#COGICHolyConvocation Official Day 1989

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but I'm going to pray this will introduce us to our call to worship certainly this is the house of the Lord s we have gathered together here to praise to magnify and to lift up the name of the Lord in the beauty of holiness I call upon every saint of God just now to prepare yourselves to be servants of the Lord s as we go into this service just as long as I live I'm going to pray I'm gonna pray for breath change things Oh Justin Long and ideals I'm going to play I'm going to play Warcraft change things oh just as long as I'm here I'm going to yes I am I'm going to pray changing [Music] help me one more time yes I am I'm going to change one more time just as long as I live let me hear everybody today I'm going to play cheese just as long as I wanna play because friends change the same [Music] surely the Lord is in this place there is none other than the house of God and this is the gate to heaven wait on the Lord be of good courage and he just christened the sign heart we I say we own the Lord I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment upon the head that went down to the beard even the Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garments the Lord is in his holy temple that all the earth keeps silent before him we have come into this house today to worship to praise and the magnet father Lord together I call upon each of you as saints of God on this Sabbath day morning make a rededication of your life to God God is calling us now to true holiness not Handclap in holding us alone not be snapping holiness aloneness not singing and talking holiness but God is calling us to holiness living yes and the charge to each of us today by God is and we should walk before him must and be perfect in this life may God bless us as we shall enter into this great service I charge you this morning to dismiss everything from your mind that's not like God yes let's bring our minds within the confines of these four walls let's ask God to have mercy upon us let's pray that God will forgive us of all of our sins we might have sinned unknowledgeable us we might have said something we might have looked at someone we might have thought something that we should not and if we are guilty of that this morning let's ask God for His forgiveness when you just lift your voice with me we're going to said just now please God I feel that we have come from the four corners of these United States to praise God we are not here to make a display of our beautiful hats our suits in our shoes but we have come to praise the name of the Lord God has brought us throughout New Jerusalem to lift up his name in the beauty of holiness and all over this great building yes will you join with me today and let's sing a praise God are you ready come on raise God ray please let the Lord here [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] amazing brain they give you all over the building how sweet the sound that saved a wretch [Music] like me [Music] hallelujah [Music] let me give you amazing range [Music] thank you [Music] hallelujah yeah [Music] I [Music] just one more time not still amazing great [Music] what [Music] blood [Music] thank you as we make this call to worship Eldorado huxton of Rochester New York is going to come and lead us in prayer while he's on his way let's say that again Amazing Grace [Music] what [Music] don't have machine I made it for you [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] the vice-chairman of the eldest Council of Western New York would lead us in prayer give your hearts to God just now sing so the Lord is coming in this room right now I'll feel the presence and I feel the Noten of God Northwoods the heel body is now God's want to deliver us from evil spirit God want to check the devil a dilemma and right now just before he praised the choir is ready god bless the choir come on dear choir say men for our Greek national choir on the directions of mother Mary mas Clark god bless him as he comes hate to jump from a good Amazing Grace to this one but while they accompany and let's do this this is the Church of God [Music] you cannot join everybody [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go let's listen to the other [Music] god bless our international choir under the supervision and direction of the dr. Mary Marsh clock [Music] Laurie be to God [Music] the day that the Lord as we we shall enjoy me [Music] and molar [Music] speak to our hearts today [Music] the boy as we have to into this morning for sure [Music] Oh God [Music] who [Music] rejoice in here [Music] the presiding bishop [Music] next four J Howard Sherman presider of that understanding at most no bro shall we stand to receive them [Music] go on the mission the chief servant [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Trelawney [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] many [Music] we are playing [Music] whichever [Music] Bienvenue our God Allison senior this coming in she azekah the vision caramel [Music] can there be second assistant Bishop jay-z husband which is women and agenda Bishop o3 Jones [Music] german german secretary and the presiding bishop special guests the Honorable dr. watt may God bless the great leader of the chapter floating right [Music] welcome you on this special day [Music] and well-adjusted tomorrow [Music] Sheldon [Music] George in here [Music] thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] hello again god bless you you may be seated this remain standing if you please I shall bring to you just now the great servant of our church who has so ably assisted this presiding bishop lo these many years and is the truth dedicated servant to the Church of God in Christ the Honorable Bishop Louis Henry Ford as the first assistant Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ worldwide as bishop or will now be led in prayer are one of outstanding Bishop Bishop see how down the leader of northern charges jurisdiction Bishop down bless a great lesson to be able to stand on your feet praise God bishop hill eternal God our Father father of our Lord Jesus claim creator of the world creator of the universe under they do we come this day and humility and gratitude thanking and praising and blessing these by having so blessed us and called us into the righteousness and made us partakers of the holy nation we take the Lord for he who founded this judge Bishop nation of founding father thank you Lord for the heritage he left us thank you for his successor mr. Patterson this morning Lord as we assembly here under his leadership and guidance we pray that you bless him at this stage of his life let him Lord bless his dear wife bless his family we thank thee for the leadership thou has given him Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus continue to tiffin him Lord spiritually physically and mentally continue to give him the leadership that your great church means at this moment of its existence in O Lord we pray this morning that you bless this congregation well we've come from all over the United States and from foreign countries so there's a the second convocation save you may we be blessed may we be still with I spirit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Jesus Jesus who you spit it on us today well you're spitting on us Lord and then message by Bishop Patterson hallelujah oh you spit it out he'll forgive our sins let out our translation forgive us while bickerings but give up for hallelujah forgive our divisive miss hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus breathe on us Lord rido nurse Lord when this day is over when this convocation end we will be better preachers better bishop better mothers better password better sing kill with the glory of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and then though the UK with our silly if you can be evil Civic you can be on godless theory everyone got the attitude every unholy way everyone over toward the Duke is Lord and deliver us from the evil never destroy your church read in my god and we're walking fully before you we were walk on believe before you the honor and the glory shall be thine forever throughout eternity in Jesus name Amen [Music] that's the entire congregation their choir members all over this auditorium but John in with our CH Mason the mall choir and August reading whether the Lord's Prayer [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the holy words Old Testament scripture by bishop de blake prelate southern california first jurisdiction shall board numbers New Testament scripture Bob Bishop OT Joel jr. freely Pennsylvania common with wealth judicial Joan board members alphabet we shall be followed fallen debt will be a pair additional selection by the siege mission memorial choir and the National Arbor Street will follow god bless you Isaiah 40 in 26 lift up your eyes on high and behold who has created these things that bring it out their hosts by number call us him all by names by the greatness of his might for that he is strong in power not one fail it by faith thou or Jacob and speaketh or Israel my way is hid from the Lord and my judgment is passed over from my god test out not known has thou not heard is that the everlasting God the Lord the the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding to give us power to the Saints and to them that have no might he increases strength even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint Isaiah 41 intense fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness may the Spirit of the Lord make these words live in your heart our New Testament scripture is from the fourth chapter of the book of Luke and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit in the Galilee and there went out of Fame of him through all the region round about and he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach this is the acceptable year of the Lord and he closed the book and he gave it a game to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened upon him and he began to say unto them this day is this scripture fulfilled in your eye [Music] I sing the Lightning flashing and heard the Thunder roll felt sin breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul I've heard the voice of my Saviour he bit me still fight all he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone let us lift our voices with the choir as we continue in this time of praise and worship to our God [Music] [Music] my beloved sausage with a [Music] Mira doubly sure yes yes [Music] we promise never to be [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] I am sure she's not punishing you for let us remain standing now while the statement of things by Bishop le Willis senior prelate of Virginia's first jurisdiction shall board members I'm excited because I have an opportunity along with you to reaffirm our faith by reading the statement of faith as printed on the second page of your program let us read it together we believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written word of God we believe that there is one God eternally existent God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit we believe in the Blessed hope which is the rapture of the Church of God which is then priced at his return we believe that the only means are being cleansed from sin is through repentance faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ and being baptized in water we believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely central for personal salvation we believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body and answer to believe in prayer we believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to acts 2 and 4 is given to believers who ask for it we believe in the transfer find power of the holy Sh by whom indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in this present world amen we'll now have a selection by the CH Mason the mole choir its leader is dr. Mary more slop the officer also will be Apollo this one led by Miss LaVonda Whitley foreign the next selection will be the right reverend cdom second assistant presiding bishop will be in charge of the Ministry of giving god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless let the redeemed of the Lord say man let me hear you yes we are in church and we're sitting Matt acquire God has been doing great things in this meeting he's given us the miracles God has given to miracles one way they came with twos in her was in her muscle and a mouth oxygen tent and with the prep breakfast and the Lord tests and heals RN took out the tubes and threw away the pen God is still in the healing business a miracle is gonna happen here today can I hear somebody say Lord let it happen to me remember your mouth is a part of your religion I know you know the Bible if that would consist with that work where you got there then you have to give the law the fruit of your work and then you got to know how to go to church okay come to the tents all sophisticated and proud when you come in the door you've got the end into his gates with what that into his cope with was well you got that and then I will open mine if you missed that but I will open my mouth unto the Lord I wonder what would happen if everybody would just said where is the Lord we can't say that too much you know because Jesus is if the room oh yeah God's gonna bless us here God's gonna bless us God's gonna bless her well maybe you live to dress though can give somebody anybody just send on your feet of their lord I thank you [Music] y'all fit our [Music] here [Music] don't y'all start anything you know what I mean somebody said whenever you see me shout something has hit me but nothing I'll not to have to hit you all you need to shout out to have good sin just look over your shoulder and see how the Lord have brought you from praising praising praising [Music] through many dangers mean and unseen god bless your heart listen one of the great things that has happened is the James or before August draw beautifully did but the Bunya witness and doctor LeFay appears dr. Bennett Johnson the conductor of this band orchestra well it's alright [Music] it was Adam visit wanted you to hear them and just now this beautiful August is coming in to us god bless your heart though than they won't wait yes that's beautiful the people that we have 45,000 folk here but they missed the count the halls are full made some simple fool and the other buildings are full and they are worshipping the Lord with us the illness auditorium is also full and they just couldn't get here so we had to have it in other places but the Saints are here and with this much power in town I don't know how many Devils we can run out because one can chief of an ethnographer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful people let me talk to you the time has come when we must be a blessing to one of the most unselfish leaders in the world only history will reveal the greatness of this great man but what is so joyful about this entire situation is that he's our leader i'ma run that bag again he's our leader and we love Him [Music] every time you see him you see a walking at miracle the best advice that the medical authorities had was that perhaps at this time we would be at his funeral because they say that what had happened to him meant death and that time has passed God has raised him up for us and God knows we need him [Music] and I dare you to keep on brain you see a wall of Prayer is one thing that Biff and that difficult to penetrate talk to me somebody his heart for face to dive with other states of praying and we will hold them before the laws and continue to pray for his help bow your heads and let me talk to you every pressure now is getting an offering bit of us have done this in an official capacity but the bishops of nine that we just don't come before the Lord empty-handed so they're gonna give me an additional $20 and in the other auditoriums those who are listening to us by closed-circuit their people there to do this great job every person in this building is reaching now will am apologetic for having to ask you for only $10 for $10 to your leader a whole year there's not much money none of us was wanted to be subjugated to such a small amount everybody is getting an old friend everybody him for the services rivet and this great meeting with our grid had to finish as he lead us together and the next election with the siege Mason the mall class the next course you hear will be that of Gorch leader God's man Obama and halogen glad that he's yet alive and God spared him said on your feet now and give God a quiz big friggin everybody halt over the feeling that the world [Music] you remain standing while you remain standing and leave it just a little bit [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] just a minute there God if you will be kind enough to give us the strength and the wisdom to say something of edification to your people and you would find the devil and make the hearts of your people receptive to the truth will thank you Lord for doing it and we'll give you all of the praise and the honor through Jesus Christ we ask at a man [Music] may the Lord bless the assistance providing bishops first and second the bishop village Ford and the bishop City Owens respectively and all of the members of the Dental Board Bishop windowpanes and the bishop with us the bishop Blake the Lord bless our general secretary and all of the officers of the Church of God in Christ and the supervisor from the department of women's mother Mary McGuffin we also very happy to have special guests for the general board and the convocation dr. Wadley you will be hearing from tonight and would be learning much much more about him but I do wish to urge you to be here to hear dr. what there he speaks to our hearts on tonight I'm happy for my own family maybe my family could stand there that's my son my daughter my grandchildren and my sister Alice also since you never know when it's your last time I may will do all of my confessing now may have made a mistake but it did you have to forgive me because you can't make it in if you don't forgive me I knew if I was to appoint a bishop I had to ask the gentle bull would I know that if I were to appoint a national officer I had to have the approval of the general bull I know that if I wanted a legislative change that would have to get the consent of the General Assembly but now it was an honest mistake I didn't know I had to have you approval to get matter I have found out that I didn't pick the woman that you would have picked but by the same token you didn't pick the herb and I thought you should have gotten now let me make it clear I gave her a good understanding that you will not be able to come in and take up where the late sister Patterson left out you enough to take out where she started so she's not seeking to take over no position no department she only wish we could have the common courtesy of being treated as a safe [Applause] and since you have been described as her who haven't seen her at the long tall yellow woman a little fat black woman why don't mayor adjust and abet marriage [Applause] now all right yeah [Applause] they said that mayor is not old enough for me but I just decided I didn't will but one bottle of Sloane liniment if I made would be at heart I know what to do try no one more often st. I'm just gonna have to say a few words to you extemporaneous there you know that I'm not saying Jo Patterson I was last year and you may not be the same use comes another convocation but I would hope that God would do anything through my illness that he would bring this church back to old time holiness [Applause] time the Lowell holiness that calls people to call us phonetics and said we were crazy didn't have the sense I would trust that God would through my illness clean up the church's political ambitions and help us the realize that we are on our way he split to the judgment that would be no positions up there chairman of no board no stayed brothers no bishops nothing but service I saw an ad in the paper just on yesterday I've never seen that kind of ad at least was read to me and this couple had advertised for an old fashioned I believe it was Presbyterian Church they wanted to find one that preached the gospel with simplicity and believed in the Father Son and Holy Ghost and believed in ladies wear their dresses modest and men acting like they are members of the masculine gender you know the newspaper says that they haven't found one yet it's an indictment on somebody it is an indictment on America the world and the Church of God in Christ that 1,500,000 babies are legally murdered every year babies that don't have the chance that a common criminal head he can't be sentenced to death without an automatic appeal and then often time the governor stays the execution but those poor babies don't even have a lawyer to plead that case 1,500,000 at least a year of being legally murdered medical science is trying to say is true that it's not a human life I don't care what medical science says God said that he ordained the fella while he was still in his mother's womb he had an ordination service knew him before he was formed in the belly and our daenam a prophet while he was still in his mother's womb cardinal judges guarded on the judges now we're looking at television at some of the devil worship of preachers and missionaries we'd better wake up and see what's going on around devil worshippers killing animals and I'm talking about not old people but little children 14 and 15 years old killing cheese dogs and other smaller animals and one boy said that he quit because he was the second fiber our kidnap and sacrifice a human baby and they kill them and put the blood in a bowl and pass it around among them and they drink it as their pledge to the devil we're in trouble when little fourteen-year-old girls are becoming mothers we're in trouble when a little 16 year old a six-year-old girl six year old girl give birth to triplets six years old we are in trouble I don't know we don't know whether I'll have the opportunity of speaking to you people again but I think I need to leave a testimony with you we've gotten too proud we've got enough flour art is in the wrong place we wish if it hats and wigs we'll wish had been lure off sue Johnson Murphy shoes Cadillacs and Lakers and some of our cars looked like a pimpmobile has two vain that's too vain that's too vain we sure haven't gotten to business riding around in the car and the police filing him because he looked like a member of the Mafia we are address like pretty act lacks preachers talk black preacher walk black preachers article judges missionaries don't let anybody deceive you you don't have to go around looking like Zsa Zsa Gabor God has given you natural beauty [Applause] and without any lipstick lack that worn by the proverb or Jezebel God made you to look beautiful well yes God don't send me the Hales written in my lips I'm not trying to say God don't send you there but you're gonna call so many other folks to go because the other people believe that true holiness changes your dressing appear [Applause] [Music] I'm sick and tired these folk being like that old mangy dog the boy head on the sidewalk and a fella walked up to him and said boy you ought to be ashamed of yourself you need to get this dog treated this dogs in bad shape but all of it these amazing infections the boss said what do you talk about that this is a police dog man said you know that's not a police dog he said it is a police dog he said well how in the world can a dog and that conditions be a police dog he said well because Jesus ins is an undercover agent I don't think we needed an undercover agent and the Church of God in price I think we ought to look like what we are for the pastor's they recording this you have it we don't have to try to imitate the theatres and the movie stars the Health Services one was telling me about one of our groups let you back that systematic flog bless you baby bless you just stay with Jordan Powell Yvonne witness let's all get back there with the Department of Music I appreciate you we're just the office they were just simply trying to make room for more people who want to serve but you know it breaks my heart now you don't have to bawled me out about it because that will help but it breaks my heart to see people who are steeped in the religion and the doctors of the Church of God and trade have to go to the stage and act like the world to make a dollar and it breaks my heart yes some of our singers say that we have got the communication with the society in which we live and therefore we have to rearrange our music and make it contemporary and put a little beat to it there so they'll understand it that's not what the Bible says the Bible says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind God didn't tell me to be like the world he said that I was a salt of the egg and when I was a boy in the country my father would kill hogs hang them out overnight he said and let the animals heat get out of them and then he'd put them in a box for a layer of course thought bound then a layer of meat cover that meat with some more salt reberty and thank you sir your habré's are you and when my daddy got through it could be hot in the summertime you could take a piece of that meat out and it would be sanctified down to the bone and I never one time heard anybody says this salt tastes medium they always said that meat tasted salty here we are to save this world we have got to be example to the world I wonder did you give me I wonder did you hear me no I don't approve I don't have don't come in the church where our pastor with a lot of wordless songs and calling the lord oh my lord a lo he is not loaded to call him Lord he is about that calling somebody booty boy the Lord God is his name and his name should be River his name is holding low lordy Lord miss of Washington said something in his salmon I've thought about it I've thought about it I I have a statement I pleaded he said that he went by church and the people were standing in the door and he stopped his card went over and preacher I believe it was was plan to get tired he was picking his guitar and that people were jumping and hollering shouting and the fellows were standing in the doorway and up and down down with the hep stone some the other door was smoking and said he hollered stop the music stop the music stop the music that if you play the right music these men take their heads off you play the right music they'll stop smoking I dare you to play how sweet the name of Jesus sound in a believer there you can't smoke on that song you can't smoke on Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me you can't smoke on this brothers and sisters timethat did said appalled it said of Timothy take a little wine for your stomach's sake first place you name not Timothy and the second place wine doesn't smell like gin I don't care how we try to justified if you go to lead people you've got to carry yourself in such way that people will respect you sin has always gotten the chase in trouble and sans what's getting us in trouble I'm about finished thank you baby that's all I can do now Apostle Paul had a problem preachers with this terrific Apostle Paul had a problem with this Corinthian shake and listen what Paul says to the Caribbean shake it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father white and he puffed up in sin and proud of it and have not rather mourned that he that has done this deed might be taken away from among you you're talking about getting a judicial court these courts were already held are not working somebody also be able to say what's right and what's wrong and split in jurisdiction is not correcting wrong for Venice for a villa as absent in body but present in spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that has done this deed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such an one unto see them for destruction of the flesh your glorying is not good know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump don't you know that's the keep sin in the chase known sin it's a bad influence for the church purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is satisfied for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven with eleven of manna and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth I wrote on to you in an epistle not to company with fornicators I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with funny cadence yet not altogether with fun Akitas of the world with the covetous or the extortion of our the dollar job for them must be needs go out of the world but now I have written unto you not the keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous and a dollar a or a drunkard or an extortioner with such an one no not to eat well what have I to do to judge them all so that I was out do not ye judge them that are within but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among you put away from among yourselves that wicked person that's what the Bible says I know that we sometimes say we haven't let God do the judging my deals and serve there's really nothing to judge when you see outward sin and the world is beginning to ask now where do we draw the line I know at one time everything was wrong wrong - where next time we're on the way eyeglasses wrong to have your dental work done just everything was wrong and maybe we were a little fanatical but what's way for everything to be wrong often not anything to be wrong there has got to be wrong somewhere god I wish I felt better I wish I felt better here's an old man 6 to 4 years old and had been living with his old meals lady for a year he was 6 to 4 years old and the other meal was bought 7 to 2 years old and they're celebrating because they're states now have legalized them being married that's lesson planning I said that's nothing funny legalize them being married so tell me now don't tell me that this is all right don't tell me it's rain because I'm not going to believe you God put us here to replenish the area and two males can't replenish the area God made Adam and I know I'm hitting some batter now cause you're looking at me to me God made Adam and Eve he did not make Adam and Steve [Applause] you didn't do it I know nothing's gonna help us as I conclude their honest tango hippo is wholesale repentance and this is no indictment and yet it could be the Lord's will and January with planned knowns on Birmingham well there won't be any board of vicious meetings and no state mothers meetings and the council won't be meeting and the General Assembly won't be meeting well nothing be meeting but the prayer meeting [Applause] and I know I'm not being rude you know if you got a leader the leader case getting away unless somebody follow a leader without followers is just a man with taking a wall I realize that all of these other things have got to operate council of elders this gentleness in their woman's the probably young people depart realize all that got to operate realize you've got to help some business meetings but is it asking too much to do all of our business of that nature in April and let this be a holy convocation how can you have a holy convocation when just a skeleton group of LeMans are in the auditorium and the leaders are often different looms have a meeting you've got to lead people back to God let us think about it give us November as a holy convocation people come here to be healed I need a touch from the Lord thank you Jesus people come here I said to be healed football over the country I said if I can just make it to Memphis like a puzzle Paul said I must by all means keep the feast at Jerusalem woman preacher called me and just before I never owned one of our sisters sick but you wanted to come to the convocation put it in the hospital yesterday dad from Indiana oh I wonder I wonder I just wonder if all of us bishop yeah doing the meeting if all of us bishops had been in here instead of rooms polling business sessions has been in here doing the meeting and if all of our preachers had been together sitting in here doing the beating I wonder I wonder would that woman be alive now I wonder what's the matter with Zions and I'll bail actually used to breathe then I won't lecture used to walk van don't talk much you used to talk something wrong with jean take your cheese Oh Elijah let them know there's all in one home one home we don't need no business session we don't need to amend the Constitution single bad bad no way if you won't abide by this giving the seven if they won't abide by this they're not gonna bide by that if a man won't obey the Bible he's not gonna be yoke on stitute you and then we get right this is the Constitution it is holiness a hell including the presiding bishop is holiness ah hell I just said we don't need all that we don't even need a three days shut in just need a one day crusade let's meet up on Mount Carmel and I'm gonna give you top fire rocket so you got more on your program that I've got on mine you've got 450 participants you got the introduce and I don't have but one then it takes you a little longer to get rid of it all you got to bring your guard up on or off Scott and my god will be up there when I get there so y'all go ahead and take prime time you know what prime time is preachers you don't have to worry about these crooks taking prime time they've have it Pharaoh's magician has prime time too but Moses snake ate theirs up and when they got through it all they're wiggling and giggling and demonstrating with their lives putting themself with stones messing around and take it around the Elijah's just made them listen and after a while they'll I just started you know kind of put signified signified thank you son the Elijah said maybe your God is a little harder here in they call them in the louder and they called louder and it didn't get in the reserves and then he said well I tell you what maybe he's off on a journey he be back soon please yeah and then after a while he looked he said now the sun's going down now y'all have had all day get out the way and he repaired although didn't to do it but knew would tell illusion and a new sacrifice and then dumped it down with 12 bells owada tellin to mia and said the God that answer not that Camarines what the God that asks about symbols that's the God that even a some bad - it not the God that answered by speaking in tongue but the God that answered by five let him be gone it's what we need now God down so by what God - about what if you really believe that shout fire listen to this sales group had everything he lies ahead except one they really had more of God than the lies ahead they had an altar they had a sacrifice they had wood right yeah but it didn't have an aside the world is a pin with the chase now you can't find a hole in this church now about Camrys and guitars that's all pay you may end up anywhere falling a tambourine thank you Jesus you fine folk beat Camrys on the head on the heel on the hip thank you Jesus but what we need now is not hip slapper we [Applause] I'm closing with this though listen babies I had a real trauma I know you won't know about it so you know what to say when you leave here so best me tell you now because I had a real trauma you stay sweet don't hurry and whatever God got for you you get it you don't have to try to get more friendly with the folk now than you were called folk no you hypocrite and then you know can tell I'm a preach somebody's view maybe election late Bishop Johnson that in Michigan they were all there in the meeting and they were talking about what they were going to and who's gonna take over called Bishop Johnson was a home Dan and about that time mr. Johnson walked in and said I ain't going back an angle resign [Applause] just be sweet see because whoever clamors for the job won't get it that is the way promotions come promotions don't come from the east not from the width not from the south but God puts up one and takes down another [Applause] [Music] and the whole in this job you got little people not dollar [Applause] I had a trauma I was taken to the hospital couldn't sleep that night I've been a tough man I've been a tough man couldn't nobody I've stood what I have stood these past 20 years if it hadn't been a tough man bed one night couldn't sleep got him in the hospital early the next morning doctors that I got to make a pitch I said well hurry up because I've got to go they evil meetings going on that's a NASA meeting I've got to be there made a pitches I said am I ready to go he said I'm sorry but you're not we got to make another one I said well please hurry up that's why I said I've got to admit you to the hospital at but not not today I've got to go to the April meeting I've come back next week you said but Bishop Patterson you can't come back next week you've got to be admitted now finally I was operated on it was found to be malignant they couldn't move in a part of it they told me that it could be helped by chemotherapy I won't go through all of that they've made an appointment for me to see the chemo separate therapy but the same days that I was to see the chemo therapist I made an appointment with with the prayer meeting called had a pair of hem to call up the chemotherapy she told him that Alan go and take my treatment at another hospital thank you and they said I could live maybe six months if I took it oh if I didn't take it I can leave maybe six months and maybe a month so yeah I took it but I said if I don't live but a de-tangled taking if God doesn't he in it it won't be healed and I had this one constellation and this is all it came to me about the man that lost his way young man and he had only a daughter left they buried her on a gloomy days and coming back from the cemetery they were grieving they went into alone the house just he and his little seven or eight year old daughter with a broken heart he put her to bed in her room and he went to bed in his room few minutes later there was a figure in the door and he heard a voice and daddy are you asleep he said no baby I'm not asleep so daddy this dark isn't it he said yes this dark sweetheart it can be dark at 12 o'clock today she said Dara I haven't ever seen it this dark before have you he said no it's never been this dark before this is dead I'm afraid can I come in the room and get in the bed with you he said yes she got in the bed she says I can't see your face bed it is your face turn towards me he said yes baby my face just turned towards you she closed the eyes and with the sleep that was my consolation it's dark never seen him just died before thanks be to God the Lord's face is time toward me [Music] and just to behold his face and my dear who knows who knows why God gave me the strength to stand here tough you today don't care what it is thank you Jesus last time I went to see the man that said I makes it live six months he was so amazed said they had the table out to ask me to get on when I got to talk with him I was in the chair and had him on the table who knows I don't care what your condition is you may be a doe bad you may be a dropper thank you Jesus your home may be disintegrating you may be a sinner launched and the Lord is on his way back I don't know when he will get here but he's right around the corner the harvest is past and you're not saved so it's a nice it's really about 13 o'clock and this may well be your last opportunity you may not have a wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost I'm within you if you have the bonus to come down here and all over this building all over this building I want us to go back to God in a Holy Ghost renewal before we leave out of this building today I want every question in here to go back to God with us and a Holy Ghost renewal here in the building that want to be saved will to be filled with the Holy Ghost want to be healed want to be delivered I want you to have the bonus to get up and come down here now God happy to take you this God has me to tell you this get up and come down here now we're gonna straighten this thing out now we're gonna straighten it out now right now get up and come on down here now take it easy thank you [Music] thank you thank you Jesus whoa Thank You spirit of the Living God [Music] that's it that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to me everybody everybody listen to me listen to me don't you dare walk out that door till you shall have received a touch from God there's nothing that you have to do this more important than having your soul renews every bad now this is the men acquire looks often listen to me we've heard a pastoral method the bishop spoke to us from his heart said this could be the reason why the law is just keep it in here with us does anybody here with enough boldness and honesty to repeat after me oh lord save me some more how many know you can use now listen to me listen to me brother God spoke yesterday we need to go back back to God that mean you're not saved but we've lost a little something here and God wants to renew us the board is saying down there with me on the altar we're gonna free for these people and we as we preach out there we don't repent we're gonna repent that's what Alabama is all about that's why the bishop has called up every pastor every elder emphasis of ever miss their even Lima that one of Zeus's trees to be revisited where God was real and well the Holy Ghost fell and where Mount Carmel will happen in that city auditorium the God that answers South daya let him be God now nobody's gonna go to God but you but you and I want you to open your mouth but I want you to free and I want you to ask God's forgiveness and his love it is missing and that's this restoration God will do it right now leave that handle the person beside the event and in front of me and let's get the government left the Holy Ghost shake this place God's gonna heal kenta's gonna be refused [Music] come in [Music] he's still here forgive us Lord forgive us [Music] yeah [Music] and these don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to me there are three things I want you to do first of all in your old ways take those two hands and lay a hole anybody and lift wait for the Vizag bishop you free with your partner depart the fray with them the whip [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again I want you to do [Music] everybody in here [Music] [Music] [Music] Gilda's the last thing I want you to do we've raised by the presiding bishop we've paid by ourselves we repeat it and God has laid out prayer the Holy Ghost has in this room I won't employ again believer to claim victory for yourself and pray victory for the vastness of listen listen this is what I want you to do I want you to pull you up around three of the President Ilham feeling of the liar we got the victory now [Music] [Music] Wow why don't you just burns don't you play [Music] yaaaaah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why everybody will you on this ahem diplomat pastor can listen to me don't choose mess up there and quit the holy gold God wants to break through in this please listen to me if you let the Lord hand is way you will get your deliverer not listen to me shake somebody's hand look him in the eye and repeat after me I know that I haven't been resourcing like I oughta and I don't have time [Music] can you ever pay that the law has done for me [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with wines of Birmingham with a Hanukkah country Kazuya was again [Music] [Music] meaning any meaning no change the jewelry [Music] Birmingham Alabama where it is bendin him then let us have Burnham get that Bailey I am the 16 17 and 18 January 1990 listen that's where it is recapping the first spirit of the Lucia Street survivor that's where it is the presiding bishop wants us on our knees in burning ham any Reviver back to God repealing repealing telling God to restore revive us again somebody murdered ham Bishop Wright has two tables downstairs you can register we have a little registration card you can register and get your information on this side and this side down stair mr. bright is the register we'd like to riddance of 2,000 or 3,000 people before we leave here tomorrow listen register now listen register now you need to register now you can register with v with $50 and get the hotel of your choice listen the hotel rules are limited in these various hotels you will see it on your registration card go downstairs on that slide on the right side which is a south side on the north side you can get in here is Bishop right and if you don't register here listen to me please just a moment just one moment the Lord has blessed us we're rejoicing in the Holy Ghost we're trying to give you some understanding about the Holy Ghost conference we know that everybody won't have the opportunity to register now just feel free to take home the material the brochure the poster the leaflets and send it in to the Church of God in Christ Housing Committee 272 South Main here in Memphis Tennessee god bless you and we'll see you in Birmingham on January 16 everybody stop walking everybody stop walking Bishop Patterson was stricken a few years ago in Florida and he was put in the hospital this report on Bishop Jones and myself and then I went to the hospital room we look to the hospital to see him a call his family and told them that he'd been stricken and I never shall forget it I look in his face I recall when we grew up this ball together I was a Mississippi and he was he in Memphis little boys I said to God that day God stop let nothin happen to this man I'd rather die myself with the great vision if you want to take me in this place provision of Saints Center All Saints University please Lord spare his life and we prayed calls went out over marathon the Saints dog brain you never realize how it feel until you get close and close on the inside of jail Church operation as I have been for for the years of the child below that restless on the shoulder and how God deal with his leaders with his leader medicine Kenya in prayer if the gel board has done throughout this meeting will work with oneness keep down all disturbance the bevel the time in this world that the Church of God in Christ shall stand firm in brass it is now but devil is after us now listen we do not follow the other groups some people said the Church of God in Christ is feeling Jim Baker and sister Tammy we didn't come from them they probably came somewhere from us for Church of God in Christ is not built upon nobody but Jesus Christ and His righteousness Bishop Patterson is our leader a master all of its supports of States supportive districts some hopeful meeting in Birmingham and be back tonight to hear his guests become and above all things be here tomorrow for Holy Communion all of adjutants as it said mothers meet with the Chappell tonight and sustain Emily bream and mobile McLaughlin staff tonight without the service of a may prepare for tomorrow the president of the youth department and the chair lays will to meet with Misha broad the platform Emil Elena shall we stand pastor bogan please give us a benediction everyone stand public why we're gonna quietly let there be no talking there'll be no talking pass the ball get me the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the communion of the Holy Ghost the fellowship of all things rest with us and until we meet again and everyone say Amen I'll ask the Saints staying where you are just a minute with know about Bishop Owens he's leaving this afternoon and plan to try to return back to G a certain vice president of the church to bury his sister and Philadelphia since the past so since he's been here those fall raise our hand the silent prayer for him our brother as he goes was also in the name of Jesus play god bless him now amen somebody lost a diamond ring look like that maybe a ladies rain if you could look on your fingers over here Man 1 it will be in the office of Bishop Laura downstairs a diamond ring and look like this very expensive [Music] all state presidents and charities and youth workers please come to the platform immediately all states president chair ladies and youth workers and Willie look at Department please come to the platform amoeba for a brief meeting [Music]
Channel: Rewind Videos
Views: 11,154
Rating: 4.8611112 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, Karen Clark Sheard, Evangelist Maria Gardner, Maria Gardner, Francs Kelly, Mother Frances Kelly, Mother Birdie Sue Flake, Mother Willie Mae Rivers, Mother Rivers, COGIC, The Clark Sisters, Bettye Nelson, Holy Convocation
Id: 0HkkvtXln0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 56sec (9776 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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