He's Not Done With You Yet - Bishop Kevin Wallace

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come on let me hear you if you come to praise the Lord one more time lift that voice as high as you can get it [Applause] let's get let's give God praise come on let's give God praise [Applause] [Music] put those hands together come on everybody come on I want to see everybody clapping Glory Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] in here [Applause] [Music] here we go Hallelujah [Music] [Music] we got all right myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] Hallelujah [Music] foreign friends everybody please so good now [Music] praise the Lord please next time Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] [Music] praise the Lord [Music] Hallelujah thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody gives off the atmosphere the atmosphere heavy believer [Music] Praise Him and online all around the world [Music] everybody shout somebody's Shout somebody Shout [Music] this is convocation listen we are in Detroit Michigan right now May the 22nd all the way to the 26th this is the first day of our holy convocation I didn't hear that I said this is the first day of our holy convocation is there anybody ready right now for five days of information screen [Music] is there anybody here maybe for parties of human scream and everybody's here ready for five days of Revival screws welcome welcome welcome to you in-house and online welcome to Holy convocation 2023 I'm happy for everybody who is in-house right now and everybody who is online and I want you to know there's about to be an explosion nope there is an explosion that's already taken place in this house oh y'all better come on yeah there is an expectation in our hearts there's an excitement that's in the air is there anybody ready for the blessings of the Lord I said is there anybody ready every one of you better announce and everybody that's joining us in our cyber Sanctuary we thank God for you and those of you that are in the Cyber Sanctuary I want you to remember that you've got to stay engaged all night long don't you let anything take you away from your device I want you to be a part of this thing because the one thing that they taught us one thing Bishop Winans told us is that if the anointing is genuine it's two things anybody it's tangible and transferable that means the same anointing in this house will go through your device to where you are is there any believer in this place so stay engaged and as a matter of fact press your share button right now this is a digital age and there are people around the world that will watch this if you press your share button right now that's right and some of you have your devices on in the house I don't understand that but you got it in the house share it from here too and let the whole world be a part of a holy convocation 2023 amen [Music] and and while while you are watching I want you to be a part of this thing online be a part of this thing when you hear us praise God type in your praise when you hear us say Amen type in your amen I want you to be a part of this worship and interactive with this thing share what country you're from share what village what town what city what state What continent what island wherever you are Sharon put your name and put down where you are so we can acknowledge you as we go on this week but this is a great event and we are a part of a move that is about to take place that's going to transform us in one week's time anybody ready for this I don't hear you is anybody ready for this glory to God glory to God now we're going to pray father in the mighty name of Jesus gracious and mighty God we thank you for the Gathering of the Saints we thank you for us coming from across the country and around the world We Praise You Lord God for Holy convocation I pray that your spirit would move that sick bodies would be healed that there would be Mass power in this place that the grace of God would be extended to us that we would be enlightened that we would be infused with the power of God that we would be expired and move forward in these last days that we would be the light bearers that will shine and that light pierced through the darkness of this day Lord God let this convocation prepare us for the work of the kingdom and we will give you praise sanctify this let your anointing be so thick that we Buckle under the weight of that anointing in the name of Jesus Christ we are expectant we are ready let your glory be revealed according to your will and we will give you praise this whole week and if you agree with that somebody scream a praise to God [Music] [Applause] Pastor Eric Douglas a fresh oil Ministry is coming he's going to come with the scripture reading at this time Hallelujah amen praise the Lord if you came to be revived on this week clap your hands all ye people and shout unto God with the voice of Triumph come on clap your hands all you people and shout out to God with the voice of Christ if you came to be revised open up your mouth and give God Hallelujah Hallelujah yes God the Bible reads in Psalm 85 beginning at verse number four it says turn us o God of our salvation because thine anger towards us to cease will thou be angry with us forever without draw out thine anger to all generations without not revive us again will thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee show us thy mercy O Lord and grant us thou salvation I will hear what God the Lord will speak for he will speak peace unto his people and to his Saints but let them not turn again to Folly surely his salvation is not them that fear Him That Glory May dwell in our land the word of God for the people of God and all of God's people said together amen anybody who knows me you know that I love praise I love to praise God I haven't I haven't grown into that kind of Pastor that just sits and waves his hand I'm still a priest I'm a dancer I'm a worshiper and that's who I am proudly and I want everybody in here that's ready to praise God one more time just help me out I want you to scream if you're ready to praise God foreign [Applause] [Music] I have enough this is the day that the Lord has made this is [Music] we could say that the Lord has made me the name I will rejoice [Music] I will rejoice [Music] [Music] praise foreign [Music] Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] on it is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah back praise glory to your name Jesus Glory hallelujah thank you Jesus yes Lord we say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] glory to God I'm telling you convocation is on convocation is on [Applause] in the year of 2020 in the year of 2020 we had to go digital Hallelujah but we had convocation glory to God 2021 we went digital again but God is great and he is gracious to us 2023 we are here in the house and online and the choir is back we've got the perfecting Fellowship International Mass Choir coming up this time somebody makes some noise here [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's start right and this is in your life we will break every sentence yes live in your life he will break yes at night begins [Applause] from everything is salvation Bible remember people do the things tell me [Music] okay okay [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh that's why foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] convocation and if you gotta dance in your spirit we're gonna sanctify this convocation right tonight if you gotta dance in your spirit I'm gonna give you about 60 seconds to get that pans out and praise him in your hands are you ready come on one two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise God praise God [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah the presence of the Lord is here his spirit is in this place and I believe is over rejoicing in Jesus we are rejoicing in his salvation we are praising him his presence is made known somebody shouted on us out of praise as we go further as we go further in the Holy convocation y'all stop I'm trying to move on I'm trying to I'm trying to move on [Music] Hallelujah we praise God we praise God for Holy convocation and we praise God for great leadership praise God for great leadership we praise God for our bishop-elect Marvin L winon senior [Applause] [Music] perfecting Fellowship International praise God for our Bishop foreign first lady Janine Winans [Applause] as you can see as you can see our Bishop is not in the house tonight our Bishop is home and he is growing in strength and we celebrate him becoming well we praise God that he is gaining strength amen and he's watching right now so I want everybody to celebrate our Bishop tonight [Applause] [Applause] we've insisted that he would just stay home and recuperate tonight we've got this because he's trained us well he has imparted in us and we are carrying the mental of our Bishop amen we praise God and we thank God for every one of our perfecting Fellowship International pastors as you remain standing we praise God for all of our PFI pastors and the churches that are here thank God for our pastors and their wives and their families that are here and we want to give a special God bless and Thanksgiving to God for our International mother mother Dolores Winans [Applause] [Music] just as beautiful as the day is long and we praise God for her being with us tonight amen one more time for mother Winans now what we're about to hear our video announcements about the video announcements but before we do as you take your seats as you take your seats before we go into our video announcements we're going to have a special announcement by the leader of our evangelism Pastor Andre I mean praise God Amen and we're going to hear from the from the leader of perfecting care since the Beverly and Hilton at this time so praise God as they come praise the Lord come on praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody let us hear you in the Cyber Sanctuary we are so excited and holy convocation 2023 is here oh we're going out of the room and into the world on Wednesday we want you to know that we're getting ready for prayer at the curb we're going to go out here and we're going to evangelize because perfecting Church PFI cares amen we want you to on Wednesday at 2 p.m we want all of you to meet us right here on the corner of Van Dyke and Nevada and it's there that we're going to show the love of Jesus Christ and we're going to have prayer at the curb cars are going to pull over it is so easy for us to pray for at least a thousand people in less than two hours and I'm going to need all of you to be a part of it join us at 2PM listen it's going to be phenomenal you really want to be a part of it because what we really want you to do is take this back to your church and begin to witness and evangelize in your city amen amen it can be done so listen and not only will we be having prayer at the curb but listen the sister of Evelyn is going to share a little bit more all righty then thank you Elder so we are so excited to come together as a Psy [Music] we are so excited to come together as a PFI family this Wednesday to serve over 8 000 pounds of food to the community [Applause] say this eight thousand pounds say it again a thousand pounds this is a lot of food and we need your help men women and children we need you to help prepare the bags we need your help to distribute the food registration and most of all so some PFI love we have something for everyone to do let's get ahead on that PFI love no just want to share with you we got turkey wings we got chickens we got Nathaniel hot dogs we have it and you gotta come and get it hold on here where's Brother Scott he loves pistachios we got snack man I don't hear Elder healing here's your coffee so I'm telling you right now we need your help to serve the community and remember everybody Ministry means people said again Ministry needs people all right amen share this with your family and friends and I'll see you on Wednesday as you see as you also see we have our t-shirts ready so for those volunteers who will be out prepare at the curb we will have T-shirts until we run out so meet us here Wednesday God bless you we'll see you at prayer at the curve what does the T-shirt say the T-shirt says care come on let's give praise to God preparing the curb [Applause] Oh My My Mind I need my glasses to thank the Lord now that is the heartbeat of the church evangelism it is the heartbeat of the church and so we're going to be outside of prayer at the curb on this Wednesday coming how many going to be how many going to join us amen look at these hands thank God for Jesus all right I want everybody to give your attention to the screens as we go into our video announcements for today perfecting Fellowship International welcomes one and all to a holy convocation 2023. get ready to be revived this entire week during powerful morning afternoon and evening worship experiences you still have time to register for the holy convocation register tonight and receive your HC 2023 packet gift in person and virtual admittance to the Tuesday and Wednesday General Session Thursday empowerment session and terrific discounts and deals in the bookstore but wait there's more your registration also includes the Thursday night singing Shepherds concert don't delay register at www.pfi.world or in the convention center [Music] thank you we can't have holy convocation without morning glory and we can have Morning Glory without God's anointed Pastor Denise Ray tomorrow morning at 8 A.M don't miss it we're excited for tomorrow's General Sessions at 9 A.M with pfi's own pass to George blanks teaching witnessing 101 followed by Pastor Daryl Blair with servant leadership who's ready for some church in the afternoon pfi's own Dynamic Pastor Ronnie Lee ministers tomorrow at noon during our power parents you can enjoy evening worship Services while our Nursery staff cares for your child your child will enjoy interactive fun activities and yes even snacks loving and caring staff awaits your child register them today BFI presents a big food giveaway in prayer at the curb Wednesday at 2PM we're excited to show the love of Jesus Christ if you will participate in any facet please let us know sign up and receive your t-shirt in the lobby following tonight's service we're excited to announce something new to convocation it's a volunteer's breakfast Thursday at 9am it's going to be a great Fellowship an opportunity to meet and greet brothers and sisters from PFI churches as we work side by side this week admission is free visit the convention center to obtain your free ticket thank you for serving do you remember the singing Shepherds concert from years past well get ready because this year it's going to be even more Unforgettable singing Shepherds Thursday night at 11 PM featuring The Gifted PFI pastors and hosted by none other than BB Winans you can enjoy the concert in person or you can purchase your virtual tickets at www.pfi.world you don't have to look for food following tonight's service because the gospel Bistro will be open delicious food and desserts are only a few feet away we'll see you in the bistro visit the holy convocation bookstore for great products such as t-shirts caps pans and the list goes on and on registered delegates will receive special discounts and the PFI pasture special don't leave without coming to the bookstore let's get ready to be revived tonight as we enjoy the music Ministry of Maurice Yancy and one Accord and a life-changing word from Bishop Kevin Wallace welcome again to Holy convocation 2023 [Music] amen amen listen this is really convocation this is really convocation the bookstore is open again I said the bookstore is open and I'm Robinsons are in the bookstore so I want you to make sure that you visit the bookstore as soon as the service is over let me put my glasses on so I can tell you what is in the bookstore then in Jesus's name Hallelujah you can get the convocation wait we have models we've got we've got models we've got our convocation t-shirt I am PFI amen and for the ladies you you know you're gonna love this it's the PFI bling shirt the PFI bling shirt for the ladies to wear all week long to identify yourself as the beautiful part of PFI in Jesus name and with the book start being back so is our pastors PFI pastors special now if you're new to convocation and you don't know what that is let me tell you what this is tonight I can extend this is going to be the Donnie McClurkin special [Applause] this is going to be the pastor Reverend Donnie McClurkin special for you in the bookstore you hear my voice starting to shake glory to God now the special the wonderful special in the bookstore uh is going to be this it's going to be a discount on any t-shirt that you buy if you buy one t-shirt you get 10 percent now we're going to stretch that to 25 percent if you buy one t-shirt you are going to get the next t-shirt for 25 off amen now that's some kind of special but the thing about it is in order to get that special Donnie McClurkin deal I'm so great I'm about to fall out myself in order to get that Donnie Pastor Donnie McClurkin deal you must be registered [Applause] how many people are registered here if you're a registered jump up and scream if you're registering jump up in school so that is our discounted PFI bookstore bargain for you all tonight make sure at the end of the service that you go into the bookstore all of these things will be available to you and make sure you let them know you're there for my discount amen glory to God God bless you all put your hands together for the bookstore we're going to go back into the worship of God the choir is coming back at this time praise God for the perfecting Fellowship International Mass Choir [Music] [Applause] exactly [Music] yes we yes [Music] time for you [Music] that was so hard for me A lot of times my way I couldn't see [Music] okay oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what is happening [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] God will do what he says God will do what he said glory to God we're going to move forward now we're going to move forward now and we're going to go into the worship of giving we are going to worship god with our giving [Applause] I'll say it again we're going to worship God in our giving [Applause] [Music] I've I've come prepared and the ushers are in the aisles with envelopes so that they can facilitate every one of you in your giving and it is time for us to sow into this Kingdom soil in-house and online we're going to give and we're going to give abundantly and we're going to give cheerfully because God loves a cheerful Giver what we're doing here in holy convocation is a wonderful wonderful Adventure we come and we remember how God has blessed us prospered us throughout the years and it is time for us now to take our resources sacrificially and to give unto the Lord amen amen so I want you to prepare your heart to prepare your hearts all around the world prepare your hearts to sow to so liberally so bountifully and God is going to multiply it back unto you amen now listen I'm going to I'm going to begin this offering off of the thousand dollars and that's not to impress anybody but that's because I believe in this ministry that's because I am PFI I am a part of this I am in this the fabric of this entire Fellowship I am in this and I honor the Ministries that God has given to our Bishop and so I'm going to start this up with a thousand dollars and I want everyone that will come as close to that as possible all those that were so a seed of 100 or more of 100 or more I want you to join me and those about those of you that are going to sacrifice that 100 seat or more make your way to the middle aisle right now amen and I don't have to give you any flamboyant false prophecies all I got to do is appeal to your heart and let and those that understand Ministry and feel the leading of the Lord to do so you will sow and you will sow cheerfully to God so those of you that are going to sanctify a hundred dollar love gift a hundred dollar offering to the Lord I want you to prepare it and make your way to the middle aisle right at this moment amen amen that's right come on come on our leaders are coming we praise God five PFI leaders amen make your way to the middle aisle and those of you that are home those of you that are watching on live stream you can do the same thing you can do the same amen that's where I come from all across the room from all across the room come come amen amen those that feel the leading of the Lord to do so I'm going to ask you to come and to those of you that want to give something in that nature and you find that you cannot God he honors your desire as Bishop Bryant says God will bless your walk too if you want to give and you don't have to give at this level God will bless your one too it's not equal giving but it's equal sacrifice amen amen everyone sanctifying that hundred dollar gift you're making your way to the middle of those of you that are giving online I will tell you how you can how you can sew online as well so prepare your gifts that's right they're still coming come God bless you God bless you still coming somebody praise God for these are the sacrifices no come on I want you to praise God for these are the walking by faith for this is sacrificial giving amen amen amen they're still coming thank God for Jesus one more time put your hands together for bees that are sacrificing glory to God now there are there are several different ways there there are ways to give that are on your screen right now there are there are ways to give and I want you that are online I want you to sanctify this and I want you to make sure that you follow if you're giving by a check or by cash or by credit card in in person and you need an envelope that ushers have already given that to you and I want you to prepare yourself but if you're giving by by online giving be given by cash app you go to dollar sign perfecting Fellowship the dollar sign perfecting fellowship and you can give that away you can also go online to www.pfi.world www.pfi.world and you can check the Donate button check that donate button and you can sew that way and if you're going to give by PayPal you can send money by going to PayPal and going to act perfecting Fellowship PayPal send money to at perfectingfellowship and that is how you can give online but I want everyone everyone to prepare a great love offering amen amen I want everyone to prepare yourself to sanctify a wonderful seed to the Lord this is our time to support our fellowship and I want every one of you that are PFI and your church is a part of PFI and you are a member of that Ministry I want you to sanctify a great gift to God not just a good gift a great gift amen if you are ready everyone stand with all of us to everyone all over the room stand with your offering everyone stand with your offering [Music] amen amen God bless you hold that offering up before the Lord hold it up before the Lord so father we sanctify this seed to you tonight and we praise you for this opportunity to sow into the perfecting Fellowship convocations holy soil I pray Lord God that you would cause us to be multiplied in everything that we do this gift this seed this seed planted in good soil will bring back a return multiplied back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over it will come back into our bosoms so father in-house and online we sanctify this gift for the use of the kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ and everybody say not as a dead I owe but this is a seed also we're going to ask those in the middle aisle to come first in the name of Jesus Christ Hallelujah Hallelujah and the two the two far-end sections you may take a seat those of you in the middle section remain standard and we're going to move we're going to walk you around in the name of Jesus Christ the ushers are going to help you and they're going to bring you up and you're going to walk and so we are in holy convocation we're gonna do this [Music] amen the whole the middle section is standing at the sound the middle section is standing at this time foreign [Music] direction of the ushers from the rear of the church those of you in the balcony they will serve you in the balcony Amen in Jesus name Bishop Winans has already sold his seed of one thousand dollars refers God power Bishop [Music] Hallelujah praise the Lord [Music] glory to God [Music] means down people can't stand [Music] me [Music] oh yeah yes folks without homes living in the streets [Music] mothers seemed to be safe [Music] yes [Music] [Music] wanna say [Music] me [Music] should never [Music] see anything [Music] [Music] everyone on the side on both sides of standing at this time amen everyone's standing everyone's standing everyone everyone on the two ends everyone said follow the direction of the ashes from the rear of the church as you come and you sow your seed in Jesus name Hallelujah said it should have been me [Music] just before [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Lord [Music] I wanna thank you for your love thank you for your power and give up attention [Music] every hour [Music] thank you for protection wherever foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to give special special acknowledgment the Pastor Stephen Henley from complete in Christ Ministry in Plainfield Illinois somebody praise God for him we want to give another special guest and not acknowledgment foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] a big thank you to everyone who supported PFI my registering to every one of you that have registered all the registers one more time to stand up we want to appreciate you all the registrants stand up come on give yourselves a hand give yourself something [Applause] and we don't want to forget those in our cyber sanctuary those in the Cyber Sanctuary that have registered just as well if you're watching us live add to your comments add to your comments we want to hear from you there's someone monitoring it and they're watching now and they're taking note of all those that are a part of this cyber Sanctuary so we praise God somebody giving up our cyber Sanctuary right now foreign holy convocation this year we we had someone register the same day the same day that we put it out there immediately we've got a special a special something for that first registry sister leandros Holmes are you here sister lianda's Holmes now there's something special about sister leandro's homes she is a member of perfecting Faith Church in New York where our pastor somebody give it up for perfecting Faith Church [Applause] she was the first one to register so sister homes we want to thank God for you and we give you a big round of applause we've got something special for you in the bookstore that you can pick up directly after service one more time somebody give a great Applause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen I want you to know that's perfecting Faith Church Freeport New York all of the ministry leaders of perfecting Church are coming at this time Hallelujah all of the ministry leaders are perfecting Faith Church I'm sorry a perfecting church are coming at this time [Applause] you know it takes a whole lot to make holy convocation run smoothly it takes a whole lot we come in after all of the work is done but it takes a great deal of effort and commitment and Sacrifice from these leaders to make holy convocation happen amen it takes the sacrifice of volunteers praise God for the volunteers everybody come on give a great Round of Applause [Applause] everyone that's serving tonight we're going to mention some names Pastor Daryl Blair sister Cindy flowers [Music] and Pastor Ronnie Lee they went from church to church they did a church tour they went from church to church in PFI to stoke the flame to make sure that everyone understood that we are all a part of PFI there's painstakingly went from place to place and made sure that we understood perfecting Fellowship International and that we would be a part of this thing with all of our commitment with all of our strength and with all of our efforts so praise God for pastor Darren blessing to send the flowers and Pastor Ronnie Lee come on [Applause] as a result of their going from church church we have increased our volunteers this week every member in every PFI church has a responsibility to serve at least one time this week these wonderful leaders will be in the gospel Bistro after certain after tonight's service I I am admonishing everyone every one of you who has not confirmed their area to serve to go into the bistro and sign up tonight amen when you commit to serving just once this week you make the load a whole lot lighter a whole lot easier amen amen amen so you're making a lot lying so uh uh where am I I got lost here you make the load a whole lot lighter on the person who served three times in a row and it says amen amen amen thank God for you now tomorrow we're going to begin our morning glory with Pastor Denise Ray at 8am [Music] at 8 A.M we will be here and we will be in prayer we will be here before time so that we can be on time and we are going to be in prayer consecrating this whole entire week to the Lord and every day of Morning Glory we the Saints need to be in attendance amen amen something happening amen now we come to hold the convocation in order to learn and return to our local churches inspired to return to our churches infused with all that God has done this week so you've got to come every night with an expectation you've got to come every night with your spirit ready to receive you've got to tune in online you've got to walk on these doors enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name amen because when we get back home we are going to carry this anointing and see God do great things in our individual churches somebody put a praise on that hallelujah we're going to return to our churches better Pastor blanks and Pastor Blair will be empowering us tomorrow so you need to make sure that you are in tomorrow's General Session make sure amen and we give God praise for all the visiting pastors that are here at Holy convocation we praise God for you and and we introduce oh oh okay hold on introduce amen [Applause] we are going to go into our musical worship for the night we're going to go into our musical worship for the night and then after the musical worship we are going to prepare our hearts for the word of God coming to us from this great man this great man Bishop Wallace amen but as we move forward right now I want to introduce to you our musical Ministry for this evening he is one of the PFI pastors he is a great man of God he is a great singer and he is going to bless us right now in music Ministry I want you to stand on your feet and give God praise for this great man Maurice Yancey and one Accord [Music] let the redeem of the Lord say so I can't hear nobody let the redeem of the Lord say so if you know you've been broke with the price come on somebody shout all over this Sanctuary yeah oh no don't panic at I know it's Monday night come on here but shout like you really love the Lord in this place if you know he been better than you then you could ever be to yourself high five eleven time to say neighbor he been real good to me it's not even good come on let's have a little church here come on in here yo come on put them hands together [Music] [Applause] whatever you mean whatever [Music] oh I wouldn't forgive me I want you to know what's right here is in the house it's in the house whatever you need is right here in this house you can find that in this house it shall be given ESS hours come on come to have a good time yeah it seems in the house right here in the house [Music] if it happened [Music] good God almighty always [Applause] y'all break it down for me break it down I want your I want y'all to do me a favor clap them hands like they got the Holy Ghost look at my baby [Music] oh yeah I know it's Monday night but clap them heads like your Sunday morning come on yes sir now I know everybody around perfect they can sing just a little bit I want y'all to make me one big Mass cry I wanna call y'all don't say nothing but I want shorter tell your neighbor on your left or right I want y'all to repeat after me and I want you to tell them to say whatever [Music] you need [Music] whatever whatever you need [Music] y'all tell me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Applause] listen man [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] even in this place right now how many know we serve an amazing God y'all keep it right there church I feel like having some church keep it right there keep it right there it's Monday night let's wake some folk up in here come on I know I know we we're not here at a movie tonight we're here in worship right and I know everybody can't move and dance and and praise the same way imma look country boy I know I'm in the city in the Motor City but Pastor Donnie back there in Mississippi and Pastor family was here he can identify down there and Pastor in Mississippi when the when the water begin to trouble a little bit and and and the fire will burn just a little bit one of the most biggest we're right back and say if I couldn't see I'll wait my head [Music] by that time it be getting a bit real soon and another will get up and say I got something to say too he'll say there's a man on the river [Music] on the river side now listen I'm moving I'm moving I'm I'm moving but faster baby I'm happy tonight and they say yeah and say why are you so excited tonight because can I tell you why can I tell you I didn't write my name but my name besides to shop around here [Applause] [Music] it's my name ah my name [Applause] oh my name is [Music] [Applause] let's move on I got a new song we give honor tonight to the Holy Spirit it was our God and our keeper and I want to honor God and thank God for one of the most amazing Bishops that I've ever met in my life Pastor Marvin L Winans would you help me celebrate here come on he's our Shepherd I love you sir I love you to his lovely wife would you help me celebrate later the name Hallelujah Hallelujah we think God to our International mother God bless you love you mother Winans God bless you my lovely wife was out there Lily and say wave your hands so they can see you listen I was uncertain whether I was gonna do this at night because I wanted to do it with Bishop he recorded this song with me it's my latest single if you don't have it you ought to go download it right now but he he sung this song with me and I want to I want to sing tonight Bishop you watching tomorrow maybe we can try it again but I just want to let somebody know whatever you're going through God got the power to take all your burdens away tonight a little song says this is [Music] [Music] then he gathered all my burdens [Music] reverse and all the way he took them all away he too thank you Jesus God took them all away took them all away God knows he took a man every one of my bird on the way y'all stay softly all the way all the way I had a whole lot of them but all the way [Music] said God knows he took mine my word of the words David sometime I cried myself asleep couldn't find nobody but I read in my Bible [Music] come in the morning [Music] and sometimes I feel like I'm walking through my valley [Music] of the shadow of death I feel no evil for God is with me anybody in this room tonight feel like it got the weight of the world on your shoulder I came by to tell you tonight if you turn on over to Jesus it's at night [Music] somebody shall fall away [Music] [Music] hey you're tired of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hands [Music] Hallelujah [Music] God is the joy and the strength of my life he moves on pain misery and strife promise to keep me never to leave me never ever come short of his words got to fast and pray stay in the narrow way my life clean every day I wanna go with him when he come back cause I come too far and I'll never turn back [Music] God is if you know you understand on your fixings [Music] God is awesome God is [Applause] awesome [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no care okay [Music] everyone's standing [Music] [Applause] Hallelujah glory to God we're going to hear the word of God coming this great man from Chattanooga Tennessee this great preacher this great friend we thank God for Holy convocation and the one thing that we know is that we never Pastor Winans Never brings in just any preacher he brings in those that are anointed and that are prepared to impart into us that will hear so I want you to turn your attention to the video screens as it introduces our speaker for tonight Bishop Wallace and once the once the announcement is done I want you to go into an Applause as the preacher comes for this night at Holy convocation Bishop Kevin Wallace serves as lead pastor of redemption to the nation's church he has committed his life to impacting the city of Chattanooga with a message of love and Redemption while raising up Sons and Daughters equipped with the power of God to change Nations Bishop Wallace leads the church's efforts in caring for its local community Redemption to the Nations is planting a church campus in Uruguay developing programs to care for human trafficking victims in Guatemala Romania and Chattanooga through the together Cafe and has most recently founded the Redemption preschool and schools of Ministry for children and adults and to raise up and release kingdom-minded leaders pastors Kevin and wife Devin are both graduates of Lee University in Cleveland Tennessee they travel the world with a gospel message of Hope and healing but maintain their greatest honor is enjoying time with their four children and their new newly adopted babies with great anticipation everyone please stand and welcome Bishop Kevin Wallace to Holy convocation 2023 foreign [Music] how many are glad to be saved [Applause] [Music] oh come on I know there's stuff we want I know there are things we need him to do but can we just pause and be grateful and not rejoice that demons are subject to us but that our name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life tonight we're on our way to heaven how many are thankful that the journey gets sweeter every day Hallelujah well the Lord is good [Music] I honored to be in this amazing place was such an amazing body of people there's this sweet and Powerful anointing on what's happening in this room tonight and I know it is because the the Genesis of this movement is pure and the touch of God is on the leader who birthed it and I think we ought to one more time give thanks to God for the angel of this house the apostolic Visionary of this movement and his precious wife help me thank God for Bishop Marvin Winans lady Winans come on our International first mother we give God thanks for all that God has done and he came and he preached in Chattanooga and they said uh Bishop you got to have him back I said well I'm going to ask him if he will come back and I spoke with him tonight and he's going to come back to Chattanooga to be with me again [Applause] I I could go to heaven now and be glad about it I have been in Marvin Winans pulpit and listen to Pastor Donnie mccirkin saying thank you Lord I got a feeling everything is going to be all right tonight come on [Applause] Pastor Donnie I shared this with you but because I believe in honoring those who have been a part of your journey I was a 17 year old boy I stood in Gatlinburg Tennessee on a stage and was going through the fight of my faith wrestling with things I sang a song and went to my room and they said pastor Donnie wants to see you I said he wants to see me I came to your dressing room and you laid your hands on me speaking in tongues and you said to me 26 years ago the hand of the Lord is on your life young man and God is going to use you in Mighty ways [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to make sure I'm okay but am I a Holy Ghost Church is this a Holy Ghost Church because I because I feel something in this room tonight and if I go to talking in a tongue you don't understand I'm not talking to you I'm talking to God anyway how many effects will pass but not in the cooking and what God has done through his life over these years we honor you sir and I thank God for your anointing and for everything that you mean to the kingdom and what you mean to me personally those days in that moment was revolutionary to me [Music] foreign I want to tell you that the only hope for this nation and this world is the kingdom of God my help is not in the right my help is not in the left my help is in the man who hung in the middle he hung in the middle on a cross between Heaven and Earth anybody glad that Jesus and listen tonight come on Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] I want you to turn your attention with me please to the 18th chapter while you remain standing of Jeremiah's prophecy and I cannot but preach but that which the Lord gives I have things that I had planned on preaching and wanted to say things but I had an encounter with the precious Holy Ghost on Sunday morning at about 3 A.M and I told my family my church family this yesterday because I released this word to them and at 3 A.M I woke up and I heard the Holy Ghost Whisper to me I mean I woke up out of a dead sleep and I felt energy when I woke up which is not normal but when the spirit gets on you you can run through a truth and leap over a wall and I heard the Holy Ghost say tell my people I'm not done with them yet And I said Okay God and I felt it so strong and the Lord began to speak to me from a text that I'm going to read in your hearing and I heard this little song and my wife told me she said baby don't sing at Bishop Winans church and she said whatever you do don't sing his songs [Music] because on the way up here I was you know thinking I might sing another question is but I said she said no you can't do it I said okay I won't do that but at 3 A.M in the morning I heard the Holy Ghost start singing this song to me he's not done with you yet he's not done with you yet there's so much more to the story he's not done with me yeah he's not done with me yet ugh he's not done with me yet I heard him say there's so much more to the story it's not done can't we just sing that and put it in the atmosphere before we read he's not done that come on and sing it over your life just he's not done with me yet there's so much more come on yes so much more and he's not done he's not done with say it come on he [Music] there's so much just think about faith even if you don't feel it come on come on he's knocked off tell your neighbors standing beside you he's not done with you there are times and he's not oh there's so much more God's not done [Music] and so I'm going to preach what he gave me because it's all I can preach Jeremiah Jeremiah 18. [Music] go ahead Julian [Music] Jeremiah 18 verse 1. [Music] the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying arise go down to The Potter's House and there I will cause you to hear my words and I went down to The Potter's House and there he was making something something something at the wheel and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter so we made it again into another vessel as it seemed good to the Potter to make it and the word of the Lord came to me saying o House of Israel can I not do with you as this Potter says the Lord look as the clay is in The Potter's hands so are you in my hand o House of Israel for the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and to destroy it if that Nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it and the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build and to plant it if it does evil in my sight so that it does not obey my voice then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it and I want to preach for just a few minutes tonight on this thought he's not done with you yet I want you to encourage some people I know this is an elementary passage I know that this is a rather simplistic assignment but somebody's sitting in this room needs to be convinced by God tonight that he's not done with them yet so why don't you tell somebody before we pray for each other he's not done with you Lord help me help them I help is in your name give the grace for the preaching the grace for the receiving let there be a connection between Heaven and Earth let there be a Divine connection between the pulpit and the pew I pray for a spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Jesus to come into sin by the Holy Ghost upon us tonight that we would be transformed not just informed but transformed by the renewing of our mind set captives free in fact I bind the devil in the name of Jesus I break every lie he's been telling somebody in this room and tonight I pray that every strong hold would come down in Jesus would be lifted High I thank you for what you're going to do in the room tonight and I'll give you praise in advance that whoever came bound is leaving free never came messed up is leaving with a miracle unless your people we pray in Jesus name and the church said amen amen you can be seated in the presence of the Lord [Music] Jeremiah the weeping prophet from the city of anathoth his father was a priest and at a young age he had an encounter with God in which he discovered the hand of the Lord and the grace of God upon his life to be a prophet to the Nations he was a young teenage boy when this came he had not graduated Seminary he had not gone through all of the protocol for Preparation he was a prophet that God said he ordained before he was even born God will ordain things that have not even been born yet things that have not even been created and drawn its first breath God has already ordained it which is why we are here tonight it's how you're still alive you are ordained to be here if God ordains something it means that even before the foundation of the earth he decides in his sovereignty he will do a thing and then there is no power on Earth that can stop him from doing what he has ordained to do this is why I tell young sons and daughters in the faith you are indestructible so long as you stay in the will of God and so long as God is not finished with you yet it doesn't mean that weapons won't come it doesn't mean that attacks won't rise it doesn't mean that enemies won't arrive at your door knocking to see if you will come but what it means is that no weapon that is formed against you will be able to prosper because if you or are ordained the devil cannot not one weapon formed against you is going to work I feel like there's some people in this room tonight that have gotten confused in the last several years that maybe the enemy has got some kind of power we weren't aware of but let the devil be exposed tonight for the liar that he is he is a defeated devil not that he's going to be defeated but that he has already been defeated and the people of God are not hoping for victory we have been ordained to the victory I need to announce to you I have read the back of this book there is no discussion there is no debate there is not a vote that is forthcoming we are going to win we are going to win we are not crossing the Finish Line talking about how hard it was and dragging our lip asking God why when I get to heaven I don't want to know why when I get to heaven I plan on saying Look What the Lord Has Done In Our Generation can anybody thank God that he ordained your life and he's ordained your future and you need to know that he has ordained you that he set you forth and put you in a place because there will be vicissitudes and situations and trials that come into your life that cause you to question the ordination of God in fact you would be blown away to discover this but there were times multiple times that Jeremiah wanted to quit the ministry God had ordained him for I can't get no help from the preachers tonight in the church we act like this is always peanut butter and jelly and tulips and flowers and that everything is always wonderful but I Pastor sometimes and I wonder am I doing am I doing thing to make a difference it is what I'm doing making am I in the right thing it's God even using me and sometimes you got enemies that show up and just start questioning and you start deciding like Jeremiah I'm gonna shut up and change careers I'm gonna go in a cave and stop talking about God because every time I prophesy I get thrown in another prison and so I'm not going to say another word and I'm not going to talk about God and I'm going to be quiet for the rest of my life and when we go into those places called the cave and we decide we're not going to talk about God all of a sudden in our quietness something starts burning and we feel what Jeremiah felt when he said every time I would shut up I decided I couldn't shut up because his wife was like fire shut up in my boots and it is this prophet who God has breathed on graced and anointed ordained and God even said I knew you before there was a body to know before your brown eyes popped open in this world before your mama hooked up with your daddy at the Piggly Wiggly I don't even know if y'all got Piggly wigglys up here but where I come from we got Piggly wigglies and I guess people go on dates there I don't know but before your mother knew your father I knew you Jeremiah God is not finding out about you tonight you are not you are not an enigma to God you are not someone that God is trying to figure out he listen to me let me help you understand something God doesn't just know how many hairs you have on your head every hair on your head has a number in his mind he knows you're down sitting and you're Uprising lady he he that keeps the first family he will never sleep and he will never Slumber you are the rest because somebody's standing up for you tonight while you're sleeping watching over everything that he's told about your life and this Prophet is given a field trip assignment he said I want you to go down to The Potter's House I need to show you something I'm going to give you a word about my people so the prophet goes on a field trip to a place called The Potter's House The Potter's House The Potter's House and when you get to The Potter's House there are several things that I need you to observe in The Potter's House the first namely and the most important character in the text is the Potter I don't want to shatter your your uh uh your ego I'm not trying to affect your ego but I do want you to know that the most important person in the room is not the clay I thought this was holy convocation I'm nervous now the most important person in the room is not the clay we can put suits on the clay and weaves on the clay and extensions on the clay we can paint the clay and Doctor it up and have it tucked and lifted but the most important thing in the room is not the clay the most important thing in The Potter's House Is Not the thing he is working on the most important person in the room tonight is the Potter I can't find no help here I want you to know that this was not the coach's house because he's not a coach this was not the co-pilot's house because he's not my co-pilot this was not the advisor's house because God is not my advisor he said this is The Potter's House and when we come to The Potter's House the clay has no voice the clay has no opinion the clay has no saying the clay has all the clay can do is yield to the one who has the Sovereign authority to take a lump and make it something that is Supernatural I want to tell you tonight that the church will only find her identity when she stops looking at her own self and starts looking back to the Potter it is the Potter who has the power touch your neighbor tell him the Potter has the power God I feel like preaching in this building tonight some of you are trying to figure out what in the world is this white man doing in this Pulpit I think like this I'm telling you I feel fire shut up in my bones we didn't come tonight to check each other out we're nothing more than a bunch of lumps of clay sitting in The Potter's House there is one in this room that is able to take every one of us turn listen to a miracle sweat somebody tell them the Potter has the power [Applause] but yourself Wallace the Potter has the power he is not your coach he is not your co-pilot he is not your advisor he is certainly not your genie in the bottle and he is not the sugar daddy he is the God of All Flesh and let Heaven and Earth Adorn let Angels bow before [Applause] he is not to be trifled with he he is not moody he is not indecise he is his nature is perfect his heart is perfect his ways of perfect his decisions are perfect his word is perfect there is nothing about him that is debatable there is nothing about him that we should be concerned about this is the Potter not only did we see the Potter in The Potter's House but there is also something that is disturbing to me it is the wheel I found out something about I found out something about a Potter a Potter is different than a Sculptor Potter is different than a painter a sculptor is worried and concerned about the side that everyone sees the painter is worried about the canvas that everyone will look at but the Potter understands that if the vessel is going to be used in its purpose then it can't just have a good side it's got to be touched on all sides so in order for God to touch all sides of the vessel he has to put the Potter and he has to put the lump of Clay on a wheel which is why some people in this room are frustrated with God tonight because you want him to leave one side alone while he addresses the side that everybody sees but if God is really going to use you he's not just going to touch the part of you that everybody can behold he's going to tell you on a circle and put you on a wheel because his hands have to touch that unseen Place y'all don't help me tonight but I'm gonna preach because it might be the last time I ever get to come to Detroit I want to tell you that the hand of the Potter is going to touch your attitude it's going to oh yes it's going to touch that stuff nobody else knows about you there's some stuff in you that nobody else can see they see your profit and your Apostle and they see your Bishop Rick but they don't see the lust and the lies they don't see the pride and the evidence but God said I love you too much to let you have one good sign get some packing up their bags I see some preachers getting ready to run for the door I want to tell you that we've been in a place of preparation and if you feel a bit uncomfortable it's all right you have a future and God is not willing to jeopardize it [Applause] the will the will ensures that every side of the vessel because God don't just care about the pastor me he cares about the daddy me he don't just care about the bishop me he cares about the husband me and we got people who know how to look churchy on Sunday when the lights are on and the mic is up but when oh yeah now on Sunday morning and then they cuss people out in their own house and y'all ain't gonna say nothing but I'm gonna preach in here because God sent me to tell somebody he ain't done with you yet and there's some stuff in all of us that God has been working on he's been pressurizing us he's been touching places nobody else knew because our future is far too great to allow our comfort to jeopardize it we need the hand of the party ah we see the Potter I gotta go here we see the wheel and then we see here the clay comes from the Earth the Potter would go dig the clay out of the ground and before he took it to the wheel he had to soften it and make sure that it yielded to the pressure [Applause] because if you have hard clay it doesn't matter how hard the pressure is a hard clay will never yield to the hand of the pot so they would dig the clay out of the earth and they would do something amazing they would put it in what they called a soaking pond and they would soak this clay until it absorbed uh the proper amount of moisture and they would lift it out of the pond and watch this they would put it in a pit and would shred on it and the Potter would step on it until he felt the hard places softening and he would step on it until he felt the resistance start leaving I can't get no help in Detroit tonight he would step on the clay until he felt all of the resistance gone and I felt like the Lord whispered to me as I Was preparing my heart for this assignment and he said Captain there are people who are jumping up all over the kingdom and they're claiming an anointing for this and they're claiming a title to that and they're claiming some sort of entitlement to a badge and a name and an office but he said I can't trust those who I haven't treaded on we got people with pride in pulpits who stand up and they think it's all about them God is going to tread on you and he's gonna tread on me until all of the pride that's put under the blood he's gonna tread until he changes us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I I am concerned about the clergy because if we're not careful we will make the kingdom about the clergy and if we're not careful we will see you as a means to serve us but Paul never saw any such revelation of Grace and Ministry Paul didn't say he gave some Apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers so that they can be blessed and they can be the center of it all he said I gave them so that you could be fully equipped and you could have the anointing that breaks the Yoke God I need some help in the church tonight we need support Pulpit people again who recognize that the anointing on us is not for us Jesus never said I'm anointed for me he said the spirit of The Sovereign God is upon me for he has anointed me to preach good news to them to set them free laughs and the only way for him to trust you with the real thing is for him to Tread On You [Applause] we want to be blessed but not broken we want to adjust it oh Lord have mercy I don't know how y'all's mama was my mama he believed in Attitude adjustments the only timeout I had growing up was me calling for a timeout while my mama was spanking right behind my mama timeout can you ease up a little bit oh no I'm trapping that Pride I didn't realize I know y'all don't like this but we got some people who think the whole world is about them oh look at Johnny 8 he cute five years old and he's running the whole house you better get Johnny up under control you better trap that Rebellion out of this eye thank you part of the problem with our generation is we have no fathers and when you have no fathers you have children who have never heard the word no [Applause] there was the Potter there was the wheel and there was the clay and the prophet I have to go here the prophet is observing the environment and the contents of the room and he sees he sees the Potter working and I like what the text says the text says he was working on something I don't have anything more than that something have you ever wanted to know what it was that God was doing in your life but all you could come to say about it was it's sometimes I'm trying to articulate it I'm trying to vocabulize it I'm trying to make sense of it I'm trying to put it into words but when I look at the mess I've come through the hell I've been through the stuff I had to deal with the sleepless night y'all ain't saying nothing to me when I went with I look back at everything I've come to you want me to be able to write a book about it you won't need to be able to make sense of it but when people say Bishop what do you think God is doing in your life I just have to step back sometimes and say something something aren't you thankful that even when you don't get the details he's still in the middle of your situation I came to tell somebody if you don't have all the details you still have a destiny yeah I'll slap somebody tell them you still have a destiny you still have to Destiny you trying to figure out who you gonna marry you're trying to figure out what career to choose you're trying to figure out where you want to live and what house to buy if you don't have all the details stop real quick and Shout because even without the details you still have a desk [Applause] he was making something and I figured out and I have discovered in my journey that there are people who attempt to Define you what I like about what I feel in this room is the authenticity and you have to just let me uh talk about this without it feeling weird because I go to some places sometimes and I go into some environments where if they cannot clone you they disown you if they can't clone you they disown you I'm going to tell you right now I have spiritual sons and daughters that look like me sing like me preach a little bit like me talk like me but I got some Sons and Daughters they don't look like me they don't dress like me they don't shout like me they don't and you say Pastor they ought to look like let me tell you something they don't not mind they are gods and I don't always understand what God is up to in their future but I know this it is a glorious shop do I have some time do I need to sit down I can sit [Applause] well who does he think he is coming in with the three-piece suit and an organ player preaching an A flat I'll tell you who I am [Applause] I was raised in the hood and around the corner from my house was the Church of God in Christ and I never went into the building one time but they used to open the windows of that little church and that preacher would start saying I remember when and the organ problems started Morgan I was sitting on my front porch as a seven-year-old boy and the preacher would start preaching that just started and the first time they ever called me to preach I stood up behind the microphone and everybody in my church thought I was going to go now there is a glorious one and the first time I picked up a mic I did what I heard as a boy I opened up my mouth and said hello [Applause] [Music] yeah slap your neighbor tell a piece of [Applause] Pizza is what you feel God doing doesn't look like what he's doing for your neighbor it may be a different type of something but you ought to celebrate that is up to something [Applause] in your life [Applause] [Music] oh here he was up to something I feel a praise break coming here this is I feel the praise break coming for the something some of you have been praising him for stuff you don't even understand but you got enough Faith to believe that he who has become a good work in me is able to finish can I have some help from the background he is able to finish finish what it started if you know God started it and he will complete it give him three claps in a loud shop and tell the devil to get under your feet do something [Applause] [Music] I gotta go here I gotta go here [Applause] he he is except with me we talking here he is working on this vessel and making something and then Jeremiah observes that the vessel he had invested time here is certainly and suddenly marred what do you do when God has made investment and deposit and taken time to create something in your life and then come to a point in the process where it looks like all that he has invested suddenly becomes useless and marred and there are several of several observations in the text that I just that was all an introduction this is the this is the message it's going to be much quicker than the introduction I I appreciate your mother I heard you and I feel that I feel it I feel it I feel it thank God for the church mothers that pity the poor preachers Hallelujah that's the youngest Church mother ever appointed to the church motherboard but she's in the hall she's in the house Hallelujah [Applause] I have several observations to lift for your consideration from the text the first thing I want you to know is that although he worked on the and the vessel was marked the first thing that I want you to see is that when he encountered ah yes thank you holy ghost first of all when the Bible says that that was marred it is the Hebrew word for spoiled and it is not the word that we would use for the spoiling of vegetables or fruit it is spoiled meaning that it is no longer fit for its intended and original purpose in other words in other words the Potter had worked on the clay making it a vessel that had an intention and a very clean clear um sort of purpose and Destiny but he comes to a place in the in the making of the vessel that he feels something in the vessel that spoiled it or disqualified it from its original intention if it were a pot then he probably felt a hole or a crack that would have rendered that pot useless so if he's spent time on it developing it but it has not panned out as it was intended to the first thing I think I might have done as the Potter is not what God did I might have been inclined to toss the clay [Music] and y'all sounding so spiritual but you know religion has tossed a lot of clay foreign I felt like I'd get a little more help in that I found right over here I felt like I'd get a little more help than that there has been too many people who Bob was working on and people discovered the flaw and while God didn't throw them away religion tried to I feel like I'm in the room with some people who are thankful that when God found the flaw He Didn't Throw the Clay Away oh my God I'm getting ready to preach and if nobody shouts I will because I can take you back to many nights where God discovered something in me and something come up in my life that shot deep in me and when he found it he threw me away [Applause] thank you [Applause] I feel some judgment when I say that from Sister yay and brother flip-flop [Applause] well I wonder what he talking about do I need to go check him out you can check all you want to out what I'm talking about is under the blood what I'm talking about is under the blood I'm not talking about trying to get away with sin I'm talking about trying to draw closer to him and thing out but the closer I get to him the more mess in me that needs to get out of me and I need to praise him tonight that when he found the mess he still saw my message he still saw my Miracle somebody take a 10 second praise break that he did not crawl the play oh somebody give God praise stop acting like you deserve it quit acting like you know you thought you deserved it you weren't entitled to what God is getting ready to do in your life when God gets ready to do what is getting ready to eat it you will be saying look what I did say an amazing grace How Sweet the Sound did say the rest like me [Applause] slap somebody tell them the reason I'm praising fun because when he found the mice found the mind Tell Him He Didn't Throw the Clay Away I'm here tonight at complication not because I'm perfect but because the party has the power and he did not throw [Applause] away please please the second observation the second the second observation that I have the second observation that I have is that not only did it not Throw the Clay Away but he kept his hand hold on [Applause] kept his hand on The Vessel I don't believe he kept his hand on the vessel because he trusted the vessel I believe the Potter kept his hand on the vessel because the Potter trusted his hand [Applause] blow across this house right there I feel like somebody needs to be reminded that your willpower is not your hope for your future and your own ability is not your hope for your future and your own desire to live holy is not your hope for the future your hope for your future is that there is a hand on your life that has Grace to take a Heart full of sin to wash it in red blood make it wider than snow I'm glad to be saved sanctified with anybody thanked her for the hand of God on you [Applause] he he he didn't grow the clay away I feel like there's some precious Saints in the house who have taken some inventory and uh the devil has got in your imagination and mixed in with the inventory you take of your own life and the voice of the enemy who wants to steal kill and destroy you have come to the conclusion that perhaps you've approached and arrived at a place in your journey where God would discard you and say done and there was a prophet named Jeremiah who wrote the saddest book in the Bible call it the book of imitation yes yes it's sad it's it's treacherous it's disgusting it's horrific it is horrible they are sitting in Babylon their enemies are mocking and taunting them the psalmist said that they hung their harp on the willow tree and they ceased to sing the songs of Zion why did they stop singing because they're living in a foreign land they've been taken from their place robbed up their purpose stripped of their identity wondering if Yahweh is still on their side and in the middle of that mess with tears as his beverage for the morning and he is sitting in a pile of Ashes somehow in the midst of this heaviness feeling like he has done he says something unbelievable in the third chapter of Lamentations perhaps one of the greatest Promises of God's goodness can be found he said this I recall to my mind can I walk around in this church is it okay this I recall to my mind therefore I have hope it is because of the mercy of God that we are not consumed Grit is die faithfulness and so I need to inform somebody in the house if you've been wondering if God is done with you real quick check your pulse I'm serious if you're watching me online check your if you feel a pulse and if you go breathe on a mirror and you see your breath condensate on the mirror then the fact that you are still alive is an indication that God is not done with you yet if God were done with you you would be done but the fact that you're here at 2023 convocation is an indication that no matter how bad your last season was God ain't through which leads me to my third and final observation he did not throw a clay the Clay Away he did not take his hand off the Clay and the final thing I want you to see is that he uh he made it again into something um that seemed good [Music] yeah the whole thing is an unmitigated disaster and suddenly out of the disaster Jeremiah's observes that God took the mess and made it something good come on your mercy and which is why we come to places like this and come to convocations because we have the unmitigated audacity to believe that as bad as it's been and as hard as it was and as miserable as my mind has been I still yet believe that he's still working on me yes he is and if he's working on my life then before it's over something is about to get good about all of the bad that I have come out of I'm not just trying to get you excited I am Prophet Circle I am prophesying to you that no matter what you've been through God is not done with you yet and you know he's not done if it's not good yet foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] comes in the morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm through here I'm through with this point I'm through with this [Music] he kept on working until he made it again can anybody thank God for again throw my ties all crooked I look a mess he made it again until it was good and then on the flight over today I uh I felt nudged to investigate the process of taking the finished product of a vessel what does a potter do when he makes it what it is supposed to be he takes it off of the wheel I'm getting ready to blow your mind here and I do not consider this an observation because it is not in the text however it is an absolute part of the process so I digress from the text but I am still within the truth of the reality of what is going on with the vessel he takes the vessel off the wheel and he Heats a Kill in a kiln to 2700 degrees because the only thing that causes a vessel that is finished to come into its final purpose is that it is put y'all ain't gonna help me on this one is that it is put Into the Fire and I have discovered in my journey that I'd rather be in favor than in the fire y'all don't want to talk to me right here I'd rather be blessed than people like me than be going through rejection and betrayal and people hating on me but God doesn't care about my comfort when he considers my eternal purpose and the reason for which he put me on this planet and some of us in this room tonight are we have the unmitigated God to be frustrated with a sovereign Potter like our God and because he doesn't make our life always comfortable we have to we have the unmitigated Gall and audacity to become frustrated with him and when did the Potter I went to the clay rather ever look at the potter and say what are you doing to me you and I are just clay [Applause] he puts vessel into the fire 2700 degrees and it sits there and whereas it needed to be soft when it was being built it had to become solid when it was ready to be used because we got too many soft people in the Kingdom today [Applause] and what we're doing right now is we're licking our finger trying to find the direction of the wind the wind of this carnal culture and we say oh that's the latest bad the latest thing the latest Trend let's go jump in that I'm not jumping in anything but the Bible your Bishop told you two weeks ago and I'm gonna say what he said I'd rather be right than popular you gotta be correct [Applause] when he preached that message I watched the whole message Bishop I hope you're watching if you ain't watching I hope you got some sleeping aid and you're resting right now he preached that whole message I was standing up in my computer in my office hollering at the bishop preach Marvin Hill why not [Applause] and he said if you don't like it you might as well like it and get rid of you I ain't changing for nobody it's what he said I sent an offering I said I sent an offer I'm tired of supporting these crazy people with crazy Doctrine I'm gonna find some preachers that preach the blood that preach the cross that preach the holy ghost that preach God ain't helping me but I'm gonna preach and I'm gonna find me some preachers that believe in the b-i-p [Applause] well why don't we tell the truth cause we don't want to offend nobody [Applause] the cross is an offense he he took I got to go here he took I ain't in my Pulpit I'm Midland now he took The Vessel put it in the fire and this is where this thing blew me up on the plane today I found out that when you remove a vessel from the fire you sit it in a room where the temperature is room temperature and the vessel on its own without anything touching it starts pinging now you go Google this I want you to Google this and Googled as a witness [Applause] I tend to Holy ghosts are going to use Google tonight Google is a witness to what I'm getting ready to tell you is real you take that vessel out of the fire and you let it sit in a temperature where it's room temperature and it'll start going ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping and I said Rick look at this I told the guys on the plane I said y'all I'm about to jump out of this plane look this vessel you know it is done when it starts making the right sound [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I feel like preaching in a flat I I know if you're done yet [Music] you're coming out of the fire and God is getting ready to release you into the kind of destiny that he puts you on this planet to fulfill some people don't have the right sound [Music] know that they're not true in the fire because when you get through in the fire you don't come out complaining and you don't come out griping and you don't come out bitter don't come out mad you know you're done when you come out of the fire and yourself Hallelujah bless the Lord oh my soul that is within me bless his Holiness somebody make a sound you know you're coming out coming out of the fire yeah you're coming out foreign [Music] oh [Applause] Shout Shout Shout Shout for your family [Applause] here for your ministry Church [Applause] for your spouse [Applause] shake hands with three people and tell them God is about to shift your sound God is about to shift your sound I'm breaking in Detroit I said it breaking that possession [Applause] shift this atmosphere Holy Ghost Ship this atmosphere how it goes until we don't leave cause until we Shout [Applause] sister who's been through some miscarriages God is about to open up your womb and you're about to have a baby foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] already [Applause] I've Got a Feeling everything's gonna be all right it's not too high [Music] [Music] [Applause] for him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shake hands come on hook some people and tell them he's not done with you yet [Music] I know you almost lost your church during covet but he ain't done with you yet he's not done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the sad way when we come [Applause] back [Music] I promise you I gotta go but I'm about to run a religious spirit out of this ZIP code somebody said this is sheer emotionalism oh no this is what Miriam did when God swallowed up the horse and the rider in the sea the Bible said she came out on the other side she broke down her tampering and she started giving God a break I'm gonna go sit down but I'm Gonna Give You 34 seconds to find your next praise and give it to him one two three go [Music] somebody [Music] else to catch your fingers right now Church [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] King somebody pee somebody make a sound like you just get out of the fire foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let go [Music] I felt like I just couldn't take life anymore listen that's what I keep hearing in the Holy Ghost the devil thought he had me wow but Jesus came and grabbed me through here I better go sit down because I feel some demons are torn man getting ready to lose somebody foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] wish I had the voice to sing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody glad he's keeping you [Music] I kept hearing that Julian in my in my spirit the devil thought he had me [Music] Jesus came and grabbed me foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the devil who is real and he's on the prowl I hear this in the Holy Ghost he is going to regret messing with you [Applause] [Music] late in the Midnight Hour [Music] God kept you thank you come on pray in the Holy ghosts I want you to take authority over every enemy that's been coming against me we don't need to think right now the Bible said that the angels of God were waiting on you to put voice on the word of God so I find them a demonic assignment [Music] of the enemy claiming that your highly favored [Music] he's not done with you yet he's not done with you yet [Music] there's so much more to your story he's not done with you you yeah he's not done with you yet [Music] he's not done with you yet there's so much more [Music] [Music] come with me [Music] I want to do something and this is no manipulation this is no pressure there's no fake promise only you know if this word was for you in your house I felt like it was for somebody in this room but if what I said from God tonight resonated and you want to connect your faith to this word and you want to sow into this word it's not my word it's his word and you just want to say God I believe that you're not done with my life yet in fact if I could I would tell you right now and I should tell you that your greatest days are not in your rearview mirror they're in your windshield so stop looking behind you and start looking forward because he's not done with you yet I want everyone that tend to get a faith seed in this moment if it's just a piece of money it's not what I'm talking about I'm not even putting an amount on it I'm talking I'm thinking I'm talking about something that you're giving by faith to a word you believe you're sowing in and mixing your faith with a word a promise that he's not done with me yet [Music] and I feel like we're sowing tonight in faith because we believe God's got some good in store for our family how many got a family that needs the favor of God the blessing of God come on lift your hands and say Amen how many got a Ministry you want God to kiss it with his Blessing and his favor say Amen family no pressure but I got faith that significant breakthroughs are coming to Ministries after this week of holy convocation and if you believe that I don't care how you give my tax Cash Out PayPal check cash card whatever this is not for a budget this is for it your miracle and for and you're not buying it you're believing for it you're saying you're not done with me yet and I believe that God lift your hand if you're giving in this moment I want to bless the gift you're getting ready to give I want to bless the gift you're getting ready to give if you don't have faith you don't have to give but if you believe God ain't done with you yet just lift your hand I don't care there's some significant things happening in this moment so I just believe significant seed is getting ready to be released father you see every hand lifted we'll count on my side tonight I declare [Music] that their faith is touching your heart and their giving is not purchasing it's worshiping the one who will make their future everything you called it to be so we sow and mix our faith with the word that's been spoken and we declare we shall be blessed Pastor Donny I don't know how to receive the offering here just come and bring it as the Lord touches your heart and you know what you need to do just come and give it as they play as they play Julian I want you to play in that corner over there and let God use your band [Applause] I'm with you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me myself [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] love me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody praise God for that word oh no no no no no somebody praise God for the power of the world everyone's standing [Music] everyone said he's not done with me he's not done with me [Music] [Music] he's not done Hallelujah there's so much [Music] oh now this is just the first night of the congregation and the Lord has surely just absolutely overwhelmed us somebody just give a shout out and praise for the word that's come to you come on come on come on come on come on come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on come as we leave we want to praise God for this night the bookstore is going to be open and I want you to go back and I want you to find all that you need in the bookstore in the name of Jesus Christ tomorrow we will be here at 8 00 am in our morning glory please let's be here on time so we can be in the midst of the prayer so that we can all join together with one Accord in prayer and that prayer will cause God to do some great things come tomorrow in Jesus name amen amen and amen let's look to the Lord and be dismissed Bishop Winans we praise God for you praise God for you [Music] and I posted that the blood of Jesus keep you covered pray that the hand of protection be upon you I pray that his Angel armies be around you and I pray that His blessings overtake you as you go in Jesus name amen God bless you amen [Music] [Music] she she [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Perfecting Fellowship International
Views: 86,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7WO-vVVo5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 25sec (11725 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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