Bishop John Henry Sheard Contending For The Faith COGIC Holy Convocation!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] come on raise your voices tell the Lord thank you come on tell them again thank you all you've done for me thank you thank you Lord for your goodness but you may see for the many friends as you've granted us thank you for life in the midst of death thank you for your saving grace thank you thank you please sponging our record making us over game we thank you lord thank you you brought us from a long ways you've opened doors you've healed our bodies now you clothe us and we thank you thank you thank you thank you you've been a good god you're worthy of all praise I'm so say yeah yes to you wheel yes - you wait yes - you're righteous you gonna burn it bury then I have a load yeah you better mind picks up Oh regulator then a mother you've been a barber you've been everything everything we look to you by faith knowing where I have come from we asked if I would continue to bless us heal our bodies save our souls people's keep us in the name of Jesus let's I'll lead a blessed our leaders bless our leaders bless our leader bless our church bless our homes bless our family bless our neighborhood everywhere and we'll say yes oh yes do you we yes to your way yes to Urata my soul say yeah just one by one and name my name we will continue to give your name the praise the glory in all of the other through Jesus Christ our Lord everybody say Amen I'm all raise your hand till the Lord thank you I said tell the Lord thank you now talking about your paperboy now your mailman come on that tell about the one who shovels a snow a rake to leave tell the one woke you up this morning Baker come on tell the Lord buy it yeah maybe CD bless what a privilege I have what a privilege this is a long ways from Mount by your Mississippi so long ways I'm scrapping cotton in November trying to get enough to way to get yourself something for Christmas so always always it's a long ways God has been so good to us what a privilege I have many of the preachers would like to have this opportunity are one similar to this but it was granted to me by the leadership of our great church the revered Bishop Charles Blake come on give our presiding bishop a great big thing mr. Porter thank you said some things that all of the bishops residing bishops have served in their respective season well Bishop Blake is serving in a unique season and he knows how to held it again we respect our presiding bishop bishop Blake bless our beloved Bishop PA Brooks the first system presiding bishop bishop Brooks our Blessed Bishop Brooks the second Bishop Jeremy Maclin I got his Bible so if I run cross any note that I can use I'm going to and mom my father taught me no matter where you get it from who says that in your present that anything you can get that's helpful to you he said use it and it become yours that's what my dad had told me yeah and my daddy told the truth I bless you bishop Macklin and certainly to the other members of the Presidium of our church all of them in their respective places we have a lot of respect for the leadership of this church all right god bless God bless the Board of Bishops the Executive Board all of the bishops of the Church of God in Christ I bless you bishop give me a hand bishops I came up partially on the bishop forward also so I asked for him when I need one and I need another one I need you to stand up [Applause] bless you god bless you I bless Bishop I appreciate the vote of confidence in the board of Bishop they voluntarily are persuaded by others to vote for me three times and I appreciate serving as chairman of the board of Bishop yeah bless you bless the chairman of the General Assembly the Reverend Hilda James Hart Secretary of our great church the bishop jail Liars vice vice chairman of the General Assembly young the bishop LF Houston place the treasure of our church the illah Charles Mason bless you Oh Jude this year mayor Paterson Mason Mason Patterson yeah god bless you I'll be love sweet mother hmm oh yeah that's the that's the judiciary man the older Jackson Thomas Jackson I bless you First Lady of our grand old Church of God in Christ a lady may break all right god bless you sister Blake our dear mother mother Willie may rivers come on bless bless your mother Brooks I bless your mother Lewis the assistant to mother rivers I bless you sister Macklin yeah bless all of you and your respective places yeah you stop staring at me just don't stab look at me and smile y'all bless you I would have to be scared a little not much but a little yeah y'all pray for me here I bless my jurisdiction the leaders of this church so fit the place me as the chief servant of one of the greatest jurisdictions in the Church of God in Christ Southwest number one somewhere somewhere administrative assistants and pastors just stand up quickly I don't preach long in a way you know that all of the people from Southwest number one y'all to be on your feet you ought to be on your feet if you're not I'm gonna see why you didn't stand when I get back home I bless the supervisors of the women Department mother Regina Rose Edward bless you bless you my beloved family my beloved family I got two wonderful sons I got three grandchildren and one great-grandchild I got both of my sons of preachers you know drew is my son yeah Bishop Jayde Russia be able to eat them Blake shared yeah that's my other son and and their wives become my daughter's Caren sheer Karen sheer I when the sheer alright Jacob and Jade ruin Kiki or not the other Kiki Kiki my grand baby granddaughter I bless all of you I am so glad to be here I'm so proud to be identified with and in the Church of God in Christ absolutely all together no other Church like the Church of God in Christ I've been a member of the Church of God in Christ for seven to seven years seven to seven years I've been saying since the Lord saved me [Applause] yeah yeah yeah 1956 1956 5:30 on a Saturday evening it was raining I remember the day I remember it well I can tell you what she had on him at all fifty-seven years and three months ago I've been married to one lady mother willie Mae sheared yeah she's sweeter than granulated sugar bless you just the way it is that's where I pray so hard for it doesn't keep too well all the time and I want her to stay right here with me I rather have her in a wheelchair then they have a young sweet thing try mother I mean it I mean it yeah I'm here I'm here for the duration I don't want any furlough or leave of absence I'm here to stay that's right god bless my beloved wife remember to pray for I need a I need her I need her at home I need her in the local church I needed a jurisdiction I need uh sometimes I just go out and pick up the car and I want her to just sit and watch me watch the car I'm getting ready to get out of here you know I really appreciate this time Bishop Blake I really appreciate this and of course uh yeah I think I take pretty good care of leave us some money make sure she got some money some of my money put the money in the keyring and put a note in it and said this is your money sweet thing I didn't finish I didn't finish and if that's and I tell them that's not enough remember he some more where that came from yeah bless all of you okay I was brought up I was brought up under a sanctified preacher and a very strict mother and I went to school with strict teachers some of the teachers who taught me were sanctified teachers and they taught me that it's holiness a hell now that's what they taught me and they kept teaching me until it became a part of me I but still believe it's right to do right I believe it's right to live right I believe it's right to act right I believe it's right to treat your family right that's what I believe they got it in me now it's a little too late to take it out of me yeah I don't believe in same-sex marriage [Applause] they told me I have 45 minutes and I don't need that much time because I don't have as much to say as Bishop Michael and Bishop Blake and Bishop Brooks privileged to have space to save my speech and sit down and that's what I intend to do y'all pray for me how many of you will pray for me I didn't say say your man let me see your hand all right bless you Zhu Zhu se Jew first chapter 3rd verses Rhys like this beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should honestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the site may the Lord at the blessing to the reading of his word come on repeat after me contending for the faith say it again contending for the faith you'll have to be very ingenious or smart you don't need to have been around many still people to know that the Church of God in Christ who proclaimed a unique kind of faith has come a long ways and we've come a long ways no matter how it appears or how young all we are we have still come a long ways we still support the words of the musical artists we still believe we never would have made it if it had not been the Lord who was on our side we believe that God only calls us to stand where stand in this mixed-up world and this society who is changed lanes on us we have encountered many opposes to our original faith many have attempted to satisfied even dilute our original faith but our warning and encourage of prevails with us to contend for the original faith that was once delivered to the Saints and so our spiritual communities are susceptible to disease and as our physical bodies but buddy it's easier to detect whatever is wrong in our stomach our lungs than it is to in our worship or witness because when our physical bodies see or damage the pain calls our attention to it and we have the privilege to do something very quickly about it the word faith in the English vocabulary has gone on to mean a number of things to a number of people these definitions are dependent on the person whom you're speaking into a scientist who deals with validity visual verification and sensual data faith is virtually and no nope in this modern scientific enlightened world of faith and reason faith has almost been forced to take the black seat to scientific reason in microscopic visible proof we move from the medieval age through the Renaissance and now into the modern age of the 21st century an age where everything is subject to proof by the five senses seeing hearing feeling smelling or tasting in this scientific age has caused many to question the very validity of the Bible they say it is a book of the distant past and has no meaning and relevancy for modern man not only have a question the Bible they're still questioning the God of the Bible this is a critical age we live in a messed up day we live an age where me and a lover of themselves rather than falling in love with God modern science is about verification seeing hearing feeling smelling and tasting and of course one writer said the late great planet rain the anti-christian philosophy the theologian said if you cannot see it cannot see him with the naked eye it does not exist another one said that man created God in his own image another one another one evinced a said that God is not alive it's a fantasy is something that dear Caucasian gave us to keep us subjected to his harsh rule God they say he's dead because man is now so smart that we really do not need God the new philosophies in the other theologians and theologies have delivered a damaging blow to the church the wind you read the text today you will notice that this here's nothing new to the church it was true in Jews de Jude saw have fallen away from the faith and the common salvation that was once delivered to the Saints of old so the book of Jew was written to Jewish Christian those Jews who were now living in various parts of the Roman Empire outside of Palestine Jews book is more than an apologetic it is to defend the faith rather than explain it it is a fight against heretical and anti-christian forces in the world and so Jude is saying to the judge you have a salvation you have been delivered from the law of sin in there you have a faith a faith that was once delivered to you as Saints but the forces of evil trying to destroy your faith in Jesus Christ and you have a talented you are going to have to continue you got to strike a rasa and fight for the faith of the saints Oh blesses me tell the Lord thank you the Lord come on say defended defend their fight for you fight for you and saw our brothers who saw what had happened since we received the gift and what's going on now and we'll continue to go on well into the future the twisting of God's Word the seeking to deceive and destroy those who have committed their lives then we have the teachers who provide the truth we have the dreamers we have without water Oh bless His name we have the forerunners the gnostic the heretics who claim spirituality and so brother Jude said I'm a slave Jesus Christ and a brother obtained singing with her song and knowing what I know I dropped everything I was doing to write to you this letter I thought it's so necessary so significantly I thought the word penny crack you about the common salvation that we have in common this way that God has entrusted fight fight with everything God your faith in God whites out and be late remind you come to remind you that your community is a community of saints some people feel great our church the touch of Tuesday was being precious on every side both by Judaism and paganism Judaism was trying to get them to return to the lawful salvation the pagans they were back to those who had fallen away from that for you honestly babe that was once delivered to the site is to live your sanctification without the faith of God is you tell the law yeah yeah yeah [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sonica that CDs us give us to Papa leaves us a level a pitfall [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the reproach of Christ greater it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] he's painted his father [Music] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 32,946
Rating: 4.8426228 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop Sheard, Holy Convocation, Preaching, Bishop Blake
Id: pWTCdvlszzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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