Indoor Revival Service with Bishop Devon Eccles - October 30, 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we worship more as we make our way to this time as we come before the throne of grace at this time as we make our petitions and requests known on to the Lord I invite you to come at this time hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] holy spirit' [Music] [Music] [Music] wanna marry last - they're sweet [Music] [Music] [Applause] love you tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah pouring out the oil and wine all over me hallelujah father we bless your name we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your goodness hallelujah father God once again were in your presence lifting up holy hands to you declaring that you alone our Lord and Savior God tonight we have a thirst father we recognize that God it is you God who have made this world and fashion man in your own image and likeness father God tonight as we come into your presence we ask that even now law that you'll unction every individual father I pray tonight that God our minds and our hearts will be at a place to receive from you O God we thank you for your love we thank you that you have indeed kept us we thank you that God you've continued to provide and to protect them to open doors and make ways Lord tonight god we're grateful just to be in your presence father we ask even though Hall is free that Lord you'll breathe upon us father we pray that God the word that will be coming father will be coming for us individually father and that God will be at a receptive place in our minds to receive what the Lord has to save indeed God our Cubs were already filled but Oh God tonight God we are here for the next portion father and we believe that God you have a word that is in stored for us father and so tonight God as we come into your presence I pray that God will breathe upon us individually father collectively god I pray holy spirit unspoken words father will be manifested father from the hearts of our Father tonight God we're grateful once again to be in your presence and we are holy spirit as you said in your word that you'll never leave us nor forsake us that God will be confident god of this one thing father and so tonight God as we stand in your presence God as we sit in your presence father as we praise in your presence father we pray that God that things that are unknown to others father will be known to you Holy Ghost and that God recognizing that only you got gentle the repairs and the fixer father for those God who may come broke him tonight father for those God who may come father father empty father I pray that God none of us will leave the way we came but God I pray Holy Spirit that indeed your words will help transform and minister to our hearts father father God as we continue to look to you father we pray Holy Spirit that Lord will touch us we pray Holy Spirit that God will take us to that place God that we have never been before and I pray that this evening father that Lord as we continue to look to you God on this journey father this journey of life God I pray Holy Spirit that God will take us by the hand father and that God will lead and guide us father I pray tonight Holy Spirit that even now holy kosa that the wisdom of God will be upon us father be in us father and I pray that God will continue to look to you and to trust you Holy Ghost God I pray tonight that every words of our heart God and that every meditations of our heart will be acceptable God in thy sight tonight God will want to thank you for all that you have already done in our midst God and continue to do I pray Holy Spirit that God will hasten the footsteps of those who are on their way we pray father for the leadership of this great world that God will continue to bless them God that God will continue to inspire father I pray tonight Holy Ghost that Lord will continue just to breathe upon us God and to have your own way father tonight we place everything in your hands and in your care and we say God it is finished even now as we give you glory as we give you the honor and as we give you all the praise we thank you for all that you have already done and will do in our midst father to you be all glory to you be all honor and you be all praise in Jesus's name hallelujah these timers will repeat the Lord's Prayer we say our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day Lord our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen hallelujah as you stand put your hands together and give the Lord a praise in the house hallelujah indeed God is worthy to be praised hallelujah we bless the name of the Lord at this time I'll invite us to take our Bibles and we'll be reading from some 19 reading from verses 1 through 214 some 19 if you've all found it let me hear you say man alright so begin three together and Italy the heavens declare the glory of God the firmament showeth his handiwork day unto day uttereth speech night unto night short knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them had he set a tabernacle for the Sun which is as a bridegroom coming out of chamber and rejoice it as strong man to run a race his going forth is from the end of the heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing in the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is a reward and in keeping of them their great reward who can understand his errors cleanse thou me from secret faults keep back by servants also from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me then shall I upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer amen hallelujah we all know the words of the Lord by saying glory be to the Father and to the to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning now and forever shall be world without end amen hallelujah put your hands together and give the Lord a praise in the house hallelujah we bless the name of the Lord you may be seated at this time hallelujah indeed I want to greet the presence of God which is amongst us tonight I also want to take the opportunity to greet our Bishop Bishop dr. Alfred Davis his wife Reverend dr. Petrova Davis tour senior a senior assistant pastor to all the ministers that are amongst us to the choir to the members viewers browsers I greet you in no other name but the name of Jesus is that amen how many happy to be standing on your grave tonight hallelujah how many are happy that you're alive and well and you're able to give a shout and to give the Lord a praise hallelujah but all right by all means go ahead and give him a praise in his house hallelujah go ahead and give him a praise in the house louia we bless the holy name of Jesus hallelujah at this time the praise and worship team will be coming to give us some numbers we'll invite him just to come at this time as we celebrate the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah how many excited about Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] my Jesus is my brother my sister me [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] how many we selfie like press it do you feel like you can still press halleluyah halleluyah [Music] I feel like pressed in my way hallelujah hallelujah we want to thank the Lord hallelujah it means standing at this time hallelujah just go ahead and should give it much a wave offering in the house hallelujah indeed is a good feeling to be the house of God once again and be able to lift up his name Amen hallelujah hallelujah at this time I want to invite or to turn over the rest of the service into the hands of minister Davis when you put your hands together at this time and make her welcome hallelujah glory to God the word of the Lord that declares behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God beloved now are we the sons of God and into it not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and let every man that had this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure hallelujah glory to God as we come together tonight we're here for worship hallelujah that's why we are here we are here for worship we want to enter into his gates with Thanksgiving we want to enter into his courts with praise we want to be thankful unto the Lord and we want to bless his name tonight for the Lord is good hallelujah his mercies are everlasting and his truth endureth to all generation as I am led tonight I want the worship team just want son I want you to do with me when Jesus comes and as we are doing the song hallelujah I want you to hold hands glory to God le bonheur bobasa hallelujah we're gonna believe God tonight that is supernatural anointing will destroy every yoke or glory to God the liver answer or glory to God will be wrought in everyone's life as we avail ourselves to him just whole will your neighbor's hands and if it is not too much just raise them a little above glory to God hallelujah glory to God [Music] Laurie just slip your hearts and I'll come the recesses of your soul right now glory to God we are believe in God hallelujah glory to God in the highest glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh yes holy God [Applause] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the house [Music] [Applause] we watch [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just go ahead and burst fortune worship lift up your hands lift up your hearts tonight Oh soldiers name together for the Lord is good his mercies are everlasting and is true and orator to our generation tonight what shall i render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of salvation I will call upon the name of the Lord my god I will pay my vows hallelujah we worship you tonight Lord you are the only wise God you are alone tonight you are a shut-eye we worship You Jesus you are El Elyon we praise you we keep your glory we give you heart we give you all the raishin we give you thanks giving Lord all that is due up to you we worship we worship we worship we worship we praise your name hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory hallelujah we worship we worship we worship we honor you Lord we might be for you we glory for you from everlasting to everlasting you are God we praise your name we praise your name we praise you Booya hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yes yes yes [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] spear it up baby cut just for a fresh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] spirit living God French star hallelujah [Music] glory to God thank you cheers Thank You Holy Spirit amplify yourself to like God amplify yourself God get your porn get your Hana we give you praise we give you honor a Shinto my god we thank you we thank you Jesus we worship you [Music] glory to God glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this presence is here tonight glory to God he can undo every heavy burden he can set every oppressed free tonight because of the entitled every shall be destroyed glory to God tonight we honor him hallelujah hallelujah these worthy God's worthy create we worship Him tonight hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah we worship You Jesus hallelujah glory to God just reach across and just greet your neighbor tonight and tell your neighbor it is well tell your neighbor I don't know what you may be going through but it is well it is well Oh glory to God it is well thank you Jesus glory to God oh yes Lord hallelujah son I might have a son on the bed of the man of God and when she was asked is it well with your husband she said it is well is it well with your son he's dead on his lying on the man of God bed but with age in her heart she said it is well Oh glory to God tonight and tell somebody it is well hallelujah Oh glory to God it is well thank you Jesus hallelujah we praise your name Lord hallelujah God richly bless you you can have your seats hallelujah hallelujah glory to God [Music] ooh YUM thank you Jesus thank you Lord we worship you we worship You hallelujah it is a haaa it is a privilege and it's also a blessing for us to be here tonight in the presence of the Lord the word of the Lord there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore we are happy to be here tonight glory to God and I know you have been tremendously blessed hallelujah the word of the Lord that have been coming to our hearts since Sunday morning glory to God we were told that we do not bargain with the devil hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you lord I told you on Sunday morning there's a book called the sun's eye I wish every one of you could get that book and buy it and read that story in that book with shallow and the devil as he bargain for a belly full they were spamming and everybody was dying but it never came to him and offered him this magic bow and when everybody was so mega sharla was eating and he was so fat everybody was wondering how is he surviving and we are here about to die but he bargain with the devil and the devil gave him this magic bowl and each time he was hungry you'd say to the ball and the ball would just fill with whatever he requests and you'd eat and he the devil had warned him with wanting don't tell the secret and his neighbor came over and you continue to fill the bowl for his neighbor with the food and until one turn and the neighbor become very curious and he'd himself to see what he was doing to have been getting this food and he found out that he bargained with the devil the day the secret was made known Sharla was nowhere to be found he was cast and taken by the devil into the pit of hell so we have to be careful don't bargain with the devil it could be to the detriment of your soul hallelujah or glory to God it's such a joy I'm happy being a child of God tonight and I hope you are also just look at your neighbor and give them a smile and tell them I'm happy being a child of God tonight it's the best thing that could have ever happened to me Oh glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah glory God richly bless you tonight the set man of the house of a bishop apostle dr. del for Davis give him a very big and praise God thank you Jesus we have our senior assistant pastor mini-size silver notes man praise God we have Minister Gil Fillion we are happy to have you sir bless you we have Minister Maxine Marie we have Minister Erica Powell praise God thank you Jesus we have Minister Rutte kneel Scott on the keyboard we have Minister Ornella Devi on the Quora we worship the Lord and we have with us our guest speaker and his wonderful wife Bishop death on a or Eccles and Lady echoes we thank God for you and for gracing us with your presence and indeed it has been a tremendous blessing praise God give our guest speaker very big hand God praise God our musicians give them a big hand and give yourself some very big on our viewing audiences those by cable network praise God those on the web those in Facebook and YouTube give our viewers a very big power fades welcome praise God and I seek one of your four elders there is minister veena Peter you should have been over here we're happy to have your mom and our elders they are sitting at the front our beautiful pearl mother's not all decked in white but they are here give them also a very big and this is a team work we work together for the glory of God and give yourselves a very big and because if you are not here tonight we could not have service God richly bless you God richly bless you praise God we have the beautiful voices of inspiration choir and they are here to minister to us tonight and it this time we're going to ask you to put your hands together and make the voices of inspiration for welcome as they give us their ministry god bless you praise God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in a word that's when she'sa hey and it took me no I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in a world that's when Shiva and to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seit on the blood of Jesus is against you and when we give God the glory he will give us the victory hallelujah I wanted to speak the word tonight and search it on the blood of Jesus is against you say it one more time Shaitaan the blood of Jesus is against you and for the final time Shaitaan the blood of Jesus is against you hallelujah Oh glory to God God richly bless you you can have your seats at this time I engaged ashes as we were asked by our bishop while I'm doing so by special request from yours truly we ask in missionary Gino Peter to prepare to minister I'm gonna ask you we were asked to bring a special offering there were those of us who gave on Sunday morning or where I am concerned we can't beat God's given the more we give to him is the more he gives back to us and so tonight if you have an offering and those who may not have given on Sunday and you have the special offering tonight I'm gonna ask you to take it out right now just where you are come out of your handbag your purse is if you need to write a check your right adore the power feed ministries if you have your debit or your credit card you can go to my left the office is open to receive same we're gonna sew into the work of the Lord tonight and I want you to give your best praise God you and I just can't beat God's given the more we give to him is the more he gives back to us when you see some purses prosper in our blessed is because of this see that they have so and there are persons who want harvest but they are not willing to so and there are those persons will go and make the extra sacrifice they prepare the ground they plant their seed and the Lord said rain and water those seeds and they germinate and they bring forth and when you start reaping your harvest they are wandering but remember if you don't so there's no harvests so we're gonna ask you what you bring tonight to stand with me again hold it in your hands hallelujah all good gifts Lord around us they are sent from heaven above there's winter they're spring there's autumn their summer Lord tonight as we come one more time to give back to you out of thine own Oh God we're giving back and you promised to return to us good measure pressed down shaken together running over Lord you let men pour into our bosoms and God is with what nature we meet with it shall be measured back to us Lord somebody need a harvest Lord tonight as we saw we know they are showing in a fertile soil hallelujah you are the one who prepares a soil dear God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh glory to God Lord as I sensed your awesome presence right now I know you're getting ready to give somebody America hey hallelujah Oh glory to God you shall return back Oh God Almighty some thirty and sixty and a hundred for divine God we will not just drink from your cup sir but we'll drink from our sponsor because our cops would have overflown bless the gifts tonight god bless you give Oh hallelujah and as we came out of the love of our hearts as you say you love a cheerful Giver God shall return back to us O God we give you thanks tonight God and we bless everything and the offering and your people in Jesus name God's people say Amen praise God I want you to in on the instruction if there's no uh sure you are accustomed to the procedure that takes place here you're gonna come through the two side Isles and you're going to return to your seats to the center as you can start from the front and you start standing just come and brought down if there's no uh sure to instruct you if they are then they will instruct if not just come on down very quickly we are not very crowded tonight so we can do so in a matter of ten minutes just March on down as missionary general Peter will bless our hearts right now she made her way to Jesus she felt such pain in some spoke in anger hurt folks whispered there's no place here for her kind I'm still old she came through the tears that flushed her face yes until at last she naps before his feet seeds and though she spoke more words everything she said was hurt as she poured enough for the master from her box of alabaster I come to pour my praise on him like whoa from Mary's alabaster bar don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears and try to breathe my head [Laughter] you weren't there the 90 spell me you did not see what I felt when he wraps his loving arms around me you don't know the cost but of the in my alabaster bah the room crews still as she made her way to Jesus she stumbled through the tears that made her black she felt such pain some spoke in anger heard folks who whispered there's no place here for her still on she came through the tears that flushed her face until at last she nerves before his feet and though she's pulled no words everything she said was her as she poured enough of a master from her personal best I come to pour my praise on him like hold on from Mary's and a master bar don't be angry if I wash its feet with my tears and dried them with my head you weren't there the magical spell me you did not be what I felt when he wraps his arms around me and you don't know the cost of the or in my alabaster box I come to pour my praise on him like ho horn from Mary's alabaster bar don't be angry if I wash its beats with my tears and drive with my head you weren't bad the nitrous told me you need not be what when he wrapped it around me and you don't know the cost of the own in my alabaster Baja never duel again I come to pour my praise on him like ho ho from Mary's alabaster bar don't be angry if I wash its feet with my tears and try them with my head err you weren't there my Jesus mommy you need not be what about when he wraps his loving arms around me and you don't know the cost of the old you don't to know the cost of the own in my head a pastor [Music] [Applause] understand please praise God lift up your hands and give Him praise you don't know the cost I would to God you know the cost what it cost him Maris and what I'm pouring on him cannot be compared oh Jesus somebody give him praise in this house you don't know the costs hallelujah you heart to have been there when the Lord saved or to be there when he gave me the victory when he put joy down in my soul wrote my name on the heavenly Road you don't know the cost Jesus Jesus oh what a powerful ministry thank you Jesus [Music] you don't know the costs of the oil lord help versus somebody just wave your hand in this anointing come on weave your hands in this anointing wave your hand in this anointing and say something the person standing beside you do not know where he brought you from what he took Yoda they just don't know so when you praise him let them give you a break Chaka Bora who said da when you praise him let them give you a break but they don't know [Music] Jesus you really don't know and if you don't know you don't know so let the same sprays it glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus you don't know the cost this shop devon or a Eckles three-star Binaca Toronto Canada and his dear wife I've been God's servants to us for the last few services and have been such a blessing to us become again tonight to the last day of the great feast I want you to put your hands together and make the man of God welcome as he will do what God would have him to do but you don't know the cost [Music] well somebody shout glory to the name Oh somebody shout glory tonight come on shout a better glory than that tonight you don't know the cost you don't know the cost the song said even though she said no words but everything she said was her you don't know the cost tonight I hear Bishop said something I want to borrow it I would to God you but know the cost Alleluia because there is a cost serving God and there is a cost amen when you're sold out for Jesus there is a cost I bless the Lord tonight come on put your hands together for the King of Kings the Lord of lords the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah the one that can break every chain come on all over the Sun trivia tonight Amen over this great event since tonight come on lift up your hands all over this place amen give him the best shout you can tonight hallelujah bless the name of Jesus you maybe see that if you can tonight he bless the Lord for what God is getting ready to do in this place tonight Alleluia I want to take this time out tonight to say thanks to our Bishop Bishop dr. delaford Davis and first lady dr. Petrova Davis long the members and offices and of the board of power faith ministries from extending to me and my wife this wonderful invitation to have been here with you this last couple of days could you put your hands together for the man and the woman of God and the family of God's at night hallelujah I'm excited tonight and I'm saddened tonight because it has come into an end we had a great time of fellowship amen we had a wonderful time with the saints of God amen in breaking the word of God with you we are so tremendously blessed and their lives have been totally impacted so the Bible said something to me and I'm gonna ask my wife to come in us a little bit because since we're leaving this might be the last time you see see us around here for a while but the Bible says your gifts shall make room for you but it didn't stop there it says they'll bring you in the company of great men and I believe tonight my giver brought me into the company of a great man tonight amen amen I said it a few nights ago that when your name is great you don't really need a title you see we are running down the titles we're after the title bow if your name is great you really don't need you don't have to say Bishop delaford babies all you have to say is Belfort babies and everybody knows who you're talking about because God said I'm going to make his name great and he has done so so I am excited tonight saddened to believe him but all good things must come to an end amen you see if I don't go I can never come again so I've got to go amen and they're waiting for us back home we have a program this weekend and so we gotta get back in time for what we're doing but it was wonderful being here and good to see Marklin in the house we would spend some time with him on Monday what a wonderful time it was god bless you man of God we appreciate you tonight hallelujah I'm gonna ask my beautiful wife to come at this time just to say goodbye to you for that know what she's gonna do so amen we don't plan nothing when we come to church we just come and say the only goes do you think amen bless the name of the Lord hallelujah let's just lift our hands and just give God glory tonight surely the presence of the Lord is in this house and we were here today on fasting and the presence of God hallelujah saturated this place hallelujah and I felt the holy spirit and Bishop just ministered to us glory be to God and now I'm just full I'm full I'm full and full anybody feeling full but we still have some more room but we feel full with the Holy Spirit hallelujah tonight I must greet Bishop and the lovely first lady of this house thank you so much for having us glory be to God is good to be in the company of great man and woman of God glory be to God come on put your hands together hallelujah you have greatness among young hallelujah Jesus and I just bless God that we could have been here and we enjoyed I thank all the ministers everyone that assisted us the beautiful choirs so many different choirs so I just bless God for the choirs you're blessed here you're really and truly blessed hallelujah come on give yourself a hand of praise yes you're blessed and the lovely congregation that received us so nicely you know we bless God for you and I was just sharing with Bishop today and I was just telling him how yes we are from Canada but I'm original Jamaica and I'm from st. Mary I'm from the country so you know the ashes thing really got a hold of me that ashes message because when we used to make the wood fire when the ashes when I reach the ashes we know that it's done it's finished it's over so there's nothing more we're gonna have to try and build another fire or something but the man of God remind us that we can look beyond the ashes even when it seemed like it finish it done it offer my God Almighty God said we're gonna recover it all hallelujah there is hope brethren God so we can still recover so we are pursuing hallelujah after what God has for us so tonight I just magnify the name of Jesus and I got saved when I was just 9 years and I remember you know everybody in the community was saying my dad was just a wicked man to baptize such a little girl and I was so determined and I said I want to be baptized because I felt the calling of the Lord on my life and they will tell you that you don't know anything about the world but what is there to know that I won't know growing up into my teens I will still know everything that's happening because I'm still in the world so there's nothing to know about the world that I wouldn't know growing up in my teens and I did get to know about the world without being in the world my god I was separated I was called by God hallelujah so the Lord had blessed me and I never looked back and now look what the Lord has done so I encourage you tonight stand firm in the Liberty stand fast in the Liberty where God had made you free and get no more entangled in the yoke of bondage because God have a plan for your life there is destiny and purpose in every person that sits in this room God knows your name glory be to God hallelujah God knows your name so continue to hold on to God's unchanging hand thank you again for having us I had a wonderful time and it is pray that you continue to pray for us there in Toronto Canada I'll just do this one song and then I'll just give back the mic to Bishop tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take a mat is just to rest upon his promise just to know that said the law Church it is so sweet to trust in Jesus just attack just to rest upon his promise Justin oh ho [Music] Jesus Jesus how our trusty [Music] however the molar and oh Jesus Jesus precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust team or us and Jesus Jesus how AB trust him however me more and more Jesus Jesus precious Jesus oh grace to trust team or I say one more time Jesus Jesus how I've trust him me more his name is Jesus Jesus precious oh grace - trash in mom oh grace to trust him oh ha ha ha Oh for grace to trust to trust [Music] trusty phone [Music] holiday god bless you love you god bless [Music] well somebody give him a better phrase right now hallelujah come on somebody give him much better praise in this house tonight the Lord really bless you tonight I also want to thank all those who have really assisted us our driver and he was so you know patient you know didn't rush us he's always taking his time and I told him when I learned to drive I want to drive just like him amen because this man knows every little corners how to get out of Kingston and get over here in less than 15 minutes that's amazing you know and so when I give God praise for the driver and everyone god bless you even this gentleman here picked us up and I love them amen bless the Lord we thank God put your hands together for this wonderful Saints tonight with this garden and I have some folks who some real good friends of mine and our pastor all the way from an utter Bay it's been a minute since Monday night and they have not left me out since they came and they have been driven every night from not to be and they've come over and we want to thank god bless you Bishop Chamberlin and the family god bless you and my good friend Bishop Kirk Campbell amen hallelujah god bless you and your family sir we want to really appreciate you amen for being here with us tonight hallelujah and see I want to thank God that they didn't allow my enemies to triumph over me I just want to say Lord thank you amen because sometimes when you go on missions the enemy will put up a fight when all the fight that you put up we came to victoriously in the name of Jesus you see I'm a I'm a tough guy I might look small you know but I've been stuck here for many years I basically look the same for many years I don't age much and I'm worried because I think the age gonna come on in one week so I'm a little bit nervous if you look at my picture when I was 17 I looked just about just about the same just not as much beard then I really grow much facial here but I thank God but what my life I've been too many challenges I've been to a lot of things I don't know what the Lord is gonna lead tonight I started out and said they let you known and I'm not a man that should even be standing in front of you I should have been dead already I've never had his way I would have been gone the young 30 something year old man I end up with a stroke in Bible school studying trying to get better to understand the Word of God better how to appropriate the Word of God better to articulate the Word of God better and in doing so one night I was doing my assignment and started feeling a weird and before you know it I was on the ground one side of my body was completely dead was rushed to the hospital couldn't speak couldn't do anything and after about nine hours started feeling back a little tingling in my toe little feeling in my fingers and started to recover they said they found a blockage in my neck that leads up to my brain it would not affect my my facial ability but he would affect my mobile mobility on my right side because it was on the left side of my brain and so from there started a whole slew of weird things that they said we must clear the blockage and then they attempt to try to clear the blockage they said well most people who do this surgery end up with a full blown stroke and become a vegetable or some sometimes he died they gave us a percentage I think it was three and a half or 29% of the persons who do this thing I said god this is too much the percentage was too high the day of the elective surgery we were brought downtown to st. Joseph's Hospital the best Hospital for neurological stings in Toronto the deals with anything from spinal cords and such delight but I looked too good for a stroke victim so the doctor says I need a second opinion I said I agree with you he sent me across the street that we went to his office first and he sent me across the street from the hospital and these were the words he said to me that I'll never forget as long as I lived you shouldn't want to go across the street to the seventh floor and when you walk across the street to the seventh floor I want you speak to the nurse and tell her that doctors also send you to do another ultrasound on your neck I need to see exactly where we need to go in while I was walking across the street Bishop he was a busy street there's a lot of people walking and that's all this everywhere I go all over the world I took God for a walk I was not in a dream he was not a vision he and I had a one-on-one talk that's why the song that I sing so often he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own while I was walking with him these are the words that I said to God I said God look at all these people they are healthy you are right nothing's wrong with them and guess what Dodd they serve the other guy and I'm your servant you burnt it a ministry and now the doctor is telling me that I may not be able to speak or preach again you just gave me a brand new daughter she's only months old and you're telling me that it will not be able to hold her in my arms god that's something's wrong with that but while I'm talking to God we kept walking and we walked all the way into the hospital took the elevator got out front to the seventh floor I got the room number seven like you told me to and the lady comes out to me and I normally look at normally the names and the badges number but I remember her badge at zero zero seven seven seven and that's when I said god I know you're doing something she brought me in this room put me under bed and she began to work doing her thing use it and machine and all the time doing the machines he's talking to me and she said she don't understand why the doctor send me over here like they have nothing else to do send an LT man over here to go check toes with other people are sick outside and she's just talking and she's talking because the first lady who did the MRI on me about two and a half months earlier when she was doing it she said mmm you know when somebody working on you and they go in something wrong and she told me that day three months earlier she says this report has to get to your doctor immediately get over to his office now and even if he's has a patient kick the door down if you have to but he needs to see this the blockage has to be removed it took three and a half months later now it's time for surgery and the doctor says I need a second opinion well the lady finished her job she said sir mr. code you can now go back home I'll send the report my brothers and sisters in Christ when I got back over to the doctor's office I am know very sick I am never been so sick in all my life because when I got there all the 70 and the 80 year old people showed up with oxygen tanks amen and they can't move they can't breathe and I'm the only one standing there looking out right and I become physically sick in my spirit because I I said I don't belong in this crowd this is not me man I was there the phone rang and there was the gentleman we had just started ministry and he wanted to start his church and they didn't know how to go about registering the church with the government because he knew we just had completed registration he wanted to find out how can he get his church a registered I said to him I can't deal with that now because I'm at the doctor's office they're about to take me in next door with the hospital and probably to have a surgery it's a surgery for what and I told him how we begin to pray in the middle of the prayer I heard mr. Echols so I said I got to go I got to go finish the prayer walked into the doctor's office and said mr. heelas have a seat i sat down you had a paper in his hand because I don't understand what's going on here I just got the report back from the nurse across the street that asked with all you said today is a good day that I plan to play golf I had cans of my three off-time that's mean when you start the golf game because I know I have a surgery to do and now I have no surgery what am I gonna do with the rest of my day [Applause] instead go home and enjoy your family there was I can find the blockage in your neck what was there two and a half three and a half months ago he's no longer there god he's a good cop what I'm talking about I would lose my train of thought and then I realized that something developed in my body that they now turn me now for the next two and a half years into a guinea pig see a lot of people don't know what I've been through I've been tested tested and tested I put more needle into my body to find out what's wrong with me they brought people from the United States from England from all over the world to see this what they call at the time this freak of nature because they didn't understand they said I'm among only about four persons in the world I can take my my shirt off I can write any person's name on my hand and in three minutes it says read like my read like this even redder bright as crystal but it passed the Kirk side I brought went to their church and I I showed it to them and as quickly as it comes make an eraser and it's gone and then four years that develop a itch I don't know where it comes from it would start anywhere in my body it's just itch and if I soon as I touch it is gone but it comes over somewhere else and I touch it it moves all over me [Music] and even today this still game figure what that is so I gave up trying to figure that one out we continue on with life I'm showing you something tonight but this is my last night with you didn't want to scare you on Sunday continue going that has been good to me and he my family and the church began to grow when folks begin to hear about what was happening and I was surprised we start getting all kinds of people coming to us praise for prayer I remember one lady came at Brett's concerns he said Bishop boy you lay your hands on my breast red no buts your oh no oh no my wife was out of town that weekend and I said what I will do I will go on fasted for three days and when my wife come back next week she will touch you and I will touch her will my wife came back we laid hands upon her she recovered she went to the doctor the doctor says we have you Bin's is that the only place I've been to his church the doctor told her make sure you never leave the church but she stayed about two years said only about two years after that and then she left we are getting phone calls from some of the biggest the bigger churches in Toronto revival time mark no mark Allah knows some of those churches we get in cloth from revival time shamanaka and folks who call us in Bishop were passed at that time it was a pastor he said could you please come to the hospital and pray and I said what happened to your past about my past that all the time I said what did you come and pray oh man I should begin to grow and then I came to Jamaica and Bishop Kirk had me to preach at his church over there Chisholm Avenue and while I was preaching I realized the whole time was there I was very thirsty and they just keep feeding me with the water and I keep asking for more coconut water now a drink coconut water like there was no tomorrow I left and I went back home and got home and I was still tirsty got back together I was drink drink drink drink drink this drink and drinking has more I drink the more have to go use the bathroom when I didn't Bible study my wife normally sits upon the balcony section I get a Bible study and like a little boy that needs to go to the bathroom I'm in front of the pulpit like this in front of the people and I had to rush off and go to the bathroom and my wife is sitting up there and I'm I took my eggs out and I was able to I think I could read it maybe because I memorize it but as when I lift up my eyes and look down as close as anyone is I didn't know anybody couldn't see anybody my vision was gone and my wife stood on the bank and I realized something is wrong with me and she took me from the pulpit that night right out of the church right to the hospital when I got to the hospital they said the hospital monitor can only go up to 27 for the sugar read in mine was 34.8 I'm not even supposed to be alive I'm supposed to be in a sugar induced coma it took my eyesight and I could not see for nine months Archbishop Kirk they came to Canada during that time we had a convention couldn't read a Bible couldn't use the telephone couldn't drive a car they even took my driver's license almost took away from it took my passport and today you can't even travel and so bad it got because it was so bad all the lights would seem like when you see a nose deviously like those Christmas lights all mixed together I couldn't tell if a car was stopping if there if the park light always the brake light was on and so I could not drive but I preached still every week nine months couldn't read a scripture so you must have the Word of God in you somewhere I refused to let the devil bring me down I refused have him destroy my life I know that I was created for a purpose I know that God had blessed me for a reason he has saved my life for a reason I'm a man of purpose that's why I don't play with Church when it comes to church I am as serious as they can get hallelujah because I don't know what next endeavors gonna throw at me because it seemed every so often if this doesn't work he comes back and he tries something else for the Bible said he will leave you but he will come back against you another seven ways that I bring back Sycamore that is worse than him but I have to try to keep myself ready for whatever the devil gives to true in my corner somebody I'm excited because God never allowed the enemy to triumph over me God would be the god with that being said tonight I want you to understand this hallelujah God is bringing me into an area and an avenue of my life that I've never been to before he's allowing me and it taught me some things he has given me some insight some revelation yet to be brought for a lot of stuff that is boiling and run around in my head and sometimes they just come out just like that somebody said Bishop you need to write a book I said I'm not a book writer I'm a preacher if you want to sit there I talk you can write it but I have no time to sit down and pen anything I must work the work of him that call me while it is day because I understand that the night commit when no man can work Alleluia with that being said I also want to thank the Lord for what he has done and what he will do to me even tonight Alleluia I don't know if there's anyone in this house share the same sentiments as me tonight but I want to thank God from His grace as a mercy that has been extended towards me tonight Oh somebody bless the Lord in the house Oh somebody bless him in the house tonight Oh bless the name of Jesus if you have your Bibles quickly tonight I was here what the Lord will say there was Amen Alleluia the book of Joshua chapter number 6 those two verses and Allah we are now my Eva says could you stand for the reason if you can please and for those joining us under Facebook and YouTube god bless you my family of our surprise god bless you and please remember to follow us along on Facebook and Twitter and all the social media Instagram I'm so pleased to have an icon now Jericho was straightly shut up the cause of the children of Israel none went out and none came in and the Lord said unto Joshua see I have given into thine hands Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of Allah when I read the first number touka that's where I want to preach from tonight and the Lord said unto Joshua see you will notice after the word see there is a comma simply means you need to pause see I have given into thine and Jericho comma and the King Lear ruff and the mighty men of valor father I give you glory give you praise not afraid to give me the unction to function tonight let preaching come easy tonight in the name of Jesus bless your servant Oh speak to us from heaven that dwelling place tonight let your people hear let somebody be blessed in the songs tonight in Jesus name and from his girl amen I want to talk to tonight a look at your neighbor's a neighbor it's already mine come on tell somebody it's already mine come on God said I've given it to you it's already mine come on touch your neighbor surname it's already mine don't somebody my healing is mine my deliverance is mine my breakthrough is mine my house is mine the husband is mine the wife is mine the children is mine the radio station is mine the television station is mine my ministry is mine somebody said it's already mine bless you maybe see then you see my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ you cannot afford to get stuck in what God did in the past because God is still doing touch your name is that God is still moving tonight time for a little bit here tonight it's my last night so let me let me enjoy the last bit of Jamaica break and I'm not gonna be the Russian tonight you will you'll be unable to progress or to move forward if you're constantly looking backward looking in the rearview mirror you will drive your car your boss your truck into a ditch or in the back of something as Paul said it like this he said forgetting the things that are behind and I press for it for the things that were in front and I reach I wish I had somebody here for the things in front of me but I call it which is in Christ Jesus sometimes don't get me wrong it's not wrong to look back it's important it's important to pause and to look back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] because the plan over your life because there is a plan over your life the devil can't stop you because the letter can't stop God's plan [Music] so call the devil can't stop God's plan the devil try to stop you because it me stop you then the plan will stop but he can't stop God's plan God's plan is always in motion God's plan is always moving I wish I had a church up in here tonight I wish I had a church the thing about God is that God is a productive and progressive God never got stuck in one area God is always the same spot that's weird but if you're a child of God you got to progress Church here tonight about the kingdom don't move until you move Oh God always had somebody we walk up the door because we walk up to the door the door swing open if we never move towards the door stays shut something you can't get what you want from God because you are at the same spot you gotta keep moving [Applause] [Music] the kingdom is activated by motion so you gotta move and do something hello somebody I didn't fully understand the productive nature of God until he brought me back to the beginning of the world of God to the beginning book for the book of books to the first book of the Pentateuch affectionately called The Book of Genesis and so with the book of Genesis that's when I get to realize the productive and progressive quality of God France five verses shows you the productive and progressive quality of God Genesis 1:1 we are introduced to a progressive God we have been introduced quality of God we see Gardner and here we said God in the purple is a God created that means from the very beginning God was doing a song bigger wrong but in the beginning God created the Genesis 1:2 to create you know we catch up with God we catch up with God and now God is moving for the paper said the spirit move upon the face of the deep I wish I had a church up in here oh go into God somebody said God don't stay in one position he created that he moves that somebody say still moving today the face of the water that means God was up to something did not stand still and get struck in one spot of satisfaction because sometime when God blesses us one time we get struck in that one bless satisfaction when got a whole lotta more blessing waiting for somebody we gotta keep on moving from where you are and get to where the blessing is I wish I had a church up here then we get to Genesis 1 and 3 amens the black man oh let us create it and God move but no God opens up his mouth I wish I had somebody here no blood says God begin to speak I wish I had a somebody in the church God open up his mouth and speak glad I said something God has been speaking ever since and it's just not God is not speaking it's just that somebody is not God is speaking always walk into the church we can hear everything faster we can hear but then Sunday morning you can hear it any time to be substantial you can literally hear God speak in jeremiah 30:7 says the king Jeremiah is your neighbor's a neighbor God is still speaking hallelujah he's always saying something but now in Genesis chapter one and verse four no God moves from us if I'm speaking that we've seen and God saw that it was good I wish I had somebody got it consistently moving from one space to the next you see when you read the text understand everything that's in the text with it because all of this book is about one thing [Music] somebody God is always busy and so we get a glimpse of that tonight when we get a glimpse of the productive quality in the progression of God really time to worry if you were in a register blue just universe Rhonda and you go by the box and I wear a red dress or a blue dress should I put the green shoes on don't care about that God is a busy God we got an entire universe to run not to worry about your red dress I mean some of us go to God with some things the gods that you can figure it out yourself a many you wanna know what dress to put on go in front of the mirror if you look good in the mirror is good enough for God sin is sin look at this we still look fresh there was a time we only had one dresser question Washington came back to church the problem is always odd to acquire too much [Music] [Music] [Music] in a good way can I come to Jamaica since I'm leaving in the morning - I see people leave it alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I came I saw I saw all the mothers on Sunday in white and we miss on their wife like in are not white put on your wife everybody wanted everyone to dress up everybody want to be Emperor you don't want me preach Huronia amen go with the God if the member the choir look to see her aim lower the God hello somebody really last week we're in back this week next week we were together hey miss somebody White is still white amen touch a neighbor's a neighbor it doesn't matter what you say [Music] [Applause] there is none and that's why I love my life I had a church here to Madison neighbor we can't afford the club Church [Music] [Music] the cause of the children of God somebody here I used to represent Authority somebody I'm giving you the me that's why I'm weird well tell you I look for the weirdest thing to preach about I'm not like somebody else and we were at first I look for things that nobody want to talk about because I find that most in we preach is the same thing over over again so I like to look for something nobody want to talk about you know we're Lowestoft I don't make sense things like see things like if that's me I preach girls say if my people 40 words if my people call by my name humble himself embracing my face turn from the way you see in the middle of life I is a word call of the e you get if if Sam Choy's and possibility the godson see when you will see a vision because without vision the people are going to one Harris but somebody's at Camp Perry tonight give me fish and open up my house let me see through the eyes of the Spirit I need to see Lord I need to see you again I need to see you at see somebody see where you are tonight on the friends that you use to have on the places that you used to hang around oh the stuff that used to be around you huh glad is getting ready will give you a glimpse of your next phase of your life is getting ready preview the next chapter of your life can I preach this from Buddy in here Oh bless the name of Jesus amen why we always like certain movies and you watch the movie because you know about the movie but because they give you a glimpse they give you a preview [Music] [Music] yesterday was good good must be better than October leaves yeah now give me a brazier should I need my best [Music] understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody give up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] will not just what your please lift your head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody somebody got the lady and they don't know where they're going they will leave it along with her slap somebody say you need me you need to be able to see through the eyes of the Spirit [Applause] [Music] so much this here's what God is trying to tell Joshua don't worry about what you are seen with a natural eye because if Joshua would look to the eyes of flesh all you will see is a fortified City Hollywood Sea was a king still sitting on the troll Holly would have seen was the mighty men of Allah who have never lost our motto how are we going God said don't see that see what hey I'm saying that somebody said see what God is saying don't see what you're seeing see what God is saying he said I have already given it to you and God already given you something all you got to do is walk over and take it [Music] we have lost a lot of battles and it's not because the devil is so strong it's not because he had better Wet Ones and Oz is because we don't we fail to use the weapons that we have fasting is one of the most powerful weapon but as powerful as your weapon is if you don't take it up if you don't take up your weapon it won't work for you God said I've already given the name I said it's already mine what I'm trying to tell you aiming there's some car dealership that have your name written on the car of yours Amen somebody I Drive your car you know here is somebody aiming there some stores of your clothes still have a baby these are lucky it's already you got to reach out and clear me in the name of Jesus because you learn to listen to instructions here's the problem in us we can excited over one thing but you don't read the instruction how many people bought almost people never have a phone almost everybody right let me ask how many Oh me your read the instruction so so when your food and start give trouble you have to go stand in a line at Digicel our floor are wherever you buy your thing not you my phone is not working read the manual it'll tell you what to do follow instruction but we don't have time for that we're too busy so we think everything should be on the Internet well I Got News for you tonight when Joshua was dealing with this there was no internet Joshua couldn't go and say doublet of Google all do i defeat Jericho use there's something you still have to depend on God so God says here's what I want you to know Joshua I wanted to get seven priests with several arms of rams and I want them to blow and I want you to get them right to mend and I want you to march around the city get rid of the clothes here I want you to march around the city and I want you to do this one time a day for six days bishop it was at that point it's at that point I'm Joshua get vixen said okay I know you said I'm gonna get I'm gonna get quilt I'm gonna get authority and I'm gonna get victory but I ain't gonna look like no fool where you March enjoy just oh god sake won't give me victory will you march enjoy the god sake won't give me authority just what you do darling and I thought these people marching behind like a fool just to get richer you need to understand some time and God tell you something you gonna make sense to you some time to look far for it you look like you don't make no sense and that will never work but God knows what it is don't bring the enemy dawna I wish I had somebody up in here baby you probably try yourself on your life on it why God oh gosh I've got the people that get up watch what he did he got them and he put him in front but then judgment it's something that God didn't tell him read it god only told him get them get the priests mighty men marshal wrong do it one time a day for six days and under seven days march around and then blew the trumpet that was out of God said right okay Joshua decided to implement a new line of order Joshua said to the people don't say nothing really text God didn't tell him that Joshua came up with that all by himself do you know why because Joshua March with Moses and recognize that people will talk to them talk themselves out a blessing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but I found it don't somebody keep on God said Marge Marge [Music] that's why I love your bishop and senator people all the way to send Thomas hey lil because when you [Music] one day number is around seven tire - person huh no all I want you to do her Amen the blue the trumpet come on give me a trumpet sound i'm rising up huh I need a trumpet or the trumpet for the trumpet in Zion [Music] somebody [Music] somebody [Music] somebody shout somebody shout somebody showed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ha ha Chester [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see can tell some bishop in 2004 when I had the stroke God already our Dane tonight so when the devil tried to stop me this is what he was trying to stop what's her name as a neighbor can't stop it again we got the tear duct I'm kingdom of macedon to the grown-up ha ha ha ha [Music] somebody shout in here somebody shout in here somebody shout [Applause] [Music] ha [Applause] [Music] we wanna share one thing before a break if you've been here since Monday night you'll notice all three messes almost in the blind of the same everywhere we go God give victory and when God give me if you give us well the Bible says when they got into Jericho the wall came tumbling down flat and every man win sweet we're open to Jericho and then pick up everything that they wanted the only thing yeah Joshua told them don't touch the accursed thing there's something you must leave when you put the enemy camp and everything you must take oh you're not hearing me some bad something you must leave a Louanne huh I wish I had somebody up in here living prese don't take everything take only what you're supposed to take [Music] it's not everything it's not everything in Jericho it's good for you it is sad but I gotta tell the truth every Church of an icon there's an icon spirit in every Church can I help you for a little bit I don't mean to sound rude I came tonight Bishop because I heard you talk about there they are the Bible School and from our church to your church so we want to invest in your Bible school god bless you even $50,000 right there amen for your Bible School it's the Church of an icon in it watch this the akon spirit of the Spirit I never had anything before I know get excited because this is something no don't let that they were fool you because not all that glitters is gold I was a child to eat don't eat up all of the food leave something in the plate don't let anybody see like you're hungry you know hear me you know how am I talking to so much sometimes I can leave some things don't be an icon because you make coach and carry on their curse thing I'm cause I cause trouble in your camp when you get back home we are rejoicing tonight now we can't afford for it to turn tomorrow into weeping lift your hand and give it prayers we want to pray tonight only people want the Jericho while to calm down how many of you want a Jericho wall some people put up so much if you let me tell you something I told you I'm a very weird Bridgette if you could see what somebody even standing beside you is thinking right now your your mind will be blown away there is some walls that have gone up for in front of you but tonight I'm getting ready to hand over the mic I'm done but somebody will Jericho while most we're not asking it we march around it and we already blew the trumpet and God said I'm giving you wealth authority and victory if that's what you need tonight open up your mouth and give got a better prism [Applause] bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down right down right down right down right now right down he came down with the shout it came down with the shout it came down because of a shout it came down because of a shout bring it in the name of Jesus bring it down bring it in the name of Jesus bring it down bring it down bring it down with your shout with your shout with just shout with your shout with your shout bring it down in the name of Jesus standing too long standing too strong standing too tall bring it down [Music] standing too long son into strong standing too tall bring it down bring it down [Music] yeah packages my God Almighty glory to God [Music] we'll worry to God hallelujah [Music] Jesus hey by God my god my god [Applause] somebody lifter anisette victory is mine say victory is mine victory today is mine for our tall Satan can't be behind [Music] victory [Music] victory today it's my victory is fine victory is fine seyton [Music] victory [Music] put your hands together come on [Applause] [Music] I don't hear you [Music] [Applause] don't sector [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] victory this time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] victorious [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I command you [Applause] [Music] where I come you sector [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory is mine victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I command you [Music] [Music] one more time I come on you [Music] [Music] halleloo [Music] my god Jesus Hey Oh glory oh thank you Jesus all your neighbors and let's pray the prayer of agreement upon everybody if any two of you shall agree agreed tonight as we close the service the King is yours the mighty man of Valor yours my God Almighty the land is yours the land the King the mighty man o God of heaven Jesus see you to the prior four greement everybody prayed a prayer right now upon one another a prayer for greement and father we agreed together in the name of Jesus that everything that's ours we shall take charge God Almighty the enemy shall not never ever dispossesses the walls of fallen the city is open access is given in the name of Jesus and we shall step in by the power of the Holy Ghost and claim the spoils oh Jesus [Music] every wall tonight must fall they have already fallen the power of the Holy Ghost Alleluia hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah everyone Jesus everyone my God Almighty standing too long standing too strong standing too tall we agree tonight the walls of sickness walls of discouragement was of distress oppression poverty the walls of generation curse we break them down tonight the wall of singleness and loneliness we break them down tonight walls of need and lock in the name of Jesus we thank you they are fallen now lift up your hands and give Him praise by faith even praised by faith even praised my face hallelujah the walls of sin have been broken now was a backsliding break them down walls of he morality break them down set your people free we gave her the glory gone on to praise god bless you is their idea I'll dismiss you what a night what a move of the Holy Spirit what a word I've been around for a long time and I've never quite heard it like this so God be the glory [Music] bishop we thank you for allowing the Lord to use you both in these services you've been a tremendous blessing then appoint your hands to the preacher and his wife and say a prayer for God to restore the strength the energy it takes a whole lot I tell you Father replenish your servants from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet Holy Spirit just re-energized every nerve every tissue every blood vessel in the name of Jesus restore all that he has released and more touch his wife does she children touch the church amen all his ministry in the name of Jesus safe journey back to Canada oh god a sign your angel and we thank you for hearing us in Jesus [Music] god bless you what a thank you all for supporting the meetings the way you have since Sunday morning some have not missed the service and you're a better for all of that god bless you no service on Friday night we take a break on Friday night the trip goes to when the team goes into the st. Thomas and tomorrow it's been a long week we take a break on Friday night Sunday morning 7 o'clock right here 11 o clock over there and 6:30 p.m. right here for a great large supper service with all of the saints we have not in a little while so want to see all of the Saints be out on Sunday evening and not just Sunday morning so we can break bread together and show the Lord's death till he come amen god bless you thank you so much shake your neighbors on and we won't pronounce a benediction because we hope to continue on Sunday morning the spillover Amen god bless you fellowship one with another and we're asking you alright if you didn't bring your offering earlier you can bring it now that's it all right
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 10,928
Rating: 4.5777779 out of 5
Id: KvZjqXue2bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 56sec (10496 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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