COGIC Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard Eulogy At Bishop George Dallas McKinney Homegoing Celebration

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[Music] we shall have god bless we shall have everlasting life may the lord bless each of you this afternoon who have gathered for this tremendous celebration of life as all of us have come to pay tribute to the one and only bishop george dallas mckinney i've heard so many say that he made a deposit into their life if only he could get the return on that deposit what a large sum there would be today what a tremendous man of god so much has been said and i must allow what has been said to speak for me except for one small thing i want first of all to acknowledge our presiding bishop who i will introduce and to all of the board members who are here today to the new members of our board we welcome them and thank them for their participation today to our chairman of the general assembly bishop thuston and and it goes without saying for our presiding bishop emeritus the bishop charles edward blake he walked in the room upstairs where we all were sitting and when he walked in tears began to gather in my eyes and i said stop that and then i just kept on letting them gather i was so glad to see him may the lord bless every one of you today speaking of deposits allow me just one moment briefly to simply say that when glad tidings was a thought in my mind and a vision from the mind of god we were getting ready to plant that church there in the city of hayward i remember getting on a plane and flying down to southern california and beyond and i called bishop george mckinney and told him that i was preparing to launch this ministry in this new church i had turned down a couple of offers until i heard the lord say this is the place so i came down here and he told me said come on and bring a suitcase with you empty and i came and spent a day or two with him and when i left my suitcase was full and i mean i just loaded that suitcase up and he said now this is what you do with this this is how you do this this is what you do here watch this watch that and he took me to school to the pastoral institute 101 and poured into me and sent me away with a suitcase for fortunately for me i bought two suitcases when i left st stevens i headed to los angeles once again that suitcase was loaded and with both of those i went back to hayward to start the ministry you never forget bridges that bring you over i said you never forget bridges that that bring you over and for that we will always be thankful and on behalf of lady macklin and our family thank you again for allowing us to be a part of this family as well well here we are for the first time in this era of the church of god in christ and for sure some place in heaven there is an angel who has been assigned to record this historic moment the moment when the church of god in christ came together for the first time officially in this era and i want to make sure that that angel has something to write what about you and i would say to all of us that god is still in control the gentleman for whom i present on this afternoon was called by god 33 years ago to plant a church that would become known as greater emmanuel and from that small church beginning we now celebrate greater emmanuel i like to call it institutional church of god in grace but following the calling to that church next we hear of him he is being appointed as the president of the youth department for the church of god in christ later he would be appointed as the chairman of aim auxiliaries and ministry for the church of god in christ and yet later he would be elected to the general board of the church of god in christ but a few days ago not only was he elected to the office he now rightly holds but more importantly he was chosen by god and for this moment in time the church now has the privilege of standing in complete cell darity behind him and to say to the world that the baton has not been dropped [Applause] and for all of those who predicted otherwise of our church may they now stand in awe of god and the history of a denomination of 114 years god is not through with us yet god still has his hand upon us and rightly so one leader steps in and how blessed he is to have the previous presiding bishop at his side to encourage him and to say carry on but not only that he now has a general board that stands with him and i will ask that they will all would stand to say carry on and go forward and just for the record in case there's any misunderstanding he also has a second and first assistant presiding bishop [Music] that says go forth in the strength of the lord the church of god in christ is going forward not backwards i know that in just a moment his wife will come lady karen to sing and after that we will receive him as we would but since the angel is already writing may we allow that angel to write that in this moment those who are present representing all of those who could not stood in solidarity and said to the world we pray for our presiding bishop and we believe that god will place him and take him to the places he needs to go and he will take all of us if you are a witness for that moment angel write this down as we clap our hands and pray for him the presiding bishop of the church of god in christ bishop j drew shed and all of the church said [Applause] amen [Music] so [Music] so [Music] comes from you oh you're the heart of my contentment [Music] jesus you're the center of my joy [Music] jesus you're the center of my job [Music] comes from you're the heart of my contentment hope for all i do [Music] you're the center of my joy [Music] [Music] when the night sings long and coldness are the laughter that shatters all of my [Music] fears oh jesus [Music] [Applause] you thank you god [Music] oh everybody say jesus thank you for being there for me [Music] me [Music] jesus thank you everything that i thank needed lord thank you jesus me thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i'm down jesus christ can't [Music] hallelujah come on give god some praise come on and give god some praise come on and give him some more praise there's nobody like jesus nobody will love you like jesus hallelujah thank you kind spirit let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer and the people of the lord said amen please be seated in the presence of the lord god bless you i looked at brother jefferson he was bringing me another mic and i think i said to him i think i can use her mic [Music] whatever she's got i want it god bless my darling wife evangelist karen clark sheard thank you sweetheart i want to certainly celebrate our presiding bishop he murders and i'm going to call him in just a minute i'm going to share my time with him i want to thank bishop macklin for that wonderful introduction [Applause] bishop wooten our second assistant presiding bishop bishop porter our secretary bishop hill our assistant secretary bishop hines bishop bryant bishop hall bishop mann excuse me bishop colby bishop mcclellan who did i miss did i i met i get everybody i certainly don't want to miss anybody on this first try god bless our wonderful saintly supervisor of the women's department [Music] mother and makuu lewis [Applause] to that effervescent lady from los angeles california lady may blake what a blessing to see you god bless you bishop thuston my brother chairman and to all of the bishops and pastors and elders to this wonderful family bishop george dallas mckinney was one of the most brilliant minds this world may ever know he made he made being smart look easy i shall never forget a sermon he preached for communion service and a holy convocation he talked about the different types of blood and he broke it down so until he mesmerized the audience and uh there was no preacher quite like bishop george dallas mckinney he was a gentleman a saint of god and you just felt good to be around him i had several memorable personal experiences with him and one was at a very low point in my life and this man came to me and said you're going to make it through this because god has something better for you and we have unequivocally lost one of the great fathers of our church and we will miss his calming voice from our midst but he left knowledge on record he inspired us to go forward and this man was way ahead of his time and probably will just now be getting to some of the things that he purported way back in the day and so we're praying for you lady b.j mckinney we love you so much and uh you're in our prayers we're praying for these five sons and your and your families in this hour of the breedman and the church family and the jurisdiction and we pray that uh god will strengthen you in this time of bereavement this is a opportunity that i am so proud to have i told the adjutants on last night i said don't ever think that i have a problem with you doing anything for this man he is the father one of the fathers of our church we're going to continue to honor him and respect him please receive presiding bishop emeritus bishop charles edward blake come and have words bishop however you feel that [Music] [Applause] and can we give our presiding bishop arouse your applause you may be seated bishop fc washington would say that bishop sheared has not like a frog hopped from the ground to the high level that he occupies but he's climbed patiently the ladder of life that he's risen round by round to become the presiding bishop of the church of god in christ [Applause] i know you want to hear his voice and i look forward to hearing the word of god from our leader but i've just got three minutes of things i want to say i not only want to talk about bishop sheared who has accomplished so many great things i want also to say a word about my dear friend bishop george mckinney the blinks and the mckinneys go back a great distance in time we lived on the same street a long time ago both of our families lived on the same street in the same small town in arkansas years later the blake family moved to san diego and bishop j blake senior became pastor of the fountain of life church and as it is now known later bishop mckinney and his family also moved to san diego he worked in the department of social services of the city of san diego and at the same time he was assistant pastor of bishop j blake until he founded his own church called saint stephen's church of god in christ in 1985 bishop mckinney and i were selected as bishops of two california jurisdictions on the same night we serve together on the general board of the church of god in christ what a fantastic preacher what a fantastic scholar what a fantastic churchman mr mckinney was and i'm just proud that i had the privilege of serving with him lady barbara thank you for the love and comfort that you shared with him lady may and i want to encourage you with the good news that he is now in the presence of the lord and i'm sure that he would say just one moment up here has paid for it all and we just want you sister barbara to walk on by faith the reason lord who has kept you all these years will keep you in the future he that have forgotten a good work in you will perform it until the day of the lord jesus christ and as i take my seat i just want to say that our presiding bishop bishop said henry scheered a tremendous leader a tremendous man of god and he has come to this point well deserved i'm proud of my presiding bishop and i will do everything i can to discourage him and to stop him and descend by his side let's give him a rousing applause come on stand up clap your hands for our presiding vision god bless you the fourth chapter and the seventh and eighth verses they read thusly i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearance appearing i want to talk to you very briefly from a subject a good fight and a finish course a good fight and a finish course please be seated in the presence of the lord it is interesting to note the words of the apostle paul in this fourth chapter of ii timothy can be somewhat mirrored in a believer's life beginning at the second verse listen to what paul said from the god's word translation be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right point out errors warn people and encourage them be very patient when you teach a time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings instead they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who will tell them what they want to hear people refuse to listen to the truth and turn to miss but you must keep a clear head in everything endure suffering do the work of a missionary and devote yourself completely to your work these words were spoken with conviction as the apostle paul was preparing to leave this earth my brothers and sisters life is interrupted by this thing called death but we must remember that death death ain't so bad if you're prepared for it for it was this same paul who said in the eighth chapter of romans and the 18th verse for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us it was that same paul who said in the sixth verse of the fourth chapter of second timothy that my life is coming to an end and it is now time for me to be poured out as a sacrifice to god however he reflected upon his life and exclaimed in that seventh verse i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith paul made reference to his life as a course his days were now extinct and his last sands were dropping in the hourglass of life my friends my friends the course of life presents some challenges and every believer must remember that we must fight the good fight of faith can i get a witness here excuse me i certainly did not intend to fail to i failed to mention uh bishop cedric daniels our general board member please appreciate him paul said henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness in other words the prize that shows i have god's approval is now waiting for me accolades and the plaques and awards in this life show that we have man's approval but they don't compare with the prize for obtaining god's approval that crown must be must mean more to us than any other accolade that man may give well my friends as i come to my clothes if we contemplate the course of life we would note that we deal with an ungodly world a world that hates god and hates god's people but in spite of what we face we must fight on the course of life presents persecuting tongues and devouring spirits but we must fight on during this life we're lied on and mistreated rebuked and scorned but we must fight on during this course we talked about as sure as you're born during this course there are people who won't give you a chance but we must fight on during this course we are often distressed through the infirmities of our fellow man but we must keep on fighting and don't get me wrong there are some good things in this life but the richer blessings are once we finish our course i believe the other day that bishop george dallas mckinney realized that here on this earth we only have a taste of enjoyment but once we finish this course we'll see an eternal banquet of enjoyments here in this life we think we're having a good time and we we we note that we're always faced with interruptions but when this course is over and we've fought a good fight and and kept the faith there will be no more interruptions during the course of life angels are visitors but when this course has ended and we arrived in heaven angels are resident however time has trapped us in this pursuit of finishing our course my brothers and sisters we must note that time is defined as measured duration in other words it has a beginning and an ending time is not always friendly but yet it engulfs every one of us sometimes time serves as our best benefactor and yet at other times it serves as our worst enemy every now and then time is challenging because when i think everything's going well bishop thuston time interrupts and seems to travel with irresistible rapidity but when i'm faced with difficulties time seems to travel at the pace of a snail time controls me time determines when i must get up and time determines when i must lie down but when jesus was on this earth he somehow managed to not be bound by times trackless maze for jesus was the only man who was truthfully as old as his father and yet still more puzzling he was older than his own mother he even referred to time and showed respect for stepping back and stepping away and making preparation for all of us who would live for him jesus thank you god he's my savior he's spoken of as alpha and omega the beginning and the end jesus is the inauguration and the consummation of time at times inauguration he sets me in free for how long you may ask i really can't calculate it for i heard the bible say in the third chapter of second peter and the eighth verse that one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day but one thing i do know is that he told me that if i believe on him that i would never die this is not death that we're commemorating because jesus said we would never die so therefore we celebrate life that never denotes that i shall step out of measured duration time into this informable space called eternity i gotta close here i feel my help coming but the course of life that we must finish sometimes prohibits us from doing what we want to do but we still got to fight on say what you will but this course isn't always kind to us this course of life causes us to have to deal with some unscrupulous people but we still fight on this course for bishop mckinney made life unpleasant at times but he kept on fighting because near the end of his course even though he was uncomfortable he wasn't a crybaby so he kept on fighting my brothers and sisters the course assigned to us makes us have to deal with the choppy waters and high winds of life this course of life causes us to deal with aches and pains but we keep on fighting now this course causes us to have to deal with the loss of wages suspended health care and the annoying cost of living but we keep on fighting because we hope for a better day for i heard paul say in the 15th chapter first corinthians and the 19th verse if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable for one day this annoying fight will be over i wish somebody would help me and say it will be over after a while the psalmist envisioned that day and he said oh if i had wings like a dove then i would fly away and be at rest bishop knew that this world was not his home and he said i've got another home over in glory so i stopped by to tell somebody don't worry about bishop mckinney because he made it he's on his way to that place lord help me today where the wicked shall cease from troubling and the weary shall be at rest and all of the saints of the ages shall sit at jesus feet and be blessed he has fought a good fight and finished his course he realized that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord that's why every day i'm packing up i'm making sure that every eye is dotted and every key is crossed because i want to be where jesus is is there anybody here that want to be where the lord is well i'm getting ready and packing up liars can't stop me hypocrites won't block me slanderers won't hinder me black biters can't prohibit me i got a home in glory and so i came by to tell you to keep on fighting and finish your course for the race isn't given to the swift nor the battle to the strong but he that endured to the end i wish he would look at somebody and say fight on i'm gonna leave you right here but if when you give the best of your service telling the world that the savior has come be not dismayed when men don't believe you he'll understand won't he understand it he'll understand and say well done oh when i've come to the end of my journey weary of life and the battle is fought and the victory is won bearing the staff and the cross of redemption help me say he'll understand and say well done well done that good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things now come on up a little higher and i'm gonna make your ruler over many if you believe it's all right say it say hey hallelujah somebody ought to give him praise right where you are look at somebody and tell them it's all right now you didn't say it like i said and look at somebody and say it's all right now hallelujah [Music] everybody except the family is standing [Applause] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] hallelujah i don't know there may be a person here that does not know jesus christ as your savior you don't have to make a big show all you have to do is believe in your heart that the lord lived that he died and that he rose again and say it with your mouth and the bible says you shall be saved what a remarkable day to receive the lord jesus christ as your savior this day that god has given to you my brother my sister if you don't know the lord you can just lift that hand right where you are we're not going to embarrass you and just repeat these words after me lord i'm sorry for all of my sins i believe you lived i believe you died and i believe you got up again just for me and god i promise you from this day forward that i'll make you proud with the life that i live my brother my sister if you meant that in your heart you're saved already hallelujah come on let's give god some praise for we're going to vacate the auditorium as soon as we do the committal and i'm going to ask that pastors of southern california second would come right back in and meet me for just a few minutes along with the saint stephen's church of god in christ members i want to meet you and just give you a few instructions and then we won't be long but we want to be thorough in our instructions everyone except the family is standing for as much it is that please almighty god to take out of this world our deceased friend brother and father bishop george dallas mckindy we commit his body to mother earth earth the earth ashes to ashes dust to dust looking for the general resurrection in the last day and the life in the world to come through our lord jesus christ and whose second coming and glorious majesty to judge the world the earth and the sea shall give up their dead and the corruptable bodies of those who sleep in him shall be changed and made like him to his own glorious body according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself please recite the lord's prayer with me our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen and i heard a voice from heaven saying unto me blessed are the dead who die in the lord from henceforth yea say of the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them bishop charles mcclellan will come and pray the prayer of benediction [Music] grateful for this moment in time that you brought us to and we bow our heads and humble submission to your will as for your amazing grace to surround us this day dear god that you will be with us this family to continue to strengthen them in the days weeks months and years to come for this we give you all of the glory honoring praise belongs to you in jesus name thank god amen [Music] you
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 49,041
Rating: 4.8449111 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, Presiding Bishop Sheard, Bishop Mckinney, Karen Clark Sheard, Bishop C.E. Blake
Id: hGZfJXarcJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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