's actually giving us actually a financial dimension as it relates to the world and the soul and what verse 36 says literally that one's soul is more valuable than the whole world one soul but the question becomes for our little talk today the question i have to ask you and ask myself is do we still have soul how you doing soul bruh and i think we could ignite the fire further by asking who is really your soul mate yes do you still have any feelings for anybody but yourself i would like to approach this text and i don't want to do it from an eschatological point of view i want to approach it but i don't want to [Music] simply stick primarily to eschatology or last day things i'd like to approach the text without considering the eschatological implications and i want to ask the question is it possible to lose the soul while one is still living and can we stretch the intellect to absorb the truth that the soul can be lost while you and i are yet alive indeed and in fact the eschatological judgment is based on the loss of the soul in life because if you die right you can't get wrong and if you die wrong you can't get right so the issue then is can i be alive yet lost and can i be living and simply be the living dead because the eschatological or the last day judgment is based on the loss of the soul in life i don't spend a lot of time with this but uh lazarus the the poor man the rich man when he walked by lazarus every day it seemed as if he had lost his soul he lost his soul because he walked by somebody every day and in the splendor of all that he had he had no feelings for the fellow who was suffering right in front of him whose sores the dogs were licking and he had no heart for him because he was busy gaining the world and it was interesting when he wanted to be soothed from the judgment he was facing that he quickly found out that there is a gulf between us here you can't get to hell from heaven and you can't get to hell heaven from hell the only way to get to heaven is from earth and the only way to get to hell is from earth so it's not what happens in heaven that determines what happens in hell it's what happens on earth that determines whether you get to heaven or hell so he didn't lose his soul when he got to hell he lost his soul while he was living i don't want to mess with you too much here today i i've been missing in action and here i come with all of this stuff you can only gain the whole world while you live so the question then becomes for those of us who want to introspect what is the sign of the loss of the soul while i am yet living if i take a little time to run a diagnostic check on my life then i need to ask myself am i living saved or am i living lost and how do i measure whether i'm living saved or i'm living lost you see the world in the world there is no more identity of self because self is to be so revered and accepted by the world that there is no desire to challenge the world and its maxims see the problem we have is that we get so caught up in trying to be a part of the world that we fail to realize that god has separated us from the world so that the world's influence does not take us over and overwhelm us in the things of god but everybody's trying so hard to be like everybody else and i'm telling you that greatness is not in being like everybody else greatness is being the way god expected you to be and to operate the way god wants you to operate we have become so caught up with the world until the salt of the earth has lost its fragrance and those of us who should be the light of the world that light has been turned off because we tried so much to be absorbed into the world that the world now has such great influence that we can't tell the salt from the soup and we can't tell the light from darkness and if that is so then everybody who is seeking the world for their prominence has lost the power to overcome the world or change the world because instead of standing up to the world and declaring my mission is to change you and make you uncomfortable until you understand that the reigning power in the world is not money but the reigning power in the world is god himself uh i feel a few little preach coming on we cannot allow ourselves then to be totally assimilated into the world and here's what jesus suggests to his disciples that it is possible to seek to save one's life in a meaningless and purposeless existence and that happens because many of us lack courage we don't want to be talked about we don't want to be ostracized or criticized we don't want to be put out of the group we don't want to be departmentalized so we live our lives trying to please people as if people have the power to make us good or bad i i feel it here you see many times we get so caught up in the opinion of others that we fail to understand that the only real opinion is the opinion that god has i've got news for you it's not just an opinion people judge you on speculation and god loves you with the truth he's got the evidence and he's still with you while people tear you apart if you live your life to please people you'll be up to day down tomorrow out next week in the other week and you'll be going around like a yo-yo and you'll be spinning like a top and it comes to mind that every now and then you got to stand up on something firm and declare something true and declare something that god has given you and if folk don't like it that's just up to them but i've got to live it i've got to declare it i've got to speak it and i've got to give god the glory while i'm doing it uh paul tillich thought that courage was the place in which theology sociology and phil and philosophical problems converge in in such a useful analysis of the human situation what he's saying is we need the psychology we need the theology and we need the philosophy to find out where people really are and he pointed out and i quote that courage is an ethical reality but it's rooted in the whole breadth of human existence and ultimately in the structure of being itself unquote it must be considered ontologically in order to understand it ethically and by that i simply mean that in the core of each one of us there is a challenge for existence and the question is i'm existing so how should i exist should i exist as just another part of the problem or should i exist as a part of the solution should i be just another one of those looking for a handout or should i be one of those who's handing it out should i be one of those who they search for to bring out of the muck and the mire or should i be the one that's standing up there pulling folk out of the muck and the mire should i be one who is led around by his nose into every single situation that comes up and change with every pattern that changes and moves with every wind that blows or should i be the one who's determining what's blowing and determining how things are going to come out should i be the one who's following leaders who are blind and the blind is leading the blind or should i turn my eyes to the lord and have him open my eyes so that his word becomes a lamp and a pathway of a light so that i can see where i'm going and lead others out of the mess should i have the courage to look the situation in the face and say if you don't pay me i'll still preach if you don't pay me i'll still walk the walk if you don't pay me i'll still talk to talk because it's not about your money it's about doing the will of him that sent me i feel something happening here i didn't intend to do this today i i thought i'd lecture for a minute uh jesus is saying in seeking to save one's life because of a lack of courage you lose it in gaining the world by cowardly conformity anytime you can't walk in a room and be yourself and have to uh yes have to be something else than who you are because you feel as if you have to give in to everybody's decree and everybody's faith and favor but haven't you found out that people are fickle they love you today and hate you tomorrow they'll be with you one minute and turn their back on you when you don't please them haven't you found out that you can't have jelly in your backbone if you're going to stand up for something that's true you've got to stand on the truth if it kills you you gotta stand can i preach like a villain oh yes yes if you can't die for it then you shouldn't live for it anything you can't die for you shouldn't live for and that's a truth you got to learn to understand that i've got to stand up and not be a coward when it comes to what i know is right how many times have you backed up when you knew your friend was wrong and you wouldn't face them and tell them because you didn't want them to fall out with you but a real friend is a friend that will look you in the face and say you are wrong than to stand up and get the kisses of an enemy the enemy will kiss you but the friend will straighten you out i feel like having church i'm almost there pat we have to examine then the most consuming crisis of modernity and that's meaninglessness and discontent the more we go after things solomon said it's vexation of spirit it's all vanity every time you look around the styles have changed i'm smart enough now i buy something in the middle the color the colors were big then the colors got small the ties were narrow then the ties got big just as soon as you buy it it changes style every now and then you buy a new car and before you know it's the old well why is it old it's old because they brought something new and they changed the body style and so you got to learn if you want to keep up you got to learn how to buy the car so that you buy it when they change the style it still doesn't matter because you're right in the midst you've got to understand then that the world is changing constantly and the only consistent thing that we have is jesus christ himself and that's why the bible says he is the same yesterday today and forever there is a saneness that comes to the child of god for the child of god is always on an even keel when things go bad they don't get too low when things are good they don't get too high they just move with the shock absorber which is jesus christ i have you ever seen the commercial where the bulbs were put on both sides of the wheel and as the truck was going down over the the latch over the pieces of wood over the railing the wheels would go up and down and all the bulbs would be broken but sitting in the cab they had the same rod out and they had the same line of bulbs but the wheels were breaking bulbs but the cab it was going through the bulbs and the reason why it could go through the bulbs is because it was shock absorbed the wonderful thing about the child of god why the child of god can rejoice in the middle of trouble while the child of god can help you when they need help themselves while the child of god can encourage you when they need to be encouraged it's because they got a shock absorber oh i feel like shouting in here the only reason you're still here clothed and in your right mind is because you have a shock absorber last time you got bad news it didn't drive you crazy because you had a shock absorber you lost a loved one suddenly and when people thought you would curse god and die you hollered the lord giveth the lord taketh blessed be the name of the lord it takes courage to stand in a changing world it takes courage to stand when people are talking about you on all sides and you're still holding up the name of jesus and giving god the glory and that's why we are living in a world where we need somebody who's got purpose we need somebody who's living a meaningful life i feel like shouting in here what people want you to do is spend your life doing nothing and as soon as you get to the place where you're walking according to purpose and you have a direction from god you have a vision for helping and blessing somebody that's when people start attacking you but you got to be ready for the attack you got to be ready for the enemy coming at you on all sides because you've got to stand in the power of the lord god almighty one of the superficial signs of religious vitality in the american christian area and as america goes so does the world the presidential candidates boast of their relationship with jesus christ yet at the end of the day why is there inequality why is there still a lack of justice why is it all right for some and wrong for some why are some people patted on the hand for killing folk when other people are put away just for having a little uh what is that crack cocaine why are some people sent away for years and years because they tried to get their child into another school district while other people are buying school officials and just get a pat on the hand somebody's got to stand up and say it ain't right somebody's gotta stand up in spite of how people will treat you and say i've got to stand for something i'm sick and tired of floating around with everybody's attitude and i'm sick and tired of trying to buy my way into somebody's favor i've got the favor of god and if i've got the favor of god i don't need a man to pack me on the back because you don't have a heaven or hell to put me in and you can't satisfy my soul can i preach like i feel it folks who are floating around just looking for entertainment floating around looking for something to get into are people who don't have a purpose that god has given you god didn't bless you and bring you out just to float god gave you an assignment uh oh i'm gonna preach till the devil runs out of here god gave you an assignment and you're too scared to walk in it yet you're unhappy every day you're sad every day i got news for you until you do what god assigned you to you'll never find peace of mind and you'll never find happiness the clouds of doubt rain over our politicians who see and reign over our christian parade because the question now is we have replaced love with faith where faith has replaced love and individuality has replaced community can i preach like i feel it what we have done with faith i might as well tell that i should slow down and talk to you but what we have done with faith we have made faith the panacea of all ills as if your faith can change god's purpose nobody's faith can change god's purpose if god has designed to operate in a certain way then your faith can't get him to change what he has designed to do what we have done is we become individual and what we have done in the individuality is we have promoted faith at the expense of love here's how it goes why should i help you why should i try to support your needs if you had my faith you could have what i have uh so i don't need to make you a burden on me because all you need is faith and you can drive what i drive all you need is faith and you can live where i live so i'm not coming to help you because you lack faith that's what we have projected over the years in order to get away from communities wherever god has placed you and however he has blessed you he said this one thing the poor we will have with us always he said i was naked and you didn't clothe me i was hungry and you wouldn't feed me i feel like preaching why am i guilty for not feeding i gave you enough food to be able to feed your brother i gave you enough clothes to be able to clothe your brother i gave you a roof over your head so that you could bless the stranger it ain't just about you i'm not arguing why he went to prison he's in prison and he said i was in prison and you wouldn't visit me well i don't need another prisoner to visit me i need somebody who's free i need somebody who's on the outside to come to my aid i feel like shouting in here i wish i could tell you touch your neighbor but i got to go on it's a critical thing now because we have become so individual that all we do is look about ourselves i'm sick and tired of people just testifying and it's good i know the hearts of many people who are close to me and it's good when i hear how god brought them out because i know what shape they were in but there are too many people who only testify about getting things when are you going to testify about going into the fiery furnace to bring your brother or sister out risking your life risking your reputation in order to help somebody out when are you going to testify that i was down and out and god brought me out with a mighty hand and then he sent me back into the fire to deliver somebody out of there when are you going to testify that god help me to help somebody who didn't have anything out of what he gave me we are too individual and we have forgotten our community in the time of unprecedented economic growth and material prosperity you would think that the most powerful man in the country is the president but i've got news for you it's the federal the chairman of the federal reserve bank because he has got the money and you got to convince him to release it the most powerful message in the church individual achievement everybody's bragging about what they have and what god gave me but after you've had it all you're still reaching for more have you got enough to content you [Laughter] because if you love silver you're not satisfied with silver yet in the heart of this country there is a disquieting anxiety mixed with meaninglessness peter gomes said it like this and i quote we work hard and play hard not because we are more industrious or more playful than our ancestors but we dare not stop lest in the stillness we are overwhelmed by the sound of our anxieties and fears unquote we play hard and we work hard because none of us want to sit quietly and feel the anxiety rising up in us so we drown it out with parties and clubs and dance and prance and going after things because we don't want to sit down and take a look at ourselves i was talking to d.l hadley the other day and he said to me bishop i like to make people uncomfortable and i said yeah i can see that and i can notice that you make them uncomfortable by looking at themselves why do you have to have so much noise why does the tv have to be on why does the music have to rain because nobody wants to sit in silence because if you sit in silence the light has to come on on you nobody wants to check themselves out and ask what am i doing with my life yes i have another pair of shoes but there's somebody out there who has absolutely none yes i'm living comfortably living in a sealed environment and i'm the first to tell you security outside big fence around the house yet there's somebody who's scared to come out of their door because there is a crazy person down the street with a gun who doesn't care how many times do we walk by folk who absolutely have nothing and don't feel anything at all can i preach like i feel it i was in nigeria some years ago in lagos and while we were driving from the airport i came through a section of the place where people were lame and they were i mean monstrously disfigured and i said to myself my god these people need some help i didn't have enough on me but i lowered the back window and as i lowered the window they say turn it back up well you get yourself hurt turn it back up and they drove through without any compassion where is the soul for the people who are hurting we have moved yes we have moved from the mission downtown and we have homeless branches all over the city you can go under every bridge and find somebody yet we drive by in the range rover the ferrari and the mercedes-benz and we drive by with absolutely no feeling where is the soul so the light must never go out the music must always play lest we should see where we are lost in the haunted wood children afraid of the dark who have not been bad or good and there's no happiness in that you're not going to be happy until you begin to walk in the purpose of god folk might not appreciate it but there is no middle ground i feel like shouting in here i'm getting ready to close this thing just give me a few minutes without the courage to stand with jesus there is no existence and any life position that tries to avoid the purpose and the meaning that god has ordained does not exist while you live if i'm not living according to the power of jesus christ if i'm not living in his word and operating to do his will then i'm living in vain that's why the sisters wrote is my living in vain i feel like preaching in here look at somebody through your mask and say you gotta wake up shake yourself up and it's time to get busy it would seem then that self-affirmation just received a new definition in fact it must presuppose participation in what changes and emancipates others why am i a changer why am i an emancipator when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me i got to help somebody i got to help somebody i got to help somebody when i think of how he forgave me when i think of how he brought me out to live for anything the world dictates its living death i gotta get up out of here can i preach like i feel it everybody's walking over black lives matter and the originators of black lives matter they are ostracized criticized demonized by poke in the church because of their sexual preference i might as well preach like i feel it well since you want to talk about them where were you in your monogamous state in your holy state in your righteous state you being a child of god walking according to the principles of god being heterosexual where are you still waiting in pharaoh's house because you love the treasures of pharaoh and egypt more than to suffer reproach with god's people i feel like preaching here can i tell you something about god when his folk won't do what they supposed to do he'll get somebody else i feel like lifting him up i'm almost there pat you can condemn anybody and everybody you want to but god has never left himself without somebody to help somebody else that's why many of you can say when mama let you down god sent big mama to get you when mama lets you down god sent an auntie or an uncle or some foster home and god knows we got to keep folk out of there as much as we can but i thank god for everybody in here who has the love of god enough to bless a foster child as if it were their own to live for anything the world dictates is a living death in the absence of meaning in life and with no promise or reward or punishment was the ultimate experience of meaninglessness i feel like shouting in here i feel like giving god the glory when i was a long boy and maybe to a great extent i was a thrill seeker i've been in a car at 175 miles an hour not on the track but on the street i would snap my father's head back in a three deuce 389 pontiac i mean i would mess him up i was a thrill seeker i took risks can i preach like i feel it i'd swim out two miles and turn and come back i would do things that would defy my mama would get nervous and go straight into prayer now that i'm saved now i'm afraid to take risk the risk is not driving at 175 the risk is speaking truth to power the risk is going into the ghetto and saying to somebody god sent me down here with a message the risk is to talk to a young man that's crazed in his mind because we gave him hope but we didn't follow through the risk my friends is to be around people that other people don't think much of and judge you because you were walking in that place but didn't jesus do that for you and didn't jesus do that for me so we are disconnected from the real source of grace that accepts us and commissions us to proclaim his truth within this acceptance that he died to give i feel like lifting him up i might as well have church pat i feel the power of god i feel like giving god the glory how many folk have you risked your reputation to help how many folk have you brought in your space who your space didn't like how many people have you cried over how many people have you had a broken heart for how can you be ashamed of how god has treated you i once was lost but now i'm phone was blind but now i see it's time for the children of god to stop acting like they have always been saved and lose yourself and find your soul and get away from the living dead i'm a risk taker can i preach like i feel it to help somebody you gotta have the risk of emotional pain to help somebody you're going to be discouraged sometimes you're going to be hurt sometimes but it'll keep you connected to the real source of grace to help somebody it's going to cause you to cry sometime and i heard you say the people i helped the most treat me the worst well i got news for you the god who saved us we don't always praise him we don't always lift him up we complain sometimes about how he treats us but how can i be ashamed of the life source that's in me it transcends itself the greater good under divine assignment look at your neighbor and said neighbor you are under divine assignment clothe the naked feed the hungry go into prison bring out the prisoner go into the community bring out the boy bring out the girl that's about to be trafficked bring out the sex traffic bring out the dope traffic go into all all the world do you still have soul do you still have soul look at your neighbor and said i got soul i've got soul i feel like lifting him up i feel like giving god the glory i feel somebody had to be praying for me because i feel an energy coming straight from the throne of god i gotta get away from three anxieties the first one is faith because faith says it's not in my control it would have happened anyway and it holds hostage the meaning of life and purpose give somebody no look at your neighbor and say neighbor didn't you know that god sent you there to stop it from happening but you were missing in action you were somewhere with a martini laid back in the club when you should have been out there i'm a soldier soldier in the army [Music] then we sit around in guilt insisting on living in the past consequently refusing to acknowledge the source of grace and forgiveness and that's a living death anytime you're living in the past you're living in what's dead it's dead you can't revive it you can't restore it god says forget the past you're under the blood i've washed it away get up and walk in purpose get up and walk in dignity get up and do what i tell you to do jesus is declaring the fundamental existential question has to do with the fundamental question of individual meaning if i look at your neighbor and say my life has meaning i'm not just floating from one place to the other but i have meaning if i die let me die in the army of the lord it ain't about you it's about them that god has sent us to that's why the lord says i am the way the truth in the life no man commit to the father but by me the courage to be when the directive is to go against those who will not accept you because you're too much like him the courage to be because you're too sacrificial you're too willing to die you're too concerned about justice for all the courage to do something and not just talk about it no matter who likes it the courage not to be apathetic look at your neighbor and say neighbor i still care i still care i'm not indifferent i'm not indifferent i got a greater cause than clothes and shoes i got a greater cause than houses and cars i got a greater cause than restaurants and clubs i got a greater cause than just to have a good time i want to have a meaningful time why should i want to be accepted by the people of the world when i'm already accepted with a place in heaven why should i care what folks say when god already said i'm a good and faithful servant keep on working embarrassed but keep on working ostracize but keep on working criticize but keep on working departmentalized or even killed in a situation that already seems hopeless but i still have soul my soul my soul why art thou disquieted in me do you have a burden for somebody do you have a burden that controls your emotion your spirit that's the life of the prophet the burden transcends the burden is higher that's why isaiah cried look away from me i will reap bitterly labor not to comfort me because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people black folk this is black history open your eyes the kids are dying the boys are dying the girls are messed up open your eyes the neighborhood is going to the dog the politicians can't fix it the government can't fix it but you and i you and i you and i [Music] look at your name [Music] there is still power in the blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got too much soul i got too much so too much do you have your soul have you lost it to get some money say i lost my soul i still feel i still have empathy my heart still goes out because my courage is rooted in god and it appears when it looks like god has disappeared when my back is against the wall but the burden is in my soul when soul is still there soul is still there soul is still there that's why james weldon wrote lift every voice and sing even when hope unborn had died on board these all had soul i feel like preaching run them on the board run them on the board harriet tubman had soul overcame the brutality of slavery included a fractured skull to become the most famous leader of the underground railroad in spite of suffering blackouts because of that spread she kept on going 19 trips 300 slaves free barbara jordan had sold i feel like i feel like lifting him up i feel like giving him the glory the first african-american woman to deliver a keynote address at a political convention in spite of having cirrhosis i feel the holy ghost and a battle with leukemia she still got up and said i got so james earl way l jones he had soul wilma rudolph she had so i feel like preaching look at somebody said to you still i am so she didn't have any lost the left leg but she still became the fastest woman runner in the 1960 olympics she had soul i feel the holy ghost in here look at somebody say i got soul i gotta help somebody benjamin mays he had soul oh yes a former slave but his soul made him rise up served as dean of howard university school of religion and he was a slave julian bond young dr martin luther king came out of his class the reverend jesse jackson still has soul i feel like shouting run the rest of them over the screen but i celebrate all of these folk ralph ellison still a half soul barack obama still had soul mohammed ali still had soul should i name them all give shall know look at your neighbor and said in spite of it all i'm getting ready to do god's will paul robertson still a hand sold blacklisted refused membership in the college hall of fame richard wright the son of a sharecropper all of these folk worked and worked and worked and worked and we need to get up and tell ellie we still have so i'm ready [Music] i'm a soldier i got so oprah winfrey so [Music] lose hammer born the last child of 20 children 20 children six girls 14 boys she overcame poverty polio sharecropping on the plantation to become a leading figure in the struggle for civil rights she became a field secretary for the student non-violent coordinating committee at one point she was beaten so badly she nearly lost an eye and a kidney rosa parks so i'm old and i'm tired and i ain't going to the back of no bus today i'm taking the first seat i can get to madame cj walker born on the delta in louisiana cotton plantation orphan daughter overcame early tragedies to become one of the first women black or white to become a self-made millionaires in the united states so so that's seven widowed age widowed at 20 with a two-year-old left the fields of the south and her own testimony i was promoted to the wash tub from there i was promoted to the kitchen as a cook from there i promoted myself i promoted myself into the business of manufacturing hair goods and i built my own factory from the ground i to be well you gotta understand these folks didn't just sit around and look for a handout they turned around and gave the hand out jackie robinson took a step where it was hard to go malcolm x and i tell you something his father assassinated by the kkk but he still went on to do marvelous things and don't tell me we don't need that kind of spirit we need that kind of spirit congressman john lewis incredible life of good trouble founding member of student nonviolent coordinating committee sncc organized the march on washington leader of the pay march in the selma alabama well he wasn't scared we want to live we want to live riskless christianity we don't associate with anybody who's doing something for fear that people think we're throwing in the towel on what we believe come on children of god my own cousin general colin powell first american african-american secretary of state yes an immigrant from jamaica then who can forget president obama rescued the country from the great recession cut the unemployment rate from 10 to 4.7 in six years signed the affordable care act which some of us are still enjoying 20 million on on insured americans enjoyed ended the war in iraq ordered and captured [Music] osama bin laden passed seven 187 billion american recovery and reinvestment act yes yes yes supported the lgbt community and tried to help them in every way he could commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders yes to reverse unjust and outdated prison sentence save the united states auto industry oh yeah he saved it helped put us on track for energy independence by 2020 started taking the troops out of afghanistan signed a deferred action for children arrivals allowing as many as 5 million i was a stranger and you wouldn't take me in oh yes that's only 11 of the things that he did dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 how can you fight for your country and being homeless began the process of normalizing relationships with cuba and that's only 16 i went to i'm going to let the rest go but then you've got to move from him to the black lives matter people that we have totally put down and put out but for those of our boys and their parents and their communities that have suffered terribly from the police they now have to look up and give some honor to those people when we were sitting here in the pulpit sitting here enjoying the saints enjoying security driving around in all kinds of nice cars living in beautiful homes they were marching in the street and finally excuse me they we called up now we want to join them when in the 60s they were joining us but we got so smart we enjoyed and jane boleyn oh yes the first black judge woman judge oh yeah in the family court for four decades oh you got to understand that somebody's been doing something somebody's doing something while you and i here alice allison donegan yes was the first african-american female white house correspondent oh yes and then who do we go to i'm gonna close real soon i'm gonna close with maxine waters the congresswoman herself who has been a blessing to all of us and as we celebrate as we celebrate the city of refuge celebrating our black history kamala harris of course matthias oh yes of course kamala is in we're going to see how much soul she has now but i don't want to end with the politicians i want to end with us with the individual who feels that is not much that i can do i want to reverse that i open with the premise that one soul is worth more than the whole world who is that soul that god has assigned you to who is that soul excuse me some people have the grand vision set by god for reconciling nations to nations some people have the grand assignment of reconciling denominations some people have a grand assignment of reconciling differences in businesses and business partners and networking and but some of us have an assignment for that one person that god has burden us for and you cannot fail because god created that need for you to express that you have picked up your cross you have followed him and you have denied yourself god created that need so that you might be an example of him i want every head to bow in this place and in the silence of this moment i need thee oh bless me now my sake i come to [Music] we [Music] [Music] do you still have feelings yeah yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 26,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wBbN3HA4Xqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 24sec (3924 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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